# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Root CMake file for OpenCV # # From the off-tree build directory, invoke: # $ cmake # # # - OCT-2008: Initial version # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set(CMAKE_ALLOW_LOOSE_LOOP_CONSTRUCTS true) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Indicate CMake 2.7 and above that we don't want to mix relative # and absolute paths in linker lib lists. # Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0003" for more information. # -------------------------------------------------------------- if(COMMAND cmake_policy) cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW) endif() # Following block can broke build in case of cross-compilng # but CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING variable will be set only on project(OpenCV) command # so we will try to detect crosscompiling by presense of CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE if(NOT CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) # it _must_ go before project(OpenCV) in order to work if(WIN32) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install" CACHE PATH "Installation Directory") else() set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/usr/local" CACHE PATH "Installation Directory") endif() if(MSVC) set(CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS ON CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) endif() else(NOT CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) #Android: set output folder to ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} set( LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH_ROOT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} CACHE PATH "root for library output, set this to change where android libs are compiled to" ) # any crosscompiling set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install" CACHE PATH "Installation Directory") endif(NOT CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Top level OpenCV project # -------------------------------------------------------------- if(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES Xcode AND XCODE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 4.3) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.8) elseif(IOS) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.0) else() cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6.3) endif() # must go before the project command set(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES "Debug;Release" CACHE STRING "Configs" FORCE) if(DEFINED CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "2.8") set_property( CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES} ) endif() project(OpenCV CXX C) include(cmake/OpenCVUtils.cmake) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Break in case of popular CMake configuration mistakes # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(NOT CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P GREATER 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "CMake fails to deterimine the bitness of target platform. Please check your CMake and compiler installation. If you are crosscompiling then ensure that your CMake toolchain file correctly sets the compiler details.") endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Detect compiler and target platform architecture # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- include(cmake/OpenCVDetectCXXCompiler.cmake) # Add these standard paths to the search paths for FIND_LIBRARY # to find libraries from these locations first if(UNIX AND NOT ANDROID) if(X86_64 OR CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) if(EXISTS /lib64) list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /lib64) else() list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /lib) endif() if(EXISTS /usr/lib64) list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib64) else() list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib) endif() elseif(X86 OR CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) if(EXISTS /lib32) list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /lib32) else() list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /lib) endif() if(EXISTS /usr/lib32) list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib32) else() list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib) endif() endif() endif() # Add these standard paths to the search paths for FIND_PATH # to find include files from these locations first if(MINGW) if(EXISTS /mingw) list(APPEND CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH /mingw) endif() if(EXISTS /mingw32) list(APPEND CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH /mingw32) endif() if(EXISTS /mingw64) list(APPEND CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH /mingw64) endif() endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OpenCV cmake options # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Optional 3rd party components # =================================================== OCV_OPTION(WITH_1394 "Include IEEE1394 support" ON IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_AVFOUNDATION "Use AVFoundation for Video I/O" ON IF