Ragel State Machine Compiler -- CREDITS ======================================= * Written by Adrian Thurston . * Objective-C output contributed by Eric Ocean. * D output and many great ideas contributed by Alan West. * Conditionals inspired by David Helder. * Java code generation contributions, bug reports, fixes, test cases and suggestions from Colin Fleming * Useful discussion and bug from Carlos Antunes. * Feedback, Packaging, and Fixes provided by: Bob Tennent, Robert Lemmen, Tobias Jahn, Cris Bailiff, Buddy Betts, Scott Dixon, Steven Handerson, Michael Somos, Bob Paddock, Istvan Buki, David Drai, Matthias Rahlf, Zinx Verituse, Markus W. Weissmann, Marc Liyanage, Eric Ocean, Alan West, Steven Kibbler, Laurent Boulard, Jon Oberheide, David Helder, Lexington Luthor, Jason Jobe, Colin Fleming, Carlos Antunes, Steve Horne, Matt Mower