This should be a table because it has a thead asdf asdf asdf asdf This should be a table because cells have borders asdf asdf This should not be a table because it's cells do not have borders asdf asdf // This should be a table because a cell has a special attribute asdf asdf // This should be a table because a cell has a special attribute asdf asdf // This should be a table because a cell has a special attribute asdf asdf asdf asdf // This should be a table because cells have different colors asdf asdf // This should not be a table because cells have different but no spacing asdf asdf // This should not be a table because cells have the same colors even though there is spacing asdf asdf // this should be a table because it has the "rules" attr asdf asdf // this should not be a table because it only has one valid cell (need more than one) Contributions // this should not be a table because it does not have enough cell borders or background colors Politics Decision '08 The debates The White House Capitol Hill National Journal New York Times // this should be a table because it's editable asdf asdf -------------------------- null --------------------------