### VisualStudio ### # Tool Runtime Dir **/.dotnet/ **/.packages/ **/.tools/ # User-specific files **/*.suo **/*.user **/*.userosscache **/*.sln.docstates # Build results **/artifacts/ **/.idea/ **/[Dd]ebug/ **/[Dd]ebugPublic/ **/[Rr]elease/ **/[Rr]eleases/ **/bld/ **/[Bb]in/ **/[Oo]bj/ **/msbuild.log **/msbuild.err **/msbuild.wrn **/msbuild.binlog **/.deps/ **/.dirstamp **/.libs/ **/*.lo **/*.o # Cross building rootfs **/cross/rootfs/ **/cross/android-rootfs/ # Visual Studio **/.vs/ # Ionide **/.ionide/ # MSTest test Results **/[Tt]est[Rr]esult*/ **/[Bb]uild[Ll]og.* #NUNIT **/*.VisualState.xml **/TestResult.xml # Build Results of an ATL Project **/[Dd]ebugPS/ **/[Rr]eleasePS/ **/dlldata.c **/*_i.c **/*_p.c **/*.ilk **/*.meta **/*.obj **/*.pch **/*.pdb **/*.pgc **/*.pgd **/*.rsp **/*.sbr **/*.tlb **/*.tli **/*.tlh **/*.tmp **/*.tmp_proj **/*.log **/*.vspscc **/*.vssscc **/.builds **/*.pidb **/*.svclog **/*.scc # Chutzpah Test files **/_Chutzpah* # Visual C++ cache files **/ipch/ **/*.aps **/*.ncb **/*.opendb **/*.opensdf **/*.sdf **/*.cachefile **/*.VC.db # Visual Studio profiler **/*.psess **/*.vsp **/*.vspx # TFS 2012 Local Workspace **/$tf/ # Guidance Automation Toolkit **/*.gpState # ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in **/_ReSharper*/ **/*.[Rr]e[Ss]harper **/*.DotSettings.user # JustCode is a .NET coding addin-in **/.JustCode # TeamCity is a build add-in **/_TeamCity* # DotCover is a Code Coverage Tool **/*.dotCover # NCrunch **/_NCrunch_* **/.*crunch*.local.xml # MightyMoose **/*.mm.* **/AutoTest.Net/ # Web workbench (sass) **/.sass-cache/ # Installshield output folder **/[Ee]xpress/ # DocProject is a documentation generator add-in **/DocProject/buildhelp/ **/DocProject/Help/*.HxT **/DocProject/Help/*.HxC **/DocProject/Help/*.hhc **/DocProject/Help/*.hhk **/DocProject/Help/*.hhp **/DocProject/Help/Html2 **/DocProject/Help/html # Publish Web Output **/*.[Pp]ublish.xml **/*.azurePubxml **/*.pubxml **/*.publishproj # NuGet Packages **/*.nupkg **/*.nuget.g.props **/*.nuget.g.targets **/*.nuget.cache **/**/packages/* **/project.lock.json **/project.assets.json **/*.nuget.dgspec.json # Windows Azure Build Output **/csx/ **/*.build.csdef # Windows Store app package directory **/AppPackages/ # Others **/*.Cache **/ClientBin/ **/[Ss]tyle[Cc]op.* **/~$* **/*.dbmdl **/*.dbproj.schemaview **/*.pfx **/*.publishsettings **/node_modules/ **/*.metaproj **/*.metaproj.tmp **/bin.localpkg/ # RIA/Silverlight projects **/Generated_Code/ # Backup & report files from converting an old project file # to a newer Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed, # because we have git ;-) **/_UpgradeReport_Files/ **/Backup*/ **/UpgradeLog*.XML **/UpgradeLog*.htm # SQL Server files **/*.mdf **/*.ldf # Business Intelligence projects **/*.rdl.data **/*.bim.layout **/*.bim_*.settings # Microsoft Fakes **/FakesAssemblies/ # C/C++ extension for Visual Studio Code **/browse.VC.db # Local settings folder for Visual Studio Code **/**/.vscode/** !**/**/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json ### MonoDevelop ### **/*.pidb **/*.userprefs ### Windows ### # Windows image file caches **/Thumbs.db **/ehthumbs.db # Folder config file **/Desktop.ini # Recycle Bin used on file shares **/$RECYCLE.BIN/ # Windows Installer files **/*.cab **/*.msi **/*.msm **/*.msp # Windows shortcuts **/*.lnk ### Linux ### **/*~ # KDE directory preferences **/.directory ### OSX ### **/.DS_Store **/.AppleDouble **/.LSOverride # Icon must end with two \r **/Icon # Thumbnails **/._* # Files that might appear on external disk **/.Spotlight-V100 **/.Trashes # Directories potentially created on remote AFP share **/.AppleDB **/.AppleDesktop **/Network Trash Folder **/Temporary Items **/.apdisk # vim temporary files **/[._]*.s[a-w][a-z] **/[._]s[a-w][a-z] **/*.un~ **/Session.vim **/.netrwhist **/*~ # Visual Studio Code **/.vscode/ # Private test configuration and binaries. **/config.ps1 **/**/IISApplications # VS debug support files **/launchSettings.json # Snapcraft files **/.snapcraft **/*.snap **/parts/ **/prime/ **/stage/ # CLR prebuilt generated files !**/src/pal/prebuilt/idl/*_i.c # Valid 'debug' folder, that contains CLR debugging code !**/src/debug # Ignore folders created by the CLR test build **/TestWrappers_x64_[d|D]ebug **/TestWrappers_x64_[c|C]hecked **/TestWrappers_x64_[r|R]elease **/TestWrappers_x86_[d|D]ebug **/TestWrappers_x86_[c|C]hecked **/TestWrappers_x86_[r|R]elease **/TestWrappers_arm_[d|D]ebug **/TestWrappers_arm_[c|C]hecked **/TestWrappers_arm_[r|R]elease **/TestWrappers_arm64_[d|D]ebug **/TestWrappers_arm64_[c|C]hecked **/TestWrappers_arm64_[r|R]elease **/tests/src/common/test_runtime/project.json **/Vagrantfile **/.vagrant # CMake files **/CMakeFiles/ **/cmake_install.cmake **/CMakeCache.txt **/Makefile # Cross compilation **/cross/rootfs/* **/cross/android-rootfs/* # add x86 as it is ignored in 'Build results' !**/cross/x86 #python import files **/*.pyc # JIT32 files **/src/jit32 # performance testing sandbox **/sandbox #IL linker for testing **/linker