1 // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include "src/heap/heap.h"
9 #include "src/objects.h"
15 enum ContextLookupFlags {
24 // ES5 10.2 defines lexical environments with mutable and immutable bindings.
25 // Immutable bindings have two states, initialized and uninitialized, and
26 // their state is changed by the InitializeImmutableBinding method. The
27 // BindingFlags enum represents information if a binding has definitely been
28 // initialized. A mutable binding does not need to be checked and thus has
29 // the BindingFlag MUTABLE_IS_INITIALIZED.
31 // There are two possibilities for immutable bindings
32 // * 'const' declared variables. They are initialized when evaluating the
33 // corresponding declaration statement. They need to be checked for being
34 // initialized and thus get the flag IMMUTABLE_CHECK_INITIALIZED.
35 // * The function name of a named function literal. The binding is immediately
36 // initialized when entering the function and thus does not need to be
37 // checked. it gets the BindingFlag IMMUTABLE_IS_INITIALIZED.
38 // Accessing an uninitialized binding produces the undefined value.
40 // The harmony proposal for block scoped bindings also introduces the
41 // uninitialized state for mutable bindings.
42 // * A 'let' declared variable. They are initialized when evaluating the
43 // corresponding declaration statement. They need to be checked for being
44 // initialized and thus get the flag MUTABLE_CHECK_INITIALIZED.
45 // * A 'var' declared variable. It is initialized immediately upon creation
46 // and thus doesn't need to be checked. It gets the flag
48 // * Catch bound variables, function parameters and variables introduced by
49 // function declarations are initialized immediately and do not need to be
50 // checked. Thus they get the flag MUTABLE_IS_INITIALIZED.
51 // Immutable bindings in harmony mode get the _HARMONY flag variants. Accessing
52 // an uninitialized binding produces a reference error.
54 // In V8 uninitialized bindings are set to the hole value upon creation and set
55 // to a different value upon initialization.
67 // Heap-allocated activation contexts.
69 // Contexts are implemented as FixedArray objects; the Context
70 // class is a convenience interface casted on a FixedArray object.
72 // Note: Context must have no virtual functions and Context objects
73 // must always be allocated via Heap::AllocateContext() or
74 // Factory::NewContext.
77 V(GLOBAL_PROXY_INDEX, JSObject, global_proxy_object) \
78 V(SECURITY_TOKEN_INDEX, Object, security_token) \
79 V(BOOLEAN_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, boolean_function) \
80 V(NUMBER_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, number_function) \
81 V(STRING_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, string_function) \
82 V(STRING_FUNCTION_PROTOTYPE_MAP_INDEX, Map, string_function_prototype_map) \
83 V(SYMBOL_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, symbol_function) \
84 V(FLOAT32X4_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, float32x4_function) \
85 V(INT32X4_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, int32x4_function) \
86 V(BOOL32X4_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, bool32x4_function) \
87 V(INT16X8_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, int16x8_function) \
88 V(BOOL16X8_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, bool16x8_function) \
89 V(INT8X16_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, int8x16_function) \
90 V(BOOL8X16_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, bool8x16_function) \
91 V(OBJECT_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, object_function) \
92 V(JS_OBJECT_STRONG_MAP_INDEX, Map, js_object_strong_map) \
93 V(INTERNAL_ARRAY_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, internal_array_function) \
94 V(ARRAY_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, array_function) \
95 V(JS_ARRAY_MAPS_INDEX, Object, js_array_maps) \
96 V(JS_ARRAY_STRONG_MAPS_INDEX, Object, js_array_strong_maps) \
