ArmNN  NotReleased
INetwork Class Referenceabstract

#include <INetwork.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for INetwork:

Public Member Functions

virtual Status PrintGraph ()=0
virtual profiling::ProfilingGuid GetGuid () const =0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddInputLayer (LayerBindingId id, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddArgMinMaxLayer (const ArgMinMaxDescriptor &desc, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddComparisonLayer (const ComparisonDescriptor &comparisonDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddConcatLayer (const ConcatDescriptor &concatDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddConvolution2dLayer (const Convolution2dDescriptor &convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const Optional< ConstTensor > &biases, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddConvolution2dLayer (const Convolution2dDescriptor &convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddConvolution2dLayer (const Convolution2dDescriptor &convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const ConstTensor &biases, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddDepthToSpaceLayer (const DepthToSpaceDescriptor &depthToSpaceDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer (const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor &convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const Optional< ConstTensor > &biases, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer (const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor &convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer (const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor &convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const ConstTensor &biases, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddDequantizeLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddDetectionPostProcessLayer (const DetectionPostProcessDescriptor &descriptor, const ConstTensor &anchors, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddElementwiseUnaryLayer (const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor &elementwiseUnaryDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddFullyConnectedLayer (const FullyConnectedDescriptor &fullyConnectedDescriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const Optional< ConstTensor > &biases, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddFullyConnectedLayer (const FullyConnectedDescriptor &fullyConnectedDescriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddFullyConnectedLayer (const FullyConnectedDescriptor &fullyConnectedDescriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const ConstTensor &biases, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddPermuteLayer (const PermuteDescriptor &permuteDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddBatchToSpaceNdLayer (const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor &batchToSpaceNdDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddPooling2dLayer (const Pooling2dDescriptor &pooling2dDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddActivationLayer (const ActivationDescriptor &activationDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddNormalizationLayer (const NormalizationDescriptor &normalizationDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddSliceLayer (const SliceDescriptor &sliceDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddSoftmaxLayer (const SoftmaxDescriptor &softmaxDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddSplitterLayer (const ViewsDescriptor &splitterDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddMergeLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddMergerLayer (const MergerDescriptor &mergerDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddAbsLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddAdditionLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddMultiplicationLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddBatchNormalizationLayer (const BatchNormalizationDescriptor &desc, const ConstTensor &mean, const ConstTensor &variance, const ConstTensor &beta, const ConstTensor &gamma, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddResizeBilinearLayer (const ResizeBilinearDescriptor &resizeDesc, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddResizeLayer (const ResizeDescriptor &resizeDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddInstanceNormalizationLayer (const InstanceNormalizationDescriptor &desc, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddL2NormalizationLayer (const L2NormalizationDescriptor &desc, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddLogSoftmaxLayer (const LogSoftmaxDescriptor &logSoftmaxDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddConstantLayer (const ConstTensor &input, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddReshapeLayer (const ReshapeDescriptor &reshapeDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddSpaceToBatchNdLayer (const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor &spaceToBatchNdDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddSpaceToDepthLayer (const SpaceToDepthDescriptor &spaceToDepthDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddFloorLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddOutputLayer (LayerBindingId id, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddLstmLayer (const LstmDescriptor &descriptor, const LstmInputParams &params, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddDivisionLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddSubtractionLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddMaximumLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddMeanLayer (const MeanDescriptor &meanDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddPadLayer (const PadDescriptor &padDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddQuantizeLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddStridedSliceLayer (const StridedSliceDescriptor &stridedSliceDescriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddMinimumLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddGreaterLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddEqualLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddRsqrtLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddGatherLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddSwitchLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddPreluLayer (const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddTransposeConvolution2dLayer (const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor &descriptor, const ConstTensor &weights, const Optional< ConstTensor > &biases, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddStackLayer (const StackDescriptor &descriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddStandInLayer (const StandInDescriptor &descriptor, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual IConnectableLayerAddQuantizedLstmLayer (const QuantizedLstmInputParams &params, const char *name=nullptr)=0
virtual void Accept (ILayerVisitor &visitor) const =0

Static Public Member Functions

static INetworkCreateRaw ()
static INetworkPtr Create ()
static void Destroy (INetwork *network)

Protected Member Functions

 ~INetwork ()

Detailed Description

Main network class which provides the interface for building up a neural network. This object is subsequently required by the IRuntime::Load() method.

