Merge remote-tracking branch 'base/master' into refactor
[profile/ivi/qtbase.git] / sync.profile
1 %modules = ( # path to module name map
2     "QtGui" => "$basedir/src/gui",
3     "QtWidgets" => "$basedir/src/widgets",
4     "QtOpenGL" => "$basedir/src/opengl",
5     "QtCore" => "$basedir/src/corelib",
6     "QtXml" => "$basedir/src/xml",
7     "QtSql" => "$basedir/src/sql",
8     "QtNetwork" => "$basedir/src/network",
9     "QtTest" => "$basedir/src/testlib",
10     "QtDBus" => "$basedir/src/dbus",
11     "QtUiTools" => "$basedir/src/uitools",
12     "QtDesigner" => "$basedir/tools/uilib",
13     "QtPlatformSupport" => "$basedir/src/platformsupport",
14 );
15 %moduleheaders = ( # restrict the module headers to those found in relative path
16 );
17 %classnames = (
18     "qglobal.h" => "QtGlobal",
19     "qendian.h" => "QtEndian",
20     "qconfig.h" => "QtConfig",
21     "qplugin.h" => "QtPlugin",
22     "qalgorithms.h" => "QtAlgorithms",
23     "qcontainerfwd.h" => "QtContainerFwd",
24     "qdebug.h" => "QtDebug",
25     "qevent.h" => "QtEvents",
26     "qnamespace.h" => "Qt",
27     "qssl.h" => "QSsl",
28     "qtest.h" => "QTest",
29     "qtconcurrentmap.h" => "QtConcurrentMap",
30     "qtconcurrentfilter.h" => "QtConcurrentFilter",
31     "qtconcurrentrun.h" => "QtConcurrentRun",
32     "qtcoreversion.h" => "QtCoreVersion",
33     "qtdbusversion.h" => "QtDBusVersion",
34     "qtguiversion.h" => "QtGuiVersion",
35     "qtnetworkversion.h" => "QtNetworkVersion",
36     "qtopenglversion.h" => "QtOpenGLVersion",
37     "qtopenvgversion.h" => "QtOpenVGVersion",
38     "qtsqlversion.h" => "QtSqlVersion",
39     "qttestversion.h" => "QtTestVersion",
40     "qtxmlversion.h" => "QtXmlVersion",
41 );
42 %mastercontent = (
43     "core" => "#include <QtCore/QtCore>\n",
44     "gui" => "#include <QtGui/QtGui>\n",
45     "widgets" => "#include <QtWidgets/QtWidgets>\n",
46     "network" => "#include <QtNetwork/QtNetwork>\n",
47     "opengl" => "#include <QtOpenGL/QtOpenGL>\n",
48     "xml" => "#include <QtXml/QtXml>\n",
49     "uitools" => "#include <QtUiTools/QtUiTools>\n",
50     "designer" => "#include <QtDesigner/QtDesigner>\n",
51 );
52 %modulepris = (
53     "QtCore" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_core.pri",
54     "QtDBus" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_dbus.pri",
55     "QtGui" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_gui.pri",
56     "QtWidgets" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_widgets.pri",
57     "QtNetwork" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_network.pri",
58     "QtOpenGL" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_opengl.pri",
59     "QtSql" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_sql.pri",
60     "QtTest" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_testlib.pri",
61     "QtXml" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_xml.pri",
62     "QtUiTools" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_uitools.pri",
63     "QtDesigner" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_uilib.pri",
64     "QtPlatformSupport" => "$basedir/src/modules/qt_platformsupport.pri",
65 );
67 @ignore_for_master_contents = ( "qt.h", "qpaintdevicedefs.h" );
68 @ignore_for_include_check = ( "qatomic.h" );
69 @ignore_for_qt_begin_header_check = ( "qiconset.h", "qconfig.h", "qconfig-dist.h", "qconfig-large.h", "qconfig-medium.h", "qconfig-minimal.h", "qconfig-small.h", "qfeatures.h", "qt_windows.h" );
70 @ignore_for_qt_begin_namespace_check = ( "qconfig.h", "qconfig-dist.h", "qconfig-large.h", "qconfig-medium.h", "qconfig-minimal.h", "qconfig-small.h", "qfeatures.h", "qatomic_arch.h", "qatomic_windowsce.h", "qt_windows.h", "qatomic_macosx.h" );
71 @ignore_for_qt_module_check = ( "$modules{QtCore}/arch", "$modules{QtCore}/global", "$modules{QtTest}", "$modules{QtDBus}" );
72 # Modules and programs, and their dependencies.
73 # Each of the module version specifiers can take one of the following values:
74 #   - A specific Git revision.
75 #   - "LATEST_REVISION", to always test against the latest revision.
76 #   - "LATEST_RELEASE", to always test against the latest public release.
77 #   - "THIS_REPOSITORY", to indicate that the module is in this repository.
78 %dependencies = (
79     "QtCore" => {
80     },
81     "QtOpenGL" => {
82         "QtCore" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
83         "QtGui" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
84         "QtWidgets" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
85     },
86     "QtXml" => {
87         "QtCore" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
88     },
89     "QtNetwork" => {
90         "QtCore" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
91     },
92     "QtTest" => {
93         "QtCore" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
94     },
95     "QtDBus" => {
96         "QtCore" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
97         "QtXml" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
98     },
99     "QtSql" => {
100         "QtCore" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
101     },
102     "QtGui" => {
103         "QtCore" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
104     },
105     "QtWidgets" => {
106         "QtCore" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
107         "QtGui" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
108     },
109     "QtUiTools" => {
110         "QtCore" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
111         "QtGui" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
112         "QtWidgets" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
113     },
114     "QtPlatformSupport" => {
115         "QtCore" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
116         "QtGui" => "THIS_REPOSITORY",
117     },
118 );