Installation ============ Installing uxlaunch and making it operational should only require 3 steps: 1) running `./configure; make; make install` in this source directory 2) editing the configuration file 3) configuring your system to start uxlaunch automatically Step 1 should be trivial. Step 2, editing the configuration file. This step is optional for single- user systems where there is only one user account with a /home/$USER folder. In case you need a different desktop than the programmed default (the MeeGo netbook UX) started, you can use this configuration file to specify a different default session. The configuration file is normally installed as /etc/sysconfig/uxlaunch. Step 3, configuring your system to start uxlaunch at boot time, should be done by inserting the following line in /etc/inittab: x:5:respawn:/usr/sbin/uxlaunch If your system uses upstart or another non-sysvinit style startup system, you may need to consult the manual of that on how to achieve this.