Fix changelog
[external/binutils.git] / zlib / as400 /
1       *  ZLIB.INC - Interface to the general purpose compression library
2       *
3       *  ILE RPG400 version by Patrick Monnerat, DATASPHERE.
4       *  Version 1.2.8
5       *
6       *
7       *  WARNING:
8       *     Procedures inflateInit(), inflateInit2(), deflateInit(),
9       *         deflateInit2() and inflateBackInit() need to be called with
10       *         two additional arguments:
11       *         the package version string and the stream control structure.
12       *         size. This is needed because RPG lacks some macro feature.
13       *         Call these procedures as:
14       *             inflateInit(...: ZLIB_VERSION: %size(z_stream))
15       *
16       /if not defined(ZLIB_H_)
17       /define ZLIB_H_
18       *
19       **************************************************************************
20       *                               Constants
21       **************************************************************************
22       *
23       *  Versioning information.
24       *
25      D ZLIB_VERSION    C                   '1.2.8'
26      D ZLIB_VERNUM     C                   X'1280'
27      D ZLIB_VER_MAJOR  C                   1
28      D ZLIB_VER_MINOR  C                   2
30      D                 C                   8
32      D                 C                   0
33       *
34       *  Other equates.
35       *
36      D Z_NO_FLUSH      C                   0
37      D Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH...
38      D                 C                   1
39      D Z_SYNC_FLUSH    C                   2
40      D Z_FULL_FLUSH    C                   3
41      D Z_FINISH        C                   4
42      D Z_BLOCK         C                   5
43      D Z_TREES         C                   6
44       *
45      D Z_OK            C                   0
46      D Z_STREAM_END    C                   1
47      D Z_NEED_DICT     C                   2
48      D Z_ERRNO         C                   -1
49      D Z_STREAM_ERROR  C                   -2
50      D Z_DATA_ERROR    C                   -3
51      D Z_MEM_ERROR     C                   -4
52      D Z_BUF_ERROR     C                   -5
53      DZ_VERSION_ERROR  C                   -6
54       *
56      D                 C                   0
57      D Z_BEST_SPEED    C                   1
59      D                 C                   9
61      D                 C                   -1
62       *
63      D Z_FILTERED      C                   1
64      D Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY  C                   2
65      D Z_RLE           C                   3
67      D                 C                   0
68       *
69      D Z_BINARY        C                   0
70      D Z_ASCII         C                   1
71      D Z_UNKNOWN       C                   2
72       *
73      D Z_DEFLATED      C                   8
74       *
75      D Z_NULL          C                   0
76       *
77       **************************************************************************
78       *                                 Types
79       **************************************************************************
80       *
81      D z_streamp       S               *                                        Stream struct ptr
82      D gzFile          S               *                                        File pointer
83      D z_off_t         S             10i 0                                      Stream offsets
84      D z_off64_t       S             20i 0                                      Stream offsets
85       *
86       **************************************************************************
87       *                               Structures
88       **************************************************************************
89       *
90       *  The GZIP encode/decode stream support structure.
