3 # Base and default-included sources and headers
9 hb-buffer-serialize.cc \
18 hb-object-private.hh \
19 hb-open-file-private.hh \
20 hb-open-type-private.hh \
36 hb-shape-plan-private.hh \
39 hb-shaper-impl-private.hh \
40 hb-shaper-private.hh \
42 hb-unicode-private.hh \
49 hb-buffer-deserialize-json.hh \
50 hb-buffer-deserialize-text.hh \
52 HB_BASE_RAGEL_sources = \
53 hb-buffer-deserialize-json.rl \
54 hb-buffer-deserialize-text.rl \
75 HB_FALLBACK_sources = hb-fallback-shape.cc
80 hb-ot-layout-common-private.hh \
81 hb-ot-layout-gdef-table.hh \
82 hb-ot-layout-gpos-table.hh \
83 hb-ot-layout-gsubgpos-private.hh \
84 hb-ot-layout-gsub-table.hh \
85 hb-ot-layout-jstf-table.hh \
86 hb-ot-layout-private.hh \
88 hb-ot-map-private.hh \
92 hb-ot-shape-complex-arabic.cc \
93 hb-ot-shape-complex-arabic-fallback.hh \
94 hb-ot-shape-complex-arabic-private.hh \
95 hb-ot-shape-complex-arabic-table.hh \
96 hb-ot-shape-complex-arabic-win1256.hh \
97 hb-ot-shape-complex-default.cc \
98 hb-ot-shape-complex-hangul.cc \
99 hb-ot-shape-complex-hebrew.cc \
100 hb-ot-shape-complex-indic.cc \
101 hb-ot-shape-complex-indic-private.hh \
102 hb-ot-shape-complex-indic-table.cc \
103 hb-ot-shape-complex-myanmar.cc \
104 hb-ot-shape-complex-thai.cc \
105 hb-ot-shape-complex-tibetan.cc \
106 hb-ot-shape-complex-use.cc \
107 hb-ot-shape-complex-use-private.hh \
108 hb-ot-shape-complex-use-table.cc \
109 hb-ot-shape-complex-private.hh \
110 hb-ot-shape-normalize-private.hh \
111 hb-ot-shape-normalize.cc \
112 hb-ot-shape-fallback-private.hh \
113 hb-ot-shape-fallback.cc \
114 hb-ot-shape-private.hh \
116 hb-ot-var-avar-table.hh \
117 hb-ot-var-fvar-table.hh \
118 hb-ot-var-hvar-table.hh \
119 hb-ot-var-mvar-table.hh \
122 HB_OT_RAGEL_GENERATED_sources = \
123 hb-ot-shape-complex-indic-machine.hh \
124 hb-ot-shape-complex-myanmar-machine.hh \
125 hb-ot-shape-complex-use-machine.hh \
127 HB_OT_RAGEL_sources = \
128 hb-ot-shape-complex-indic-machine.rl \
129 hb-ot-shape-complex-myanmar-machine.rl \
130 hb-ot-shape-complex-use-machine.rl \
143 # Optional Sources and Headers with external deps
145 HB_FT_sources = hb-ft.cc
146 HB_FT_headers = hb-ft.h
148 HB_GLIB_sources = hb-glib.cc
149 HB_GLIB_headers = hb-glib.h
151 HB_GRAPHITE2_sources = hb-graphite2.cc
152 HB_GRAPHITE2_headers = hb-graphite2.h
154 # System-dependent sources and headers
156 HB_CORETEXT_sources = hb-coretext.cc
157 HB_CORETEXT_headers = hb-coretext.h
159 HB_DIRECTWRITE_sources = hb-directwrite.cc
160 HB_DIRECTWRITE_headers = hb-directwrite.h
162 HB_UNISCRIBE_sources = hb-uniscribe.cc
163 HB_UNISCRIBE_headers = hb-uniscribe.h
165 # Additional supplemental sources
166 HB_UCDN_sources = hb-ucdn.cc
168 # Sources for libharfbuzz-gobject and libharfbuzz-icu
169 HB_ICU_sources = hb-icu.cc
170 HB_ICU_headers = hb-icu.h
172 HB_GOBJECT_sources = hb-gobject-structs.cc
173 HB_GOBJECT_STRUCTS_headers = hb-gobject-structs.h
174 HB_GOBJECT_headers = hb-gobject.h $(HB_GOBJECT_STRUCTS_headers)
175 HB_GOBJECT_ENUM_sources = hb-gobject-enums.cc
176 HB_GOBJECT_ENUM_headers = hb-gobject-enums.h