97 V(REGEXP_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, regexp_function) \
98 V(INITIAL_OBJECT_PROTOTYPE_INDEX, JSObject, initial_object_prototype) \
99 V(INITIAL_ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_INDEX, JSObject, initial_array_prototype) \
100 V(EMBEDDER_DATA_INDEX, FixedArray, embedder_data) \
101 V(CREATE_DATE_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, create_date_fun) \
102 V(TO_NUMBER_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, to_number_fun) \
103 V(TO_STRING_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, to_string_fun) \
104 V(TO_DETAIL_STRING_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, to_detail_string_fun) \
106 no_side_effect_to_string_fun) \
107 V(TO_INTEGER_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, to_integer_fun) \
108 V(TO_LENGTH_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, to_length_fun) \
109 V(GLOBAL_EVAL_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, global_eval_fun) \
110 V(ARRAY_BUFFER_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, array_buffer_fun) \
111 V(SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, shared_array_buffer_fun) \
112 V(ARRAY_BUFFER_MAP_INDEX, Map, array_buffer_map) \
113 V(UINT8_ARRAY_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, uint8_array_fun) \
114 V(INT8_ARRAY_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, int8_array_fun) \
115 V(UINT16_ARRAY_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, uint16_array_fun) \
116 V(INT16_ARRAY_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, int16_array_fun) \
117 V(UINT32_ARRAY_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, uint32_array_fun) \
118 V(INT32_ARRAY_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, int32_array_fun) \
119 V(FLOAT32_ARRAY_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, float32_array_fun) \
120 V(FLOAT64_ARRAY_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, float64_array_fun) \
121 V(UINT8_CLAMPED_ARRAY_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, uint8_clamped_array_fun) \
122 V(DATA_VIEW_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, data_view_fun) \
123 V(SLOPPY_FUNCTION_MAP_INDEX, Map, sloppy_function_map) \
125 sloppy_function_with_readonly_prototype_map) \
126 V(STRICT_FUNCTION_MAP_INDEX, Map, strict_function_map) \
127 V(STRONG_FUNCTION_MAP_INDEX, Map, strong_function_map) \
129 sloppy_function_without_prototype_map) \
131 strict_function_without_prototype_map) \
132 V(STRONG_CONSTRUCTOR_MAP_INDEX, Map, strong_constructor_map) \
133 V(BOUND_FUNCTION_MAP_INDEX, Map, bound_function_map) \
134 V(REGEXP_RESULT_MAP_INDEX, Map, regexp_result_map) \
135 V(SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_MAP_INDEX, Map, sloppy_arguments_map) \
136 V(FAST_ALIASED_ARGUMENTS_MAP_INDEX, Map, fast_aliased_arguments_map) \
137 V(SLOW_ALIASED_ARGUMENTS_MAP_INDEX, Map, slow_aliased_arguments_map) \
138 V(STRICT_ARGUMENTS_MAP_INDEX, Map, strict_arguments_map) \
139 V(MESSAGE_LISTENERS_INDEX, JSObject, message_listeners) \
140 V(GET_STACK_TRACE_LINE_INDEX, JSFunction, get_stack_trace_line_fun) \
141 V(FUNCTION_CACHE_INDEX, ObjectHashTable, function_cache) \
142 V(NORMALIZED_MAP_CACHE_INDEX, Object, normalized_map_cache) \
143 V(RUNTIME_CONTEXT_INDEX, Context, runtime_context) \
144 V(CALL_AS_FUNCTION_DELEGATE_INDEX, JSFunction, call_as_function_delegate) \
146 call_as_constructor_delegate) \
147 V(SCRIPT_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, script_function) \
148 V(OPAQUE_REFERENCE_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, opaque_reference_function) \
149 V(CONTEXT_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, context_extension_function) \
150 V(MAP_CACHE_INDEX, Object, map_cache) \
151 V(STRONG_MAP_CACHE_INDEX, Object, strong_map_cache) \
152 V(ALLOW_CODE_GEN_FROM_STRINGS_INDEX, Object, allow_code_gen_from_strings) \
154 error_message_for_code_gen_from_strings) \
155 V(ERROR_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, error_function) \
