# Windows Build Configuration for AppVeyor # http://www.appveyor.com/docs/appveyor-yml # # This version starts a separte job for each platform config # in order to get around the AppVeyor limit of 60 mins per job. # build version format version: "{build}" # Free accounts have a max of 1, but ask anyway. max_jobs: 4 os: - Visual Studio 2013 environment: PYTHON_PATH: "C:/Python35" PYTHON_PACKAGE_PATH: "C:/Python35/Scripts" # Cache the external directory to improve build times. # If the appveyor config file changes, invalidate the cache. cache: - external -> .appveyor.yml branches: only: - master before_build: - "SET PATH=C:\\Python35;C:\\Python35\\Scripts;%PATH%" - echo. - echo Starting build for %APPVEYOR_REPO_NAME% - echo Update external sources - if %PLATFORM% == Win32 (if %CONFIGURATION% == Debug (update_external_sources.bat --32 --debug)) - if %PLATFORM% == Win32 (if %CONFIGURATION% == Release (update_external_sources.bat --32 --release)) - if %PLATFORM% == x64 (if %CONFIGURATION% == Debug (update_external_sources.bat --64 --debug)) - if %PLATFORM% == x64 (if %CONFIGURATION% == Release (update_external_sources.bat --64 --release)) # Determine the appropriate CMake generator for the current version of Visual Studio - echo Determining VS version - python .\scripts\determine_vs_version.py > vsversion.tmp - set /p VS_VERSION=< vsversion.tmp - echo Detected Visual Studio Version as %VS_VERSION% - del /Q /F vsversion.tmp - if %PLATFORM% == Win32 (set GENERATOR="Visual Studio %VS_VERSION%") - if %PLATFORM% == x64 (set GENERATOR="Visual Studio %VS_VERSION% Win64") # Generate build files using CMake for the build step. - echo Generating CMake files for %GENERATOR% - cd %TOP_DIR% - mkdir build - cd build - cmake -G %GENERATOR% .. - echo Building platform=%PLATFORM% configuration=%CONFIGURATION% platform: - Win32 - x64 configuration: - Release - Debug build: parallel: true # enable MSBuild parallel builds project: build/VULKAN.sln # path to Visual Studio solution or project verbosity: quiet # quiet|minimal|normal|detailed