[platform/framework/web/crosswalk.git] / src / xwalk / application / tools / tizen / xwalk_tizen_tools.gyp
1 {
2   'targets': [
3     {
4       'target_name': 'xwalkctl',
5       'type': 'executable',
6       'product_name': 'xwalkctl',
7       'dependencies': [
8         '../../../application/common/xwalk_application_common.gypi:xwalk_application_common_lib',
9         '../../../build/system.gyp:gio',
10         '../../../../build/linux/system.gyp:dbus',
11         '../../../../dbus/dbus.gyp:dbus',
12         '../../../build/system.gyp:tizen',
13       ],
14       'include_dirs': [
15         '../../../..',
16       ],
17       'sources': [
18         'xwalkctl_main.cc',
19         'xwalk_package_installer.cc',
20         'xwalk_package_installer.h',
21         'xwalk_packageinfo_constants.cc',
22         'xwalk_packageinfo_constants.h',
23         'xwalk_tizen_user.cc',
24         'xwalk_tizen_user.h',
25         # TODO(t.iwanek) fix me - this duplicates compilation of those files
26         '../../../runtime/common/xwalk_paths.cc',
27         '../../../runtime/common/xwalk_paths.h',
28         '../../../runtime/common/xwalk_system_locale.cc',
29         '../../../runtime/common/xwalk_system_locale.h',
30       ],
31     },  
32     {
33       'target_name': 'xwalk-pkg-helper',
34       'type': 'executable',
35       'product_name': 'xwalk-pkg-helper',
36       'dependencies': [
37         '../../../build/system.gyp:tizen',
38         '../../../build/system.gyp:gio',
39         '../../../../base/base.gyp:base',
40         '../../common/xwalk_application_common.gypi:xwalk_application_common_lib',
41       ],
42       'include_dirs': [
43         '../../../..',
44       ],
45       'cflags': [
46         '<!@(pkg-config --cflags libtzplatform-config)',
47       ],
48       'link_settings': {
49         'libraries': [
50           '<!@(pkg-config --libs libtzplatform-config)',
51         ],
52       },
53       'sources': [
54         'xwalk_package_helper.cc',
55         'xwalk_package_installer_helper.cc',
56         'xwalk_package_installer_helper.h',
57       ],
58     },
59     {
60       'target_name': 'xwalk-backendlib',
61       'type': 'shared_library',
62       'product_name': 'xwalk-backendlib',
63       'dependencies': [
64         '../../../build/system.gyp:tizen',
65         '../../../../base/base.gyp:base',
66         '../../common/xwalk_application_common.gypi:xwalk_application_common_lib',
67       ],
68       'include_dirs': [
69         '../../../..',
70       ],
71       'sources': [
72         'xwalk_backendlib.cc',
73         'xwalk_backend_plugin.cc',
74         'xwalk_backend_plugin.h',
75         # TODO(t.iwanek) fix me - this duplicates compilation of those files
76         '../../../runtime/common/xwalk_paths.cc',
77         '../../../runtime/common/xwalk_paths.h',
78         '../../../runtime/common/xwalk_system_locale.cc',
79         '../../../runtime/common/xwalk_system_locale.h',
80       ],
81     },
82   ],
83 }