Stop using DisplayLocks for every MakeCurrent context call.
[platform/core/csapi/opentk.git] / stylecop.json
1 {
2     "$schema" : "",
3     "settings" : {
4         "indentation" : {
5             "indentationSize" : 4,
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7             "useTabs" : false
8         },
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10         },
11         "readabilityRules" : {
12         },
13         "orderingRules" : {
14             "elementOrder" : [
15                 "kind",
16                 "constant",
17                 "accessibility",
18                 "static",
19                 "readonly"
20             ],
21             "systemUsingDirectivesFirst" : true,
22             "usingDirectivesPlacement" : "outsideNamespace",
23             "blankLinesBetweenUsingGroups" : "allow"
24         },
25         "namingRules" : {
26             "allowCommonHungarianPrefixes" : true,
27             "allowedHungarianPrefixes" : []
28         },
29         "maintainabilityRules" : {
30             "topLevelTypes" : [
31                 "class",
32                 "interface",
33                 "struct",
34                 "enum"
35             ]
36         },
37         "layoutRules" : {
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39             "allowConsecutiveUsings" : false
40         },
41         "documentationRules" : {
42             "companyName" : "OpenTK",
43             "copyrightText" : "Copyright (c) {companyName}. All Rights Reserved.\r\nLicensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
44             "xmlHeader" : false,
45             "documentInterfaces" : true,
46             "documentExposedElements" : true,
47             "documentInternalElements" : true,
48             "documentPrivateElements" : false,
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50             "documentationCulture" : "en-US",
51             "fileNamingConvention" : "stylecop"
52         }
53     }
54 }