[Category] native node module for category so wrapping
[platform/framework/web/wrtjs.git] / wrt_feature / category_service / data / stop_words_stemmed.txt
1 a
2 about
3 abov
4 across
5 after
6 afterward
7 again
8 against
9 ain
10 all
11 almost
12 alon
13 along
14 alreadi
15 also
16 although
17 alwai
18 am
19 among
20 amongst
21 amoungst
22 amount
23 an
24 and
25 anoth
26 ani
27 anyhow
28 anyon
29 anyth
30 anywai
31 anywher
32 ar
33 aren
34 arenot
35 arent
36 aren't
37 around
38 as
39 at
40 back
41 be
42 becam
43 becaus
44 becom
45 becom
46 becom
47 been
48 befor
49 beforehand
50 behind
51 be
52 below
53 besid
54 besid
55 between
56 beyond
57 bill
58 both
59 bottom
60 but
61 by
62 call
63 can
64 cannot
65 cant
66 can't
67 co
68 con
69 could
70 couldn
71 couldnot
72 couldnt
73 couldn't
74 cry
75 d
76 de
77 describ
78 detail
79 did
80 didn
81 didnot
82 didnt
83 didn't
84 do
85 doe
86 doesn
87 doesnot
88 doesnt
89 doesn't
90 do
91 don
92 done
93 donot
94 dont
95 don't
96 down
97 due
98 dure
99 each
100 eg
101 eight
102 either
103 eleven
104 els
105 elsewher
106 empti
107 enough
108 etc
109 even
110 ever
111 everi
112 everyon
113 everyth
114 everywher
115 except
116 few
117 fifteen
118 fifi
119 fill
120 find
121 fire
122 first
123 five
124 for
125 former
126 formerli
127 forti
128 found
129 four
130 from
131 front
132 full
133 further
134 get
135 give
136 go
137 had
138 hadn
139 hadnot
140 hadnt
141 hadn't
142 ha
143 hasn
144 hasnot
145 hasnt
146 hasn't
147 have
148 haven
149 havenot
150 havent
151 haven't
152 have
153 he
154 he'd
155 he'll
156 henc
157 her
158 here
159 hereaft
160 herebi
161 herein
162 here'
163 hereupon
164 her
165 herself
166 he'
167 him
168 himself
169 hi
170 how
171 howev
172 how'
173 hundr
174 i
175 i'd
176 ie
177 if
178 i'll
179 im
180 i'm
181 in
182 inc
183 inde
184 interest
185 into
186 is
187 isn
188 isnot
189 isnt
190 isn't
191 it
192 it
193 it'
194 itself
195 iv
196 i'v
197 just
198 keep
199 last
200 latter
201 latterli
202 least
203 less
204 let
205 let'
206 ll
207 ltd
208 m
209 ma
210 made
211 mani
212 mai
213 me
214 meanwhil
215 might
216 mightn
217 mill
218 mine
219 more
220 moreov
221 most
222 mostli
223 move
224 much
225 must
226 mustn
227 mustnot
228 mustnt
229 mustn't
230 my
231 myself
232 name
233 name
234 needn
235 neither
236 never
237 nevertheless
238 next
239 nine
240 no
241 nobodi
242 none
243 noon
244 nor
245 not
246 noth
247 now
248 nowher
249 o
250 of
251 off
252 often
253 on
254 onc
255 on
256 onli
257 onto
258 or
259 other
260 other
261 otherwis
262 ought
263 our
264 our
265 ourselv
266 out
267 over
268 own
269 part
270 per
271 perhap
272 pleas
273 put
274 rather
275 re
276 s
277 same
278 see
279 seem
280 seem
281 seem
282 seem
283 seriou
284 sever
285 shan
286 shant
287 shan't
288 she
289 she'd
290 she'll
291 she'
292 should
293 shouldn
294 shouldnot
295 shouldnt
296 shouldn't
297 show
298 side
299 sinc
300 sincer
301 six
302 sixti
303 so
304 some
305 somehow
306 someon
307 someth
308 sometim
309 sometim
310 somewher
311 still
312 such
313 system
314 t
315 take
316 ten
317 than
318 that
319 that'
320 the
321 their
322 their
323 them
324 themselv
325 then
326 thenc
327 there
328 thereaft
329 therebi
330 therefor
331 therein
332 there'
333 thereupon
334 these
335 thei
336 they'd
337 they'll
338 they'r
339 they'v
340 thickv
341 thin
342 third
343 thi
344 those
345 though
346 three
347 through
348 throughout
349 thru
350 thu
351 to
352 togeth
353 too
354 top
355 toward
356 toward
357 twelv
358 twenti
359 two
360 un
361 under
362 until
363 up
364 upon
365 us
366 ve
367 veri
368 via
369 wa
370 wasn
371 wasnot
372 wasnt
373 wasn't
374 we
375 we'd
376 well
377 we'll
378 were
379 we'r
380 weren
381 werenot
382 werent
383 weren't
384 we'v
385 what
386 whatev
387 what'
388 when
389 whenc
390 whenev
391 when'
392 where
393 whereaft
394 wherea
395 wherebi
396 wherein
397 where'
398 whereupon
399 wherev
400 whether
401 which
402 while
403 whither
404 who
405 whoever
406 whole
407 whom
408 who'
409 whose
410 why
411 why'
412 will
413 with
414 within
415 without
416 won
417 wont
418 won't
419 would
420 wouldn
421 wouldnot
422 wouldnt
423 wouldn't
424 y
425 yet
426 you
427 you'd
428 you'll
429 your
430 you'r
431 your
432 yourself
433 yourselv
434 you'v
435 nbsp
436 amp
437 pdf
438 etc