Rename QDeclarative symbols to QQuick and QQml
[profile/ivi/qtdeclarative.git] / tests / auto / quick / qquickpathview / data / displaypath.qml
1 import QtQuick 2.0
3 Rectangle {
4     width: 240
5     height: 320
6     color: "#ffffff"
7     resources: [
8         Component {
9             id: delegate
10             Rectangle {
11                 id: wrapper
12                 objectName: "wrapper"
13                 height: 20
14                 width: 60
15                 color: "white"
16                 border.color: "black"
17                 Text {
18                     text: index
19                 }
20                 Text {
21                     x: 20
22                     id: displayText
23                     objectName: "displayText"
24                     text: display
25                 }
26             }
27         }
28     ]
29     PathView {
30         id: view
31         objectName: "view"
32         width: 240
33         height: 320
34         model: testModel
35         delegate: delegate
36         path: Path {
37             startY: 120
38             startX: 160
39             PathQuad {
40                 y: 120
41                 x: 80
42                 controlY: 330
43                 controlX: 100
44             }
45             PathLine {
46                 y: 160
47                 x: 20
48             }
49             PathCubic {
50                 y: 120
51                 x: 160
52                 control1Y: 0
53                 control1X: 100
54                 control2Y: 000
55                 control2X: 200
56             }
57         }
58     }
59 }