1 ## Configuration file for software management
4 ## Boolean values are 0 1 yes no on off true false
11 ## Override the detected architecture
13 ## Valid values: i586, i686, x86_64, ppc, ppc64, ia64, s390, s390x, ..
14 ## Default value: Autodetected
16 ## ** CAUTION: Only set if you know what you're doing !
17 ## ** Changing this needs a full refresh (incl. download)
18 ## ** of all repository data.
24 ## Path where the repo metadata is downloaded and kept.
26 ## Valid values: A directory
27 ## Default value: /var/cache/zypp/raw
29 ## Changing this needs a full refresh (incl. download) of all repository data
31 # metadatadir = /var/cache/zypp/raw
35 ## Path where the known repositories .repo files are kept
37 ## Valid values: A directory
38 ## Default value: /etc/zypp/repos.d
40 ## Changing this invalidates all known repositories
42 # reposdir = /etc/zypp/repos.d
46 ## Path where the processed cache is kept (this is where zypp.db is located)
48 ## Valid values: A directory
49 ## Default value: /var/cache/zypp
51 ## Changing this needs a full refresh (except download) of all repository data
53 # cachedir = /var/cache/zypp
57 ## Whether repository urls should be probed when added
59 ## Valid values: boolean
60 ## Default value: false
62 ## If true, accessability of repositories is checked immediately (when added)
63 ## (e.g. 'zypper ar' will check immediately)
64 ## If false, accessability of repositories is checked when refreshed
65 ## (e.g. 'zypper ar' will delay the check until the next refresh)
67 # repo.add.probe = false
71 ## Amount of time in minutes that must pass before another refresh.
73 ## Valid values: Integer
76 ## If you have autorefresh enabled for a repository, it is checked for
77 ## up-to-date metadata not more often than every <repo.refresh.delay>
78 ## minutes. If an automatic request for refresh comes before <repo.refresh.delay>
79 ## minutes passed since the last check, the request is ignored.
81 ## A value of 0 means the repository will always be checked. To get the oposite
82 ## effect, disable autorefresh for your repositories.
84 ## This option has no effect for repositories with autorefresh disabled, nor for
85 ## user-requested refresh.
87 # repo.refresh.delay = 10
91 ## Whether to consider using a .patch.rpm when downloading a package
93 ## Valid values: boolean
94 ## Default value: true
96 ## Using a patch rpm will decrease the download size for package updates
97 ## since it does not contain all files of the package but only the changed
98 ## ones. The .patch.rpm is ready to be installed immediately after download.
99 ## There is no further processing needed, as it is for a .delta.rpm.
101 # download.use_patchrpm = true
105 ## Whether to consider using a .delta.rpm when downloading a package
107 ## Valid values: boolean
108 ## Default value: true
110 ## Using a delta rpm will decrease the download size for package updates
111 ## since it does not contain all files of the package but only the binary
112 ## diff of changed ones. Recreating the rpm package on the local machine
113 ## is an expensive operation (memory,CPU). If your network connection is
114 ## not too slow, you benefit from disabling .delta.rpm.
116 # download.use_deltarpm = true
120 ## Defining directory for equivalent vendors
122 ## Valid values: A directory
123 ## Default value: /etc/zypp/vondors.d
125 # vendordir = /etc/zypp/vondors.d