//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: BasicHLSL.fx // // The effect file for the BasicHLSL sample. // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global variables //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float4 g_MaterialAmbientColor; // Material's ambient color float4 g_MaterialDiffuseColor; // Material's diffuse color int g_nNumLights; float3 g_LightDir; // Light's direction in world space float4 g_LightDiffuse; // Light's diffuse color float4 g_LightAmbient; // Light's ambient color texture g_MeshTexture; // Color texture for mesh float g_fTime; // App's time in seconds float4x4 g_mWorld; // World matrix for object float4x4 g_mWorldViewProjection; // World * View * Projection matrix //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Texture samplers //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sampler MeshTextureSampler = sampler_state { Texture = ; MipFilter = LINEAR; MinFilter = LINEAR; MagFilter = LINEAR; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Vertex shader output structure //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct VS_OUTPUT { float4 Position : POSITION; // vertex position float4 Diffuse : COLOR0; // vertex diffuse color (note that COLOR0 is clamped from 0..1) float2 TextureUV : TEXCOORD0; // vertex texture coords }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This shader computes standard transform and lighting //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VS_OUTPUT RenderSceneVS( float4 vPos : POSITION, float3 vNormal : NORMAL, float2 vTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0, uniform int nNumLights, uniform bool bTexture, uniform bool bAnimate ) { VS_OUTPUT Output; float3 vNormalWorldSpace; // Transform the position from object space to homogeneous projection space Output.Position = mul(vPos, g_mWorldViewProjection); // Transform the normal from object space to world space vNormalWorldSpace = normalize(mul(vNormal, (float3x3)g_mWorld)); // normal (world space) // Compute simple directional lighting equation float3 vTotalLightDiffuse = float3(0,0,0); for(int i=0; i