Fix for Geolocation webTCT failures
[platform/framework/web/chromium-efl.git] / third_party / dawn / dawn_wire.json
1 {
2     "_comment": [
3         "Copyright 2019 The Dawn & Tint Authors",
4         "",
5         "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without",
6         "modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:",
7         "",
8         "  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this",
9         "     list of conditions and the following disclaimer.",
10         "",
11         "  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,",
12         "     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation",
13         "     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.",
14         "",
15         "  3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its",
16         "     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from",
17         "     this software without specific prior written permission.",
18         "  ",
29     ],
31     "_doc": "See docs/dawn/",
33     "commands": {
34         "buffer map async": [
35             { "name": "buffer id", "type": "ObjectId", "id_type": "buffer" },
36             { "name": "future", "type": "future" },
37             { "name": "mode", "type": "map mode" },
38             { "name": "offset", "type": "uint64_t"},
39             { "name": "size", "type": "uint64_t"}
40         ],
41         "buffer update mapped data": [
42             { "name": "buffer id", "type": "ObjectId", "id_type": "buffer" },
43             { "name": "write data update info length", "type": "uint64_t" },
44             { "name": "write data update info", "type": "uint8_t", "annotation": "const*", "length": "write data update info length", "skip_serialize": true},
45             { "name": "offset", "type": "uint64_t"},
46             { "name": "size", "type": "uint64_t"}
47         ],
48         "device create buffer": [
49             { "name": "device id", "type": "ObjectId", "id_type": "device" },
50             { "name": "descriptor", "type": "buffer descriptor", "annotation": "const*" },
51             { "name": "result", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "buffer" },
52             { "name": "read handle create info length", "type": "uint64_t" },
53             { "name": "read handle create info", "type": "uint8_t", "annotation": "const*", "length": "read handle create info length", "skip_serialize": true},
54             { "name": "write handle create info length", "type": "uint64_t" },
55             { "name": "write handle create info", "type": "uint8_t", "annotation": "const*", "length": "write handle create info length", "skip_serialize": true}
56         ],
57         "device create compute pipeline async": [
58             { "name": "device id", "type": "ObjectId", "id_type": "device"},
59             { "name": "request serial", "type": "uint64_t" },
60             { "name": "pipeline object handle", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "compute pipeline"},
61             { "name": "descriptor", "type": "compute pipeline descriptor", "annotation": "const*"}
62         ],
63         "device create render pipeline async": [
64             { "name": "device id", "type": "ObjectId", "id_type": "device" },
65             { "name": "request serial", "type": "uint64_t" },
66             { "name": "pipeline object handle", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "render pipeline"},
67             { "name": "descriptor", "type": "render pipeline descriptor", "annotation": "const*"}
68         ],
69         "device pop error scope": [
70             { "name": "device id", "type": "ObjectId", "id_type": "device" },
71             { "name": "request serial", "type": "uint64_t" }
72         ],
73         "destroy object": [
74             { "name": "object type", "type": "ObjectType" },
75             { "name": "object id", "type": "ObjectId" }
76         ],
77         "queue on submitted work done": [
78             { "name": "queue id", "type": "ObjectId", "id_type": "queue" },
79             { "name": "future", "type": "future" }
80         ],
81         "queue write buffer": [
82             {"name": "queue id", "type": "ObjectId", "id_type": "queue" },
83             {"name": "buffer id", "type": "ObjectId", "id_type": "buffer" },
84             {"name": "buffer offset", "type": "uint64_t"},
85             {"name": "data", "type": "uint8_t", "annotation": "const*", "length": "size", "wire_is_data_only": true},
86             {"name": "size", "type": "uint64_t"}
87         ],
88         "queue write texture": [
89             {"name": "queue id", "type": "ObjectId", "id_type": "queue" },
90             {"name": "destination", "type": "image copy texture", "annotation": "const*"},
