update timezones/map_data.txt to more recent data
[platform/upstream/libphonenumber.git] / resources / PhoneNumberMetadata.xml
1 <!-- Copyright (C) 2009 The Libphonenumber Authors
3      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4      you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5      You may obtain a copy of the License at
7      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13      limitations under the License.
15      @author: Shaopeng Jia
17      Metadata on Phone Number Plan and formatting rules
18      Note: Territories are in alphabetical order by their IDs, which are based on ISO 3166-1
19            two-letter country codes (or are set to "001" for non-geographical entities, which
20            represents "World" in the UN M.49 standard). The country names in the comments are the
21            official short names in English according to ISO 3166-1.
23      For more information on what each element represents, see
24      resources/phonemetadata.proto
26      Note that if you want to add validation metadata, the generalDesc nationalNumberPattern and
27      possibleNumberPattern must be provided. If this is missing, then the country will be
28      considered to have no more specific phone-number type metadata (fixedLine, mobile etc) and
29      hence only basic validation rules (numbers should be between 3 and 15 digits long) will be
30      applied.
32      If adding an element for a non-geographical entity, please add an example number element to the
33      general description.
35      Country code, international and national prefix information main source:
36      http://www.itu.int/pub/T-SP-E.164C-2011
37 -->
39 <!DOCTYPE phoneNumberMetadata [
40     <!ELEMENT phoneNumberMetadata (territories)>
41     <!ELEMENT territories (territory+)>
42     <!ELEMENT territory (references?, availableFormats?, generalDesc?, noInternationalDialling?,
43         areaCodeOptional?, fixedLine?, mobile?, pager?, tollFree?, premiumRate?,
44         sharedCost?, personalNumber?, voip?, uan?, voicemail?)>
45     <!ELEMENT references (sourceUrl+)>
46     <!ELEMENT generalDesc (nationalNumberPattern, possibleNumberPattern, exampleNumber?)>
47     <!ELEMENT noInternationalDialling (nationalNumberPattern, possibleNumberPattern?,
48         exampleNumber?)>
49     <!ELEMENT areaCodeOptional (nationalNumberPattern, possibleNumberPattern, exampleNumber?)>
50     <!ELEMENT fixedLine (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
51     <!ELEMENT mobile (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
52     <!ELEMENT pager (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
53     <!ELEMENT tollFree (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
54     <!ELEMENT premiumRate (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
55     <!ELEMENT sharedCost (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
56     <!ELEMENT personalNumber (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
57     <!ELEMENT voip (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
58     <!ELEMENT uan (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
59     <!ELEMENT voicemail (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
60     <!ELEMENT sourceUrl (#PCDATA)>
61     <!ELEMENT availableFormats (numberFormat+)>
62     <!ELEMENT nationalNumberPattern (#PCDATA)>
63     <!ELEMENT possibleNumberPattern (#PCDATA)>
64     <!ELEMENT exampleNumber (#PCDATA)>
65     <!ELEMENT numberFormat (leadingDigits*, format, intlFormat*)>
66     <!ELEMENT format (#PCDATA)>
67     <!ELEMENT intlFormat (#PCDATA)>
68     <!ELEMENT leadingDigits (#PCDATA)>
70     <!ATTLIST territory id CDATA #REQUIRED>
71     <!ATTLIST territory countryCode CDATA #REQUIRED>
72     <!ATTLIST territory mainCountryForCode (true) #IMPLIED>
73     <!ATTLIST territory leadingDigits CDATA #IMPLIED>
74     <!ATTLIST territory preferredInternationalPrefix CDATA #IMPLIED>
75     <!ATTLIST territory internationalPrefix CDATA #IMPLIED>
76     <!ATTLIST territory nationalPrefix CDATA #IMPLIED>
77     <!ATTLIST territory nationalPrefixForParsing CDATA #IMPLIED>
78     <!ATTLIST territory nationalPrefixTransformRule CDATA #IMPLIED>
79     <!ATTLIST territory preferredExtnPrefix CDATA #IMPLIED>
80     <!ATTLIST territory nationalPrefixFormattingRule CDATA #IMPLIED>
81     <!ATTLIST territory nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting (true) #IMPLIED>
82     <!ATTLIST territory leadingZeroPossible (true) #IMPLIED>
83     <!ATTLIST territory carrierCodeFormattingRule CDATA #IMPLIED>
84     <!ATTLIST territory mobileNumberPortableRegion (true) #IMPLIED>
85     <!ATTLIST numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule CDATA #IMPLIED>
86     <!ATTLIST numberFormat nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting (true) #IMPLIED>
87     <!ATTLIST numberFormat carrierCodeFormattingRule CDATA #IMPLIED>
88     <!ATTLIST numberFormat pattern CDATA #REQUIRED>
89 ]>
91 <phoneNumberMetadata>
92   <territories>
93     <!-- Ascension Island -->
94     <territory id="AC" countryCode="247" internationalPrefix="00">
95       <references>
96         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000AF/en</sourceUrl>
97       </references>
98       <!-- Formatted as a block. -->
99       <generalDesc>
100         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-7]\d{3,5}</nationalNumberPattern>
101         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
102       </generalDesc>
103       <fixedLine>
104         <nationalNumberPattern>
105           (?:
106             [267]\d|
107             3[0-5]|
108             4[4-69]
109           )\d{2}
110         </nationalNumberPattern>
111         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
112         <exampleNumber>6889</exampleNumber>
113       </fixedLine>
114       <mobile>
115         <nationalNumberPattern>5\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
116         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
117         <exampleNumber>501234</exampleNumber>
118       </mobile>
119     </territory>
121     <!-- Andorra -->
122     <territory id="AD" countryCode="376" internationalPrefix="00">
123       <references>
124         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000005/en</sourceUrl>
125       </references>
126       <availableFormats>
127         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})">
128           <leadingDigits>[346-9]</leadingDigits>
129           <format>$1 $2</format>
130         </numberFormat>
131         <numberFormat pattern="(180[02])(\d{4})">
132           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
133           <format>$1 $2</format>
134         </numberFormat>
135       </availableFormats>
136       <generalDesc>
137         <nationalNumberPattern>
138           (?:
139             [346-9]|
140             180
141           )\d{5}
142         </nationalNumberPattern>
143         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
144       </generalDesc>
145       <fixedLine>
146         <nationalNumberPattern>[78]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
147         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
148         <exampleNumber>712345</exampleNumber>
149       </fixedLine>
150       <mobile>
151         <nationalNumberPattern>[346]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
152         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
153         <exampleNumber>312345</exampleNumber>
154       </mobile>
155       <tollFree>
156         <!-- Note that the definitions of 1800 and 1802 numbers differ in the plan and on the
157              Andorran http://www.sta.ad website, but we consider both to be freephone here. -->
158         <nationalNumberPattern>180[02]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
159         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
160         <exampleNumber>18001234</exampleNumber>
161       </tollFree>
162       <!-- The national numbering plan says that numbers beginning with 9 are reserved for special
163            services, so we assume they are premium rate here, although we cannot find examples
164            online. -->
165       <premiumRate>
166         <nationalNumberPattern>9\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
167         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
168         <exampleNumber>912345</exampleNumber>
169       </premiumRate>
170     </territory>
172     <!-- United Arab Emirates -->
173     <territory id="AE" countryCode="971" internationalPrefix="00"
174                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
175       <references>
176         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000DC/en</sourceUrl>
177       </references>
178       <availableFormats>
179         <numberFormat pattern="([2-4679])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
180           <leadingDigits>[2-4679][2-8]</leadingDigits>
181           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
182         </numberFormat>
183         <numberFormat pattern="(5[0256])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
184           <leadingDigits>5</leadingDigits>
185           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
186         </numberFormat>
187         <numberFormat pattern="([479]00)(\d)(\d{5})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
188           <leadingDigits>[479]0</leadingDigits>
189           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
190         </numberFormat>
191         <numberFormat pattern="([68]00)(\d{2,9})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
192           <leadingDigits>
193             60|
194             8
195           </leadingDigits>
196           <format>$1 $2</format>
197         </numberFormat>
198       </availableFormats>
199       <generalDesc>
200         <nationalNumberPattern>
201           [2-79]\d{7,8}|
202           800\d{2,9}
203         </nationalNumberPattern>
204         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
205       </generalDesc>
206       <fixedLine>
207         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-4679][2-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
208         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
209         <exampleNumber>22345678</exampleNumber>
210       </fixedLine>
211       <mobile>
212         <nationalNumberPattern>5[0256]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
213         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
214         <exampleNumber>501234567</exampleNumber>
215       </mobile>
216       <tollFree>
217         <nationalNumberPattern>
218           400\d{6}|
219           800\d{2,9}
220         </nationalNumberPattern>
221         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
222         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
223       </tollFree>
224       <premiumRate>
225         <nationalNumberPattern>900[02]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
226         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
227         <exampleNumber>900234567</exampleNumber>
228       </premiumRate>
229       <sharedCost>
230         <nationalNumberPattern>700[05]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
231         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
232         <exampleNumber>700012345</exampleNumber>
233       </sharedCost>
234       <uan>
235         <nationalNumberPattern>600[25]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
236         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
237         <exampleNumber>600212345</exampleNumber>
238       </uan>
239     </territory>
241     <!-- Afghanistan -->
242     <territory id="AF" countryCode="93" internationalPrefix="00"
243                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
244       <references>
245         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000001/en</sourceUrl>
246       </references>
247       <availableFormats>
248         <!-- Formatting based primarily on ITU document. -->
249         <numberFormat pattern="([2-7]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
250           <leadingDigits>
251             [2-6]|
252             7[013-9]
253           </leadingDigits>
254           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
255         </numberFormat>
256         <!-- Formatting 729 numbers differently based on numbers seen online. -->
257         <numberFormat pattern="(729)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
258           <leadingDigits>729</leadingDigits>
259           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
260         </numberFormat>
261       </availableFormats>
262       <generalDesc>
263         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-7]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
264         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
265       </generalDesc>
266       <fixedLine>
267         <nationalNumberPattern>
268           (?:
269             [25][0-8]|
270             [34][0-4]|
271             6[0-5]
272           )[2-9]\d{6}
273         </nationalNumberPattern>
274         <exampleNumber>234567890</exampleNumber>
275       </fixedLine>
276       <mobile>
277         <nationalNumberPattern>
278           7(?:
279             [05-9]\d{7}|
280             29\d{6}
281           )
282         </nationalNumberPattern>
283         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
284         <exampleNumber>701234567</exampleNumber>
285       </mobile>
286     </territory>
288     <!-- Antigua and Barbuda -->
289     <territory id="AG" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="268" nationalPrefix="1"
290                internationalPrefix="011">
291       <references>
292         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000008/en</sourceUrl>
293       </references>
294       <generalDesc>
295         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
296         <nationalNumberPattern>[2589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
297         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
298       </generalDesc>
299       <fixedLine>
300         <!-- 268 468 is not in the plan, but has been added after numbers with this prefix have been
301              found in online searches. -->
302         <nationalNumberPattern>
303           268(?:
304             4(?:
305               6[0-38]|
306               84
307             )|
308             56[0-2]
309           )\d{4}
310         </nationalNumberPattern>
311         <exampleNumber>2684601234</exampleNumber>
312       </fixedLine>
313       <mobile>
314         <!-- 268 776/778/779 are not in the plan, but have been added after numbers with these
315              prefixes have been found in online searches. Same for 268 780/782/784/786. -->
316         <nationalNumberPattern>
317           268(?:
318             464|
319             7(?:
320               2[0-9]|
321               64|
322               7[0-689]|
323               8[02-68]
324             )
325           )\d{4}
326         </nationalNumberPattern>
327         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
328         <exampleNumber>2684641234</exampleNumber>
329       </mobile>
330       <pager>
331         <nationalNumberPattern>26840[69]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
332         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
333         <exampleNumber>2684061234</exampleNumber>
334       </pager>
335       <tollFree>
336         <nationalNumberPattern>
337           8(?:
338             00|
339             44|
340             55|
341             66|
342             77|
343             88
344           )[2-9]\d{6}
345         </nationalNumberPattern>
346         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
347         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
348       </tollFree>
349       <premiumRate>
350         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
351         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
352         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
353       </premiumRate>
354       <personalNumber>
355         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
356         <nationalNumberPattern>
357           5(?:
358             00|
359             33|
360             44|
361             66|
362             77
363           )[2-9]\d{6}
364         </nationalNumberPattern>
365         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
366         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
367       </personalNumber>
368       <voip>
369         <!-- This is included as Centrex in the plan. -->
370         <nationalNumberPattern>26848[01]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
371         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
372         <exampleNumber>2684801234</exampleNumber>
373       </voip>
374     </territory>
376     <!-- Anguilla -->
377     <territory id="AI" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="264" nationalPrefix="1"
378                internationalPrefix="011">
379       <references>
380         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000007/en</sourceUrl>
381       </references>
382       <generalDesc>
383         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
384         <nationalNumberPattern>[2589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
385         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
386       </generalDesc>
387       <fixedLine>
388         <nationalNumberPattern>
389           2644(?:
390             6[12]|
391             9[78]
392           )\d{4}
393         </nationalNumberPattern>
394         <exampleNumber>2644612345</exampleNumber>
395       </fixedLine>
396       <mobile>
397         <nationalNumberPattern>
398           264(?:
399             235|
400             476|
401             5(?:
402               3[6-9]|
403               8[1-4]
404             )|
405             7(?:
406               29|
407               72
408             )
409           )\d{4}
410         </nationalNumberPattern>
411         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
412         <exampleNumber>2642351234</exampleNumber>
413       </mobile>
414       <tollFree>
415         <nationalNumberPattern>
416           8(?:
417             00|
418             44|
419             55|
420             66|
421             77|
422             88
423           )[2-9]\d{6}
424         </nationalNumberPattern>
425         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
426         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
427       </tollFree>
428       <premiumRate>
429         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
430         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
431         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
432       </premiumRate>
433       <personalNumber>
434         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
435         <nationalNumberPattern>
436           5(?:
437             00|
438             33|
439             44|
440             66|
441             77
442           )[2-9]\d{6}
443         </nationalNumberPattern>
444         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
445         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
446       </personalNumber>
447     </territory>
449     <!-- Albania -->
450     <territory id="AL" countryCode="355" internationalPrefix="00"
451                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
452                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
453       <references>
454         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000002/en</sourceUrl>
455       </references>
456       <availableFormats>
457         <!-- Formats mostly follow http://tirana.usembassy.gov/list_of_doctors.html -->
458         <numberFormat pattern="(4)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
459           <leadingDigits>4[0-6]</leadingDigits>
460           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
461         </numberFormat>
462         <numberFormat pattern="(6[6-9])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
463           <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
464           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
465         </numberFormat>
466         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
467           <leadingDigits>
468             [2358][2-5]|
469             4[7-9]
470           </leadingDigits>
471           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
472         </numberFormat>
473         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,5})">
474           <leadingDigits>
475             [235][16-9]|
476             8[016-9]|
477             [79]
478           </leadingDigits>
479           <format>$1 $2</format>
480         </numberFormat>
481       </availableFormats>
482       <generalDesc>
483         <nationalNumberPattern>
484           [2-57]\d{7}|
485           6\d{8}|
486           8\d{5,7}|
487           9\d{5}
488         </nationalNumberPattern>
489         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
490       </generalDesc>
491       <fixedLine>
492         <nationalNumberPattern>
493           (?:
494             2(?:
495               [168][1-9]|
496               [247]\d|
497               9[1-7]
498             )|
499             3(?:
500               1[1-3]|
501               [2-6]\d|
502               [79][1-8]|
503               8[1-9]
504             )|
505             4\d{2}|
506             5(?:
507               1[1-4]|
508               [2-578]\d|
509               6[1-5]|
510               9[1-7]
511             )|
512             8(?:
513               [19][1-5]|
514               [2-6]\d|
515               [78][1-7]
516             )
517           )\d{5}
518         </nationalNumberPattern>
519         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
520         <exampleNumber>22345678</exampleNumber>
521       </fixedLine>
522       <mobile>
523         <nationalNumberPattern>6[6-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
524         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
525         <exampleNumber>661234567</exampleNumber>
526       </mobile>
527       <tollFree>
528         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
529         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
530         <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
531       </tollFree>
532       <premiumRate>
533         <!-- It is named "Shared Revenue Services" in the plan, but as there is a separate "Shared
534              Cost Services", it is highly likely these numbers are premium rate numbers. No
535              information/example is found in the Internet. -->
536         <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
537         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
538         <exampleNumber>900123</exampleNumber>
539       </premiumRate>
540       <sharedCost>
541         <nationalNumberPattern>808\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
542         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
543         <exampleNumber>808123</exampleNumber>
544       </sharedCost>
545       <personalNumber>
546         <nationalNumberPattern>700\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
547         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
548         <exampleNumber>70012345</exampleNumber>
549       </personalNumber>
550     </territory>
552     <!-- Armenia -->
553     <!-- We think the national dialling prefix is 0 - it seems this was a change in 2005 (or 2008)
554          along with the new city codes. However, their official document makes no mention of it,
555          websites disagree, and we are not sure if the change has actually been made. -->
556     <territory id="AM" countryCode="374" internationalPrefix="00"
557                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
558                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true" >
559       <references>
560         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200000A/en</sourceUrl>
561         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B374</sourceUrl>
562         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Nagorno-Karabakh_Republic</sourceUrl>
563       </references>
564       <availableFormats>
565         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{6})">
566           <leadingDigits>
567             1|
568             47
569           </leadingDigits>
570           <format>$1 $2</format>
571         </numberFormat>
572         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{6})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
573           <leadingDigits>
574             4[139]|
575             [5-7]|
576             9[1-9]
577           </leadingDigits>
578           <format>$1 $2</format>
579         </numberFormat>
580         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{5})">
581           <leadingDigits>[23]</leadingDigits>
582           <format>$1 $2</format>
583         </numberFormat>
584         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{3})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG">
585           <leadingDigits>
586             8|
587             90
588           </leadingDigits>
589           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
590         </numberFormat>
591       </availableFormats>
592       <generalDesc>
593         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
594         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
595       </generalDesc>
596       <fixedLine>
597         <!-- Includes telephone numbers in Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, physically located inside
598              Azerbaijan, which use prefix 47. -->
599         <nationalNumberPattern>
600           (?:
601             1[01]\d|
602             2(?:
603               2[2-46]|
604               3[1-8]|
605               4[2-69]|
606               5[2-7]|
607               6[1-9]|
608               8[1-7]
609             )|
610             3[12]2|
611             47\d
612           )\d{5}
613         </nationalNumberPattern>
614         <exampleNumber>10123456</exampleNumber>
615       </fixedLine>
616       <mobile>
617         <!-- Part of the range 97 is used by Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. -->
618         <nationalNumberPattern>
619           (?:
620             4[139]|
621             55|
622             77|
623             9[1-9]
624           )\d{6}
625         </nationalNumberPattern>
626         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
627         <exampleNumber>77123456</exampleNumber>
628       </mobile>
629       <tollFree>
630         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
631         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
632         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
633       </tollFree>
634       <premiumRate>
635         <nationalNumberPattern>90[016]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
636         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
637         <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
638       </premiumRate>
639       <sharedCost>
640         <nationalNumberPattern>80[1-4]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
641         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
642         <exampleNumber>80112345</exampleNumber>
643       </sharedCost>
644       <voip>
645         <nationalNumberPattern>60[2-6]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
646         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
647         <exampleNumber>60271234</exampleNumber>
648       </voip>
649     </territory>
651     <!-- Angola -->
652     <territory id="AO" countryCode="244" internationalPrefix="00">
653       <references>
654         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000006/en</sourceUrl>
655       </references>
656       <availableFormats>
657         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
658           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
659         </numberFormat>
660       </availableFormats>
661       <generalDesc>
662         <nationalNumberPattern>[29]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
663         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
664       </generalDesc>
665       <fixedLine>
666         <nationalNumberPattern>
667           2\d(?:
668             [26-9]\d|
669             \d[26-9]
670           )\d{5}
671         </nationalNumberPattern>
672         <exampleNumber>222123456</exampleNumber>
673       </fixedLine>
674       <mobile>
675         <!-- Expanded the 92 prefix possibilities to match numbers found online. Unitel
676              apparently launched the prefix 94 on 25th April 2012, and Movicel has 99. -->
677         <nationalNumberPattern>9[1-49]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
678         <exampleNumber>923123456</exampleNumber>
679       </mobile>
680     </territory>
682     <!-- Argentina -->
683     <!-- The national prefix for parsing here consists of a 0 (optional), followed by the area code
684          (which is captured, so that it can be retained), followed by 15, which is the mobile token,
685          which will be stripped if present. We expect the following combinations: 0AC15 and AC15
686          (where the 0 and 15 will be stripped, and it will be transformed into 9AC), 0, and 15 (in
687          the latter two cases we just strip the 0 or 15 as appropriate and leave the number as is.)
688          -->
689     <territory id="AR" countryCode="54" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
690        nationalPrefixForParsing="
691          0?(?:
692            (11|
693             2(?:
694               2(?:
695                 02?|
696                 [13]|
697                 2[13-79]|
698                 4[1-6]|
699                 5[2457]|
700                 6[124-8]|
701                 7[1-4]|
702                 8[13-6]|
703                 9[1267]
704               )|
705               3(?:
706                 02?|
707                 1[467]|
708                 2[03-6]|
709                 3[13-8]|
710                 [49][2-6]|
711                 5[2-8]|
712                 [67]
713               )|
714               4(?:
715                 7[3-578]|
716                 9
717               )|
718               6(?:
719                 [0136]|
720                 2[24-6]|
721                 4[6-8]?|
722                 5[15-8]
723               )|
724               80|
725               9(?:
726                 0[1-3]|
727                 [19]|
728                 2\d|
729                 3[1-6]|
730                 4[02568]?|
731                 5[2-4]|
732                 6[2-46]|
733                 72?|
734                 8[23]?
735               )
736            )|
737            3(?:
738              3(?:
739                2[79]|
740                6|
741                8[2578]
742              )|
743              4(?:
744                0[124-9]|
745                [12]|
746                3[5-8]?|
747                4[24-7]|
748                5[4-68]?|
749                6[02-9]|
750                7[126]|
751                8[2379]?|
752                9[1-36-8]
753              )|
754              5(?:
755                1|
756                2[1245]|
757                3[237]?|
758                4[1-46-9]|
759                6[2-4]|
760                7[1-6]|
761                8[2-5]?
762              )|
763              6[24]|
764              7(?:
765                1[1568]|
766                2[15]|
767                3[145]|
768                4[13]|
769                5[14-8]|
770                [069]|
771                7[2-57]|
772                8[126]
773              )|
774              8(?:
775                [01]|
776                2[15-7]|
777                3[2578]?|
778                4[13-6]|
779                5[4-8]?|
780                6[1-357-9]|
781                7[36-8]?|
782                8[5-8]?|
783                9[124]
784              )
785            )
786          )?15
787        )?"
788        nationalPrefixTransformRule="9$1" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
789        mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
790       <references>
791         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000009/en</sourceUrl>
792         <!-- On the following link, click on Indicativos Interurbanos to access detailed
793              information. -->
794         <sourceUrl>http://www.cnc.gov.ar/infotecnica/numeracion/Index.asp</sourceUrl>
795         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/+54</sourceUrl>
796       </references>
797       <availableFormats>
798         <numberFormat pattern="([68]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
799           <leadingDigits>[68]</leadingDigits>
800           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
801         </numberFormat>
802         <!-- Format local numbers in two groups. The leading digits are 2-9 since the ITU document
803              says that the digit zero and one will not be present at the start of the subscriber
804              number (which starts with an "Exchange characteristic"). -->
805         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
806           <leadingDigits>[2-9]</leadingDigits>
807           <format>$1-$2</format>
808           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
809         </numberFormat>
810         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
811           <leadingDigits>[2-9]</leadingDigits>
812           <format>$1-$2</format>
813           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
814         </numberFormat>
815         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
816           <leadingDigits>[2-9]</leadingDigits>
817           <format>$1-$2</format>
818           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
819         </numberFormat>
820         <numberFormat pattern="(9)(11)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
821           <leadingDigits>911</leadingDigits>
822           <format>$2 15-$3-$4</format>
823           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3-$4</intlFormat>
824         </numberFormat>
825         <numberFormat pattern="(9)(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
826           <!-- Some 4-digit area codes actually are caught by this rule. Preference is given however
827                to the 3-digit area codes, since they are considerably larger communities. -->
828           <leadingDigits>
829             9(?:
830               2[234689]|
831               3[3-8]
832             )
833           </leadingDigits>
834           <leadingDigits>
835             9(?:
836               2(?:
837                 2[013]|
838                 3[067]|
839                 49|
840                 6[01346]|
841                 80|
842                 9[147-9]
843               )|
844               3(?:
845                 36|
846                 4[12358]|
847                 5[138]|
848                 6[24]|
849                 7[069]|
850                 8[013578]
851               )
852             )
853           </leadingDigits>
854           <!-- We exclude here several 294X four-digit area codes: 2940, 2942, 2945, 2946 and 2948,
855                298[23], and several 38[3578]X four-digit area codes. -->
856           <leadingDigits>
857             9(?:
858               2(?:
859                 2[013]|
860                 3[067]|
861                 49|
862                 6[01346]|
863                 80|
864                 9(?:
865                   [179]|
866                   4[13479]|
867                   8[014-9]
868                 )
869               )|
870               3(?:
871                 36|
872                 4[12358]|
873                 5(?:
874                   [18]|
875                   3[014-689]
876                 )|
877                 6[24]|
878                 7[069]|
879                 8(?:
880                   [01]|
881                   3[013469]|
882                   5[0-39]|
883                   7[0-2459]|
884                   8[0-49]
885                 )
886               )
887             )
888           </leadingDigits>
889           <format>$2 15-$3-$4</format>
890           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3-$4</intlFormat>
891         </numberFormat>
892         <!-- Both 4-3-3 and 4-2-4 have been seen online; we prefer the latter since it matches the
893              Argentinian ITU doc and wikipedia. -->
894         <numberFormat pattern="(9)(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
895           <leadingDigits>9[23]</leadingDigits>
896           <format>$2 15-$3-$4</format>
897           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3-$4</intlFormat>
898         </numberFormat>
899         <numberFormat pattern="(11)(\d{4})(\d{4})" nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
900           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
901           <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
902         </numberFormat>
903         <!-- These patterns are a copy of the mobile patterns with the leading 9 removed. -->
904         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})" nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
905           <leadingDigits>
906             2(?:
907               2[013]|
908               3[067]|
909               49|
910               6[01346]|
911               80|
912               9[147-9]
913             )|
914             3(?:
915               36|
916               4[12358]|
917               5[138]|
918               6[24]|
919               7[069]|
920               8[013578]
921             )
922           </leadingDigits>
923           <!-- We exclude here several 294X four-digit area codes: 2940, 2942, 2945, 2946 and 2948,
924                298[23], and several 38[3578]X four-digit area codes. -->
925           <leadingDigits>
926             2(?:
927               2[013]|
928               3[067]|
929               49|
930               6[01346]|
931               80|
932               9(?:
933                 [179]|
934                 4[13479]|
935                 8[014-9]
936               )
937             )|
938             3(?:
939               36|
940               4[12358]|
941               5(?:
942                 [18]|
943                 3[0-689]
944               )|
945               6[24]|
946               7[069]|
947               8(?:
948                 [01]|
949                 3[013469]|
950                 5[0-39]|
951                 7[0-2459]|
952                 8[0-49]
953               )
954             )
955           </leadingDigits>
956           <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
957         </numberFormat>
958         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{4})" nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
959           <leadingDigits>[23]</leadingDigits>
960           <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
961         </numberFormat>
962         <!-- Format short numbers as a block. -->
963         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
964           <leadingDigits>
965             1[012]|
966             911
967           </leadingDigits>
968           <format>$1</format>
969           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
970         </numberFormat>
971       </availableFormats>
972       <generalDesc>
973         <!-- We restrict the second digit after 1 here so we can recognise and strip the 15 mobile
974            carrier prefix when we see it. -->
975         <nationalNumberPattern>
976           11\d{8}|
977           [2368]\d{9}|
978           9\d{10}
979         </nationalNumberPattern>
980         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
981       </generalDesc>
982       <noInternationalDialling>
983         <nationalNumberPattern>810\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
984         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
985         <exampleNumber>8101234567</exampleNumber>
986       </noInternationalDialling>
987       <fixedLine>
988         <!-- Also covering fixed satellite service numbers (670). -->
989         <nationalNumberPattern>
990           11\d{8}|
991           (?:
992             2(?:
993               2(?:
994                 [013]\d|
995                 2[13-79]|
996                 4[1-6]|
997                 5[2457]|
998                 6[124-8]|
999                 7[1-4]|
1000                 8[13-6]|
1001                 9[1267]
1002               )|
1003               3(?:
1004                 1[467]|
1005                 2[03-6]|
1006                 3[13-8]|
1007                 [49][2-6]|
1008                 5[2-8]|
1009                 [067]\d
1010               )|
1011               4(?:
1012                 7[3-8]|
1013                 9\d
1014               )|
1015               6(?:
1016                 [01346]\d|
1017                 2[24-6]|
1018                 5[15-8]
1019               )|
1020               80\d|
1021               9(?:
1022                 [0124789]\d|
1023                 3[1-6]|
1024                 5[234]|
1025                 6[2-46]
1026               )
1027             )|
1028             3(?:
1029               3(?:
1030                 2[79]|
1031                 6\d|
1032                 8[2578]
1033               )|
1034               4(?:
1035                 [78]\d|
1036                 0[0124-9]|
1037                 [1-35]\d|
1038                 4[24-7]|
1039                 6[02-9]|
1040                 9[123678]
1041               )|
1042               5(?:
1043                 [138]\d|
1044                 2[1245]|
1045                 4[1-9]|
1046                 6[2-4]|
1047                 7[1-6]
1048               )|
1049               6[24]\d|
1050               7(?:
1051                 [0469]\d|
1052                 1[1568]|
1053                 2[013-9]|
1054                 3[145]|
1055                 5[14-8]|
1056                 7[2-57]|
1057                 8[0-24-9]
1058               )|
1059               8(?:
1060                 [013578]\d|
1061                 2[15-7]|
1062                 4[13-6]|
1063                 6[1-357-9]|
1064                 9[124]
1065               )
1066             )|
1067             670\d
1068           )\d{6}
1069         </nationalNumberPattern>
1070         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1071         <exampleNumber>1123456789</exampleNumber>
1072       </fixedLine>
1073       <mobile>
1074         <!-- Also covers mobile satellite services (675 numbers). -->
1075         <!-- 4-digit area codes are not covered here in detail - we only check the digit after the
1076              area code is in the range 2-9. The four-digit area-code checking is done in detail if
1077              we attempt to strip the caller-pays token (15) from the number. -->
1078         <nationalNumberPattern>
1079           675\d{7}|
1080           9(?:
1081             11[2-9]\d{7}|
1082             (?:
1083               2(?:
1084                 2[013]|
1085                 3[067]|
1086                 49|
1087                 6[01346]|
1088                 80|
1089                 9[147-9]
1090               )|
1091               3(?:
1092                 36|
1093                 4[12358]|
1094                 5[138]|
1095                 6[24]|
1096                 7[069]|
1097                 8[013578]
1098               )
1099             )[2-9]\d{6}|
1100             \d{4}[2-9]\d{5}
1101           )
1102         </nationalNumberPattern>
1103         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
1104         <exampleNumber>91123456789</exampleNumber>
1105       </mobile>
1106       <tollFree>
1107         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
1108         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1109         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
1110       </tollFree>
1111       <premiumRate>
1112         <nationalNumberPattern>60[04579]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
1113         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1114         <exampleNumber>6001234567</exampleNumber>
1115       </premiumRate>
1116       <uan>
1117         <nationalNumberPattern>810\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
1118         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1119         <exampleNumber>8101234567</exampleNumber>
1120       </uan>
1121     </territory>
1123     <!-- American Samoa -->
1124     <territory id="AS" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="684" nationalPrefix="1"
1125                internationalPrefix="011">
1126       <references>
1127         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000004/en</sourceUrl>
1128       </references>
1129       <generalDesc>
1130         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
1131         <nationalNumberPattern>[5689]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
1132         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
1133       </generalDesc>
1134       <fixedLine>
1135         <nationalNumberPattern>
1136           6846(?:
1137             22|
1138             33|
1139             44|
1140             55|
1141             77|
1142             88|
1143             9[19]
1144           )\d{4}
1145         </nationalNumberPattern>
1146         <exampleNumber>6846221234</exampleNumber>
1147       </fixedLine>
1148       <mobile>
1149         <!-- Added 25[246], operated from Blue Sky. Added 731, 770, operated by ASTCA. -->
1150         <nationalNumberPattern>
1151           684(?:
1152             25[2468]|
1153             7(?:
1154               3[13]|
1155               70
1156             )
1157           )\d{4}
1158         </nationalNumberPattern>
1159         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1160         <exampleNumber>6847331234</exampleNumber>
1161       </mobile>
1162       <tollFree>
1163         <nationalNumberPattern>
1164           8(?:
1165             00|
1166             44|
1167             55|
1168             66|
1169             77|
1170             88
1171           )[2-9]\d{6}
1172         </nationalNumberPattern>
1173         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1174         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
1175       </tollFree>
1176       <premiumRate>
1177         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
1178         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1179         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
1180       </premiumRate>
1181       <personalNumber>
1182         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
1183         <nationalNumberPattern>
1184           5(?:
1185             00|
1186             33|
1187             44|
1188             66|
1189             77
1190           )[2-9]\d{6}
1191         </nationalNumberPattern>
1192         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1193         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
1194       </personalNumber>
1195     </territory>
1197     <!-- Austria -->
1198     <territory id="AT" countryCode="43" internationalPrefix="00"
1199                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
1200                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
1201       <references>
1202         <sourceUrl>http://www.rtr.at/en/tk/E129</sourceUrl>
1203       </references>
1204       <availableFormats>
1205         <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{3,12})">
1206           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
1207           <format>$1 $2</format>
1208         </numberFormat>
1209         <!-- The following three patterns are the most common for prefixes 050, 057 and 059, as
1210              found on Austrian web pages. -->
1211         <numberFormat pattern="(5\d)(\d{3,5})">
1212           <leadingDigits>5[079]</leadingDigits>
1213           <format>$1 $2</format>
1214         </numberFormat>
1215         <numberFormat pattern="(5\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
1216           <leadingDigits>5[079]</leadingDigits>
1217           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
1218         </numberFormat>
1219         <numberFormat pattern="(5\d)(\d{4})(\d{4,7})">
1220           <leadingDigits>5[079]</leadingDigits>
1221           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
1222         </numberFormat>
1223         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,10})">
1224           <leadingDigits>
1225             316|
1226             46|
1227             51|
1228             732|
1229             6(?:
1230               44|
1231               5[0-3579]|
1232               [6-9]
1233             )|
1234             7(?:
1235               1|
1236               [28]0
1237             )|
1238             [89]
1239           </leadingDigits>
1240           <format>$1 $2</format>
1241         </numberFormat>
1242         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3,9})">
1243           <leadingDigits>
1244             2|
1245             3(?:
1246               1[1-578]|
1247               [3-8]
1248             )|
1249             4[2378]|
1250             5[2-6]|
1251             6(?:
1252               [12]|
1253               4[1-35-9]|
1254               5[468]
1255             )|
1256             7(?:
1257               2[1-8]|
1258               35|
1259               4[1-8]|
1260               [5-79]
1261             )
1262           </leadingDigits>
1263             <format>$1 $2</format>
1264           </numberFormat>
1265       </availableFormats>
1266       <generalDesc>
1267         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{3,12}</nationalNumberPattern>
1268         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
1269       </generalDesc>
1270       <fixedLine>
1271         <!-- Note that the full area code is not validated - just the first 3 digits. This also
1272              means that even though for most Austrian numbers the minimum length is 7, we allow 6
1273              since we don't differentiate below between 3 and 4 digit area codes for reasons of
1274              efficiency. -->
1275         <nationalNumberPattern>
1276           1\d{3,12}|
1277           (?:
1278             2(?:
1279               1[467]|
1280               2[13-8]|
1281               5[2357]|
1282               6[1-46-8]|
1283               7[1-8]|
1284               8[124-7]|
1285               9[1458]
1286             )|
1287             3(?:
1288               1[1-8]|
1289               3[23568]|
1290               4[5-7]|
1291               5[1378]|
1292               6[1-38]|
1293               8[3-68]
1294             )|
1295             4(?:
1296               2[1-8]|
1297               35|
1298               63|
1299               7[1368]|
1300               8[2457]
1301             )|
1302             5(?:
1303               12|
1304               2[1-8]|
1305               3[357]|
1306               4[147]|
1307               5[12578]|
1308               6[37]
1309             )|
1310             6(?:
1311               13|
1312               2[1-47]|
1313               4[1-35-8]|
1314               5[468]|
1315               62
1316             )|
1317             7(?:
1318               2[1-8]|
1319               3[25]|
1320               4[13478]|
1321               5[68]|
1322               6[16-8]|
1323               7[1-6]|
1324               9[45]
1325             )
1326           )\d{3,10}
1327         </nationalNumberPattern>
1328         <exampleNumber>1234567890</exampleNumber>
1329       </fixedLine>
1330       <mobile>
1331         <nationalNumberPattern>
1332           6(?:
1333             44|
1334             5[0-3579]|
1335             6[013-9]|
1336             [7-9]\d
1337           )\d{4,10}
1338         </nationalNumberPattern>
1339         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
1340         <exampleNumber>644123456</exampleNumber>
1341       </mobile>
1342       <tollFree>
1343         <nationalNumberPattern>80[02]\d{6,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
1344         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
1345         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
1346       </tollFree>
1347       <premiumRate>
1348         <nationalNumberPattern>
1349           (?:
1350             711|
1351             9(?:
1352               0[01]|
1353               3[019]
1354             )
1355           )\d{6,10}
1356         </nationalNumberPattern>
1357         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
1358         <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
1359       </premiumRate>
1360       <sharedCost>
1361         <nationalNumberPattern>
1362           8(?:
1363             10|
1364             2[018]
1365           )\d{6,10}
1366         </nationalNumberPattern>
1367         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
1368         <exampleNumber>810123456</exampleNumber>
1369       </sharedCost>
1370       <voip>
1371         <nationalNumberPattern>780\d{6,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
1372         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
1373         <exampleNumber>780123456</exampleNumber>
1374       </voip>
1375       <uan>
1376         <nationalNumberPattern>
1377           5(?:
1378             (?:
1379               0[1-9]|
1380               17
1381             )\d{2,10}|
1382             [79]\d{3,11}
1383           )|
1384           720\d{6,10}
1385         </nationalNumberPattern>
1386         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
1387         <exampleNumber>50123</exampleNumber>
1388       </uan>
1389     </territory>
1391     <!-- Australia -->
1392     <!-- Metadata shared with Cocos Islands (CC) and Christmas Islands (CX) -->
1393     <territory id="AU" countryCode="61" mainCountryForCode="true"
1394                internationalPrefix="(?:14(?:1[14]|34|4[17]|[56]6|7[47]|88))?001[14-689]"
1395                preferredInternationalPrefix="0011" nationalPrefix="0"
1396                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
1397       <references>
1398         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200000D/en</sourceUrl>
1399         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Australia</sourceUrl>
1400       </references>
1401       <availableFormats>
1402         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
1403           pattern="([2378])(\d{4})(\d{4})">
1404           <leadingDigits>[2378]</leadingDigits>
1405           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
1406         </numberFormat>
1407         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
1408           pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
1409           <leadingDigits>
1410             [45]|
1411             14
1412           </leadingDigits>
1413           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
1414         </numberFormat>
1415         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
1416           pattern="(16)(\d{3})(\d{2,4})">
1417           <leadingDigits>16</leadingDigits>
1418           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
1419         </numberFormat>
1420         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
1421           pattern="(1[389]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
1422           <leadingDigits>
1423             1(?:
1424               [38]0|
1425               90
1426             )
1427           </leadingDigits>
1428           <leadingDigits>
1429             1(?:
1430               [38]00|
1431               90
1432             )
1433           </leadingDigits>
1434           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
1435         </numberFormat>
1436         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
1437           pattern="(180)(2\d{3})">
1438           <leadingDigits>180</leadingDigits>
1439           <leadingDigits>1802</leadingDigits>
1440           <format>$1 $2</format>
1441         </numberFormat>
1442         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
1443           pattern="(19\d)(\d{3})">
1444           <leadingDigits>19[13]</leadingDigits>
1445           <format>$1 $2</format>
1446         </numberFormat>
1447         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
1448           pattern="(19\d{2})(\d{4})">
1449           <leadingDigits>19[67]</leadingDigits>
1450           <format>$1 $2</format>
1451         </numberFormat>
1452         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
1453           pattern="(13)(\d{2})(\d{2})">
1454           <leadingDigits>13[1-9]</leadingDigits>
1455           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
1456         </numberFormat>
1457       </availableFormats>
1458       <generalDesc>
1459         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-578]\d{5,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
1460         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1461       </generalDesc>
1462       <noInternationalDialling>
1463         <nationalNumberPattern>
1464           1(?:
1465             3(?:
1466               \d{4}|
1467               00\d{6}
1468             )|
1469             80(?:
1470               0\d{6}|
1471               2\d{3}
1472             )
1473           )
1474         </nationalNumberPattern>
1475         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1476         <exampleNumber>1300123456</exampleNumber>
1477       </noInternationalDialling>
1478       <fixedLine>
1479         <!-- Excludes prefixes used by Cocos Islands and Christmas Islands -->
1480         <nationalNumberPattern>
1481           [237]\d{8}|
1482           8(?:
1483             [68]\d{3}|
1484             7[0-69]\d{2}|
1485             9(?:
1486               [02-9]\d{2}|
1487               1(?:
1488                 [0-57-9]\d|
1489                 6[0135-9]
1490               )
1491             )
1492           )\d{4}
1493         </nationalNumberPattern>
1494         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
1495         <exampleNumber>212345678</exampleNumber>
1496       </fixedLine>
1497       <mobile>
1498         <!-- Includes MobileSat and Thuraya satellite services. According to the wikipedia page,
1499              other ranges 14[1-3] are not currently used. Note CC and CX should be updated as well
1500              if this pattern changes. -->
1501         <nationalNumberPattern>
1502           14(?:
1503             5\d|
1504             71
1505           )\d{5}|
1506           4(?:
1507             [0-2]\d|
1508             3[0-57-9]|
1509             4[47-9]|
1510             5[0-25-9]|
1511             6[6-9]|
1512             7[03-9]|
1513             8[17-9]|
1514             9[017-9]
1515           )\d{6}
1516         </nationalNumberPattern>
1517         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
1518         <exampleNumber>412345678</exampleNumber>
1519       </mobile>
1520       <pager>
1521         <nationalNumberPattern>16\d{3,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
1522         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
1523         <exampleNumber>1612345</exampleNumber>
1524       </pager>
1525       <tollFree>
1526         <nationalNumberPattern>
1527           180(?:
1528             0\d{3}|
1529             2
1530           )\d{3}
1531         </nationalNumberPattern>
1532         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1533         <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
1534       </tollFree>
1535       <premiumRate>
1536         <nationalNumberPattern>190[0126]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
1537         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1538         <exampleNumber>1900123456</exampleNumber>
1539       </premiumRate>
1540       <sharedCost>
1541       <!-- Local-rate (SmartNumbers) are put here because they are a reverse-charge network,
1542            although they charge a small local call connect fee (around 25c). These start with 13
1543            or 1300. -->
1544         <nationalNumberPattern>
1545           13(?:
1546             00\d{2}
1547           )?\d{4}
1548         </nationalNumberPattern>
1549         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1550         <exampleNumber>1300123456</exampleNumber>
1551       </sharedCost>
1552       <!-- Wikipedia was the source for these types of numbers, and number allocation search here
1553            http://web.acma.gov.au/numb/openAccess/inquiry/allocationSearch.do confirms this. (Search
1554            from 0500000000 to 0590000000) -->
1555       <personalNumber>
1556         <nationalNumberPattern>500\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
1557         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
1558         <exampleNumber>500123456</exampleNumber>
1559       </personalNumber>
1560       <voip>
1561         <nationalNumberPattern>550\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
1562         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
1563         <exampleNumber>550123456</exampleNumber>
1564       </voip>
1565     </territory>
1567     <!-- Aruba -->
1568     <territory id="AW" countryCode="297" internationalPrefix="00">
1569       <references>
1570         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200000B/en</sourceUrl>
1571       </references>
1572       <availableFormats>
1573         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
1574           <format>$1 $2</format>
1575         </numberFormat>
1576       </availableFormats>
1577       <generalDesc>
1578         <nationalNumberPattern>[25-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
1579         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
1580       </generalDesc>
1581       <fixedLine>
1582         <nationalNumberPattern>
1583           5(?:
1584             2\d|
1585             8[1-9]
1586           )\d{4}
1587         </nationalNumberPattern>
1588         <exampleNumber>5212345</exampleNumber>
1589       </fixedLine>
1590       <mobile>
1591         <!-- The prefixes 662, 994 & 96[45], while not in the plan, seem to be used in mobile
1592              numbers found online. -->
1593         <nationalNumberPattern>
1594           (?:
1595             5(?:
1596               6\d|
1597               9[2-478]
1598             )|
1599             6(?:
1600               [039]0|
1601               22|
1602               4[01]|
1603               6[0-2]
1604             )|
1605             7[34]\d|
1606             9(?:
1607               6[45]|
1608               9[4-8]
1609             )
1610           )\d{4}
1611         </nationalNumberPattern>
1612         <exampleNumber>5601234</exampleNumber>
1613       </mobile>
1614       <tollFree>
1615         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
1616         <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
1617       </tollFree>
1618       <premiumRate>
1619         <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
1620         <exampleNumber>9001234</exampleNumber>
1621       </premiumRate>
1622       <voip>
1623         <nationalNumberPattern>
1624           28\d{5}|
1625           501\d{4}
1626         </nationalNumberPattern>
1627         <exampleNumber>5011234</exampleNumber>
1628       </voip>
1629     </territory>
1631     <!-- Ã…land Islands. -->
1632     <!-- Metadata shared with Finland. -->
1633     <territory id="AX" countryCode="358" internationalPrefix="00|99[049]" nationalPrefix="0"
1634                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
1635       <references>
1636         <sourceUrl>http://www.ficora.fi/en/index/palvelut/palvelutaiheittain/numerointi/numerotyypitjaalueet.html</sourceUrl>
1637       </references>
1638       <!-- The general desc and fixed line are numbers different from Finland metadata. -->
1639       <generalDesc>
1640         <nationalNumberPattern>
1641           [135]\d{5,9}|
1642           [27]\d{4,9}|
1643           4\d{5,10}|
1644           6\d{7,8}|
1645           8\d{6,9}
1646         </nationalNumberPattern>
1647         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
1648       </generalDesc>
1649       <noInternationalDialling>
1650         <!-- According to the national numbering plan, service numbers are in general not accessible
1651              from abroad, although 600/700/800 numbers may be. -->
1652         <nationalNumberPattern>
1653           [13]00\d{3,7}|
1654           2(?:
1655             0(?:
1656               0\d{3,7}|
1657               2[023]\d{1,6}|
1658               9[89]\d{1,6}
1659             )
1660           )|
1661           60(?:
1662             [12]\d{5,6}|
1663             6\d{7}
1664           )|
1665           7(?:
1666             1\d{7}|
1667             3\d{8}|
1668             5[03-9]\d{2,7}
1669           )
1670         </nationalNumberPattern>
1671         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1672         <exampleNumber>100123</exampleNumber>
1673       </noInternationalDialling>
1674       <fixedLine>
1675         <nationalNumberPattern>18[1-8]\d{3,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
1676         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
1677         <exampleNumber>1812345678</exampleNumber>
1678       </fixedLine>
1679       <!-- The mobile, toll free, premium rate and UAN numbers copied from Finland. -->
1680       <mobile>
1681         <nationalNumberPattern>
1682           4\d{5,10}|
1683           50\d{4,8}
1684         </nationalNumberPattern>
1685         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
1686         <exampleNumber>412345678</exampleNumber>
1687       </mobile>
1688       <tollFree>
1689         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
1690         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1691         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
1692       </tollFree>
1693       <premiumRate>
1694         <nationalNumberPattern>[67]00\d{5,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
1695         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
1696         <exampleNumber>600123456</exampleNumber>
1697       </premiumRate>
1698       <uan>
1699         <!-- Covers nationwide non-geographic numbers, and nationwide "service numbers", typically
1700              assigned to institutions such as universities, the national post, etc, where they are
1701              not otherwise classified as toll-free or premium-rate numbers. -->
1702         <nationalNumberPattern>
1703           [13]0\d{4,8}|
1704           2(?:
1705             0(?:
1706               [016-8]\d{3,7}|
1707               [2-59]\d{2,7}
1708             )|
1709             9\d{4,8}
1710           )|
1711           60(?:
1712             [12]\d{5,6}|
1713             6\d{7}
1714           )|
1715           7(?:
1716             1\d{7}|
1717             3\d{8}|
1718             5[03-9]\d{2,7}
1719           )
1720         </nationalNumberPattern>
1721         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1722         <exampleNumber>10112345</exampleNumber>
1723       </uan>
1724     </territory>
1726     <!-- Azerbaijan -->
1727     <territory id="AZ" countryCode="994" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
1728                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
1729       <references>
1730         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200000F/en</sourceUrl>
1731       </references>
1732       <availableFormats>
1733         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
1734           <leadingDigits>
1735             (?:
1736               1[28]|
1737               2(?:
1738                 [45]2|
1739                 [0-36]
1740               )|
1741               365
1742             )
1743           </leadingDigits>
1744           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
1745         </numberFormat>
1746         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
1747           <leadingDigits>[4-8]</leadingDigits>
1748           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
1749         </numberFormat>
1750         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})"
1751           nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
1752           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
1753           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
1754         </numberFormat>
1755       </availableFormats>
1756       <generalDesc>
1757         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
1758         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
1759       </generalDesc>
1760       <fixedLine>
1761         <nationalNumberPattern>
1762           (?:
1763             1[28]\d|
1764             2(?:
1765               02|
1766               1[24]|
1767               2[2-4]|
1768               33|
1769               [45]2|
1770               6[23]
1771             )|
1772             365
1773           )\d{6}
1774         </nationalNumberPattern>
1775         <exampleNumber>123123456</exampleNumber>
1776       </fixedLine>
1777       <mobile>
1778         <nationalNumberPattern>
1779           (?:
1780             4[04]|
1781             5[015]|
1782             60|
1783             7[07]
1784           )\d{7}
1785         </nationalNumberPattern>
1786         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
1787         <exampleNumber>401234567</exampleNumber>
1788       </mobile>
1789       <tollFree>
1790         <!-- 88 is listed as fixed-line for Baku in the ITU document, but online numbers seem to
1791              suggest they are in fact national toll-free numbers. -->
1792         <nationalNumberPattern>88\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
1793         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
1794         <exampleNumber>881234567</exampleNumber>
1795       </tollFree>
1796       <premiumRate>
1797         <!-- These are marked as Interactive Calls in the ITU document. -->
1798         <nationalNumberPattern>900200\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
1799         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
1800         <exampleNumber>900200123</exampleNumber>
1801       </premiumRate>
1802     </territory>
1804     <!-- Bosnia and Herzegovina -->
1805     <territory id="BA" countryCode="387" internationalPrefix="00"
1806                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
1807                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
1808       <references>
1809         <!-- accessible from http://www.cra.ba/en/telecom/numbering/ -->
1810         <sourceUrl>http://www.rak.ba/eng/index.php?uid=1272016657</sourceUrl>
1811         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/+387</sourceUrl>
1812       </references>
1813       <availableFormats>
1814         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
1815           <leadingDigits>[3-5]</leadingDigits>
1816           <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
1817         </numberFormat>
1818         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
1819           <leadingDigits>
1820             6[1-356]|
1821             [7-9]
1822           </leadingDigits>
1823           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
1824         </numberFormat>
1825         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
1826           <leadingDigits>6[047]</leadingDigits>
1827           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
1828         </numberFormat>
1829       </availableFormats>
1830       <generalDesc>
1831         <nationalNumberPattern>[3-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
1832         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
1833       </generalDesc>
1834       <fixedLine>
1835         <nationalNumberPattern>
1836           (?:
1837             [35]\d|
1838             49
1839           )\d{6}
1840         </nationalNumberPattern>
1841         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
1842         <exampleNumber>30123456</exampleNumber>
1843       </fixedLine>
1844       <mobile>
1845         <nationalNumberPattern>
1846           6(?:
1847             03|
1848             44|
1849             71|
1850             [1-356]
1851           )\d{6}
1852         </nationalNumberPattern>
1853         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
1854         <exampleNumber>61123456</exampleNumber>
1855       </mobile>
1856       <tollFree>
1857         <nationalNumberPattern>8[08]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
1858         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
1859         <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
1860       </tollFree>
1861       <premiumRate>
1862         <nationalNumberPattern>9[0246]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
1863         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
1864         <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
1865       </premiumRate>
1866       <sharedCost>
1867         <!-- Using this category to model national tariff numbers - these are under Shared Cost in
1868              the plan. -->
1869         <nationalNumberPattern>8[12]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
1870         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
1871         <exampleNumber>82123456</exampleNumber>
1872       </sharedCost>
1873       <uan>
1874         <!-- Using this to classify nomad numbers. -->
1875         <nationalNumberPattern>70[23]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
1876         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
1877         <exampleNumber>70223456</exampleNumber>
1878       </uan>
1879     </territory>
1881     <!-- Barbados -->
1882     <territory id="BB" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="246" nationalPrefix="1"
1883                internationalPrefix="011">
1884       <references>
1885         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000013/en</sourceUrl>
1886       </references>
1887       <generalDesc>
1888         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
1889         <nationalNumberPattern>[2589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
1890         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
1891       </generalDesc>
1892       <fixedLine>
1893         <nationalNumberPattern>246[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
1894         <exampleNumber>2462345678</exampleNumber>
1895       </fixedLine>
1896       <mobile>
1897         <nationalNumberPattern>
1898           246(?:
1899             (?:
1900               2[346]|
1901               45|
1902               82
1903             )\d|
1904             25[0-4]
1905           )\d{4}
1906         </nationalNumberPattern>
1907         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1908         <exampleNumber>2462501234</exampleNumber>
1909       </mobile>
1910       <tollFree>
1911         <nationalNumberPattern>
1912           8(?:
1913             00|
1914             44|
1915             55|
1916             66|
1917             77|
1918             88
1919           )[2-9]\d{6}
1920         </nationalNumberPattern>
1921         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1922         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
1923       </tollFree>
1924       <premiumRate>
1925         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
1926         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1927         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
1928       </premiumRate>
1929       <personalNumber>
1930         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
1931         <nationalNumberPattern>
1932           5(?:
1933             00|
1934             33|
1935             44|
1936             66|
1937             77
1938           )[2-9]\d{6}
1939         </nationalNumberPattern>
1940         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
1941         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
1942       </personalNumber>
1943     </territory>
1945     <!-- Bangladesh -->
1946     <territory id="BD" countryCode="880" internationalPrefix="00[12]?"
