[M120 Migration][MM] Handle live stream duration and currenttime
[platform/framework/web/chromium-efl.git] / tizen_src / downloadable / BUILD.gn
1 import("//build/config/compiler/compiler.gni")
2 import("//tizen_src/build/config/tizen_features.gni")
4 declare_args() {
5   package_id = "org.tizen.chromium-efl"
6 }
8 action("ewk_api_wrapper_source") {
9   script = "ewk_api_wrapper_generator.py"
10   outputs = [ "$root_gen_dir/ewk_api_wrapper_generated.cc" ]
11   out_cpp =
12       rebase_path("$root_gen_dir/ewk_api_wrapper_generated.cc", root_build_dir)
13   args = [ "--out-cpp=$out_cpp" ]
14 }
16 shared_library("ewk-interface") {
17   output_name = "chromium-ewk"
18   include_dirs = [
19     ".",
20     "//tizen_src/ewk/efl_integration/public",
21   ]
22   defines = [
23     "APP_RO_ROOT_DIR=\"$app_ro_root_dir\"",
24     "LIB_RO_ROOT_DIR=\"$lib_ro_root_dir\"",
25     "CHROMIUM_IMPL_LIB_FILE=\"$chromium_impl_lib_name\"",
26   ]
27   deps = [ ":ewk_api_wrapper_source" ]
28   sources = [
29     "$root_gen_dir/ewk_api_wrapper_generated.cc",
30     "ewk_interface_main.cc",
31   ]
32   libs = [
33     "dlog",
34     "dl",
35   ]
36   ldflags = [ "-Wl,--as-needed",
37               "-Wl,--version-script=" +
38               rebase_path("//tizen_src/ewk/chromium-ewk.filter") ]
39   if (tizen_product_tv) {
40     defines += [
41       "LIB_UPGRADE_ROOT_DIR=\"$lib_upgrade_root_dir\"",
42     ]
43     libs += [ "launchpad", "lwipc", "ttrace", "vconf" ]
44   }
45 }
47 executable("chromium-efl-install") {
48   cflags = [
49     # Treat warning as error for this target.
50     # It needs to be included by means of pattern list because '-Werror' cflag
51     # will be excluded in chromium side (src/build/common.gypi), and GYP
52     # processes pattern lists after exclusion lists.
53     # (ref: https://gyp.gsrc.io/docs/InputFormatReference.md#Processing-Order)
54     "-Werror",
55   ]
56   defines = [
57     "PACKAGE_ID=\"$package_id\"",
58     "APP_RO_ROOT_DIR=\"$app_ro_root_dir\"",
59     "APP_RW_ROOT_DIR=\"$app_rw_root_dir\"",
60     "LIB_RO_ROOT_DIR=\"$lib_ro_root_dir\"",
61   ]
62   if (tizen_product_tv) {
63     defines += [
64       "APP_UPGRADE_ROOT_DIR=\"$app_upgrade_root_dir\"",
65       "LIB_UPGRADE_ROOT_DIR=\"$lib_upgrade_root_dir\"",
66     ]
67   }
68   sources = []
69   include_dirs = []
70   libs = [
71     "dlog",
72     "glib-2.0",
73   ]
74   deps = []
75   if (is_tizen) {
76     configs += [ "//tizen_src/build/config/tizen:executable_config" ]
77     if (symbol_level != 0) {
78       configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_symbols" ]
79       configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:symbols" ]
80     }
81     sources += [ "chromium_efl_install.cc" ]
82   }
83   if (tizen_product_tv) {
84     configs += [ "//tizen_src/build:privileged-service" ]
85     libs += [ "lwipc", "vconf" ]
86   }
87 }