156 V(EVAL_ERROR_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, eval_error_function) \
157 V(RANGE_ERROR_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, range_error_function) \
158 V(REFERENCE_ERROR_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, reference_error_function) \
159 V(SYNTAX_ERROR_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, syntax_error_function) \
160 V(TYPE_ERROR_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, type_error_function) \
161 V(URI_ERROR_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, uri_error_function) \
162 V(MAKE_ERROR_FUNCTION_INDEX, JSFunction, make_error_function) \
163 V(PROMISE_STATUS_INDEX, Symbol, promise_status) \
164 V(PROMISE_VALUE_INDEX, Symbol, promise_value) \
165 V(PROMISE_CREATE_INDEX, JSFunction, promise_create) \
166 V(PROMISE_RESOLVE_INDEX, JSFunction, promise_resolve) \
167 V(PROMISE_REJECT_INDEX, JSFunction, promise_reject) \
168 V(PROMISE_CHAIN_INDEX, JSFunction, promise_chain) \
169 V(PROMISE_CATCH_INDEX, JSFunction, promise_catch) \
170 V(PROMISE_THEN_INDEX, JSFunction, promise_then) \
172 promise_has_user_defined_reject_handler) \
174 to_complete_property_descriptor) \
175 V(OBJECT_DEFINE_OWN_PROPERTY_INDEX, JSFunction, object_define_own_property) \
177 object_get_own_property_descriptor) \
178 V(MESSAGE_GET_LINE_NUMBER_INDEX, JSFunction, message_get_line_number) \
179 V(MESSAGE_GET_COLUMN_NUMBER_INDEX, JSFunction, message_get_column_number) \
180 V(MESSAGE_GET_SOURCE_LINE_INDEX, JSFunction, message_get_source_line) \
181 V(STACK_OVERFLOW_BOILERPLATE_INDEX, JSObject, stack_overflow_boilerplate) \
182 V(JSON_SERIALIZE_ADAPTER_INDEX, JSFunction, json_serialize_adapter) \
183 V(DERIVED_HAS_TRAP_INDEX, JSFunction, derived_has_trap) \
184 V(DERIVED_GET_TRAP_INDEX, JSFunction, derived_get_trap) \
185 V(DERIVED_SET_TRAP_INDEX, JSFunction, derived_set_trap) \
186 V(PROXY_ENUMERATE_INDEX, JSFunction, proxy_enumerate) \
187 V(OBSERVERS_NOTIFY_CHANGE_INDEX, JSFunction, observers_notify_change) \
188 V(OBSERVERS_ENQUEUE_SPLICE_INDEX, JSFunction, observers_enqueue_splice) \
189 V(OBSERVERS_BEGIN_SPLICE_INDEX, JSFunction, observers_begin_perform_splice) \
190 V(OBSERVERS_END_SPLICE_INDEX, JSFunction, observers_end_perform_splice) \
191 V(NATIVE_OBJECT_OBSERVE_INDEX, JSFunction, native_object_observe) \
192 V(NATIVE_OBJECT_GET_NOTIFIER_INDEX, JSFunction, native_object_get_notifier) \
194 native_object_notifier_perform_change) \
195 V(SLOPPY_GENERATOR_FUNCTION_MAP_INDEX, Map, sloppy_generator_function_map) \
196 V(STRICT_GENERATOR_FUNCTION_MAP_INDEX, Map, strict_generator_function_map) \
197 V(STRONG_GENERATOR_FUNCTION_MAP_INDEX, Map, strong_generator_function_map) \
198 V(GENERATOR_OBJECT_PROTOTYPE_MAP_INDEX, Map, generator_object_prototype_map) \
199 V(ITERATOR_RESULT_MAP_INDEX, Map, iterator_result_map) \
200 V(JS_MAP_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, js_map_fun) \
201 V(JS_MAP_MAP_INDEX, Map, js_map_map) \
202 V(JS_SET_FUN_INDEX, JSFunction, js_set_fun) \
203 V(JS_SET_MAP_INDEX, Map, js_set_map) \
204 V(MAP_GET_METHOD_INDEX, JSFunction, map_get) \
205 V(MAP_SET_METHOD_INDEX, JSFunction, map_set) \
206 V(MAP_HAS_METHOD_INDEX, JSFunction, map_has) \
207 V(MAP_DELETE_METHOD_INDEX, JSFunction, map_delete) \
208 V(SET_ADD_METHOD_INDEX, JSFunction, set_add) \
209 V(SET_HAS_METHOD_INDEX, JSFunction, set_has) \
210 V(SET_DELETE_METHOD_INDEX, JSFunction, set_delete) \
211 V(MAP_FROM_ARRAY_INDEX, JSFunction, map_from_array) \
212 V(SET_FROM_ARRAY_INDEX, JSFunction, set_from_array) \
213 V(MAP_ITERATOR_MAP_INDEX, Map, map_iterator_map) \
214 V(SET_ITERATOR_MAP_INDEX, Map, set_iterator_map) \
215 V(ARRAY_VALUES_ITERATOR_INDEX, JSFunction, array_values_iterator) \
216 V(SCRIPT_CONTEXT_TABLE_INDEX, ScriptContextTable, script_context_table) \
217 V(NATIVES_UTILS_OBJECT_INDEX, Object, natives_utils_object) \
218 V(EXTRAS_EXPORTS_OBJECT_INDEX, JSObject, extras_binding_object)
221 // A table of all script contexts. Every loaded top-level script with top-level
222 // lexical declarations contributes its ScriptContext into this table.