91             {"name": "data", "type": "uint8_t", "annotation": "const*", "length": "data size", "wire_is_data_only": true},
92             {"name": "data size", "type": "uint64_t"},
93             {"name": "data layout", "type": "texture data layout", "annotation": "const*"},
94             {"name": "writeSize", "type": "extent 3D", "annotation": "const*"}
95         ],
96         "shader module get compilation info": [
97             { "name": "shader module id", "type": "ObjectId", "id_type": "shader module" },
98             { "name": "request serial", "type": "uint64_t" }
99         ],
100         "instance request adapter": [
101             { "name": "instance id", "type": "ObjectId", "id_type": "instance" },
102             { "name": "request serial", "type": "uint64_t" },
103             { "name": "adapter object handle", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "adapter"},
104             { "name": "options", "type": "request adapter options", "annotation": "const*", "optional": true }
105         ],
106         "adapter request device": [
107             { "name": "adapter id", "type": "ObjectId", "id_type": "adapter" },
108             { "name": "request serial", "type": "uint64_t" },
109             { "name": "device object handle", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "device"},
110             { "name": "descriptor", "type": "device descriptor", "annotation": "const*" }
111         ]
112     },
113     "return commands": {
114         "buffer map async callback": [
115             { "name": "buffer", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "buffer" },
116             { "name": "future", "type": "future" },
117             { "name": "status", "type": "uint32_t" },
118             { "name": "read data update info length", "type": "uint64_t" },
119             { "name": "read data update info", "type": "uint8_t", "annotation": "const*", "length": "read data update info length", "skip_serialize": true }
120         ],
121         "device create compute pipeline async callback": [
122             { "name": "device", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "device" },
123             { "name": "request serial", "type": "uint64_t" },
124             { "name": "status", "type": "create pipeline async status" },
125             { "name": "message", "type": "char", "annotation": "const*", "length": "strlen" }
126         ],
127         "device create render pipeline async callback": [
128             { "name": "device", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "device" },
129             { "name": "request serial", "type": "uint64_t" },
130             { "name": "status", "type": "create pipeline async status" },
131             { "name": "message", "type": "char", "annotation": "const*", "length": "strlen" }
132         ],
133         "device uncaptured error callback": [
134             { "name": "device", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "device" },
135             { "name": "type", "type": "error type"},
136             { "name": "message", "type": "char", "annotation": "const*", "length": "strlen" }
137         ],
138         "device logging callback": [
139             { "name": "device", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "device" },
140             { "name": "type", "type": "logging type"},
141             { "name": "message", "type": "char", "annotation": "const*", "length": "strlen" }
142         ],
143         "device lost callback" : [
144             { "name": "device", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "device" },
145             { "name": "reason", "type": "device lost reason" },
146             { "name": "message", "type": "char", "annotation": "const*", "length": "strlen" }
147         ],
148         "device pop error scope callback": [
149             { "name": "device", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "device" },
150             { "name": "request serial", "type": "uint64_t" },
151             { "name": "type", "type": "error type" },
152             { "name": "message", "type": "char", "annotation": "const*", "length": "strlen" }
153         ],
154         "queue work done callback": [
155             { "name": "queue", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "queue" },
156             { "name": "future", "type": "future" },
157             { "name": "status", "type": "queue work done status" }
158         ],
159         "shader module get compilation info callback": [
160             { "name": "shader module", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "shader module" },
161             { "name": "request serial", "type": "uint64_t" },
162             { "name": "status", "type": "compilation info request status" },
