JAVA: Move java code to java/libphonenumber.
[platform/upstream/libphonenumber.git] / tools / java / java-build / pom.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
3     xmlns:xsi="">
4   <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
6   <parent>
7     <artifactId>tools</artifactId>
8     <groupId></groupId>
9     <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
10   </parent>
12   <groupId></groupId>
13   <artifactId>java-build</artifactId>
14   <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
15   <name>Libphonenumber Java and JavaScript build tools</name>
16   <description>
17     Java and JavaScript build tools that generate the Java and JavaScript metadata code needed to
18     build the libphonenumber library. The Java build tools also transform the geocoding data from
19     text to binary format.
20   </description>
22   <properties>
23     <phonenumberutil.resources.dir>
24       ${project.dir}/../../../../java/libphonenumber/src/
25     </phonenumberutil.resources.dir>
26   </properties>
28   <build>
29     <sourceDirectory>src</sourceDirectory>
30     <testSourceDirectory>test</testSourceDirectory>
31     <!-- Include the PhoneNumberUtil metadata files. -->
32     <resources>
33       <resource>
34         <directory>${phonenumberutil.resources.dir}</directory>
35       </resource>
36     </resources>
37     <testResources>
38       <testResource>
39         <directory>${phonenumberutil.resources.dir}</directory>
40       </testResource>
41     </testResources>
42     <plugins>
43       <plugin>
44         <version>2.3.2</version>
45         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
46         <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
47         <configuration>
48           <source>1.5</source>
49           <target>1.5</target>
50         </configuration>
51       </plugin>
52       <!-- Add ../../../java/libphonenumber/src/ to make available to the source
53            directories. -->
54       <plugin>
55         <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
56         <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId>
57         <version>1.5</version>
58         <executions>
59           <execution>
60             <id>add-source</id>
61             <phase>generate-sources</phase>
62             <goals>
63               <goal>add-source</goal>
64             </goals>
65             <configuration>
66               <sources>
67                 <source>../../../java/libphonenumber/src/</source>
68                 <!-- Also add ../common/src/ which contains -->
69                 <source>../common/src/</source>
70               </sources>
71             </configuration>
72           </execution>
73         </executions>
74       </plugin>
75       <!-- Build a JAR that contains the Java and JavaScript build tools. -->
76       <plugin>
77         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
78         <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
79         <version>2.2.1</version>
80         <configuration>
81           <descriptorRefs>
82             <descriptorRef>jar-with-dependencies</descriptorRef>
83           </descriptorRefs>
84           <archive>
85             <manifest>
86               <addClasspath>true</addClasspath>
87               <mainClass></mainClass>
88             </manifest>
89           </archive>
90         </configuration>
91         <executions>
92           <execution>
93             <id>make-assembly</id>
94             <phase>package</phase>
95             <goals>
96               <goal>single</goal>
97             </goals>
98           </execution>
99         </executions>
100       </plugin>
101     </plugins>
102   </build>
104   <dependencies>
105     <dependency>
106       <groupId>junit</groupId>
107       <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
108       <version>4.8.1</version>
109       <scope>test</scope>
110     </dependency>
111   </dependencies>
113 </project>