# This is a vpython "spec" file. # # It describes patterns for python wheel dependencies of the python scripts in # the chromium repo, particularly for dependencies that have compiled components # (since pure-python dependencies can be easily vendored into third_party). # # When vpython is invoked, it finds this file and builds a python VirtualEnv, # containing all of the dependencies described in this file, fetching them from # CIPD (the "Chrome Infrastructure Package Deployer" service). Unlike `pip`, # this never requires the end-user machine to have a working python extension # compilation environment. All of these packages are built using: # https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra/+/master/infra/tools/dockerbuild/ # # All python scripts in the repo share this same spec, to avoid dependency # fragmentation. # # If you have depot_tools installed in your $PATH, you can invoke python scripts # in this repo by running them as you normally would run them, except # substituting `vpython` instead of `python` on the command line, e.g.: # vpython path/to/script.py some --arguments # # Read more about `vpython` and how to modify this file here: # https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra/+/master/doc/users/vpython.md python_version: "2.7" # Used by: # build/chromeos/run_vm_test.py # third_party/catapult # # This version must be compatible with the version range specified by # //third_party/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/util/external_modules.py wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/psutil/${vpython_platform}" version: "version:5.2.2" > # Used by: # third_party/catapult # # This version must be compatible with the version range specified by # //third_party/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/util/external_modules.py # # This version must also be compatible with the "numpy" version, as "cv2" # depends on "numpy". In this case, OpenCV@ has been built against # numpy@1.11.3. wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/opencv_python/${vpython_platform}" version: "version:" match_tag: < platform: "win32" > match_tag: < platform: "win_amd64" > match_tag: < abi: "cp27mu" platform: "manylinux1_i686" > match_tag: < abi: "cp27mu" platform: "manylinux1_x86_64" > match_tag: < platform: "macosx_10_6_intel" > > # Used by: # third_party/catapult # chrome/test/vr/perf/latency/run_latency_test.py # # This version must be compatible with the version range specified by # //third_party/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/util/external_modules.py wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/numpy/${vpython_platform}" version: "version:1.11.3" > # Used by: # third_party/catapult wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/pypiwin32/${vpython_platform}" version: "version:219" match_tag: < platform: "win32" > match_tag: < platform: "win_amd64" > > # Used by: # tools/perf/fetch_benchmark_deps.py wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/google_compute_engine-py2_py3" version: "version:2.6.2" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/boto-py2_py3" version: "version:2.48.0" > # Used by: # testing/buildbot/generate_buildbot_json_coveragetest.py wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/coverage/${vpython_platform}" version: "version:4.3.4" > # Used by: # chrome/browser/policy/test/policy_testserver.py wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/protobuf-py2_py3" version: "version:3.2.0" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/six-py2_py3" version: "version:1.10.0" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/pyftpdlib-py2_py3" version: "version:0.7.0" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/simplejson/${vpython_platform}" version: "version:3.13.2" > # Used by: # tools/perf/core/results_dashboard.py wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/httplib2-py2_py3" version: "version:0.10.3" > # Used by: # tools/perf/flakiness_cli wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/pandas/${vpython_platform}" version: "version:0.23.4" match_tag: < platform: "win32" > match_tag: < platform: "win_amd64" > match_tag: < abi: "cp27mu" platform: "manylinux1_i686" > match_tag: < abi: "cp27mu" platform: "manylinux1_x86_64" > match_tag: < platform: "macosx_10_6_intel" > > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/pytz-py2_py3" version: "version:2018.4" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/python-dateutil-py2_py3" version: "version:2.7.3" > # Used by: # chrome/test/vr/perf/latency/run_latency_test.py wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/peakutils-py2_py3" version: "version:1.0.3" match_tag: < abi: "cp27mu" platform: "manylinux1_i686" > match_tag: < abi: "cp27mu" platform: "manylinux1_x86_64" > > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/pyserial-py2_py3" version: "version:3.4" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/scipy/${vpython_platform}" version: "version:0.19.0" match_tag: < abi: "cp27mu" platform: "manylinux1_i686" > match_tag: < abi: "cp27mu" platform: "manylinux1_x86_64" > > # Used by: # content/test/gpu/gpu_tests/color_profile_manager_mac.py # Note: there's a version of this wheel for even older OS versions, # but we don't need it for the GPU tests, and it looks like there are # bugs in the not_match_tag implementation. wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/pyobjc/${vpython_platform}" version: "version:4.1" match_tag: < platform: "macosx_10_10_intel" > > # Used by: # third_party/catapult wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/six-py2_py3" version: "version:1.10.0" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/pbr-py2_py3" version: "version:3.0.0" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/funcsigs-py2_py3" version: "version:1.0.2" > wheel: < name: "infra/python/wheels/mock-py2_py3" version: "version:2.0.0" >