upload tizen1.0 source
[pkgs/e/elektra.git] / scripts / convert-xfree
1 #!/bin/sh
3 ########################################################################
4 ##
5 ## This script will create a registry tree based on
6 ## my /etc/X11/XF85Config. It doesn't parse anything, since this
7 ## is pretty dificult to do.
8 ##
9 ## The correct way to run it is:
10 ##
11 ## # ./xfree86-convert | sh -e
12 ##
13 ##
14 ## To make tests you can do:
15 ##
16 ## $ ROOT=user/test ./xfree-convert | sh -e
17 ##
18 ## Avi Alkalay <avi@unix.sh>
19 ## Apr 2004
20 ##
21 ########################################################################
24 [ -z "$RG" ] && RG="kdb"
25 [ -z "$ROOT" ] && ROOT="system/sw/xorg"
29 echo "$RG set $ROOT"
30 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Device"
31 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Device/Videocard0"
32 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Device/Videocard0/BoardName      'ATI Radeon Mobility 7500'"
33 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Device/Videocard0/Driver         'radeon'"
34 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Device/Videocard0/VendorName     'ATI/IBM'"
35 echo
36 echo "$RG set $ROOT/DRI/Group      '0'"
37 echo "$RG set $ROOT/DRI/Mode       '0666'"
38 echo
39 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Files/FontPath      'unix/:7100'"
40 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Files/RgbPath       '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb'"
41 echo
42 echo "$RG set $ROOT/InputDevice/DevInputMice/Driver                      'mouse'"
43 echo "$RG set $ROOT/InputDevice/DevInputMice/Option/Device               '/dev/psaux'"
44 echo "$RG set $ROOT/InputDevice/DevInputMice/Option/Emulate3Buttons      'no'"
45 echo "$RG set $ROOT/InputDevice/DevInputMice/Option/Protocol             'PS/2'"
46 echo "$RG set $ROOT/InputDevice/DevInputMice/Option/ZAxisMapping         '4 5'"
47 echo
48 echo "$RG set $ROOT/InputDevice/Keyboard0/Driver                'keyboard'"
49 echo "$RG set $ROOT/InputDevice/Keyboard0/Option/XkbLayout      'us_intl'"
50 echo "$RG set $ROOT/InputDevice/Keyboard0/Option/XkbModel       'pc105'"
51 echo "$RG set $ROOT/InputDevice/Keyboard0/Option/XkbRules       'xfree86'"
52 echo
53 echo "$RG set $ROOT/InputDevice/Mouse0/Driver                      'mouse'"
54 echo "$RG set $ROOT/InputDevice/Mouse0/Option/Device               '/dev/input/mice'"
55 echo "$RG set $ROOT/InputDevice/Mouse0/Option/Emulate3Buttons      'no'"
56 echo "$RG set $ROOT/InputDevice/Mouse0/Option/Protocol             'IMPS/2'"
57 echo "$RG set $ROOT/InputDevice/Mouse0/Option/ZAxisMapping         '4 5'"
58 echo
59 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Module/Load      'dbe,extmod,fbdevhw,glx,record,freetype,type1,dri'"
60 echo
61 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Monitor/Monitor0/ModelName             'LCD Panel 1024x768'"
62 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Monitor/Monitor0/VendorName            'IBM T40 monitor'"
63 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Monitor/Monitor0/Option/dpms           '1'"
64 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Monitor/Monitor0/HorizSync/max         '48.5'"
65 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Monitor/Monitor0/HorizSync/min         '31.5'"
66 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Monitor/Monitor0/VertRefresh/max       '70'"
67 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Monitor/Monitor0/VertRefresh/min       '40'"
68 echo
69 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Screen/Screen0/Monitor             'Monitor0'"
70 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Screen/Screen0/Device              'Videocard0'"
71 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Screen/Screen0/DefaultDepth        '16'"
72 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Screen/Screen0/Display/Depth       '16'"
73 echo "$RG set $ROOT/Screen/Screen0/Display/Modes       '1024x768,800x600,640x480'"
74 echo
75 echo "$RG set $ROOT/ServerLayout/Default/Screen                      'Screen0'"
76 echo "$RG set $ROOT/ServerLayout/Default/InputDevice/CoreKeyboard    'Keyboard0'"
77 echo "$RG set $ROOT/ServerLayout/Default/InputDevice/AlwaysCore      'DevInputMice'"
78 echo "$RG set $ROOT/ServerLayout/Default/InputDevice/CorePointer     'Mouse0'"
79 echo
80 echo "$RG ln `basename $ROOT` system/sw/XFree/current"
81 echo
82 echo