1947                preferredInternationalPrefix="00"
1948                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
1949       <references>
1950         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000012/en</sourceUrl>
1951         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Bangladesh</sourceUrl>
1952         <sourceUrl>http://www.btrc.gov.bd/sites/default/files/national_numbering_plan_2005_0.pdf</sourceUrl>
1953       </references>
1954       <availableFormats>
1955         <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{7})">
1956           <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
1957           <format>$1-$2</format>
1958         </numberFormat>
1959         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4,6})">
1960           <leadingDigits>[3-79]1</leadingDigits>
1961           <format>$1-$2</format>
1962         </numberFormat>
1963         <!-- Mobile numbers, VOIP, and four-digit fixed-line area codes. -->
1964         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3,6})">
1965           <leadingDigits>
1966             1|
1967             3(?:
1968               0|
1969               [2-58]2
1970             )|
1971             4(?:
1972               0|
1973               [25]2|
1974               3[23]|
1975               [4689][25]
1976             )|
1977             5(?:
1978               [02-578]2|
1979               6[25]
1980             )|
1981             6(?:
1982               [0347-9]2|
1983               [26][25]
1984             )|
1985             7[02-9]2|
1986             8(?:
1987               [023][23]|
1988               [4-7]2
1989             )|
1990             9(?:
1991               [02][23]|
1992               [458]2|
1993               6[016]
1994             )
1995           </leadingDigits>
1996           <format>$1-$2</format>
1997         </numberFormat>
1998         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,7})">
1999           <leadingDigits>
2000             [3-79][2-9]|
2001             8
2002           </leadingDigits>
2003           <format>$1-$2</format>
2004         </numberFormat>
2005       </availableFormats>
2006       <generalDesc>
2007       <!-- This is quite complex so we can define that numbers beginning with 88 are not part of the
2008            plan, so the country code can be accurately stripped off. -->
2009         <nationalNumberPattern>
2010           [2-79]\d{5,9}|
2011           1\d{9}|
2012           8[0-7]\d{4,8}
2013         </nationalNumberPattern>
2014         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
2015       </generalDesc>
2016       <fixedLine>
2017         <!-- There was a plan to move to 10 digit fixed-line numbers, but this does not seem to have
2018              been realised, judging by online numbers and wikipedia. These patterns are grouped
2019              first by leading digit, then within by number of digits. Several Dhaka prefixes (02 731
2020              etc) are included despite not being mentioned on the wikipedia page or ITU doc due to
2021              online evidence. Another oddity is Chittagong - some numbers have a leading 2, others
2022              do not - both are allowed for now. For some area codes, the subscriber number length
2023              described in our source documentation doesn't match numbers online (e.g. 05222) so we
2024              allow both for now. (This applies to 0431, 04329, 04623, 05327 as well). We have
2025              also added 04452 and 04923 from numbers found online. -->
2026         <nationalNumberPattern>
2027           2(?:
2028             7(?:
2029               1[0-267]|
2030               2[0-289]|
2031               3[0-29]|
2032               [46][01]|
2033               5[1-3]|
2034               7[017]|
2035               91
2036             )|
2037             8(?:
2038               0[125]|
2039               [139][1-6]|
2040               2[0157-9]|
2041               6[1-35]|
2042               7[1-5]|
2043               8[1-8]
2044             )|
2045             9(?:
2046               0[0-2]|
2047               1[1-4]|
2048               2[568]|
2049               3[3-6]|
2050               5[5-7]|
2051               6[0167]|
2052               7[15]|
2053               8[0146-8]
2054             )
2055           )\d{4}|
2056           3(?:
2057             12?[5-7]\d{2}|
2058             0(?:
2059               2(?:
2060                 [025-79]\d|
2061                 [348]\d{1,2}
2062               )|
2063               3(?:
2064                 [2-4]\d|
2065                 [56]\d?
2066               )
2067             )|
2068             2(?:
2069               1\d{2}|
2070               2(?:
2071                 [12]\d|
2072                 [35]\d{1,2}|
2073                 4\d?
2074               )
2075             )|
2076             3(?:
2077               1\d{2}|
2078               2(?:
2079                 [2356]\d|
2080                 4\d{1,2}
2081               )
2082             )|
2083             4(?:
2084               1\d{2}|
2085               2(?:
2086                 2\d{1,2}|
2087                 [47]|
2088                 5\d{2}
2089               )
2090             )|
2091             5(?:
2092               1\d{2}|
2093               29
2094             )|
2095             [67]1\d{2}|
2096             8(?:
2097               1\d{2}|
2098               2(?:
2099                 2\d{2}|
2100                 3|
2101                 4\d
2102               )
2103             )
2104           )\d{3}|
2105           4(?:
2106             0(?:
2107               2(?:
2108                 [09]\d|
2109                 7
2110               )|
2111               33\d{2}
2112             )|
2113             1\d{3}|
2114             2(?:
2115               1\d{2}|
2116               2(?:
2117                 [25]\d?|
2118                 [348]\d|
2119                 [67]\d{1,2}
2120               )
2121             )|
2122             3(?:
2123               1\d{2}(?:\d{2})?|
2124               2(?:
2125                 [045]\d|
2126                 [236-9]\d{1,2}
2127               )|
2128               32\d{2}
2129             )|
2130             4(?:
2131               [18]\d{2}|
2132               2(?:
2133                 [2-46]\d{2}|
2134                 3
2135               )|
2136               5[25]\d{2}
2137             )|
2138             5(?:
2139               1\d{2}|
2140               2(?:
2141                 3\d|
2142                 5
2143               )
2144             )|
2145             6(?:
2146               [18]\d{2}|
2147               2(?:
2148                 3(?:\d{2})?|
2149                 [46]\d{1,2}|
2150                 5\d{2}|
2151                 7\d
2152               )|
2153               5(?:
2154                 3\d?|
2155                 4\d|
2156                 [57]\d{1,2}|
2157                 6\d{2}|
2158                 8
2159               )
2160             )|
2161             71\d{2}|
2162             8(?:
2163               [18]\d{2}|
2164               23\d{2}|
2165               54\d{2}
2166             )|
2167             9(?:
2168               [18]\d{2}|
2169               2[2-5]\d{2}|
2170               53\d{1,2}
2171             )
2172           )\d{3}|
2173           5(?:
2174             02[03489]\d{2}|
2175             1\d{2}|
2176             2(?:
2177               1\d{2}|
2178               2(?:
2179                 2(?:\d{2})?|
2180                 [457]\d{2}
2181               )
2182             )|
2183             3(?:
2184               1\d{2}|
2185               2(?:
2186                 [37](?:\d{2})?|
2187                 [569]\d{2}
2188               )
2189             )|
2190             4(?:
2191               1\d{2}|
2192               2[46]\d{2}
2193             )|
2194             5(?:
2195               1\d{2}|
2196               26\d{1,2}
2197             )|
2198             6(?:
2199               [18]\d{2}|
2200               2|
2201               53\d{2}
2202             )|
2203             7(?:
2204               1|
2205               24
2206             )\d{2}|
2207             8(?:
2208               1|
2209               26
2210             )\d{2}|
2211             91\d{2}
2212           )\d{3}|
2213           6(?:
2214             0(?:
2215               1\d{2}|
2216               2(?:
2217                 3\d{2}|
2218                 4\d{1,2}
2219               )
2220             )|
2221             2(?:
2222               2[2-5]\d{2}|
2223               5(?:
2224                 [3-5]\d{2}|
2225                 7
2226               )|
2227               8\d{2}
2228             )|
2229             3(?:
2230               1|
2231               2[3478]
2232             )\d{2}|
2233             4(?:
2234               1|
2235               2[34]
2236             )\d{2}|
2237             5(?:
2238               1|
2239               2[47]
2240             )\d{2}|
2241             6(?:
2242               [18]\d{2}|
2243               6(?:
2244                 2(?:
2245                   2\d|
2246                   [34]\d{2}
2247                 )|
2248                 5(?:
2249                   [24]\d{2}|
2250                   3\d|
2251                   5\d{1,2}
2252                 )
2253               )
2254             )|
2255             72[2-5]\d{2}|
2256             8(?:
2257               1\d{2}|
2258               2[2-5]\d{2}
2259             )|
2260             9(?:
2261               1\d{2}|
2262               2[2-6]\d{2}
2263             )
2264           )\d{3}|
2265           7(?:
2266             (?:
2267               02|
2268               [3-589]1|
2269               6[12]|
2270               72[24]
2271             )\d{2}|
2272             21\d{3}|
2273             32
2274           )\d{3}|
2275           8(?:
2276             (?:
2277               4[12]|
2278               [5-7]2|
2279               1\d?
2280             )|
2281             (?:
2282               0|
2283               3[12]|
2284               [5-7]1|
2285               217
2286             )\d
2287           )\d{4}|
2288           9(?:
2289             [35]1|
2290             (?:
2291               [024]2|
2292               81
2293             )\d|
2294             (?:
2295               1|
2296               [24]1
2297             )\d{2}
2298           )\d{3}
2299         </nationalNumberPattern>
2300         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
2301         <exampleNumber>27111234</exampleNumber>
2302       </fixedLine>
2303       <mobile>
2304         <!-- Presuming that mobile numbers with the prefixes 66, 37, 44 and 38 must be followed by
2305              numbers [02-9] or they would clash with fixed-line codes. According to the plan, mobile
2306              numbers should be moving to 1[13-9] anyway. -->
2307         <nationalNumberPattern>
2308           (?:
2309             1[13-9]\d|
2310             (?:
2311               3[78]|
2312               44
2313             )[02-9]|
2314             6(?:
2315               44|
2316               6[02-9]
2317             )
2318           )\d{7}
2319         </nationalNumberPattern>
2320         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
2321         <exampleNumber>1812345678</exampleNumber>
2322       </mobile>
2323       <tollFree>
2324         <!-- Note: Including Tele-voting numbers here as they are free of charge. -->
2325         <nationalNumberPattern>80[03]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
2326         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
2327         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
2328       </tollFree>
2329       <voip>
2330         <nationalNumberPattern>
2331           96(?:
2332             0[49]|
2333             1[0-4]|
2334             6[69]
2335           )\d{6}
2336         </nationalNumberPattern>
2337         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
2338         <exampleNumber>9604123456</exampleNumber>
2339       </voip>
2340     </territory>
2342     <!-- Belgium -->
2343     <territory id="BE" countryCode="32" internationalPrefix="00"
2344                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
2345                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
2346       <references>
2347         <sourceUrl>http://www.bipt.be/en/161/ShowContent/502/Database/Databases.aspx</sourceUrl>
2348         <sourceUrl>http://www.telefoonzones.be/</sourceUrl>
2349       </references>
2350       <availableFormats>
2351         <numberFormat pattern="(4[6-9]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
2352           <leadingDigits>4[6-9]</leadingDigits>
2353           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
2354         </numberFormat>
2355         <numberFormat pattern="([2-49])(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
2356           <leadingDigits>
2357             [23]|
2358             [49][23]
2359           </leadingDigits>
2360           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
2361         </numberFormat>
2362         <numberFormat pattern="([15-8]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
2363           <leadingDigits>
2364             [156]|
2365             7[018]|
2366             8(?:
2367               0[1-9]|
2368               [1-79]
2369             )
2370           </leadingDigits>
2371           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
2372         </numberFormat>
2373         <numberFormat pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
2374           <leadingDigits>
2375             (?:
2376               80|
2377               9
2378             )0
2379           </leadingDigits>
2380           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
2381         </numberFormat>
2382       </availableFormats>
2383       <generalDesc>
2384         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
2385         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
2386       </generalDesc>
2387       <fixedLine>
2388         <!-- According to the published Excel document the third digit must be 1-9. -->
2389         <nationalNumberPattern>
2390           (?:
2391             1[0-69]|
2392             [49][23]|
2393             5\d|
2394             6[013-57-9]|
2395             71|
2396             8[0-79]
2397           )[1-9]\d{5}|
2398           [23][2-8]\d{6}
2399         </nationalNumberPattern>
2400         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2401         <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
2402       </fixedLine>
2403       <mobile>
2404         <!-- Numbers beginning with 46 outside the ranges allocated by the plan have been included
2405              since many were found online. -->
2406         <nationalNumberPattern>
2407           4(?:
2408             [679]\d|
2409             8[03-9]
2410           )\d{6}
2411         </nationalNumberPattern>
2412         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
2413         <exampleNumber>470123456</exampleNumber>
2414       </mobile>
2415       <tollFree>
2416         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
2417         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2418         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
2419       </tollFree>
2420       <premiumRate>
2421         <nationalNumberPattern>
2422           (?:
2423             70[2-7]|
2424             90\d
2425           )\d{5}
2426         </nationalNumberPattern>
2427         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2428         <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
2429       </premiumRate>
2430       <uan>
2431         <!-- Using this for National Rate Services, since
2432              http://www.voipgate.com/site/news/newsflash/new-numbers-available-the-netherlands-and-austria.html
2433              says it will be priced the same as any other national calls. -->
2434         <nationalNumberPattern>78\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
2435         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2436         <exampleNumber>78123456</exampleNumber>
2437       </uan>
2438     </territory>
2440     <!-- Burkina Faso -->
2441     <territory id="BF" countryCode="226" internationalPrefix="00">
2442       <references>
2443         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000021/en</sourceUrl>
2444         <sourceUrl>http://www.onatel.bf/onatelsa/plandenumerotation_burkina.pdf</sourceUrl>
2445       </references>
2446       <availableFormats>
2447         <!-- The national numbering plan from ITU suggests grouping of 2, 2 and 4, but we have
2448              chosen to use the standard from numbers found on the internet instead. -->
2449         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
2450           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
2451         </numberFormat>
2452       </availableFormats>
2453       <generalDesc>
2454         <nationalNumberPattern>[24-7]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
2455         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2456       </generalDesc>
2457       <fixedLine>
2458         <nationalNumberPattern>
2459           (?:
2460             20(?:
2461               49|
2462               5[23]|
2463               9[016-9]
2464             )|
2465             40(?:
2466               4[569]|
2467               5[4-6]|
2468               7[0179]
2469             )|
2470             50(?:
2471               [34]\d|
2472               50
2473             )
2474           )\d{4}
2475         </nationalNumberPattern>
2476         <exampleNumber>20491234</exampleNumber>
2477       </fixedLine>
2478       <mobile>
2479         <nationalNumberPattern>
2480           6(?:
2481             [0-689]\d|
2482             7[0-5]
2483           )\d{5}|
2484           7\d{7}
2485         </nationalNumberPattern>
2486         <exampleNumber>70123456</exampleNumber>
2487       </mobile>
2488     </territory>
2490     <!-- Bulgaria -->
2491     <territory id="BG" countryCode="359" internationalPrefix="00"
2492                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
2493                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
2494       <references>
2495         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000020/en</sourceUrl>
2496       </references>
2497       <availableFormats>
2498         <!-- Formatting rules follow the conventions seen in web-search results. A space has been
2499              used to separate the area code from the rest of the number, based on sites like
2500              http://www.goldenpages.bg. -->
2501         <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{5})">
2502           <leadingDigits>29</leadingDigits>
2503           <format>$1 $2</format>
2504         </numberFormat>
2505         <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
2506           <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
2507           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
2508         </numberFormat>
2509         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
2510           <leadingDigits>
2511             43[124-7]|
2512             70[1-9]
2513           </leadingDigits>
2514           <format>$1 $2</format>
2515         </numberFormat>
2516         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{2})">
2517           <leadingDigits>
2518             43[124-7]|
2519             70[1-9]
2520           </leadingDigits>
2521           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
2522         </numberFormat>
2523         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
2524           <leadingDigits>[78]00</leadingDigits>
2525           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
2526         </numberFormat>
2527         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2,3})">
2528           <leadingDigits>
2529             [356]|
2530             4[124-7]|
2531             7[1-9]|
2532             8[1-6]|
2533             9[1-7]
2534           </leadingDigits>
2535           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
2536         </numberFormat>
2537         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
2538           <leadingDigits>
2539             48|
2540             8[7-9]|
2541             9[08]
2542           </leadingDigits>
2543           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
2544         </numberFormat>
2545       </availableFormats>
2546       <generalDesc>
2547         <nationalNumberPattern>
2548           [23567]\d{5,7}|
2549           [489]\d{6,8}
2550         </nationalNumberPattern>
2551         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
2552       </generalDesc>
2553       <fixedLine>
2554         <!-- 29xxxx numbers have been added because they can be found online, and are typically
2555              used by taxi companies. -->
2556         <nationalNumberPattern>
2557           2(?:
2558             [0-8]\d{5,6}|
2559             9\d{4,6}
2560           )|
2561           (?:
2562             [36]\d|
2563             5[1-9]|
2564             8[1-6]|
2565             9[1-7]
2566           )\d{5,6}|
2567           (?:
2568             4(?:
2569               [124-7]\d|
2570               3[1-6]
2571             )|
2572             7(?:
2573               0[1-9]|
2574               [1-9]\d
2575             )
2576           )\d{4,5}
2577         </nationalNumberPattern>
2578         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2579         <exampleNumber>2123456</exampleNumber>
2580       </fixedLine>
2581       <mobile>
2582         <nationalNumberPattern>
2583           (?:
2584             8[7-9]|
2585             98
2586           )\d{7}|
2587           4(?:
2588             3[0789]|
2589             8\d
2590           )\d{5}
2591         </nationalNumberPattern>
2592         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
2593         <exampleNumber>48123456</exampleNumber>
2594       </mobile>
2595       <tollFree>
2596         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
2597         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2598         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
2599       </tollFree>
2600       <premiumRate>
2601         <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
2602         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2603         <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
2604       </premiumRate>
2605       <personalNumber>
2606         <nationalNumberPattern>700\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
2607         <exampleNumber>70012345</exampleNumber>
2608       </personalNumber>
2609     </territory>
2611     <!-- Bahrain -->
2612     <territory id="BH" countryCode="973" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
2613       <references>
2614         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000011/en</sourceUrl>
2615         <sourceUrl>http://www.tra.org.bh/en/marketNumbering.aspx</sourceUrl>
2616         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Bahrain</sourceUrl>
2617       </references>
2618       <availableFormats>
2619         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
2620           <format>$1 $2</format>
2621         </numberFormat>
2622       </availableFormats>
2623       <generalDesc>
2624         <nationalNumberPattern>[136-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
2625         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2626       </generalDesc>
2627       <!-- Some ranges were previously described as "universal", but in subsequent versions of the
2628            ITU doc they have been specified to be mobile or fixed-line. We follow the ITU
2629            designations, even though some publications still refer to them as universal. -->
2630       <!-- According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Bahrain, the ranges
2631            "6966-6969, 6996, 6999" are assigned to Rapid. However this contradicts the ITU doc
2632            which lists "6966, 6969, 6996, 6999". We follow ITU here. -->
2633       <fixedLine>
2634         <nationalNumberPattern>
2635           (?:
2636             1(?:
2637               3[13-6]|
2638               6[0156]|
2639               7\d
2640             )\d|
2641             6(?:
2642               1[16]\d|
2643               500|
2644               6(?:
2645                 0\d|
2646                 3[12]|
2647                 44|
2648                 88
2649               )|
2650               9[69][69]
2651             )|
2652             7(?:
2653               7\d{2}|
2654               178
2655             )
2656           )\d{4}
2657         </nationalNumberPattern>
2658         <exampleNumber>17001234</exampleNumber>
2659       </fixedLine>
2660       <!-- 31 is assigned to Royal Court, as per documents on Bahrain's own telecom site, even
2661            though it is omitted from the ITU document. 356 was added based on numbers found
2662            online. -->
2663       <mobile>
2664         <nationalNumberPattern>
2665           (?:
2666             3(?:
2667               [1-4679]\d|
2668               5[01356]|
2669               8[0-48]
2670             )\d|
2671             6(?:
2672               3(?:
2673                 00|
2674                 33|
2675                 6[16]
2676               )|
2677               6(?:
2678                 [69]\d|
2679                 3[03-9]
2680               )
2681             )
2682           )\d{4}
2683         </nationalNumberPattern>
2684         <exampleNumber>36001234</exampleNumber>
2685       </mobile>
2686       <tollFree>
2687         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
2688         <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
2689       </tollFree>
2690       <!-- 87 numbers are "wholly paid by the caller", so they are slotted under premium-rate for
2691            now. -->
2692       <premiumRate>
2693         <nationalNumberPattern>
2694           (?:
2695             87|
2696             9[014578]
2697           )\d{6}
2698         </nationalNumberPattern>
2699         <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
2700       </premiumRate>
2701       <sharedCost>
2702         <nationalNumberPattern>84\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
2703         <exampleNumber>84123456</exampleNumber>
2704       </sharedCost>
2705     </territory>
2707     <!-- Burundi -->
2708     <territory id="BI" countryCode="257" internationalPrefix="00">
2709       <references>
2710         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000022/en</sourceUrl>
2711       </references>
2712       <availableFormats>
2713         <numberFormat
2714           pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
2715           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
2716         </numberFormat>
2717       </availableFormats>
2718       <generalDesc>
2719         <nationalNumberPattern>[267]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
2720         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2721       </generalDesc>
2722       <fixedLine>
2723         <nationalNumberPattern>
2724           22(?:
2725             2[0-7]|
2726             [3-5]0
2727           )\d{4}
2728         </nationalNumberPattern>
2729         <exampleNumber>22201234</exampleNumber>
2730       </fixedLine>
2731       <mobile>
2732         <!-- Extra online mobile number prefixes found: 74.
2733              The 29 prefix is listed as a mobile prefix, but many people list it as their fixed home
2734              number. We will keep it as mobile for now, but it may actually be a prefix for fixed
2735              satellite phones. -->
2736         <nationalNumberPattern>
2737           (?:
2738             [26]9|
2739             7[14-9]
2740           )\d{6}
2741         </nationalNumberPattern>
2742         <exampleNumber>79561234</exampleNumber>
2743       </mobile>
2744     </territory>
2746     <!-- Benin -->
2747     <territory id="BJ" countryCode="229" internationalPrefix="00">
2748       <references>
2749         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000017/en</sourceUrl>
2750       </references>
2751       <availableFormats>
2752         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
2753           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
2754         </numberFormat>
2755         <!-- Numbers beginning with 7 should be formatted as a block. -->
2756       </availableFormats>
2757       <generalDesc>
2758         <nationalNumberPattern>
2759           [2689]\d{7}|
2760           7\d{3}
2761         </nationalNumberPattern>
2762         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2763       </generalDesc>
2764       <fixedLine>
2765         <!-- These come from the national numbering plan, but have been widened to include other
2766              prefixes found in the yellow pages - specifically 21 0. -->
2767         <nationalNumberPattern>
2768           2(?:
2769             02|
2770             1[037]|
2771             2[45]|
2772             3[68]
2773           )\d{5}
2774         </nationalNumberPattern>
2775         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2776         <exampleNumber>20211234</exampleNumber>
2777       </fixedLine>
2778       <mobile>
2779         <!-- We have restricted the pattern here to the first two digits, as beyond this the data
2780              seems to be no longer accurate. The prefixes 9[46] have also been added, along with
2781              6[167] (seemingly prefixes for Mobile MTN), and 64 for BeninCell. Glo Mobile has been
2782              reported as having prefixes 68 and 9[89]. -->
2783         <nationalNumberPattern>
2784           (?:
2785             6[146-8]|
2786             9[03-9]
2787           )\d{6}
2788         </nationalNumberPattern>
2789         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2790         <exampleNumber>90011234</exampleNumber>
2791       </mobile>
2792       <tollFree>
2793         <nationalNumberPattern>7[3-5]\d{2}</nationalNumberPattern>
2794         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
2795         <exampleNumber>7312</exampleNumber>
2796       </tollFree>
2797       <voip>
2798         <nationalNumberPattern>857[58]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
2799         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2800         <exampleNumber>85751234</exampleNumber>
2801       </voip>
2802       <!-- Numbers beginning with 81 are reserved for _either_ free phone or shared-cost (same cost
2803            as a local-call.) We model these as UAN since we have no more detailed information. -->
2804       <uan>
2805         <nationalNumberPattern>81\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
2806         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2807         <exampleNumber>81123456</exampleNumber>
2808       </uan>
2809     </territory>
2811     <!-- Saint Barthélemy, French Antilles -->
2812     <!-- There seems to be some overlap with phone numbers from Saint Martin and Guadeloupe. The
2813          national numbering plan does not specify any St Barthélemy-specific numbering prefixes, but
2814          it appears from searches in online white and yellow pages that a subset of the prefixes
2815          available in these regions are used. In these cases, if getRegionCodeForNumber is used, one
2816          of these region codes will be returned, although numbers will be valid for both regions.
2817          -->
2818     <territory id="BL" countryCode="590" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0">
2819       <references>
2820         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000058/en</sourceUrl>
2821       </references>
2822       <!-- Formatting rules borrowed from Guadeloupe. -->
2823       <generalDesc>
2824         <nationalNumberPattern>[56]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
2825         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
2826       </generalDesc>
2827       <fixedLine>
2828         <nationalNumberPattern>
2829           590(?:
2830             2[7-9]|
2831             5[12]|
2832             87
2833           )\d{4}
2834         </nationalNumberPattern>
2835         <exampleNumber>590271234</exampleNumber>
2836       </fixedLine>
2837       <mobile>
2838         <!-- Any ranges assigned from
2839              http://www.arcep.fr/index.php?id=interactivenumeros have been listed as belonging to
2840              Guadeloupe, St Martin and St Barthélemy, since we can't reliably distinguish between
2841              them. -->
2842         <nationalNumberPattern>
2843           690(?:
2844             0[0-7]|
2845             [1-9]\d
2846           )\d{4}
2847         </nationalNumberPattern>
2848         <exampleNumber>690301234</exampleNumber>
2849       </mobile>
2850     </territory>
2852     <!-- Bermuda -->
2853     <territory id="BM" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="441" nationalPrefix="1"
2854                internationalPrefix="011">
2855       <references>
2856         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000018/en</sourceUrl>
2857       </references>
2858       <generalDesc>
2859         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
2860         <nationalNumberPattern>[4589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
2861         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
2862       </generalDesc>
2863       <fixedLine>
2864         <nationalNumberPattern>
2865           441(?:
2866             2(?:
2867               02|
2868               23|
2869               61|
2870               [3479]\d
2871             )|
2872             [46]\d{2}|
2873             5(?:
2874               4\d|
2875               60|
2876               89
2877             )|
2878             824
2879           )\d{4}
2880         </nationalNumberPattern>
2881         <exampleNumber>4412345678</exampleNumber>
2882       </fixedLine>
2883       <mobile>
2884         <nationalNumberPattern>
2885           441(?:
2886             [37]\d|
2887             5[0-39]
2888           )\d{5}
2889         </nationalNumberPattern>
2890         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
2891         <exampleNumber>4413701234</exampleNumber>
2892       </mobile>
2893       <tollFree>
2894         <nationalNumberPattern>
2895           8(?:
2896             00|
2897             44|
2898             55|
2899             66|
2900             77|
2901             88
2902           )[2-9]\d{6}
2903         </nationalNumberPattern>
2904         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
2905         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
2906       </tollFree>
2907       <premiumRate>
2908         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
2909         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
2910         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
2911       </premiumRate>
2912       <personalNumber>
2913         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
2914         <nationalNumberPattern>
2915           5(?:
2916             00|
2917             33|
2918             44|
2919             66|
2920             77
2921           )[2-9]\d{6}
2922         </nationalNumberPattern>
2923         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
2924         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
2925       </personalNumber>
2926     </territory>
2928     <!-- Brunei Darussalam -->
2929     <territory id="BN" countryCode="673" internationalPrefix="00">
2930       <references>
2931         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200001F/en</sourceUrl>
2932       </references>
2933       <!-- Format is from http://aiti.gov.bn/contact.html -->
2934       <availableFormats>
2935         <numberFormat pattern="([2-578]\d{2})(\d{4})">
2936           <format>$1 $2</format>
2937         </numberFormat>
2938       </availableFormats>
2939       <generalDesc>
2940         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-578]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
2941         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
2942       </generalDesc>
2943       <fixedLine>
2944         <nationalNumberPattern>
2945           2(?:
2946             [013-9]\d|
2947             2[0-7]
2948           )\d{4}|
2949           [3-5]\d{6}
2950         </nationalNumberPattern>
2951         <exampleNumber>2345678</exampleNumber>
2952       </fixedLine>
2953       <mobile>
2954         <nationalNumberPattern>
2955           22[89]\d{4}|
2956           [78]\d{6}
2957         </nationalNumberPattern>
2958         <exampleNumber>7123456</exampleNumber>
2959       </mobile>
2960     </territory>
2962     <!-- Bolivia -->
2963     <territory id="BO" countryCode="591" internationalPrefix="00(1\d)?" nationalPrefix="0"
2964                nationalPrefixForParsing="0(1\d)?" carrierCodeFormattingRule="$NP$CC $FG">
2965       <references>
2966         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200001A/en</sourceUrl>
2967         <sourceUrl>http://www.bolivia.com/Servicios/Plandenumeracion.pdf</sourceUrl>
2968       </references>
2969       <availableFormats>
2970         <numberFormat pattern="([234])(\d{7})">
2971           <leadingDigits>[234]</leadingDigits>
2972           <format>$1 $2</format>
2973         </numberFormat>
2974         <numberFormat pattern="([67]\d{7})">
2975           <leadingDigits>[67]</leadingDigits>
2976           <format>$1</format>
2977         </numberFormat>
2978       </availableFormats>
2979       <generalDesc>
2980         <nationalNumberPattern>[23467]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
2981         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
2982       </generalDesc>
2983       <fixedLine>
2984         <nationalNumberPattern>
2985           (?:
2986             2(?:
2987               2\d{2}|
2988               5(?:11|[258]\d|9[67])|
2989               6(?:12|2\d|9[34])|
2990               8(?:2[34]|39|62)
2991             )|
2992             3(?:
2993               3\d{2}|
2994               4(?:6\d|8[24])|
2995               8(?:25|42|5[257]|86|9[25])|
2996               9(?:2\d|3[234]|4[248]|5[24]|6[2-6]|7\d)
2997             )|
2998             4(?:
2999               4\d{2}|
3000               6(?:11|[24689]\d|72)
3001             )
3002           )\d{4}
3003         </nationalNumberPattern>
3004         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
3005         <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
3006       </fixedLine>
3007       <mobile>
3008         <nationalNumberPattern>[67]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
3009         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
3010         <exampleNumber>71234567</exampleNumber>
3011       </mobile>
3012     </territory>
3014     <!-- Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba -->
3015     <territory id="BQ" countryCode="599" internationalPrefix="00">
3016       <references>
3017         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000F8/en</sourceUrl>
3018       </references>
3019       <!-- Shares formatting patterns with CW. -->
3020       <generalDesc>
3021         <nationalNumberPattern>[347]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
3022         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
3023       </generalDesc>
3024       <fixedLine>
3025         <nationalNumberPattern>
3026           (?:
3027             318[023]|
3028             416[023]|
3029             7(?:
3030               1[578]|
3031               50
3032             )\d
3033           )\d{3}
3034         </nationalNumberPattern>
3035         <exampleNumber>7151234</exampleNumber>
3036       </fixedLine>
3037       <mobile>
3038         <nationalNumberPattern>
3039           (?:
3040             318[14-68]|
3041             416[15-9]|
3042             7(?:
3043               0[01]|
3044               7[07]|
3045               [89]\d
3046             )\d
3047           )\d{3}
3048         </nationalNumberPattern>
3049         <exampleNumber>3181234</exampleNumber>
3050       </mobile>
3051     </territory>
3053     <!-- Brazil -->
3054     <territory id="BR" countryCode="55"
3055                internationalPrefix="00(?:1[45]|2[135]|31|4[13])"
3056                nationalPrefix="0"
3057                nationalPrefixForParsing="0(?:(1[245]|2[135]|31|4[13])(\d{10,11}))?"
3058                nationalPrefixTransformRule="$2" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
3059       <references>
3060         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B55</sourceUrl>
3061         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200001D/en</sourceUrl>
3062       </references>
3063       <!-- The national prefix for parsing here also contains a capturing group for the main number,
3064            since the carrier codes here may also be area codes, so we want to check the length of
3065            the number after capturing. We also need a nationalTransformRule to repopulate with the
3066            number without the carrier code. -->
3067       <availableFormats>
3068         <!-- Numbers can be dialled without an area code on mobile phones in Brazil. The first two
3069              rules here handle this case. The leading digits pattern must be specific enough such
3070              that it doesn't match X00 numbers (e.g. toll-free). -->
3071         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
3072           <leadingDigits>
3073             [2-9](?:
3074               [1-9]|
3075               0[1-9]
3076             )
3077           </leadingDigits>
3078           <format>$1-$2</format>
3079           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
3080         </numberFormat>
3081         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(\d{5})(\d{4})">
3082           <leadingDigits>
3083             9(?:
3084               [1-9]|
3085               0[1-9]
3086             )
3087           </leadingDigits>
3088           <format>$1-$2</format>
3089           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
3090         </numberFormat>
3091         <!-- Format short numbers as a block. -->
3092         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(\d{3,5})">
3093           <leadingDigits>1[125689]</leadingDigits>
3094           <format>$1</format>
3095           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
3096         </numberFormat>
3097         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)"
3098             pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5})(\d{4})"
3099             carrierCodeFormattingRule="$NP $CC ($FG)">
3100           <leadingDigits>
3101             (?:
3102               1[1-9]|
3103               2[12478]|
3104               9[1-9]
3105             )9
3106           </leadingDigits>
3107           <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
3108         </numberFormat>
3109         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)"
3110             pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})"
3111             carrierCodeFormattingRule="$NP $CC ($FG)">
3112           <leadingDigits>[1-9][1-9]</leadingDigits>
3113           <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
3114         </numberFormat>
3115         <numberFormat pattern="([34]00\d)(\d{4})">
3116           <leadingDigits>[34]00</leadingDigits>
3117           <format>$1-$2</format>
3118         </numberFormat>
3119         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
3120             pattern="([3589]00)(\d{2,3})(\d{4})">
3121           <leadingDigits>[3589]00</leadingDigits>
3122           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
3123         </numberFormat>
3124       </availableFormats>
3125       <generalDesc>
3126         <nationalNumberPattern>
3127           [1-46-9]\d{7,10}|
3128           5\d{8,9}
3129         </nationalNumberPattern>
3130         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
3131       </generalDesc>
3132       <noInternationalDialling>
3133         <nationalNumberPattern>[34]00\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
3134         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
3135         <exampleNumber>40041234</exampleNumber>
3136       </noInternationalDialling>
3137       <fixedLine>
3138         <!-- According to this publication, the prefixes 11 53, 11 54 and 11 57 are to be used for
3139              mobile phones prior to the introduction of a ninth digit. It is not clear whether they
3140              are still valid as fixed-line numbers, so we are leaving them here in the meantime:
3141              http://www.anatel.gov.br/Portal/exibirPortalNoticias.do?acao=carregaNoticia&codigo=22406
3142              -->
3143         <nationalNumberPattern>
3144           1[1-9][2-5]\d{7}|
3145           (?:
3146             [4689][1-9]|
3147             2[12478]|
3148             3[1-578]|
3149             5[13-5]|
3150             7[13-579]
3151           )[2-5]\d{7}
3152         </nationalNumberPattern>
3153         <exampleNumber>1123456789</exampleNumber>
3154       </fixedLine>
3155       <mobile>
3156         <!-- Since 2012, Brazil has been migrating from 10 to 11 digits by inserting a 9 before the
3157              last 8 digits. The following pattern is divided into 3 sections: ranges for which the
3158              migration has been completed, ranges which are in transition, and ranges which are
3159              still in the old format. (Ranges which were supposed to have been deprecated in
3160              Oct. 2013 are still working as of Jan. 2014.) Note that mobile radio services are
3161              still 10 digits, with the subscriber number (the last 8 digits) beginning with 7. -->
3162         <nationalNumberPattern>
3163           1[1-9](?:
3164             7|
3165             9\d
3166           )\d{7}|
3167           (?:
3168             2[12478]|
3169             9[1-9]
3170           )9?[6-9]\d{7}|
3171           (?:
3172             3[1-578]|
3173             [468][1-9]|
3174             5[13-5]|
3175             7[13-579]
3176           )[6-9]\d{7}
3177         </nationalNumberPattern>
3178         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
3179         <exampleNumber>11961234567</exampleNumber>
3180       </mobile>
3181       <tollFree>
3182         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
3183         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
3184       </tollFree>
3185       <premiumRate>
3186         <nationalNumberPattern>[359]00\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
3187         <exampleNumber>300123456</exampleNumber>
3188       </premiumRate>
3189       <sharedCost>
3190         <nationalNumberPattern>[34]00\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
3191         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
3192         <exampleNumber>40041234</exampleNumber>
3193       </sharedCost>
3194     </territory>
3196     <!-- Bahamas -->
3197     <territory id="BS" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="242" nationalPrefix="1"
3198                internationalPrefix="011">
3199       <references>
3200         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000010/en</sourceUrl>
3201       </references>
3202       <generalDesc>
3203         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
3204         <nationalNumberPattern>[2589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
3205         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
3206       </generalDesc>
3207       <fixedLine>
3208         <nationalNumberPattern>
3209           242(?:
3210             3(?:
3211               02|
3212               [236][1-9]|
3213               4[0-24-9]|
3214               5[0-68]|
3215               7[3467]|
3216               8[0-4]|
3217               9[2-467]
3218             )|
3219             461|
3220             502|
3221             6(?:
3222               0[12]|
3223               12|
3224               7[67]|
3225               8[78]|
3226               9[89]
3227             )|
3228             702
3229           )\d{4}
3230         </nationalNumberPattern>
3231         <exampleNumber>2423456789</exampleNumber>
3232       </fixedLine>
3233       <mobile>
3234         <nationalNumberPattern>
3235           242(?:
3236             3(?:
3237               5[79]|
3238               [79]5
3239             )|
3240             4(?:
3241               [2-4][1-9]|
3242               5[1-8]|
3243               6[2-8]|
3244               7\d|
3245               81
3246             )|
3247             5(?:
3248               2[45]|
3249               3[35]|
3250               44|
3251               5[1-9]|
3252               65|
3253               77
3254             )|
3255             6[34]6|
3256             727
3257           )\d{4}
3258         </nationalNumberPattern>
3259         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
3260         <exampleNumber>2423591234</exampleNumber>
3261       </mobile>
3262       <tollFree>
3263         <!-- 242 300 is a Domestic Toll Free service. -->
3264         <nationalNumberPattern>
3265           242300\d{4}|
3266           8(?:
3267             00|
3268             44|
3269             55|
3270             66|
3271             77|
3272             88
3273           )[2-9]\d{6}
3274         </nationalNumberPattern>
3275         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
3276         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
3277       </tollFree>
3278       <premiumRate>
3279         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
3280         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
3281         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
3282       </premiumRate>
3283       <personalNumber>
3284         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
3285         <nationalNumberPattern>
3286           5(?:
3287             00|
3288             33|
3289             44|
3290             66|
3291             77
3292           )[2-9]\d{6}
3293         </nationalNumberPattern>
3294         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
3295         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
3296       </personalNumber>
3297     </territory>
3299     <!-- Bhutan -->
3300     <territory id="BT" countryCode="975" internationalPrefix="00">
3301       <references>
3302         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000019/en</sourceUrl>
3303       </references>
3304       <availableFormats>
3305         <!-- Format is from
3306              http://www.tourism.gov.bt/tour-operators/bhutan-abbot-tours-and-travels.html -->
3307         <numberFormat pattern="([17]7)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
3308           <leadingDigits>
3309             1|
3310             77
3311           </leadingDigits>
3312           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
3313         </numberFormat>
3314         <numberFormat pattern="([2-8])(\d{3})(\d{3})">
3315           <leadingDigits>
3316             [2-68]|
3317             7[246]
3318           </leadingDigits>
3319           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
3320         </numberFormat>
3321       </availableFormats>
3322       <generalDesc>
3323         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-8]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
3324         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
3325       </generalDesc>
3326       <fixedLine>
3327         <nationalNumberPattern>
3328           (?:
3329             2[3-6]|
3330             [34][5-7]|
3331             5[236]|
3332             6[2-46]|
3333             7[246]|
3334             8[2-4]
3335           )\d{5}
3336         </nationalNumberPattern>
3337         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
3338         <exampleNumber>2345678</exampleNumber>
3339       </fixedLine>
3340       <mobile>
3341         <!-- The 77 prefix is not yet in the ITU document but numbers online indicate this prefix
3342              is in use. -->
3343         <nationalNumberPattern>[17]7\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
3344         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
3345         <exampleNumber>17123456</exampleNumber>
3346       </mobile>
3347       <!-- No information on other types of phone numbers for Bhutan has been found. -->
3348     </territory>
3350     <!-- Botswana -->
3351     <territory id="BW" countryCode="267" internationalPrefix="00">
3352       <references>
3353         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200001C/en</sourceUrl>
3354       </references>
3355       <availableFormats>
3356         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
3357           <leadingDigits>[2-6]</leadingDigits>
3358           <format>$1 $2</format>
3359         </numberFormat>
3360         <numberFormat pattern="(7\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
3361           <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
3362           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
3363         </numberFormat>
3364         <numberFormat pattern="(90)(\d{5})">
3365           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
3366           <format>$1 $2</format>
3367         </numberFormat>
3368       </availableFormats>
3369       <generalDesc>
3370         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-79]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
3371         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
3372       </generalDesc>
3373       <fixedLine>
3374         <nationalNumberPattern>
3375           (?:
3376             2(?:
3377               4[0-48]|
3378               6[0-24]|
3379               9[0578]
3380             )|
3381             3(?:
3382               1[0235-9]|
3383               55|
3384               6\d|
3385               7[01]|
3386               9[0-57]
3387             )|
3388             4(?:
3389               6[03]|
3390               7[1267]|
3391               9[0-5]
3392             )|
3393             5(?:
3394               3[0389]|
3395               4[0489]|
3396               7[1-47]|
3397               88|
3398               9[0-49]
3399             )|
3400             6(?:
3401               2[1-35]|
3402               5[149]|
3403               8[067]
3404             )
3405           )\d{4}
3406         </nationalNumberPattern>
3407         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
3408         <exampleNumber>2401234</exampleNumber>
3409       </fixedLine>
3410       <mobile>
3411         <nationalNumberPattern>
3412           7(?:
3413             [1-356]\d|
3414             4[0-7]|
3415             7[014-7]
3416           )\d{5}
3417         </nationalNumberPattern>
3418         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
3419         <exampleNumber>71123456</exampleNumber>
3420       </mobile>
3421       <!-- No reliable information about toll-free numbers can be found; many are written on the
3422            internet like 0800 123 456, but this is not supported by any documentation and no
3423            numbers can be found that actually work. -->
3424       <premiumRate>
3425         <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
3426         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
3427         <exampleNumber>9012345</exampleNumber>
3428       </premiumRate>
3429       <voip>
3430         <nationalNumberPattern>79[12][01]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
3431         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
3432         <exampleNumber>79101234</exampleNumber>
3433       </voip>
3434     </territory>
3436     <!-- Belarus -->
3437     <!-- Information on national prefix provided by a Belarussian person. -->
3438     <territory id="BY" countryCode="375" preferredInternationalPrefix="8~10"
3439                internationalPrefix="810" nationalPrefixForParsing="8?0?"
3440                nationalPrefix="8" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
3441       <references>
3442         <sourceUrl>http://www.eng.beltelecom.by/en/subscribers/phone-codes</sourceUrl>
3443       </references>
3444       <availableFormats>
3445         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP 0$FG"
3446           pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
3447           <leadingDigits>
3448             17[0-3589]|
3449             2[4-9]|
3450             [34]
3451           </leadingDigits>
3452           <leadingDigits>
3453             17(?:
3454               [02358]|
3455               1[0-2]|
3456               9[0189]
3457             )|
3458             2[4-9]|
3459             [34]
3460           </leadingDigits>
3461           <format>$1 $2-$3-$4</format>
3462         </numberFormat>
3463         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP 0$FG"
3464           pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
3465           <leadingDigits>
3466             1(?:
3467               5[24]|
3468               6[235]|
3469               7[467]
3470             )|
3471             2(?:
3472               1[246]|
3473               2[25]|
3474               3[26]
3475             )
3476           </leadingDigits>
3477           <leadingDigits>
3478             1(?:
3479               5[24]|
3480               6(?:
3481                 2|
3482                 3[04-9]|
3483                 5[0346-9]
3484               )|
3485               7(?:
3486                 [46]|
3487                 7[37-9]
3488               )
3489             )|
3490             2(?:
3491               1[246]|
3492               2[25]|
3493               3[26]
3494             )
3495           </leadingDigits>
3496           <format>$1 $2-$3-$4</format>
3497         </numberFormat>
3498         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP 0$FG"
3499           pattern="(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
3500           <leadingDigits>
3501             1(?:
3502               5[169]|
3503               6[3-5]|
3504               7[179]
3505             )|
3506             2(?:
3507               1[35]|
3508               2[34]|
3509               3[3-5]
3510             )
3511           </leadingDigits>
3512           <leadingDigits>
3513             1(?:
3514               5[169]|
3515               6(?:
3516                 3[1-3]|
3517                 4|
3518                 5[125]
3519               )|
3520               7(?:
3521                 1[3-9]|
3522                 7[0-24-6]|
3523                 9[2-7]
3524               )
3525             )|
3526             2(?:
3527               1[35]|
3528               2[34]|
3529               3[3-5]
3530             )
3531           </leadingDigits>
3532           <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
3533         </numberFormat>
3534         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG"
3535           pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
3536           <leadingDigits>
3537             8[01]|
3538             9
3539           </leadingDigits>
3540           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
3541         </numberFormat>
3542         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG"
3543           pattern="(8\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
3544           <leadingDigits>82</leadingDigits>
3545           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
3546         </numberFormat>
3547       </availableFormats>
3548       <generalDesc>
3549         <nationalNumberPattern>
3550           [1-4]\d{8}|
3551           [89]\d{9,10}
3552         </nationalNumberPattern>
3553         <!-- Numbers are often written without the city code. -->
3554         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
3555       </generalDesc>
3556       <!-- Toll-free and premium rate numbers are not available from abroad. -->
3557       <noInternationalDialling>
3558         <nationalNumberPattern>
3559           8(?:
3560             [013]|
3561             [12]0
3562           )\d{8}|
3563           902\d{7}
3564         </nationalNumberPattern>
3565         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
3566         <exampleNumber>82012345678</exampleNumber>
3567       </noInternationalDialling>
3568       <fixedLine>
3569         <nationalNumberPattern>
3570           (?:
3571             1(?:
3572               5(?:
3573                 1[1-5]|
3574                 [24]\d|
3575                 6[2-4]|
3576                 9[1-7]
3577               )|
3578               6(?:
3579                 [235]\d|
3580                 4[1-7]
3581               )|
3582               7\d{2}
3583             )|
3584             2(?:
3585               1(?:
3586                 [246]\d|
3587                 3[0-35-9]|
3588                 5[1-9]
3589               )|
3590               2(?:
3591                 [235]\d|
3592                 4[0-8]
3593               )|
3594               3(?:
3595                 [26]\d|
3596                 3[02-79]|
3597                 4[024-7]|
3598                 5[03-7]
3599               )
3600             )
3601           )\d{5}
3602         </nationalNumberPattern>
3603         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
3604         <!-- Using test number for Grodno from the plan. -->
3605         <exampleNumber>152450911</exampleNumber>
3606       </fixedLine>
3607       <mobile>
3608         <nationalNumberPattern>
3609           (?:
3610             2(?:
3611               5[5679]|
3612               9[1-9]
3613             )|
3614             33\d|
3615             44\d
3616           )\d{6}
3617         </nationalNumberPattern>
3618         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
3619         <!-- Using test number for BelCel from the plan. -->
3620         <exampleNumber>294911911</exampleNumber>
3621       </mobile>
3622       <tollFree>
3623         <!-- Putting Interactive Polling Service (free) here too. -->
3624         <nationalNumberPattern>
3625           8(?:
3626             0[13]|
3627             20\d
3628           )\d{7}
3629         </nationalNumberPattern>
3630         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
3631         <exampleNumber>8011234567</exampleNumber>
3632       </tollFree>
3633       <premiumRate>
3634         <!-- Putting Interactive Polling Service (paid) here too. -->
3635         <nationalNumberPattern>
3636           (?:
3637             810|
3638             902
3639           )\d{7}
3640         </nationalNumberPattern>
3641         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
3642         <exampleNumber>9021234567</exampleNumber>
3643       </premiumRate>
3644       <voip>
3645         <!-- 249 prefix for Beltelcom's Maxiphone added based on online info. -->
3646         <nationalNumberPattern>249\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
3647         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
3648         <exampleNumber>249123456</exampleNumber>
3649       </voip>
3650     </territory>
3652     <!-- Belize -->
3653     <!-- The trunk prefix, formally 0, was dropped in the last reorganisation of the numbering plan.
3654          -->
3655     <territory id="BZ" countryCode="501" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
3656       <references>
3657         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000016/en</sourceUrl>
3658       </references>
3659       <availableFormats>
3660         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
3661           <leadingDigits>[2-8]</leadingDigits>
3662           <!-- Adding hyphen following the Belize Telemedia formatting rules. -->
3663           <format>$1-$2</format>
3664         </numberFormat>
3665         <numberFormat pattern="(0)(800)(\d{4})(\d{3})">
3666           <leadingDigits>0</leadingDigits>
3667           <format>$1-$2-$3-$4</format>
3668         </numberFormat>
3669       </availableFormats>
3670       <generalDesc>
3671         <nationalNumberPattern>
3672           [2-8]\d{6}|
3673           0\d{10}
3674         </nationalNumberPattern>
3675         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{4})?</possibleNumberPattern>
3676       </generalDesc>
3677       <fixedLine>
3678         <nationalNumberPattern>[234578][02]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
3679         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
3680         <exampleNumber>2221234</exampleNumber>
3681       </fixedLine>
3682       <mobile>
3683         <!-- 62[6-9], 63X and 6[67][2-9] were added as we have been able to successfully send SMSs
3684              to these numbers or many numbers have been found online. -->
3685         <nationalNumberPattern>6[0-367]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
3686         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
3687         <exampleNumber>6221234</exampleNumber>
3688       </mobile>
3689       <!-- We don't know how these would be dialled internationally - it is possible that they can't
3690            be dialled internationally at all - so we represent the leading 0 as part of the number.
3691            Information from http://www.belizetelemedia.net. -->
3692       <tollFree>
3693         <nationalNumberPattern>0800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
3694         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
3695         <exampleNumber>08001234123</exampleNumber>
3696       </tollFree>
3697     </territory>
3699     <!-- Canada -->
3700     <territory id="CA" countryCode="1" internationalPrefix="011" nationalPrefix="1"
3701                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
3702       <references>
3703         <sourceUrl>http://www.cnac.ca/canadian_dial_plan/canadian_dial_plan.htm</sourceUrl>
3704       </references>
3705       <generalDesc>
3706         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
3707         <nationalNumberPattern>
3708           [2-9]\d{9}|
3709           3\d{6}
3710         </nationalNumberPattern>
3711         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
3712       </generalDesc>
3713       <fixedLine>
3714         <nationalNumberPattern>
3715           (?:
3716             2(?:
3717               04|
3718               [23]6|
3719               [48]9|
3720               50
3721             )|
3722             3(?:
3723               06|
3724               43|
3725               65
3726             )|
3727             4(?:
3728               03|
3729               1[68]|
3730               3[178]|
3731               50
3732             )|
3733             5(?:
3734               06|
3735               1[49]|
3736               79|
3737               8[17]
3738             )|
3739             6(?:
3740               0[04]|
3741               13|
3742               39|
3743               47
3744             )|
3745             7(?:
3746               0[59]|
3747               78|
3748               8[02]
3749             )|
3750             8(?:
3751               [06]7|
3752               19|
3753               73
3754             )|
3755             90[25]
3756           )[2-9]\d{6}|
3757           310\d{4}
3758         </nationalNumberPattern>
3759         <exampleNumber>2042345678</exampleNumber>
3760       </fixedLine>
3761       <mobile>
3762         <nationalNumberPattern>
3763           (?:
3764             2(?:
3765               04|
3766               [23]6|
3767               [48]9|
3768               50
3769             )|
3770             3(?:
3771               06|
3772               43|
3773               65
3774             )|
3775             4(?:
3776               03|
3777               1[68]|
3778               3[178]|
3779               50
3780             )|
3781             5(?:
3782               06|
3783               1[49]|
3784               79|
3785               8[17]
3786             )|
3787             6(?:
3788               0[04]|
3789               13|
3790               39|
3791               47
3792             )|
3793             7(?:
3794               0[59]|
3795               78|
3796               8[02]
3797             )|
3798             8(?:
3799               [06]7|
3800               19|
3801               73
3802             )|
3803             90[25]
3804           )[2-9]\d{6}
3805         </nationalNumberPattern>
3806         <exampleNumber>2042345678</exampleNumber>
3807       </mobile>
3808       <tollFree>
3809         <nationalNumberPattern>
3810           8(?:
3811             00|
3812             44|
3813             55|
3814             66|
3815             77|
3816             88
3817           )[2-9]\d{6}|
3818           310\d{4}
3819         </nationalNumberPattern>
3820         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
3821       </tollFree>
3822       <premiumRate>
3823         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
3824         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
3825         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
3826       </premiumRate>
3827       <personalNumber>
3828         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
3829         <nationalNumberPattern>
3830           5(?:
3831             00|
3832             33|
3833             44|
3834             66|
3835             77
3836           )[2-9]\d{6}
3837         </nationalNumberPattern>
3838         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
3839         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
3840       </personalNumber>
3841     </territory>
3843     <!-- Cocos Islands -->
3844     <!-- Metadata shared with Australia. -->
3845     <!-- References state Cocos Islands have fixed line numbers starting +61 8 9162. -->
3846     <territory id="CC" countryCode="61" preferredInternationalPrefix="0011"
3847                internationalPrefix="(?:14(?:1[14]|34|4[17]|[56]6|7[47]|88))?001[14-689]"
3848                nationalPrefix="0">
3849       <references>
3850         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes</sourceUrl>
3851         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Australia</sourceUrl>
3852       </references>
3853       <!-- Uses AU formatting rules. -->
3854       <!-- General desc and fixed line rules different from Australia. -->
3855       <generalDesc>
3856         <nationalNumberPattern>[1458]\d{5,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
3857         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
3858       </generalDesc>
3859       <fixedLine>
3860         <nationalNumberPattern>89162\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
3861         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
3862         <exampleNumber>891621234</exampleNumber>
3863       </fixedLine>
3864       <!-- Mobile, toll free, premium rate, personal number and VOIP copied from Australia. -->
3865       <mobile>
3866         <nationalNumberPattern>
3867           14(?:
3868             5\d|
3869             71
3870           )\d{5}|
3871           4(?:
3872             [0-2]\d|
3873             3[0-57-9]|
3874             4[47-9]|
3875             5[0-25-9]|
3876             6[6-9]|
3877             7[03-9]|
3878             8[17-9]|
3879             9[017-9]
3880           )\d{6}
3881         </nationalNumberPattern>
3882         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
3883         <exampleNumber>412345678</exampleNumber>
3884       </mobile>
3885       <tollFree>
3886         <nationalNumberPattern>
3887           1(?:
3888             80(?:
3889               0\d{2}
3890             )?|
3891             3(?:
3892               00\d{2}
3893             )?