91       *
92      D z_stream        DS                  align based(z_streamp)
93      D  zs_next_in                     *                                        Next input byte
94      D  zs_avail_in                  10U 0                                      Byte cnt at next_in
95      D  zs_total_in                  10U 0                                      Total bytes read
96      D  zs_next_out                    *                                        Output buffer ptr
97      D  zs_avail_out                 10U 0                                      Room left @ next_out
98      D  zs_total_out                 10U 0                                      Total bytes written
99      D  zs_msg                         *                                        Last errmsg or null
100      D  zs_state                       *                                        Internal state
101      D  zs_zalloc                      *   procptr                              Int. state allocator
102      D  zs_free                        *   procptr                              Int. state dealloc.
103      D  zs_opaque                      *                                        Private alloc. data
104      D  zs_data_type                 10i 0                                      ASC/BIN best guess
105      D  zs_adler                     10u 0                                      Uncompr. adler32 val
106      D                               10U 0                                      Reserved
107      D                               10U 0                                      Ptr. alignment
108       *
109       **************************************************************************
110       *                     Utility function prototypes
111       **************************************************************************
112       *
113      D compress        PR            10I 0 extproc('compress')
114      D  dest                      65535    options(*varsize)                    Destination buffer
115      D  destLen                      10U 0                                      Destination length
116      D  source                    65535    const options(*varsize)              Source buffer
117      D  sourceLen                    10u 0 value                                Source length
118       *
119      D compress2       PR            10I 0 extproc('compress2')
120      D  dest                      65535    options(*varsize)                    Destination buffer
121      D  destLen                      10U 0                                      Destination length
122      D  source                    65535    const options(*varsize)              Source buffer
123      D  sourceLen                    10U 0 value                                Source length
124      D  level                        10I 0 value                                Compression level
125       *
126      D compressBound   PR            10U 0 extproc('compressBound')
127      D  sourceLen                    10U 0 value
128       *
129      D uncompress      PR            10I 0 extproc('uncompress')
130      D  dest                      65535    options(*varsize)                    Destination buffer
131      D  destLen                      10U 0                                      Destination length
132      D  source                    65535    const options(*varsize)              Source buffer
133      D  sourceLen                    10U 0 value                                Source length
134       *
135       /if not defined(LARGE_FILES)
136      D gzopen          PR                  extproc('gzopen')
137      D                                     like(gzFile)
138      D  path                           *   value options(*string)               File pathname
139      D  mode                           *   value options(*string)               Open mode
140       /else
141      D gzopen          PR                  extproc('gzopen64')
142      D                                     like(gzFile)
143      D  path                           *   value options(*string)               File pathname
144      D  mode                           *   value options(*string)               Open mode
145       *
146      D gzopen64        PR                  extproc('gzopen64')
147      D                                     like(gzFile)
148      D  path                           *   value options(*string)               File pathname
149      D  mode                           *   value options(*string)               Open mode
150       /endif
151       *
152      D gzdopen         PR                  extproc('gzdopen')
153      D                                     like(gzFile)
154      D  fd                           10I 0 value                                File descriptor
155      D  mode                           *   value options(*string)               Open mode
156       *
157      D gzbuffer        PR            10I 0 extproc('gzbuffer')
158      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
159      D  size                         10U 0 value
160       *
161      D gzsetparams     PR            10I 0 extproc('gzsetparams')
162      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
163      D  level                        10I 0 value
164      D  strategy                     10I 0 value
165       *
166      D gzread          PR            10I 0 extproc('gzread')
167      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
168      D  buf                       65535    options(*varsize)                    Buffer
169      D  len                          10u 0 value                                Buffer length
170       *
171      D gzwrite         PR            10I 0 extproc('gzwrite')
172      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
173      D  buf                       65535    const options(*varsize)              Buffer
174      D  len                          10u 0 value                                Buffer length
175       *
176      D gzputs          PR            10I 0 extproc('gzputs')
177      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
178      D  s                              *   value options(*string)               String to output
179       *
180      D gzgets          PR              *   extproc('gzgets')
181      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
182      D  buf                       65535    options(*varsize)                    Read buffer
183      D  len                          10i 0 value                                Buffer length
184       *
185      D gzputc          PR            10i 0 extproc('gzputc')
186      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
187      D  c                            10I 0 value                                Character to write
188       *
189      D gzgetc          PR            10i 0 extproc('gzgetc')
190      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
191       *
192      D gzgetc_         PR            10i 0 extproc('gzgetc_')
193      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
194       *
195      D gzungetc        PR            10i 0 extproc('gzungetc')
196      D  c                            10I 0 value                                Character to push
197      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
198       *
199      D gzflush         PR            10i 0 extproc('gzflush')
200      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
201      D  flush                        10I 0 value                                Type of flush
202       *
203       /if not defined(LARGE_FILES)
204      D gzseek          PR                  extproc('gzseek')
205      D                                     like(z_off_t)
206      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