Definition at line 89 of file INetwork.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~INetwork()

~INetwork ( )

Definition at line 541 of file INetwork.hpp.

541 {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ Accept()

virtual void Accept ( ILayerVisitor visitor) const
pure virtual

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by Serializer::Serialize().

◆ AddAbsLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddAbsLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Add absolute layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer. @ return - Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddActivationLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddActivationLayer ( const ActivationDescriptor activationDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds an activation layer to the network.

activationDescriptor- ActivationDescriptor to configure the activation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), armnn::CreateStartOfLeakyReluNetwork(), armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfExpandDims(), and armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddAdditionLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddAdditionLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Adds an addition layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze(), and TfParser::TfParser().

◆ AddArgMinMaxLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddArgMinMaxLayer ( const ArgMinMaxDescriptor desc,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds an ArgMinMax layer to the network.

desc- Parameters for the L2 normalization operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddBatchNormalizationLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddBatchNormalizationLayer ( const BatchNormalizationDescriptor desc,
const ConstTensor mean,
const ConstTensor variance,
const ConstTensor beta,
const ConstTensor gamma,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a batch normalization layer to the network.

mean- Pre-calculated mean for each channel.
variance- Pre-calculated variance for each channel.
beta- Per-channel additive factor.
gamma- Per-channel multiplicative factor.
- Interface for configuring the layer.
name- Optional name for the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfExpandDims().

◆ AddBatchToSpaceNdLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddBatchToSpaceNdLayer ( const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor batchToSpaceNdDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a batch to space ND layer to the network.

batchToSpaceNdDescriptor- Description of the layer.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddComparisonLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddComparisonLayer ( const ComparisonDescriptor comparisonDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Add a Comparison layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
desc- Descriptor for the comparison operation. @ return - Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfExpandDims().

◆ AddConcatLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddConcatLayer ( const ConcatDescriptor concatDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a concatenation layer to the network.

concatDescriptor- ConcatDescriptor (synonym for OriginsDescriptor) to configure the concatenation process. Number of Views must be equal to the number of inputs, and their order must match - e.g. first view corresponds to the first input, second view to the second input, etc....
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::CalculatePaddedOutputTensorInfo().

◆ AddConstantLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddConstantLayer ( const ConstTensor input,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a layer with no inputs and a single output, which always corresponds to the passed in constant tensor.

input- Tensor to be provided as the only output of the layer. The layer will maintain its own copy of the tensor data, meaning the memory referenced by input can be freed or reused after this function is called.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddConvolution2dLayer() [1/3]

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddConvolution2dLayer ( const Convolution2dDescriptor convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const Optional< ConstTensor > &  biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a 2D convolution layer to the network.

convolution2dDescriptor- Description of the 2D convolution layer.
weights- Tensor for the weights data.
biases- Optional tensor for the bias data. If specified, must match the output tensor shape.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::ConvertTfTensorDataType().

◆ AddConvolution2dLayer() [2/3]

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddConvolution2dLayer ( const Convolution2dDescriptor convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddConvolution2dLayer() [3/3]

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddConvolution2dLayer ( const Convolution2dDescriptor convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const ConstTensor biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddDepthToSpaceLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddDepthToSpaceLayer ( const DepthToSpaceDescriptor depthToSpaceDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a depth to space layer to the network.

depthToSpaceDescriptor- Parameters for the depth to space operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer() [1/3]

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer ( const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const Optional< ConstTensor > &  biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a 2D depthwise convolution layer to the network.

convolution2dDescriptor- Description of the 2D depthwise convolution layer.
weights- Tensor for the weights. Expected format: [channelMultiplier, inputChannels, height, width].
biasesOptional tensor for the bias data. If specified, must match the output tensor shape.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::ConvertTfTensorDataType().

◆ AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer() [2/3]

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer ( const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer() [3/3]

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer ( const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor convolution2dDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const ConstTensor biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddDequantizeLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddDequantizeLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Adds a Dequantize layer to the network.

- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddDetectionPostProcessLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddDetectionPostProcessLayer ( const DetectionPostProcessDescriptor descriptor,
const ConstTensor anchors,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a Detection PostProcess layer to the network.

descriptor- Description of the Detection PostProcess layer.
anchors- Tensor for anchors.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddDivisionLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddDivisionLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Adds a division layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddElementwiseUnaryLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddElementwiseUnaryLayer ( const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor elementwiseUnaryDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Add an ElementwiseUnary layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
desc- Descriptor for the elementwiseUnary operation. @ return - Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddEqualLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddEqualLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Add a Equal layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer. @ return - Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddFloorLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddFloorLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Adds a floor layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddFullyConnectedLayer() [1/3]

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddFullyConnectedLayer ( const FullyConnectedDescriptor fullyConnectedDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const Optional< ConstTensor > &  biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a fully connected layer to the network.

fullyConnectedDescriptor- Description of the fully connected layer.
weights- Tensor for the weights data.
biases- Optional tensor for the bias data.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddFullyConnectedLayer() [2/3]

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddFullyConnectedLayer ( const FullyConnectedDescriptor fullyConnectedDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddFullyConnectedLayer() [3/3]

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddFullyConnectedLayer ( const FullyConnectedDescriptor fullyConnectedDescriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const ConstTensor biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddGatherLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddGatherLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Add Gather layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer. @ return - Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfExpandDims().

◆ AddGreaterLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddGreaterLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Add a Greater layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer. @ return - Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddInputLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddInputLayer ( LayerBindingId  id,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds an input layer to the network.

id- User generated id to uniquely identify a particular input. The same id needs to be specified. when passing the inputs to the IRuntime::EnqueueWorkload() function.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), armnn::CreateStartOfLeakyReluNetwork(), and armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddInstanceNormalizationLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddInstanceNormalizationLayer ( const InstanceNormalizationDescriptor desc,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds an instance normalization layer to the network.

desc- Parameters for the instance normalization operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddL2NormalizationLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddL2NormalizationLayer ( const L2NormalizationDescriptor desc,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds an L2 normalization layer to the network. Normalization is performed along dimension 1, but requires a 4d input.

desc- Parameters for the L2 normalization operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddLogSoftmaxLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddLogSoftmaxLayer ( const LogSoftmaxDescriptor logSoftmaxDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a log softmax layer to the network.

logSoftmaxDescriptor- LogSoftmaxDescriptor to configure the log softmax.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddLstmLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddLstmLayer ( const LstmDescriptor descriptor,
const LstmInputParams params,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Add a Lstm layer to the network

descriptor- Parameters for the Lstm operation
params- Weights and biases for the LSTM cell
name- Optional name for the layer
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddMaximumLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddMaximumLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Add a Maximum layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer. @ return - Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddMeanLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddMeanLayer ( const MeanDescriptor meanDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Add a Mean layer to the network.

meanDescriptor- Parameters for the mean operation.
name- Optional name for the layer. @ return - Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddMergeLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddMergeLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Adds a merge layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddMergerLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddMergerLayer ( const MergerDescriptor mergerDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a concat layer to the network.

mergerDescriptor- MergerDescriptor (synonym for OriginsDescriptor) to configure the concatenation process. Number of Views must be equal to the number of inputs, and their order must match - e.g. first view corresponds to the first input, second view to the second input, etc....
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddMinimumLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddMinimumLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Add a Minimum layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer. @ return - Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfExpandDims().

◆ AddMultiplicationLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddMultiplicationLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Adds a multiplication layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddNormalizationLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddNormalizationLayer ( const NormalizationDescriptor normalizationDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a normalization layer to the network.

normalizationDescriptor- NormalizationDescriptor to configure the normalization.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddOutputLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddOutputLayer ( LayerBindingId  id,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds an output layer to the network.

id- User generated id to uniquely identify a particular output. The same id needs to be specified when passing the outputs to the IRuntime::EnqueueWorkload() function.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), armnn::CompleteLeakyReluNetwork(), and armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddPadLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddPadLayer ( const PadDescriptor padDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a fully pad layer to the network.

paddings- n by 2 tensor, where n is the rank of the input tensor, such that paddings[i,0] indicates the amount of padding to add in front of dimonsion i, and paddings[i,1] indicates the amount of padding to add after the end of dimension i
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::CalculatePaddedOutputTensorInfo().

