fixup! [Tizen] Initial migration of Common component from xwalk
[platform/framework/web/crosswalk-tizen.git] / tizen / build / common.gypi
1 {
2   'variables': {
3     'build_type%': 'Debug',
4 #    'extension_path%': '<(extension_path)',
5 #    'injected_bundle_path%': '<(injected_bundle_path)',
6   },
7   'target_defaults': {
8     'variables': {
9       'build_type%': '<(build_type)',
10     },
11     'conditions': [
12       ['build_type== "Debug"', {
13         'defines': ['_DEBUG', 'TIZEN_DEBUG_ENABLE', ],
14         'cflags': [ '-O0', '-g', ],
15       }],
16       ['build_type == "Release"', {
17         'defines': ['NDEBUG', ],
18         'cflags': [
19           '-O2',
20           # Don't emit the GCC version ident directives, they just end up
21           # in the .comment section taking up binary size.
22           '-fno-ident',
23           # Put data and code in their own sections, so that unused symbols
24           # can be removed at link time with --gc-sections.
25           '-fdata-sections',
26           '-ffunction-sections',
27         ],
28       }],
29     ],
30     'includes': [
31       'cynara-client.gypi',
32       'pkg-config.gypi',
33 #      'xwalk_js2c.gypi',
34     ],
35     'include_dirs': [
36       '../',
38     ],
39 #    'defines': [
40 #      'EXTENSION_PATH="<(extension_path)"',
41 #      'INJECTED_BUNDLE_PATH="<(injected_bundle_path)"',
42 #    ],
43     'cflags': [
44       '-std=c++0x',
45       '-fPIC',
46       '-fvisibility=hidden',
47       '-Wall',
48     ],
49     'libraries' : [
50       '-L./lib',
51     ],
52   },
53 }