I suppose 'libtricks' will take the quest of finding border-cases for the GPL yet one more (small) step forward. Does every dynamically linked executable fall under the GPL once someone said `LD_PRELOAD=libtricks.so.0.0 executable'? That seems to be a rather strange interpretation of the GPL. The way I (as author of libtricks) see it: - you're free to link any program with this library and run it. - Only when you give away or sell copies of a program that is _set up_ to use this library (or needs it), that program will be considered a ``work based on the library'', and thus fall under GPL. I've considered using LGPL, but I decided against that because - I still don't quite understand it's terms. - I actually don't want a program that really needs this library to be distributed with any other licence than (L)GPL. joost witteveen. For the tekst of the GPL, see /usr/doc/copyright/GPL of any debian system.