224 // The table is a fixed array, its first slot is the current used count and
225 // the subsequent slots 1..used contain ScriptContexts.
226 class ScriptContextTable : public FixedArray {
229 static ScriptContextTable* cast(Object* context) {
230 DCHECK(context->IsScriptContextTable());
231 return reinterpret_cast<ScriptContextTable*>(context);
234 struct LookupResult {
238 VariableLocation location;
239 InitializationFlag init_flag;
240 MaybeAssignedFlag maybe_assigned_flag;
243 int used() const { return Smi::cast(get(kUsedSlot))->value(); }
245 void set_used(int used) { set(kUsedSlot, Smi::FromInt(used)); }
247 static Handle<Context> GetContext(Handle<ScriptContextTable> table, int i) {
248 DCHECK(i < table->used());
249 return Handle<Context>::cast(FixedArray::get(table, i + 1));
252 // Lookup a variable `name` in a ScriptContextTable.
253 // If it returns true, the variable is found and `result` contains
254 // valid information about its location.
255 // If it returns false, `result` is untouched.
257 static bool Lookup(Handle<ScriptContextTable> table, Handle<String> name,
258 LookupResult* result);
261 static Handle<ScriptContextTable> Extend(Handle<ScriptContextTable> table,
262 Handle<Context> script_context);
264 static int GetContextOffset(int context_index) {
265 return kFirstContextOffset + context_index * kPointerSize;
269 static const int kUsedSlot = 0;
270 static const int kFirstContextOffset =
271 FixedArray::kHeaderSize + (kUsedSlot + 1) * kPointerSize;
276 // JSFunctions are pairs (context, function code), sometimes also called
277 // closures. A Context object is used to represent function contexts and
278 // dynamically pushed 'with' contexts (or 'scopes' in ECMA-262 speak).
280 // At runtime, the contexts build a stack in parallel to the execution
281 // stack, with the top-most context being the current context. All contexts
282 // have the following slots:
284 // [ closure ] This is the current function. It is the same for all
285 // contexts inside a function. It provides access to the
286 // incoming context (i.e., the outer context, which may
287 // or may not become the current function's context), and
288 // it provides access to the functions code and thus it's
289 // scope information, which in turn contains the names of
290 // statically allocated context slots. The names are needed
291 // for dynamic lookups in the presence of 'with' or 'eval'.
293 // [ previous ] A pointer to the previous context. It is NULL for
294 // function contexts, and non-NULL for 'with' contexts.
295 // Used to implement the 'with' statement.
297 // [ extension ] A pointer to an extension JSObject, or NULL. Used to
298 // implement 'with' statements and dynamic declarations
299 // (through 'eval'). The object in a 'with' statement is
300 // stored in the extension slot of a 'with' context.
301 // Dynamically declared variables/functions are also added
302 // to lazily allocated extension object. Context::Lookup
303 // searches the extension object for properties.
304 // For global and block contexts, contains the respective
306 // For module contexts, points back to the respective JSModule.
308 // [ global_object ] A pointer to the global object. Provided for quick
309 // access to the global object from inside the code (since
310 // we always have a context pointer).
