// This file illustrates the cross language polymorphism using directors. using System; // CEO class, which overrides Employee::getPosition(). class CEO : Manager { public CEO(String name) : base(name) { } public override String getPosition() { return "CEO"; } // Public method to stop the SWIG proxy base class from thinking it owns the underlying C++ memory. public void disownMemory() { swigCMemOwn = false; } } public class runme { static void Main() { // Create an instance of CEO, a class derived from the C# proxy of the // underlying C++ class. The calls to getName() and getPosition() are standard, // the call to getTitle() uses the director wrappers to call CEO.getPosition(). CEO e = new CEO("Alice"); Console.WriteLine( e.getName() + " is a " + e.getPosition() ); Console.WriteLine( "Just call her \"" + e.getTitle() + "\"" ); Console.WriteLine( "----------------------" ); // Create a new EmployeeList instance. This class does not have a C++ // director wrapper, but can be used freely with other classes that do. using (EmployeeList list = new EmployeeList()) { // EmployeeList owns its items, so we must surrender ownership of objects we add. e.disownMemory(); list.addEmployee(e); Console.WriteLine( "----------------------" ); // Now we access the first four items in list (three are C++ objects that // EmployeeList's constructor adds, the last is our CEO). The virtual // methods of all these instances are treated the same. For items 0, 1, and // 2, all methods resolve in C++. For item 3, our CEO, getTitle calls // getPosition which resolves in C#. The call to getPosition is // slightly different, however, because of the overidden getPosition() call, since // now the object reference has been "laundered" by passing through // EmployeeList as an Employee*. Previously, C# resolved the call // immediately in CEO, but now C# thinks the object is an instance of // class Employee. So the call passes through the // Employee proxy class and on to the C wrappers and C++ director, // eventually ending up back at the C# CEO implementation of getPosition(). // The call to getTitle() for item 3 runs the C++ Employee::getTitle() // method, which in turn calls getPosition(). This virtual method call // passes down through the C++ director class to the C# implementation // in CEO. All this routing takes place transparently. Console.WriteLine( "(position, title) for items 0-3:" ); Console.WriteLine( " " + list.get_item(0).getPosition() + ", \"" + list.get_item(0).getTitle() + "\"" ); Console.WriteLine( " " + list.get_item(1).getPosition() + ", \"" + list.get_item(1).getTitle() + "\"" ); Console.WriteLine( " " + list.get_item(2).getPosition() + ", \"" + list.get_item(2).getTitle() + "\"" ); Console.WriteLine( " " + list.get_item(3).getPosition() + ", \"" + list.get_item(3).getTitle() + "\"" ); Console.WriteLine( "----------------------" ); // The using statement ensures the EmployeeList.Dispose() will be called, which will delete all the Employee* // items it contains. The last item is our CEO, which gets destroyed as well. } Console.WriteLine( "----------------------" ); // All done. Console.WriteLine( "C# exit" ); } }