Remove TV Security group and adjust TV image name & remove crosswalk-thirdparty pkg
[profile/tv/meta-tv.git] / tv.yaml
1 Default:
2     Baseline: tizen-3.0
3     Active: True
4     Mic2Options: -f raw --fstab=uuid --copy-kernel --compress-disk-image=bz2 --generate-bmap
5     Part: tv-mbr
6     Language: en_US.UTF-8
7     Keyboard: us
8     Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
9     RootPass: tizen
10     DefaultUser: owner
11     DefaultUserPass: tizen
12     BootLoader: True
13     BootloaderAppend: "rw vga=current splash rootwait rootfstype=ext4 plymouth.enable=0"
14     BootloaderTimeout: 3
15     BootloaderOptions: '--ptable=gpt --menus="install:Wipe and Install:systemd.unit=system-installer.service:test"'
16     StartX: False
17     Desktop: None
18     SaveRepos: False
19     UserGroups: "audio,video"
21 Boot-Odroidu3:
22     Part: tv-mbr-boot
23     Desktop: None
24     SaveRepos: False
25     UserGroups: "audio,video"
26     Groups:
27         - TV Boot Odroid U3
28     Repos: []
30 3Parts-X11:
31     Part: tv-mbr
32     UserGroups: "audio,video"
33     Groups:
34         - Common Middleware
35         - Generic Adaptation
36         - Generic Applications
37         - Generic Base
38         - Generic Bluetooth
39         - Generic Console Tools
40         - Generic Crosswalk
41         - Generic Multimedia
42         - Generic Packaging
43         - Generic Qt5
44         - Generic X11
45         - TV 3parts Middleware
46         - TV Adaptation
47         - TV Application
48         - TV Base
49         - TV Crosswalk
50         - TV Dali
51         - TV Desktop Applications
52         - TV EFL
53         - TV Enlightenment
54         - TV Input Framework
55         - TV Multimedia
56         - TV Packaging
57         - TV Qt5
58         - TV X11
59     PostScripts:
60         - common-middleware
61         - generic-adaptation
62         - generic-applications
63         - generic-base
64         - generic-console-tools
65         - generic-crosswalk
66         - generic-bluetooth
67         - generic-multimedia
68         - generic-packaging
69         - generic-qt5
70         - generic-x11
71         - tv-adaptation
72         - tv-base
73         - tv-crosswalk
74         - tv-desktop-applications
75         - tv-packaging
76         - tv-qt5
77         - tv-x11
78     Repos: []
79     NoChrootScripts:
80         - buildname
82 3Parts-X11-64:
83     Part: tv-mbr
84     UserGroups: "audio,video"
85     Groups:
86         - Common Middleware
87         - Generic Adaptation
88         - Generic Applications
89         - Generic Base
90         - Generic Bluetooth
91         - Generic Console Tools
92         - Generic Multimedia
93         - Generic Packaging
94         - Generic Qt5
95         - Generic X11
96         - TV 3parts Middleware
97         - TV Application
98         - TV Adaptation
99         - TV Base
100         - TV Dali
101         - TV Desktop Applications
102         - TV EFL
103         - TV Enlightenment
104         - TV Input Framework
105         - TV Multimedia
106         - TV Packaging
107         - TV Qt5
108         - TV X11
109     PostScripts:
110         - common-middleware
111         - generic-adaptation
112         - generic-applications
113         - generic-base
114         - generic-bluetooth
115         - generic-console-tools
116         - generic-multimedia
117         - generic-packaging
118         - generic-qt5
119         - generic-x11
120         - tv-adaptation
121         - tv-base
122         - tv-desktop-applications
123         - tv-packaging
124         - tv-qt5
125         - tv-x11
126     Repos: []
127     NoChrootScripts:
128         - buildname
130 X11:
131     Part: tv-mbr
132     UserGroups: "audio,video"
133     Groups:
134         - Generic Applications
135         - Generic Base
136         - Generic Console Tools
137         - Generic Crosswalk
138         - Generic Multimedia
139         - Generic Packaging
140         - Generic X11
141         - TV Adaptation
142         - TV Application
143         - TV Crosswalk
144         - TV Dali
145         - TV EFL
146         - TV Enlightenment
147         - TV Input Framework
148         - TV Middleware
149         - TV Multimedia
150         - TV X11
151     PostScripts:
152         - generic-applications
153         - generic-base
154         - generic-console-tools
155         - generic-crosswalk
156         - generic-multimedia
157         - generic-packaging
158         - generic-x11
159         - tv-adaptation
160         - tv-crosswalk
161         - tv-x11
162         - tv-mbr-3parts
163         - tv-users
164     Repos: []
165     NoChrootScripts:
166         - buildname