312 // In addition, function contexts may have statically allocated context slots
313 // to store local variables/functions that are accessed from inner functions
314 // (via static context addresses) or through 'eval' (dynamic context lookups).
315 // The native context contains additional slots for fast access to native
318 // Finally, with Harmony scoping, the JSFunction representing a top level
319 // script will have the ScriptContext rather than a FunctionContext.
320 // Script contexts from all top-level scripts are gathered in
321 // ScriptContextTable.
323 class Context: public FixedArray {
326 static Context* cast(Object* context) {
327 DCHECK(context->IsContext());
328 return reinterpret_cast<Context*>(context);
331 // The default context slot layout; indices are FixedArray slot indices.
333 // These slots are in all contexts.
336 // The extension slot is used for either the global object (in global
337 // contexts), eval extension object (function contexts), subject of with
338 // (with contexts), or the variable name (catch contexts), the serialized
339 // scope info (block contexts), or the module instance (module contexts).
343 // These slots are only in native contexts.
344 #define NATIVE_CONTEXT_SLOT(index, type, name) index,
348 // Properties from here are treated as weak references by the full GC.
349 // Scavenge treats them as strong references.
355 // Total number of slots.
360 // This slot holds the thrown value in catch contexts.
364 // Direct slot access.
365 JSFunction* closure() { return JSFunction::cast(get(CLOSURE_INDEX)); }
366 void set_closure(JSFunction* closure) { set(CLOSURE_INDEX, closure); }
368 Context* previous() {
369 Object* result = unchecked_previous();
370 DCHECK(IsBootstrappingOrValidParentContext(result, this));
371 return reinterpret_cast<Context*>(result);
373 void set_previous(Context* context) { set(PREVIOUS_INDEX, context); }
375 bool has_extension() { return extension() != NULL; }
376 Object* extension() { return get(EXTENSION_INDEX); }
377 void set_extension(Object* object) { set(EXTENSION_INDEX, object); }
379 JSModule* module() { return JSModule::cast(get(EXTENSION_INDEX)); }
380 void set_module(JSModule* module) { set(EXTENSION_INDEX, module); }
382 // Get the context where var declarations will be hoisted to, which
383 // may be the context itself.
384 Context* declaration_context();
386 GlobalObject* global_object() {
387 Object* result = get(GLOBAL_OBJECT_INDEX);
388 DCHECK(IsBootstrappingOrGlobalObject(this->GetIsolate(), result));
389 return reinterpret_cast<GlobalObject*>(result);
391 void set_global_object(GlobalObject* object) {
392 set(GLOBAL_OBJECT_INDEX, object);
395 // Returns a JSGlobalProxy object or null.
396 JSObject* global_proxy();
397 void set_global_proxy(JSObject* global);
399 // The builtins object.
400 JSBuiltinsObject* builtins();
402 // Get the script context by traversing the context chain.
403 Context* script_context();
405 // Compute the native context by traversing the context chain.
406 Context* native_context();
408 // Predicates for context types. IsNativeContext is also defined on Object
409 // because we frequently have to know if arbitrary objects are natives
411 bool IsNativeContext() {
412 Map* map = this->map();
413 return map == map->GetHeap()->native_context_map();
415 bool IsFunctionContext() {
416 Map* map = this->map();
417 return map == map->GetHeap()->function_context_map();
419 bool IsCatchContext() {
420 Map* map = this->map();
421 return map == map->GetHeap()->catch_context_map();
423 bool IsWithContext() {
424 Map* map = this->map();
425 return map == map->GetHeap()->with_context_map();
427 bool IsBlockContext() {
428 Map* map = this->map();
429 return map == map->GetHeap()->block_context_map();
431 bool IsModuleContext() {
432 Map* map = this->map();
433 return map == map->GetHeap()->module_context_map();
435 bool IsScriptContext() {
436 Map* map = this->map();
437 return map == map->GetHeap()->script_context_map();
440 bool HasSameSecurityTokenAs(Context* that) {
441 return this->global_object()->native_context()->security_token() ==
442 that->global_object()->native_context()->security_token();
445 // Initializes global variable bindings in given script context.