3894           )\d{4}
3895         </nationalNumberPattern>
3896         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
3897         <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
3898       </tollFree>
3899       <premiumRate>
3900         <nationalNumberPattern>190[0126]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
3901         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
3902         <exampleNumber>1900123456</exampleNumber>
3903       </premiumRate>
3904       <personalNumber>
3905         <nationalNumberPattern>500\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
3906         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
3907         <exampleNumber>500123456</exampleNumber>
3908       </personalNumber>
3909       <voip>
3910         <nationalNumberPattern>550\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
3911         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
3912         <exampleNumber>550123456</exampleNumber>
3913       </voip>
3914     </territory>
3916     <!-- Congo, Dem. Rep. of the (formerly Zaire) -->
3917     <territory id="CD" countryCode="243" internationalPrefix="00"
3918                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
3919       <references>
3920         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000037/en</sourceUrl>
3921       </references>
3922       <availableFormats>
3923         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
3924           <leadingDigits>12</leadingDigits>
3925           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
3926         </numberFormat>
3927         <numberFormat pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
3928           <leadingDigits>
3929             8[0-2459]|
3930             9
3931           </leadingDigits>
3932           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
3933         </numberFormat>
3934         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
3935           <leadingDigits>88</leadingDigits>
3936           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
3937         </numberFormat>
3938         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5})">
3939           <leadingDigits>[1-6]</leadingDigits>
3940           <format>$1 $2</format>
3941         </numberFormat>
3942       </availableFormats>
3943       <generalDesc>
3944         <nationalNumberPattern>
3945           [2-6]\d{6}|
3946           [18]\d{6,8}|
3947           9\d{8}
3948         </nationalNumberPattern>
3949         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
3950       </generalDesc>
3951       <fixedLine>
3952         <nationalNumberPattern>
3953           1(?:
3954             2\d{7}|
3955             \d{6}
3956           )|
3957           [2-6]\d{6}
3958         </nationalNumberPattern>
3959         <exampleNumber>1234567</exampleNumber>
3960       </fixedLine>
3961       <mobile>
3962         <!-- As of May'13 the 88 range looks as if it is defunct. The ITU document lists "Yozma
3963              Timeturns" as the operator, but their website (http://www.ytt.cd) is offline and the
3964              holdings company http://www.timeturnsholdings.com/products does not show a link for
3965              DRC. While there are still numbers of the form "88\d{5}" online, none of the ones
3966              tried were valid. If the holdings company does not respond to requests about this
3967              range and unless we receive further information, we will remove this range. -->
3968         <nationalNumberPattern>
3969           8(?:
3970             [0-2459]\d{2}|
3971             8
3972           )\d{5}|
3973           9[7-9]\d{7}
3974         </nationalNumberPattern>
3975         <exampleNumber>991234567</exampleNumber>
3976       </mobile>
3977     </territory>
3979     <!-- Central African Republic -->
3980     <territory id="CF" countryCode="236" internationalPrefix="00">
3981       <references>
3982         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000028/en</sourceUrl>
3983       </references>
3984       <availableFormats>
3985         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
3986           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
3987         </numberFormat>
3988       </availableFormats>
3989       <generalDesc>
3990         <nationalNumberPattern>[278]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
3991         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
3992       </generalDesc>
3993       <fixedLine>
3994         <nationalNumberPattern>2[12]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
3995         <exampleNumber>21612345</exampleNumber>
3996       </fixedLine>
3997       <mobile>
3998         <nationalNumberPattern>7[0257]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
3999         <exampleNumber>70012345</exampleNumber>
4000       </mobile>
4001       <premiumRate>
4002         <nationalNumberPattern>8776\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
4003         <exampleNumber>87761234</exampleNumber>
4004       </premiumRate>
4005     </territory>
4007     <!-- Congo (Rep. of the) (Brazzaville) -->
4008     <territory id="CG" countryCode="242" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
4009       <references>
4010         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200002E/en</sourceUrl>
4011       </references>
4012       <availableFormats>
4013         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
4014           <leadingDigits>[02]</leadingDigits>
4015           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4016         </numberFormat>
4017         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
4018           <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
4019           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4020         </numberFormat>
4021       </availableFormats>
4022       <generalDesc>
4023         <nationalNumberPattern>[028]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
4024         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
4025       </generalDesc>
4026       <fixedLine>
4027         <nationalNumberPattern>222[1-589]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
4028         <exampleNumber>222123456</exampleNumber>
4029       </fixedLine>
4030       <mobile>
4031         <nationalNumberPattern>0[14-6]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
4032         <exampleNumber>061234567</exampleNumber>
4033       </mobile>
4034       <!-- Referred to as a "Green number" in the telephone plan. -->
4035       <tollFree>
4036         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
4037         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
4038       </tollFree>
4039     </territory>
4041     <!-- Switzerland -->
4042     <territory id="CH" countryCode="41" internationalPrefix="00"
4043                nationalPrefix="0"  nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
4044                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
4045       <references>
4046         <!-- Under Technical prescriptions: Numbering plan for international carriers. -->
4047         <sourceUrl>http://www.bakom.admin.ch/themen/telekom/00479/00604/index.html?lang=en</sourceUrl>
4048       </references>
4049       <availableFormats>
4050         <numberFormat pattern="([2-9]\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
4051           <leadingDigits>
4052             [2-7]|
4053             [89]1
4054           </leadingDigits>
4055           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
4056         </numberFormat>
4057         <numberFormat pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
4058           <leadingDigits>
4059             8[047]|
4060             90
4061           </leadingDigits>
4062           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4063         </numberFormat>
4064         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
4065           <leadingDigits>860</leadingDigits>
4066           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4 $5</format>
4067         </numberFormat>
4068       </availableFormats>
4069       <generalDesc>
4070         <nationalNumberPattern>
4071           [2-9]\d{8}|
4072           860\d{9}
4073         </nationalNumberPattern>
4074         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
4075       </generalDesc>
4076       <fixedLine>
4077         <nationalNumberPattern>
4078           (?:
4079             2[12467]|
4080             3[1-4]|
4081             4[134]|
4082             5[256]|
4083             6[12]|
4084             [7-9]1
4085           )\d{7}
4086         </nationalNumberPattern>
4087         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
4088         <exampleNumber>212345678</exampleNumber>
4089       </fixedLine>
4090       <mobile>
4091         <nationalNumberPattern>7[5-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
4092         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
4093         <exampleNumber>781234567</exampleNumber>
4094       </mobile>
4095       <pager>
4096         <!-- https://www.eofcom.admin.ch/eofcom/public/listEofcom_e164Allocated.do -->
4097         <nationalNumberPattern>74[0248]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
4098         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
4099         <exampleNumber>740123456</exampleNumber>
4100       </pager>
4101       <tollFree>
4102         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
4103         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
4104         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
4105       </tollFree>
4106       <premiumRate>
4107         <nationalNumberPattern>90[016]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
4108         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
4109         <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
4110       </premiumRate>
4111       <sharedCost>
4112         <nationalNumberPattern>84[0248]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
4113         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
4114         <exampleNumber>840123456</exampleNumber>
4115       </sharedCost>
4116       <personalNumber>
4117         <nationalNumberPattern>878\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
4118         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
4119         <exampleNumber>878123456</exampleNumber>
4120       </personalNumber>
4121       <uan>
4122         <!-- Used for corporate networks. -->
4123         <nationalNumberPattern>5[18]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
4124         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
4125         <exampleNumber>581234567</exampleNumber>
4126       </uan>
4127       <voicemail>
4128         <nationalNumberPattern>860\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
4129         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{12}</possibleNumberPattern>
4130         <exampleNumber>860123456789</exampleNumber>
4131       </voicemail>
4132     </territory>
4134     <!-- Côte d'Ivoire -->
4135     <territory id="CI" countryCode="225" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
4136       <references>
4137         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000031/en</sourceUrl>
4138       </references>
4139       <availableFormats>
4140         <!-- Using format from online yellow pages over format implied in national numbering plan.
4141              -->
4142         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
4143           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
4144         </numberFormat>
4145       </availableFormats>
4146       <generalDesc>
4147         <nationalNumberPattern>[02-7]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
4148         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
4149       </generalDesc>
4150       <fixedLine>
4151         <nationalNumberPattern>
4152           (?:
4153             2(?:
4154               0[023]|
4155               1[02357]|
4156               [23][045]|
4157               4[03-5]
4158             )|
4159             3(?:
4160               0[06]|
4161               1[069]|
4162               [2-4][07]|
4163               5[09]|
4164               6[08]
4165             )
4166           )\d{5}
4167         </nationalNumberPattern>
4168         <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
4169       </fixedLine>
4170       <mobile>
4171         <!-- Added the prefixes 4[0-2] (Moov), 5[5-9] & 6[15] because SMS messages have been
4172              successfully delivered. Supported by numbers found on the internet. The prefix 56 was
4173              assigned to MTN in July 2013:
4174              http://www.atci.ci/images/stories/pdf/decisions-dg/decision_002.pdf
4175              The prefix 75 is from an open-source bug report.
4176              50 has been removed since Warid seems to have stopped operation in Côte d'Ivoire. -->
4177           <nationalNumberPattern>
4178           (?:
4179             0[1-9]|
4180             4[0-24-9]|
4181             5[4-9]|
4182             6[015-79]|
4183             7[57]
4184           )\d{6}
4185         </nationalNumberPattern>
4186         <exampleNumber>01234567</exampleNumber>
4187       </mobile>
4188     </territory>
4190     <!-- Cook Islands -->
4191     <territory id="CK" countryCode="682" internationalPrefix="00">
4192       <references>
4193         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200002F/en</sourceUrl>
4194       </references>
4195       <availableFormats>
4196         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})">
4197           <format>$1 $2</format>
4198         </numberFormat>
4199       </availableFormats>
4200       <generalDesc>
4201         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-57]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
4202         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
4203       </generalDesc>
4204       <fixedLine>
4205         <nationalNumberPattern>
4206           (?:
4207             2\d|
4208             3[13-7]|
4209             4[1-5]
4210           )\d{3}
4211         </nationalNumberPattern>
4212         <exampleNumber>21234</exampleNumber>
4213       </fixedLine>
4214       <mobile>
4215         <nationalNumberPattern>
4216           (?:
4217             5[0-68]|
4218             7\d
4219           )\d{3}
4220         </nationalNumberPattern>
4221         <exampleNumber>71234</exampleNumber>
4222       </mobile>
4223     </territory>
4225     <!-- Chile -->
4226     <!-- Carriers listed here: http://www.turismochile.com/datos/carrier.php -->
4227     <territory id="CL" countryCode="56"
4228                internationalPrefix="(?:0|1(?:1[0-69]|2[0-57]|5[13-58]|69|7[0167]|8[018]))0"
4229                nationalPrefix="0"
4230                nationalPrefixForParsing="0|(1(?:1[0-69]|2[0-57]|5[13-58]|69|7[0167]|8[018]))"
4231                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
4232       <references>
4233         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200002A/en</sourceUrl>
4234         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B56</sourceUrl>
4235         <sourceUrl>http://www.subtel.gob.cl/base_numeracion/tabla_numeracion_ido_idd.xlsx</sourceUrl>
4236       </references>
4237       <!-- When dialling mobile numbers from landlines, or vice versa, you need a prefix of 0, which
4238            we strip here. National destinations may be dialled with a carrier if they are not local
4239            so we extract these carrier codes as well. -->
4240       <availableFormats>
4241         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})"
4242           nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)"
4243           carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC ($FG)">
4244           <leadingDigits>22</leadingDigits>
4245           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4246         </numberFormat>
4247         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})"
4248           nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)"
4249           carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC ($FG)">
4250           <leadingDigits>
4251             [357]|
4252             4[1-35]|
4253             6[13-57]
4254           </leadingDigits>
4255           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4256         </numberFormat>
4257         <numberFormat pattern="(9)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
4258           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
4259           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4260         </numberFormat>
4261         <numberFormat pattern="(44)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
4262           <leadingDigits>44</leadingDigits>
4263           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4264         </numberFormat>
4265         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
4266           pattern="([68]00)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
4267           <leadingDigits>
4268             60|
4269             8
4270           </leadingDigits>
4271           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4272         </numberFormat>
4273         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
4274           pattern="(600)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
4275           <leadingDigits>60</leadingDigits>
4276           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
4277         </numberFormat>
4278         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
4279           pattern="(1230)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
4280           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
4281           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4282         </numberFormat>
4283         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{5})(\d{4})"
4284           nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)"
4285           carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC ($FG)">
4286           <leadingDigits>219</leadingDigits>
4287           <format>$1 $2</format>
4288         </numberFormat>
4289         <!-- Format some short numbers as a block. -->
4290         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
4291           pattern="(\d{4,5})">
4292           <leadingDigits>[1-9]</leadingDigits>
4293           <format>$1</format>
4294           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
4295         </numberFormat>
4296       </availableFormats>
4297       <generalDesc>
4298         <nationalNumberPattern>
4299           (?:
4300             [2-9]|
4301             600|
4302             123
4303           )\d{7,8}
4304         </nationalNumberPattern>
4305         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
4306       </generalDesc>
4307       <noInternationalDialling>
4308         <nationalNumberPattern>600\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
4309         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
4310         <exampleNumber>6001234567</exampleNumber>
4311       </noInternationalDialling>
4312       <fixedLine>
4313         <!-- In mid-2013, Chile switched from 8 digits to 9 digits for fixed-line numbers, by
4314              inserting a '2' after the area code (which are 2 digits, with the exception of '2').
4315              As of Aug. 2014, all of the prefixes have been switched over to the new plan.
4316              IMPORTANT: The fact that Santiago numbers have a prefix of "22", and that numbers in
4317              other areas have '2' as their third digit, is likely to change in the future. At some
4318              stage, Santiago numbers will probably switch to prefix "2\d", and the third digit in
4319              other areas will probably be allowed to take on other values.
4320              See: http://www.gob.cl/especiales/informate-de-la-nueva-forma-de-marcar/
4321                   http://www.subtel.cl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3081:&catid=3:noticias
4322              -->
4323         <nationalNumberPattern>
4324           2(?:
4325             2\d{7}|
4326             1962\d{4}
4327           )|
4328           (?:
4329             3[2-5]|
4330             [47][1-35]|
4331             5[1-3578]|
4332             6[13-57]
4333           )\d{7}
4334         </nationalNumberPattern>
4335         <!-- Area codes do not need to be dialled when dialling within the same area, so the
4336              smallest possible number is length 7. -->
4337         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
4338         <exampleNumber>221234567</exampleNumber>
4339       </fixedLine>
4340       <mobile>
4341         <nationalNumberPattern>9[4-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
4342         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
4343         <exampleNumber>961234567</exampleNumber>
4344       </mobile>
4345       <!-- Toll free patterns have been collected by looking at numbers on the internet, rather than
4346            from a definitive source. -->
4347       <tollFree>
4348         <!-- 1230 numbers are used by Visa/Mastercard helplines in Chile -->
4349         <nationalNumberPattern>
4350           800\d{6}|
4351           1230\d{7}
4352         </nationalNumberPattern>
4353         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
4354         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
4355       </tollFree>
4356       <sharedCost>
4357         <!-- http://empresa.movistar.cl/nuestros_productos/soluciones_telefonia_ip/servicios/servicio_600.php -->
4358         <nationalNumberPattern>600\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
4359         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
4360         <exampleNumber>6001234567</exampleNumber>
4361       </sharedCost>
4362       <voip>
4363         <nationalNumberPattern>44\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
4364         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
4365         <exampleNumber>441234567</exampleNumber>
4366       </voip>
4367     </territory>
4369     <!-- Cameroon -->
4370     <territory id="CM" countryCode="237" internationalPrefix="00">
4371       <references>
4372         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000024/en</sourceUrl>
4373         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-t/opb/sp/T-SP-OB.1063-2014-OAS-PDF-E.pdf</sourceUrl>
4374       </references>
4375       <availableFormats>
4376         <!-- Formatting in the ITU update document aligns with formatting online (all 2 digit
4377              groups). For the new number format with 9 digits the first digit has it's own group.
4378              -->
4379         <numberFormat pattern="([26])(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
4380           <leadingDigits>[26]</leadingDigits>
4381           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4 $5</format>
4382         </numberFormat>
4383         <numberFormat pattern="([2357-9]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
4384           <leadingDigits>
4385             [23579]|
4386             88
4387           </leadingDigits>
4388           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
4389         </numberFormat>
4390         <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{2})(\d{3})">
4391           <leadingDigits>80</leadingDigits>
4392           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4393         </numberFormat>
4394       </availableFormats>
4395       <generalDesc>
4396         <nationalNumberPattern>[235-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
4397         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
4398       </generalDesc>
4399       <fixedLine>
4400         <!-- Temporarily allow both old (22|33) and new 2(22|33) format. -->
4401         <!-- CDMA numbers are described in a subcategory to fixed line numbers in the ITU update
4402              document, so those prefixes are added to fixed line (24[23]). -->
4403         <nationalNumberPattern>
4404           2(?:
4405              22|
4406              33|
4407              4[23]
4408           )\d{6}|
4409           (?:
4410             22|
4411             33
4412           )\d{6}
4413         </nationalNumberPattern>
4414         <exampleNumber>222123456</exampleNumber>
4415       </fixedLine>
4416       <mobile>
4417         <!-- Temporarily allow both old [579]\d{7} and new 6[5-79]\d{7} format. -->
4418         <nationalNumberPattern>
4419           6[5-79]\d{7}|
4420           [579]\d{7}
4421         </nationalNumberPattern>
4422         <exampleNumber>671234567</exampleNumber>
4423       </mobile>
4424       <tollFree>
4425         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
4426         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
4427         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
4428       </tollFree>
4429       <premiumRate>
4430         <!-- These numbers are listed as value-added in the guide, and in practice seem to begin
4431              with 88 (usually 880). No information can be found as to whether these are premium rate
4432              or shared cost. -->
4433         <nationalNumberPattern>88\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
4434         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
4435         <exampleNumber>88012345</exampleNumber>
4436       </premiumRate>
4437     </territory>
4439     <!-- China -->
4440     <territory id="CN" countryCode="86" internationalPrefix="(1[1279]\d{3})?00"
4441                preferredInternationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
4442                nationalPrefixForParsing="(1[1279]\d{3})|0">
4443       <references>
4444         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200002B/en</sourceUrl>
4445       </references>
4446       <availableFormats>
4447         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" pattern="(80\d{2})(\d{4})"
4448                       nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true"
4449                       carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
4450           <leadingDigits>80[2678]</leadingDigits>
4451           <format>$1 $2</format>
4452         </numberFormat>
4453         <numberFormat pattern="([48]00)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
4454           <leadingDigits>[48]00</leadingDigits>
4455           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4456         </numberFormat>
4457         <!-- 100xx and 95xxx(x) short numbers without area codes. Without this rule, these short
4458              numbers will be formatted incorrectly by the AsYouTypeFormatter because they overlap
4459              with area codes 010, 095x. These numbers are defined in ShortNumberMetadata.xml but
4460              must be accounted for here. Note although ITU says the format is more like 95 xxx, in
4461              reality no space is used when writing such numbers in China. -->
4462         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{5,6})">
4463           <leadingDigits>
4464             100|
4465             95
4466           </leadingDigits>
4467           <format>$1</format>
4468           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
4469         </numberFormat>
4470         <!-- 100xx and 95xxx(x) numbers with area codes (these numbers without an area code are now
4471              dealt with by ShortNumberMetadata.xml) and 96xxx(x) numbers with area codes (we don't
4472              support these as short numbers because they are only unique within a province, not
4473              within a country). -->
4474         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5,6})"
4475                       carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
4476           <leadingDigits>
4477             (?:
4478               10|
4479               2\d
4480             )[19]
4481           </leadingDigits>
4482           <leadingDigits>
4483             (?:
4484               10|
4485               2\d
4486             )(?:
4487               10|
4488               9[56]
4489             )
4490           </leadingDigits>
4491           <leadingDigits>
4492             (?:
4493               10|
4494               2\d
4495             )(?:
4496               100|
4497               9[56]
4498             )
4499           </leadingDigits>
4500           <format>$1 $2</format>
4501         </numberFormat>
4502         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" pattern="(\d{3})(\d{5,6})"
4503                       carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
4504           <leadingDigits>[3-9]</leadingDigits>
4505           <leadingDigits>[3-9]\d{2}[19]</leadingDigits>
4506           <leadingDigits>
4507             [3-9]\d{2}(?:
4508               10|
4509               9[56]
4510             )
4511           </leadingDigits>
4512           <format>$1 $2</format>
4513         </numberFormat>
4514         <!-- Local numbers -->
4515         <!-- Chinese fixed-line numbers can be dialed from a cell phone without area code and they
4516              can be 7 to 8 digits. This rule is here to make formatting work with such numbers, as
4517              people frequently store them in their cellphones. It has to stay before formatting
4518              rules for fixed-line numbers to make AsYouTypeFormatter work with these numbers. The
4519              leadingDigits prefix makes sure it doesn't clash with mobile numbers. -->
4520         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
4521           <leadingDigits>[2-9]</leadingDigits>
4522           <format>$1 $2</format>
4523           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
4524         </numberFormat>
4525         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" pattern="(21)(\d{4})(\d{4,6})"
4526                       nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true"
4527                       carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
4528           <leadingDigits>21</leadingDigits>
4529           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4530         </numberFormat>
4531         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" pattern="([12]\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})"
4532                       nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true"
4533                       carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
4534           <leadingDigits>
4535             10[1-9]|
4536             2[02-9]
4537           </leadingDigits>
4538           <!-- Note the leadingDigitsPattern for 4 digits is the same as 3 digits, -->
4539           <leadingDigits>
4540             10[1-9]|
4541             2[02-9]
4542           </leadingDigits>
4543           <leadingDigits>
4544             10(?:
4545               [1-79]|
4546               8(?:
4547                 [1-9]|
4548                 0[1-9]
4549               )
4550             )|
4551             2[02-9]
4552           </leadingDigits>
4553           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4554         </numberFormat>
4555         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})"
4556                       nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true"
4557                       carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
4558           <leadingDigits>
4559             3(?:
4560               11|
4561               7[179]
4562             )|
4563             4(?:
4564               [15]1|
4565               3[12]
4566             )|
4567             5(?:
4568               1|
4569               2[37]|
4570               3[12]|
4571               51|
4572               7[13-79]|
4573               9[15]
4574             )|
4575             7(?:
4576               31|
4577               5[457]|
4578               6[09]|
4579               91
4580             )|
4581             8(?:
4582               71|
4583               98
4584             )
4585           </leadingDigits>
4586           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4587         </numberFormat>
4588         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})"
4589                       nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true"
4590                       carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
4591           <leadingDigits>
4592             3(?:
4593               1[02-9]|
4594               35|
4595               49|
4596               5|
4597               7[02-68]|
4598               9[1-68]
4599             )|
4600             4(?:
4601               1[02-9]|
4602               2[179]|
4603               [35][2-9]|
4604               6[4789]|
4605               7\d|
4606               8[23]
4607             )|
4608             5(?:
4609               3[03-9]|
4610               4[36]|
4611               5[02-9]|
4612               6[1-46]|
4613               7[028]|
4614               80|
4615               9[2-46-9]
4616             )|
4617             6(?:
4618               3[1-5]|
4619               6[0238]|
4620               9[12]
4621             )|
4622             7(?:
4623               01|
4624               [1579]|
4625               2[248]|
4626               3[04-9]|
4627               4[3-6]|
4628               6[2368]
4629             )|
4630             8(?:
4631               1[236-8]|
4632               2[5-7]|
4633               3|
4634               5[1-9]|
4635               7[02-9]|
4636               8[3678]|
4637               9[1-7]
4638             )|
4639             9(?:
4640               0[1-3689]|
4641               1[1-79]|
4642               [379]|
4643               4[13]|
4644               5[1-5]
4645             )
4646           </leadingDigits>
4647           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4648         </numberFormat>
4649         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})" carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
4650           <leadingDigits>1[3-578]</leadingDigits>
4651           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4652         </numberFormat>
4653         <numberFormat pattern="(10800)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
4654           <leadingDigits>108</leadingDigits>
4655           <leadingDigits>1080</leadingDigits>
4656           <leadingDigits>10800</leadingDigits>
4657           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
4658         </numberFormat>
4659       </availableFormats>
4660       <generalDesc>
4661         <nationalNumberPattern>
4662           [1-7]\d{6,11}|
4663           8[0-357-9]\d{6,9}|
4664           9\d{7,9}
4665         </nationalNumberPattern>
4666         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
4667       </generalDesc>
4668       <noInternationalDialling>
4669         <nationalNumberPattern>
4670           (?:
4671             4|
4672             (?:
4673               10
4674             )?8
4675           )00\d{7}
4676         </nationalNumberPattern>
4677         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
4678         <exampleNumber>4001234567</exampleNumber>
4679       </noInternationalDialling>
4680       <fixedLine>
4681         <!-- 0432 increased to 8 digits on October 24, 2009. 0791 increased to 8 digits on August
4682              28, 2011. 0551 increased to 8 digits and 0565 was cancelled on Dec 8, 2012. 0871
4683              increased to 8 digits on December 16, 2012. 0475 is the prefix for Tongliao but is not
4684              in the ITU data.
4685              10xxx and 95xxx(x) numbers with area codes are also included here, as they behave
4686              exactly like fixed-line numbers. We don't support them for 4-digit area codes though,
4687              as they don't seem to be used there based on making actual phone calls.
4688          -->
4689         <nationalNumberPattern>
4690           21(?:
4691             100\d{2}|
4692             95\d{3,4}|
4693             \d{8,10}
4694           )|
4695           (?:
4696             10|
4697             2[02-57-9]|
4698             3(?:
4699               11|
4700               7[179]
4701             )|
4702             4(?:
4703               [15]1|
4704               3[12]
4705             )|
4706             5(?:
4707               1\d|
4708               2[37]|
4709               3[12]|
4710               51|
4711               7[13-79]|
4712               9[15]
4713             )|
4714             7(?:
4715               31|
4716               5[457]|
4717               6[09]|
4718               91
4719             )|
4720             8(?:
4721               71|
4722               98
4723             )
4724           )(?:
4725             100\d{2}|
4726             95\d{3,4}|
4727             \d{8}
4728           )|
4729           (?:
4730             3(?:
4731               1[02-9]|
4732               35|
4733               49|
4734               5\d|
4735               7[02-68]|
4736               9[1-68]
4737             )|
4738             4(?:
4739               1[02-9]|
4740               2[179]|
4741               3[3-9]|
4742               5[2-9]|
4743               6[4789]|
4744               7\d|
4745               8[23]
4746             )|
4747             5(?:
4748               3[03-9]|
4749               4[36]|
4750               5[02-9]|
4751               6[1-46]|
4752               7[028]|
4753               80|
4754               9[2-46-9]
4755             )|
4756             6(?:
4757               3[1-5]|
4758               6[0238]|
4759               9[12]
4760             )|
4761             7(?:
4762               01|
4763               [17]\d|
4764               2[248]|
4765               3[04-9]|
4766               4[3-6]|
4767               5[0-3689]|
4768               6[2368]|
4769               9[02-9]
4770             )|
4771             8(?:
4772               1[236-8]|
4773               2[5-7]|
4774               3\d|
4775               5[1-9]|
4776               7[02-9]|
4777               8[3678]|
4778               9[1-7]
4779             )|
4780             9(?:
4781               0[1-3689]|
4782               1[1-79]|
4783               [379]\d|
4784               4[13]|
4785               5[1-5]
4786             )
4787           )(?:
4788             100\d{2}|
4789             95\d{3,4}|
4790             \d{7}
4791           )|
4792           80(?:
4793             29|
4794             6[03578]|
4795             7[018]|
4796             81
4797           )\d{4}
4798         </nationalNumberPattern>
4799         <exampleNumber>1012345678</exampleNumber>
4800       </fixedLine>
4801       <mobile>
4802         <!-- 170, 176, 177 and 178 prefixes are introduced in early 2014 for 4G networks. -->
4803         <nationalNumberPattern>
4804           1(?:
4805             [38]\d|
4806             4[57]|
4807             5[0-35-9]|
4808             7[06-8]
4809           )\d{8}
4810         </nationalNumberPattern>
4811         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
4812         <exampleNumber>13123456789</exampleNumber>
4813       </mobile>
4814       <!-- Toll free, premium rate, and VoIP numbers are not clearly defined in the official Chinese
4815            number plan, and do not seem to have been standardized. The information below is
4816            collected from searching the web. -->
4817       <!-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toll-free_telephone_number -->
4818       <tollFree>
4819         <nationalNumberPattern>
4820           (?:
4821             10
4822           )?800\d{7}
4823         </nationalNumberPattern>
4824         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
4825         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
4826       </tollFree>
4827       <premiumRate>
4828         <nationalNumberPattern>16[08]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
4829         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
4830         <exampleNumber>16812345</exampleNumber>
4831       </premiumRate>
4832       <sharedCost>
4833         <!-- 96xxx(x) numbers with area codes are included here. Their costs are not well
4834              documented, but they are thought to be mostly local costs with certain exceptions. We
4835              don't support them for 4-digit area codes though, as they don't seem to be used there
4836              based on online searches. -->
4837         <nationalNumberPattern>
4838           400\d{7}|
4839           (?:
4840             10|
4841             2[0-57-9]|
4842             3(?:
4843               [157]\d|
4844               35|
4845               49|
4846               9[1-68]
4847             )|
4848             4(?:
4849               [17]\d|
4850               2[179]|
4851               [35][1-9]|
4852               6[4789]|
4853               8[23]
4854             )|
4855             5(?:
4856               [1357]\d|
4857               2[37]|
4858               4[36]|
4859               6[1-46]|
4860               80|
4861               9[1-9]
4862             )|
4863             6(?:
4864               3[1-5]|
4865               6[0238]|
4866               9[12]
4867             )|
4868             7(?:
4869               01|
4870               [1579]\d|
4871               2[248]|
4872               3[014-9]|
4873               4[3-6]|
4874               6[023689]
4875             )|
4876             8(?:
4877               1[236-8]|
4878               2[5-7]|
4879               [37]\d|
4880               5[1-9]|
4881               8[3678]|
4882               9[1-8]
4883             )|
4884             9(?:
4885               0[1-3689]|
4886               1[1-79]|
4887               [379]\d|
4888               4[13]|
4889               5[1-5]
4890             )
4891           )96\d{3,4}
4892         </nationalNumberPattern>
4893         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
4894         <exampleNumber>4001234567</exampleNumber>
4895       </sharedCost>
4896     </territory>
4898     <!-- Colombia -->
4899     <!-- Extra international dialling prefixes from http://www.claro.com.co and
4900          http://www.tigo.com.co. -->
4901     <!-- 05 and 005 are for Orbitel: co.orbitel.com -->
4902     <territory id="CO" countryCode="57" internationalPrefix="00(?:4(?:[14]4|56)|[579])"
4903                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixForParsing="0([3579]|4(?:44|56))?"
4904                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
4905       <references>
4906         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200002C/en</sourceUrl>
4907         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Colombia</sourceUrl>
4908       </references>
4909       <availableFormats>
4910         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{7})" carrierCodeFormattingRule="$NP$CC $FG"
4911           nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)">
4912           <leadingDigits>
4913             1(?:
4914               8[2-9]|
4915               9[0-3]|
4916               [2-7]
4917             )|
4918             [24-8]
4919           </leadingDigits>
4920           <leadingDigits>
4921             1(?:
4922               8[2-9]|
4923               9(?:
4924                 09|
4925                 [1-3]
4926               )|
4927               [2-7]
4928             )|
4929             [24-8]
4930           </leadingDigits>
4931           <format>$1 $2</format>
4932         </numberFormat>
4933         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{7})" carrierCodeFormattingRule="$NP$CC $FG">
4934           <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
4935           <format>$1 $2</format>
4936         </numberFormat>
4937         <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{3})(\d{7})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
4938           <leadingDigits>
4939             1(?:
4940               80|
4941               9[04]
4942             )
4943           </leadingDigits>
4944           <leadingDigits>
4945             1(?:
4946               800|
4947               9(?:
4948                 0[01]|
4949                 4[78]
4950               )
4951             )
4952           </leadingDigits>
4953           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
4954           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3</intlFormat>
4955         </numberFormat>
4956       </availableFormats>
4957       <generalDesc>
4958         <nationalNumberPattern>
4959           (?:
4960             [13]\d{0,3}|
4961             [24-8]
4962           )\d{7}
4963         </nationalNumberPattern>
4964         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
4965       </generalDesc>
4966       <fixedLine>
4967         <nationalNumberPattern>[124-8][2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
4968         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
4969         <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
4970       </fixedLine>
4971       <mobile>
4972         <nationalNumberPattern>
4973           3(?:
4974             0[0-5]|
4975             1\d|
4976             2[0-2]|
4977             5[01]
4978           )\d{7}
4979         </nationalNumberPattern>
4980         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
4981         <exampleNumber>3211234567</exampleNumber>
4982       </mobile>
4983       <tollFree>
4984         <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
4985         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
4986         <exampleNumber>18001234567</exampleNumber>
4987       </tollFree>
4988       <premiumRate>
4989         <nationalNumberPattern>
4990           19(?:
4991             0[01]|
4992             4[78]
4993           )\d{7}
4994         </nationalNumberPattern>
4995         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
4996         <exampleNumber>19001234567</exampleNumber>
4997       </premiumRate>
4998     </territory>
5000     <!-- Costa Rica -->
5001     <territory id="CR" countryCode="506" internationalPrefix="00"
5002                nationalPrefixForParsing="(19(?:0[012468]|1[09]|20|66|77|99))"
5003                carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
5004       <references>
5005         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000030/en</sourceUrl>
5006       </references>
5007       <availableFormats>
5008         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
5009           <leadingDigits>
5010             [24-7]|
5011             8[3-9]
5012           </leadingDigits>
5013           <format>$1 $2</format>
5014         </numberFormat>
5015         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
5016           <leadingDigits>[89]0</leadingDigits>
5017           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
5018         </numberFormat>
5019       </availableFormats>
5020       <generalDesc>
5021         <nationalNumberPattern>[24-9]\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
5022         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
5023       </generalDesc>
5024       <fixedLine>
5025         <nationalNumberPattern>2[24-7]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
5026         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
5027         <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
5028       </fixedLine>
5029       <mobile>
5030         <nationalNumberPattern>
5031           5(?:
5032             0[01]|
5033             7[0-3]
5034           )\d{5}|
5035           6(?:
5036             [0-2]\d|
5037             30
5038           )\d{5}|
5039           7[0-3]\d{6}|
5040           8[3-9]\d{6}
5041         </nationalNumberPattern>
5042         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
5043         <exampleNumber>83123456</exampleNumber>
5044       </mobile>
5045       <tollFree>
5046         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
5047         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
5048         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
5049       </tollFree>
5050       <premiumRate>
5051         <!-- Includes "mass calls" numbers with prefix 905. -->
5052         <nationalNumberPattern>90[059]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
5053         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
5054         <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
5055       </premiumRate>
5056       <voip>
5057         <!-- Including trunking service numbers starting with 5100. 4001 (callmyway.com) was added
5058              from an open-source bug report supported by numbers found online. -->
5059         <nationalNumberPattern>
5060           210[0-6]\d{4}|
5061           4(?:
5062             0(?:
5063               0[01]\d{4}|
5064               10[0-3]\d{3}|
5065               2(?:
5066                 00\d{3}|
5067                 900\d{2}
5068               )|
5069               3[01]\d{4}|
5070               40\d{4}|
5071               5\d{5}|
5072               60\d{4}|
5073               70[01]\d{3}|
5074               8[0-2]\d{4}
5075             )|
5076             1[01]\d{5}|
5077             20[0-3]\d{4}|
5078             400\d{4}|
5079             70[0-2]\d{4}
5080           )|
5081           5100\d{4}
5082         </nationalNumberPattern>
5083         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
5084         <exampleNumber>40001234</exampleNumber>
5085       </voip>
5086     </territory>
5088     <!-- Cuba -->
5089     <territory id="CU" countryCode="53" internationalPrefix="119"
5090                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)">
5091       <references>
5092         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000033/en</sourceUrl>
5093       </references>
5094       <availableFormats>
5095         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{6,7})">
5096           <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
5097           <format>$1 $2</format>
5098         </numberFormat>
5099         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4,6})">
5100           <leadingDigits>[2-4]</leadingDigits>
5101           <format>$1 $2</format>
5102         </numberFormat>
5103         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{7})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
5104           <leadingDigits>5</leadingDigits>
5105           <format>$1 $2</format>
5106         </numberFormat>
5107       </availableFormats>
5108       <generalDesc>
5109         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-57]\d{5,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
5110         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
5111       </generalDesc>
5112       <fixedLine>
5113         <nationalNumberPattern>
5114           2[1-4]\d{5,6}|
5115           3(?:
5116             1\d{6}|
5117             [23]\d{4,6}
5118           )|
5119           4(?:
5120             [125]\d{5,6}|
5121             [36]\d{6}|
5122             [78]\d{4,6}
5123           )|
5124           7\d{6,7}
5125         </nationalNumberPattern>
5126         <exampleNumber>71234567</exampleNumber>
5127       </fixedLine>
5128       <mobile>
5129         <nationalNumberPattern>5\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
5130         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
5131         <exampleNumber>51234567</exampleNumber>
5132       </mobile>
5133     </territory>
5135     <!-- Cape Verde -->
5136     <territory id="CV" countryCode="238" internationalPrefix="0">
5137       <references>
5138         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000026/en</sourceUrl>
5139       </references>
5140       <availableFormats>
5141         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
5142           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
5143         </numberFormat>
5144       </availableFormats>
5145       <generalDesc>
5146         <nationalNumberPattern>[259]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
5147         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
5148       </generalDesc>
5149       <fixedLine>
5150         <nationalNumberPattern>
5151           2(?:
5152             2[1-7]|
5153             3[0-8]|
5154             4[12]|
5155             5[1256]|
5156             6\d|
5157             7[1-3]|
5158             8[1-5]
5159           )\d{4}
5160         </nationalNumberPattern>
5161         <exampleNumber>2211234</exampleNumber>
5162       </fixedLine>
5163       <mobile>
5164         <!-- It seems, contrary to their numbering plan, the entire 9X range is used for mobile
5165              phones. SMS messages has been successfully sent to numbers starting with 95 and 97 for
5166              example, and there are plenty of numbers on the internet that start with these
5167              prefixes. -->
5168         <nationalNumberPattern>
5169           (?:
5170             9\d|
5171             59
5172           )\d{5}
5173         </nationalNumberPattern>
5174         <exampleNumber>9911234</exampleNumber>
5175       </mobile>
5176     </territory>
5178     <!-- Curaçao -->
5179     <territory id="CW" countryCode="599" internationalPrefix="00" mainCountryForCode="true">
5180       <references>
5181         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000F5/en</sourceUrl>
5182       </references>
5183       <!-- All the formatting patterns for country-code 599 are here. -->
5184       <availableFormats>
5185         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
5186           <leadingDigits>[13-7]</leadingDigits>
5187           <format>$1 $2</format>
5188         </numberFormat>
5189         <numberFormat pattern="(9)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
5190           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
5191           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
5192         </numberFormat>
5193       </availableFormats>
5194       <generalDesc>
5195         <nationalNumberPattern>[169]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
5196         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
5197       </generalDesc>
5198       <fixedLine>
5199         <nationalNumberPattern>
5200           9(?:
5201             [48]\d{2}|
5202             50\d|
5203             7(?:
5204               2[0-24]|
5205               [34]\d|
5206               6[35-7]|
5207               77|
5208               8[7-9]
5209             )
5210           )\d{4}
5211         </nationalNumberPattern>
5212         <exampleNumber>94151234</exampleNumber>
5213       </fixedLine>
5214       <mobile>
5215         <nationalNumberPattern>
5216           9(?:
5217             5(?:
5218               [1246]\d|
5219               3[01]
5220             )|
5221             6(?:
5222               [16-9]\d|
5223               3[01]
5224             )
5225           )\d{4}
5226         </nationalNumberPattern>
5227         <exampleNumber>95181234</exampleNumber>
5228       </mobile>
5229       <pager>
5230         <nationalNumberPattern>955\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
5231         <exampleNumber>95581234</exampleNumber>
5232       </pager>
5233       <sharedCost>
5234         <!-- Value-added services are lumped together under shared cost, since we are not sure
5235              exactly what they are. -->
5236         <nationalNumberPattern>
5237           (?:
5238             10|
5239             69
5240           )\d{5}
5241         </nationalNumberPattern>
5242         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
5243         <exampleNumber>1011234</exampleNumber>
5244       </sharedCost>
5245     </territory>
5247     <!-- Christmas Islands -->
5248     <!-- Metadata shared with Australia. -->
5249     <!-- References state Christmas Islands have fixed line numbers starting +61 8 9164. -->
5250     <territory id="CX" countryCode="61" preferredInternationalPrefix="0011"
5251                internationalPrefix="(?:14(?:1[14]|34|4[17]|[56]6|7[47]|88))?001[14-689]"
5252                nationalPrefix="0">
5253       <references>
5254         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes</sourceUrl>
5255         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Australia</sourceUrl>
5256       </references>
5257       <!-- Uses AU formatting rules. -->
5258       <!-- General desc and fixed line rules different from Australia. -->
5259       <generalDesc>
5260         <nationalNumberPattern>[1458]\d{5,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
5261         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
5262       </generalDesc>
5263       <fixedLine>
5264         <nationalNumberPattern>89164\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
5265         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
5266         <exampleNumber>891641234</exampleNumber>
5267       </fixedLine>
5268       <!-- Mobile, toll free, premium rate, personal number and VOIP copied from Australia. -->
5269       <mobile>
5270         <nationalNumberPattern>
5271           14(?:
5272             5\d|
5273             71
5274           )\d{5}|
5275           4(?:
5276             [0-2]\d|
5277             3[0-57-9]|
5278             4[47-9]|
5279             5[0-25-9]|
5280             6[6-9]|
5281             7[03-9]|
5282             8[17-9]|
5283             9[017-9]
5284           )\d{6}
5285         </nationalNumberPattern>
5286         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
5287         <exampleNumber>412345678</exampleNumber>
5288       </mobile>
5289       <tollFree>
5290         <nationalNumberPattern>
5291           1(?:
5292             80(?:
5293               0\d{2}
5294             )?|
5295             3(?:
5296               00\d{2}
5297             )?
5298           )\d{4}
5299         </nationalNumberPattern>
5300         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
5301         <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
5302       </tollFree>
5303       <premiumRate>
5304         <nationalNumberPattern>190[0126]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
5305         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
5306         <exampleNumber>1900123456</exampleNumber>
5307       </premiumRate>
5308       <personalNumber>
5309         <nationalNumberPattern>500\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
5310         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
5311         <exampleNumber>500123456</exampleNumber>
5312       </personalNumber>
5313       <voip>
5314         <nationalNumberPattern>550\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
5315         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
5316         <exampleNumber>550123456</exampleNumber>
5317       </voip>
5318     </territory>
5320     <!-- Cyprus -->
5321     <territory id="CY" countryCode="357" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
5322       <references>
5323         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000034/en</sourceUrl>
5324       </references>
5325       <availableFormats>
5326         <!-- Format from http://www.cyprusyellowpages.com -->
5327         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{6})">
5328           <format>$1 $2</format>
5329         </numberFormat>
5330       </availableFormats>
5331       <generalDesc>
5332         <nationalNumberPattern>[257-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
5333         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
5334       </generalDesc>
5335       <fixedLine>
5336         <nationalNumberPattern>2[2-6]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
5337         <exampleNumber>22345678</exampleNumber>
5338       </fixedLine>
5339       <mobile>
5340         <!-- Includes paging numbers (they are mixed into the same block). -->
5341         <nationalNumberPattern>9[5-79]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
5342         <exampleNumber>96123456</exampleNumber>
5343       </mobile>
5344       <tollFree>
5345         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
5346         <exampleNumber>80001234</exampleNumber>
5347       </tollFree>
5348       <premiumRate>
5349         <nationalNumberPattern>90[09]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
5350         <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
5351       </premiumRate>
5352       <sharedCost>
5353         <nationalNumberPattern>80[1-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
5354         <exampleNumber>80112345</exampleNumber>
5355       </sharedCost>
5356       <personalNumber>
5357         <nationalNumberPattern>700\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
5358         <exampleNumber>70012345</exampleNumber>
5359       </personalNumber>
5360       <uan>
5361         <!-- Using for Corporate Network numbers and Universal Service numbers. -->
5362         <nationalNumberPattern>
5363           (?:
5364             50|
5365             77
5366           )\d{6}
5367         </nationalNumberPattern>
5368         <exampleNumber>77123456</exampleNumber>
5369       </uan>
5370     </territory>
5372     <!-- Czech Rep. -->
5373     <territory id="CZ" countryCode="420" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
5374       <references>
5375         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000035/en</sourceUrl>
5376         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B420</sourceUrl>
5377       </references>
5378       <availableFormats>
5379         <numberFormat pattern="([2-9]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
5380           <leadingDigits>
5381             [2-8]|
5382             9[015-7]
5383           </leadingDigits>
5384           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
5385         </numberFormat>
5386         <numberFormat pattern="(96\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
5387           <leadingDigits>96</leadingDigits>
5388           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
5389         </numberFormat>
5390         <numberFormat pattern="(9\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
5391           <leadingDigits>9[36]</leadingDigits>
5392           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
5393         </numberFormat>
5394       </availableFormats>
5395       <generalDesc>
5396         <nationalNumberPattern>
5397           [2-8]\d{8}|
5398           9\d{8,11}
5399         </nationalNumberPattern>
5400         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
5401       </generalDesc>
5402       <fixedLine>
5403         <nationalNumberPattern>
5404           2\d{8}|
5405           (?:
5406             3[1257-9]|
5407             4[16-9]|
5408             5[13-9]
5409           )\d{7}
5410         </nationalNumberPattern>
5411         <exampleNumber>212345678</exampleNumber>
5412       </fixedLine>
5413       <mobile>
5414         <nationalNumberPattern>
5415           (?:
5416             60[1-8]|
5417             7(?:
5418               0[2-5]|
5419               [2379]\d
5420             )
5421           )\d{6}
5422         </nationalNumberPattern>
5423         <exampleNumber>601123456</exampleNumber>
5424       </mobile>
5425       <tollFree>
5426         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
5427         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
5428       </tollFree>
5429       <premiumRate>
5430         <!-- Includes premium rate dial-up. -->
5431         <nationalNumberPattern>
5432           9(?:
5433             0[05689]|
5434             76
5435           )\d{6}
5436         </nationalNumberPattern>
5437         <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
5438       </premiumRate>
5439       <sharedCost>
5440         <nationalNumberPattern>8[134]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
5441         <exampleNumber>811234567</exampleNumber>
5442       </sharedCost>
5443       <personalNumber>
5444         <nationalNumberPattern>70[01]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
5445         <exampleNumber>700123456</exampleNumber>
5446       </personalNumber>
5447       <voip>
5448         <nationalNumberPattern>9[17]0\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
5449         <exampleNumber>910123456</exampleNumber>
5450       </voip>
5451       <uan>
5452         <!-- Numbers belonging to private communication networks are included here. These are
5453              classified as Institutional networks, belonging to institutions like the police, armed
5454              forces and railways, along with a couple of formerly government-owned banks. These
5455              numbers are reachable by the public. -->
5456         <nationalNumberPattern>
5457           9(?:
5458             5\d|
5459             7[234]
5460           )\d{6}
5461         </nationalNumberPattern>
5462         <exampleNumber>972123456</exampleNumber>
5463       </uan>
5464       <voicemail>
5465         <nationalNumberPattern>
5466           9(?:
5467             3\d{9}|
5468             6\d{7,10}
5469           )
5470         </nationalNumberPattern>
5471         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
5472         <exampleNumber>93123456789</exampleNumber>
5473       </voicemail>
5474     </territory>
5476     <!-- Germany -->
5477     <territory id="DE" countryCode="49" internationalPrefix="00"
5478                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
5479                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
5480       <references>
5481         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000051/en</sourceUrl>
5482         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_germany</sourceUrl>
5483       </references>
5484       <availableFormats>
5485         <!-- Mobile number formatting rules. We follow the ITU document here for guidance on how
5486              these should best be formatted, even though actual usage varies. -->
5487         <numberFormat pattern="(1\d{2})(\d{7,8})">
5488           <leadingDigits>1[67]</leadingDigits>
5489           <format>$1 $2</format>
5490         </numberFormat>
5491         <numberFormat pattern="(1\d{3})(\d{7})">
5492           <leadingDigits>15</leadingDigits>
5493           <format>$1 $2</format>
5494         </numberFormat>
5495         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3,11})">
5496           <leadingDigits>
5497             3[02]|
5498             40|
5499             [68]9
5500           </leadingDigits>
5501           <format>$1 $2</format>
5502         </numberFormat>
5503         <!-- The order of the rules on 3-5 digits area code matter as fallback is used here. -->
5504         <!-- 3 digit area codes. -->
5505         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,11})">
5506           <leadingDigits>
5507             2(?:
5508               \d1|
5509               0[2389]|
5510               1[24]|
5511               28|
5512               34
5513             )|
5514             3(?:
5515               [3-9][15]|
5516               40
5517             )|
5518             [4-8][1-9]1|
5519             9(?:
5520               06|
5521               [1-9]1
5522             )
5523           </leadingDigits>
5524           <format>$1 $2</format>
5525         </numberFormat>
5526         <!-- 4 digit area codes. -->
5527         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{2,11})">
5528           <leadingDigits>
5529             [24-6]|
5530             [7-9](?:
5531               \d[1-9]|
5532               [1-9]\d
5533             )|
5534             3(?:
5535               [3569][02-46-9]|
5536               4[2-4679]|
5537               7[2-467]|
5538               8[2-46-8]
5539             )
5540           </leadingDigits>
5541           <leadingDigits>
5542             [24-6]|
5543             [7-9](?:
5544               \d[1-9]|
5545               [1-9]\d
5546             )|
5547             3(?:
5548               3(?:
5549                 0[1-467]|
5550                 2[127-9]|
5551                 3[124578]|
5552                 [46][1246]|
5553                 7[1257-9]|
5554                 8[1256]|
5555                 9[145]
5556               )|
5557               4(?:
5558                 2[135]|
5559                 3[1357]|
5560                 4[13578]|
5561                 6[1246]|
5562                 7[1356]|
5563                 9[1346]
5564               )|
5565               5(?:
5566                 0[14]|
5567                 2[1-3589]|
5568                 3[1357]|
5569                 4[1246]|
5570                 6[1-4]|
5571                 7[1346]|
5572                 8[13568]|
5573                 9[1246]
5574               )|
5575               6(?:
5576                 0[356]|
5577                 2[1-489]|
5578                 3[124-6]|
5579                 4[1347]|
5580                 6[13]|
5581                 7[12579]|
5582                 8[1-356]|
5583                 9[135]
5584               )|
5585               7(?:
5586                 2[1-7]|
5587                 3[1357]|
5588                 4[145]|
5589                 6[1-5]|
5590                 7[1-4]
5591               )|
5592               8(?:
5593                 21|
5594                 3[1468]|
5595                 4[1347]|
5596                 6[0135-9]|
5597                 7[1467]|
5598                 8[136]
5599               )|
5600               9(?:
5601                 0[12479]|
5602                 2[1358]|
5603                 3[1357]|
5604                 4[134679]|
5605                 6[1-9]|
5606                 7[136]|
5607                 8[147]|
5608                 9[1468]
5609               )
5610             )
5611           </leadingDigits>
5612           <format>$1 $2</format>
5613         </numberFormat>
5614         <!-- 5 digit area codes. -->
5615         <numberFormat pattern="(3\d{4})(\d{1,10})">
5616           <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
5617           <format>$1 $2</format>
5618         </numberFormat>
5619         <!-- Note: this is getting ridiculous! How can we format these better? -->
5620         <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{7,12})">
5621           <leadingDigits>800</leadingDigits>
5622           <format>$1 $2</format>
5623         </numberFormat>
5624         <!-- Voicemail access numbers for the carrier Blau. -->
5625         <numberFormat pattern="(177)(99)(\d{7,8})">
5626           <leadingDigits>177</leadingDigits>
5627           <leadingDigits>1779</leadingDigits>
5628           <leadingDigits>17799</leadingDigits>
5629           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
5630         </numberFormat>
5631         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d)(\d{4,10})">
5632           <leadingDigits>
5633             (?:
5634               18|
5635               90
5636             )0|
5637             137
5638           </leadingDigits>
5639           <leadingDigits>
5640             1(?:
5641               37|
5642               80
5643             )|
5644             900[1359]
5645           </leadingDigits>
5646           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
5647         </numberFormat>
5648         <numberFormat pattern="(1\d{2})(\d{5,11})">
5649           <leadingDigits>181</leadingDigits>
5650           <format>$1 $2</format>
5651         </numberFormat>
5652         <!-- Where we have seen prefixes in use for the IVPN/User Group numbers, we format it the
5653              way it is generally written. For other prefixes, we fall back to using a three-digit
5654              prefix since we have currently no more information to allow us to format these more
5655              precisely. -->
5656         <numberFormat pattern="(18\d{3})(\d{6})">
5657           <leadingDigits>185</leadingDigits>
5658           <leadingDigits>1850</leadingDigits>
5659           <leadingDigits>18500</leadingDigits>
5660           <format>$1 $2</format>
5661         </numberFormat>
5662         <numberFormat pattern="(18\d{2})(\d{7})">
5663           <leadingDigits>18[68]</leadingDigits>
5664           <format>$1 $2</format>
5665         </numberFormat>
5666         <numberFormat pattern="(18\d)(\d{8})">
5667           <leadingDigits>18[2-579]</leadingDigits>
5668           <format>$1 $2</format>
5669         </numberFormat>
5670         <numberFormat pattern="(700)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
5671           <leadingDigits>700</leadingDigits>
5672           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
5673         </numberFormat>
5674         <numberFormat pattern="(138)(\d{4})">
5675           <leadingDigits>138</leadingDigits>
5676           <format>$1 $2</format>
5677         </numberFormat>
5678       </availableFormats>
5679       <generalDesc>
5680         <!-- When deciding whether to assume a leading 49 is a country code or not, the number is
5681              examined to see if it is valid with the 49 as part of the number. Due to the variable
5682              length of German numbers, this test is hard to do. The national pattern is hence
5683              stricter for numbers starting with 49, to try and remove the country code if the number
5684              begins with 49 whenever possible. -->
5685         <nationalNumberPattern>
5686           [1-35-9]\d{3,14}|
5687           4(?:
5688             [0-8]\d{4,12}|
5689             9(?:
5690               [0-37]\d|
5691               4(?:
5692                 [1-35-8]|
5693                 4\d?
