This file is meant to summarize the Folks development policies. Code merging ============ This is the work flow for modifying the master repository: 1. File a bug for the given flaw or feature (if it does not already exist) at . 2. Clone the main repository (if you haven't already) and start work in a new branch (which preferably includes the bug number in its name). 3. If this is a non-trivial flaw or feature, write test cases. We won't accept significant changes without adequate test coverage. 4. Write code to fix the flaw or add the feature. In the case that tests are necessary, the new tests must pass consistently. 5. All code must follow the project coding style (see below). 6. The project must remain buildable with all configure options and pass all tests on all platforms. 7. Push your branch to a public repository and attach patch(es) to the bug. Ask for a review. 8. Rework your code based on suggestions in the review and submit new patches. Return to the review step as necessary. 9. Upon approval, pull the latest master branch, rebase your branch upon it, and push the resulting branch to master. Simple! Clean commits ============= Commits/patches should be as fine-grained as possible (and no finer). Every distinct change should be in its own commit and every commit should be a meaningful change on its own. As much as possible, the full tree should be buildable and pass all tests at every commit. There are exceptions, but they're rare. And, of course, it's more critical that the master branch be buildable (and all tests pass) after every merge. Coding style ============ In general, Folks follows the Telepathy-GLib coding style described in . Additional general rules ------------------------ 1. All public symbols which support a Valadoc comment block must have one. This comment block must also be sufficient for gobject-introspection to adequately introspect the symbol for use in other programming languages. 2. Include a @since statement in the comment block for new symbols. Vala-specific rules ------------------- 1. Any functions which could block must be async. 2. Use the language-native Errors for error reporting, not return values. 3. Take advantage of properties and their automatic notify signals as much as possible (this eliminates the need for most special accessors, mutators, and custom signals and is more conventional). 4. Class function blocks should be indented like GNU/Telepathy-GLib if/while blocks. It's arguable that these should be aligned in column 0, as in regular C functions, but it's too late to change this (as it would make 'git blame' useless). 5. Private and internal class data members should beging with a _ (public data members and local variables should not begin with a _). This is to make non-public data members instantly recognizable as such (which helps readability). 6. Private and internal class functions should begin with a _ (public functions should not begin with a _). This is to make non-public functions instantly recognizable as such (which helps readability). 7. Maximize use of the 'var' variable type. This shortens the declarations where it's valid, reducing noise. Rarely, the use of 'var' can obscure the effective type of the variable. In this case, it's acceptable to provide an explicit type. 8. Use the 'unowned' modifier when it would prevent a non-trivial amount of memory allocation. This is most commonly true for strings, arrays, and non-reference-counted variables. Do not use 'unowned' for reference-counted variables (like objects) since it reduces readability without benefit. And, as of this writing, bgo#638199 forces unowned variables to have an explicit type (preventing the use of 'var'). 9. As in most languages, avoid casting. Casting is usually a sign of an error which should be fixed and reduces readability. 10. Refer to non-local variables and methods with their qualified name. Within a class function, refer to private data members like 'this._foo' and foreign package symbols like 'package_name.symbol'. This makes scope immediately clear, helping readability. Build health ============ 1. Before pushing commits to the mainline branch, the final commit in the series must successfully build and pass 'make check' consistently. 2. After commits have been pushed to mainline, all buildbots must successfully build and pass 'make check' on their next build of Folks. It's up to the committer to ensure this requirement is met and make necessary changes.