This page is part of the CSS selectors test. See more info on CSS3 selectors.

  1. :empty {

    The CSS selector should match the div element, because it is empty

  2. :empty {
    <div><!-- Just a comment --></div>

    The CSS selector should match the div element, because it is empty

  3. :empty {
    <div> </div>

    The CSS selector should not match the div element, because it is not empty

  4. .
    :empty {
       How about regular text...

    The CSS selector should not match the div element, because it is not empty

  5. :empty {

    The CSS selector should not match the div element, because it is not empty

  6. :empty {
    <div id='appendChild'></div>
    var ib = document.getElementById('appendChild');

    The CSS selector should not match the orignal div element, because it will not be empty anymore after the Javascript code appends a child element to it.