5694               )|
5695               5\d{1,2}|
5696               6[1-8]\d?
5697             )\d{2,8}
5698           )
5699         </nationalNumberPattern>
5700         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,15}</possibleNumberPattern>
5701       </generalDesc>
5702       <fixedLine>
5703         <!-- The numbering plan defines rather optimistic longest-number limits - online numbers
5704              don't seem to respect this. The max-length is hence extended. -->
5705         <nationalNumberPattern>
5706           [246]\d{5,13}|
5707           3(?:
5708             0\d{3,13}|
5709             2\d{9}|
5710             [3-9]\d{4,13}
5711           )|
5712           5(?:
5713             0[2-8]|
5714             [1256]\d|
5715             [38][0-8]|
5716             4\d{0,2}|
5717             [79][0-7]
5718           )\d{3,11}|
5719           7(?:
5720             0[2-8]|
5721             [1-9]\d
5722           )\d{3,10}|
5723           8(?:
5724             0[2-9]|
5725             [1-9]\d
5726           )\d{3,10}|
5727           9(?:
5728             0[6-9]\d{3,10}|
5729             1\d{4,12}|
5730             [2-9]\d{4,11}
5731           )
5732         </nationalNumberPattern>
5733         <exampleNumber>30123456</exampleNumber>
5734       </fixedLine>
5735       <mobile>
5736         <!-- According to
5737              http://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BNetzA/Sachgebiete/Telekommunikation/Regulierung/Nummernverwaltung/Mobilfunkdienste/NummernplanMobileDienstepdf.pdf?__blob=publicationFile
5738              numbers beginning with 162, 163 and 17 can all be 10 or 11 digits long.
5739              The ranges 15[056] have been removed from the ITU doc, but information found online
5740              indicates that they may still be working.
5741              -->
5742         <nationalNumberPattern>
5743           1(?:
5744             5[0-2579]\d{8}|
5745             6[023]\d{7,8}|
5746             7(?:
5747               [0-57-9]\d?|
5748               6\d
5749             )\d{7}
5750           )
5751         </nationalNumberPattern>
5752         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
5753         <exampleNumber>15123456789</exampleNumber>
5754       </mobile>
5755       <pager>
5756         <nationalNumberPattern>
5757           16(?:
5758             4\d{1,10}|
5759             [89]\d{1,11}
5760           )
5761         </nationalNumberPattern>
5762         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,14}</possibleNumberPattern>
5763         <exampleNumber>16412345</exampleNumber>
5764       </pager>
5765       <tollFree>
5766         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7,12}</nationalNumberPattern>
5767         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,15}</possibleNumberPattern>
5768         <exampleNumber>8001234567890</exampleNumber>
5769       </tollFree>
5770       <premiumRate>
5771         <!-- Includes the more expensive of the "televoting" line numbers. See the shared cost
5772              section for more information. -->
5773         <nationalNumberPattern>
5774           137[7-9]\d{6}|
5775           900(?:
5776             [135]\d{6}|
5777             9\d{7}
5778           )
5779         </nationalNumberPattern>
5780         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
5781         <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
5782       </premiumRate>
5783       <sharedCost>
5784         <!-- Includes some mass-traffic numbers, used for e.g. phone voting, raffles, since their
5785              costs when dialling from a fixed-line phone is similar.
5786              Prices:
5787              http://www.billiger-telefonieren.de/0180-0137-0900-sonderrufnummern/
5788              Documentation:
5789              http://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Sachgebiete/Telekommunikation/Unternehmen_Institutionen/Nummerierung/Rufnummern/0137/0137_Nummernplan.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2
5790         -->
5791         <nationalNumberPattern>
5792           1(?:
5793             3(?:
5794               7[1-6]\d{6}|
5795               8\d{4}
5796             )|
5797             80\d{5,11}
5798           )
5799         </nationalNumberPattern>
5800         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,14}</possibleNumberPattern>
5801         <exampleNumber>18012345</exampleNumber>
5802       </sharedCost>
5803       <personalNumber>
5804         <nationalNumberPattern>700\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
5805         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
5806         <exampleNumber>70012345678</exampleNumber>
5807       </personalNumber>
5808       <uan>
5809         <!-- Using UAN for numbers marked in the plan as being assigned to International Virtual
5810              Private Networks (0181) & User Groups (018[2-9]). These seem in practice to be assigned
5811              to companies. More information here: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorwahl_01 -->
5812         <nationalNumberPattern>
5813           18(?:
5814             1\d{5,11}|
5815             [2-9]\d{8}
5816           )
5817         </nationalNumberPattern>
5818         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,14}</possibleNumberPattern>
5819         <exampleNumber>18500123456</exampleNumber>
5820       </uan>
5821       <voicemail>
5822         <nationalNumberPattern>17799\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
5823         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{12,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
5824         <exampleNumber>177991234567</exampleNumber>
5825       </voicemail>
5826     </territory>
5828     <!-- Djibouti -->
5829     <territory id="DJ" countryCode="253" internationalPrefix="00">
5830       <references>
5831         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200003A/en</sourceUrl>
5832       </references>
5833       <availableFormats>
5834         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
5835           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
5836         </numberFormat>
5837       </availableFormats>
5838       <generalDesc>
5839         <nationalNumberPattern>[27]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
5840         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
5841       </generalDesc>
5842       <fixedLine>
5843         <!-- Includes "Numéro long CDMA fixe" numbers. -->
5844         <nationalNumberPattern>
5845           2(?:
5846             1[2-5]|
5847             7[45]
5848           )\d{5}
5849         </nationalNumberPattern>
5850         <exampleNumber>21360003</exampleNumber>
5851       </fixedLine>
5852       <mobile>
5853         <nationalNumberPattern>77[6-8]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
5854         <exampleNumber>77831001</exampleNumber>
5855       </mobile>
5856     </territory>
5858     <!-- Denmark -->
5859     <territory id="DK" countryCode="45" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
5860       <references>
5861         <sourceUrl>http://www.dba.erhvervsstyrelsen.dk/numbering-lists</sourceUrl>
5862       </references>
5863       <availableFormats>
5864         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
5865           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
5866         </numberFormat>
5867       </availableFormats>
5868       <generalDesc>
5869         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
5870         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
5871       </generalDesc>
5872       <!-- Note that "mainly mobile" and "mainly fixed-line" are put under both number types to be
5873            safe. -->
5874       <fixedLine>
5875         <nationalNumberPattern>
5876           (?:
5877             [2-7]\d|
5878             8[126-9]|
5879             9[1-36-9]
5880           )\d{6}
5881         </nationalNumberPattern>
5882         <exampleNumber>32123456</exampleNumber>
5883       </fixedLine>
5884       <mobile>
5885         <nationalNumberPattern>
5886           (?:
5887             [2-7]\d|
5888             8[126-9]|
5889             9[1-36-9]
5890           )\d{6}
5891         </nationalNumberPattern>
5892         <exampleNumber>20123456</exampleNumber>
5893       </mobile>
5894       <tollFree>
5895         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
5896         <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
5897       </tollFree>
5898       <premiumRate>
5899         <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
5900         <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
5901       </premiumRate>
5902     </territory>
5904     <!-- Dominica -->
5905     <territory id="DM" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="767" nationalPrefix="1"
5906                internationalPrefix="011">
5907       <references>
5908         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200003B/en</sourceUrl>
5909       </references>
5910       <generalDesc>
5911         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
5912         <nationalNumberPattern>[57-9]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
5913         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
5914       </generalDesc>
5915       <fixedLine>
5916         <nationalNumberPattern>
5917           767(?:
5918             2(?:
5919               55|
5920               66
5921             )|
5922             4(?:
5923               2[01]|
5924               4[0-25-9]
5925             )|
5926             50[0-4]|
5927             70[1-3]
5928           )\d{4}
5929         </nationalNumberPattern>
5930         <exampleNumber>7674201234</exampleNumber>
5931       </fixedLine>
5932       <mobile>
5933         <!-- Adding 61[237], 285 and 295 since online numbers have been found with this prefix. -->
5934         <nationalNumberPattern>
5935           767(?:
5936             2(?:
5937               [234689]5|
5938               7[5-7]
5939             )|
5940             31[5-7]|
5941             61[2-7]
5942           )\d{4}
5943         </nationalNumberPattern>
5944         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
5945         <exampleNumber>7672251234</exampleNumber>
5946       </mobile>
5947       <tollFree>
5948         <nationalNumberPattern>
5949           8(?:
5950             00|
5951             44|
5952             55|
5953             66|
5954             77|
5955             88
5956           )[2-9]\d{6}
5957         </nationalNumberPattern>
5958         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
5959         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
5960       </tollFree>
5961       <premiumRate>
5962         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
5963         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
5964         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
5965       </premiumRate>
5966       <personalNumber>
5967         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
5968         <nationalNumberPattern>
5969           5(?:
5970             00|
5971             33|
5972             44|
5973             66|
5974             77
5975           )[2-9]\d{6}
5976         </nationalNumberPattern>
5977         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
5978         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
5979       </personalNumber>
5980     </territory>
5982     <!-- Dominican Rep. -->
5983     <territory id="DO" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="8[024]9" nationalPrefix="1"
5984                internationalPrefix="011" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
5985       <references>
5986         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200003C/en</sourceUrl>
5987       </references>
5988       <generalDesc>
5989         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
5990         <nationalNumberPattern>[589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
5991         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
5992       </generalDesc>
5993       <fixedLine>
5994         <!-- The ITU data seems to be somewhat incomplete. We ensure that the fully-specified mobile
5995              prefixes in the document are classified as such by excluding them from the fixed-line
5996              ranges, but other than this have a generic rule. -->
5997         <nationalNumberPattern>
5998           8(?:
5999             [04]9[2-9]\d{6}|
6000             29(?:
6001               2(?:
6002                 [0-59]\d|
6003                 6[04-9]|
6004                 7[0-27]|
6005                 8[0237-9]
6006               )|
6007               3(?:
6008                 [0-35-9]\d|
6009                 4[7-9]
6010               )|
6011               [45]\d{2}|
6012               6(?:
6013                 [0-27-9]\d|
6014                 [3-5][1-9]|
6015                 6[0135-8]
6016               )|
6017               7(?:
6018                 0[013-9]|
6019                 [1-37]\d|
6020                 4[1-35689]|
6021                 5[1-4689]|
6022                 6[1-57-9]|
6023                 8[1-79]|
6024                 9[1-8]
6025               )|
6026               8(?:
6027                 0[146-9]|
6028                 1[0-48]|
6029                 [248]\d|
6030                 3[1-79]|
6031                 5[01589]|
6032                 6[013-68]|
6033                 7[124-8]|
6034                 9[0-8]
6035               )|
6036               9(?:
6037                 [0-24]\d|
6038                 3[02-46-9]|
6039                 5[0-79]|
6040                 60|
6041                 7[0169]|
6042                 8[57-9]|
6043                 9[02-9]
6044               )
6045             )\d{4}
6046           )
6047         </nationalNumberPattern>
6048         <exampleNumber>8092345678</exampleNumber>
6049       </fixedLine>
6050       <mobile>
6051         <nationalNumberPattern>8[024]9[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
6052         <exampleNumber>8092345678</exampleNumber>
6053       </mobile>
6054       <tollFree>
6055         <nationalNumberPattern>
6056           8(?:
6057             00|
6058             44|
6059             55|
6060             66|
6061             77|
6062             88
6063           )[2-9]\d{6}
6064         </nationalNumberPattern>
6065         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
6066         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
6067       </tollFree>
6068       <premiumRate>
6069         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
6070         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
6071         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
6072       </premiumRate>
6073       <personalNumber>
6074         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
6075         <nationalNumberPattern>
6076           5(?:
6077             00|
6078             33|
6079             44|
6080             66|
6081             77
6082           )[2-9]\d{6}
6083         </nationalNumberPattern>
6084         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
6085         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
6086       </personalNumber>
6087    </territory>
6089     <!-- Algeria -->
6090     <territory id="DZ" countryCode="213" internationalPrefix="00"
6091                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
6092       <references>
6093         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000003/en</sourceUrl>
6094         <sourceUrl>http://www.arpt.dz</sourceUrl>
6095       </references>
6096       <availableFormats>
6097         <!-- Formatting from http://www.pagesjaunes-dz.com. -->
6098         <numberFormat pattern="([1-4]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
6099           <leadingDigits>[1-4]</leadingDigits>
6100           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
6101         </numberFormat>
6102         <numberFormat pattern="([5-8]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
6103           <leadingDigits>[5-8]</leadingDigits>
6104           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
6105         </numberFormat>
6106         <numberFormat pattern="(9\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
6107           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
6108           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
6109         </numberFormat>
6110       </availableFormats>
6111       <generalDesc>
6112         <nationalNumberPattern>
6113           (?:
6114             [1-4]|
6115             [5-9]\d
6116           )\d{7}
6117         </nationalNumberPattern>
6118         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
6119       </generalDesc>
6120       <fixedLine>
6121         <!-- We include the VSAT lines here. -->
6122         <nationalNumberPattern>
6123           (?:
6124             1\d|
6125             2[014-79]|
6126             3[0-8]|
6127             4[0135689]
6128           )\d{6}|
6129           9619\d{5}
6130         </nationalNumberPattern>
6131         <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
6132       </fixedLine>
6133       <mobile>
6134         <!-- Adding 65 and 78 from numbers found online. Also, prefix 670 is added since the carrier
6135              Mobilis Algeria provided it, and 54 for Nedjma. Prefixes 67[1-4] were also added for
6136              Mobilis Algeria based on evidence found online. -->
6137         <nationalNumberPattern>
6138           (?:
6139             5[4-6]|
6140             7[7-9]
6141           )\d{7}|
6142           6(?:
6143             [569]\d|
6144             7[0-4]
6145           )\d{6}
6146         </nationalNumberPattern>
6147         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
6148         <exampleNumber>551234567</exampleNumber>
6149       </mobile>
6150       <tollFree>
6151         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
6152         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
6153         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
6154       </tollFree>
6155       <premiumRate>
6156         <nationalNumberPattern>80[3-689]1\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
6157         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
6158         <exampleNumber>808123456</exampleNumber>
6159       </premiumRate>
6160       <!-- The Algerian plan doesn't specify where the costs start to be considered "premium", so we
6161            draw an arbitrary line here and say that from 50 Da up they will be considered premium.
6162            -->
6163       <sharedCost>
6164         <nationalNumberPattern>80[12]1\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
6165         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
6166         <exampleNumber>801123456</exampleNumber>
6167       </sharedCost>
6168       <voip>
6169         <nationalNumberPattern>98[23]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
6170         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
6171         <exampleNumber>983123456</exampleNumber>
6172       </voip>
6173    </territory>
6175     <!-- Ecuador -->
6176     <territory id="EC" countryCode="593" internationalPrefix="00"
6177                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
6178                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
6179       <references>
6180         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/+593</sourceUrl>
6181         <sourceUrl>http://www.conatel.gob.ec/site_conatel/index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=category&amp;layout=blog&amp;id=52&amp;Itemid=153</sourceUrl>
6182         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200003D/en</sourceUrl>
6183       </references>
6184       <availableFormats>
6185         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
6186           <leadingDigits>
6187             [247]|
6188             [356][2-8]
6189           </leadingDigits>
6190           <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
6191           <intlFormat>$1-$2-$3</intlFormat>
6192         </numberFormat>
6193         <!-- Formatting for the new longer mobile numbers comes from the advertisements about the
6194              change on the http://www.conatel.gob.ec site. -->
6195         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
6196           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
6197           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
6198         </numberFormat>
6199         <numberFormat pattern="(1800)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
6200           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
6201           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
6202         </numberFormat>
6203       </availableFormats>
6204       <generalDesc>
6205         <nationalNumberPattern>
6206           1\d{9,10}|
6207           [2-8]\d{7}|
6208           9\d{8}
6209         </nationalNumberPattern>
6210         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
6211       </generalDesc>
6212       <fixedLine>
6213         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-7][2-7]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
6214         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
6215         <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
6216       </fixedLine>
6217       <mobile>
6218         <nationalNumberPattern>
6219           9(?:
6220             39|
6221             [45][89]|
6222             [67][7-9]|
6223             [89]\d
6224           )\d{6}
6225         </nationalNumberPattern>
6226         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
6227         <exampleNumber>991234567</exampleNumber>
6228       </mobile>
6229       <tollFree>
6230         <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
6231         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
6232         <exampleNumber>18001234567</exampleNumber>
6233       </tollFree>
6234       <voip>
6235         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-7]890\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
6236         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
6237         <exampleNumber>28901234</exampleNumber>
6238       </voip>
6239     </territory>
6241     <!-- Estonia -->
6242     <territory id="EE" countryCode="372" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
6243       <references>
6244         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000043/en</sourceUrl>
6245         <sourceUrl>http://www.tja.ee/public/Legislation_side/Numbering_/Estonian_NP_eng.htm</sourceUrl>
6246       </references>
6247       <availableFormats>
6248         <numberFormat pattern="([3-79]\d{2})(\d{4})">
6249           <leadingDigits>
6250             [369]|
6251             4[3-8]|
6252             5(?:
6253               [0-2]|
6254               5[0-478]|
6255               6[45]
6256             )|
6257             7[1-9]
6258           </leadingDigits>
6259           <leadingDigits>
6260             [369]|
6261             4[3-8]|
6262             5(?:
6263               [02]|
6264               1(?:
6265                 [0-8]|
6266                 95
6267               )|
6268               5[0-478]|
6269               6(?:
6270                 4[0-4]|
6271                 5[1-589]
6272               )
6273             )|
6274             7[1-9]
6275           </leadingDigits>
6276           <format>$1 $2</format>
6277         </numberFormat>
6278         <numberFormat pattern="(70)(\d{2})(\d{4})">
6279           <leadingDigits>70</leadingDigits>
6280           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
6281         </numberFormat>
6282         <numberFormat pattern="(8000)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
6283           <leadingDigits>800</leadingDigits>
6284           <leadingDigits>8000</leadingDigits>
6285           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
6286         </numberFormat>
6287         <numberFormat pattern="([458]\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
6288           <leadingDigits>
6289             40|
6290             5|
6291             8(?:
6292               00|
6293               [1-5]
6294             )
6295           </leadingDigits>
6296           <leadingDigits>
6297             40|
6298             5|
6299             8(?:
6300               00[1-9]|
6301               [1-5]
6302             )
6303           </leadingDigits>
6304           <format>$1 $2</format>
6305         </numberFormat>
6306       </availableFormats>
6307       <generalDesc>
6308         <nationalNumberPattern>
6309           1\d{3,4}|
6310           [3-9]\d{6,7}|
6311           800\d{6,7}
6312         </nationalNumberPattern>
6313         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
6314       </generalDesc>
6315       <noInternationalDialling>
6316         <nationalNumberPattern>
6317           1\d{3,4}|
6318           800[2-9]\d{3}
6319         </nationalNumberPattern>
6320         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
6321         <exampleNumber>8002123</exampleNumber>
6322       </noInternationalDialling>
6323       <fixedLine>
6324         <nationalNumberPattern>
6325           (?:
6326             3[23589]|
6327             4[3-8]|
6328             6\d|
6329             7[1-9]|
6330             88
6331           )\d{5}
6332         </nationalNumberPattern>
6333         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
6334         <exampleNumber>3212345</exampleNumber>
6335       </fixedLine>
6336       <mobile>
6337         <!-- 7 digit mobile numbers currently in use with special prefixes are preserved - new
6338              numbers are 8 digits. -->
6339         <nationalNumberPattern>
6340           (?:
6341             5\d|
6342             8[1-5]
6343           )\d{6}|
6344           5(?:
6345             [02]\d{2}|
6346             1(?:
6347               [0-8]\d|
6348               95
6349             )|
6350             5[0-478]\d|
6351             64[0-4]|
6352             65[1-589]
6353           )\d{3}
6354         </nationalNumberPattern>
6355         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
6356         <exampleNumber>51234567</exampleNumber>
6357       </mobile>
6358       <tollFree>
6359         <nationalNumberPattern>
6360           800(?:
6361             0\d{3}|
6362             1\d|
6363             [2-9]
6364           )\d{3}
6365         </nationalNumberPattern>
6366         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
6367         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
6368       </tollFree>
6369       <premiumRate>
6370         <!-- Supporting eFax numbers here as well. We aren't sure the exact cost, but have
6371              had user reports that they are expensive to dial. -->
6372         <nationalNumberPattern>
6373           (?:
6374             40\d{2}|
6375             900
6376           )\d{4}
6377         </nationalNumberPattern>
6378         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
6379         <exampleNumber>9001234</exampleNumber>
6380       </premiumRate>
6381       <personalNumber>
6382         <nationalNumberPattern>70[0-2]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
6383         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
6384         <exampleNumber>70012345</exampleNumber>
6385       </personalNumber>
6386       <uan>
6387         <!-- All 4-5 digit numbers listed in the plan as being a "short number for a service" are
6388              included here. -->
6389         <nationalNumberPattern>
6390           1(?:
6391             2[01245]|
6392             3[0-6]|
6393             4[1-489]|
6394             5[0-59]|
6395             6[1-46-9]|
6396             7[0-27-9]|
6397             8[189]|
6398             9[012]
6399           )\d{1,2}
6400         </nationalNumberPattern>
6401         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,5}</possibleNumberPattern>
6402         <exampleNumber>12123</exampleNumber>
6403       </uan>
6404     </territory>
6406     <!-- Egypt -->
6407     <territory id="EG" countryCode="20" internationalPrefix="00"
6408                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
6409                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
6410        <references>
6411          <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200003E/en</sourceUrl>
6412        </references>
6413        <availableFormats>
6414          <!-- Note that no explicit formatting rule is here for 5-digit numbers starting with a 16
6415               or 19. These are formatted without national prefix, as a block, so do not need to be
6416               listed here. -->
6417          <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{7,8})">
6418            <leadingDigits>[23]</leadingDigits>
6419            <format>$1 $2</format>
6420          </numberFormat>
6421          <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
6422            <leadingDigits>
6423              1[012]|
6424              [89]00
6425            </leadingDigits>
6426            <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
6427          </numberFormat>
6428          <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{6,7})">
6429            <leadingDigits>
6430              1[35]|
6431              [4-6]|
6432              [89][2-9]
6433            </leadingDigits>
6434            <format>$1 $2</format>
6435          </numberFormat>
6436        </availableFormats>
6437       <generalDesc>
6438         <nationalNumberPattern>
6439           1\d{4,9}|
6440           [2456]\d{8}|
6441           3\d{7}|
6442           [89]\d{8,9}
6443         </nationalNumberPattern>
6444         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
6445       </generalDesc>
6446       <fixedLine>
6447         <!-- Short numbers used for businesses (starting with 16 or 19) are covered here. Note also
6448              that the plan says numbers starting with 15 should be followed by seven digit
6449              subscriber numbers, but some numbers we have found online are in fact six digit.
6450              Subscriber numbers starting with 5 are also permitted for the area codes 040, with 5, 6
6451              and 7 for the area code 050, with 5 and 7 for 082, with 6 for 084, with 7 for 086 and
6452              092 and with 5 and 6 for 96. -->
6453         <nationalNumberPattern>
6454           (?:
6455             1(?:
6456               3[23]\d|
6457               5(?:
6458                 [23]|
6459                 9\d
6460               )
6461             )|
6462             2[2-4]\d{2}|
6463             3\d{2}|
6464             4(?:
6465               0[2-5]|
6466               [578][23]|
6467               64
6468             )\d|
6469             5(?:
6470               0[2-7]|
6471               [57][23]
6472             )\d|
6473             6[24-689]3\d|
6474             8(?:
6475               2[2-57]|
6476               4[26]|
6477               6[237]|
6478               8[2-4]
6479             )\d|
6480             9(?:
6481               2[27]|
6482               3[24]|
6483               52|
6484               6[2356]|
6485               7[2-4]
6486             )\d
6487           )\d{5}|
6488           1[69]\d{3}
6489         </nationalNumberPattern>
6490         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
6491         <exampleNumber>234567890</exampleNumber>
6492       </fixedLine>
6493       <mobile>
6494         <!-- Adding the extra prefixes 102 and 121 from user reports that Vodafone and Mobinil have
6495              started allocating numbers beginning with these prefixes, along with 115 from numbers
6496              found online. Etisalat is using 110. -->
6497         <nationalNumberPattern>
6498           1(?:
6499             0[0-269]|
6500             1[0-245]|
6501             2[0-278]
6502           )\d{7}
6503         </nationalNumberPattern>
6504         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
6505         <exampleNumber>1001234567</exampleNumber>
6506       </mobile>
6507       <tollFree>
6508         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
6509         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
6510         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
6511       </tollFree>
6512       <premiumRate>
6513         <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
6514         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
6515         <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
6516       </premiumRate>
6517     </territory>
6519     <!-- Western Sahara -->
6520     <!-- Country calling code shared with Morocco (MA). -->
6521     <!-- Two area codes are defined in the Morocco ITU document; 05288 XXXXX and 05289 XXXXX -->
6522     <territory id="EH" countryCode="212" leadingDigits="528[89]" internationalPrefix="00"
6523                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
6524       <references>
6525         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000090/en</sourceUrl>
6526       </references>
6527       <!-- Uses MA formatting rules and shares general description
6528            (non-geographical numbers for Morocco are still valid). -->
6529       <generalDesc>
6530         <nationalNumberPattern>[5689]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
6531         <!-- Closed numbering plan. -->
6532         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
6533       </generalDesc>
6534       <fixedLine>
6535         <nationalNumberPattern>528[89]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
6536         <exampleNumber>528812345</exampleNumber>
6537       </fixedLine>
6538       <!-- The following sections are copied verbatim from Morocco to allow these non-geographical
6539            numbers to be recognized as available from within Western Sahara. -->
6540       <mobile>
6541         <nationalNumberPattern>
6542           6(?:
6543             0[0-8]|
6544             [12-79]\d|
6545             8[01]
6546           )\d{6}
6547         </nationalNumberPattern>
6548         <exampleNumber>650123456</exampleNumber>
6549       </mobile>
6550       <tollFree>
6551         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
6552         <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
6553       </tollFree>
6554       <premiumRate>
6555         <nationalNumberPattern>89\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
6556         <exampleNumber>891234567</exampleNumber>
6557       </premiumRate>
6558     </territory>
6560     <!-- Eritrea -->
6561     <territory id="ER" countryCode="291" internationalPrefix="00"
6562                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
6563       <references>
6564         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000042/en</sourceUrl>
6565       </references>
6566       <availableFormats>
6567         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
6568           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
6569         </numberFormat>
6570       </availableFormats>
6571       <generalDesc>
6572         <nationalNumberPattern>[178]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
6573         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
6574       </generalDesc>
6575       <fixedLine>
6576         <nationalNumberPattern>
6577           1(?:
6578             1[12568]|
6579             20|
6580             40|
6581             55|
6582             6[146]
6583           )\d{4}|
6584           8\d{6}
6585         </nationalNumberPattern>
6586         <exampleNumber>8370362</exampleNumber><!-- Test number from plan. -->
6587       </fixedLine>
6588       <mobile>
6589         <!-- It is unclear in the plan whether the 07 mobile prefix superseded the previous 017[1-3]
6590              numbers or was in addition to them, so we support both here. -->
6591         <nationalNumberPattern>
6592           17[1-3]\d{4}|
6593           7\d{6}
6594         </nationalNumberPattern>
6595         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
6596         <exampleNumber>7123456</exampleNumber>
6597       </mobile>
6598     </territory>
6600     <!-- Spain -->
6601     <territory id="ES" countryCode="34" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
6602       <references>
6603         <sourceUrl>http://www.mityc.es/telecomunicaciones/es-ES/Servicios/Numeracion/Paginas/Plan.aspx</sourceUrl>
6604       </references>
6605       <availableFormats>
6606         <numberFormat pattern="([5-9]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
6607           <leadingDigits>
6608             [568]|
6609             [79][0-8]
6610           </leadingDigits>
6611           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
6612         </numberFormat>
6613       </availableFormats>
6614       <generalDesc>
6615         <nationalNumberPattern>[5-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
6616         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
6617       </generalDesc>
6618       <!-- The pattern is complex because the Lleida Networks mobile ranges are inside the
6619            fixed-line ranges. -->
6620       <fixedLine>
6621         <nationalNumberPattern>
6622           8(?:
6623             [13]0|
6624             [28][0-8]|
6625             [47][1-9]|
6626             5[01346-9]|
6627             6[0457-9]
6628           )\d{6}|
6629           9(?:
6630             [1238][0-8]\d{6}|
6631             4[1-9]\d{6}|
6632             5\d{7}|
6633             6(?:
6634               [0-8]\d{6}|
6635               9(?:
6636                 0(?:
6637                   [0-57-9]\d{4}|
6638                   6(?:
6639                     0[0-8]|
6640                     1[1-9]|
6641                     [2-9]\d
6642                   )\d{2}
6643                 )|
6644                 [1-9]\d{5}
6645               )
6646             )|
6647             7(?:
6648               [124-9]\d{2}|
6649               3(?:
6650                 [0-8]\d|
6651                 9[1-9]
6652               )
6653             )\d{4}
6654           )
6655         </nationalNumberPattern>
6656         <exampleNumber>810123456</exampleNumber>
6657       </fixedLine>
6658       <!-- The ranges 969060900 to 969061099 and 973900000 to 973909999 are mobile according to
6659            information received from Lleida Networks. -->
6660       <mobile>
6661         <nationalNumberPattern>
6662           (?:
6663             6\d{6}|
6664             7[1-4]\d{5}|
6665             9(?:
6666               6906(?:
6667                 09|
6668                 10
6669               )|
6670               7390\d{2}
6671             )
6672           )\d{2}
6673         </nationalNumberPattern>
6674         <exampleNumber>612345678</exampleNumber>
6675       </mobile>
6676       <tollFree>
6677         <nationalNumberPattern>[89]00\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
6678         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
6679       </tollFree>
6680       <premiumRate>
6681         <nationalNumberPattern>80[367]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
6682         <exampleNumber>803123456</exampleNumber>
6683       </premiumRate>
6684       <sharedCost>
6685         <nationalNumberPattern>90[12]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
6686         <exampleNumber>901123456</exampleNumber>
6687       </sharedCost>
6688       <personalNumber>
6689         <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
6690         <exampleNumber>701234567</exampleNumber>
6691       </personalNumber>
6692       <!-- Modelling non-geographic nomadic numbers as UAN. -->
6693       <uan>
6694         <nationalNumberPattern>51\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
6695         <exampleNumber>511234567</exampleNumber>
6696       </uan>
6697     </territory>
6699     <!-- Ethiopia -->
6700     <territory id="ET" countryCode="251" internationalPrefix="00"
6701                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
6702       <references>
6703         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000044/en</sourceUrl>
6704       </references>
6705       <availableFormats>
6706         <numberFormat pattern="([1-59]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
6707           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
6708         </numberFormat>
6709       </availableFormats>
6710       <generalDesc>
6711         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-59]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
6712         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
6713       </generalDesc>
6714       <fixedLine>
6715         <nationalNumberPattern>
6716           (?:
6717             11(?:
6718               1(?:
6719                 1[124]|
6720                 2[2-57]|
6721                 3[1-5]|
6722                 5[5-8]|
6723                 8[6-8]
6724               )|
6725               2(?:
6726                 13|
6727                 3[6-8]|
6728                 5[89]|
6729                 7[05-9]|
6730                 8[2-6]
6731               )|
6732               3(?:
6733                 2[01]|
6734                 3[0-289]|
6735                 4[1289]|
6736                 7[1-4]|
6737                 87
6738               )|
6739               4(?:
6740                 1[69]|
6741                 3[2-49]|
6742                 4[0-3]|
6743                 6[5-8]
6744               )|
6745               5(?:
6746                 1[57]|
6747                 44|
6748                 5[0-4]
6749               )|
6750               6(?:
6751                 18|
6752                 2[69]|
6753                 4[5-7]|
6754                 5[1-5]|
6755                 6[0-59]|
6756                 8[015-8]
6757               )
6758             )|
6759             2(?:
6760               2(?:
6761                 11[1-9]|
6762                 22[0-7]|
6763                 33\d|
6764                 44[1467]|
6765                 66[1-68]
6766               )|
6767               5(?:
6768                 11[124-6]|
6769                 33[2-8]|
6770                 44[1467]|
6771                 55[14]|
6772                 66[1-3679]|
6773                 77[124-79]|
6774                 880
6775               )
6776             )|
6777             3(?:
6778               3(?:
6779                 11[0-46-8]|
6780                 22[0-6]|
6781                 33[0134689]|
6782                 44[04]|
6783                 55[0-6]|
6784                 66[01467]
6785               )|
6786               4(?:
6787                 44[0-8]|
6788                 55[0-69]|
6789                 66[0-3]|
6790                 77[1-5]
6791               )
6792             )|
6793             4(?:
6794               6(?:
6795                 22[0-24-7]|
6796                 33[1-5]|
6797                 44[13-69]|
6798                 55[14-689]|
6799                 660|
6800                 88[1-4]
6801               )|
6802               7(?:
6803                 11[1-9]|
6804                 22[1-9]|
6805                 33[13-7]|
6806                 44[13-6]|
6807                 55[1-689]
6808               )
6809             )|
6810             5(?:
6811               7(?:
6812                 227|
6813                 55[05]|
6814                 (?:
6815                   66|
6816                   77
6817                 )[14-8]
6818               )|
6819               8(?:
6820                 11[149]|
6821                 22[013-79]|
6822                 33[0-68]|
6823                 44[013-8]|
6824                 550|
6825                 66[1-5]|
6826                 77\d
6827               )
6828             )
6829           )\d{4}
6830         </nationalNumberPattern>
6831         <exampleNumber>111112345</exampleNumber>
6832       </fixedLine>
6833       <mobile>
6834         <!-- The data here is not regularly updated by the Ethiopian authorities, and many more
6835              numbers are visible online than are reported in the ITU document. This pattern is
6836              therefore somewhat more relaxed than in the ITU document. According to the ETC, the
6837              prefix 93 is assigned to Addis Ababa Mobile and 95[89] to some CDMA providers. -->
6838         <nationalNumberPattern>
6839           9(?:
6840             [1-3]\d|
6841             5[89]
6842           )\d{6}
6843         </nationalNumberPattern>
6844         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
6845         <exampleNumber>911234567</exampleNumber>
6846       </mobile>
6847     </territory>
6849     <!-- Finland -->
6850     <!-- Metadata shared with Ã…land (AX) -->
6851     <territory id="FI" countryCode="358" internationalPrefix="00|99[049]" nationalPrefix="0"
6852                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" mainCountryForCode="true"
6853                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
6854       <references>
6855         <sourceUrl>http://www.ficora.fi/en/index/palvelut/palvelutaiheittain/numerointi/numerotyypitjaalueet.html</sourceUrl>
6856       </references>
6857       <availableFormats>
6858         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,7})">
6859           <leadingDigits>
6860             (?:
6861               [1-3]00|
6862               [6-8]0
6863             )
6864           </leadingDigits>
6865           <format>$1 $2</format>
6866         </numberFormat>
6867         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4,10})">
6868           <leadingDigits>
6869             [14]|
6870             2[09]|
6871             50|
6872             7[135]
6873           </leadingDigits>
6874           <format>$1 $2</format>
6875         </numberFormat>
6876         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{4,11})">
6877           <leadingDigits>
6878             [25689][1-8]|
6879             3
6880           </leadingDigits>
6881           <format>$1 $2</format>
6882         </numberFormat>
6883       </availableFormats>
6884       <generalDesc>
6885         <nationalNumberPattern>
6886           1\d{4,11}|
6887           [2-9]\d{4,10}
6888         </nationalNumberPattern>
6889         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
6890       </generalDesc>
6891       <noInternationalDialling>
6892         <!-- According to the national numbering plan, service numbers are in general not accessible
6893              from abroad, although 600/700/800 numbers may be. -->
6894         <nationalNumberPattern>
6895           [13]00\d{3,7}|
6896           2(?:
6897             0(?:
6898               0\d{3,7}|
6899               2[023]\d{1,6}|
6900               9[89]\d{1,6}
6901             )
6902           )|
6903           60(?:
6904             [12]\d{5,6}|
6905             6\d{7}
6906           )|
6907           7(?:
6908             1\d{7}|
6909             3\d{8}|
6910             5[03-9]\d{2,7}
6911           )
6912         </nationalNumberPattern>
6913         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
6914         <exampleNumber>100123</exampleNumber>
6915       </noInternationalDialling>
6916       <fixedLine>
6917         <!-- This is limited to geographic numbers - non-geographic nationwide subscriber numbers
6918              are listed under UAN. It also excludes Ã…land numbers. -->
6919         <nationalNumberPattern>
6920           1(?:
6921             [3569][1-8]\d{3,9}|
6922             [47]\d{5,10}
6923           )|
6924           2[1-8]\d{3,9}|
6925           3(?:
6926             [1-8]\d{3,9}|
6927             9\d{4,8}
6928           )|
6929           [5689][1-8]\d{3,9}
6930         </nationalNumberPattern>
6931         <exampleNumber>1312345678</exampleNumber>
6932       </fixedLine>
6933       <mobile>
6934         <nationalNumberPattern>
6935           4\d{5,10}|
6936           50\d{4,8}
6937         </nationalNumberPattern>
6938         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
6939         <exampleNumber>412345678</exampleNumber>
6940       </mobile>
6941       <tollFree>
6942         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
6943         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
6944         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
6945       </tollFree>
6946       <premiumRate>
6947         <nationalNumberPattern>[67]00\d{5,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
6948         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
6949         <exampleNumber>600123456</exampleNumber>
6950       </premiumRate>
6951       <uan>
6952         <!-- Covers nationwide non-geographic numbers, and nationwide "service numbers", typically
6953              assigned to institutions such as universities, the national post, etc, where they are
6954              not otherwise classified as toll-free or premium-rate numbers. -->
6955         <nationalNumberPattern>
6956           [13]0\d{4,8}|
6957           2(?:
6958             0(?:
6959               [016-8]\d{3,7}|
6960               [2-59]\d{2,7}
6961             )|
6962             9\d{4,8}
6963           )|
6964           60(?:
6965             [12]\d{5,6}|
6966             6\d{7}
6967           )|
6968           7(?:
6969             1\d{7}|
6970             3\d{8}|
6971             5[03-9]\d{2,7}
6972           )
6973         </nationalNumberPattern>
6974         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
6975         <exampleNumber>10112345</exampleNumber>
6976       </uan>
6977     </territory>
6979     <!-- Fiji -->
6980     <territory id="FJ" countryCode="679" internationalPrefix="0(?:0|52)"
6981                preferredInternationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
6982       <references>
6983         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000048/en</sourceUrl>
6984         <sourceUrl>http://www.tfl.com.fj</sourceUrl>
6985       </references>
6986       <availableFormats>
6987         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
6988           <leadingDigits>[36-9]</leadingDigits>
6989           <format>$1 $2</format>
6990         </numberFormat>
6991         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
6992           <leadingDigits>0</leadingDigits>
6993           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
6994         </numberFormat>
6995       </availableFormats>
6996       <generalDesc>
6997         <nationalNumberPattern>
6998           [36-9]\d{6}|
6999           0\d{10}
7000         </nationalNumberPattern>
7001         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{4})?</possibleNumberPattern>
7002       </generalDesc>
7003       <fixedLine>
7004         <!-- Adding the prefixes 30X, 31X and 62X, since numbers with these prefixes have been found
7005              online, including in the white pages. 35X and 85X were found in the exchanges listed on
7006              http://www.tfl.com.fj. -->
7007         <nationalNumberPattern>
7008           (?:
7009             3[0-5]|
7010             6[25-7]|
7011             8[58]
7012           )\d{5}
7013         </nationalNumberPattern>
7014         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
7015         <exampleNumber>3212345</exampleNumber>
7016       </fixedLine>
7017       <mobile>
7018         <!-- Adding 7[5-8], 8[03679], and 9[034678] from numbers found online and numbers where SMSs
7019              have been received from. Adding 9[15] and 84 from Vodafone Fiji IR21. -->
7020         <nationalNumberPattern>
7021           (?:
7022             7[0-8]|
7023             8[034679]|
7024             9\d
7025           )\d{5}
7026         </nationalNumberPattern>
7027         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
7028         <exampleNumber>7012345</exampleNumber>
7029       </mobile>
7030       <tollFree>
7031         <!-- Information found on http://www.tfl.com.fj. It is not clear if these are
7032              internationally diallable, or if so, how. -->
7033         <nationalNumberPattern>0800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
7034         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
7035         <exampleNumber>08001234567</exampleNumber>
7036       </tollFree>
7037     </territory>
7039     <!-- Falkland Islands (Malvinas) -->
7040     <territory id="FK" countryCode="500" internationalPrefix="00">
7041       <references>
7042         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000046/en</sourceUrl>
7043       </references>
7044       <!-- All numbers are formatted together, as a block. -->
7045       <generalDesc>
7046         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-7]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
7047         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
7048       </generalDesc>
7049       <fixedLine>
7050         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-47]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
7051         <exampleNumber>31234</exampleNumber>
7052       </fixedLine>
7053       <mobile>
7054         <nationalNumberPattern>[56]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
7055         <exampleNumber>51234</exampleNumber>
7056       </mobile>
7057     </territory>
7059     <!-- Micronesia, Federated States of -->
7060     <territory id="FM" countryCode="691" internationalPrefix="00">
7061       <references>
7062         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200008B/en</sourceUrl>
7063       </references>
7064       <availableFormats>
7065         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
7066           <format>$1 $2</format>
7067         </numberFormat>
7068       </availableFormats>
7069       <generalDesc>
7070         <nationalNumberPattern>[39]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
7071         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
7072       </generalDesc>
7073       <fixedLine>
7074         <nationalNumberPattern>
7075             3[2357]0[1-9]\d{3}|
7076             9[2-6]\d{5}
7077         </nationalNumberPattern>
7078         <exampleNumber>3201234</exampleNumber>
7079       </fixedLine>
7080       <mobile>
7081         <!-- Note that most ranges are used for both fixed and mobile but numbers starting with 970
7082              are exclusively mobile. -->
7083         <nationalNumberPattern>
7084           3[2357]0[1-9]\d{3}|
7085           9[2-7]\d{5}
7086         </nationalNumberPattern>
7087         <exampleNumber>3501234</exampleNumber>
7088       </mobile>
7089     </territory>
7091     <!-- Faroe Islands -->
7092     <territory id="FO" countryCode="298" internationalPrefix="00"
7093                nationalPrefixForParsing="(10(?:01|[12]0|88))"
7094                carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
7095       <references>
7096         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000047/en</sourceUrl>
7097       </references>
7098       <!-- All numbers are formatted together, as a block. -->
7099       <availableFormats>
7100         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{6})">
7101           <format>$1</format>
7102         </numberFormat>
7103       </availableFormats>
7104       <generalDesc>
7105         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
7106         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
7107       </generalDesc>
7108       <fixedLine>
7109         <nationalNumberPattern>
7110           (?:
7111             20|
7112             [3-4]\d|
7113             8[19]
7114           )\d{4}
7115         </nationalNumberPattern>
7116         <exampleNumber>201234</exampleNumber>
7117       </fixedLine>
7118       <mobile>
7119         <nationalNumberPattern>
7120           (?:
7121             2[1-9]|
7122             5\d|
7123             7[1-79]
7124           )\d{4}
7125         </nationalNumberPattern>
7126         <exampleNumber>211234</exampleNumber>
7127       </mobile>
7128       <tollFree>
7129         <nationalNumberPattern>80[257-9]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
7130         <exampleNumber>802123</exampleNumber>
7131       </tollFree>
7132       <premiumRate>
7133         <nationalNumberPattern>
7134           90(?:
7135             [1345][15-7]|
7136             2[125-7]|
7137             99
7138             )\d{2}
7139         </nationalNumberPattern>
7140         <exampleNumber>901123</exampleNumber>
7141       </premiumRate>
7142       <voip>
7143         <nationalNumberPattern>
7144           (?:
7145             6[0-36]|
7146             88
7147           )\d{4}
7148         </nationalNumberPattern>
7149         <exampleNumber>601234</exampleNumber>
7150       </voip>
7151     </territory>
7153     <!-- France -->
7154     <territory id="FR" countryCode="33" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
7155                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
7156       <references>
7157         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200004A/en</sourceUrl>
7158         <sourceUrl>http://www.arcep.fr/index.php?id=8146</sourceUrl>
7159         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B33</sourceUrl>
7160       </references>
7161       <!-- Short numbers will be formatted as a block without a national prefix. -->
7162       <availableFormats>
7163         <numberFormat pattern="([1-79])(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
7164           <leadingDigits>[1-79]</leadingDigits>
7165           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4 $5</format>
7166         </numberFormat>
7167         <numberFormat pattern="(1\d{2})(\d{3})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
7168           <leadingDigits>11</leadingDigits>
7169           <format>$1 $2</format>
7170           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
7171         </numberFormat>
7172         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG"
7173           pattern="(8\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
7174           <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
7175           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
7176         </numberFormat>
7177       </availableFormats>
7178       <generalDesc>
7179         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
7180         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
7181       </generalDesc>
7182       <fixedLine>
7183         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-5]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
7184         <exampleNumber>123456789</exampleNumber>
7185       </fixedLine>
7186       <mobile>
7187         <nationalNumberPattern>
7188           6\d{8}|
7189           7[5-9]\d{7}
7190         </nationalNumberPattern>
7191         <exampleNumber>612345678</exampleNumber>
7192       </mobile>
7193       <tollFree>
7194         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
7195         <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
7196       </tollFree>
7197       <premiumRate>
7198         <nationalNumberPattern>89[1-37-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
7199         <exampleNumber>891123456</exampleNumber>
7200       </premiumRate>
7201       <sharedCost>
7202         <nationalNumberPattern>
7203           8(?:
7204             1[019]|
7205             2[0156]|
7206             84|
7207             90
7208           )\d{6}
7209         </nationalNumberPattern>
7210         <exampleNumber>810123456</exampleNumber>
7211       </sharedCost>
7212       <voip>
7213         <!-- 087 numbers used to be used for this. -->
7214         <nationalNumberPattern>9\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
7215         <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
7216       </voip>
7217     </territory>
7219     <!-- Gabon -->
7220     <!-- Note: We cannot set nationalPrefix="0" while fixed line numbers can start with a zero
7221          as this breaks parsing (it treats all leading zeros as national prefixes. -->
7222     <territory id="GA" countryCode="241" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true" >
7223       <references>
7224         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200004E/en</sourceUrl>
7225         <sourceUrl>http://www.arcep.ga</sourceUrl>
7226       </references>
7227       <availableFormats>
7228         <!-- If no leading zero was supplied, format with the national prefix. -->
7229         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="0$FG">
7230           <leadingDigits>[2-7]</leadingDigits>
7231           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
7232         </numberFormat>
7233         <!-- This already has a leading zero so we format is "as is". -->
7234         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
7235           <leadingDigits>0</leadingDigits>
7236          <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
7237         </numberFormat>
7238       </availableFormats>
7239       <generalDesc>
7240         <nationalNumberPattern>0?\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
7241         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
7242       </generalDesc>
7243       <!-- A 7-digit fixed-line plan was scheduled to be implemented on June 17, 2012 to unify fixed
7244            line and mobile numbering. However, this has only partially happened; mobile numbers can
7245            now be dialed without a leading zero, but fixed line numbers still require it. Their own
7246            website still lists fixed line numbers as "+241 01 44 68 11" and upon ringing they will
7247            not connect from outside the country without the 0. This was last tested March 2014. -->
7248       <fixedLine>
7249         <nationalNumberPattern>01\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
7250         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
7251         <exampleNumber>01441234</exampleNumber>
7252       </fixedLine>
7253       <mobile>
7254         <!-- Mobile numbers can be 7 or 8 digits (with or without a leading zero). -->
7255         <nationalNumberPattern>0?[2-7]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
7256         <exampleNumber>06031234</exampleNumber>
7257       </mobile>
7258     </territory>
7260     <!-- United Kingdom -->
7261     <!-- Note that this excludes Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey prefixes for the purposes of
7262          validation, although the formatting rules are shared. -->
7263     <territory id="GB" countryCode="44" internationalPrefix="00"
7264                nationalPrefix="0" preferredExtnPrefix=" x" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
7265                mainCountryForCode="true" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
7266       <references>
7267         <sourceUrl>http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/telecoms/numbering/</sourceUrl>
7268         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_Kingdom_dialling_codes</sourceUrl>
7269         <sourceUrl>http://www.numberingplans.com/?page=dialling&amp;sub=areacodes&amp;ac=GB</sourceUrl>
7270       </references>
7271       <availableFormats>
7272         <!-- 2d, 55, 56, 70 and 76 pager numbers (excludes 7624) with 10 digits. -->
7273         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
7274           <leadingDigits>
7275             2|
7276             5[56]|
7277             7(?:
7278               0|
7279               6[013-9]
7280             )
7281           </leadingDigits>
7282           <leadingDigits>
7283             2|
7284             5[56]|
7285             7(?:
7286               0|
7287               6(?:
7288                 [013-9]|
7289                 2[0-35-9]
7290               )
7291             )
7292           </leadingDigits>
7293           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
7294         </numberFormat>
7295         <!-- 11d, 1d1, 3dd, 9dd with 10 digits. -->
7296         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
7297           <leadingDigits>
7298             1(?:
7299               1|
7300               \d1
7301             )|
7302             3|
7303             9[018]
7304           </leadingDigits>
7305           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
7306         </numberFormat>
7307         <!-- 1dddd with 9 or 10 digits.
