1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <node xmlns:tp="http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/DbusSpec#extensions-v0" name="/node">
4 <interface name="org.freedesktop.atspi/Action">
5 <tp:docstring xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
6 <p>An interface through which a user-actionable user interface
7 component can be manipulated. Components which react to mouse or
8 keyboard input from the user, (with the exception of pure text entry
9 fields with no other function), should implement this interface.
10 Typical actions include "click", "press", "release" (for instance for
11 buttons), "menu" (for objects which have context menus invokable from
12 mouse or keyboard), "open" for icons representing files folders, and others.</p>
14 <tp:struct name="Action">
15 <tp:member type="s" tp:name="name">
17 A string containing the description of the specified action.
20 <tp:member type="s" tp:name="description">
22 The description of the specified action. The description of an actionmay provide information about the result of action invocation, unlike the action name.
25 <tp:member type="s" tp:name="keyBinding">
27 A string containing the key binding for the specified action,or an empty string ("") if none exists.
32 <tp:property name="nActions" type="i" access="read">
33 <tp:docstring>The number of actions this object supports</tp:docstring>
36 <method name="getDescription">
38 <p>Get the description for the specified action. The description of an action may provide information about the result of action invocation, unlike the action name.</p>
40 <arg type="i" name="index" direction="in">
41 <tp:docstring>The index of the action</tp:docstring>
43 <arg type="s" direction="out">
44 <tp:docstring>A string containing the description of the specified action</tp:docstring>
48 <method name="getName">
50 <p>Get the name of the specified action. Action names generally describe the user action, i.e. "click" or "press", rather than the result of invoking the action.</p>
52 <arg type="i" name="index" direction="in">
53 <tp:docstring>The index of the action</tp:docstring>
55 <arg type="s" direction="out">
56 <tp:docstring>A string containing the name of the specified action</tp:docstring>
60 <method name="getKeyBinding">
62 <p>Get the key binding associated with a specific action.</p>
64 <arg type="i" name="index" direction="in">
65 <tp:docstring>The index of the action</tp:docstring>
67 <arg type="s" direction="out">
68 <tp:docstring>A string containing the key binding for the specified action, or an empty string ("") if none exists.</tp:docstring>
72 <method name="getActions">
74 Retrieves the actions associated with the object.
76 <arg direction="out" name="index" type="a(sss)" tp:type="Action"/>
78 <method name="doAction">
80 Causes the object to perform the specified action.
82 <arg direction="in" name="index" type="i">
84 The 0-based index of the action to perform.
87 <arg direction="out" type="b" tp:type="boolean">
89 A boolean indicating success or failure.