IOS) OCV_OPTION(WITH_CARBON "Use Carbon for UI instead of Cocoa" OFF IF APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_CUDA "Include NVidia Cuda Runtime support" ON IF (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "2.8" AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_CUFFT "Include NVidia Cuda Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) library support" ON IF (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "2.8" AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_CUBLAS "Include NVidia Cuda Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) library support" OFF IF (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "2.8" AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_NVCUVID "Include NVidia Video Decoding library support" OFF IF (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "2.8" AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS AND NOT APPLE) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_EIGEN "Include Eigen2/Eigen3 support" ON) OCV_OPTION(WITH_VFW "Include Video for Windows support" ON IF WIN32 ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_FFMPEG "Include FFMPEG support" ON IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS)) OCV_OPTION(WITH_GSTREAMER "Include Gstreamer support" ON IF (UNIX AND NOT APPLE AND NOT ANDROID) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_GTK "Include GTK support" ON IF (UNIX AND NOT APPLE AND NOT ANDROID) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_IMAGEIO "ImageIO support for OS X" OFF IF APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_IPP "Include Intel IPP support" OFF IF (MSVC OR X86 OR X86_64) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_JASPER "Include JPEG2K support" ON IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_JPEG "Include JPEG support" ON) OCV_OPTION(WITH_OPENEXR "Include ILM support via OpenEXR" ON IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_OPENGL "Include OpenGL support" OFF IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT APPLE) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_OPENNI "Include OpenNI support" OFF IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_PNG "Include PNG support" ON) OCV_OPTION(WITH_PVAPI "Include Prosilica GigE support" ON IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_GIGEAPI "Include Smartek GigE support" ON IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_QT "Build with Qt Backend support" OFF IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_WIN32UI "Build with Win32 UI Backend support" ON IF WIN32 ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_QUICKTIME "Use QuickTime for Video I/O insted of QTKit" OFF IF APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_TBB "Include Intel TBB support" OFF IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_CSTRIPES "Include C= support" OFF IF WIN32 ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_TIFF "Include TIFF support" ON IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_UNICAP "Include Unicap support (GPL)" OFF IF (UNIX AND NOT APPLE AND NOT ANDROID) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_V4L "Include Video 4 Linux support" ON IF (UNIX AND NOT ANDROID) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_DSHOW "Build HighGUI with DirectShow support" ON IF (WIN32 AND NOT ARM) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_MSMF "Build HighGUI with Media Foundation support" OFF IF WIN32 ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_XIMEA "Include XIMEA cameras support" OFF IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT APPLE) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_XINE "Include Xine support (GPL)" OFF IF (UNIX AND NOT APPLE AND NOT ANDROID) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_OPENCL "Include OpenCL Runtime support" ON IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_OPENCLAMDFFT "Include AMD OpenCL FFT library support" ON IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(WITH_OPENCLAMDBLAS "Include AMD OpenCL BLAS library support" ON IF (NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) ) # OpenCV build components # =================================================== OCV_OPTION(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries (.dll/.so) instead of static ones (.lib/.a)" NOT (ANDROID OR IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_opencv_apps "Build utility applications (used for example to train classifiers)" (NOT ANDROID) IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_ANDROID_EXAMPLES "Build examples for Android platform" ON IF ANDROID ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_DOCS "Create build rules for OpenCV Documentation" ON ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build all examples" OFF ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_PACKAGE "Enables 'make package_source' command" ON ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_PERF_TESTS "Build performance tests" ON IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_TESTS "Build accuracy & regression tests" ON IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_WITH_DEBUG_INFO "Include debug