7308              These area codes are very rare in GB, and are only available in the following places:
7309              13873(Langholm), 15242(Hornby), 15394(Hawkshead), 15395(Grange-over-Sands),
7310              15396(Sedbergh), 16973(Wigton), 16974(Raughton Head), 16977(Brampton),
7311              17683(Appleby), 17684(Pooley Bridge), 17687(Keswick), 19467(Gosforth). -->
7312         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{5})(\d{4,5})">
7313           <leadingDigits>
7314             1(?:
7315               38|
7316               5[23]|
7317               69|
7318               76|
7319               94
7320             )
7321           </leadingDigits>
7322           <leadingDigits>
7323             1(?:
7324               387|
7325               5(?:
7326                 24|
7327                 39
7328               )|
7329               697|
7330               768|
7331               946
7332             )
7333           </leadingDigits>
7334           <leadingDigits>
7335             1(?:
7336               3873|
7337               5(?:
7338                 242|
7339                 39[456]
7340               )|
7341               697[347]|
7342               768[347]|
7343               9467
7344             )
7345           </leadingDigits>
7346           <format>$1 $2</format>
7347         </numberFormat>
7348         <!-- 1ddd with 9 or 10 digits. -->
7349         <numberFormat pattern="(1\d{3})(\d{5,6})">
7350           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
7351           <format>$1 $2</format>
7352         </numberFormat>
7353         <!-- 7ddd (not 70, 76) with 10 digits. Note: DOES include 7624 when used for IM. -->
7354         <numberFormat pattern="(7\d{3})(\d{6})">
7355           <leadingDigits>
7356             7(?:
7357               [1-5789]|
7358               62
7359             )
7360           </leadingDigits>
7361           <leadingDigits>
7362             7(?:
7363               [1-5789]|
7364               624
7365             )
7366           </leadingDigits>
7367           <format>$1 $2</format>
7368         </numberFormat>
7369         <!-- 800 1111 : UK ChildLine. -->
7370         <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{4})">
7371           <leadingDigits>800</leadingDigits>
7372           <leadingDigits>8001</leadingDigits>
7373           <leadingDigits>80011</leadingDigits>
7374           <leadingDigits>800111</leadingDigits>
7375           <leadingDigits>8001111</leadingDigits>
7376           <format>$1 $2</format>
7377         </numberFormat>
7378         <!-- 845 46 47 : UK NHS Direct. -->
7379         <numberFormat pattern="(845)(46)(4\d)">
7380           <leadingDigits>845</leadingDigits>
7381           <leadingDigits>8454</leadingDigits>
7382           <leadingDigits>84546</leadingDigits>
7383           <leadingDigits>845464</leadingDigits>
7384           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
7385         </numberFormat>
7386         <!-- 84d, 87d with 10 digits. -->
7387         <numberFormat pattern="(8\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
7388           <leadingDigits>
7389             8(?:
7390               4[2-5]|
7391               7[0-3]
7392             )
7393           </leadingDigits>
7394           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
7395         </numberFormat>
7396         <!-- 80d (including 800) with 10 digits. -->
7397         <numberFormat pattern="(80\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
7398           <leadingDigits>80</leadingDigits>
7399           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
7400         </numberFormat>
7401         <!-- 500, 800 with 9 digits. -->
7402         <numberFormat pattern="([58]00)(\d{6})">
7403           <leadingDigits>[58]00</leadingDigits>
7404           <format>$1 $2</format>
7405         </numberFormat>
7406       </availableFormats>
7407       <generalDesc>
7408         <nationalNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
7409         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
7410       </generalDesc>
7411       <areaCodeOptional>
7412         <!-- These are a subset of the fixed-line rules, with digits 2-9 as the leading digit of the
7413              subscriber number. There are patterns for 2+8, 3+7 and a combined pattern for all
7414              4+6/4+5 and 5+5/5+4 numbers. Note that numbers matching this pattern are not
7415              necessarily valid numbers. -->
7416         <nationalNumberPattern>
7417           2\d[2-9]\d{7}|
7418           1(?:
7419             1\d|
7420             \d1
7421           )[2-9]\d{6}|
7422           1(?:
7423             [248][02-9]\d[2-9]\d{4,5}|
7424             (?:
7425               3(?:
7426                 [02-79]\d|
7427                 8[0-69]
7428               )|
7429               5(?:
7430                 [04-9]\d|
7431                 2[0-35-9]|
7432                 3[0-8]
7433               )|
7434               6(?:
7435                 [02-8]\d|
7436                 9[0-689]
7437               )|
7438               7(?:
7439                 [02-5789]\d|
7440                 6[0-79]
7441               )|
7442               9(?:
7443                 [0235-9]\d|
7444                 4[0-5789]
7445               )
7446             )[2-9]\d{4,5}|
7447             (?:
7448               387(?:
7449                 3[2-9]|
7450                 [24-9]\d
7451               )|
7452               5(?:
7453                 24(?:
7454                   2[2-9]|
7455                   [3-9]\d
7456                 )|
7457                 39(?:
7458                   [4-6][2-9]|
7459                   [237-9]\d
7460                 )
7461               )|
7462               697(?:
7463                 [347][2-9]|
7464                 [25689]\d
7465               )|
7466               768(?:
7467                 [347][2-9]|
7468                 [25679]\d
7469               )|
7470               946(?:
7471                 7[2-9]|
7472                 [2-689]\d
7473               )
7474             )\d{3,4}
7475           )
7476         </nationalNumberPattern>
7477         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
7478         <exampleNumber>1332456789</exampleNumber>
7479       </areaCodeOptional>
7480       <fixedLine>
7481         <!-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_Kingdom_dialling_codes -->
7482         <!-- Pattern matches geographic NSN=10 numbers as follows:
7483              - area code and local number first digit for 2+8,
7484              - area code and local number first digit for 3+7,
7485              - area code only for 4+6 (including areas with embedded 5+5).
7486              Pattern matches geographic NSN=9 numbers as follows:
7487              - area code and local number first two digits for 4+5,
7488              - area code and local number first three digits for 4+5 special case (01768) 88Ddd,
7489              - area code and local number first digit for 5+4 special case (016977) Dddd.
7490              All patterns exclude ranges used in GG, IM, JE. -->
7491         <nationalNumberPattern>
7492           2(?:
7493             0[01378]|
7494             3[0189]|
7495             4[017]|
7496             8[0-46-9]|
7497             9[012]
7498           )\d{7}|
7499           1(?:
7500             (?:
7501               1(?:
7502                 3[0-48]|
7503                 [46][0-4]|
7504                 5[012789]|
7505                 7[0-49]|
7506                 8[01349]
7507               )|
7508               21[0-7]|
7509               31[0-8]|
7510               [459]1\d|
7511               61[0-46-9]
7512             )
7513           )\d{6}|
7514           1(?:
7515             2(?:
7516               0[024-9]|
7517               2[3-9]|
7518               3[3-79]|
7519               4[1-689]|
7520               [58][02-9]|
7521               6[0-4789]|
7522               7[013-9]|
7523               9\d
7524             )|
7525             3(?:
7526               0\d|
7527               [25][02-9]|
7528               3[02-579]|
7529               [468][0-46-9]|
7530               7[1235679]|
7531               9[24578]
7532             )|
7533             4(?:
7534               0[03-9]|
7535               [28][02-5789]|
7536               [37]\d|
7537               4[02-69]|
7538               5[0-8]|
7539               [69][0-79]
7540             )|
7541             5(?:
7542               0[1235-9]|
7543               2[024-9]|
7544               3[015689]|
7545               4[02-9]|
7546               5[03-9]|
7547               6\d|
7548               7[0-35-9]|
7549               8[0-468]|
7550               9[0-5789]
7551             )|
7552             6(?:
7553               0[034689]|
7554               2[0-35689]|
7555               [38][013-9]|
7556               4[1-467]|
7557               5[0-69]|
7558               6[13-9]|
7559               7[0-8]|
7560               9[0124578]
7561             )|
7562             7(?:
7563               0[0246-9]|
7564               2\d|
7565               3[023678]|
7566               4[03-9]|
7567               5[0-46-9]|
7568               6[013-9]|
7569               7[0-35-9]|
7570               8[024-9]|
7571               9[02-9]
7572             )|
7573             8(?:
7574               0[35-9]|
7575               2[1-5789]|
7576               3[02-578]|
7577               4[0-578]|
7578               5[124-9]|
7579               6[2-69]|
7580               7\d|
7581               8[02-9]|
7582               9[02569]
7583             )|
7584             9(?:
7585               0[02-589]|
7586               2[02-689]|
7587               3[1-5789]|
7588               4[2-9]|
7589               5[0-579]|
7590               6[234789]|
7591               7[0124578]|
7592               8\d|
7593               9[2-57]
7594             )
7595           )\d{6}|
7596           1(?:
7597             2(?:
7598               0(?:
7599                 46[1-4]|
7600                 87[2-9]
7601               )|
7602               545[1-79]|
7603               76(?:
7604                 2\d|
7605                 3[1-8]|
7606                 6[1-6]
7607               )|
7608               9(?:
7609                 7(?:
7610                   2[0-4]|
7611                   3[2-5]
7612                 )|
7613                 8(?:
7614                   2[2-8]|
7615                   7[0-4789]|
7616                   8[345]
7617                 )
7618               )
7619             )|
7620             3(?:
7621               638[2-5]|
7622               647[23]|
7623               8(?:
7624                 47[04-9]|
7625                 64[015789]
7626               )
7627             )|
7628             4(?:
7629               044[1-7]|
7630               20(?:
7631                 2[23]|
7632                 8\d
7633               )|
7634               6(?:
7635                 0(?:
7636                   30|
7637                   5[2-57]|
7638                   6[1-8]|
7639                   7[2-8]
7640                 )|
7641                 140
7642               )|
7643               8(?:
7644                 052|
7645                 87[123]
7646               )
7647             )|
7648             5(?:
7649               24(?:
7650                 3[2-79]|
7651                 6\d
7652               )|
7653               276\d|
7654               6(?:
7655                 26[06-9]|
7656                 686
7657               )
7658             )|
7659             6(?:
7660               06(?:
7661                 4\d|
7662                 7[4-79]
7663               )|
7664               295[567]|
7665               35[34]\d|
7666               47(?:
7667                 24|
7668                 61
7669               )|
7670               59(?:
7671                 5[08]|
7672                 6[67]|
7673                 74
7674               )|
7675               955[0-4]
7676             )|
7677             7(?:
7678               26(?:
7679                 6[13-9]|
7680                 7[0-7]
7681               )|
7682               442\d|
7683               50(?:
7684                 2[0-3]|
7685                 [3-68]2|
7686                 76
7687               )
7688             )|
7689             8(?:
7690               27[56]\d|
7691               37(?:
7692                 5[2-5]|
7693                 8[239]
7694               )|
7695               84(?:
7696                 3[2-58]
7697               )
7698             )|
7699             9(?:
7700               0(?:
7701                 0(?:
7702                   6[1-8]|
7703                   85
7704                 )|
7705                 52\d
7706               )|
7707               3583|
7708               4(?:
7709                 66[1-8]|
7710                 9(?:
7711                   2[01]|
7712                   81
7713                 )
7714               )|
7715               63(?:
7716                 23|
7717                 3[1-4]
7718               )|
7719               9561
7720             )
7721           )\d{3}|
7722           176888[234678]\d{2}|
7723           16977[23]\d{3}
7724         </nationalNumberPattern>
7725         <exampleNumber>1212345678</exampleNumber>
7726       </fixedLine>
7727       <mobile>
7728         <!-- http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/telecoms/numbering/telephone-no-availability/numbers-administered/
7729              7100-7599, 7700-7999 with 10 digits; excluding ranges used in GG, IM, JE. -->
7730         <nationalNumberPattern>
7731           7(?:
7732             [1-4]\d\d|
7733             5(?:
7734               0[0-8]|
7735               [13-9]\d|
7736               2[0-35-9]
7737             )|
7738             7(?:
7739               0[1-9]|
7740               [1-7]\d|
7741               8[02-9]|
7742               9[0-689]
7743             )|
7744             8(?:
7745               [014-9]\d|
7746               [23][0-8]
7747             )|
7748             9(?:
7749               [04-9]\d|
7750               1[02-9]|
7751               2[0-35-9]|
7752               3[0-689]
7753             )
7754           )\d{6}
7755         </nationalNumberPattern>
7756         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
7757         <exampleNumber>7400123456</exampleNumber>
7758       </mobile>
7759       <pager>
7760         <!-- 76 with 10 digits; excluding ranges used in IM. -->
7761         <nationalNumberPattern>
7762           76(?:
7763             0[012]|
7764             2[356]|
7765             4[0134]|
7766             5[49]|
7767             6[0-369]|
7768             77|
7769             81|
7770             9[39]
7771           )\d{6}
7772         </nationalNumberPattern>
7773         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
7774         <exampleNumber>7640123456</exampleNumber>
7775       </pager>
7776       <!-- Source for non geographic numbers:
7777            http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-geographic_telephone_numbers_in_the_United_Kingdom -->
7778       <tollFree>
7779         <!-- 800 1111 with 7 digits, 800 with 9 or 10 digits, 808 with 10 digits, 500 with 9 digits.
7780              -->
7781         <nationalNumberPattern>
7782           80(?:
7783             0(?:
7784               1111|
7785               \d{6,7}
7786             )|
7787             8\d{7}
7788           )|
7789           500\d{6}
7790         </nationalNumberPattern>
7791         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{2,3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
7792         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
7793       </tollFree>
7794       <premiumRate>
7795         <!-- 871, 872, 873 with 10 digits are now Controlled Premium Rate Services, so are listed
7796              here as well as 900-909, 910-919, 982-984, 989 with 10 digits.
7797              Note that only 908, 909, 980-989 are reserved for "adult services" while 900-907 and
7798              910-919 are reserved for standard premium rate services. -->
7799         <nationalNumberPattern>
7800           (?:
7801             87[123]|
7802             9(?:
7803               [01]\d|
7804               8[2349]
7805             )
7806           )\d{7}
7807         </nationalNumberPattern>
7808         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
7809         <exampleNumber>9012345678</exampleNumber>
7810       </premiumRate>
7811       <sharedCost>
7812         <!-- Using shared cost to deal with the various revenue sharing number prefixes in the
7813              United Kingdom: 845 46 47 with 7 digits, 842-845, 870 with 10 digits. -->
7814         <nationalNumberPattern>
7815           8(?:
7816             4(?:
7817               5464\d|
7818               [2-5]\d{7}
7819             )|
7820             70\d{7}
7821           )
7822         </nationalNumberPattern>
7823         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
7824         <exampleNumber>8431234567</exampleNumber>
7825       </sharedCost>
7826       <personalNumber>
7827         <!-- 70 with 10 digits. -->
7828         <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
7829         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
7830         <exampleNumber>7012345678</exampleNumber>
7831       </personalNumber>
7832       <voip>
7833         <!-- 56 with 10 digits. -->
7834         <nationalNumberPattern>56\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
7835         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
7836         <exampleNumber>5612345678</exampleNumber>
7837       </voip>
7838       <uan>
7839         <!-- 30d, 33d, 34d, 37d, 55 with 10 digits. -->
7840         <nationalNumberPattern>
7841           (?:
7842             3[0347]|
7843             55
7844           )\d{8}
7845         </nationalNumberPattern>
7846         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
7847         <exampleNumber>5512345678</exampleNumber>
7848       </uan>
7849     </territory>
7851     <!-- Grenada -->
7852     <territory id="GD" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="473" nationalPrefix="1"
7853                internationalPrefix="011">
7854       <references>
7855         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000057/en</sourceUrl>
7856       </references>
7857       <generalDesc>
7858         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
7859         <nationalNumberPattern>[4589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
7860         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
7861       </generalDesc>
7862       <fixedLine>
7863         <nationalNumberPattern>
7864           473(?:
7865             2(?:
7866               3[0-2]|
7867               69
7868             )|
7869             3(?:
7870               2[89]|
7871               86
7872             )|
7873             4(?:
7874               [06]8|
7875               3[5-9]|
7876               4[0-49]|
7877               5[5-79]|
7878               68|
7879               73|
7880               90
7881             )|
7882             63[68]|
7883             7(?:
7884               58|
7885               84
7886             )|
7887             800|
7888             938
7889           )\d{4}
7890         </nationalNumberPattern>
7891         <exampleNumber>4732691234</exampleNumber>
7892       </fixedLine>
7893       <mobile>
7894         <nationalNumberPattern>
7895           473(?:
7896             4(?:
7897               0[2-79]|
7898               1[04-9]|
7899               20|
7900               58
7901             )|
7902             5(?:
7903               2[01]|
7904               3[3-8]
7905             )|
7906             901
7907           )\d{4}
7908         </nationalNumberPattern>
7909         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
7910         <exampleNumber>4734031234</exampleNumber>
7911       </mobile>
7912       <tollFree>
7913         <nationalNumberPattern>
7914           8(?:
7915             00|
7916             44|
7917             55|
7918             66|
7919             77|
7920             88
7921           )[2-9]\d{6}
7922         </nationalNumberPattern>
7923         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
7924         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
7925       </tollFree>
7926       <premiumRate>
7927         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
7928         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
7929         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
7930       </premiumRate>
7931       <personalNumber>
7932         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
7933         <nationalNumberPattern>
7934           5(?:
7935             00|
7936             33|
7937             44|
7938             66|
7939             77
7940           )[2-9]\d{6}
7941         </nationalNumberPattern>
7942         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
7943         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
7944       </personalNumber>
7945     </territory>
7947     <!-- Georgia -->
7948     <territory id="GE" countryCode="995" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
7949                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
7950       <references>
7951         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000050/en</sourceUrl>
7952         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Georgia_(country)</sourceUrl>
7953       </references>
7954       <availableFormats>
7955         <!-- Format isn't very strictly defined - the yellow pages omits area code and does 2 2 2,
7956              the communications commission uses 2 3 3. Wikipedia says 3 2 3. Some use 2 6. -->
7957         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
7958           <leadingDigits>[348]</leadingDigits>
7959           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
7960         </numberFormat>
7961         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
7962           <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
7963           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
7964         </numberFormat>
7965         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
7966           <leadingDigits>5</leadingDigits>
7967           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
7968         </numberFormat>
7969       </availableFormats>
7970       <noInternationalDialling>
7971         <!-- Online numbers mention that this is not internationally diallable. -->
7972         <nationalNumberPattern>706\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
7973         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
7974         <exampleNumber>706123456</exampleNumber>
7975       </noInternationalDialling>
7976       <generalDesc>
7977         <nationalNumberPattern>[34578]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
7978         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
7979       </generalDesc>
7980       <fixedLine>
7981         <nationalNumberPattern>
7982           (?:
7983             3(?:
7984               [256]\d|
7985               4[124-9]|
7986               7[0-4]
7987             )|
7988             4(?:
7989               1\d|
7990               2[2-7]|
7991               3[1-79]|
7992               4[2-8]|
7993               7[239]|
7994               9[1-7]
7995             )
7996           )\d{6}
7997         </nationalNumberPattern>
7998         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
7999         <exampleNumber>322123456</exampleNumber>
8000       </fixedLine>
8001       <mobile>
8002         <!-- The ITU document says 790 instead of 590, but this contradicts their press release
8003              about the change in numbers, and online numbers found. -->
8004         <nationalNumberPattern>
8005           5(?:
8006             14|
8007             5[01578]|
8008             68|
8009             7[0147-9]|
8010             9[0-35-9]
8011           )\d{6}
8012         </nationalNumberPattern>
8013         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
8014         <exampleNumber>555123456</exampleNumber>
8015       </mobile>
8016       <!-- Information from http://www.yell.ge, examples such as Wissol Petroleum Georgia
8017            hotline. -->
8018       <tollFree>
8019         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
8020         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
8021         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
8022       </tollFree>
8023       <voip>
8024         <!-- http://www.mydivert.com/virtual-numbers/995-virtual-number-National.html -->
8025         <nationalNumberPattern>706\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
8026         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
8027         <exampleNumber>706123456</exampleNumber>
8028       </voip>
8029       <!-- It seems there may be special 6 digit numbers beginning with 91, but we are not sure, so
8030            these are omitted for now. -->
8031     </territory>
8033     <!-- French Guiana (French Dept. of) -->
8034     <!-- Using a national prefix here as online numbers are formatted with it. -->
8035     <territory id="GF" countryCode="594" internationalPrefix="00"
8036                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
8037       <references>
8038         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200004C/en</sourceUrl>
8039         <sourceUrl>http://www.arcep.fr/index.php?id=2137&amp;bloc=0594&amp;CMD=RESULTS_NUMEROTATION</sourceUrl>
8040         <sourceUrl>http://www.arcep.fr/uploads/tx_gsavis/11-1297.pdf</sourceUrl>
8041       </references>
8042       <availableFormats>
8043         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
8044           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
8045         </numberFormat>
8046       </availableFormats>
8047       <generalDesc>
8048         <nationalNumberPattern>[56]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
8049         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
8050       </generalDesc>
8051       <fixedLine>
8052         <nationalNumberPattern>
8053           594(?:
8054             10|
8055             2[012457-9]|
8056             3[0-57-9]|
8057             4[3-9]|
8058             5[7-9]|
8059             6[0-3]|
8060             9[014]
8061           )\d{4}
8062         </nationalNumberPattern>
8063         <exampleNumber>594101234</exampleNumber>
8064       </fixedLine>
8065       <mobile>
8066         <nationalNumberPattern>
8067           694(?:
8068             [04][0-7]|
8069             1[0-5]|
8070             3[018]|
8071             [29]\d
8072           )\d{4}
8073         </nationalNumberPattern>
8074         <exampleNumber>694201234</exampleNumber>
8075       </mobile>
8076       <!-- The 876 prefix is mentioned in the plan, but the plan is from 2006 and in France VOIP
8077            numbers were changed from 087 to the 09 prefix in 2009. It is likely this occurred here
8078            too. -->
8079     </territory>
8081     <!-- Guernsey -->
8082     <!-- Inherits formatting rules from the UK. -->
8083     <territory id="GG" countryCode="44" internationalPrefix="00"
8084                nationalPrefix="0" preferredExtnPrefix=" x" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
8085       <references>
8086         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_the_United_Kingdom</sourceUrl>
8087       </references>
8088       <generalDesc>
8089         <nationalNumberPattern>[135789]\d{6,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
8090         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
8091       </generalDesc>
8092       <areaCodeOptional>
8093         <nationalNumberPattern>1481[2-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
8094         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
8095         <exampleNumber>1481250123</exampleNumber>
8096       </areaCodeOptional>
8097       <!-- Specific to GG. -->
8098       <fixedLine>
8099         <!-- 1481 with 10 digits. -->
8100         <nationalNumberPattern>1481\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
8101         <exampleNumber>1481456789</exampleNumber>
8102       </fixedLine>
8103       <mobile>
8104         <!-- 7781, 7839, 7911 with 10 digits. -->
8105         <nationalNumberPattern>
8106           7(?:
8107             781|
8108             839|
8109             911
8110           )\d{6}
8111         </nationalNumberPattern>
8112         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
8113         <exampleNumber>7781123456</exampleNumber>
8114       </mobile>
8115       <!-- Other numbers as per GB. -->
8116       <pager>
8117         <nationalNumberPattern>
8118           76(?:
8119             0[012]|
8120             2[356]|
8121             4[0134]|
8122             5[49]|
8123             6[0-369]|
8124             77|
8125             81|
8126             9[39]
8127           )\d{6}
8128         </nationalNumberPattern>
8129         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
8130         <exampleNumber>7640123456</exampleNumber>
8131       </pager>
8132       <tollFree>
8133         <nationalNumberPattern>
8134           80(?:
8135             0(?:
8136               1111|
8137               \d{6,7}
8138             )|
8139             8\d{7}
8140           )|
8141           500\d{6}
8142         </nationalNumberPattern>
8143         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{2,3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
8144         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
8145       </tollFree>
8146       <premiumRate>
8147         <nationalNumberPattern>
8148           (?:
8149             87[123]|
8150             9(?:
8151               [01]\d|
8152               8[0-3]
8153             )
8154           )\d{7}
8155         </nationalNumberPattern>
8156         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
8157         <exampleNumber>9012345678</exampleNumber>
8158       </premiumRate>
8159       <sharedCost>
8160         <nationalNumberPattern>
8161           8(?:
8162             4(?:
8163               5464\d|
8164               [2-5]\d{7}
8165             )|
8166             70\d{7}
8167           )
8168         </nationalNumberPattern>
8169         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
8170         <exampleNumber>8431234567</exampleNumber>
8171       </sharedCost>
8172       <personalNumber>
8173         <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
8174         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
8175         <exampleNumber>7012345678</exampleNumber>
8176       </personalNumber>
8177       <voip>
8178         <nationalNumberPattern>56\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
8179         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
8180         <exampleNumber>5612345678</exampleNumber>
8181       </voip>
8182       <uan>
8183         <nationalNumberPattern>
8184           (?:
8185             3[0347]|
8186             55
8187           )\d{8}
8188         </nationalNumberPattern>
8189         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
8190         <exampleNumber>5512345678</exampleNumber>
8191       </uan>
8192     </territory>
8194     <!-- Ghana -->
8195     <territory id="GH" countryCode="233" internationalPrefix="00"
8196                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
8197                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
8198       <references>
8199         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000052/en</sourceUrl>
8200         <sourceUrl>http://www.nca.org.gh/index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=90&amp;Itemid=65</sourceUrl>
8201       </references>
8202       <availableFormats>
8203         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
8204           <leadingDigits>[235]</leadingDigits>
8205           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
8206         </numberFormat>
8207         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{5})">
8208           <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
8209           <format>$1 $2</format>
8210         </numberFormat>
8211       </availableFormats>
8212       <generalDesc>
8213         <nationalNumberPattern>
8214           [235]\d{8}|
8215           8\d{7}
8216         </nationalNumberPattern>
8217         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
8218       </generalDesc>
8219       <noInternationalDialling>
8220         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
8221         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
8222         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
8223       </noInternationalDialling>
8224       <fixedLine>
8225         <nationalNumberPattern>
8226           3(?:
8227             0[237]\d|
8228             [167](?:
8229               2[0-6]|
8230               7\d
8231             )|
8232             2(?:
8233               2[0-5]|
8234               7\d
8235             )|
8236             3(?:
8237               2[0-3]|
8238               7\d
8239             )|
8240             4(?:
8241               2[013-9]|
8242               3[01]|
8243               7\d
8244             )|
8245             5(?:
8246               2[0-7]|
8247               7\d
8248             )|
8249             8(?:
8250               2[0-2]|
8251               7\d
8252             )|
8253             9(?:
8254               20|
8255               7\d
8256             )
8257           )\d{5}
8258         </nationalNumberPattern>
8259         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
8260         <exampleNumber>302345678</exampleNumber>
8261       </fixedLine>
8262       <mobile>
8263         <nationalNumberPattern>
8264           (?:
8265             2[034678]\d|
8266             5(?:
8267               [047]\d|
8268               54|
8269               6[01]
8270             )
8271           )\d{6}
8272         </nationalNumberPattern>
8273         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
8274         <exampleNumber>231234567</exampleNumber>
8275       </mobile>
8276       <tollFree>
8277         <!-- Found online references to these numbers, although they are not in the plan since they
8278              are not internationally diallable. -->
8279         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
8280         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
8281         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
8282       </tollFree>
8283       <!-- No premiumRate information can be found. -->
8284     </territory>
8286     <!-- Gibraltar -->
8287     <territory id="GI" countryCode="350" internationalPrefix="00">
8288       <references>
8289         <sourceUrl>http://www.gra.gi/index.php?topic=numbering+plan&amp;section=legislation&amp;site=communications</sourceUrl>
8290       </references>
8291       <availableFormats>
8292         <!-- Most numbers are formatted as a block -->
8293         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{5})">
8294           <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
8295           <format>$1 $2</format>
8296         </numberFormat>
8297       </availableFormats>
8298       <generalDesc>
8299         <nationalNumberPattern>[2568]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
8300         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
8301       </generalDesc>
8302       <fixedLine>
8303         <nationalNumberPattern>
8304           2(?:
8305             00\d|
8306             1(?:
8307               6[24-7]|
8308               9\d
8309             )|
8310             2(?:
8311               00|
8312               2[2457]
8313             )
8314           )\d{4}
8315         </nationalNumberPattern>
8316         <exampleNumber>20012345</exampleNumber>
8317       </fixedLine>
8318       <mobile>
8319         <nationalNumberPattern>
8320           (?:
8321             5[46-8]|
8322             62
8323           )\d{6}
8324         </nationalNumberPattern>
8325         <exampleNumber>57123456</exampleNumber>
8326       </mobile>
8327       <tollFree>
8328         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
8329         <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
8330       </tollFree>
8331       <premiumRate>
8332         <nationalNumberPattern>8[1-689]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
8333         <exampleNumber>88123456</exampleNumber>
8334       </premiumRate>
8335       <sharedCost>
8336         <nationalNumberPattern>87\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
8337         <exampleNumber>87123456</exampleNumber>
8338       </sharedCost>
8339     </territory>
8341     <!-- Greenland -->
8342     <territory id="GL" countryCode="299" internationalPrefix="00">
8343       <references>
8344         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000056/en</sourceUrl>
8345       </references>
8346       <availableFormats>
8347         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
8348           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
8349         </numberFormat>
8350       </availableFormats>
8351       <generalDesc>
8352         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-689]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
8353         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
8354       </generalDesc>
8355       <fixedLine>
8356         <!-- Including VSAT numbers here. -->
8357         <nationalNumberPattern>
8358           (?:
8359             19|
8360             3[1-6]|
8361             6[14689]|
8362             8[14-79]|
8363             9\d
8364           )\d{4}
8365         </nationalNumberPattern>
8366         <exampleNumber>321000</exampleNumber>
8367       </fixedLine>
8368       <mobile>
8369         <nationalNumberPattern>[245][2-9]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
8370         <exampleNumber>221234</exampleNumber>
8371       </mobile>
8372       <tollFree>
8373         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
8374         <exampleNumber>801234</exampleNumber>
8375       </tollFree>
8376       <voip>
8377         <nationalNumberPattern>3[89]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
8378         <exampleNumber>381234</exampleNumber>
8379       </voip>
8380     </territory>
8382     <!-- Gambia -->
8383     <territory id="GM" countryCode="220" internationalPrefix="00">
8384       <references>
8385         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200004F/en</sourceUrl>
8386       </references>
8387       <availableFormats>
8388         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
8389           <format>$1 $2</format>
8390         </numberFormat>
8391       </availableFormats>
8392       <generalDesc>
8393         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
8394         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
8395       </generalDesc>
8396       <fixedLine>
8397         <nationalNumberPattern>
8398           (?:
8399             4(?:
8400               [23]\d{2}|
8401               4(?:
8402                 1[024679]|
8403                 [6-9]\d
8404               )
8405             )|
8406             5(?:
8407               54[0-7]|
8408               6(?:
8409                 [67]\d
8410               )|
8411               7(?:
8412                 1[04]|
8413                 2[035]|
8414                 3[58]|
8415                 48
8416               )
8417             )|
8418             8\d{3}
8419           )\d{3}
8420         </nationalNumberPattern>
8421         <exampleNumber>5661234</exampleNumber>
8422       </fixedLine>
8423       <mobile>
8424         <nationalNumberPattern>
8425           (?:
8426             2[0-6]|
8427             [3679]\d
8428           )\d{5}
8429         </nationalNumberPattern>
8430         <exampleNumber>3012345</exampleNumber>
8431       </mobile>
8432     </territory>
8434     <!-- Guinea -->
8435     <territory id="GN" countryCode="224" internationalPrefix="00">
8436       <references>
8437         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200005B/en</sourceUrl>
8438       </references>
8439       <availableFormats>
8440         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
8441           <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
8442           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
8443         </numberFormat>
8444         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
8445           <leadingDigits>[67]</leadingDigits>
8446           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
8447         </numberFormat>
8448       </availableFormats>
8449       <generalDesc>
8450         <nationalNumberPattern>[367]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
8451         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
8452       </generalDesc>
8453       <fixedLine>
8454         <nationalNumberPattern>
8455           30(?:
8456             24|
8457             3[12]|
8458             4[1-35-7]|
8459             5[13]|
8460             6[189]|
8461             [78]1|
8462             9[1478]
8463           )\d{4}
8464         </nationalNumberPattern>
8465         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
8466         <exampleNumber>30241234</exampleNumber>
8467       </fixedLine>
8468       <mobile>
8469         <!-- Prefixes here match those assigned to carriers, as per the ITU communication Jan 23rd
8470              2013. -->
8471         <nationalNumberPattern>6[02356]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
8472         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
8473         <exampleNumber>601123456</exampleNumber>
8474       </mobile>
8475       <voip>
8476         <!-- Gamma concept network is being listed as VoIP as per
8477              http://www.gammaconcept.com/internet%20sat.html -->
8478         <nationalNumberPattern>722\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
8479         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
8480         <exampleNumber>722123456</exampleNumber>
8481       </voip>
8482     </territory>
8484     <!-- Guadeloupe -->
8485     <territory id="GP" countryCode="590" internationalPrefix="00"
8486                mainCountryForCode="true" nationalPrefix="0"
8487                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
8488       <references>
8489         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000058/en</sourceUrl>
8490         <!-- Linked from http://www.arcep.fr/index.php?id=interactivenumeros -->
8491         <sourceUrl>http://www.arcep.fr/fileadmin/reprise/dossiers/numero/ZABPQ-ZNE.xls</sourceUrl>
8492       </references>
8493       <availableFormats>
8494         <numberFormat pattern="([56]90)(\d{2})(\d{4})">
8495           <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
8496         </numberFormat>
8497       </availableFormats>
8498       <generalDesc>
8499         <nationalNumberPattern>[56]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
8500         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
8501       </generalDesc>
8502       <fixedLine>
8503         <nationalNumberPattern>
8504           590(?:
8505             0[13468]|
8506             1[012]|
8507             2[0-68]|
8508             3[28]|
8509             4[0-8]|
8510             5[579]|
8511             6[0189]|
8512             70|
8513             8[0-689]|
8514             9\d
8515           )\d{4}
8516         </nationalNumberPattern>
8517         <exampleNumber>590201234</exampleNumber>
8518       </fixedLine>
8519       <mobile>
8520         <!-- Any ranges assigned from
8521              http://www.arcep.fr/index.php?id=interactivenumeros have been listed as belonging to
8522              Guadeloupe, St Martin and St Barthélemy, since we can't reliably distinguish between
8523              them. -->
8524         <nationalNumberPattern>
8525           690(?:
8526             0[0-7]|
8527             [1-9]\d
8528           )\d{4}
8529         </nationalNumberPattern>
8530         <exampleNumber>690301234</exampleNumber>
8531       </mobile>
8532     </territory>
8534     <!-- Equatorial Guinea -->
8535     <territory id="GQ" countryCode="240" internationalPrefix="00">
8536       <references>
8537         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000041/en</sourceUrl>
8538       </references>
8539       <availableFormats>
8540         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
8541           <leadingDigits>[235]</leadingDigits>
8542           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
8543         </numberFormat>
8544         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{6})">
8545           <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
8546           <format>$1 $2</format>
8547         </numberFormat>
8548       </availableFormats>
8549       <generalDesc>
8550         <nationalNumberPattern>[23589]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
8551         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
8552       </generalDesc>
8553       <fixedLine>
8554         <nationalNumberPattern>
8555           3(?:
8556             3(?:
8557               3\d[7-9]|
8558               [0-24-9]\d[46]
8559             )|
8560             5\d{2}[7-9]
8561           )\d{4}
8562         </nationalNumberPattern>
8563         <exampleNumber>333091234</exampleNumber>
8564       </fixedLine>
8565       <mobile>
8566         <nationalNumberPattern>
8567           (?:
8568             222|
8569             551
8570           )\d{6}
8571         </nationalNumberPattern>
8572         <exampleNumber>222123456</exampleNumber>
8573       </mobile>
8574       <!-- Note that personal and sharedCost numbers are said to go under here too - hopefully when
8575            they start allocating them there will be a differentiation of prefixes, but this is not
8576            clear now. -->
8577       <tollFree>
8578         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d[1-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
8579         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
8580       </tollFree>
8581       <premiumRate>
8582         <nationalNumberPattern>90\d[1-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
8583         <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
8584       </premiumRate>
8585     </territory>
8587     <!-- Greece -->
8588     <territory id="GR" countryCode="30" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
8589       <references>
8590         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000055/en</sourceUrl>
8591         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B30</sourceUrl>
8592       </references>
8593       <availableFormats>
8594         <numberFormat pattern="([27]\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
8595           <leadingDigits>
8596             21|
8597             7
8598           </leadingDigits>
8599           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
8600         </numberFormat>
8601         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
8602           <leadingDigits>
8603             2[2-9]1|
8604             [689]
8605           </leadingDigits>
8606           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
8607         </numberFormat>
8608         <numberFormat pattern="(2\d{3})(\d{6})">
8609           <leadingDigits>2[2-9][02-9]</leadingDigits>
8610           <format>$1 $2</format>
8611         </numberFormat>
8612       </availableFormats>
8613       <generalDesc>
8614         <nationalNumberPattern>[26-9]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
8615         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
8616       </generalDesc>
8617       <fixedLine>
8618         <nationalNumberPattern>
8619           2(?:
8620             1\d{2}|
8621             2(?:
8622               2[1-46-9]|
8623               3[1-8]|
8624               4[1-7]|
8625               5[1-4]|
8626               6[1-8]|
8627               7[1-5]|
8628               [89][1-9]
8629             )|
8630             3(?:
8631               1\d|
8632               2[1-57]|
8633               [35][1-3]|
8634               4[13]|
8635               7[1-7]|
8636               8[124-6]|
8637               9[1-79]
8638             )|
8639             4(?:
8640               1\d|
8641               2[1-8]|
8642               3[1-4]|
8643               4[13-5]|
8644               6[1-578]|
8645               9[1-5]
8646             )|
8647             5(?:
8648               1\d|
8649               [29][1-4]|
8650               3[1-5]|
8651               4[124]|
8652               5[1-6]
8653             )|
8654             6(?:
8655               1\d|
8656               3[1245]|
8657               4[1-7]|
8658               5[13-9]|
8659               [269][1-6]|
8660               7[14]|
8661               8[1-5]
8662             )|
8663             7(?:
8664               1\d|
8665               2[1-5]|
8666               3[1-6]|
8667               4[1-7]|
8668               5[1-57]|
8669               6[135]|
8670               9[125-7]
8671             )|
8672             8(?:
8673               1\d|
8674               2[1-5]|
8675               [34][1-4]|
8676               9[1-57]
8677             )
8678           )\d{6}
8679         </nationalNumberPattern>
8680         <exampleNumber>2123456789</exampleNumber>
8681       </fixedLine>
8682       <mobile>
8683         <nationalNumberPattern>69\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
8684         <exampleNumber>6912345678</exampleNumber>
8685       </mobile>
8686       <tollFree>
8687         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
8688         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
8689       </tollFree>
8690       <premiumRate>
8691         <nationalNumberPattern>90[19]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
8692         <exampleNumber>9091234567</exampleNumber>
8693       </premiumRate>
8694       <!-- Including calls with maximum charge of 0,25 EUR/minute here instead of under premium
8695            rate. -->
8696       <sharedCost>
8697         <nationalNumberPattern>
8698           8(?:
8699             0[16]|
8700             12|
8701             25
8702           )\d{7}
8703         </nationalNumberPattern>
8704         <exampleNumber>8011234567</exampleNumber>
8705       </sharedCost>
8706       <personalNumber>
8707         <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
8708         <exampleNumber>7012345678</exampleNumber>
8709       </personalNumber>
8710     </territory>
8712     <!-- Guatemala -->
8713     <territory id="GT" countryCode="502" internationalPrefix="00">
8714       <references>
8715         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200005A/en</sourceUrl>
8716         <sourceUrl>http://www.sit.gob.gt/index.php?page=plan-de-numeracion</sourceUrl>
8717         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Guatemala</sourceUrl>
8718       </references>
8719       <availableFormats>
8720         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
8721           <leadingDigits>[2-7]</leadingDigits>
8722           <format>$1 $2</format>
8723         </numberFormat>
8724         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
8725           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
8726           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
8727         </numberFormat>
8728       </availableFormats>
8729       <generalDesc>
8730         <nationalNumberPattern>
8731           [2-7]\d{7}|
8732           1[89]\d{9}
8733         </nationalNumberPattern>
8734         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
8735       </generalDesc>
8736       <fixedLine>
8737         <nationalNumberPattern>[267][2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
8738         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
8739         <exampleNumber>22456789</exampleNumber>
8740       </fixedLine>
8741       <mobile>
8742         <!-- Wikipedia claims numbers with 3 are also mobile although in ITU document it says that
8743              they are just reserved. -->
8744         <nationalNumberPattern>[345]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
8745         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
8746         <exampleNumber>51234567</exampleNumber>
8747       </mobile>
8748       <tollFree>
8749         <nationalNumberPattern>18[01]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
8750         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
8751         <exampleNumber>18001112222</exampleNumber>
8752       </tollFree>
8753       <premiumRate>
8754         <nationalNumberPattern>19\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
8755         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
8756         <exampleNumber>19001112222</exampleNumber>
8757       </premiumRate>
8758     </territory>
8760     <!-- Guam -->
8761     <territory id="GU" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="671" nationalPrefix="1"
8762                internationalPrefix="011">
8763       <references>
8764         <sourceUrl>http://www.nationalnanpa.com/nas/public/assigned_code_query_step1.do?method=resetCodeQueryModel</sourceUrl>
8765       </references>
8766       <generalDesc>
8767         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
8768         <nationalNumberPattern>[5689]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
8769         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
8770       </generalDesc>
8771       <fixedLine>
8772         <!-- Added 671 489/555/720/721 based on information from
8773              http://www.area-codes.com/area-code/area-code-671.asp -->
8774         <nationalNumberPattern>
8775           671(?:
8776             3(?:
8777               00|
8778               3[39]|
8779               4[349]|
8780               55|
8781               6[26]
8782             )|
8783             4(?:
8784               56|
8785               7[1-9]|
8786               8[236-9]
8787             )|
8788             5(?:
8789               55|
8790               6[2-5]|
8791               88
8792             )|
8793             6(?:
8794               3[2-578]|
8795               4[24-9]|
8796               5[34]|
8797               78|
8798               8[5-9]
8799             )|
8800             7(?:
8801               [079]7|
8802               2[0167]|
8803               3[45]|
8804               8[789]
8805             )|
8806             8(?:
8807               [2-5789]8|
8808               6[48]
8809             )|
8810             9(?:
8811               2[29]|
8812               6[79]|
8813               7[179]|
8814               8[789]|
8815               9[78]
8816             )
8817           )\d{4}
8818         </nationalNumberPattern>
8819         <exampleNumber>6713001234</exampleNumber>
8820       </fixedLine>
8821       <!-- We assume mobile phone numbers to be the same as fixed-line - further info unavailable
8822            -->
8823       <mobile>
8824         <nationalNumberPattern>
8825           671(?:
8826             3(?:
8827               00|
8828               3[39]|
8829               4[349]|
8830               55|
8831               6[26]
8832             )|
8833             4(?:
8834               56|
8835               7[1-9]|
8836               8[236-9]
8837             )|
8838             5(?:
8839               55|
8840               6[2-5]|
8841               88
8842             )|
8843             6(?:
8844               3[2-578]|
8845               4[24-9]|
8846               5[34]|
8847               78|
8848               8[5-9]
8849             )|
8850             7(?:
8851               [079]7|
8852               2[0167]|
8853               3[45]|
8854               8[789]
8855             )|
8856             8(?:
8857               [2-5789]8|
8858               6[48]
8859             )|
8860             9(?:
8861               2[29]|
8862               6[79]|
8863               7[179]|
8864               8[789]|
8865               9[78]
8866             )
8867           )\d{4}
8868         </nationalNumberPattern>
8869         <exampleNumber>6713001234</exampleNumber>
8870       </mobile>
8871       <tollFree>
8872         <nationalNumberPattern>
8873           8(?:
8874             00|
8875             44|
8876             55|
8877             66|
8878             77|
8879             88
8880           )[2-9]\d{6}
8881         </nationalNumberPattern>
8882         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
8883         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
8884       </tollFree>
8885       <premiumRate>
8886         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
8887         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
8888         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
8889       </premiumRate>
8890       <personalNumber>
8891         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
8892         <nationalNumberPattern>
8893           5(?:
8894             00|
8895             33|
8896             44|
8897             66|
8898             77
8899           )[2-9]\d{6}
8900         </nationalNumberPattern>
8901         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
8902         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
8903       </personalNumber>
8904     </territory>
8906     <!-- Guinea-Bissau -->
8907     <territory id="GW" countryCode="245" internationalPrefix="00">
8908       <references>
8909         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200005C/en</sourceUrl>
8910       </references>
8911       <availableFormats>
8912         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
8913           <format>$1 $2</format>
8914         </numberFormat>
8915       </availableFormats>
8916       <generalDesc>
8917         <nationalNumberPattern>[3-79]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
8918         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
8919       </generalDesc>
8920       <fixedLine>
8921         <nationalNumberPattern>
8922           3(?:
8923             2[0125]|
8924             3[1245]|
8925             4[12]|
8926             5[1-4]|
8927             70|
8928             9[1-467]
8929           )\d{4}
8930         </nationalNumberPattern>
8931         <exampleNumber>3201234</exampleNumber>
8932       </fixedLine>
8933       <mobile>
8934         <nationalNumberPattern>
8935           (?:
8936             [5-7]\d|
8937             9[012]
8938           )\d{5}
8939         </nationalNumberPattern>
8940         <exampleNumber>5012345</exampleNumber>
8941       </mobile>
8942       <voip>
8943         <nationalNumberPattern>40\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
8944         <exampleNumber>4012345</exampleNumber>
8945       </voip>
8946     </territory>
8948     <!-- Guyana -->
8949     <territory id="GY" countryCode="592" internationalPrefix="001">
8950       <references>
8951         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200005D/en</sourceUrl>
8952       </references>
8953       <availableFormats>
8954         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
8955           <format>$1 $2</format>
8956         </numberFormat>
8957       </availableFormats>
8958       <generalDesc>
8959         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-4679]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
8960         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
8961       </generalDesc>
8962       <fixedLine>
8963         <nationalNumberPattern>
8964           (?:
8965             2(?:
8966               1[6-9]|
8967               2[0-35-9]|
8968               3[1-4]|
8969               5[3-9]|
8970               6\d|
8971               7[0-24-79]
8972             )|
8973             3(?:
8974               2[25-9]|
8975               3\d
8976             )|
8977             4(?:
8978               4[0-24]|
8979               5[56]
8980             )|
8981             77[1-57]
8982           )\d{4}
8983         </nationalNumberPattern>
8984         <exampleNumber>2201234</exampleNumber>
8985       </fixedLine>
8986       <mobile>
8987         <!-- The ITU document only describes a few ranges for mobile numbers but there is evidence
8988              that SMS messages have been succesfully sent to numbers in the entire range prefixed
8989              with 6. -->
8990         <nationalNumberPattern>6\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
8991         <exampleNumber>6091234</exampleNumber>
8992       </mobile>
8993       <tollFree>
8994         <nationalNumberPattern>
8995           (?:
8996             289|
8997             862
8998           )\d{4}
8999         </nationalNumberPattern>
9000         <exampleNumber>2891234</exampleNumber>
9001       </tollFree>
9002       <premiumRate>
9003         <nationalNumberPattern>9008\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
9004         <exampleNumber>9008123</exampleNumber>
9005       </premiumRate>
9006     </territory>
9008     <!-- Hong Kong -->
9009     <territory id="HK" countryCode="852" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
9010       <references>
9011         <sourceUrl>http://www.ofca.gov.hk/en/industry_focus/telecommunications/portability/index.html</sourceUrl>
9012       </references>
9013       <availableFormats>
9014         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
9015           <leadingDigits>
9016             [235-7]|
9017             [89](?:
9018               0[1-9]|
9019               [1-9]
9020             )
9021           </leadingDigits>
9022           <format>$1 $2</format>
9023         </numberFormat>
9024         <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
9025           <leadingDigits>800</leadingDigits>
9026           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9027         </numberFormat>
9028         <numberFormat pattern="(900)(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
9029           <leadingDigits>900</leadingDigits>
9030           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
9031         </numberFormat>
9032         <numberFormat pattern="(900)(\d{2,5})">
9033           <leadingDigits>900</leadingDigits>
9034           <format>$1 $2</format>
9035         </numberFormat>
9036       </availableFormats>
9037       <generalDesc>
9038         <!-- Slightly more complex pattern to allow the country code to be stripped off if
9039              necessary. -->
9040         <nationalNumberPattern>
9041           [235-7]\d{7}|
9042           8\d{7,8}|
9043           9\d{4,10}
9044         </nationalNumberPattern>
9045         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
9046       </generalDesc>
9047       <fixedLine>
9048         <nationalNumberPattern>
9049           (?:
9050             [23]\d|
9051             5[78]
9052           )\d{6}
9053         </nationalNumberPattern>
9054         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
9055         <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
9056       </fixedLine>
9057       <mobile>
9058         <nationalNumberPattern>
9059           (?:
9060             5[1-69]\d|
9061             6\d{2}|
9062             9(?:
9063               0[1-9]|
9064               [1-8]\d
9065             )
9066           )\d{5}
9067         </nationalNumberPattern>
9068         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
9069         <exampleNumber>51234567</exampleNumber>
9070       </mobile>
9071       <pager>
9072         <nationalNumberPattern>7\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
9073         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
9074         <exampleNumber>71234567</exampleNumber>
9075       </pager>
9076       <tollFree>
9077         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
9078         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
9079         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
9080       </tollFree>
9081       <premiumRate>
9082         <nationalNumberPattern>
9083           900(?:
9084             [0-24-9]\d{7}|
9085             3\d{1,4}
9086           )
9087         </nationalNumberPattern>
9088         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
9089         <exampleNumber>90012345678</exampleNumber>
9090       </premiumRate>
9091       <personalNumber>
9092         <nationalNumberPattern>8[1-3]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
9093         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
9094         <exampleNumber>81123456</exampleNumber>
9095       </personalNumber>
9096    </territory>
9098     <!-- Honduras -->
9099     <!-- It seems there is no longer a trunk prefix in use, based on websites like
9100          http://www.howtocallabroad.com/codes.html and on seeing how locals write their numbers in
9101          national format. -->
9102     <territory id="HN" countryCode="504" internationalPrefix="00" >
9103       <references>
9104         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200005F/en</sourceUrl>
9105       </references>
9106       <availableFormats>
9107        <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
9108          <format>$1-$2</format>
9109        </numberFormat>
9110       </availableFormats>
9111       <generalDesc>
9112         <nationalNumberPattern>[237-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
9113         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
9114       </generalDesc>
9115       <fixedLine>
9116         <!-- Extra prefixes 227[01389], 228X, 2292 & 260X were added from numbers found online. -->
9117         <nationalNumberPattern>
9118           2(?:
9119             2(?:
9120               0[019]|
9121               1[1-36]|
9122               [23]\d|
9123               4[056]|
9124               5[57]|
9125               7[01389]|
9126               8[0146-9]|
9127               9[012]
9128             )|
9129             4(?:
9130               2[3-59]|
9131               3[13-689]|
9132               4[0-68]|
9133               5[1-35]
9134             )|
9135             5(?:
9136               4[3-5]|
9137               5\d|
9138               6[56]|
9139               74
9140             )|
9141             6(?:
9142               [056]\d|
9143               4[0-378]|
9144               [78][0-8]|
9145               9[01]
9146             )|
9147             7(?:
9148               6[46-9]|
9149               7[02-9]|
9150               8[34]
9151             )|
9152             8(?:
9153               79|
9154               8[0-35789]|
9155               9[1-57-9]
9156             )
9157           )\d{4}
9158         </nationalNumberPattern>
9159         <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
9160       </fixedLine>
9161       <mobile>
9162         <nationalNumberPattern>[37-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
9163         <exampleNumber>91234567</exampleNumber>
9164       </mobile>
9165     </territory>
9167     <!-- Croatia -->
9168     <territory id="HR" countryCode="385" internationalPrefix="00"
9169                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
9170                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
9171       <references>
9172         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000032/en</sourceUrl>
9173         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B385</sourceUrl>
9174       </references>
9175       <availableFormats>
9176         <!-- The plan says 1 XXX XXXX but the government and local telecom websites are formatted 1
9177              XXXX XXX, so we prefer that formatting here. These same sources prefer XXX XXX to XX
9178              XXXX as well. -->
9179        <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{4})(\d{3})">
9180          <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
9181          <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9182        </numberFormat>
9183        <numberFormat pattern="(6[09])(\d{4})(\d{3})">
9184          <leadingDigits>6[09]</leadingDigits>
9185          <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9186        </numberFormat>
9187        <numberFormat pattern="(62)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
9188          <leadingDigits>62</leadingDigits>
9189          <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9190        </numberFormat>
9191        <numberFormat pattern="([2-5]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
9192          <leadingDigits>[2-5]</leadingDigits>
9193           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9194         </numberFormat>
9195         <numberFormat pattern="(9\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
9196           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
9197           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9198         </numberFormat>
9199         <numberFormat pattern="(9\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
9200           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
9201           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9202         </numberFormat>
9203         <numberFormat pattern="(9\d)(\d{3,4})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
9204           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
9205           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
9206         </numberFormat>
9207         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2,3})">
9208           <leadingDigits>
9209             6[145]|
9210             7
9211           </leadingDigits>
9212           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9213         </numberFormat>
9214         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3,4})(\d{3})">
9215           <leadingDigits>
9216             6[145]|
9217             7
9218           </leadingDigits>
9219           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9220         </numberFormat>
9221         <numberFormat pattern="(80[01])(\d{2})(\d{2,3})">
9222           <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
9223           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9224         </numberFormat>
9225         <numberFormat pattern="(80[01])(\d{3,4})(\d{3})">
9226           <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
9227           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9228         </numberFormat>
9229       </availableFormats>
9230       <generalDesc>
9231         <nationalNumberPattern>
9232           [1-7]\d{5,8}|
9233           [89]\d{6,11}
9234         </nationalNumberPattern>
9235         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
9236       </generalDesc>
9237       <fixedLine>
9238         <nationalNumberPattern>
9239           1\d{7}|
9240           (?:
9241             2[0-3]|
9242             3[1-5]|
9243             4[02-47-9]|
9244             5[1-3]
9245           )\d{6}
9246         </nationalNumberPattern>
9247         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
9248         <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
9249       </fixedLine>
9250       <uan>
9251         <!-- ITU numbering plan doesn't specify the length of the numbers with prefix 62, but there
9252              are numbers on the internet with 6 or 7 digits after the prefix. -->
9253         <nationalNumberPattern>62\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
9254         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
9255         <exampleNumber>62123456</exampleNumber>
9256       </uan>
9257       <mobile>
9258         <nationalNumberPattern>9[1257-9]\d{6,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
9259         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
9260         <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
9261       </mobile>
9262       <tollFree>
9263         <nationalNumberPattern>80[01]\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
9264         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9265         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
9266       </tollFree>
9267       <premiumRate>
9268         <!-- The prefixes 060, 061, 064, 065 and 069 are named as premium rate numbers by
9269              http://www.vipnet.hr/en/poslovni-korisnici/telefon-internet/vip-adsl-usluga#panel_4.
9270              -->
9271         <nationalNumberPattern>
9272           6(?:
9273             [09]\d{7}|
9274             [145]\d{4,7}
9275           )
9276         </nationalNumberPattern>
9277         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
9278         <exampleNumber>611234</exampleNumber>
9279       </premiumRate>
9280       <personalNumber>
9281         <nationalNumberPattern>7[45]\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
9282         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
9283         <exampleNumber>741234567</exampleNumber>
9284       </personalNumber>
9285     </territory>
9287     <!-- Haiti -->
9288     <territory id="HT" countryCode="509" internationalPrefix="00">
9289       <references>
9290         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200005E/en</sourceUrl>
9291         <sourceUrl>http://www.numberingplans.com/</sourceUrl>
9292       </references>
9293       <availableFormats>
9294         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
9295           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9296         </numberFormat>
9297       </availableFormats>
9298       <generalDesc>
9299         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-489]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
9300         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
9301       </generalDesc>
9302       <fixedLine>
9303         <!-- The prefix 24 seems to be also used, based on online searches. -->
9304         <nationalNumberPattern>
9305           2(?:
9306             [24]\d|
9307             5[1-5]|
9308             94
9309           )\d{5}
9310         </nationalNumberPattern>
9311         <exampleNumber>22453300</exampleNumber>
9312       </fixedLine>
9313       <mobile>
9314         <!-- The prefix 31 seems to be also used, based on online searches. -->
9315         <nationalNumberPattern>
9316           (?:
9317             3[1-9]|
9318             4\d
9319           )\d{6}
9320         </nationalNumberPattern>
9321         <exampleNumber>34101234</exampleNumber>
9322       </mobile>
9323       <tollFree>
9324         <!-- ITU document says numbers with prefix 8 are "value-added services and free numbers
9325              without making any further distinction. However, http://www.numberingplans.com/ seems
9326              to suggest they are free. -->
9327         <nationalNumberPattern>8\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
9328         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
9329         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
9330       </tollFree>
9331       <voip>
9332         <!-- ITU document suggests 98\d{6}, but http://www.numberingplans.com/ restricts it to
9333              98[89]\d{5}. -->
9334         <nationalNumberPattern>98[89]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
9335         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
9336         <exampleNumber>98901234</exampleNumber>
9337       </voip>
9338     </territory>
9340     <!-- Hungary -->
9341     <territory id="HU" countryCode="36" internationalPrefix="00"
9342                nationalPrefix="06" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)"
9343                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
9344       <references>
9345         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000061/en</sourceUrl>
9346       </references>
9347       <!-- Although the national prefix is necessary for dialling, the preferred format (confirmed
9348            by a Hungarian person and following the yellow pages) is to omit this when formatting.
