DEPLOYMENT INSTRUCTIONS OF OBS-SERVICE-GIT-BUILDPACKAGE ======================================================== Instructions for deployment from binary rpm packages. New installation ---------------- - Install the package # zypper install obs-service-git-buildpackage - On server installation: * Check the configuration file # vim /etc/obs/services/git-buildpackage * Make sure that the obs source service is installed and running: # zypper install obs-source_service # systemctl restart obsservice.service - On workstation installation you may edit the system-wide config(see above) or use a user-specific config: $ mkdir -p ~/.obs $ cp /etc/obs/services/git-buildpackage ~/.obs $ vim ~/.obs/git-buildpackage Update instructions ------------------- - Update the package # zypper update obs-service-git-buildpackage - On server installation, restart the obs source service # systemctl restart obsservice.service