info into debug libs (not MSCV only)" ON ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_WITH_STATIC_CRT "Enables use of staticaly linked CRT for staticaly linked OpenCV" ON IF MSVC ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_FAT_JAVA_LIB "Create fat java wrapper containing the whole OpenCV library" ON IF NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_ANDROID_SERVICE "Build OpenCV Manager for Google Play" OFF IF ANDROID AND ANDROID_SOURCE_TREE ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_ANDROID_PACKAGE "Build platform-specific package for Google Play" OFF IF ANDROID ) # 3rd party libs OCV_OPTION(BUILD_ZLIB "Build zlib from source" WIN32 OR APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_TIFF "Build libtiff from source" WIN32 OR ANDROID OR APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_JASPER "Build libjasper from source" WIN32 OR ANDROID OR APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_JPEG "Build libjpeg from source" WIN32 OR ANDROID OR APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_PNG "Build libpng from source" WIN32 OR ANDROID OR APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_OPENEXR "Build openexr from source" WIN32 OR ANDROID OR APPLE ) OCV_OPTION(BUILD_TBB "Download and build TBB from source" ANDROID ) # OpenCV installation options # =================================================== OCV_OPTION(INSTALL_C_EXAMPLES "Install C examples" OFF ) OCV_OPTION(INSTALL_PYTHON_EXAMPLES "Install Python examples" OFF ) OCV_OPTION(INSTALL_ANDROID_EXAMPLES "Install Android examples" OFF IF ANDROID ) OCV_OPTION(INSTALL_TO_MANGLED_PATHS "Enables mangled install paths, that help with side by side installs." OFF IF (UNIX AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS AND BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) ) # OpenCV build options # =================================================== OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS "Use precompiled headers" ON IF (NOT IOS) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS "Solution folder in Visual Studio or in other IDEs" (MSVC_IDE OR CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES Xcode) IF (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "2.8.0") ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_PROFILING "Enable profiling in the GCC compiler (Add flags: -g -pg)" OFF IF CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_OMIT_FRAME_POINTER "Enable -fomit-frame-pointer for GCC" ON IF CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND NOT (APPLE AND CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_CLANGCXX) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_POWERPC "Enable PowerPC for GCC" ON IF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES powerpc.*) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_FAST_MATH "Enable -ffast-math (not recommended for GCC 4.6.x)" OFF IF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_SSE "Enable SSE instructions" ON IF ((MSVC OR CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_SSE2 "Enable SSE2 instructions" ON IF ((MSVC OR CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_SSE3 "Enable SSE3 instructions" ON IF ((CV_ICC OR CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_SSSE3 "Enable SSSE3 instructions" OFF IF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_SSE41 "Enable SSE4.1 instructions" OFF IF ((CV_ICC OR CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_SSE42 "Enable SSE4.2 instructions" OFF IF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_AVX "Enable AVX instructions" OFF IF ((MSVC OR CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) AND (X86 OR X86_64)) ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_NOISY_WARNINGS "Show all warnings even if they are too noisy" OFF ) OCV_OPTION(OPENCV_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS "Treat warnings as errors" OFF ) OCV_OPTION(ENABLE_WINRT_MODE "Build with Windows Runtime support" OFF IF WIN32 ) # uncategorized options # =================================================== OCV_OPTION(CMAKE_VERBOSE "Verbose mode" OFF ) # backward compatibility # =================================================== include(cmake/OpenCVLegacyOptions.cmake OPTIONAL) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get actual OpenCV version number from sources # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- include(cmake/OpenCVVersion.cmake) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build & install layouts # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Save libs and executables in the same place set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin" CACHE PATH "Output directory for applications" ) if(ANDROID OR WIN32) set(OPENCV_DOC_INSTALL_PATH doc) elseif(INSTALL_TO_MANGLED_PATHS) set(OPENCV_DOC_INSTALL_PATH share/OpenCV-${OPENCV_VERSION}/doc) else() set(OPENCV_DOC_INSTALL_PATH share/OpenCV/doc) endif() if(ANDROID) set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}/lib/${ANDROID_NDK_ABI_NAME}") set(3P_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}/3rdparty/lib/${ANDROID_NDK_ABI_NAME}") set(OPENCV_LIB_INSTALL_PATH sdk/native/libs/${ANDROID_NDK_ABI_NAME}) set(OPENCV_3P_LIB_INSTALL_PATH sdk/native/3rdparty/libs/${ANDROID_NDK_ABI_NAME}) set(OPENCV_CONFIG_INSTALL_PATH sdk/native/jni) set(OPENCV_INCLUDE_INSTALL_PATH sdk/native/jni/include) else() set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}/lib") set(3P_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}/3rdparty/lib${LIB_SUFFIX}") set(OPENCV_LIB_INSTALL_PATH lib${LIB_SUFFIX}) set(OPENCV_3P_LIB_INSTALL_PATH share/OpenCV/3rdparty/${OPENCV_LIB_INSTALL_PATH}) set(OPENCV_INCLUDE_INSTALL_PATH include) math(EXPR SIZEOF_VOID_P_BITS "8 * ${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}") if(LIB_SUFFIX AND NOT SIZEOF_VOID_P_BITS EQUAL LIB_SUFFIX) set(OPENCV_CONFIG_INSTALL_PATH lib${LIB_SUFFIX}/cmake/opencv) else() set(OPENCV_CONFIG_INSTALL_PATH share/OpenCV) endif() endif() set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${OPENCV_LIB_INSTALL_PATH}") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) if(INSTALL_TO_MANGLED_PATHS) set(OPENCV_INCLUDE_INSTALL_PATH ${OPENCV_INCLUDE_INSTALL_PATH}/opencv-${OPENCV_VERSION}) endif() if(WIN32) # Postfix of DLLs: set(OPENCV_DLLVERSION "${OPENCV_VERSION_MAJOR}${OPENCV_VERSION_MINOR}${OPENCV_VERSION_PATCH}") set(OPENCV_DEBUG_POSTFIX d) else() # Postfix of so's: set(OPENCV_DLLVERSION "") set(OPENCV_DEBUG_POSTFIX "") endif() if(DEFINED CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX) set(OPENCV_DEBUG_POSTFIX "${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX}") endif() if(CMAKE_VERBOSE) set(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE 1) endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Path for build/platform -specific headers # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set(OPENCV_CONFIG_FILE_INCLUDE_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/" CACHE PATH "Where to create the platform-dependant cvconfig.h") ocv_include_directories(${OPENCV_CONFIG_FILE_INCLUDE_DIR}) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Path for additional modules # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set(OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Where to look for additional OpenCV modules") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Autodetect if we are in a GIT repository # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # don't use FindGit because it requires CMake 2.8.2 set(git_names git eg) # eg = easy git # Prefer .cmd variants on Windows unless running in a Makefile in the MSYS shell if(CMAKE_HOST_WIN32) if(NOT CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "MSYS") set(git_names git.cmd git eg.cmd eg) endif() endif() find_host_program(GIT_EXECUTABLE NAMES ${git_names} PATH_SUFFIXES Git/cmd Git/bin DOC "git command line client") mark_as_advanced(GIT_EXECUTABLE) if(GIT_EXECUTABLE) execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} describe --tags --always --dirty --match "2.[0-9].[0-9]*" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${OpenCV_SOURCE_DIR}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE OPENCV_VCSVERSION RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_RESULT ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(NOT GIT_RESULT EQUAL 0) set(OPENCV_VCSVERSION "unknown") endif() else() # We don't have git: set(OPENCV_VCSVERSION "unknown") endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OpenCV compiler and linker options # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # In case of Makefiles if the user does not setup CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, assume it's Release: if(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Makefiles|Ninja" AND "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" STREQUAL "") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release) endif() include(cmake/OpenCVCompilerOptions.cmake) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Use statically or dynamically linked CRT? # Default: dynamic # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(MSVC) include(cmake/OpenCVCRTLinkage.cmake) endif(MSVC) if(WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) add_definitions(-D_VARIADIC_MAX=10) endif(WIN32 AND NOT MINGW) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CHECK FOR SYSTEM LIBRARIES, OPTIONS, ETC.. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(UNIX) include(cmake/OpenCVFindPkgConfig.cmake OPTIONAL) include(CheckFunctionExists) include(CheckIncludeFile) if(NOT APPLE) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE(pthread.h HAVE_LIBPTHREAD) if(ANDROID) set(OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS ${OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS} dl m log) elseif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "FreeBSD|NetBSD|DragonFly") set(OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS ${OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS} m pthread) else() set(OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS ${OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS} dl m pthread rt) endif() else() set(HAVE_LIBPTHREAD YES) endif() endif() include(cmake/OpenCVPCHSupport.cmake) include(cmake/OpenCVModule.cmake) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Detect 3rd-party libraries # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- include(cmake/OpenCVFindLibsGrfmt.cmake) include(cmake/OpenCVFindLibsGUI.cmake) include(cmake/OpenCVFindLibsVideo.cmake) include(cmake/OpenCVFindLibsPerf.cmake) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Detect other 3rd-party libraries/tools # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- LATEX for pdf documentation --- if(BUILD_DOCS) include(cmake/OpenCVFindLATEX.cmake) endif(BUILD_DOCS) # --- Python Support --- include(cmake/OpenCVDetectPython.cmake) # --- Java Support --- include(cmake/OpenCVDetectApacheAnt.cmake) if(ANDROID) include(cmake/OpenCVDetectAndroidSDK.cmake) if(NOT ANDROID_TOOLS_Pkg_Revision GREATER 13) message(WARNING "OpenCV requires Android SDK tools revision 14 or newer. Otherwise tests and samples will no be compiled.") endif() else() find_package(JNI) endif() if(ANDROID AND ANDROID_EXECUTABLE AND ANT_EXECUTABLE AND (ANT_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 1.7) AND (ANDROID_TOOLS_Pkg_Revision GREATER 13)) SET(CAN_BUILD_ANDROID_PROJECTS TRUE) else() SET(CAN_BUILD_ANDROID_PROJECTS FALSE) endif() # --- OpenCL --- if(WITH_OPENCL) include(cmake/OpenCVDetectOpenCL.cmake) endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Solution folders: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(ENABLE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY PREDEFINED_TARGETS_FOLDER "CMakeTargets") endif() # Extra OpenCV targets: uninstall, package_source, perf, etc. include(cmake/OpenCVExtraTargets.cmake) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process subdirectories # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # opencv.hpp and legacy headers add_subdirectory(include) # OpenCV modules add_subdirectory(modules) # Generate targets for documentation add_subdirectory(doc) # various data that is used by cv libraries and/or demo applications. add_subdirectory(data) # extra applications if(BUILD_opencv_apps) add_subdirectory(apps) endif() # examples if(BUILD_EXAMPLES OR BUILD_ANDROID_EXAMPLES OR INSTALL_PYTHON_EXAMPLES) add_subdirectory(samples) endif() if(ANDROID) add_subdirectory(platforms/android/service) endif() if(BUILD_ANDROID_PACKAGE) add_subdirectory(platforms/android/package) endif() if (ANDROID) add_subdirectory(platforms/android/libinfo) endif() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Finalization: generate configuration-based files # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ocv_track_build_dependencies() # Generate platform-dependent and configuration-dependent headers include(cmake/OpenCVGenHeaders.cmake) # Generate opencv.pc for pkg-config command include(cmake/OpenCVGenPkgconfig.cmake) # Generate OpenCV.mk for ndk-build (Android build tool) include(cmake/OpenCVGenAndroidMK.cmake) # Generate OpenCVŠ”onfig.cmake and OpenCVConfig-version.cmake for cmake projects include(cmake/OpenCVGenConfig.cmake) # Generate Info.plist for the IOS framework include(cmake/OpenCVGenInfoPlist.cmake) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Summary: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- status("") status("General configuration for OpenCV ${OPENCV_VERSION} =====================================") if(OPENCV_VCSVERSION) status(" Version control:" ${OPENCV_VCSVERSION}) endif() # ========================== build platform ========================== status("") status(" Platform:") status(" Host:" ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME} ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_VERSION} ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}) if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) status(" Target:" ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION} ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}) endif() status(" CMake:" ${CMAKE_VERSION}) status(" CMake generator:" ${CMAKE_GENERATOR}) status(" CMake build tool:" ${CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL}) if(MSVC) status(" MSVC:" ${MSVC_VERSION}) endif() if(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES Xcode) status(" Xcode:" ${XCODE_VERSION}) endif() if(NOT CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Xcode|Visual Studio") status(" Configuration:" ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}) endif() # ========================== C/C++ options ========================== if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION) set(OPENCV_COMPILER_STR "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1} (ver ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION})") elseif(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_CLANGCXX) set(OPENCV_COMPILER_STR "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1} (ver ${CMAKE_CLANG_REGEX_VERSION})") elseif(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) set(OPENCV_COMPILER_STR "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1} (ver ${CMAKE_GCC_REGEX_VERSION})") else() set(OPENCV_COMPILER_STR "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1}") endif() string(STRIP "${OPENCV_COMPILER_STR}" OPENCV_COMPILER_STR) status("") status(" C/C++:") status(" Built as dynamic libs?:" BUILD_SHARED_LIBS THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" C++ Compiler:" ${OPENCV_COMPILER_STR}) status(" C++ flags (Release):" ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}) status(" C++ flags (Debug):" ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG}) status(" C Compiler:" ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ARG1}) status(" C flags (Release):" ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE}) status(" C flags (Debug):" ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG}) if(WIN32) status(" Linker flags (Release):" ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE}) status(" Linker flags (Debug):" ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG}) else() status(" Linker flags (Release):" ${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE}) status(" Linker flags (Debug):" ${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG}) endif() status(" Precompiled headers:" PCHSupport_FOUND AND ENABLE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS THEN YES ELSE NO) # ========================== OpenCV modules ========================== status("") status(" OpenCV modules:") string(REPLACE "opencv_" "" OPENCV_MODULES_BUILD_ST "${OPENCV_MODULES_BUILD}") string(REPLACE "opencv_" "" OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_USER_ST "${OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_USER}") string(REPLACE "opencv_" "" OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_FORCE_ST "${OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_FORCE}") set(OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO_ST "") foreach(m ${OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO}) set(__mdeps "") foreach(d ${OPENCV_MODULE_${m}_DEPS}) if(d MATCHES "^opencv_" AND NOT HAVE_${d}) list(APPEND __mdeps ${d}) endif() endforeach() if(__mdeps) list(APPEND OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO_ST "${m}(deps: ${__mdeps})") else() list(APPEND OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO_ST "${m}") endif() endforeach() string(REPLACE "opencv_" "" OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO_ST "${OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO_ST}") status(" To be built:" OPENCV_MODULES_BUILD THEN ${OPENCV_MODULES_BUILD_ST} ELSE "-") status(" Disabled:" OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_USER THEN ${OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_USER_ST} ELSE "-") status(" Disabled by dependency:" OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO THEN ${OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_AUTO_ST} ELSE "-") status(" Unavailable:" OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_FORCE THEN ${OPENCV_MODULES_DISABLED_FORCE_ST} ELSE "-") # ========================== Android details ========================== if(ANDROID) status("") status(" Android: ") status(" Android ABI:" ${ANDROID_ABI}) status(" STL type:" ${ANDROID_STL}) status(" Native API level:" android-${ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL}) android_get_compatible_target(android_sdk_target_status ${ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL} ${ANDROID_SDK_TARGET} 11) status(" SDK target:" "${android_sdk_target_status}") if(BUILD_WITH_ANDROID_NDK) status(" Android NDK:" "${ANDROID_NDK} (toolchain: ${ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_NAME})") elseif(BUILD_WITH_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN) status(" Android toolchain:" "${ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN}") endif() status(" android tool:" ANDROID_EXECUTABLE THEN "${ANDROID_EXECUTABLE} (${ANDROID_TOOLS_Pkg_Desc})" ELSE NO) status(" Google Play package:" BUILD_ANDROID_PACKAGE THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Android examples:" BUILD_ANDROID_EXAMPLES AND CAN_BUILD_ANDROID_PROJECTS THEN YES ELSE NO) endif() # ================== Windows RT features ================== if(WIN32) status("") status(" Windows RT support:" HAVE_WINRT THEN YES ELSE NO) if (ENABLE_WINRT_MODE) status(" Windows SDK v8.0:" ${WINDOWS_SDK_PATH}) status(" Visual Studio 2012:" ${VISUAL_STUDIO_PATH}) endif() endif(WIN32) # ========================== GUI ========================== status("") status(" GUI: ") if(HAVE_QT5) status(" QT 5.x:" HAVE_QT THEN "YES (ver ${Qt5Core_VERSION_STRING})" ELSE NO) status(" QT OpenGL support:" HAVE_QT_OPENGL THEN "YES (${Qt5OpenGL_LIBRARIES} ${Qt5OpenGL_VERSION_STRING})" ELSE NO) elseif(HAVE_QT) status(" QT 4.x:" HAVE_QT THEN "YES (ver ${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${QT_VERSION_MINOR}.${QT_VERSION_PATCH} ${QT_EDITION})" ELSE NO) status(" QT OpenGL support:" HAVE_QT_OPENGL THEN "YES (${QT_QTOPENGL_LIBRARY})" ELSE NO) else() if(DEFINED WITH_QT) status(" QT:" NO) endif() if(DEFINED WITH_WIN32UI) status(" Win32 UI:" HAVE_WIN32UI THEN YES ELSE NO) else() if(APPLE) if(WITH_CARBON) status(" Carbon:" YES) else() status(" Cocoa:" YES) endif() else() status(" GTK+ 2.x:" HAVE_GTK THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_gtk+-2.0_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" GThread :" HAVE_GTHREAD THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_gthread-2.0_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" GtkGlExt:" HAVE_GTKGLEXT THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_gtkglext-1.0_VERSION})" ELSE NO) endif() endif() endif() status(" OpenGL support:" HAVE_OPENGL THEN "YES (${OPENGL_LIBRARIES})" ELSE NO) # ========================== MEDIA IO ========================== status("") status(" Media I/O: ") status(" ZLib:" BUILD_ZLIB THEN "build (ver ${ZLIB_VERSION_STRING})" ELSE "${ZLIB_LIBRARY} (ver ${ZLIB_VERSION_STRING})") if(WITH_JPEG) status(" JPEG:" JPEG_FOUND THEN "${JPEG_LIBRARY} (ver ${JPEG_LIB_VERSION})" ELSE "build (ver ${JPEG_LIB_VERSION})") else() status(" JPEG:" "NO") endif() if(WITH_PNG) status(" PNG:" PNG_FOUND THEN "${PNG_LIBRARY} (ver ${PNG_VERSION})" ELSE "build (ver ${PNG_VERSION})") else() status(" PNG:" "NO") endif() if(WITH_TIFF) if(TIFF_VERSION_STRING AND TIFF_FOUND) status(" TIFF:" "${TIFF_LIBRARY} (ver ${TIFF_VERSION} - ${TIFF_VERSION_STRING})") else() status(" TIFF:" TIFF_FOUND THEN "${TIFF_LIBRARY} (ver ${TIFF_VERSION})" ELSE "build (ver ${TIFF_VERSION} - ${TIFF_VERSION_STRING})") endif() else() status(" TIFF:" "NO") endif() if(WITH_JASPER) status(" JPEG 2000:" JASPER_FOUND THEN "${JASPER_LIBRARY} (ver ${JASPER_VERSION_STRING})" ELSE "build (ver ${JASPER_VERSION_STRING})") else() status(" JPEG 2000:" "NO") endif() if(WITH_OPENEXR) status(" OpenEXR:" OPENEXR_FOUND THEN "${OPENEXR_LIBRARIES} (ver ${OPENEXR_VERSION})" ELSE "build (ver ${OPENEXR_VERSION})") else() status(" OpenEXR:" "NO") endif() # ========================== VIDEO IO ========================== status("") status(" Video I/O:") if (DEFINED WITH_VFW) status(" Video for Windows:" HAVE_VFW THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_VFW) if(DEFINED WITH_1394) status(" DC1394 1.x:" HAVE_DC1394 THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_libdc1394_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" DC1394 2.x:" HAVE_DC1394_2 THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_libdc1394-2_VERSION})" ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_1394) if(ANDROID) if(HAVE_opencv_androidcamera) status(" AndroidNativeCamera:" BUILD_ANDROID_CAMERA_WRAPPER THEN "YES, build for Android${ANDROID_VERSION}" ELSE "YES, use prebuilt libraries") else() status(" AndroidNativeCamera:" "NO (native camera requires Android API level 8 or higher)") endif() endif() if(DEFINED WITH_AVFOUNDATION) status(" AVFoundation:" WITH_AVFOUNDATION THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_AVFOUNDATION) if(DEFINED WITH_FFMPEG) if(WIN32) status(" FFMPEG:" WITH_FFMPEG THEN "YES (prebuilt binaries)" ELSE NO) else() status(" FFMPEG:" HAVE_FFMPEG THEN YES ELSE NO) endif() status(" codec:" HAVE_FFMPEG_CODEC THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_libavcodec_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" format:" HAVE_FFMPEG_FORMAT THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_libavformat_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" util:" HAVE_FFMPEG_UTIL THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_libavutil_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" swscale:" HAVE_FFMPEG_SWSCALE THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_libswscale_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" gentoo-style:" HAVE_GENTOO_FFMPEG THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_FFMPEG) if(DEFINED WITH_GSTREAMER) status(" GStreamer:" HAVE_GSTREAMER THEN "" ELSE NO) if(HAVE_GSTREAMER) status(" base:" "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_gstreamer-base-0.10_VERSION})") status(" app:" "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_gstreamer-app-0.10_VERSION})") status(" video:" "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_gstreamer-video-0.10_VERSION})") endif() endif(DEFINED WITH_GSTREAMER) if(DEFINED WITH_OPENNI) status(" OpenNI:" HAVE_OPENNI THEN "YES (ver ${OPENNI_VERSION_STRING}, build ${OPENNI_VERSION_BUILD})" ELSE NO) status(" OpenNI PrimeSensor Modules:" HAVE_OPENNI_PRIME_SENSOR_MODULE THEN "YES (${OPENNI_PRIME_SENSOR_MODULE})" ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_OPENNI) if(DEFINED WITH_PVAPI) status(" PvAPI:" HAVE_PVAPI THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_PVAPI) if(DEFINED WITH_GIGEAPI) status(" GigEVisionSDK:" HAVE_GIGE_API THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_GIGEAPI) if(DEFINED WITH_QUICKTIME) status(" QuickTime:" HAVE_QUICKTIME THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" QTKit:" HAVE_QTKIT THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_QUICKTIME) if(DEFINED WITH_UNICAP) status(" UniCap:" HAVE_UNICAP THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_libunicap_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" UniCap ucil:" HAVE_UNICAP_UCIL THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_libucil_VERSION})" ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_UNICAP) if(DEFINED WITH_V4L) if(HAVE_CAMV4L) set(HAVE_CAMV4L_STR "YES") else() set(HAVE_CAMV4L_STR "NO") endif() if(HAVE_CAMV4L2) set(HAVE_CAMV4L2_STR "YES") elseif(HAVE_VIDEOIO) set(HAVE_CAMV4L2_STR "YES(videoio)") else() set(HAVE_CAMV4L2_STR "NO") endif() status(" V4L/V4L2:" HAVE_LIBV4L THEN "Using libv4l (ver ${ALIASOF_libv4l1_VERSION})" ELSE "${HAVE_CAMV4L_STR}/${HAVE_CAMV4L2_STR}") endif(DEFINED WITH_V4L) if(DEFINED WITH_DSHOW) status(" DirectShow:" HAVE_DSHOW THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_DSHOW) if(DEFINED WITH_MSMF) status(" Media Foundation:" HAVE_MSMF THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_MSMF) if(DEFINED WITH_XIMEA) status(" XIMEA:" HAVE_XIMEA THEN YES ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_XIMEA) if(DEFINED WITH_XINE) status(" Xine:" HAVE_XINE THEN "YES (ver ${ALIASOF_libxine_VERSION})" ELSE NO) endif(DEFINED WITH_XINE) # ========================== Other third-party libraries ========================== status("") status(" Other third-party libraries:") if(WITH_IPP AND IPP_FOUND) status(" Use IPP:" "${IPP_LATEST_VERSION_STR} [${IPP_LATEST_VERSION_MAJOR}.${IPP_LATEST_VERSION_MINOR}.${IPP_LATEST_VERSION_BUILD}]") status(" at:" "${IPP_ROOT_DIR}") else() status(" Use IPP:" WITH_IPP AND NOT IPP_FOUND THEN "IPP not found" ELSE NO) endif() status(" Use Eigen:" HAVE_EIGEN THEN "YES (ver ${EIGEN_WORLD_VERSION}.${EIGEN_MAJOR_VERSION}.${EIGEN_MINOR_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" Use TBB:" HAVE_TBB THEN "YES (ver ${TBB_VERSION_MAJOR}.${TBB_VERSION_MINOR} interface ${TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" Use OpenMP:" HAVE_OPENMP THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Use GCD" HAVE_GCD THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Use Concurrency" HAVE_CONCURRENCY THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Use C=:" HAVE_CSTRIPES THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Use Cuda:" HAVE_CUDA THEN "YES (ver ${CUDA_VERSION_STRING})" ELSE NO) status(" Use OpenCL:" HAVE_OPENCL THEN YES ELSE NO) if(HAVE_CUDA) status("") status(" NVIDIA CUDA") status(" Use CUFFT:" HAVE_CUFFT THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Use CUBLAS:" HAVE_CUBLAS THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" USE NVCUVID:" HAVE_NVCUVID THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" NVIDIA GPU arch:" ${OPENCV_CUDA_ARCH_BIN}) status(" NVIDIA PTX archs:" ${OPENCV_CUDA_ARCH_PTX}) status(" Use fast math:" CUDA_FAST_MATH THEN YES ELSE NO) endif() if(HAVE_OPENCL) status("") status(" OpenCL") if(OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIR) status(" Include path:" ${OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif() if(OPENCL_LIBRARIES) status(" libraries:" ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES}) endif() status(" Use AMD FFT:" HAVE_CLAMDFFT THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Use AMD BLAS:" HAVE_CLAMDBLAS THEN YES ELSE NO) endif() # ========================== python ========================== status("") status(" Python:") status(" Interpreter:" PYTHON_EXECUTABLE THEN "${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} (ver ${PYTHON_VERSION_FULL})" ELSE NO) if(BUILD_opencv_python) if(PYTHONLIBS_VERSION_STRING) status(" Libraries:" HAVE_opencv_python THEN "${PYTHON_LIBRARIES} (ver ${PYTHONLIBS_VERSION_STRING})" ELSE NO) else() status(" Libraries:" HAVE_opencv_python THEN ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES} ELSE NO) endif() status(" numpy:" PYTHON_USE_NUMPY THEN "${PYTHON_NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR} (ver ${PYTHON_NUMPY_VERSION})" ELSE "NO (Python wrappers can not be generated)") status(" packages path:" PYTHON_EXECUTABLE THEN "${PYTHON_PACKAGES_PATH}" ELSE "-") endif() # ========================== java ========================== status("") status(" Java:") status(" ant:" ANT_EXECUTABLE THEN "${ANT_EXECUTABLE} (ver ${ANT_VERSION})" ELSE NO) if(NOT ANDROID) status(" JNI:" JNI_INCLUDE_DIRS THEN "${JNI_INCLUDE_DIRS}" ELSE NO) endif() status(" Java tests:" BUILD_TESTS AND (CAN_BUILD_ANDROID_PROJECTS OR HAVE_opencv_java) THEN YES ELSE NO) # ========================== documentation ========================== if(BUILD_DOCS) status("") status(" Documentation:") if(HAVE_SPHINX) status(" Build Documentation:" PDFLATEX_COMPILER THEN YES ELSE "YES (only HTML and without math expressions)") else() status(" Build Documentation:" NO) endif() status(" Sphinx:" HAVE_SPHINX THEN "${SPHINX_BUILD} (ver ${SPHINX_VERSION})" ELSE NO) status(" PdfLaTeX compiler:" PDFLATEX_COMPILER THEN "${PDFLATEX_COMPILER}" ELSE NO) endif() # ========================== samples and tests ========================== status("") status(" Tests and samples:") status(" Tests:" BUILD_TESTS AND HAVE_opencv_ts THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" Performance tests:" BUILD_PERF_TESTS AND HAVE_opencv_ts THEN YES ELSE NO) status(" C/C++ Examples:" BUILD_EXAMPLES THEN YES ELSE NO) # ========================== auxiliary ========================== status("") status(" Install path:" "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") status("") status(" cvconfig.h is in:" "${OPENCV_CONFIG_FILE_INCLUDE_DIR}") status("-----------------------------------------------------------------") status("") ocv_finalize_status() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Warn in the case of in-source build # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") message(WARNING "The source directory is the same as binary directory. \"make clean\" may damage the source tree") endif()