9349            Yellow pages: http://www.aranyoldalak.hu -->
9350       <availableFormats>
9351         <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
9352           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
9353           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9354         </numberFormat>
9355         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
9356           <leadingDigits>[2-9]</leadingDigits>
9357           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9358         </numberFormat>
9359       </availableFormats>
9360       <generalDesc>
9361         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
9362         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
9363       </generalDesc>
9364       <noInternationalDialling>
9365         <nationalNumberPattern>[48]0\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
9366         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
9367         <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
9368       </noInternationalDialling>
9369       <fixedLine>
9370         <!-- Includes numbers for corporate networks. -->
9371         <nationalNumberPattern>
9372           (?:
9373             1\d|
9374             2(?:
9375               1\d|
9376               [2-9]
9377             )|
9378             3[2-7]|
9379             4[24-9]|
9380             5[2-79]|
9381             6[23689]|
9382             7(?:
9383               1\d|
9384               [2-9]
9385             )|
9386             8[2-57-9]|
9387             9[2-69]
9388           )\d{6}
9389         </nationalNumberPattern>
9390         <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
9391       </fixedLine>
9392       <mobile>
9393         <nationalNumberPattern>
9394           (?:
9395             [27]0|
9396             3[01]
9397           )\d{7}
9398         </nationalNumberPattern>
9399         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
9400         <exampleNumber>201234567</exampleNumber>
9401       </mobile>
9402       <tollFree>
9403         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
9404         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
9405         <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
9406       </tollFree>
9407       <premiumRate>
9408         <nationalNumberPattern>9[01]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
9409         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
9410         <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
9411       </premiumRate>
9412       <sharedCost>
9413         <nationalNumberPattern>40\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
9414         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
9415         <exampleNumber>40123456</exampleNumber>
9416       </sharedCost>
9417     </territory>
9419     <!-- Indonesia -->
9420     <territory id="ID" countryCode="62" internationalPrefix="0(?:0[1789]|10(?:00|1[67]))"
9421                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
9422       <references>
9423         <!-- From 2001, very out of date. -->
9424         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000064/en</sourceUrl>
9425         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B62</sourceUrl>
9426       </references>
9427       <availableFormats>
9428         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
9429           pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5,8})">
9430           <leadingDigits>
9431             2[124]|
9432             [36]1
9433           </leadingDigits>
9434           <format>$1 $2</format>
9435         </numberFormat>
9436         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
9437           pattern="(\d{3})(\d{5,8})">
9438           <leadingDigits>
9439             [4579]|
9440             2[035-9]|
9441             [36][02-9]
9442           </leadingDigits>
9443           <format>$1 $2</format>
9444         </numberFormat>
9445         <numberFormat pattern="(8\d{2})(\d{3,4})(\d{3,4})">
9446           <leadingDigits>8[1-35-9]</leadingDigits>
9447           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
9448         </numberFormat>
9449         <numberFormat pattern="(177)(\d{6,8})">
9450           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
9451           <format>$1 $2</format>
9452         </numberFormat>
9453         <!-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toll-free_telephone_number, and examples on the web show
9454              that sometimes they are followed by less digits. -->
9455         <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{5,7})">
9456           <leadingDigits>800</leadingDigits>
9457           <format>$1 $2</format>
9458         </numberFormat>
9459         <numberFormat pattern="(80\d)(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
9460           <leadingDigits>80[79]</leadingDigits>
9461           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
9462         </numberFormat>
9463       </availableFormats>
9464       <generalDesc>
9465         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{6,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
9466         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
9467       </generalDesc>
9468       <fixedLine>
9469         <!-- Area codes taken from wikipedia, with missing ones added from
9470              http://www.telkom.co.id/customer-services/area-and-country-code/?type=area.
9471              We also added 0770 after user feedback because it seems to be used on Bintan island.
9472              Where known, fixed mobile prefixes have been represented as Mobile. -->
9473         <!-- Very short (5/6 digit) local numbers in Jakarta seem to be special cases for various
9474              well known companies (Mc Donalds, KFC etc...). Some of these are listed in:
9475              http://cms.binus.edu/datapage/file/io/Spring2014SE/International_Student_Handbook_BINUS.pdf
9476              There seem to be numbers of this length for area code 22 as well based on numbers found
9477              online. -->
9478         <nationalNumberPattern>
9479           2(?:
9480             1(?:
9481               14\d{3}|
9482               [0-8]\d{6,7}|
9483               500\d{3}|
9484               9\d{6}
9485             )|
9486             2\d{6,8}|
9487             4\d{7,8}
9488           )|
9489           (?:
9490             2(?:
9491               [35][1-4]|
9492               6[0-8]|
9493               7[1-6]|
9494               8\d|
9495               9[1-8]
9496             )|
9497             3(?:
9498               1|
9499               2[1-578]|
9500               3[1-68]|
9501               4[1-3]|
9502               5[1-8]|
9503               6[1-3568]|
9504               7[0-46]|
9505               8\d
9506             )|
9507             4(?:
9508               0[1-589]|
9509               1[01347-9]|
9510               2[0-36-8]|
9511               3[0-24-68]|
9512               5[1-378]|
9513               6[1-5]|
9514               7[134]|
9515               8[1245]
9516             )|
9517             5(?:
9518               1[1-35-9]|
9519               2[25-8]|
9520               3[1246-9]|
9521               4[1-3589]|
9522               5[1-46]|
9523               6[1-8]
9524             )|
9525             6(?:
9526               19?|
9527               [25]\d|
9528               3[1-469]|
9529               4[1-6]
9530             )|
9531             7(?:
9532               1[1-9]|
9533               2[14-9]|
9534               [36]\d|
9535               4[1-8]|
9536               5[1-9]|
9537               7[0-36-9]
9538             )|
9539             9(?:
9540               0[12]|
9541               1[013-8]|
9542               2[0-479]|
9543               5[125-8]|
9544               6[23679]|
9545               7[159]|
9546               8[01346]
9547             )
9548           )\d{5,8}
9549         </nationalNumberPattern>
9550         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
9551         <exampleNumber>612345678</exampleNumber>
9552       </fixedLine>
9553       <mobile>
9554         <!-- It is unclear exactly which prefixes could be mobile phones, based on the information
9555              on the wikipedia page. However, Bakrie have provided a list of their prefixes, which
9556              are captured below. The pattern covers the area code plus the first one-two digits of
9557              the subscriber number. -->
9558         <nationalNumberPattern>
9559           (?:
9560             2(?:
9561               1(?:
9562                 3[145]|
9563                 4[01]|
9564                 5[1-469]|
9565                 60|
9566                 8[0359]|
9567                 9\d
9568               )|
9569               2(?:
9570                 88|
9571                 9[1256]
9572               )|
9573               3[1-4]9|
9574               4(?:
9575                 36|
9576                 91
9577               )|
9578               5(?:
9579                 1[349]|
9580                 [2-4]9
9581               )|
9582               6[0-7]9|
9583               7(?:
9584                 [1-36]9|
9585                 4[39]
9586               )|
9587               8[1-5]9|
9588               9[1-48]9
9589             )|
9590             3(?:
9591               19[1-3]|
9592               2[12]9|
9593               3[13]9|
9594               4(?:
9595                 1[69]|
9596                 39
9597               )|
9598               5[14]9|
9599               6(?:
9600                 1[69]|
9601                 2[89]
9602               )|
9603               709
9604             )|
9605             4[13]19|
9606             5(?:
9607               1(?:
9608                 19|
9609                 8[39]
9610               )|
9611               4[129]9|
9612               6[12]9
9613             )|
9614             6(?:
9615               19[12]|
9616               2(?:
9617                 [23]9|
9618                 77
9619               )
9620             )|
9621             7(?:
9622               1[13]9|
9623               2[15]9|
9624               419|
9625               5(?:
9626                 1[89]|
9627                 29
9628               )|
9629               6[15]9|
9630               7[178]9
9631             )
9632           )\d{5,6}|
9633           8[1-35-9]\d{7,9}
9634         </nationalNumberPattern>
9635         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
9636         <exampleNumber>812345678</exampleNumber>
9637       </mobile>
9638       <tollFree>
9639         <nationalNumberPattern>
9640           177\d{6,8}|
9641           800\d{5,7}
9642         </nationalNumberPattern>
9643         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
9644         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
9645       </tollFree>
9646       <uan>
9647         <nationalNumberPattern>8071\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
9648         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9649         <exampleNumber>8071123456</exampleNumber>
9650       </uan>
9651       <noInternationalDialling>
9652         <nationalNumberPattern>8071\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
9653         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9654         <exampleNumber>8071123456</exampleNumber>
9655       </noInternationalDialling>
9656       <!-- The information below is provided by an Indonesian -->
9657       <premiumRate>
9658         <nationalNumberPattern>809\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
9659         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9660         <exampleNumber>8091234567</exampleNumber>
9661       </premiumRate>
9662     </territory>
9664     <!-- Ireland -->
9665     <territory id="IE" countryCode="353" internationalPrefix="00"
9666                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
9667                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
9668       <references>
9669         <sourceUrl>http://www.comreg.ie/licensing_and_services/numbering_plan_for_ireland.552.440.html</sourceUrl>
9670         <sourceUrl>http://www.comreg.ie/_fileupload/publications/ComReg1119.pdf</sourceUrl>
9671       </references>
9672       <availableFormats>
9673         <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
9674           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
9675           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9676         </numberFormat>
9677         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5})">
9678           <leadingDigits>
9679             2[24-9]|
9680             47|
9681             58|
9682             6[237-9]|
9683             9[35-9]
9684           </leadingDigits>
9685           <format>$1 $2</format>
9686         </numberFormat>
9687         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{5})">
9688           <leadingDigits>
9689             40[24]|
9690             50[45]
9691           </leadingDigits>
9692           <format>$1 $2</format>
9693         </numberFormat>
9694         <numberFormat pattern="(48)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
9695           <leadingDigits>48</leadingDigits>
9696           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9697         </numberFormat>
9698         <numberFormat pattern="(818)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
9699           <leadingDigits>81</leadingDigits>
9700           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9701         </numberFormat>
9702         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
9703           <leadingDigits>
9704             [24-69]|
9705             7[14]
9706           </leadingDigits>
9707           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9708         </numberFormat>
9709         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
9710           pattern="([78]\d)(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
9711           <leadingDigits>
9712             76|
9713             8[35-9]
9714           </leadingDigits>
9715           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9716         </numberFormat>
9717         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
9718           pattern="(700)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
9719           <leadingDigits>70</leadingDigits>
9720           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9721         </numberFormat>
9722         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
9723           <leadingDigits>
9724             1(?:
9725               8[059]|
9726               5
9727             )
9728           </leadingDigits>
9729           <leadingDigits>
9730             1(?:
9731               8[059]0|
9732               5
9733             )
9734           </leadingDigits>
9735           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
9736         </numberFormat>
9737       </availableFormats>
9738       <generalDesc>
9739         <nationalNumberPattern>[124-9]\d{6,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
9740         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9741       </generalDesc>
9742       <noInternationalDialling>
9743         <nationalNumberPattern>18[59]0\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
9744         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9745         <exampleNumber>1850123456</exampleNumber>
9746       </noInternationalDialling>
9747       <fixedLine>
9748         <!-- We allow 6-7 digit subscriber numbers for the 021 area code since that seems to be
9749              reflected by the numbers in the Yellow Pages. Another peculiarity is that 048 actually
9750              replaces 00 44 28 when Irish people dial, allowing them to easily dial Northern
9751              Ireland. We support these numbers here, although technically they are numbers for the
9752              UK. -->
9753         <nationalNumberPattern>
9754           1\d{7,8}|
9755           2(?:
9756             1\d{6,7}|
9757             3\d{7}|
9758             [24-9]\d{5}
9759           )|
9760           4(?:
9761             0[24]\d{5}|
9762             [1-469]\d{7}|
9763             5\d{6}|
9764             7\d{5}|
9765             8[0-46-9]\d{7}
9766           )|
9767           5(?:
9768             0[45]\d{5}|
9769             1\d{6}|
9770             [23679]\d{7}|
9771             8\d{5}
9772           )|
9773           6(?:
9774             1\d{6}|
9775             [237-9]\d{5}|
9776             [4-6]\d{7}
9777           )|
9778           7[14]\d{7}|
9779           9(?:
9780             1\d{6}|
9781             [04]\d{7}|
9782             [35-9]\d{5}
9783           )
9784         </nationalNumberPattern>
9785         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9786         <exampleNumber>2212345</exampleNumber>
9787       </fixedLine>
9788       <mobile>
9789         <nationalNumberPattern>
9790           8(?:
9791             22\d{6}|
9792             [35-9]\d{7}
9793           )
9794         </nationalNumberPattern>
9795         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
9796         <exampleNumber>850123456</exampleNumber>
9797       </mobile>
9798       <tollFree>
9799         <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
9800         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9801         <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
9802       </tollFree>
9803       <premiumRate>
9804         <nationalNumberPattern>
9805           15(?:
9806             1[2-8]|
9807             [2-8]0|
9808             9[089]
9809           )\d{6}
9810         </nationalNumberPattern>
9811         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9812         <exampleNumber>1520123456</exampleNumber>
9813       </premiumRate>
9814       <sharedCost>
9815         <nationalNumberPattern>18[59]0\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
9816         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9817         <exampleNumber>1850123456</exampleNumber>
9818       </sharedCost>
9819       <personalNumber>
9820         <nationalNumberPattern>700\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
9821         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
9822         <exampleNumber>700123456</exampleNumber>
9823       </personalNumber>
9824       <voip>
9825         <nationalNumberPattern>76\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
9826         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
9827         <exampleNumber>761234567</exampleNumber>
9828       </voip>
9829       <uan>
9830         <nationalNumberPattern>818\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
9831         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
9832         <exampleNumber>818123456</exampleNumber>
9833       </uan>
9834       <voicemail>
9835         <nationalNumberPattern>8[35-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
9836         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9837         <exampleNumber>8501234567</exampleNumber>
9838       </voicemail>
9839     </territory>
9841     <!-- Israel -->
9842     <!-- Formatting practice following wikipedia, and government sites. -->
9843     <territory id="IL" countryCode="972" internationalPrefix="0(?:0|1[2-9])"
9844                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
9845                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
9846       <references>
9847         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200006A/en</sourceUrl>
9848         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B972</sourceUrl>
9849         <!-- in Hebrew -->
9850         <sourceUrl>http://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%A7%D7%99%D7%93%D7%95%D7%9E%D7%AA_%D7%98%D7%9C%D7%A4%D7%95%D7%9F_%D7%91%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C</sourceUrl>
9851       </references>
9852       <availableFormats>
9853         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
9854           pattern="([2-489])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
9855           <leadingDigits>[2-489]</leadingDigits>
9856           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
9857         </numberFormat>
9858         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
9859           pattern="([57]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
9860           <leadingDigits>[57]</leadingDigits>
9861           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
9862         </numberFormat>
9863         <numberFormat pattern="(1)([7-9]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
9864           <leadingDigits>1[7-9]</leadingDigits>
9865           <format>$1-$2-$3-$4</format>
9866         </numberFormat>
9867         <!-- The following number is for hospitals. -->
9868         <numberFormat pattern="(1255)(\d{3})">
9869           <leadingDigits>125</leadingDigits>
9870           <format>$1-$2</format>
9871         </numberFormat>
9872         <numberFormat pattern="(1200)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
9873           <leadingDigits>120</leadingDigits>
9874           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
9875         </numberFormat>
9876         <numberFormat pattern="(1212)(\d{2})(\d{2})">
9877           <leadingDigits>121</leadingDigits>
9878           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
9879         </numberFormat>
9880         <!-- The following is for voicemail access. -->
9881         <numberFormat pattern="(1599)(\d{6})">
9882           <leadingDigits>15</leadingDigits>
9883           <format>$1-$2</format>
9884         </numberFormat>
9885         <!-- These are 4-digit star numbers which are only accessible within Israel and must be
9886              dialed with a star in front of the number. -->
9887         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})">
9888           <leadingDigits>[2-689]</leadingDigits>
9889           <format>*$1</format>
9890         </numberFormat>
9891       </availableFormats>
9892       <generalDesc >
9893         <nationalNumberPattern>
9894           [17]\d{6,9}|
9895           [2-589]\d{3}(?:\d{3,6})?|
9896           6\d{3}
9897         </nationalNumberPattern>
9898         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9899       </generalDesc>
9900       <noInternationalDialling>
9901         <nationalNumberPattern>
9902           1700\d{6}|
9903           [2-689]\d{3}
9904         </nationalNumberPattern>
9905         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9906         <exampleNumber>1700123456</exampleNumber>
9907       </noInternationalDialling>
9908       <fixedLine>
9909         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-489]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
9910         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
9911         <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
9912       </fixedLine>
9913       <mobile>
9914         <!-- The ITU document has only some of these prefixes - wikipedia lists more. We are fairly
9915              sure wikipedia is accurate based on news coverage of the launch of these numbers. -->
9916         <nationalNumberPattern>
9917           5(?:
9918             [02347-9]\d{2}|
9919             5(?:
9920               01|
9921               2[23]|
9922               3[34]|
9923               4[45]|
9924               5[5689]|
9925               6[67]|
9926               7[78]|
9927               8[89]|
9928               9[7-9]
9929             )|
9930             6[2-9]\d
9931           )\d{5}
9932         </nationalNumberPattern>
9933         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
9934         <exampleNumber>501234567</exampleNumber>
9935       </mobile>
9936       <tollFree>
9937         <!-- Online 1-809 numbers now classify themselves as "toll-free". -->
9938         <nationalNumberPattern>
9939           1(?:
9940             80[019]\d{3}|
9941             255
9942           )\d{3}
9943         </nationalNumberPattern>
9944         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9945         <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
9946       </tollFree>
9947       <premiumRate>
9948           <!-- Peculiarly, one source states that 1956 and 1957 are the new premium rate prefixes.
9949                However, no online numbers starting with these prefixes can be found, and this data
9950                is not found in any other source. -->
9951           <!-- 1200 and 1212 numbers are for televoting. -->
9952         <nationalNumberPattern>
9953           1(?:
9954             212|
9955             (?:
9956               9(?:
9957                 0[01]|
9958                 19
9959               )|
9960               200
9961             )\d{2}
9962           )\d{4}
9963         </nationalNumberPattern>
9964         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9965         <exampleNumber>1919123456</exampleNumber>
9966       </premiumRate>
9967       <sharedCost>
9968         <nationalNumberPattern>1700\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
9969         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
9970         <exampleNumber>1700123456</exampleNumber>
9971       </sharedCost>
9972       <voip>
9973         <!-- These rules are a union of the wikipedia and ITU document prefixes. They are mostly
9974              marked as VoIP on wikipedia, but it seems they may indeed be DID (Direct Inward
9975              Dialing) numbers, that most people forward to VoIP numbers. -->
9976         <nationalNumberPattern>
9977           7(?:
9978             2[23]\d|
9979             3[237]\d|
9980             47\d|
9981             6(?:
9982               5\d|
9983               8[068]
9984             )|
9985             7\d{2}|
9986             8(?:
9987               33|
9988               55|
9989               77|
9990               81
9991             )
9992           )\d{5}
9993         </nationalNumberPattern>
9994         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
9995         <exampleNumber>771234567</exampleNumber>
9996       </voip>
9997       <uan>
9998         <!-- 4-digit star numbers and 1-599 numbers. The latter are actually labelled "interactive
9999              voicemail" in the ITU document, but according to reports from businesses in Israel and
10000              the Hebrew version of the wikipedia page, these are actually a router for business
10001              calls, and incur a normal call cost on account of the caller. -->
10002         <nationalNumberPattern>
10003           [2-689]\d{3}|
10004           1599\d{6}
10005         </nationalNumberPattern>
10006         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}(?:\d{6})?</possibleNumberPattern>
10007         <exampleNumber>1599123456</exampleNumber>
10008       </uan>
10009     </territory>
10011     <!-- Isle of Man -->
10012     <!-- Inherits formatting rules from the UK. -->
10013     <territory id="IM" countryCode="44" internationalPrefix="00"
10014                nationalPrefix="0" preferredExtnPrefix=" x" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
10015       <references>
10016         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_the_United_Kingdom</sourceUrl>
10017       </references>
10018       <generalDesc>
10019         <nationalNumberPattern>[135789]\d{6,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
10020         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10021       </generalDesc>
10022       <areaCodeOptional>
10023         <nationalNumberPattern>1624[2-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
10024         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10025         <exampleNumber>1624250123</exampleNumber>
10026       </areaCodeOptional>
10027       <!-- Specific to IM. -->
10028       <fixedLine>
10029         <!-- 1624 with 10 digits. -->
10030         <nationalNumberPattern>1624\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
10031         <exampleNumber>1624456789</exampleNumber>
10032       </fixedLine>
10033       <mobile>
10034         <!-- 7524, 7624, 7924 with 10 digits. -->
10035         <nationalNumberPattern>7[569]24\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
10036         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10037         <exampleNumber>7924123456</exampleNumber>
10038       </mobile>
10039       <tollFree>
10040         <!-- 808 162 with 10 digits. -->
10041         <nationalNumberPattern>808162\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
10042         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10043         <exampleNumber>8081624567</exampleNumber>
10044       </tollFree>
10045       <premiumRate>
10046         <!-- 872 299, 900 624, 901 624, 906 624, 907 624 with 10 digits. -->
10047         <nationalNumberPattern>
10048           (?:
10049             872299|
10050             90[0167]624
10051           )\d{4}
10052         </nationalNumberPattern>
10053         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10054         <exampleNumber>9016247890</exampleNumber>
10055       </premiumRate>
10056       <sharedCost>
10057         <!-- 844 040 6, 844 090 6, 845 624, 870 624 with 10 digits. -->
10058         <nationalNumberPattern>
10059           8(?:
10060             4(?:
10061               40[49]06|
10062               5624\d
10063             )|
10064             70624\d
10065           )\d{3}
10066         </nationalNumberPattern>
10067         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10068         <exampleNumber>8456247890</exampleNumber>
10069       </sharedCost>
10070       <!-- Other numbers as per GB. -->
10071       <personalNumber>
10072         <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
10073         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10074         <exampleNumber>7012345678</exampleNumber>
10075       </personalNumber>
10076       <voip>
10077         <nationalNumberPattern>56\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
10078         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10079         <exampleNumber>5612345678</exampleNumber>
10080       </voip>
10081       <uan>
10082         <!-- 308 162, 33d, 344 040 6, 344 090 6, 345 624, 370 624, 372 299, 55 with 10 digits. -->
10083         <nationalNumberPattern>
10084           3(?:
10085             08162\d|
10086             3\d{5}|
10087             4(?:
10088               40[49]06|
10089               5624\d
10090             )|
10091             7(?:
10092               0624\d|
10093               2299\d
10094             )
10095           )\d{3}|
10096           55\d{8}
10097         </nationalNumberPattern>
10098         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10099         <exampleNumber>5512345678</exampleNumber>
10100       </uan>
10101     </territory>
10103     <!-- India -->
10104     <!-- Note that several changes in area codes have occurred since the numbering plan was released
10105          - fixed line changes are notified on the http://www.bsnl.co.in website. Area codes can be
10106          verified here at http://dq.ndc.bsnl.co.in/bsnl-web/stdSearch.seam. -->
10107     <territory id="IN" countryCode="91" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
10108                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true"
10109                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
10110       <references>
10111         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000063/en</sourceUrl>
10112         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B91</sourceUrl>
10113         <sourceUrl>http://www.coai.in/msccodes.php</sourceUrl>
10114       </references>
10115        <availableFormats>
10116          <!-- Mobile numbers. -->
10117          <numberFormat pattern="(\d{5})(\d{5})">
10118            <leadingDigits>
10119              7(?:
10120                0[2-9]|
10121                2[0579]|
10122                3[057-9]|
10123                4[0-389]|
10124                6[0-35-9]|
10125                [57]|
10126                8[0-79]
10127              )|
10128              8(?:
10129                0[015689]|
10130                1[0-57-9]|
10131                2[2356-9]|
10132                3[0-57-9]|
10133                [45]|
10134                6[02457-9]|
10135                7[1-69]|
10136                8[0124-9]|
10137                9[02-9]
10138              )|
10139              9
10140            </leadingDigits>
10141            <leadingDigits>
10142              7(?:
10143                0(?:
10144                  2[2-9]|
10145                  [3-8]|
10146                  9[0-8]
10147                )|
10148                2(?:
10149                  0[04-9]|
10150                  5[09]|
10151                  7[5-8]|
10152                  9[389]
10153                )|
10154                3(?:
10155                  0[1-9]|
10156                  [58]|
10157                  7[3679]|
10158                  9[689]
10159                )|
10160                4(?:
10161                  0[1-9]|
10162                  1[15-9]|
10163                  [29][89]|
10164                  39|
10165                  8[389]
10166                )|
10167                5(?:
10168                  [034678]|
10169                  2[03-9]|
10170                  5[017-9]|
10171                  9[7-9]
10172                )|
10173                6(?:
10174                  0[0-27]|
10175                  1[0-257-9]|
10176                  2[0-4]|
10177                  3[19]|
10178                  5[4589]|
10179                  [6-9]
10180                )|
10181                7(?:
10182                  0[2-9]|
10183                  [1-79]|
10184                  8[1-9]
10185                )|
10186                8(?:
10187                  [0-7]|
10188                  9[013-9]
10189                )
10190              )|
10191              8(?:
10192                0(?:
10193                  [01589]|
10194                  6[67]
10195                )|
10196                1(?:
10197                  [02-589]|
10198                  1[0135-9]|
10199                  7[0-79]
10200                )|
10201                2(?:
10202                  [236-9]|
10203                  5[1-9]
10204                )|
10205                3(?:
10206                  [0357-9]|
10207                  4[1-9]
10208                )|
10209                [45]|
10210                6[02457-9]|
10211                7[1-69]|
10212                8(?:
10213                  [0-26-9]|
10214                  44|
10215                  5[2-9]
10216                )|
10217                9(?:
10218                  [035-9]|
10219                  2[2-9]|
10220                  4[0-8]
10221                )
10222              )|
10223              9
10224            </leadingDigits>
10225            <format>$1 $2</format>
10226          </numberFormat>
10227          <!-- 2 digits area code -->
10228          <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
10229            <leadingDigits>
10230              11|
10231              2[02]|
10232              33|
10233              4[04]|
10234              79|
10235              80[2-46]
10236            </leadingDigits>
10237            <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10238          </numberFormat>
10239          <!-- 3 digit area codes that don't clash with mobile patterns. -->
10240          <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
10241            <leadingDigits>
10242              1(?:
10243                2[0-249]|
10244                3[0-25]|
10245                4[145]|
10246                [569][14]|
10247                7[1257]|
10248                8[1346]|
10249                [68][1-9]
10250              )|
10251              2(?:
10252                1[257]|
10253                3[013]|
10254                4[01]|
10255                5[0137]|
10256                6[0158]|
10257                78|
10258                8[1568]|
10259                9[14]
10260              )|
10261              3(?:
10262                26|
10263                4[1-3]|
10264                5[34]|
10265                6[01489]|
10266                7[02-46]|
10267                8[159]
10268              )|
10269              4(?:
10270                1[36]|
10271                2[1-47]|
10272                3[15]|
10273                5[12]|
10274                6[0-26-9]|
10275                7[0-24-9]|
10276                8[013-57]|
10277                9[014-7]
10278              )|
10279              5(?:
10280                [136][25]|
10281                22|
10282                4[28]|
10283                5[12]|
10284                [78]1|
10285                9[15]
10286              )|
10287              6(?:
10288                12|
10289                [2345]1|
10290                57|
10291                6[13]|
10292                7[14]|
10293                80
10294              )
10295            </leadingDigits>
10296            <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10297          </numberFormat>
10298          <!-- Three-digit area codes that potentially overlap with mobile. -->
10299          <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
10300            <leadingDigits>
10301              7(?:
10302                12|
10303                2[14]|
10304                3[134]|
10305                4[47]|
10306                5[15]|
10307                [67]1|
10308                88
10309              )
10310            </leadingDigits>
10311            <leadingDigits>
10312              7(?:
10313                12|
10314                2[14]|
10315                3[134]|
10316                4[47]|
10317                5(?:
10318                  1|
10319                  5[2-6]
10320                )|
10321                [67]1|
10322                88
10323              )
10324            </leadingDigits>
10325            <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10326          </numberFormat>
10327          <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
10328            <leadingDigits>
10329              8(?:
10330                16|
10331                2[014]|
10332                3[126]|
10333                6[136]|
10334                7[078]|
10335                8[34]|
10336                91
10337              )
10338            </leadingDigits>
10339            <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10340          </numberFormat>
10341          <!-- 4 digits area code -->
10342          <!-- Fallback for fixed-line numbers. -->
10343          <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
10344            <leadingDigits>
10345              1(?:
10346                [23579]|
10347                [468][1-9]
10348              )|
10349              [2-8]
10350            </leadingDigits>
10351            <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10352          </numberFormat>
10353          <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
10354            pattern="(1600)(\d{2})(\d{4})">
10355            <leadingDigits>160</leadingDigits>
10356            <leadingDigits>1600</leadingDigits>
10357            <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10358          </numberFormat>
10359          <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
10360            pattern="(1800)(\d{4,5})">
10361            <leadingDigits>180</leadingDigits>
10362            <leadingDigits>1800</leadingDigits>
10363            <format>$1 $2</format>
10364          </numberFormat>
10365          <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
10366            pattern="(18[06]0)(\d{2,4})(\d{4})">
10367            <leadingDigits>18[06]</leadingDigits>
10368            <leadingDigits>18[06]0</leadingDigits>
10369            <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10370          </numberFormat>
10371          <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
10372            pattern="(140)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
10373            <leadingDigits>140</leadingDigits>
10374            <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10375          </numberFormat>
10376          <!-- Televoting numbers. Formatting information is from
10377               http://www.bsnl.co.in/service/telev.htm -->
10378          <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
10379            pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{2})">
10380            <leadingDigits>18[06]</leadingDigits>
10381            <leadingDigits>
10382              18(?:
10383                03|
10384                6[12]
10385              )
10386            </leadingDigits>
10387            <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
10388          </numberFormat>
10389       </availableFormats>
10390       <generalDesc>
10391         <nationalNumberPattern>
10392           1\d{7,12}|
10393           [2-9]\d{9,10}
10394         </nationalNumberPattern>
10395         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
10396       </generalDesc>
10397       <noInternationalDialling>
10398         <nationalNumberPattern>
10399           1(?:
10400             600\d{6}|
10401             8(?:
10402               0(?:
10403                 0\d{4,8}|
10404                 3\d{9}
10405               )|
10406               6(?:
10407                 0\d{7}|
10408                 [12]\d{9}
10409               )
10410             )
10411           )
10412         </nationalNumberPattern>
10413         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
10414         <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
10415       </noInternationalDialling>
10416       <fixedLine>
10417         <!-- This is a list of the 2 and 3 digit area codes and the first 3 digits of 4 digit area
10418              codes, so we can check the following digit belongs to one of the operator-codes (2-7).
10419              Operator codes are from wikipedia, with the addition of 5 (HFCL Infotel in some areas).
10420              Not all operator codes are available in all areas, but we don't maintain that
10421              distinction here.
10422              Area codes starting with a 7 are listed separately, since the prefixes need to be more
10423              detailed so they clash less with mobile phone prefixes. -->
10424         <nationalNumberPattern>
10425           (?:
10426             11|
10427             2[02]|
10428             33|
10429             4[04]|
10430             79
10431           )[2-7]\d{7}|
10432           80[2-467]\d{7}|
10433           (?:
10434             1(?:
10435               2[0-249]|
10436               3[0-25]|
10437               4[145]|
10438               [59][14]|
10439               6[014]|
10440               7[1257]|
10441               8[01346]
10442             )|
10443             2(?:
10444               1[257]|
10445               3[013]|
10446               4[01]|
10447               5[0137]|
10448               6[0158]|
10449               78|
10450               8[1568]|
10451               9[14]
10452             )|
10453             3(?:
10454               26|
10455               4[1-3]|
10456               5[34]|
10457               6[01489]|
10458               7[02-46]|
10459               8[159]
10460             )|
10461             4(?:
10462               1[36]|
10463               2[1-47]|
10464               3[15]|
10465               5[12]|
10466               6[0-26-9]|
10467               7[0-24-9]|
10468               8[013-57]|
10469               9[014-7]
10470             )|
10471             5(?:
10472               [136][25]|
10473               22|
10474               4[28]|
10475               5[12]|
10476               [78]1|
10477               9[15]
10478             )|
10479             6(?:
10480               12|
10481               [2345]1|
10482               57|
10483               6[13]|
10484               7[14]|
10485               80
10486             )|
10487             7(?:
10488               12|
10489               2[14]|
10490               3[134]|
10491               4[47]|
10492               5[15]|
10493               [67]1|
10494               88
10495             )|
10496             8(?:
10497               16|
10498               2[014]|
10499               3[126]|
10500               6[136]|
10501               7[078]|
10502               8[34]|
10503               91
10504             )
10505           )[2-7]\d{6}|
10506           (?:
10507             (?:
10508               1(?:
10509                 2[35-8]|
10510                 3[346-9]|
10511                 4[236-9]|
10512                 [59][0235-9]|
10513                 6[235-9]|
10514                 7[34689]|
10515                 8[257-9]
10516               )|
10517               2(?:
10518                 1[134689]|
10519                 3[24-8]|
10520                 4[2-8]|
10521                 5[25689]|
10522                 6[2-4679]|
10523                 7[13-79]|
10524                 8[2-479]|
10525                 9[235-9]
10526               )|
10527               3(?:
10528                 01|
10529                 1[79]|
10530                 2[1-5]|
10531                 4[25-8]|
10532                 5[125689]|
10533                 6[235-7]|
10534                 7[157-9]|
10535                 8[2-467]
10536               )|
10537               4(?:
10538                 1[14578]|
10539                 2[5689]|
10540                 3[2-467]|
10541                 5[4-7]|
10542                 6[35]|
10543                 73|
10544                 8[2689]|
10545                 9[2389]
10546               )|
10547               5(?:
10548                 [16][146-9]|
10549                 2[14-8]|
10550                 3[1346]|
10551                 4[14-69]|
10552                 5[46]|
10553                 7[2-4]|
10554                 8[2-8]|
10555                 9[246]
10556               )|
10557               6(?:
10558                 1[1358]|
10559                 2[2457]|
10560                 3[2-4]|
10561                 4[235-7]|
10562                 [57][2-689]|
10563                 6[24-578]|
10564                 8[1-6]
10565               )|
10566               8(?:
10567                 1[1357-9]|
10568                 2[235-8]|
10569                 3[03-57-9]|
10570                 4[0-24-9]|
10571                 5\d|
10572                 6[2457-9]|
10573                 7[1-6]|
10574                 8[1256]|
10575                 9[2-4]
10576               )
10577             )\d|
10578             7(?:
10579               (?:
10580                 1[013-9]|
10581                 2[0235-9]|
10582                 3[2679]|
10583                 4[1-35689]|
10584                 5[2-46-9]|
10585                 [67][02-9]|
10586                 9\d
10587               )\d|
10588               8(?:
10589                 2[0-6]|
10590                 [013-8]\d
10591               )
10592             )
10593           )[2-7]\d{5}
10594         </nationalNumberPattern>
10595         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10596         <exampleNumber>1123456789</exampleNumber>
10597       </fixedLine>
10598       <!-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_telephone_numbering_in_India -->
10599       <!-- The document titled "List of MSC codes" linked off
10600            http://www.dot.gov.in/access-services/national-numbering-plan-2003 was helpful but last
10601            updated 2012 - more updates at http://www.dot.gov.in/access-services/allotment-msc-codes. -->
10602       <mobile>
10603         <!-- A couple of additional prefixes found neither on the wikipedia page nor in the MSC
10604              codes list, are added because SMS messages have been successfully sent to these
10605              numbers. It seems almost impossible to know for some of these numbers whether they are
10606              land-line or mobile, since the ranges overlap. Extra prefixes added: 7601, 768[567],
10607              7695, 8299, 8309. New prefixes were also added based on the document provided from
10608              mobile carriers: https://github.com/googlei18n/libphonenumber/issues/260 -->
10609         <nationalNumberPattern>
10610           (?:
10611             7(?:
10612               0(?:
10613                 2[2-9]|
10614                 [3-8]\d|
10615                 9[0-8]
10616               )|
10617               2(?:
10618                 0[04-9]|
10619                 5[09]|
10620                 7[5-8]|
10621                 9[389]
10622               )|
10623               3(?:
10624                 0[1-9]|
10625                 [58]\d|
10626                 7[3679]|
10627                 9[689]
10628               )|
10629               4(?:
10630                 0[1-9]|
10631                 1[15-9]|
10632                 [29][89]|
10633                 39|
10634                 8[389]
10635               )|
10636               5(?:
10637                 [034678]\d|
10638                 2[03-9]|
10639                 5[017-9]|
10640                 9[7-9]
10641               )|
10642               6(?:
10643                 0[0127]|
10644                 1[0-257-9]|
10645                 2[0-4]|
10646                 3[19]|
10647                 5[4589]|
10648                 [6-9]\d
10649               )|
10650               7(?:
10651                 0[2-9]|
10652                 [1-79]\d|
10653                 8[1-9]
10654               )|
10655               8(?:
10656                 [0-7]\d|
10657                 9[013-9]
10658               )
10659             )|
10660             8(?:
10661               0(?:
10662                 [01589]\d|
10663                 6[67]
10664               )|
10665               1(?:
10666                 [02-589]\d|
10667                 1[0135-9]|
10668                 7[0-79]
10669               )|
10670               2(?:
10671                 [236-9]\d|
10672                 5[1-9]
10673               )|
10674               3(?:
10675                 [0357-9]\d|
10676                 4[1-9]
10677               )|
10678               [45]\d{2}|
10679               6[02457-9]\d|
10680               7[1-69]\d|
10681               8(?:
10682                 [0-26-9]\d|
10683                 44|
10684                 5[2-9]
10685               )|
10686               9(?:
10687                 [035-9]\d|
10688                 2[2-9]|
10689                 4[0-8]
10690               )
10691             )|
10692             9\d{3}
10693           )\d{6}
10694         </nationalNumberPattern>
10695         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10696         <exampleNumber>9123456789</exampleNumber>
10697       </mobile>
10698       <tollFree>
10699         <!-- Information gathered from sites such as
10700              http://www.surfindia.com/india-facts/toll-free-no.html and
10701              http://indmusings.blogspot.com/2008/09/free-help-line-numbersindia.html
10702              http://www.bsnl.co.in/service/telev.htm -->
10703         <nationalNumberPattern>
10704           1(?:
10705             600\d{6}|
10706             80(?:
10707               0\d{4,8}|
10708               3\d{9}
10709             )
10710           )
10711         </nationalNumberPattern>
10712         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
10713         <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
10714       </tollFree>
10715       <premiumRate>
10716         <!-- Only televoting numbers are covered here for now. The 900 numbers are not covered
10717              because they overlap with mobile, and we haven't found any real numbers online. -->
10718         <nationalNumberPattern>186[12]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
10719         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{13}</possibleNumberPattern>
10720         <exampleNumber>1861123456789</exampleNumber>
10721       </premiumRate>
10722       <sharedCost>
10723         <!-- While described as "universal numbers" in the numbering plan, evidence suggests
10724              that 1860 number are best described as shared cost. See "Call Local Service" in:
10725              http://www.tatadocomo.com/corporates/toll-free.aspx -->
10726         <nationalNumberPattern>1860\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
10727         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
10728         <exampleNumber>18603451234</exampleNumber>
10729       </sharedCost>
10730       <uan>
10731         <!-- Telemarketing numbers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_India -->
10732         <nationalNumberPattern>140\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
10733         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10734         <exampleNumber>1409305260</exampleNumber>
10735       </uan>
10736     </territory>
10738     <!-- British Indian Ocean Territory / Diego Garcia -->
10739     <territory id="IO" countryCode="246" internationalPrefix="00">
10740       <references>
10741         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000039/en</sourceUrl>
10742       </references>
10743       <availableFormats>
10744         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
10745           <format>$1 $2</format>
10746         </numberFormat>
10747       </availableFormats>
10748       <generalDesc>
10749         <nationalNumberPattern>3\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
10750         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
10751       </generalDesc>
10752       <fixedLine>
10753         <nationalNumberPattern>37\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
10754         <exampleNumber>3709100</exampleNumber>
10755       </fixedLine>
10756       <mobile>
10757         <nationalNumberPattern>38\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
10758         <exampleNumber>3801234</exampleNumber>
10759       </mobile>
10760     </territory>
10762     <!-- Iraq -->
10763     <territory id="IQ" countryCode="964" internationalPrefix="00"
10764                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
10765       <references>
10766         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B964</sourceUrl>
10767         <sourceUrl>http://wtng.info/wtng-964-ik.html</sourceUrl>
10768       </references>
10769       <availableFormats>
10770         <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
10771           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
10772           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10773         </numberFormat>
10774         <numberFormat pattern="([2-6]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
10775           <leadingDigits>[2-6]</leadingDigits>
10776           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10777         </numberFormat>
10778         <numberFormat pattern="(7\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
10779           <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
10780           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10781         </numberFormat>
10782       </availableFormats>
10783       <generalDesc>
10784         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-7]\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
10785         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10786       </generalDesc>
10787       <fixedLine>
10788         <nationalNumberPattern>
10789           1\d{7}|
10790           (?:
10791             2[13-5]|
10792             3[02367]|
10793             4[023]|
10794             5[03]|
10795             6[026]
10796           )\d{6,7}
10797         </nationalNumberPattern>
10798         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
10799         <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
10800       </fixedLine>
10801       <mobile>
10802         <nationalNumberPattern>7[3-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
10803         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10804         <exampleNumber>7912345678</exampleNumber>
10805       </mobile>
10806       <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
10807     </territory>
10809     <!-- Iran, Islamic Republic of -->
10810     <territory id="IR" countryCode="98" internationalPrefix="00"
10811                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
10812       <references>
10813         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B98</sourceUrl>
10814         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000066/en</sourceUrl>
10815         <sourceUrl>http://www.tct.ir/?siteid=1&amp;pageid=195</sourceUrl>
10816         <sourceUrl>http://118.tct.ir/citycode.htm</sourceUrl>
10817       </references>
10818       <availableFormats>
10819         <!-- Formatting follows wikipedia. -->
10820         <numberFormat pattern="(21)(\d{3,5})">
10821           <leadingDigits>21</leadingDigits>
10822           <format>$1 $2</format>
10823         </numberFormat>
10824         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
10825           <leadingDigits>[1-8]</leadingDigits>
10826           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10827         </numberFormat>
10828         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
10829           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
10830           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10831         </numberFormat>
10832         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2,3})">
10833           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
10834           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10835         </numberFormat>
10836         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})">
10837           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
10838           <format>$1 $2</format>
10839         </numberFormat>
10840       </availableFormats>
10841       <generalDesc>
10842         <nationalNumberPattern>
10843           [1-8]\d{9}|
10844           9(?:
10845             [0-4]\d{8}|
10846             9\d{2,8}
10847           )
10848         </nationalNumberPattern>
10849         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10850       </generalDesc>
10851       <fixedLine>
10852         <!-- In Summer 2014 Iran unified all fixed phone numbers in the following way:
10853              Each province is assigned a two digit prefix (except for North Khorasan which has 3).
10854              Within each province, all numbers are exactly eight digits.  The expression below is
10855              organized by province.  For each province we accept all eight-digit combinations.
10857              11 Mazandaran
10858              13 Gilan
10859              17 Golestan
10860              21 Tehran
10861              23 Semnan
10862              24 Zanjan
10863              25 Qom
10864              26 Alborz
10865              28 Qazvin
10866              31 Isfahan
10867              34 Kerman
10868              35 Yazd
10869              38 Chahar Mahaal and Bakhtiari
10870              41 East Azerbaijan
10871              44 West Azerbaijan
10872              45 Ardabil
10873              51 Razavi Khorasan
10874              54 Sistan and Baluchestan
10875              56 South Khorasan
10876              57 North Khorasan (Extras)
10877              58 North Khorasan
10878              61 Khuzestan
10879              64 North Khorasan (Extras)
10880              66 Lorestan
10881              71 Fars
10882              74 Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad
10883              76 Hormozgan
10884              77 Bushehr
10885              81 Hamadan
10886              83 Kermanshah
10887              84 Ilam
10888              86 Markazi
10889              87 Kurdistan
10890              -->
10891         <nationalNumberPattern>
10892           (?:
10893             1[137]|
10894             2[13-68]|
10895             3[1458]|
10896             4[145]|
10897             5[146-8]|
10898             6[146]|
10899             7[1467]|
10900             8[13467]
10901           )\d{8}
10902         </nationalNumberPattern>
10903         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10904         <exampleNumber>2123456789</exampleNumber>
10905       </fixedLine>
10906       <mobile>
10907         <nationalNumberPattern>
10908           9(?:
10909             0[12]|
10910             [1-3]\d
10911           )\d{7}
10912         </nationalNumberPattern>
10913         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10914         <exampleNumber>9123456789</exampleNumber>
10915       </mobile>
10916       <pager>
10917         <nationalNumberPattern>943\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
10918         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10919         <exampleNumber>9432123456</exampleNumber>
10920       </pager>
10921       <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
10922       <voip>
10923         <!-- Includes VSAT and Boomehen Satellite numbers. -->
10924         <nationalNumberPattern>
10925           (?:
10926             [2-6]0\d|
10927             993
10928           )\d{7}
10929         </nationalNumberPattern>
10930         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
10931         <exampleNumber>9932123456</exampleNumber>
10932       </voip>
10933       <uan>
10934         <!-- MCI Public Relations numbers -->
10935         <nationalNumberPattern>9990\d{0,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
10936         <exampleNumber>9990123456</exampleNumber>
10937       </uan>
10938     </territory>
10940     <!-- Iceland -->
10941     <territory id="IS" countryCode="354" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
10942       <references>
10943         <sourceUrl>http://www.pta.is/default.aspx?cat_id=85</sourceUrl>
10944         <sourceUrl>http://www.pfs.is/default.aspx?cat_id=14&amp;module_id=210&amp;element_id=4</sourceUrl>
10945       </references>
10946       <availableFormats>
10947         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
10948           <leadingDigits>[4-9]</leadingDigits>
10949           <format>$1 $2</format>
10950         </numberFormat>
10951         <numberFormat pattern="(3\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
10952           <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
10953           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
10954         </numberFormat>
10955       </availableFormats>
10956       <generalDesc>
10957         <nationalNumberPattern>
10958           [4-9]\d{6}|
10959           38\d{7}
10960         </nationalNumberPattern>
10961         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
10962       </generalDesc>
10963       <fixedLine>
10964         <!-- Including 87[23] XXXX here as it is listed as a fax number. -->
10965         <nationalNumberPattern>
10966           (?:
10967             4(?:
10968               1[0-24-6]|
10969               2[0-7]|
10970               [37][0-8]|
10971               4[0-245]|
10972               5[0-3568]|
10973               6\d|
10974               8[0-36-8]
10975             )|
10976             5(?:
10977               05|
10978               [156]\d|
10979               2[02578]|
10980               3[013-7]|
10981               4[03-7]|
10982               7[0-2578]|
10983               8[0-35-9]|
10984               9[013-689]
10985             )|
10986             87[23]
10987           )\d{4}
10988         </nationalNumberPattern>
10989         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
10990         <exampleNumber>4101234</exampleNumber>
10991       </fixedLine>
10992       <mobile>
10993         <!-- TETRA = TErrestrial Trunked RAdio is included under mobile. -->
10994         <nationalNumberPattern>
10995           38[589]\d{6}|
10996           (?:
10997             6(?:
10998               1[1-8]|
10999               3[089]|
11000               4[0167]|
11001               5[019]|
11002               [67][0-69]|
11003               9\d
11004             )|
11005             7(?:
11006               5[057]|
11007               7\d|
11008               8[0-36-8]
11009             )|
11010             8(?:
11011               2[0-5]|
11012               3[0-4]|
11013               [469]\d|
11014               5[1-9]
11015             )
11016           )\d{4}
11017         </nationalNumberPattern>
11018         <exampleNumber>6111234</exampleNumber>
11019       </mobile>
11020       <tollFree>
11021         <!-- The UIFN numbers mentioned in the Excel document are not yet included since no real
11022              numbers can be found online, and it is not clear what these are; the standard
11023              definition would have them under the +800 country code instead of Iceland. -->
11024         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
11025         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
11026         <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
11027       </tollFree>
11028       <premiumRate>
11029         <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
11030         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
11031         <exampleNumber>9011234</exampleNumber>
11032       </premiumRate>
11033       <voip>
11034         <nationalNumberPattern>49\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
11035         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
11036         <exampleNumber>4921234</exampleNumber>
11037       </voip>
11038       <voicemail>
11039         <nationalNumberPattern>
11040           (?:
11041             6(?:
11042               2[0-8]|
11043               49|
11044               8\d
11045             )|
11046             87[0189]|
11047             95[48]
11048           )\d{4}
11049         </nationalNumberPattern>
11050         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
11051         <exampleNumber>6201234</exampleNumber>
11052       </voicemail>
11053     </territory>
11055     <!-- Italy -->
11056     <territory id="IT" countryCode="39" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true"
11057                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
11058       <references>
11059         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B39</sourceUrl>
11060       </references>
11061       <availableFormats>
11062         <!-- The leading zero for fixed numbers will be prepended before the matching of these
11063              regular expressions. -->
11064         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
11065           <leadingDigits>
11066             0[26]|
11067             55
11068           </leadingDigits>
11069           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
11070         </numberFormat>
11071         <numberFormat pattern="(0[26])(\d{4})(\d{5})">
11072           <leadingDigits>0[26]</leadingDigits>
11073           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
11074         </numberFormat>
11075         <numberFormat pattern="(0[26])(\d{4,6})">
11076           <leadingDigits>0[26]</leadingDigits>
11077           <format>$1 $2</format>
11078         </numberFormat>
11079         <numberFormat pattern="(0\d{2})(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
11080           <leadingDigits>0[13-57-9][0159]</leadingDigits>
11081           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
11082         </numberFormat>
11083         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,6})">
11084           <leadingDigits>
11085             0[13-57-9][0159]|
11086             8(?:
11087               03|
11088               4[17]|
11089               9[245]
11090             )
11091           </leadingDigits>
11092           <leadingDigits>
11093             0[13-57-9][0159]|
11094             8(?:
11095               03|
11096               4[17]|
11097               9(?:
11098                 2|
11099                 [45][0-4]
11100               )
11101             )
11102           </leadingDigits>
11103           <format>$1 $2</format>
11104         </numberFormat>
11105         <numberFormat pattern="(0\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
11106           <leadingDigits>0[13-57-9][2-46-8]</leadingDigits>
11107           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
11108         </numberFormat>
11109         <numberFormat pattern="(0\d{3})(\d{2,6})">
11110           <leadingDigits>0[13-57-9][2-46-8]</leadingDigits>
11111           <format>$1 $2</format>
11112         </numberFormat>
11113         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
11114           <leadingDigits>
11115             [13]|
11116             8(?:
11117               00|
11118               4[08]|
11119               9[59]
11120             )
11121           </leadingDigits>
11122           <leadingDigits>
11123             [13]|
11124             8(?:
11125               00|
11126               4[08]|
11127               9(?:
11128                 5[5-9]|
11129                 9
11130               )
11131             )
11132           </leadingDigits>
11133           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
11134         </numberFormat>
11135         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
11136           <leadingDigits>894</leadingDigits>
11137           <leadingDigits>894[5-9]</leadingDigits>
11138           <format>$1 $2</format>
11139         </numberFormat>
11140         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
11141           <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
11142           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
11143         </numberFormat>
11144       </availableFormats>
11145       <generalDesc>
11146         <nationalNumberPattern>
11147           [01589]\d{5,10}|
11148           3(?:
11149             [12457-9]\d{8}|
11150             [36]\d{7,9}
11151           )
11152         </nationalNumberPattern>
11153         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
11154       </generalDesc>
11155       <noInternationalDialling>
11156         <nationalNumberPattern>848\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
11157         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
11158         <exampleNumber>848123456</exampleNumber>
11159       </noInternationalDialling>
11160       <fixedLine>
11161         <!-- Maximum lengths in the ITU document are 10, but it states above that for numbers
11162              starting with 01, the maximum length is in fact 11. In fact, online, numbers can be
11163              found with other prefixes that are 11 digits long as well, so we allow it for all the
11164              three and four digit area codes. -->
11165         <nationalNumberPattern>
11166           0(?:
11167             [26]\d{4,9}|
11168             (?:
11169               1(?:
11170                 [0159]\d|
11171                 [27][1-5]|
11172                 31|
11173                 4[1-4]|
11174                 6[1356]|
11175                 8[2-57]
11176               )|
11177               3(?:
11178                 [0159]\d|
11179                 2[1-4]|
11180                 3[12]|
11181                 [48][1-6]|
11182                 6[2-59]|
11183                 7[1-7]
11184               )|
11185               4(?:
11186                 [0159]\d|
11187                 [23][1-9]|
11188                 4[245]|
11189                 6[1-5]|
11190                 7[1-4]|
11191                 81
11192               )|
11193               5(?:
11194                 [0159]\d|
11195                 2[1-5]|
11196                 3[2-6]|
11197                 4[1-79]|
11198                 6[4-6]|
11199                 7[1-578]|
11200                 8[3-8]
11201               )|
11202               7(?:
11203                 [0159]\d|
11204                 2[12]|
11205                 3[1-7]|
11206                 4[2346]|
11207                 6[13569]|
11208                 7[13-6]|
11209                 8[1-59]
11210               )|
11211               8(?:
11212                 [0159]\d|
11213                 2[34578]|
11214                 3[1-356]|
11215                 [6-8][1-5]
11216               )|
11217               9(?:
11218                 [0159]\d|
11219                 [238][1-5]|
11220                 4[12]|
11221                 6[1-8]|
11222                 7[1-6]
11223               )
11224             )\d{2,7}
11225           )
11226         </nationalNumberPattern>
11227         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
11228         <exampleNumber>0212345678</exampleNumber>
11229       </fixedLine>
11230       <mobile>
11231         <!-- According to wikipedia, TIM mobile numbers can be 9 digits long, but all others are 10
11232              digits long. However, a user reported the existence of new 11 digit long numbers for
11233              TIM with the prefix 33X, so this is supported also. -->
11234         <nationalNumberPattern>
11235           3(?:
11236             [12457-9]\d{8}|
11237             6\d{7,8}|
11238             3\d{7,9}
11239           )
11240         </nationalNumberPattern>
11241         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
11242         <exampleNumber>3123456789</exampleNumber>
11243       </mobile>
11244       <tollFree>
11245         <nationalNumberPattern>
11246           80(?:
11247             0\d{6}|
11248             3\d{3}
11249           )
11250         </nationalNumberPattern>
11251         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
11252         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
11253       </tollFree>
11254       <premiumRate>
11255         <!-- Adding 0878 numbers, as per
11256              http://www.aduc.it/notizia/polizia+mette+allerta+sul+numero+0878_73136.php. Other
11257              premium prefixes are mentioned here:
11258              http://www.dirittodellinformatica.it/news/telefonia/agcom-blocco-permanente-prefissi-144-166-892-899-20080520241.html -->
11259         <nationalNumberPattern>
11260           0878\d{5}|
11261           1(?:
11262             44|
11263             6[346]
11264           )\d{6}|
11265           89(?:
11266             2\d{3}|
11267             4(?:
11268               [0-4]\d{2}|
11269               [5-9]\d{4}
11270             )|
11271             5(?:
11272               [0-4]\d{2}|
11273               [5-9]\d{6}
11274             )|
11275             9\d{6}
11276           )
11277         </nationalNumberPattern>
11278         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11279         <exampleNumber>899123456</exampleNumber>
11280       </premiumRate>
11281       <sharedCost>
11282         <nationalNumberPattern>
11283           84(?:
11284             [08]\d{6}|
11285             [17]\d{3}
11286           )
11287         </nationalNumberPattern>
11288         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
11289         <exampleNumber>848123456</exampleNumber>
11290       </sharedCost>
11291       <personalNumber>
11292         <nationalNumberPattern>
11293           1(?:
11294             78\d|
11295             99
11296           )\d{6}
11297         </nationalNumberPattern>
11298         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11299         <exampleNumber>1781234567</exampleNumber>
11300       </personalNumber>
11301       <voip>
11302         <nationalNumberPattern>55\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
11303         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11304         <exampleNumber>5512345678</exampleNumber>
11305       </voip>
11306     </territory>
11308     <!-- Jersey -->
11309     <!-- Inherits formatting rules from the UK. -->
11310     <territory id="JE" countryCode="44" internationalPrefix="00"
11311                nationalPrefix="0" preferredExtnPrefix=" x" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
11312       <references>
11313         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_the_United_Kingdom</sourceUrl>
11314         <sourceUrl>http://www.jcra.je/cms3/v2/public/cmsChild.asp?pageID=1024&amp;childID=1036</sourceUrl>
11315       </references>
11316       <generalDesc>
11317         <nationalNumberPattern>[135789]\d{6,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
11318         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11319       </generalDesc>
11320       <areaCodeOptional>
11321         <nationalNumberPattern>1534[2-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
11322         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11323         <exampleNumber>1534250123</exampleNumber>
11324       </areaCodeOptional>
11325       <!-- Specific to JE. -->
11326       <fixedLine>
11327         <!-- 1534 with 10 digits. -->
11328         <nationalNumberPattern>1534\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
11329         <exampleNumber>1534456789</exampleNumber>
11330       </fixedLine>
11331       <mobile>
11332         <!-- 7509, 7700, 7797, 7829, 7937 with 10 digits. -->
11333         <nationalNumberPattern>
11334           7(?:
11335             509|
11336             7(?:
11337               00|
11338               97
11339             )|
11340             829|
11341             937
11342           )\d{6}
11343         </nationalNumberPattern>
11344         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11345         <exampleNumber>7797123456</exampleNumber>
11346       </mobile>
11347       <pager>
11348         <!-- Pager numbers as per GB. -->
11349         <nationalNumberPattern>
11350           76(?:
11351             0[012]|
11352             2[356]|
11353             4[0134]|
11354             5[49]|
11355             6[0-369]|
11356             77|
11357             81|
11358             9[39]
11359           )\d{6}
11360         </nationalNumberPattern>
11361         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11362         <exampleNumber>7640123456</exampleNumber>
11363       </pager>
11364       <!-- Specific to JE. -->
11365       <tollFree>
11366         <!-- 800 735, 800 781, 808 901 with 10 digits. -->
11367         <nationalNumberPattern>
11368           80(?:
11369             07(?:
11370               35|
11371               81
11372             )|
11373             8901
11374           )\d{4}
11375         </nationalNumberPattern>
11376         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11377         <exampleNumber>8007354567</exampleNumber>
11378       </tollFree>
11379       <premiumRate>
11380         <!-- 871 206, 900 665, 900 669, 901 810, 907 107, 907 155 with 10 digits. -->
11381         <nationalNumberPattern>
11382           (?:
11383             871206|
11384             90(?:
11385               066[59]|
11386               1810|
11387               71(?:
11388                 07|
11389                 55
11390               )
11391             )
11392           )\d{4}
11393         </nationalNumberPattern>
11394         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11395         <exampleNumber>9018105678</exampleNumber>
11396       </premiumRate>
11397       <sharedCost>
11398         <!-- 844 405, 844 442, 844 469, 844 703, 845 041, 845 800, 870 002 with 10 digits. -->
11399         <nationalNumberPattern>
11400           8(?:
11401             4(?:
11402               4(?:
11403                 4(?:
11404                   05|
11405                   42|
11406                   69
11407                 )|
11408                 703
11409               )|
11410               5(?:
11411                 041|
11412                 800
11413               )
11414             )|
11415             70002
11416           )\d{4}
11417         </nationalNumberPattern>
11418         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11419         <exampleNumber>8447034567</exampleNumber>
11420       </sharedCost>
11421       <personalNumber>
11422         <!-- 70 1511 with 10 digits. -->
11423         <nationalNumberPattern>701511\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
11424         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11425         <exampleNumber>7015115678</exampleNumber>
11426       </personalNumber>
11427       <voip>
11428         <!-- VoIP numbers as per GB. -->
11429         <nationalNumberPattern>56\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
11430         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11431         <exampleNumber>5612345678</exampleNumber>
11432       </voip>
11433       <uan>
11434         <!-- 300 735, 300 781, 308 901, 33d, 344 405, 344 442, 344 469, 344 703, 345 041, 345 800,
11435              370 002, 371 206, 55 with 10 digits. -->
11436         <nationalNumberPattern>
11437           3(?:
11438             0(?:
11439               07(?:
11440                 35|
11441                 81
11442               )|
11443               8901
11444             )|
11445             3\d{4}|
11446             4(?:
11447               4(?:
11448                 4(?:
11449                   05|
11450                   42|
11451                   69
11452                 )|
11453                 703
11454               )|
11455               5(?:
11456                 041|
11457                 800
11458               )
11459             )|
11460             7(?:
11461               0002|
11462               1206
11463             )
11464           )\d{4}|
11465           55\d{8}
11466         </nationalNumberPattern>
11467         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11468         <exampleNumber>5512345678</exampleNumber>
11469       </uan>
11470     </territory>
11472     <!-- Jamaica -->
11473     <territory id="JM" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="876" nationalPrefix="1"
11474                internationalPrefix="011">
11475       <references>
11476         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200006C/en</sourceUrl>
11477       </references>
11478       <generalDesc>
11479         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
11480         <nationalNumberPattern>[589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
11481         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
11482       </generalDesc>
11483       <fixedLine>
11484         <!-- Numbers have been found online for ranges 62x,63x, 656, 66[2-589]. -->
11485         <nationalNumberPattern>
11486           876(?:
11487             5(?:
11488               0[12]|
11489               1[0-468]|
11490               2[35]|
11491               63
11492             )|
11493             6(?:
11494               0[1-3579]|
11495               1[027-9]|
11496               [23]\d|
11497               40|
11498               5[06]|
11499               6[2-589]|
11500               7[05]|
11501               8[04]|
11502               9[4-9]
11503             )|
11504             7(?:
11505               0[2-689]|
11506               [1-6]\d|
11507               8[056]|
11508               9[45]
11509             )|
11510             9(?:
11511               0[1-8]|
11512               1[02378]|
11513               [2-8]\d|
11514               9[2-468]
11515             )
11516           )\d{4}
11517         </nationalNumberPattern>
11518         <exampleNumber>8765123456</exampleNumber>
11519       </fixedLine>
11520       <mobile>
11521         <!-- Adding 27, 28, 299, 31, 508, 527 and 566 as extra prefixes, as they have been found to
11522              be valid by sending SMSs and looking at online number lookup sites. Also added 50[3-79]
11523              as we have found information online that the 50[3-9] range has been assigned to Digicel.