207      D  offset                             value like(z_off_t)                  Offset
208      D  whence                       10i 0 value                                Origin
209       /else
210      D gzseek          PR                  extproc('gzseek64')
211      D                                     like(z_off_t)
212      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
213      D  offset                             value like(z_off_t)                  Offset
214      D  whence                       10i 0 value                                Origin
215       *
216      D gzseek64        PR                  extproc('gzseek64')
217      D                                     like(z_off64_t)
218      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
219      D  offset                             value like(z_off64_t)                Offset
220      D  whence                       10i 0 value                                Origin
221       /endif
222       *
223      D gzrewind        PR            10i 0 extproc('gzrewind')
224      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
225       *
226       /if not defined(LARGE_FILES)
227      D gztell          PR                  extproc('gztell')
228      D                                     like(z_off_t)
229      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
230       /else
231      D gztell          PR                  extproc('gztell64')
232      D                                     like(z_off_t)
233      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
234       *
235      D gztell64        PR                  extproc('gztell64')
236      D                                     like(z_off64_t)
237      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
238       /endif
239       *
240       /if not defined(LARGE_FILES)
241      D gzoffset        PR                  extproc('gzoffset')
242      D                                     like(z_off_t)
243      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
244       /else
245      D gzoffset        PR                  extproc('gzoffset64')
246      D                                     like(z_off_t)
247      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
248       *
249      D gzoffset64      PR                  extproc('gzoffset64')
250      D                                     like(z_off64_t)
251      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
252       /endif
253       *
254      D gzeof           PR            10i 0 extproc('gzeof')
255      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
256       *
257      D gzclose_r       PR            10i 0 extproc('gzclose_r')
258      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
259       *
260      D gzclose_w       PR            10i 0 extproc('gzclose_w')
261      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
262       *
263      D gzclose         PR            10i 0 extproc('gzclose')
264      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
265       *
266      D gzerror         PR              *   extproc('gzerror')                   Error string
267      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
268      D  errnum                       10I 0                                      Error code
269       *
270      D gzclearerr      PR                  extproc('gzclearerr')
271      D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
272       *
273       **************************************************************************
274       *                        Basic function prototypes
275       **************************************************************************
276       *
277      D zlibVersion     PR              *   extproc('zlibVersion')               Version string
278       *
279      D deflateInit     PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateInit_')              Init. compression
280      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
281      D  level                        10I 0 value                                Compression level
282      D  version                        *   value options(*string)               Version string
283      D  stream_size                  10i 0 value                                Stream struct. size
284       *
285      D deflate         PR            10I 0 extproc('deflate')                   Compress data
286      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
287      D  flush                        10I 0 value                                Flush type required
288       *
289      D deflateEnd      PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateEnd')                Termin. compression
290      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
291       *
292      D inflateInit     PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateInit_')              Init. expansion
293      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
294      D  version                        *   value options(*string)               Version string
295      D  stream_size                  10i 0 value                                Stream struct. size
296       *
297      D inflate         PR            10I 0 extproc('inflate')                   Expand data
298      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
299      D  flush                        10I 0 value                                Flush type required
300       *
301      D inflateEnd      PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateEnd')                Termin. expansion
302      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
303       *
304       **************************************************************************
305       *                        Advanced function prototypes
306       **************************************************************************
307       *
308      D deflateInit2    PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateInit2_')             Init. compression
309      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
310      D  level                        10I 0 value                                Compression level
311      D  method                       10I 0 value                                Compression method
312      D  windowBits                   10I 0 value                                log2(window size)
313      D  memLevel                     10I 0 value                                Mem/cmpress tradeoff
314      D  strategy                     10I 0 value                                Compression stategy
315      D  version                        *   value options(*string)               Version string
316      D  stream_size                  10i 0 value                                Stream struct. size
317       *
318      D deflateSetDictionary...
319      D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateSetDictionary')      Init. dictionary
320      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
321      D  dictionary                65535    const options(*varsize)              Dictionary bytes
322      D  dictLength                   10U 0 value                                Dictionary length
323       *
324      D deflateCopy     PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateCopy')               Compress strm 2 strm
325      D  dest                               like(z_stream)                       Destination stream
326      D  source                             like(z_stream)                       Source stream
327       *
328      D deflateReset    PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateReset')              End and init. stream
329      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
330       *
331      D deflateParams   PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateParams')             Change level & strat