446 void InitializeGlobalSlots();
448 // A native context holds a list of all functions with optimized code.
449 void AddOptimizedFunction(JSFunction* function);
450 void RemoveOptimizedFunction(JSFunction* function);
451 void SetOptimizedFunctionsListHead(Object* head);
452 Object* OptimizedFunctionsListHead();
454 // The native context also stores a list of all optimized code and a
455 // list of all deoptimized code, which are needed by the deoptimizer.
456 void AddOptimizedCode(Code* code);
457 void SetOptimizedCodeListHead(Object* head);
458 Object* OptimizedCodeListHead();
459 void SetDeoptimizedCodeListHead(Object* head);
460 Object* DeoptimizedCodeListHead();
462 Handle<Object> ErrorMessageForCodeGenerationFromStrings();
464 #define NATIVE_CONTEXT_FIELD_ACCESSORS(index, type, name) \
465 void set_##name(type* value) { \
466 DCHECK(IsNativeContext()); \
469 bool is_##name(type* value) { \
470 DCHECK(IsNativeContext()); \
471 return type::cast(get(index)) == value; \
474 DCHECK(IsNativeContext()); \
475 return type::cast(get(index)); \
480 // Lookup the slot called name, starting with the current context.
481 // There are three possibilities:
483 // 1) result->IsContext():
484 // The binding was found in a context. *index is always the
485 // non-negative slot index. *attributes is NONE for var and let
486 // declarations, READ_ONLY for const declarations (never ABSENT).
488 // 2) result->IsJSObject():
489 // The binding was found as a named property in a context extension
490 // object (i.e., was introduced via eval), as a property on the subject
491 // of with, or as a property of the global object. *index is -1 and
492 // *attributes is not ABSENT.
494 // 3) result.is_null():
495 // There was no binding found, *index is always -1 and *attributes is
497 Handle<Object> Lookup(Handle<String> name,
498 ContextLookupFlags flags,
500 PropertyAttributes* attributes,
501 BindingFlags* binding_flags);
503 // Code generation support.
504 static int SlotOffset(int index) {
505 return kHeaderSize + index * kPointerSize - kHeapObjectTag;
508 static int FunctionMapIndex(LanguageMode language_mode, FunctionKind kind) {
509 if (IsGeneratorFunction(kind)) {
510 return is_strong(language_mode) ? STRONG_GENERATOR_FUNCTION_MAP_INDEX :
511 is_strict(language_mode) ? STRICT_GENERATOR_FUNCTION_MAP_INDEX
515 if (IsConstructor(kind)) {
516 // Use strict function map (no own "caller" / "arguments")
517 return is_strong(language_mode) ? STRONG_CONSTRUCTOR_MAP_INDEX
521 if (IsArrowFunction(kind) || IsConciseMethod(kind) ||
522 IsAccessorFunction(kind)) {
523 return is_strong(language_mode)
528 return is_strong(language_mode) ? STRONG_FUNCTION_MAP_INDEX :
529 is_strict(language_mode) ? STRICT_FUNCTION_MAP_INDEX
533 static const int kSize = kHeaderSize + NATIVE_CONTEXT_SLOTS * kPointerSize;
536 typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<
537 kHeaderSize, kSize, kSize> ScavengeBodyDescriptor;
539 typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<
541 kHeaderSize + FIRST_WEAK_SLOT * kPointerSize,
542 kSize> MarkCompactBodyDescriptor;
545 // Unchecked access to the slots.
546 Object* unchecked_previous() { return get(PREVIOUS_INDEX); }
549 // Bootstrapping-aware type checks.
550 static bool IsBootstrappingOrValidParentContext(Object* object, Context* kid);
551 static bool IsBootstrappingOrGlobalObject(Isolate* isolate, Object* object);
554 STATIC_ASSERT(kHeaderSize == Internals::kContextHeaderSize);
555 STATIC_ASSERT(EMBEDDER_DATA_INDEX == Internals::kContextEmbedderDataIndex);
558 } } // namespace v8::internal
560 #endif // V8_CONTEXTS_H_