11525              Numbers have been found online for the following ranges 29x, 53x, 54x, 55x, 56x.
11526              Most have mobile numbers online so we have put them under mobile but is possible
11527              they are a mixture of fixed line and mobile. -->
11528         <nationalNumberPattern>
11529           876(?:
11530             2[1789]\d|
11531             [348]\d{2}|
11532             5(?:
11533               0[3-9]|
11534               27|
11535               6[0-24-9]|
11536               [3-578]\d
11537             )|
11538             7(?:
11539               0[07]|
11540               7\d|
11541               8[1-47-9]|
11542               9[0-36-9]
11543             )|
11544             9(?:
11545               [01]9|
11546               9[0579]
11547             )
11548           )\d{4}
11549         </nationalNumberPattern>
11550         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11551         <exampleNumber>8762101234</exampleNumber>
11552       </mobile>
11553       <tollFree>
11554         <nationalNumberPattern>
11555           8(?:
11556             00|
11557             44|
11558             55|
11559             66|
11560             77|
11561             88
11562           )[2-9]\d{6}
11563         </nationalNumberPattern>
11564         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11565         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
11566       </tollFree>
11567       <premiumRate>
11568         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
11569         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11570         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
11571       </premiumRate>
11572       <personalNumber>
11573         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
11574         <nationalNumberPattern>
11575           5(?:
11576             00|
11577             33|
11578             44|
11579             66|
11580             77
11581           )[2-9]\d{6}
11582         </nationalNumberPattern>
11583         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
11584         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
11585       </personalNumber>
11586     </territory>
11588     <!-- Jordan -->
11589     <territory id="JO" countryCode="962" internationalPrefix="00"
11590                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
11591                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
11592       <references>
11593         <sourceUrl>http://www.trc.gov.jo/images/stories/pdf/NNP_ver200[1].pdf?lang=english</sourceUrl>
11594         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200006E/en</sourceUrl>
11595         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B962</sourceUrl>
11596       </references>
11597       <availableFormats>
11598         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
11599           pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
11600           <leadingDigits>
11601             [2356]|
11602             87
11603           </leadingDigits>
11604           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
11605         </numberFormat>
11606         <numberFormat pattern="(7)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
11607           <leadingDigits>7[457-9]</leadingDigits>
11608           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
11609         </numberFormat>
11610         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{5,6})">
11611           <leadingDigits>
11612             70|
11613             8[0158]|
11614             9
11615           </leadingDigits>
11616           <format>$1 $2</format>
11617         </numberFormat>
11618       </availableFormats>
11619       <generalDesc>
11620         <nationalNumberPattern>[235-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
11621         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
11622       </generalDesc>
11623       <fixedLine>
11624         <nationalNumberPattern>
11625           (?:
11626             2(?:
11627               6(?:
11628                 2[0-35-9]|
11629                 3[0-57-8]|
11630                 4[24-7]|
11631                 5[0-24-8]|
11632                 [6-8][02]|
11633                 9[0-2]
11634               )|
11635               7(?:
11636                 0[1-79]|
11637                 10|
11638                 2[014-7]|
11639                 3[0-689]|
11640                 4[019]|
11641                 5[0-3578]
11642               )
11643             )|
11644             32(?:
11645               0[1-69]|
11646               1[1-35-7]|
11647               2[024-7]|
11648               3\d|
11649               4[0-2]|
11650               [57][02]|
11651               60
11652             )|
11653             53(?:
11654               0[0-2]|
11655               [13][02]|
11656               2[0-59]|
11657               49|
11658               5[0-35-9]|
11659               6[15]|
11660               7[45]|
11661               8[1-6]|
11662               9[0-36-9]
11663             )|
11664             6(?:
11665               2[50]0|
11666               300|
11667               4(?:
11668                 0[0125]|
11669                 1[2-7]|
11670                 2[0569]|
11671                 [38][07-9]|
11672                 4[025689]|
11673                 6[0-589]|
11674                 7\d|
11675                 9[0-2]
11676               )|
11677               5(?:
11678                 [01][056]|
11679                 2[034]|
11680                 3[0-57-9]|
11681                 4[17-8]|
11682                 5[0-69]|
11683                 6[0-35-9]|
11684                 7[1-379]|
11685                 8[0-68]|
11686                 9[02-39]
11687               )
11688             )|
11689             87(?:
11690               [02]0|
11691               7[08]|
11692               9[09]
11693             )
11694           )\d{4}
11695         </nationalNumberPattern>
11696         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
11697         <exampleNumber>62001234</exampleNumber>
11698       </fixedLine>
11699       <mobile>
11700         <nationalNumberPattern>
11701           7(?:
11702             55|
11703             7[25-9]|
11704             8[05-9]|
11705             9[015-9]
11706           )\d{6}
11707         </nationalNumberPattern>
11708         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
11709         <exampleNumber>790123456</exampleNumber>
11710       </mobile>
11711       <pager>
11712         <nationalNumberPattern>
11713           74(?:
11714             66|
11715             77
11716           )\d{5}
11717         </nationalNumberPattern>
11718         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
11719         <exampleNumber>746612345</exampleNumber>
11720       </pager>
11721       <tollFree>
11722         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
11723         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
11724         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
11725       </tollFree>
11726       <premiumRate>
11727         <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
11728         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
11729         <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
11730       </premiumRate>
11731       <sharedCost>
11732         <nationalNumberPattern>85\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
11733         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
11734         <exampleNumber>85012345</exampleNumber>
11735       </sharedCost>
11736       <personalNumber>
11737         <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
11738         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
11739         <exampleNumber>700123456</exampleNumber>
11740       </personalNumber>
11741       <uan>
11742         <!-- These numbers are Location Independent Services / Fixed cost according to
11743              http://www.trc.gov.jo -->
11744         <nationalNumberPattern>
11745           8(?:
11746             10|
11747             8\d
11748           )\d{5}
11749         </nationalNumberPattern>
11750         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
11751         <exampleNumber>88101234</exampleNumber>
11752       </uan>
11753     </territory>
11755     <!-- Japan -->
11756     <territory id="JP" countryCode="81" internationalPrefix="010" nationalPrefix="0"
11757                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" leadingZeroPossible="true"
11758                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
11759       <references>
11760         <sourceUrl>http://www.soumu.go.jp/main_sosiki/joho_tsusin/top/tel_number/number_shitei.html</sourceUrl>
11761         <sourceUrl>http://www.numberingplans.com/?page=dialling&amp;sub=areacodes&amp;ac=JP</sourceUrl>
11762       </references>
11763       <availableFormats>
11764         <!-- Toll-free, premium-rate and UAN numbers -->
11765         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
11766           <leadingDigits>
11767             (?:
11768               12|
11769               57|
11770               99
11771             )0
11772           </leadingDigits>
11773           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
11774         </numberFormat>
11775         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
11776           <leadingDigits>800</leadingDigits>
11777           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
11778         </numberFormat>
11779         <!-- National-only toll-free numbers (0037, 0066, 0077 and 0088). -->
11780         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
11781           <leadingDigits>0077</leadingDigits>
11782           <format>$1-$2</format>
11783           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
11784         </numberFormat>
11785         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{3,4})">
11786           <leadingDigits>0077</leadingDigits>
11787           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
11788           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
11789         </numberFormat>
11790         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
11791           <leadingDigits>0088</leadingDigits>
11792           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
11793           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
11794         </numberFormat>
11795         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
11796           <leadingDigits>
11797             00(?:
11798                37|
11799                66
11800             )
11801           </leadingDigits>
11802           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
11803           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
11804         </numberFormat>
11805         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})(\d{4,5})">
11806           <leadingDigits>
11807             00(?:
11808                37|
11809                66
11810             )
11811           </leadingDigits>
11812           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
11813           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
11814         </numberFormat>
11815         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(\d{4})(\d{5})(\d{5,6})">
11816           <leadingDigits>
11817             00(?:
11818                37|
11819                66
11820             )
11821           </leadingDigits>
11822           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
11823           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
11824         </numberFormat>
11825         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(\d{4})(\d{6})(\d{6,7})">
11826           <leadingDigits>
11827             00(?:
11828                37|
11829                66
11830             )
11831           </leadingDigits>
11832           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
11833           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
11834         </numberFormat>
11835         <!-- Some leading digits are explicitly reserved for a particular purpose.
11836              We handle them first in this rule, and let the following rules ignore those exceptions.
11837              Note: The rule here is not in the files we rely on when creating the other rules.
11838                    We would need to manually modify it if the Japanese goverment
11839                    decided to change the rule.
11841              (prefix): purpose
11842              "20": Pagers
11843              "50": IP phone
11844              "70": PHS (Personal Handy-phone System, which has been used in Japan
11845                    with Non-3G, Japanese-specific protocol).
11846                    See also http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHS (Japanese)
11847              "80" and "90": Mobile phone
11848           -->
11849         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
11850           <leadingDigits>
11851             [2579]0|
11852             80[1-9]
11853           </leadingDigits>
11854           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
11855         </numberFormat>
11856         <!-- The order of the reg-exps are important.
11857              Examples (not all):
11858              - "15": 15420 -> 154-20, 15472 -> 1547-2, 15410 -> 15-410,
11859              - "22": 22200 -> 22-200, 22300 -> 22-300, 22320 -> 223-20, 22350 -> 22-350
11860              - "42": 42000 -> 4-2000, 42901 -> 4-2901, 42910 -> 42-910
11861              - "82": 82200 -> 82-200, 82020 -> 820-20, 82400 -> 82-400
11862              - "99": 99400 -> 99-400, 99430 -> 994-30, 99692 -> 9969-2, 99750 -> 997-50
11863              - "993": 99330 -> 993-30, 99331 -> 99-331, 99332 -> 993-32
11864           -->
11865         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d)(\d{4})">
11866           <leadingDigits>
11867             1(?:
11868               26|
11869               3[79]|
11870               4[56]|
11871               5[4-68]|
11872               6[3-5]
11873             )|
11874             5(?:
11875               76|
11876               97
11877             )|
11878             499|
11879             746|
11880             8(?:
11881               3[89]|
11882               63|
11883               47|
11884               51
11885             )|
11886             9(?:
11887               49|
11888               80|
11889               9[16]
11890             )
11891           </leadingDigits>
11892           <leadingDigits>
11893             1(?:
11894               267|
11895               3(?:
11896                 7[247]|
11897                 9[278]
11898               )|
11899               4(?:
11900                 5[67]|
11901                 66
11902               )|
11903               5(?:
11904                 47|
11905                 58|
11906                 64|
11907                 8[67]
11908               )|
11909               6(?:
11910                 3[245]|
11911                 48|
11912                 5[4-68]
11913               )
11914             )|
11915             5(?:
11916               76|
11917               97
11918             )9|
11919             499[2468]|
11920             7468|
11921             8(?:
11922               3(?:
11923                 8[78]|
11924                 96
11925               )|
11926               636|
11927               477|
11928               51[24]
11929             )|
11930             9(?:
11931               496|
11932               802|
11933               9(?:
11934                 1[23]|
11935                 69
11936               )
11937             )
11938           </leadingDigits>
11939           <leadingDigits>
11940             1(?:
11941               267|
11942               3(?:
11943                 7[247]|
11944                 9[278]
11945               )|
11946               4(?:
11947                 5[67]|
11948                 66
11949               )|
11950               5(?:
11951                 47|
11952                 58|
11953                 64|
11954                 8[67]
11955               )|
11956               6(?:
11957                 3[245]|
11958                 48|
11959                 5[4-68]
11960               )
11961             )|
11962             5(?:
11963               769|
11964               979[2-69]
11965             )|
11966             499[2468]|
11967             7468|
11968             8(?:
11969               3(?:
11970                 8[78]|
11971                 96[2457-9]
11972               )|
11973               636[2-57-9]|
11974               477|
11975               51[24]
11976             )|
11977             9(?:
11978               496|
11979               802|
11980               9(?:
11981                 1[23]|
11982                 69
11983               )
11984             )
11985           </leadingDigits>
11986           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
11987         </numberFormat>
11988         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
11989           <leadingDigits>
11990             1(?:
11991               2[3-6]|
11992               3[3-9]|
11993               4[2-6]|
11994               5[2-8]|
11995               [68][2-7]|
11996               7[2-689]|
11997               9[1-578]
11998             )|
11999             2(?:
12000               2[03-689]|
12001               3[3-58]|
12002               4[0-468]|
12003               5[04-8]|
12004               6[013-8]|
12005               7[06-9]|
12006               8[02-57-9]|
12007               9[13]
12008             )|
12009             4(?:
12010               2[28]|
12011               3[689]|
12012               6[035-7]|
12013               7[05689]|
12014               80|
12015               9[3-5]
12016             )|
12017             5(?:
12018               3[1-36-9]|
12019               4[4578]|
12020               5[013-8]|
12021               6[1-9]|
12022               7[2-8]|
12023               8[14-7]|
12024               9[4-9]
12025             )|
12026             7(?:
12027               2[15]|
12028               3[5-9]|
12029               4[02-9]|
12030               6[135-8]|
12031               7[0-4689]|
12032               9[014-9]
12033             )|
12034             8(?:
12035               2[49]|
12036               3[3-8]|
12037               4[5-8]|
12038               5[2-9]|
12039               6[35-9]|
12040               7[579]|
12041               8[03-579]|
12042               9[2-8]
12043             )|
12044             9(?:
12045               [23]0|
12046               4[02-46-9]|
12047               5[024-79]|
12048               6[4-9]|
12049               7[2-47-9]|
12050               8[02-7]|
12051               9[3-7]
12052             )
12053           </leadingDigits>
12054           <leadingDigits>
12055             1(?:
12056               2[3-6]|
12057               3[3-9]|
12058               4[2-6]|
12059               5(?:
12060                 [236-8]|
12061                 [45][2-69]
12062               )|
12063               [68][2-7]|
12064               7[2-689]|
12065               9[1-578]
12066             )|
12067             2(?:
12068               2(?:
12069                 [04-689]|
12070                 3[23]
12071               )|
12072               3[3-58]|
12073               4[0-468]|
12074               5(?:
12075                 5[78]|
12076                 7[2-4]|
12077                 [0468][2-9]
12078               )|
12079               6(?:
12080                 [0135-8]|
12081                 4[2-5]
12082               )|
12083               7(?:
12084                 [0679]|
12085                 8[2-7]
12086               )|
12087               8(?:
12088                 [024578]|
12089                 3[25-9]|
12090                 9[6-9]
12091               )|
12092               9(?:
12093                 11|
12094                 3[2-4]
12095               )
12096             )|
12097             4(?:
12098               2(?:
12099                 2[2-9]|
12100                 8[237-9]
12101               )|
12102               3[689]|
12103               6[035-7]|
12104               7(?:
12105                 [059][2-8]|
12106                 [68]
12107               )|
12108               80|
12109               9[3-5]
12110             )|
12111             5(?:
12112               3[1-36-9]|
12113               4[4578]|
12114               5[013-8]|
12115               6[1-9]|
12116               7[2-8]|
12117               8[14-7]|
12118               9(?:
12119                 [89][2-8]|
12120                 [4-7]
12121               )
12122             )|
12123             7(?:
12124               2[15]|
12125               3[5-9]|
12126               4[02-9]|
12127               6[135-8]|
12128               7[0-4689]|
12129               9(?:
12130                 [017-9]|
12131                 4[6-8]|
12132                 5[2-478]|
12133                 6[2-589]
12134               )
12135             )|
12136             8(?:
12137               2(?:
12138                 4[4-8]|
12139                 9[2-8]
12140               )|
12141               3(?:
12142                 7[2-6]|
12143                 [3-6][2-9]|
12144                 8[2-5]
12145               )|
12146               4[5-8]|
12147               5[2-9]|
12148               6(?:
12149                 [37]|
12150                 5[4-7]|
12151                 6[2-9]|
12152                 8[2-8]|
12153                 9[236-9]
12154               )|
12155               7[579]|
12156               8[03-579]|
12157               9[2-8]
12158             )|
12159             9(?:
12160               [23]0|
12161               4[02-46-9]|
12162               5[024-79]|
12163               6[4-9]|
12164               7[2-47-9]|
12165               8[02-7]|
12166               9(?:
12167                 3[34]|
12168                 [4-7]
12169               )
12170             )
12171           </leadingDigits>
12172           <leadingDigits>
12173             1(?:
12174               2[3-6]|
12175               3[3-9]|
12176               4[2-6]|
12177               5(?:
12178                 [236-8]|
12179                 [45][2-69]
12180               )|
12181               [68][2-7]|
12182               7[2-689]|
12183               9[1-578]
12184             )|
12185             2(?:
12186               2(?:
12187                 [04-689]|
12188                 3[23]
12189               )|
12190               3[3-58]|
12191               4[0-468]|
12192               5(?:
12193                 5[78]|
12194                 7[2-4]|
12195                 [0468][2-9]
12196               )|
12197               6(?:
12198                 [0135-8]|
12199                 4[2-5]
12200               )|
12201               7(?:
12202                 [0679]|
12203                 8[2-7]
12204               )|
12205               8(?:
12206                 [024578]|
12207                 3[25-9]|
12208                 9[6-9]
12209               )|
12210               9(?:
12211                 11|
12212                 3[2-4]
12213               )
12214             )|
12215             4(?:
12216               2(?:
12217                 2[2-9]|
12218                 8[237-9]
12219               )|
12220               3[689]|
12221               6[035-7]|
12222               7(?:
12223                 [059][2-8]|
12224                 [68]
12225               )|
12226               80|
12227               9[3-5]
12228             )|
12229             5(?:
12230               3[1-36-9]|
12231               4[4578]|
12232               5[013-8]|
12233               6[1-9]|
12234               7[2-8]|
12235               8[14-7]|
12236               9(?:
12237                 [89][2-8]|
12238                 [4-7]
12239               )
12240             )|
12241             7(?:
12242               2[15]|
12243               3[5-9]|
12244               4[02-9]|
12245               6[135-8]|
12246               7[0-4689]|
12247               9(?:
12248                 [017-9]|
12249                 4[6-8]|
12250                 5[2-478]|
12251                 6[2-589]
12252               )
12253             )|
12254             8(?:
12255               2(?:
12256                 4[4-8]|
12257                 9(?:
12258                   [3578]|
12259                   20|
12260                   4[04-9]|
12261                   6[56]
12262                 )
12263               )|
12264               3(?:
12265                 7(?:
12266                   [2-5]|
12267                   6[0-59]
12268                 )|
12269                 [3-6][2-9]|
12270                 8[2-5]
12271               )|
12272               4[5-8]|
12273               5[2-9]|
12274               6(?:
12275                 [37]|
12276                 5(?:
12277                   [467]|
12278                   5[014-9]
12279                 )|
12280                 6(?:
12281                   [2-8]|
12282                   9[02-69]
12283                 )|
12284                 8[2-8]|
12285                 9(?:
12286                   [236-8]|
12287                   9[23]
12288                 )
12289               )|
12290               7[579]|
12291               8[03-579]|
12292               9[2-8]
12293             )|
12294             9(?:
12295               [23]0|
12296               4[02-46-9]|
12297               5[024-79]|
12298               6[4-9]|
12299               7[2-47-9]|
12300               8[02-7]|
12301               9(?:
12302                 3(?:
12303                   3[02-9]|
12304                   4[0-24689]
12305                 )|
12306                 4[2-69]|
12307                 [5-7]
12308               )
12309             )
12310           </leadingDigits>
12311           <leadingDigits>
12312             1(?:
12313               2[3-6]|
12314               3[3-9]|
12315               4[2-6]|
12316               5(?:
12317                 [236-8]|
12318                 [45][2-69]
12319               )|
12320               [68][2-7]|
12321               7[2-689]|
12322               9[1-578]
12323             )|
12324             2(?:
12325               2(?:
12326                 [04-689]|
12327                 3[23]
12328               )|
12329               3[3-58]|
12330               4[0-468]|
12331               5(?:
12332                 5[78]|
12333                 7[2-4]|
12334                 [0468][2-9]
12335               )|
12336               6(?:
12337                 [0135-8]|
12338                 4[2-5]
12339               )|
12340               7(?:
12341                 [0679]|
12342                 8[2-7]
12343               )|
12344               8(?:
12345                 [024578]|
12346                 3[25-9]|
12347                 9[6-9]
12348               )|
12349               9(?:
12350                 11|
12351                 3[2-4]
12352               )
12353             )|
12354             4(?:
12355               2(?:
12356                 2[2-9]|
12357                 8[237-9]
12358               )|
12359               3[689]|
12360               6[035-7]|
12361               7(?:
12362                 [059][2-8]|
12363                 [68]
12364               )|
12365               80|
12366               9[3-5]
12367             )|
12368             5(?:
12369               3[1-36-9]|
12370               4[4578]|
12371               5[013-8]|
12372               6[1-9]|
12373               7[2-8]|
12374               8[14-7]|
12375               9(?:
12376                 [89][2-8]|
12377                 [4-7]
12378               )
12379             )|
12380             7(?:
12381               2[15]|
12382               3[5-9]|
12383               4[02-9]|
12384               6[135-8]|
12385               7[0-4689]|
12386               9(?:
12387                 [017-9]|
12388                 4[6-8]|
12389                 5[2-478]|
12390                 6[2-589]
12391               )
12392             )|
12393             8(?:
12394               2(?:
12395                 4[4-8]|
12396                 9(?:
12397                   [3578]|
12398                   20|
12399                   4[04-9]|
12400                   6(?:
12401                     5[25]|
12402                     60
12403                   )
12404                 )
12405               )|
12406               3(?:
12407                 7(?:
12408                   [2-5]|
12409                   6[0-59]
12410                 )|
12411                 [3-6][2-9]|
12412                 8[2-5]
12413               )|
12414               4[5-8]|
12415               5[2-9]|
12416               6(?:
12417                 [37]|
12418                 5(?:
12419                   [467]|
12420                   5[014-9]
12421                 )|
12422                 6(?:
12423                   [2-8]|
12424                   9[02-69]
12425                 )|
12426                 8[2-8]|
12427                 9(?:
12428                   [236-8]|
12429                   9[23]
12430                 )
12431               )|
12432               7[579]|
12433               8[03-579]|
12434               9[2-8]
12435             )|
12436             9(?:
12437               [23]0|
12438               4[02-46-9]|
12439               5[024-79]|
12440               6[4-9]|
12441               7[2-47-9]|
12442               8[02-7]|
12443               9(?:
12444                 3(?:
12445                   3[02-9]|
12446                   4[0-24689]
12447                 )|
12448                 4[2-69]|
12449                 [5-7]
12450               )
12451             )
12452           </leadingDigits>
12453           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
12454         </numberFormat>
12455         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
12456           <leadingDigits>
12457             1|
12458             2(?:
12459               2[37]|
12460               5[5-9]|
12461               64|
12462               78|
12463               8[39]|
12464               91
12465             )|
12466             4(?:
12467               2[2689]|
12468               64|
12469               7[347]
12470             )|
12471             5(?:
12472               [2-589]|
12473               39
12474             )|
12475             60|
12476             8(?:
12477               [46-9]|
12478               3[279]|
12479               2[124589]
12480             )|
12481             9(?:
12482               [235-8]|
12483               93
12484             )
12485           </leadingDigits>
12486           <leadingDigits>
12487             1|
12488             2(?:
12489               2[37]|
12490               5(?:
12491                 [57]|
12492                 [68]0|
12493                 9[19]
12494               )|
12495               64|
12496               78|
12497               8[39]|
12498               917
12499             )|
12500             4(?:
12501               2(?:
12502                 [68]|
12503                 20|
12504                 9[178]
12505               )|
12506               64|
12507               7[347]
12508             )|
12509             5(?:
12510               [2-589]|
12511               39[67]
12512             )|
12513             60|
12514             8(?:
12515               [46-9]|
12516               3[279]|
12517               2[124589]
12518             )|
12519             9(?:
12520               [235-8]|
12521               93[34]
12522             )
12523           </leadingDigits>
12524           <leadingDigits>
12525             1|
12526             2(?:
12527               2[37]|
12528               5(?:
12529                 [57]|
12530                 [68]0|
12531                 9(?:
12532                   17|
12533                   99
12534                 )
12535               )|
12536               64|
12537               78|
12538               8[39]|
12539               917
12540             )|
12541             4(?:
12542               2(?:
12543                 [68]|
12544                 20|
12545                 9[178]
12546               )|
12547               64|
12548               7[347]
12549             )|
12550             5(?:
12551               [2-589]|
12552               39[67]
12553             )|
12554             60|
12555             8(?:
12556               [46-9]|
12557               3[279]|
12558               2[124589]
12559             )|
12560             9(?:
12561               [235-8]|
12562               93(?:
12563                 31|
12564                 4
12565               )
12566             )
12567           </leadingDigits>
12568           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
12569         </numberFormat>
12570         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
12571           <leadingDigits>
12572             2(?:
12573               9[14-79]|
12574               74|
12575               [34]7|
12576               [56]9
12577             )|
12578             82|
12579             993
12580           </leadingDigits>
12581           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
12582         </numberFormat>
12583         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
12584           <leadingDigits>
12585             3|
12586             4(?:
12587               2[09]|
12588               7[01]
12589             )|
12590             6[1-9]
12591           </leadingDigits>
12592           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
12593         </numberFormat>
12594         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
12595           <leadingDigits>[2479][1-9]</leadingDigits>
12596           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
12597         </numberFormat>
12598       </availableFormats>
12599       <generalDesc>
12600         <nationalNumberPattern>
12601           [1-9]\d{8,9}|
12602           00(?:
12603              [36]\d{7,14}|
12604              7\d{5,7}|
12605              8\d{7}
12606           )
12607         </nationalNumberPattern>
12608         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,17}</possibleNumberPattern>
12609       </generalDesc>
12610       <noInternationalDialling>
12611         <!-- Toll-free numbers with a leading "00" cannot be dialled internationally. -->
12612         <nationalNumberPattern>
12613           00(?:
12614              37\d{6,13}|
12615              66\d{6,13}|
12616              777(?:
12617                [01]\d{2}|
12618                5\d{3}|
12619                8\d{4}
12620              )|
12621              882[1245]\d{4}
12622           )
12623         </nationalNumberPattern>
12624         <exampleNumber>00777012</exampleNumber>
12625       </noInternationalDialling>
12626       <fixedLine>
12627         <nationalNumberPattern>
12628           (?:
12629             1(?:
12630               1[235-8]|
12631               2[3-6]|
12632               3[3-9]|
12633               4[2-6]|
12634               [58][2-8]|
12635               6[2-7]|
12636               7[2-9]|
12637               9[1-9]
12638             )|
12639             2[2-9]\d|
12640             [36][1-9]\d|
12641             4(?:
12642               6[02-8]|
12643               [2-578]\d|
12644               9[2-59]
12645             )|
12646             5(?:
12647               6[1-9]|
12648               7[2-8]|
12649               [2-589]\d
12650             )|
12651             7(?:
12652               3[4-9]|
12653               4[02-9]|
12654               [25-9]\d
12655             )|
12656             8(?:
12657               3[2-9]|
12658               4[5-9]|
12659               5[1-9]|
12660               8[03-9]|
12661               [2679]\d
12662             )|
12663             9(?:
12664               [679][1-9]|
12665               [2-58]\d
12666             )
12667           )\d{6}
12668         </nationalNumberPattern>
12669         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
12670         <exampleNumber>312345678</exampleNumber>
12671       </fixedLine>
12672       <mobile>
12673         <nationalNumberPattern>[7-9]0[1-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
12674         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
12675         <exampleNumber>7012345678</exampleNumber>
12676       </mobile>
12677       <pager>
12678         <nationalNumberPattern>20\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
12679         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
12680         <exampleNumber>2012345678</exampleNumber>
12681       </pager>
12682       <tollFree>
12683         <!-- http://www.kddi.com/english/business/free_call_dx/number.html and
12684              http://tm.softbank.jp/english/business/phone_service/freecall_sp/index.html
12685              http://eonet.jp/home/denwa/service/access.html
12686              http://ci.fusioncom.co.jp/feature/
12687              http://www.auhikari.jp/service/tel/connection/index.html -->
12688         <!-- Note that in fact, the number length for 0037 and 0066 numbers should extend to 21
12689              digits, confirmed with Yahoo JP. However, this extends well beyond the maximum number
12690              length allowed by ITU and hence our library, so we only allow numbers up to 17 digits
12691              for now (including both leading 00s). -->
12692         <nationalNumberPattern>
12693           120\d{6}|
12694           800\d{7}|
12695           00(?:
12696              37\d{6,13}|
12697              66\d{6,13}|
12698              777(?:
12699                [01]\d{2}|
12700                5\d{3}|
12701                8\d{4}
12702              )|
12703              882[1245]\d{4}
12704           )
12705         </nationalNumberPattern>
12706         <exampleNumber>120123456</exampleNumber>
12707       </tollFree>
12708       <premiumRate>
12709         <nationalNumberPattern>990\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
12710         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
12711         <exampleNumber>990123456</exampleNumber>
12712       </premiumRate>
12713       <personalNumber>
12714         <nationalNumberPattern>60\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
12715         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
12716         <exampleNumber>601234567</exampleNumber>
12717       </personalNumber>
12718       <voip>
12719         <nationalNumberPattern>50[1-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
12720         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
12721         <exampleNumber>5012345678</exampleNumber>
12722       </voip>
12723       <!-- Storing "unified number service" as UAN. -->
12724       <uan>
12725         <nationalNumberPattern>570\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
12726         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
12727         <exampleNumber>570123456</exampleNumber>
12728       </uan>
12729     </territory>
12731     <!-- Kenya -->
12732     <territory id="KE" countryCode="254" internationalPrefix="000"
12733                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
12734                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
12735       <references>
12736         <sourceUrl>http://www.cck.go.ke/licensing/numbering/plan.html</sourceUrl>
12737         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/+254</sourceUrl>
12738       </references>
12739       <availableFormats>
12740         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5,7})">
12741           <leadingDigits>[24-6]</leadingDigits>
12742           <format>$1 $2</format>
12743         </numberFormat>
12744         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{6,7})">
12745           <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
12746           <format>$1 $2</format>
12747         </numberFormat>
12748         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
12749           <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
12750           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
12751         </numberFormat>
12752       </availableFormats>
12753       <generalDesc>
12754         <nationalNumberPattern>
12755           20\d{6,7}|
12756           [4-9]\d{6,9}
12757         </nationalNumberPattern>
12758         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
12759       </generalDesc>
12760       <fixedLine>
12761         <!-- The prefixes 046, 050, 058, and 066 may appear online in less than 9 digits but
12762              calling them has confirmed these are outdated. However a 7-digit 068 number was
12763              dialed successfully so we consider these valid despite the plan. -->
12764         <nationalNumberPattern>
12765           20\d{6,7}|
12766           4(?:
12767             [0136]\d{7}|
12768             [245]\d{5,7}
12769           )|
12770           5(?:
12771             [08]\d{7}|
12772             [1-79]\d{5,7}
12773           )|
12774           6(?:
12775             [01457-9]\d{5,7}|
12776             [26]\d{7}
12777           )
12778         </nationalNumberPattern>
12779         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
12780         <exampleNumber>202012345</exampleNumber>
12781       </fixedLine>
12782       <mobile>
12783         <nationalNumberPattern>
12784           7(?:
12785             [0-36]\d|
12786             5[0-6]|
12787             7[0-5]|
12788             8[0-25-9]
12789           )\d{6}
12790         </nationalNumberPattern>
12791         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
12792         <exampleNumber>712123456</exampleNumber>
12793       </mobile>
12794       <tollFree>
12795         <!-- Longer numbers have been found than the plan suggests, so we support them here too. -->
12796         <!-- The plan suggests 0844 and 0845 may belong here, but these are short numbers rather
12797              than prefixes:
12798              http://www.telkomkenya.8k.com/Products/v/2.html
12799              http://www.kenya-advisor.com/phone-calls-kenya.html
12800              http://www.telkom.co.ke/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=64&Itemid=98 -->
12801         <nationalNumberPattern>800[24-8]\d{5,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
12802         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
12803         <exampleNumber>800223456</exampleNumber>
12804       </tollFree>
12805       <premiumRate>
12806         <nationalNumberPattern>900[02-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
12807         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
12808         <exampleNumber>900223456</exampleNumber>
12809       </premiumRate>
12810     </territory>
12812     <!-- Kyrgyzstan -->
12813     <territory id="KG" countryCode="996" internationalPrefix="00"
12814                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
12815       <references>
12816         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000074/en</sourceUrl>
12817       </references>
12818       <availableFormats>
12819         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
12820           <leadingDigits>
12821             [25-7]|
12822             31[25]
12823           </leadingDigits>
12824           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
12825         </numberFormat>
12826         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{5})">
12827           <leadingDigits>
12828             3(?:
12829               1[36]|
12830               [2-9]
12831             )
12832           </leadingDigits>
12833           <format>$1 $2</format>
12834         </numberFormat>
12835         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d)(\d{3})">
12836           <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
12837           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
12838         </numberFormat>
12839       </availableFormats>
12840       <generalDesc>
12841         <nationalNumberPattern>[235-8]\d{8,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
12842         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
12843       </generalDesc>
12844       <fixedLine>
12845         <!-- Extra area codes found on Web Search: 3147. -->
12846         <nationalNumberPattern>
12847           (?:
12848             3(?:
12849               1(?:
12850                 [256]\d|
12851                 3[1-9]|
12852                 47
12853               )|
12854               2(?:
12855                 22|
12856                 3[0-479]|
12857                 6[0-7]
12858               )|
12859               4(?:
12860                 22|
12861                 5[6-9]|
12862                 6\d
12863               )|
12864               5(?:
12865                 22|
12866                 3[4-7]|
12867                 59|
12868                 6\d
12869               )|
12870               6(?:
12871                 22|
12872                 5[35-7]|
12873                 6\d
12874               )|
12875               7(?:
12876                 22|
12877                 3[468]|
12878                 4[1-9]|
12879                 59|
12880                 [67]\d
12881               )|
12882               9(?:
12883                 22|
12884                 4[1-8]|
12885                 6\d
12886               )
12887             )|
12888             6(?:
12889               09|
12890               12|
12891               2[2-4]
12892             )\d
12893           )\d{5}
12894         </nationalNumberPattern>
12895         <exampleNumber>312123456</exampleNumber>
12896       </fixedLine>
12897       <mobile>
12898         <nationalNumberPattern>
12899           (?:
12900             20[0-35]|
12901             5[124-7]\d|
12902             7[07]\d
12903           )\d{6}
12904         </nationalNumberPattern>
12905         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
12906         <exampleNumber>700123456</exampleNumber>
12907       </mobile>
12908       <tollFree>
12909         <!-- Add an extra digit to the number pattern since the only toll-free number found on Web
12910              Search contains 10 digits instead of the 9 digits specified in the ITU document. -->
12911         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
12912         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
12913         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
12914       </tollFree>
12915       <!-- No premiumRate information can be found. -->
12916       <!-- http://www.iru-nelti.org/index/info-app/id.216 -->
12917     </territory>
12919     <!-- Cambodia -->
12920     <territory id="KH" countryCode="855" internationalPrefix="00[14-9]"
12921                nationalPrefix="0">
12922       <references>
12923         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000023/en</sourceUrl>
12924         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/+855</sourceUrl>
12925       </references>
12926       <availableFormats>
12927         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
12928           <leadingDigits>
12929             1\d[1-9]|
12930             [2-9]
12931           </leadingDigits>
12932           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
12933         </numberFormat>
12934         <numberFormat pattern="(1[89]00)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
12935           <leadingDigits>1[89]0</leadingDigits>
12936           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
12937         </numberFormat>
12938       </availableFormats>
12939       <generalDesc>
12940         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
12941         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
12942       </generalDesc>
12943       <fixedLine>
12944         <!-- Allowing subscriber numbers beginning with 5 since Mobitel have informed us they have
12945              started issuing fixed-line numbers like this. Apparently, mobile-company-issued
12946              fixed-line numbers are one digit longer than government-issued numbers. Moreover, the
12947              range beginning with 6 seems to include some numbers that are one digit longer as well.
12948              Allowing 238\d{6} and 234[234]\d{4} based on information from Cambodia Yellow Pages.
12949              Note that numbers beginning with 234 are split across two patterns. -->
12950         <nationalNumberPattern>
12951           (?:
12952             2[3-6]|
12953             3[2-6]|
12954             4[2-4]|
12955             [5-7][2-5]
12956           )(?:
12957             [237-9]|
12958             4[56]|
12959             5\d|
12960             6\d?
12961           )\d{5}|
12962           23(?:
12963             4[234]|
12964             8\d{2}
12965           )\d{4}
12966         </nationalNumberPattern>
12967         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
12968         <exampleNumber>23756789</exampleNumber>
12969       </fixedLine>
12970       <mobile>
12971         <!-- SMART uses prefixes 01[056], 070, 08[167] and 09[368].
12972              Beeline uses 060.
12973              Mobitel uses 01[1247].
12974              Cellcard uses 0857 and 061.
12975              Extra prefixes found online: 088, 097.
12976              Allowing 9-digit 12, 31, 38 and 76 numbers based on information from Cambodia Yellow
12977              Pages and online search. -->
12978         <nationalNumberPattern>
12979           (?:
12980             1(?:
12981               [013-9]|
12982               2\d?
12983             )|
12984             3[18]\d|
12985             6[016-9]|
12986             7(?:
12987               [07-9]|
12988               6\d
12989             )|
12990             8(?:
12991               [013-79]|
12992               8\d
12993             )|
12994             9(?:
12995               6\d|
12996               7\d?|
12997               [0-589]
12998             )
12999           )\d{6}
13000         </nationalNumberPattern>
13001         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
13002         <exampleNumber>91234567</exampleNumber>
13003       </mobile>
13004       <tollFree>
13005         <!-- Adding extra prefix 180021 used by tollfreetc.com.kh. -->
13006         <nationalNumberPattern>
13007           1800(?:
13008             1\d|
13009             2[019]
13010           )\d{4}
13011         </nationalNumberPattern>
13012         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13013         <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
13014       </tollFree>
13015       <premiumRate>
13016         <nationalNumberPattern>
13017           1900(?:
13018             1\d|
13019             2[09]
13020           )\d{4}
13021         </nationalNumberPattern>
13022         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13023         <exampleNumber>1900123456</exampleNumber>
13024       </premiumRate>
13025     </territory>
13027     <!-- Kiribati -->
13028     <!-- We include the national prefix for parsing here just in case numbers can be dialled with a
13029          leading 0 - no numbers online have been found formatted this way, but the ITU document
13030          lists it as a national dialling prefix. -->
13031     <territory id="KI" countryCode="686" internationalPrefix="00"
13032                nationalPrefixForParsing="0">
13033       <references>
13034         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000071/en</sourceUrl>
13035       </references>
13036       <!-- Numbers should be formatted as a block." -->
13037       <generalDesc>
13038         <nationalNumberPattern>
13039           [2458]\d{4}|
13040           3\d{4,7}|
13041           7\d{7}
13042         </nationalNumberPattern>
13043         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
13044       </generalDesc>
13045       <fixedLine>
13046         <nationalNumberPattern>
13047           (?:
13048             [24]\d|
13049             3[1-9]|
13050             50|
13051             8[0-5]
13052           )\d{3}
13053         </nationalNumberPattern>
13054         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
13055         <exampleNumber>31234</exampleNumber>
13056       </fixedLine>
13057       <mobile>
13058         <!-- North Tarawa is listed as 720XXXXX-729XXXXX but considering that this deviates from the
13059              pattern followed by every other place, we are assuming 731XXXXX-732XXXXX for now. -->
13060         <nationalNumberPattern>
13061           7(?:
13062             [24]\d|
13063             3[1-9]|
13064             8[0-5]
13065           )\d{5}
13066         </nationalNumberPattern>
13067         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
13068         <exampleNumber>72012345</exampleNumber>
13069       </mobile>
13070       <premiumRate>
13071         <!-- ITU refers to these as "Telemedia and audiotext". -->
13072         <nationalNumberPattern>3001\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
13073         <exampleNumber>30010000</exampleNumber>
13074       </premiumRate>
13075     </territory>
13077     <!-- Comoros -->
13078     <territory id="KM" countryCode="269" internationalPrefix="00">
13079       <references>
13080         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200002D/en</sourceUrl>
13081       </references>
13082       <availableFormats>
13083         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
13084           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
13085         </numberFormat>
13086       </availableFormats>
13087       <generalDesc>
13088         <nationalNumberPattern>[379]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
13089         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
13090       </generalDesc>
13091       <fixedLine>
13092         <!-- CDMA phones are included here, as they are considered as an extension of fixed line:
13093              http://www.comorestelecom.km/presentationcdma.php -->
13094         <nationalNumberPattern>
13095           7(?:
13096             6[0-37-9]|
13097             7[0-57-9]
13098           )\d{4}
13099         </nationalNumberPattern>
13100         <exampleNumber>7712345</exampleNumber>
13101       </fixedLine>
13102       <mobile>
13103         <nationalNumberPattern>3[234]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
13104         <exampleNumber>3212345</exampleNumber>
13105       </mobile>
13106       <premiumRate>
13107         <!-- These are referred to as value-added services in the plan and no further information
13108              can be found. -->
13109         <nationalNumberPattern>
13110           (?:
13111             39[01]|
13112             9[01]0
13113           )\d{4}
13114         </nationalNumberPattern>
13115         <exampleNumber>9001234</exampleNumber>
13116       </premiumRate>
13117     </territory>
13119     <!-- Saint Kitts and Nevis -->
13120     <territory id="KN" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="869" nationalPrefix="1"
13121                internationalPrefix="011">
13122       <references>
13123         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000B0/en</sourceUrl>
13124       </references>
13125       <generalDesc>
13126         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
13127         <nationalNumberPattern>[589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
13128         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
13129       </generalDesc>
13130       <fixedLine>
13131         <!-- Adding the 869 302 prefix as it is used by Marriott Hotels, even though no other record
13132              of it can be found. -->
13133         <nationalNumberPattern>
13134           869(?:
13135             2(?:
13136               29|
13137               36
13138             )|
13139             302|
13140             4(?:
13141               6[015-9]|
13142               70
13143             )
13144           )\d{4}
13145         </nationalNumberPattern>
13146         <exampleNumber>8692361234</exampleNumber>
13147       </fixedLine>
13148       <mobile>
13149         <!-- Added some more prefixes in the 66 and 76 range from online numbers. -->
13150         <nationalNumberPattern>
13151           869(?:
13152             5(?:
13153               5[6-8]|
13154               6[5-7]
13155             )|
13156             66\d|
13157             76[02-6]
13158           )\d{4}
13159         </nationalNumberPattern>
13160         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13161         <!-- Example number from the ITU document. -->
13162         <exampleNumber>8697652917</exampleNumber>
13163       </mobile>
13164       <tollFree>
13165         <nationalNumberPattern>
13166           8(?:
13167             00|
13168             44|
13169             55|
13170             66|
13171             77|
13172             88
13173           )[2-9]\d{6}
13174         </nationalNumberPattern>
13175         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13176         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
13177       </tollFree>
13178       <premiumRate>
13179         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
13180         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13181         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
13182       </premiumRate>
13183       <personalNumber>
13184         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
13185         <nationalNumberPattern>
13186           5(?:
13187             00|
13188             33|
13189             44|
13190             66|
13191             77
13192           )[2-9]\d{6}
13193         </nationalNumberPattern>
13194         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13195         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
13196       </personalNumber>
13197     </territory>
13199     <!-- Korea, Dem. People's Rep. of -->
13200     <territory id="KP" countryCode="850" internationalPrefix="00|99"
13201                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
13202       <references>
13203         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B850</sourceUrl>
13204       </references>
13205       <availableFormats>
13206         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
13207           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
13208           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
13209         </numberFormat>
13210         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
13211           <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
13212           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
13213         </numberFormat>
13214         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
13215           <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
13216           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
13217         </numberFormat>
13218       </availableFormats>
13219       <generalDesc>
13220         <nationalNumberPattern>
13221           1\d{9}|
13222           [28]\d{7}
13223         </nationalNumberPattern>
13224         <possibleNumberPattern>
13225           \d{6,8}|
13226           \d{10}
13227         </possibleNumberPattern>
13228       </generalDesc>
13229       <noInternationalDialling>
13230         <!-- For numbers starting with 2, only the 2381 range can be dialed internationally. -->
13231         <nationalNumberPattern>
13232           2(?:
13233             [0-24-9]\d{2}|
13234             3(?:
13235               [0-79]\d|
13236               8[02-9]
13237             )
13238           )\d{4}
13239         </nationalNumberPattern>
13240         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
13241         <exampleNumber>23821234</exampleNumber>
13242       </noInternationalDialling>
13243       <fixedLine>
13244         <!-- Covers only numbers from Pyongyang and Rason Economic Special Zone. According to
13245              wikipedia, other ranges of phone numbers are top secret, unpublished, and not dialable
13246              from overseas. Also, there is conflicting information about the length of fixed-line
13247              numbers, so here we are following Wikipedia. -->
13248         <nationalNumberPattern>
13249           2\d{7}|
13250           85\d{6}
13251         </nationalNumberPattern>
13252         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
13253         <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
13254       </fixedLine>
13255       <mobile>
13256         <nationalNumberPattern>19[123]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
13257         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13258         <exampleNumber>1921234567</exampleNumber>
13259       </mobile>
13260     </territory>
13262     <!-- Korea (Rep. of) -->
13263     <!-- Exceptions :
13264         internationalPrefix
13265             0031, 0033, 0071, 0073 - Special services of KT and DACOM, ignorable
13266         nationalPrefix
13267             1[4-6]XX-YYYY - Country-wide common number services, display as it is without hyphens -->
13268     <territory id="KR" countryCode="82" internationalPrefix="00(?:[124-68]|[37]\d{2})"
13269                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixForParsing="0(8[1-46-8]|85\d{2})?"