332      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
333      D  level                        10I 0 value                                Compression level
334      D  strategy                     10I 0 value                                Compression stategy
335       *
336      D deflateBound    PR            10U 0 extproc('deflateBound')              Change level & strat
337      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
338      D  sourcelen                    10U 0 value                                Compression level
339       *
340      D deflatePending  PR            10I 0 extproc('deflatePending')            Change level & strat
341      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
342      D  pending                      10U 0                                      Pending bytes
343      D  bits                         10I 0                                      Pending bits
344       *
345      D deflatePrime    PR            10I 0 extproc('deflatePrime')              Change level & strat
346      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
347      D  bits                         10I 0 value                                # of bits to insert
348      D  value                        10I 0 value                                Bits to insert
349       *
350      D inflateInit2    PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateInit2_')             Init. expansion
351      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
352      D  windowBits                   10I 0 value                                log2(window size)
353      D  version                        *   value options(*string)               Version string
354      D  stream_size                  10i 0 value                                Stream struct. size
355       *
356      D inflateSetDictionary...
357      D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateSetDictionary')      Init. dictionary
358      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
359      D  dictionary                65535    const options(*varsize)              Dictionary bytes
360      D  dictLength                   10U 0 value                                Dictionary length
361       *
362      D inflateGetDictionary...
363      D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateGetDictionary')      Get dictionary
364      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
365      D  dictionary                65535    options(*varsize)                    Dictionary bytes
366      D  dictLength                   10U 0                                      Dictionary length
367       *
368      D inflateSync     PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateSync')               Sync. expansion
369      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
370       *
371      D inflateCopy     PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateCopy')
372      D  dest                               like(z_stream)                       Destination stream
373      D  source                             like(z_stream)                       Source stream
374       *
375      D inflateReset    PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateReset')              End and init. stream
376      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
377       *
378      D inflateReset2   PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateReset2')             End and init. stream
379      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
380      D  windowBits                   10I 0 value                                Log2(buffer size)
381       *
382      D inflatePrime    PR            10I 0 extproc('inflatePrime')              Insert bits
383      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
384      D  bits                         10I 0 value                                Bit count
385      D  value                        10I 0 value                                Bits to insert
386       *
387      D inflateMark     PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateMark')               Get inflate info
388      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
389       *
390      D inflateBackInit...
391      D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateBackInit_')
392      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
393      D  windowBits                   10I 0 value                                Log2(buffer size)
394      D  window                    65535    options(*varsize)                    Buffer
395      D  version                        *   value options(*string)               Version string
396      D  stream_size                  10i 0 value                                Stream struct. size
397       *
398      D inflateBack     PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateBack')
399      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
400      D  in                             *   value procptr                        Input function
401      D  in_desc                        *   value                                Input descriptor
402      D  out                            *   value procptr                        Output function
403      D  out_desc                       *   value                                Output descriptor
404       *
405      D inflateBackEnd  PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateBackEnd')
406      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
407       *
408      D zlibCompileFlags...
409      D                 PR            10U 0 extproc('zlibCompileFlags')
410       *
411       **************************************************************************
412       *                        Checksum function prototypes
413       **************************************************************************
414       *
415      D adler32         PR            10U 0 extproc('adler32')                   New checksum
416      D  adler                        10U 0 value                                Old checksum
417      D  buf                       65535    const options(*varsize)              Bytes to accumulate
418      D  len                          10U 0 value                                Buffer length
419       *
420      D crc32           PR            10U 0 extproc('crc32')                     New checksum
421      D  crc                          10U 0 value                                Old checksum
422      D  buf                       65535    const options(*varsize)              Bytes to accumulate
423      D  len                          10U 0 value                                Buffer length
424       *
425       **************************************************************************
426       *                     Miscellaneous function prototypes
427       **************************************************************************
428       *
429      D zError          PR              *   extproc('zError')                    Error string
430      D  err                          10I 0 value                                Error code
431       *
432      D inflateSyncPoint...
433      D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateSyncPoint')
434      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
435       *
436      D get_crc_table   PR              *   extproc('get_crc_table')             Ptr to ulongs
437       *
438      D inflateUndermine...
439      D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateUndermine')
440      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
441      D  arg                          10I 0 value                                Error code
442       *
443      D inflateResetKeep...
444      D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateResetKeep')          End and init. stream
445      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
446       *
447      D deflateResetKeep...
448      D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateResetKeep')          End and init. stream
449      D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
450       *
451       /endif