◆ AddPermuteLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddPermuteLayer ( const PermuteDescriptor permuteDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a permute layer to the network.

permuteDescriptor- PermuteDescriptor to configure the permute.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddPooling2dLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddPooling2dLayer ( const Pooling2dDescriptor pooling2dDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a pooling layer to the network.

pooling2dDescriptor- Pooling2dDescriptor to configure the pooling.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddPreluLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddPreluLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Adds a PReLU layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddQuantizedLstmLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddQuantizedLstmLayer ( const QuantizedLstmInputParams params,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Add a QuantizedLstm layer to the network

params- The weights and biases for the Quantized LSTM cell
name- Optional name for the layer
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddQuantizeLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddQuantizeLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Add a quantize layer to the network

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddReshapeLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddReshapeLayer ( const ReshapeDescriptor reshapeDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a reshape layer to the network.

reshapeDescriptor- Parameters for the reshape operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::CalculatePaddedOutputTensorInfo(), armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfExpandDims(), and armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddResizeBilinearLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddResizeBilinearLayer ( const ResizeBilinearDescriptor resizeDesc,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a resize bilinear layer to the network.

resizeDesc- Parameters for the resize operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddResizeLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddResizeLayer ( const ResizeDescriptor resizeDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a resize layer to the network.

resizeDescriptor- Parameters for the resize operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::CalculatePaddedOutputTensorInfo().

◆ AddRsqrtLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddRsqrtLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Add Reciprocal of square root layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer. @ return - Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddSliceLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddSliceLayer ( const SliceDescriptor sliceDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a slice layer to the network.

sliceDescriptor- SliceDescriptor to configure the slice operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddSoftmaxLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddSoftmaxLayer ( const SoftmaxDescriptor softmaxDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a softmax layer to the network. If the data type is QAsymm8, then the output quantization parameters must have a scale of 1/256 and an offset of 0

softmaxDescriptor- SoftmaxDescriptor to configure the softmax.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddSpaceToBatchNdLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddSpaceToBatchNdLayer ( const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor spaceToBatchNdDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a space to batch layer to the network.

spaceToBatchNdDescriptor- Parameters for the space to batch operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddSpaceToDepthLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddSpaceToDepthLayer ( const SpaceToDepthDescriptor spaceToDepthDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a space to depth layer to the network.

spaceToDepthDescriptor- Parameters for the space to depth operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddSplitterLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddSplitterLayer ( const ViewsDescriptor splitterDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a splitter layer to the network.

splitterDescriptor- ViewsDescriptor to configure the splitting process. Number of Views must be equal to the number of outputs, and their order must match - e.g. first view corresponds to the first output, second view to the second output, etc....
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddStackLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddStackLayer ( const StackDescriptor descriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a stack layer to the network.

descriptor- Description of the stack layer.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfExpandDims().

◆ AddStandInLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddStandInLayer ( const StandInDescriptor descriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Add a stand-in layer for a type unknown to the Arm NN framework. Note: Due to the nature of this layer, no validation can be performed by the framework. Furthermore, Any model containing this layer cannot make use of dynamic tensors since the tensor sizes cannot be inferred. - Descriptor for the StandIn layer.

- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddStridedSliceLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddStridedSliceLayer ( const StridedSliceDescriptor stridedSliceDescriptor,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a strided slice layer to the network.

StridedSliceDescriptor- Parameters for the strided slice operation.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfSqueeze().

◆ AddSubtractionLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddSubtractionLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Adds a subtraction layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

Referenced by armnnTfParser::OutputShapeOfExpandDims().

◆ AddSwitchLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddSwitchLayer ( const char *  name = nullptr)
pure virtual

Adds a switch layer to the network.

name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ AddTransposeConvolution2dLayer()

virtual IConnectableLayer* AddTransposeConvolution2dLayer ( const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor descriptor,
const ConstTensor weights,
const Optional< ConstTensor > &  biases,
const char *  name = nullptr 
pure virtual

Adds a 2D transpose convolution layer to the network.

descriptor- Description of the 2D transpose convolution layer.
weights- Tensor for the weights data.
biases- Optional tensor for the bias data.
name- Optional name for the layer.
- Interface for configuring the layer.

Implemented in Network.

◆ Create()

◆ CreateRaw()

armnn::INetwork * CreateRaw ( )

Definition at line 43 of file Network.cpp.

Referenced by INetwork::Create().

44 {
45  return new Network();
46 }

◆ Destroy()

void Destroy ( INetwork network)

Definition at line 53 of file Network.cpp.

Referenced by INetwork::Create().

54 {
55  delete boost::polymorphic_downcast<Network*>(network);
56 }

◆ GetGuid()

virtual profiling::ProfilingGuid GetGuid ( ) const
pure virtual

Implemented in Network.

◆ PrintGraph()

virtual Status PrintGraph ( )
pure virtual

Implemented in Network.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: