LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) # The clang-tidy google-explicit-constructor warning is issued to nearly # 1000 conversion constructors in this project. They are from more than # 500 source files. Most of them should be declared explicit, but many # of them need to be implicit. Until we correctly mark them as explicit # or NOLINT(implicit), we suppress the google-explicit-constructor check. LOCAL_TIDY_CHECKS := -google-explicit-constructor deqp_dir := $(LOCAL_PATH)/ LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := tests LOCAL_MODULE := libdeqp include $(LOCAL_PATH)/AndroidGen.mk LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += \ frameworks/native/opengl/include \ external/libpng \ external/zlib deqp_compile_flags := \ -DDEQP_SUPPORT_GLES1=1 \ -DDE_ANDROID_API=9 \ -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 \ -DDEQP_TARGET_NAME=\"android\" \ -DQP_SUPPORT_PNG=1 \ -Wall \ -Werror \ -Wconversion \ -fwrapv \ -Wno-sign-conversion LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := \ libEGL \ libGLESv2 \ libandroid \ liblog \ libm \ libc \ libz \ libdl LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := \ libpng_ndk \ LOCAL_CFLAGS += \ $(deqp_compile_flags) LOCAL_SDK_VERSION := 26 LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT := c++_static LOCAL_RTTI_FLAG := -frtti -fexceptions LOCAL_MULTILIB := both LOCAL_TIDY_CHECKS := \ -google-build-explicit-make-pair, \ -google-global-names-in-headers, \ -google-runtime-member-string-references, \ -google-runtime-operator, \ include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) # Build the test APKs using their own makefiles # include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH)/android) include $(LOCAL_PATH)/android/package/Android.mk $(LOCAL_PATH)/android/cts/Android.mk