163             { "name": "info", "type": "compilation info", "annotation": "const*", "optional": true }
164         ],
165         "instance request adapter callback": [
166             { "name": "instance", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "instance" },
167             { "name": "request serial", "type": "uint64_t" },
168             { "name": "status", "type": "request adapter status" },
169             { "name": "message", "type": "char", "annotation": "const*", "length": "strlen", "optional": true },
170             { "name": "properties", "type": "adapter properties", "annotation": "const*", "optional": "true" },
171             { "name": "limits", "type": "supported limits", "annotation": "const*", "optional": "true" },
172             { "name": "features count", "type": "uint32_t"},
173             { "name": "features", "type": "feature name", "annotation": "const*", "length": "features count"}
174         ],
175         "adapter request device callback": [
176             { "name": "adapter", "type": "ObjectHandle", "handle_type": "adapter" },
177             { "name": "request serial", "type": "uint64_t" },
178             { "name": "status", "type": "request device status" },
179             { "name": "message", "type": "char", "annotation": "const*", "length": "strlen", "optional": true },
180             { "name": "limits", "type": "supported limits", "annotation": "const*", "optional": "true" },
181             { "name": "features count", "type": "uint32_t"},
182             { "name": "features", "type": "feature name", "annotation": "const*", "length": "features count"}
183         ]
184     },
185     "special items": {
186         "client_side_structures": [
187             "FutureWaitInfo",
188             "SurfaceDescriptorFromMetalLayer",
189             "SurfaceDescriptorFromWindowsHWND",
190             "SurfaceDescriptorFromXlibWindow",
191             "SurfaceDescriptorFromWindowsCoreWindow",
192             "SurfaceDescriptorFromWindowsSwapChainPanel",
193             "SurfaceDescriptorFromAndroidNativeWindow"
194         ],
195         "client_side_commands": [
196             "AdapterCreateDevice",
197             "AdapterGetProperties",
198             "AdapterGetLimits",
199             "AdapterHasFeature",
200             "AdapterEnumerateFeatures",
201             "AdapterRequestDevice",
202             "BufferMapAsync",
203             "BufferMapAsyncF",
204             "BufferGetConstMappedRange",
205             "BufferGetMappedRange",
206             "BufferGetMapState",
207             "BufferGetSize",
208             "BufferGetUsage",
209             "DeviceCreateBuffer",
210             "DeviceCreateComputePipelineAsync",
211             "DeviceCreateRenderPipelineAsync",
212             "DeviceGetLimits",
213             "DeviceHasFeature",
214             "DeviceEnumerateFeatures",
215             "DevicePopErrorScope",
216             "DeviceSetDeviceLostCallback",
217             "DeviceSetUncapturedErrorCallback",
218             "DeviceSetLoggingCallback",
219             "InstanceRequestAdapter",
220             "ShaderModuleGetCompilationInfo",
221             "QuerySetGetType",
222             "QuerySetGetCount",
223             "QueueOnSubmittedWorkDone",
224             "QueueOnSubmittedWorkDoneF",
225             "QueueWriteBuffer",
226             "QueueWriteTexture",
227             "TextureGetWidth",
228             "TextureGetHeight",
229             "TextureGetDepthOrArrayLayers",
230             "TextureGetMipLevelCount",
231             "TextureGetSampleCount",
232             "TextureGetDimension",
233             "TextureGetFormat",
234             "TextureGetUsage"
235         ],
236         "client_handwritten_commands": [
237             "AdapterGetInstance",
238             "BufferDestroy",
239             "BufferUnmap",
240             "DeviceGetAdapter",
241             "DeviceGetQueue",
242             "DeviceGetSupportedSurfaceUsage",
243             "DeviceInjectError",
244             "InstanceProcessEvents",
245             "InstanceWaitAny",
246             "SwapChainGetCurrentTexture"
247         ],
248         "client_special_objects": [
249             "Adapter",
250             "Buffer",
251             "Device",
252             "Instance",
253             "QuerySet",
254             "Queue",
255             "ShaderModule",
256             "SwapChain",
257             "Texture"
258         ],
259         "server_custom_pre_handler_commands": [
260             "BufferDestroy",
261             "BufferUnmap"
262         ],
263         "server_handwritten_commands": [
264             "QueueSignal"
265         ],
266         "server_reverse_lookup_objects": [
267         ]
268     }
269 }