13270                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" carrierCodeFormattingRule="$NP$CC-$FG"
13271                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
13272       <references>
13273         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000072/en</sourceUrl>
13274         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B82</sourceUrl>
13275         <sourceUrl>http://www.kcc.go.kr/user.do?mode=view&amp;page=P02030300&amp;dc=K02030300&amp;boardId=1074&amp;boardSeq=2349</sourceUrl>
13276         <sourceUrl>http://www.kcc.go.kr/user.do?mode=view&amp;page=P02030300&amp;dc=K02030300&amp;boardId=1074&amp;boardSeq=2240</sourceUrl>
13277         <sourceUrl>http://www.telecentro.co.kr/sub/index.php?job=detail&amp;ebcf_id=faq&amp;page=1&amp;mid=0503&amp;eb_seq=36</sourceUrl>
13278       </references>
13279       <availableFormats>
13280         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
13281           <leadingDigits>
13282             1(?:
13283               0|
13284               1[19]|
13285               [69]9|
13286               5[458]
13287             )|
13288             [57]0
13289           </leadingDigits>
13290           <leadingDigits>
13291             1(?:
13292               0|
13293               1[19]|
13294               [69]9|
13295               5(?:
13296                 44|
13297                 59|
13298                 8
13299               )
13300             )|
13301             [57]0
13302           </leadingDigits>
13303           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
13304         </numberFormat>
13305         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
13306           <leadingDigits>
13307             1(?:
13308               [169][2-8]|
13309               [78]|
13310               5[1-4]
13311             )|
13312             [68]0|
13313             [3-6][1-9][1-9]
13314           </leadingDigits>
13315           <leadingDigits>
13316             1(?:
13317               [169][2-8]|
13318               [78]|
13319               5(?:
13320                 [1-3]|
13321                 4[56]
13322               )
13323             )|
13324             [68]0|
13325             [3-6][1-9][1-9]
13326           </leadingDigits>
13327           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
13328         </numberFormat>
13329         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d)(\d{4})">
13330           <leadingDigits>131</leadingDigits>
13331           <leadingDigits>1312</leadingDigits>
13332           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
13333         </numberFormat>
13334         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
13335           <leadingDigits>131</leadingDigits>
13336           <leadingDigits>131[13-9]</leadingDigits>
13337           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
13338         </numberFormat>
13339         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
13340           <leadingDigits>13[2-9]</leadingDigits>
13341           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
13342         </numberFormat>
13343         <!-- 030 numbers are used for Unified Messaging Services, according to the plan. There is a
13344              limit of what digits may follow the 030, but we ignore that here. These numbers are
13345              actually not supported for validation purposes by the library at the moment as no
13346              online examples can be found, but we leave theme here so formatting continues to work
13347              if they are entered. -->
13348         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
13349           <leadingDigits>30</leadingDigits>
13350           <format>$1-$2-$3-$4</format>
13351         </numberFormat>
13352         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
13353           <leadingDigits>2[1-9]</leadingDigits>
13354           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
13355         </numberFormat>
13356         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3,4})">
13357           <leadingDigits>21[0-46-9]</leadingDigits>
13358           <format>$1-$2</format>
13359         </numberFormat>
13360         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3,4})">
13361           <leadingDigits>[3-6][1-9]1</leadingDigits>
13362           <leadingDigits>
13363             [3-6][1-9]1(?:
13364               [0-46-9]
13365             )
13366           </leadingDigits>
13367           <format>$1-$2</format>
13368         </numberFormat>
13369         <!-- Company numbers. -->
13370         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})"
13371           nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
13372           <leadingDigits>
13373             1(?:
13374               5[46-9]|
13375               6[04678]|
13376               8[0579]
13377             )
13378           </leadingDigits>
13379           <leadingDigits>
13380             1(?:
13381               5(?:
13382                 44|
13383                 66|
13384                 77|
13385                 88|
13386                 99
13387               )|
13388               6(?:
13389                 00|
13390                 44|
13391                 6[16]|
13392                 70|
13393                 88
13394               )|
13395               8(?:
13396                 00|
13397                 55|
13398                 77|
13399                 99
13400               )
13401             )
13402           </leadingDigits>
13403           <format>$1-$2</format>
13404         </numberFormat>
13405       </availableFormats>
13406       <generalDesc>
13407         <nationalNumberPattern>
13408           [1-7]\d{3,9}|
13409           8\d{8}
13410         </nationalNumberPattern>
13411         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13412       </generalDesc>
13413       <fixedLine>
13414         <!-- We omit 049, supposedly for Kaesong Industrial Region, since real numbers can't be
13415              found, and it is in North Korea anyway. We support 7-8 digits long subscriber numbers
13416              starting with 1 based on evidence of real numbers found online. -->
13417         <nationalNumberPattern>
13418           (?:
13419             2|
13420             3[1-3]|
13421             [46][1-4]|
13422             5[1-5]
13423           )(?:
13424             1\d{2,3}|
13425             [1-9]\d{6,7}
13426           )
13427         </nationalNumberPattern>
13428         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13429         <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
13430       </fixedLine>
13431       <mobile>
13432         <nationalNumberPattern>1[0-26-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
13433         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13434         <exampleNumber>1023456789</exampleNumber>
13435       </mobile>
13436       <pager>
13437         <nationalNumberPattern>15\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
13438         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13439         <exampleNumber>1523456789</exampleNumber>
13440       </pager>
13441       <tollFree>
13442         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
13443         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
13444         <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
13445       </tollFree>
13446       <!-- The information below is provided by a Korean person. -->
13447       <premiumRate>
13448         <nationalNumberPattern>60[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
13449         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
13450         <exampleNumber>602345678</exampleNumber>
13451       </premiumRate>
13452       <personalNumber>
13453         <nationalNumberPattern>50\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
13454         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13455         <exampleNumber>5012345678</exampleNumber>
13456       </personalNumber>
13457       <voip>
13458         <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
13459         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13460         <exampleNumber>7012345678</exampleNumber>
13461       </voip>
13462       <uan>
13463         <!-- Prefix 18 added from numbers found online. -->
13464         <nationalNumberPattern>
13465           1(?:
13466             5(?:
13467               44|
13468               66|
13469               77|
13470               88|
13471               99
13472             )|
13473             6(?:
13474               00|
13475               44|
13476               6[16]|
13477               70|
13478               88
13479             )|
13480             8(?:
13481               00|
13482               55|
13483               77|
13484               99
13485             )
13486           )\d{4}
13487         </nationalNumberPattern>
13488         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
13489         <exampleNumber>15441234</exampleNumber>
13490       </uan>
13491     </territory>
13493     <!-- Kuwait -->
13494     <territory id="KW" countryCode="965" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
13495       <references>
13496         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000073/en</sourceUrl>
13497       </references>
13498       <availableFormats>
13499         <!-- Format is from ITU. -->
13500         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3,4})">
13501           <leadingDigits>[1269]</leadingDigits>
13502           <format>$1 $2</format>
13503         </numberFormat>
13504         <numberFormat pattern="(5[015]\d)(\d{5})">
13505           <leadingDigits>5</leadingDigits>
13506           <format>$1 $2</format>
13507         </numberFormat>
13508       </availableFormats>
13509       <generalDesc>
13510         <nationalNumberPattern>[12569]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
13511         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
13512       </generalDesc>
13513       <fixedLine>
13514         <nationalNumberPattern>
13515           (?:
13516             18\d|
13517             2(?:
13518               [23]\d{2}|
13519               4(?:
13520                 [1-35-9]\d|
13521                 44
13522               )|
13523               5(?:
13524                 0[034]|
13525                 [2-46]\d|
13526                 5[1-3]|
13527                 7[1-7]
13528               )
13529             )
13530           )\d{4}
13531         </nationalNumberPattern>
13532         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
13533         <exampleNumber>22345678</exampleNumber>
13534       </fixedLine>
13535       <mobile>
13536         <nationalNumberPattern>
13537           (?:
13538             5(?:
13539               [05]\d|
13540               1[0-6]
13541             )|
13542             6(?:
13543               0[034679]|
13544               5[015-9]|
13545               6\d|
13546               7[067]|
13547               9[0369]
13548             )|
13549             9(?:
13550               0[09]|
13551               4[049]|
13552               55|
13553               6[069]|
13554               [79]\d|
13555               8[089]
13556             )
13557           )\d{5}
13558         </nationalNumberPattern>
13559         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
13560         <exampleNumber>50012345</exampleNumber>
13561       </mobile>
13562       <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
13563     </territory>
13565     <!-- Cayman Islands -->
13566     <territory id="KY" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="345" nationalPrefix="1"
13567                internationalPrefix="011">
13568       <references>
13569         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000027/en</sourceUrl>
13570       </references>
13571       <generalDesc>
13572         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
13573         <nationalNumberPattern>[3589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
13574         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
13575       </generalDesc>
13576       <!-- The 800 NXX code is listed as being "national only", but we successfully reached numbers
13577            from Switzerland with this prefix so do not list it as noInternationalDialling. -->
13578       <fixedLine>
13579         <!-- The Westtel numbers in the plan seem now to be live and assigned to fixed-line phones,
13580              as per numbers found online and their website http://www.logic.ky. -->
13581         <nationalNumberPattern>
13582           345(?:
13583             2(?:
13584               22|
13585               44
13586             )|
13587             444|
13588             6(?:
13589               23|
13590               38|
13591               40
13592             )|
13593             7(?:
13594               4[35-79]|
13595               6[6-9]|
13596               77
13597             )|
13598             8(?:
13599               00|
13600               1[45]|
13601               25|
13602               [48]8
13603             )|
13604             9(?:
13605               14|
13606               4[035-9]
13607             )
13608           )\d{4}
13609         </nationalNumberPattern>
13610         <exampleNumber>3452221234</exampleNumber>
13611       </fixedLine>
13612       <mobile>
13613         <!-- Adding central office codes 321, 322, 328, 576, 923 & 936 from numbers found online.
13614              Most central office codes that were surrendered have not been included, with the
13615              exception of 546 where numbers have been found. -->
13616         <nationalNumberPattern>
13617           345(?:
13618             32[1-9]|
13619             5(?:
13620               1[67]|
13621               2[5-7]|
13622               4[6-8]|
13623               76
13624             )|
13625             9(?:
13626               1[67]|
13627               2[3-9]|
13628               3[689]
13629             )
13630           )\d{4}
13631         </nationalNumberPattern>
13632         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13633         <exampleNumber>3453231234</exampleNumber>
13634       </mobile>
13635       <pager>
13636         <nationalNumberPattern>345849\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
13637         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13638         <exampleNumber>3458491234</exampleNumber>
13639       </pager>
13640       <tollFree>
13641         <nationalNumberPattern>
13642           8(?:
13643             00|
13644             44|
13645             55|
13646             66|
13647             77|
13648             88
13649           )[2-9]\d{6}
13650         </nationalNumberPattern>
13651         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13652         <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
13653       </tollFree>
13654       <premiumRate>
13655         <nationalNumberPattern>
13656           900[2-9]\d{6}|
13657           345976\d{4}
13658         </nationalNumberPattern>
13659         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13660         <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
13661       </premiumRate>
13662       <personalNumber>
13663         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
13664         <nationalNumberPattern>
13665           5(?:
13666             00|
13667             33|
13668             44|
13669             66|
13670             77
13671           )[2-9]\d{6}
13672         </nationalNumberPattern>
13673         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13674         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
13675       </personalNumber>
13676     </territory>
13678     <!-- Kazakhstan -->
13679     <territory id="KZ" countryCode="7" preferredInternationalPrefix="8~10"
13680                internationalPrefix="810" nationalPrefix="8">
13681       <references>
13682         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200006F/en</sourceUrl>
13683       </references>
13684        <!-- Formatting rules obtained from Russia. -->
13685       <generalDesc>
13686         <!-- We make this as specific as possible to overlap as little as possible with Russia, so
13687              determining the country is faster. -->
13688         <nationalNumberPattern>
13689           (?:
13690             33\d|
13691             7\d{2}|
13692             80[09]
13693           )\d{7}
13694         </nationalNumberPattern>
13695         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13696       </generalDesc>
13697       <noInternationalDialling>
13698         <nationalNumberPattern>751\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
13699         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13700         <exampleNumber>7511234567</exampleNumber>
13701       </noInternationalDialling>
13702       <fixedLine>
13703         <!-- VSAT numbers are also included here. We also include the area code for Baikonur (336
13704              22), which is within Kazakhstan but in fact rented and administered by Russia at the
13705              moment. -->
13706         <nationalNumberPattern>
13707           33622\d{5}|
13708           7(?:
13709             1(?:
13710               0(?:
13711                 [23]\d|
13712                 4[023]|
13713                 59|
13714                 63
13715               )|
13716               1(?:
13717                 [23]\d|
13718                 4[0-79]|
13719                 59
13720               )|
13721               2(?:
13722                 [23]\d|
13723                 59
13724               )|
13725               3(?:
13726                 2\d|
13727                 3[1-79]|
13728                 4[0-35-9]|
13729                 59
13730               )|
13731               4(?:
13732                 2\d|
13733                 3[013-79]|
13734                 4[0-8]|
13735                 5[1-79]
13736               )|
13737               5(?:
13738                 2\d|
13739                 3[1-8]|
13740                 4[1-7]|
13741                 59
13742               )|
13743               6(?:
13744                 [234]\d|
13745                 5[19]|
13746                 61
13747               )|
13748               72\d|
13749               8(?:
13750                 [27]\d|
13751                 3[1-46-9]|
13752                 4[0-5]
13753               )
13754             )|
13755             2(?:
13756               1(?:
13757                 [23]\d|
13758                 4[46-9]|
13759                 5[3469]
13760               )|
13761               2(?:
13762                 2\d|
13763                 3[0679]|
13764                 46|
13765                 5[12679]
13766               )|
13767               3(?:
13768                 [234]\d|
13769                 5[139]
13770               )|
13771               4(?:
13772                 2\d|
13773                 3[1235-9]|
13774                 59
13775               )|
13776               5(?:
13777                 [23]\d|
13778                 4[01246-8]|
13779                 59|
13780                 61
13781               )|
13782               6(?:
13783                 2\d|
13784                 3[1-9]|
13785                 4[0-4]|
13786                 59
13787               )|
13788               7(?:
13789                 [237]\d|
13790                 40|
13791                 5[279]
13792               )|
13793               8(?:
13794                 [23]\d|
13795                 4[0-3]|
13796                 59
13797               )|
13798               9(?:
13799                 2\d|
13800                 3[124578]|
13801                 59
13802               )
13803             )
13804           )\d{5}
13805         </nationalNumberPattern>
13806         <exampleNumber>7123456789</exampleNumber>
13807       </fixedLine>
13808       <mobile>
13809         <!-- Added 708 for Altel, 776 for Beeline, 747 for Tele2. -->
13810         <nationalNumberPattern>
13811           7(?:
13812             0[012578]|
13813             47|
13814             6[02-4]|
13815             7[15-8]|
13816             85
13817           )\d{7}
13818         </nationalNumberPattern>
13819         <exampleNumber>7710009998</exampleNumber>
13820       </mobile>
13821       <tollFree>
13822         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
13823         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
13824       </tollFree>
13825       <premiumRate>
13826         <nationalNumberPattern>809\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
13827         <exampleNumber>8091234567</exampleNumber>
13828       </premiumRate>
13829       <voip>
13830         <nationalNumberPattern>751\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
13831         <exampleNumber>7511234567</exampleNumber>
13832       </voip>
13833     </territory>
13835     <!-- Lao People's Dem. Rep. -->
13836     <territory id="LA" countryCode="856" internationalPrefix="00"
13837                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
13838       <references>
13839         <!-- Seems incomplete -->
13840         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000075/en</sourceUrl>
13841         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/+856</sourceUrl>
13842       </references>
13843       <availableFormats>
13844         <numberFormat pattern="(20)(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
13845           <leadingDigits>20</leadingDigits>
13846           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
13847         </numberFormat>
13848         <numberFormat pattern="([2-8]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
13849           <leadingDigits>
13850             2[13]|
13851             3[14]|
13852             [4-8]
13853           </leadingDigits>
13854           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
13855         </numberFormat>
13856         <numberFormat pattern="(30)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
13857           <leadingDigits>30</leadingDigits>
13858           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
13859         </numberFormat>
13860       </availableFormats>
13861       <generalDesc>
13862         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-8]\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
13863         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13864       </generalDesc>
13865       <fixedLine>
13866         <!-- The Lonely Planet says that newer WIN phones (fixed phones without a physical landline)
13867              start with 030 (and are longer). There are plenty of examples online. -->
13868         <nationalNumberPattern>
13869           (?:
13870             2[13]|
13871             3(?:
13872               0\d|
13873               [14]
13874             )|
13875             [5-7][14]|
13876             41|
13877             8[1468]
13878           )\d{6}
13879         </nationalNumberPattern>
13880         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
13881         <exampleNumber>21212862</exampleNumber>
13882       </fixedLine>
13883       <mobile>
13884         <!-- Adding 202[89], 205[89], 207[68] and 209[15-7] from numbers found online. -->
13885         <nationalNumberPattern>
13886           20(?:
13887             2[2389]|
13888             5[4-689]|
13889             7[6-8]|
13890             9[15-9]
13891           )\d{6}
13892         </nationalNumberPattern>
13893         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
13894         <exampleNumber>2023123456</exampleNumber>
13895       </mobile>
13896       <!-- No information on other types of phone numbers for Lao P.D.R. has been found. -->
13897     </territory>
13899     <!-- Lebanon -->
13900     <territory id="LB" countryCode="961" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0">
13901       <references>
13902         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000077/en</sourceUrl>
13903         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B961</sourceUrl>
13904       </references>
13905       <availableFormats>
13906         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
13907           <leadingDigits>
13908             [13-6]|
13909             7(?:
13910               [2-579]|
13911               62|
13912               8[0-7]
13913             )|
13914             [89][2-9]
13915             </leadingDigits>
13916           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
13917         </numberFormat>
13918         <numberFormat pattern="([7-9]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
13919           <leadingDigits>
13920             [89][01]|
13921             7(?:
13922               [019]|
13923               6[013-9]|
13924               8[89]
13925             )
13926           </leadingDigits>
13927           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
13928         </numberFormat>
13929       </availableFormats>
13930       <generalDesc>
13931         <nationalNumberPattern>[13-9]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
13932         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
13933       </generalDesc>
13934       <fixedLine>
13935         <!-- The ITU document from October 2012 seems to have accidentally dropped the 79 prefix for
13936              fixed-line numbers, which had been in the version from July 2012. We consider these
13937              valid since we successfully dialed such a number in July 2014. -->
13938         <nationalNumberPattern>
13939           (?:
13940             [14-6]\d{2}|
13941             7(?:
13942               [2-579]\d|
13943               62|
13944               8[0-7]
13945             )|
13946             [89][2-9]\d
13947           )\d{4}
13948         </nationalNumberPattern>
13949         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
13950         <exampleNumber>1123456</exampleNumber>
13951       </fixedLine>
13952       <mobile>
13953         <!-- We only validate the first three digits here, since the ranges are growing rapidly.
13954              The 79[02-9] prefixes were added from bug reports and numbers found online. -->
13955         <nationalNumberPattern>
13956           (?:
13957             3\d|
13958             7(?:
13959               [019]\d|
13960               6[013-9]|
13961               8[89]
13962             )
13963           )\d{5}
13964         </nationalNumberPattern>
13965         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
13966         <exampleNumber>71123456</exampleNumber>
13967       </mobile>
13968       <premiumRate>
13969         <nationalNumberPattern>9[01]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
13970         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
13971         <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
13972       </premiumRate>
13973       <sharedCost>
13974         <nationalNumberPattern>8[01]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
13975         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
13976         <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
13977       </sharedCost>
13978     </territory>
13980     <!-- Saint Lucia -->
13981     <territory id="LC" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="758" nationalPrefix="1"
13982                internationalPrefix="011">
13983       <references>
13984         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000B1/en</sourceUrl>
13985       </references>
13986       <generalDesc>
13987         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
13988         <nationalNumberPattern>[5789]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
13989         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
13990       </generalDesc>
13991       <fixedLine>
13992         <!-- Adding 430 since numbers have been found with these prefixes online. -->
13993         <nationalNumberPattern>
13994           758(?:
13995             4(?:
13996               30|
13997               5[0-9]|
13998               6[2-9]|
13999               8[0-2]
14000             )|
14001             57[0-2]|
14002             638
14003           )\d{4}
14004         </nationalNumberPattern>
14005         <exampleNumber>7584305678</exampleNumber>
14006       </fixedLine>
14007       <mobile>
14008         <nationalNumberPattern>
14009           758(?:
14010             28[4-7]|
14011             384|
14012             4(?:
14013               6[01]|
14014               8[4-9]
14015             )|
14016             5(?:
14017               1[89]|
14018               20|
14019               84
14020             )|
14021             7(?:
14022               1[2-9]|
14023               2[0-8]
14024             )
14025           )\d{4}
14026         </nationalNumberPattern>
14027         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
14028         <exampleNumber>7582845678</exampleNumber>
14029       </mobile>
14030       <tollFree>
14031         <nationalNumberPattern>
14032           8(?:
14033             00|
14034             44|
14035             55|
14036             66|
14037             77|
14038             88
14039           )[2-9]\d{6}
14040         </nationalNumberPattern>
14041         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
14042         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
14043       </tollFree>
14044       <premiumRate>
14045         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
14046         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
14047         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
14048       </premiumRate>
14049       <personalNumber>
14050         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
14051         <nationalNumberPattern>
14052           5(?:
14053             00|
14054             33|
14055             44|
14056             66|
14057             77
14058           )[2-9]\d{6}
14059         </nationalNumberPattern>
14060         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
14061         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
14062       </personalNumber>
14063     </territory>
14065     <!-- Liechtenstein -->
14066     <!-- The national prefix of "0" is only used for 0800 and 0900 numbers. -->
14067     <territory id="LI" countryCode="423" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0">
14068       <references>
14069         <sourceUrl>http://www.llv.li/amtsstellen/llv-ak-nummerierung.htm</sourceUrl>
14070       </references>
14071       <availableFormats>
14072         <!-- Some different patterns for tollfree and shared cost numbers may be found by searching
14073              for "Mehrwertnummer" at http://www.telecom.li. -->
14074         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
14075           <leadingDigits>
14076             [23]|
14077             7[3-57-9]|
14078             87
14079           </leadingDigits>
14080           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14081         </numberFormat>
14082         <numberFormat pattern="(6\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
14083           <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
14084           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14085         </numberFormat>
14086         <numberFormat pattern="(6[567]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
14087           <leadingDigits>6[567]</leadingDigits>
14088           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14089         </numberFormat>
14090         <numberFormat pattern="(69)(7\d{2})(\d{4})">
14091           <leadingDigits>697</leadingDigits>
14092           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14093         </numberFormat>
14094         <numberFormat pattern="([7-9]0\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})">
14095           <leadingDigits>[7-9]0</leadingDigits>
14096           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14097         </numberFormat>
14098         <!-- Numbers of the form [89]00\d{6} are Swiss numbers callable from Liechtenstein. -->
14099         <numberFormat pattern="([89]0\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})"
14100           nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
14101           <leadingDigits>[89]0</leadingDigits>
14102           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
14103         </numberFormat>
14104       </availableFormats>
14105       <generalDesc>
14106         <nationalNumberPattern>
14107           6\d{8}|
14108           [23789]\d{6}
14109         </nationalNumberPattern>
14110         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
14111       </generalDesc>
14112       <fixedLine>
14113         <nationalNumberPattern>
14114           (?:
14115             2(?:
14116               01|
14117               1[27]|
14118               3\d|
14119               6[02-578]|
14120               96
14121             )|
14122             3(?:
14123               7[0135-7]|
14124               8[048]|
14125               9[0269]
14126             )
14127           )\d{4}
14128         </nationalNumberPattern>
14129         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
14130         <exampleNumber>2345678</exampleNumber>
14131       </fixedLine>
14132       <mobile>
14133         <nationalNumberPattern>
14134           6(?:
14135             51[01]|
14136             6(?:
14137               [01][0-4]|
14138               2[016-9]|
14139               88
14140             )|
14141             710
14142           )\d{5}|
14143           7(?:
14144             36|
14145             4[25]|
14146             56|
14147             [7-9]\d
14148           )\d{4}
14149         </nationalNumberPattern>
14150         <exampleNumber>661234567</exampleNumber>
14151       </mobile>
14152       <!-- The prefix 809 seems to be used for AT&T and Verizon access lines from Liechtenstein,
14153            even though it doesn't appear in the plan. -->
14154       <tollFree>
14155         <nationalNumberPattern>
14156           80(?:
14157             0(?:
14158               2[238]|
14159               79
14160             )|
14161             9\d{2}
14162           )\d{2}
14163         </nationalNumberPattern>
14164         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
14165         <exampleNumber>8002222</exampleNumber>
14166       </tollFree>
14167       <premiumRate>
14168         <nationalNumberPattern>
14169           90(?:
14170             0(?:
14171               2[278]|
14172               79
14173             )|
14174             1(?:
14175               23|
14176               3[012]
14177             )|
14178             6(?:
14179               4\d|
14180               6[0126]
14181             )
14182           )\d{2}
14183         </nationalNumberPattern>
14184         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
14185         <exampleNumber>9002222</exampleNumber>
14186       </premiumRate>
14187       <uan>
14188         <nationalNumberPattern>
14189           87(?:
14190             0[128]|
14191             7[0-4]
14192           )\d{3}
14193         </nationalNumberPattern>
14194         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
14195         <exampleNumber>8770123</exampleNumber>
14196       </uan>
14197       <voicemail>
14198         <nationalNumberPattern>
14199           697(?:
14200             [35]6|
14201             4[25]|
14202             [7-9]\d
14203           )\d{4}
14204         </nationalNumberPattern>
14205         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
14206         <exampleNumber>697361234</exampleNumber>
14207       </voicemail>
14208       <personalNumber>
14209         <nationalNumberPattern>701\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
14210         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
14211         <exampleNumber>7011234</exampleNumber>
14212       </personalNumber>
14213     </territory>
14215     <!-- Sri Lanka -->
14216     <territory id="LK" countryCode="94" internationalPrefix="00"
14217                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
14218       <references>
14219         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B94</sourceUrl>
14220         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000C3/en</sourceUrl>
14221       </references>
14222       <availableFormats>
14223         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{1})(\d{6})">
14224           <leadingDigits>[1-689]</leadingDigits>
14225           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14226         </numberFormat>
14227         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
14228           <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
14229           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14230         </numberFormat>
14231       </availableFormats>
14232       <generalDesc>
14233         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
14234         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
14235       </generalDesc>
14236       <fixedLine>
14237         <nationalNumberPattern>
14238           (?:
14239             [189]1|
14240             2[13-7]|
14241             3[1-8]|
14242             4[157]|
14243             5[12457]|
14244             6[35-7]
14245           )[2-57]\d{6}
14246         </nationalNumberPattern>
14247         <exampleNumber>112345678</exampleNumber>
14248       </fixedLine>
14249       <mobile>
14250         <!-- Adding the prefix 76 for Dialog, based on information from open-source users. -->
14251         <nationalNumberPattern>7[125-8]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
14252         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
14253         <exampleNumber>712345678</exampleNumber>
14254       </mobile>
14255     </territory>
14257     <!-- Liberia -->
14258     <territory id="LR" countryCode="231" internationalPrefix="00"
14259                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
14260       <references>
14261         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000079/en</sourceUrl>
14262       </references>
14263       <availableFormats>
14264         <!-- Formatting from Ministry of Agriculture,
14265         http://www.moa.gov.lr/content.php?sub=Email&?related=Contacts -->
14266         <numberFormat pattern="(2\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
14267           <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
14268           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14269         </numberFormat>
14270         <numberFormat pattern="([79]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
14271           <leadingDigits>[79]</leadingDigits>
14272           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14273         </numberFormat>
14274         <numberFormat pattern="([4-6])(\d{3})(\d{3})">
14275           <leadingDigits>[4-6]</leadingDigits>
14276           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14277         </numberFormat>
14278         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
14279           <leadingDigits>[38]</leadingDigits>
14280           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14281         </numberFormat>
14282       </availableFormats>
14283       <generalDesc>
14284         <nationalNumberPattern>
14285           2\d{7}|
14286           [37-9]\d{8}|
14287           [45]\d{6}
14288         </nationalNumberPattern>
14289         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
14290       </generalDesc>
14291       <fixedLine>
14292         <nationalNumberPattern>2\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
14293         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
14294         <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
14295       </fixedLine>
14296       <mobile>
14297         <!-- West Africa Telecom seems to be a mobile company from their website. Adding Atlantic
14298              Wireless from the document, even though from online news reports it is not clear they
14299              are still operating. -->
14300         <nationalNumberPattern>
14301           (?:
14302             330\d|
14303             4[67]|
14304             5\d|
14305             77\d{2}|
14306             88\d{2}|
14307             994\d
14308           )\d{5}
14309         </nationalNumberPattern>
14310         <exampleNumber>770123456</exampleNumber>
14311       </mobile>
14312       <premiumRate>
14313         <!-- Telelinks and Interactive media service are listed under premium rate. -->
14314         <nationalNumberPattern>90[03]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
14315         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
14316         <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
14317       </premiumRate>
14318       <voip>
14319         <!-- The plan lists the following range as being assigned to TEMAS. On their homepage they
14320              say they are involved in the VoIP sector. Adding WASSCOM and Atlantic Realty &
14321              Investment Corporation here as well; no numbers can be found online, nor company
14322              information. -->
14323         <nationalNumberPattern>
14324           332(?:
14325             0[02]|
14326             5\d
14327           )\d{4}
14328         </nationalNumberPattern>
14329         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
14330         <exampleNumber>332001234</exampleNumber>
14331       </voip>
14332     </territory>
14334     <!-- Lesotho -->
14335     <territory id="LS" countryCode="266" internationalPrefix="00">
14336       <references>
14337         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000078/en</sourceUrl>
14338       </references>
14339       <availableFormats>
14340         <!-- Formatting following yellow pages: http://www.yellowpages.co.ls -->
14341         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
14342           <format>$1 $2</format>
14343         </numberFormat>
14344       </availableFormats>
14345       <generalDesc>
14346         <nationalNumberPattern>[2568]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
14347         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
14348       </generalDesc>
14349       <fixedLine>
14350         <nationalNumberPattern>2\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
14351         <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
14352       </fixedLine>
14353       <mobile>
14354         <nationalNumberPattern>[56]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
14355         <exampleNumber>50123456</exampleNumber>
14356       </mobile>
14357       <tollFree>
14358         <nationalNumberPattern>800[256]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
14359         <exampleNumber>80021234</exampleNumber>
14360       </tollFree>
14361     </territory>
14363     <!-- Lithuania -->
14364     <!-- Note that Lithuania is switching to a national prefix of 0. We support
14365          both 0 and 8 when parsing until this switch is complete. -->
14366     <territory id="LT" countryCode="370" internationalPrefix="00"
14367                nationalPrefix="8" nationalPrefixForParsing="[08]"
14368                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP-$FG)"
14369                nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
14370       <references>
14371         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200007C/en</sourceUrl>
14372       </references>
14373       <!-- National Prefix formatting rule from http://www.yellowpages.lt -->
14374       <availableFormats>
14375         <!-- Two-digit area codes -->
14376         <numberFormat pattern="([34]\d)(\d{6})">
14377           <leadingDigits>
14378             37|
14379             4(?:
14380               1|
14381               5[45]|
14382               6[2-4]
14383             )
14384           </leadingDigits>
14385           <format>$1 $2</format>
14386         </numberFormat>
14387         <!-- Three-digit area codes -->
14388         <numberFormat pattern="([3-6]\d{2})(\d{5})">
14389           <leadingDigits>
14390             3[148]|
14391             4(?:
14392               [24]|
14393               6[09]
14394             )|
14395             528|
14396             6
14397           </leadingDigits>
14398           <format>$1 $2</format>
14399         </numberFormat>
14400         <numberFormat pattern="([7-9]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})"
14401           nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG">
14402           <leadingDigits>[7-9]</leadingDigits>
14403           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14404         </numberFormat>
14405         <numberFormat pattern="(5)(2\d{2})(\d{4})">
14406           <leadingDigits>52[0-79]</leadingDigits>
14407           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14408         </numberFormat>
14409       </availableFormats>
14410       <generalDesc>
14411         <nationalNumberPattern>[3-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
14412         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
14413       </generalDesc>
14414       <fixedLine>
14415         <nationalNumberPattern>
14416           (?:
14417             3[1478]|
14418             4[124-6]|
14419             52
14420           )\d{6}
14421         </nationalNumberPattern>
14422         <exampleNumber>31234567</exampleNumber>
14423       </fixedLine>
14424       <mobile>
14425         <nationalNumberPattern>6\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
14426         <exampleNumber>61234567</exampleNumber>
14427       </mobile>
14428       <tollFree>
14429         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
14430         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
14431       </tollFree>
14432       <premiumRate>
14433         <nationalNumberPattern>
14434           9(?:
14435             0[0239]|
14436             10
14437           )\d{5}
14438         </nationalNumberPattern>
14439         <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
14440       </premiumRate>
14441       <personalNumber>
14442         <nationalNumberPattern>700\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
14443         <exampleNumber>70012345</exampleNumber>
14444       </personalNumber>
14445       <sharedCost>
14446         <nationalNumberPattern>808\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
14447         <exampleNumber>80812345</exampleNumber>
14448       </sharedCost>
14449       <uan>
14450         <!-- Including government service numbers here too. -->
14451         <nationalNumberPattern>70[67]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
14452         <exampleNumber>70712345</exampleNumber>
14453       </uan>
14454     </territory>
14456     <!-- Luxembourg -->
14457     <territory id="LU" countryCode="352" internationalPrefix="00"
14458                nationalPrefixForParsing="(15(?:0[06]|1[12]|35|4[04]|55|6[26]|77|88|99)\d)"
14459                carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
14460       <references>
14461         <sourceUrl>http://www.ilr.public.lu/communications_electroniques/numerotation/index.html</sourceUrl>
14462       </references>
14463       <availableFormats>
14464         <!-- Patterns overlap because of variable number length. -->
14465         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})">
14466           <leadingDigits>
14467             [2-5]|
14468             7[1-9]|
14469             [89](?:
14470               [1-9]|
14471               0[2-9]
14472             )
14473           </leadingDigits>
14474           <format>$1 $2</format>
14475         </numberFormat>
14476         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
14477           <leadingDigits>
14478             [2-5]|
14479             7[1-9]|
14480             [89](?:
14481               [1-9]|
14482               0[2-9]
14483             )
14484           </leadingDigits>
14485           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14486         </numberFormat>
14487         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
14488           <leadingDigits>20</leadingDigits>
14489           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14490         </numberFormat>
14491         <!-- The pattern for 7-digit numbers starting with 20 here will never be reached - but since
14492              we want this pattern to apply for 8-digit numbers with a 20 prefix, we include 20 in
14493              the leading digits. This is also done for 9-10 digit numbers starting with 20 below.
14494              -->
14495         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{1,2})">
14496           <leadingDigits>
14497             2(?:
14498               [0367]|
14499               4[3-8]
14500             )
14501           </leadingDigits>
14502           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
14503         </numberFormat>
14504         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
14505           <leadingDigits>20</leadingDigits>
14506           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
14507         </numberFormat>
14508         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{1,2})">
14509           <leadingDigits>
14510             2(?:
14511               [0367]|
14512               4[3-8]
14513             )
14514           </leadingDigits>
14515           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4 $5</format>
14516         </numberFormat>
14517         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{1,4})">
14518           <leadingDigits>
14519             2(?:
14520               [12589]|
14521               4[12]
14522             )|
14523             [3-5]|
14524             7[1-9]|
14525             [89](?:
14526               [1-9]|
14527               0[2-9]
14528             )
14529           </leadingDigits>
14530           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
14531         </numberFormat>
14532         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
14533           <leadingDigits>
14534             [89]0[01]|
14535             70
14536           </leadingDigits>
14537           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14538         </numberFormat>
14539         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
14540           <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
14541           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14542         </numberFormat>
14543       </availableFormats>
14544       <generalDesc>
14545         <!-- The country-code is an impossible number prefix, so has been excluded here. This is
14546              necessary since the numbers have a variable number length. -->
14547         <nationalNumberPattern>
14548           [24-9]\d{3,10}|
14549           3(?:
14550             [0-46-9]\d{2,9}|
14551             5[013-9]\d{1,8}
14552           )
14553         </nationalNumberPattern>
14554         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
14555       </generalDesc>
14556       <fixedLine>
14557         <!-- Even though 20 is listed in the fixed-line plan, other documentation clarify that it is
14558              for VOIP. Furthermore, even though the plan says that numbers beginning with 2[346-8]
14559              must be exactly 8 digits, from information found online it seems that they can actually
14560              be 6 (but not 7) digits long. -->
14561         <nationalNumberPattern>
14562           (?:
14563             2(?:
14564               [259]\d{2,9}|
14565               [346-8]\d{4}(?:\d{2})?
14566             )|
14567             (?:
14568               [3457]\d{2}|
14569               8(?:
14570                 0[2-9]|
14571                 [13-9]\d
14572               )|
14573               9(?:
14574                 0[89]|
14575                 [2-579]\d
14576               )
14577             )\d{1,8}
14578           )
14579         </nationalNumberPattern>
14580         <exampleNumber>27123456</exampleNumber>
14581       </fixedLine>
14582       <mobile>
14583         <nationalNumberPattern>6[2679][18]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
14584         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
14585         <exampleNumber>628123456</exampleNumber>
14586       </mobile>
14587       <tollFree>
14588         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
14589         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
14590         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
14591       </tollFree>
14592       <premiumRate>
14593         <nationalNumberPattern>90[01]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
14594         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
14595         <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
14596       </premiumRate>
14597       <sharedCost>
14598         <nationalNumberPattern>801\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
14599         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
14600         <exampleNumber>80112345</exampleNumber>
14601       </sharedCost>
14602       <personalNumber>
14603         <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
14604         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
14605         <exampleNumber>70123456</exampleNumber>
14606       </personalNumber>
14607       <voip>
14608         <!-- The document says the normal length will be 8 digits, but many numbers found online
14609              deviate from that. The prefixes from the following document have been added:
14610              http://www.ilr.public.lu/communications_electroniques/numerotation/plan_nat_num/numeros_geographiques_geo.pdf
14611              201 has also been added since a diallable number was found online, and it says in
14612              http://www.ilr.public.lu/communications_electroniques/decisions/2004/0479.pdf that no
14613              numbers will be issued that begin with 200, numbers beginning with 201 will be issued
14614              one at a time, and 202-209 in blocks. -->
14615         <nationalNumberPattern>
14616           20(?:
14617             1\d{5}|
14618             [2-689]\d{1,7}
14619           )
14620         </nationalNumberPattern>
14621         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
14622         <exampleNumber>20201234</exampleNumber>
14623       </voip>
14624     </territory>
14626     <!-- Latvia -->
14627     <territory id="LV" countryCode="371" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
14628       <references>
14629         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000076/en</sourceUrl>
14630         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/+371</sourceUrl>
14631       </references>
14632       <availableFormats>
14633         <numberFormat pattern="([2689]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
14634           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14635         </numberFormat>
14636       </availableFormats>
14637       <generalDesc>
14638         <nationalNumberPattern>[2689]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
14639         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
14640       </generalDesc>
14641       <fixedLine>
14642         <nationalNumberPattern>6[3-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
14643         <exampleNumber>63123456</exampleNumber>
14644       </fixedLine>
14645       <mobile>
14646         <nationalNumberPattern>2\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
14647         <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
14648       </mobile>
14649       <tollFree>
14650         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
14651         <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
14652       </tollFree>
14653       <premiumRate>
14654         <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
14655         <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
14656       </premiumRate>
14657       <sharedCost>
14658         <nationalNumberPattern>81\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
14659         <exampleNumber>81123456</exampleNumber>
14660       </sharedCost>
14661     </territory>
14663     <!-- Libya (Soc. People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) -->
14664     <!-- Status as of 21 Jan 2011: a lot of outdated information on the web including on wikipedia
14665          and itu.int. The new area codes are on the Arabic website of the main telecommunication
14666          operator (Hatef Libya). A new mobile operator Aljeel Aljadeed for Technology will start
14667          using 096 (they are allowing customers to register numbers currently), so their code has
14668          also been added. -->
14669     <territory id="LY" countryCode="218" internationalPrefix="00"
14670                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
14671       <references>
14672         <sourceUrl>http://hlc.ly/price.php</sourceUrl>
14673       </references>
14674       <availableFormats>
14675         <numberFormat pattern="([25679]\d)(\d{7})">
14676           <format>$1-$2</format>
14677         </numberFormat>
14678       </availableFormats>
14679       <generalDesc>
14680         <nationalNumberPattern>[25679]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
14681         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
14682       </generalDesc>
14683       <fixedLine>
14684         <nationalNumberPattern>
14685           (?:
14686             2[1345]|
14687             5[1347]|
14688             6[123479]|
14689             71
14690           )\d{7}
14691         </nationalNumberPattern>
14692         <exampleNumber>212345678</exampleNumber>
14693       </fixedLine>
14694       <mobile>
14695         <!-- The prefix 094 has been added on the strength of numbers found online, and numbers
14696              where SMS messages have been apparently successfully received. -->
14697         <nationalNumberPattern>9[1-6]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
14698         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
14699         <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
14700       </mobile>
14701     </territory>
14703     <!-- Morocco -->
14704     <!-- Shares formatting and some metadata with Western Sahara. -->
14705     <territory id="MA" countryCode="212" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
14706                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" mainCountryForCode="true"
14707                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
14708       <references>
14709         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000090/en</sourceUrl>
14710         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/+212</sourceUrl>
14711       </references>
14712       <availableFormats>
14713         <numberFormat pattern="([56]\d{2})(\d{6})">
14714           <leadingDigits>
14715             5(?:
14716               2[015-7]|
14717               3[0-4]
14718             )|
14719             6
14720           </leadingDigits>
14721           <format>$1-$2</format>
14722         </numberFormat>
14723         <numberFormat pattern="([58]\d{3})(\d{5})">
14724           <leadingDigits>
14725             5(?:
14726               2[2-489]|
14727               3[5-9]
14728             )|
14729             892
14730           </leadingDigits>
14731           <leadingDigits>
14732             5(?:
14733               2(?:
14734                 [2-48]|
14735                 90
14736               )|
14737               3(?:
14738                 [5-79]|
14739                 80
14740               )
14741             )|
14742             892
14743           </leadingDigits>
14744           <format>$1-$2</format>
14745         </numberFormat>
14746         <numberFormat pattern="(5\d{4})(\d{4})">
14747           <leadingDigits>
14748             5(?:
14749               29|
14750               38
14751             )
14752           </leadingDigits>
14753           <leadingDigits>
14754             5(?:
14755               29|
14756               38
14757             )[89]
14758           </leadingDigits>
14759           <format>$1-$2</format>
14760         </numberFormat>
14761         <numberFormat pattern="(8[09])(\d{7})">
14762           <leadingDigits>
14763             8(?:
14764               0|
14765               9[013-9]
14766             )
14767           </leadingDigits>
14768           <format>$1-$2</format>
14769         </numberFormat>
14770       </availableFormats>
14771       <generalDesc>
14772         <nationalNumberPattern>[5689]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
14773         <!-- Closed numbering plan. -->
14774         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
14775       </generalDesc>
14776       <fixedLine>
14777         <nationalNumberPattern>
14778           5(?:
14779             2(?:
14780               (?:
14781                 [015-7]\d|
14782                 2[2-9]|
14783                 3[2-57]|
14784                 4[2-8]|
14785                 8[235-7]
14786               )\d|
14787               9(?:
14788                 0\d|
14789                 [89]0
14790               )
14791             )|
14792             3(?:
14793               (?:
14794                 [0-4]\d|
14795                 [57][2-9]|
14796                 6[235-8]|
14797                 9[3-9]
14798               )\d|
14799               8(?:
14800                 0\d|
14801                 [89]0
14802               )
14803             )
14804           )\d{4}
14805         </nationalNumberPattern>
14806         <exampleNumber>520123456</exampleNumber>
14807       </fixedLine>
14808       <!-- Also duplicated in Western Sahara, please ensure you update both. -->
14809       <mobile>
14810         <!-- http://www.anrt.ma/sites/default/files/Blocs_de_numeros_par_operateur.pdf
14811              Prefixes 69[0136] added based on numbers found online. -->
14812         <nationalNumberPattern>
14813           6(?:
14814             0[0-8]|
14815             [12-79]\d|
14816             8[01]
14817           )\d{6}
14818         </nationalNumberPattern>
14819         <exampleNumber>650123456</exampleNumber>
14820       </mobile>
14821       <tollFree>
14822         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
14823         <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
14824       </tollFree>
14825       <premiumRate>
14826         <nationalNumberPattern>89\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
14827         <exampleNumber>891234567</exampleNumber>
14828       </premiumRate>
14829     </territory>
14831     <!-- Monaco -->
14832     <!-- We support Kosovo mobile numbers (044, 045) with a Monaco country-code here, as we do not
14833          support Kosovo at the moment. Kosovo seems to use a variety of country codes currently. It
14834          also seems that the national prefix is only used for mobile numbers, not fixed-line. -->
14835     <territory id="MC" countryCode="377" internationalPrefix="00"
14836                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
14837       <references>
14838         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200008D/en</sourceUrl>
14839       </references>
14840       <availableFormats>
14841         <!-- Following formatting found online rather than in the ITU document example. -->
14842         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
14843           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
14844           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
14845         </numberFormat>
14846         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
14847           <leadingDigits>4</leadingDigits>
14848           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14849         </numberFormat>
14850         <numberFormat pattern="(6)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
14851           <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
14852           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4 $5</format>
14853         </numberFormat>
14854         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{2})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
14855           <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
14856           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14857         </numberFormat>
14858       </availableFormats>
14859       <generalDesc>
14860         <nationalNumberPattern>[4689]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
14861         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
14862       </generalDesc>
14863       <noInternationalDialling>
14864         <nationalNumberPattern>8\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
14865         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
14866       </noInternationalDialling>
14867       <fixedLine>
14868         <!-- Restricted to this as no numbers with the prefix of 91, 95 or 96 have been found. -->
14869         <nationalNumberPattern>
14870           870\d{5}|
14871           9[2-47-9]\d{6}
14872         </nationalNumberPattern>
14873         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
14874         <exampleNumber>99123456</exampleNumber>
14875       </fixedLine>
14876       <mobile>
14877         <!-- 4X mobile numbers are actually used by Kosovo. -->
14878         <nationalNumberPattern>
14879           6\d{8}|
14880           4(?:
14881             4\d|
14882             5[2-9]
14883           )\d{5}
14884         </nationalNumberPattern>
14885         <exampleNumber>612345678</exampleNumber>
14886       </mobile>
14887       <tollFree>
14888         <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
14889         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
14890         <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
14891       </tollFree>
14892     </territory>
14894     <!-- Moldova, Rep. of -->
14895     <territory id="MD" countryCode="373" internationalPrefix="00"
14896                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
14897                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
14898       <references>
14899         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200008C/en</sourceUrl>
14900         <!-- Announcements -->
14901         <sourceUrl>http://anrceti.md/fileupload/58</sourceUrl>
14902         <!-- Mobile ranges -->
14903         <sourceUrl>http://en.anrceti.md/resurse_numerotare_tel_mobila</sourceUrl>
14904       </references>
14905       <availableFormats>
14906         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
14907           <leadingDigits>
14908             22|
14909             3
14910           </leadingDigits>
14911           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14912         </numberFormat>
14913         <numberFormat pattern="([25-7]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
14914           <leadingDigits>
14915             2[13-79]|
14916             [5-7]
14917           </leadingDigits>
14918           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
14919         </numberFormat>
14920         <numberFormat pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{5})">
14921           <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
14922           <format>$1 $2</format>
14923         </numberFormat>
14924       </availableFormats>
14925       <generalDesc>
14926         <nationalNumberPattern>[235-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
14927         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
14928       </generalDesc>
14929       <fixedLine>
14930         <nationalNumberPattern>
14931           (?:
14932             2(?:
14933               1[0569]|
14934               2\d|
14935               3[015-7]|
14936               4[1-46-9]|
14937               5[0-24689]|
14938               6[2-589]|
14939               7[1-37]|
14940               9[1347-9]
14941             )|
14942             5(?:
14943               33|
14944               5[257]
14945             )
14946           )\d{5}
14947         </nationalNumberPattern>
14948         <exampleNumber>22212345</exampleNumber>
14949       </fixedLine>
14950       <mobile>
14951         <!-- Includes prefixes for Interdnestrcom, http://www.idknet.com/. -->
14952         <nationalNumberPattern>
14953           (?:
14954             562\d|
14955             6(?:
14956               [089]\d{2}|
14957               1[01]\d|
14958               21\d|
14959               50\d|
14960               7(?:
14961                 [1-6]\d|
14962                 7[0-4]
14963               )
14964             )|
14965             7(?:
14966               6[07]|
14967               7[457-9]|
14968               [89]\d
14969             )\d
14970           )\d{4}
14971         </nationalNumberPattern>
14972         <exampleNumber>65012345</exampleNumber>
14973       </mobile>
14974       <tollFree>
14975         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
14976         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
14977       </tollFree>
14978       <premiumRate>
14979         <nationalNumberPattern>90[056]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
14980         <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
14981       </premiumRate>
14982       <!-- Information came from en.anrceti.md/node/81 -->
14983       <sharedCost>
14984         <nationalNumberPattern>808\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
14985         <exampleNumber>80812345</exampleNumber>
14986       </sharedCost>
14987       <uan>
14988         <!-- Includes numbers used for access to different transport directory services of general
14989              interest, since these are charged at the same rate as fixed-line numbers. -->
14990         <nationalNumberPattern>
14991           8(?:
14992             03|
14993             14
14994           )\d{5}
14995         </nationalNumberPattern>
14996         <exampleNumber>80312345</exampleNumber>
14997       </uan>
14998       <voip>
14999         <!-- Used for "nomadic numbers". -->
15000         <nationalNumberPattern>3[08]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
15001         <exampleNumber>30123456</exampleNumber>
15002       </voip>
15003     </territory>
15005     <!-- Montenegro -->
15006     <territory id="ME" countryCode="382" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
15007                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
15008       <references>
15009         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000DA/en</sourceUrl>
15010         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Montenegro</sourceUrl>
15011         <sourceUrl>http://www.ekip.me/numeracija/dodijeljena.php</sourceUrl>
15012       </references>
15013       <availableFormats>
15014          <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
15015           <leadingDigits>[2-57-9]|6[3789]</leadingDigits>
15016           <leadingDigits>
15017             [2-57-9]|
15018             6(?:
15019               [389]|
15020               7(?:
15021                 [0-8]|
15022                 9[3-9]
15023               )
15024             )
15025           </leadingDigits>
15026           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
15027         </numberFormat>
15028         <numberFormat pattern="(67)(9)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
15029           <leadingDigits>679</leadingDigits>
15030           <leadingDigits>679[0-2]</leadingDigits>
15031           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
15032         </numberFormat>
15033       </availableFormats>
15034       <generalDesc>
15035         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
15036         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
15037       </generalDesc>
15038       <fixedLine>
15039         <!-- Fixed line numbers have prefix 20,30,31,32,33,40,41,50,51,52 followed by 6 digits.
15040              The valid options for the third digit were from
15041              http://www.ekip.me/numeracija/dodijeljena.php -->
15042         <nationalNumberPattern>
15043           (?:
15044             20[2-8]|
15045             3(?:
15046               0[2-7]|
15047               1[35-7]|
15048               2[3567]|
15049               3[4-7]
15050             )|
15051             4(?:
15052               0[237]|
15053               1[27]
15054             )|
15055             5(?:
15056               0[47]|
15057               1[27]|
15058               2[378]
15059             )
15060           )\d{5}
15061         </nationalNumberPattern>
15062         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
15063         <exampleNumber>30234567</exampleNumber>
15064       </fixedLine>
15065       <mobile>
15066         <!-- Mobile numbers start with 632, 67, 68 or 69. -->
15067         <nationalNumberPattern>
15068           6(?:
15069             32\d|
15070             [89]\d{2}|
15071             7(?:
15072               [0-8]\d|
15073               9(?:
15074                 [3-9]|
15075                 [0-2]\d
15076               )
15077             )
15078           )\d{4}
15079         </nationalNumberPattern>
15080         <!-- According to ITU it is possible for the numbers to be between length 4-12
15081              (http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000DA/en). However, in reality they seem to be 8 or 9
15082              digits long, based on the Montenegro document. -->
15083         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
15084         <exampleNumber>67622901</exampleNumber>
15085       </mobile>
15086       <tollFree>
15087         <!-- All toll free numbers have prefix 80 followed by 02 or 08. -->
15088         <nationalNumberPattern>800[28]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
15089         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
15090         <exampleNumber>80080002</exampleNumber>
15091       </tollFree>
15092       <premiumRate>
15093         <!-- Numbers with prefix 88, 94 or 95 are services with additional charges. -->
15094         <nationalNumberPattern>
15095           (?:
15096             88\d|
15097             9(?:
15098               4[13-8]|
15099               5[16-8]
15100             )
15101           )\d{5}
15102         </nationalNumberPattern>
15103         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
15104         <exampleNumber>94515151</exampleNumber>
15105       </premiumRate>
15106       <voip>
15107         <!-- VOIP are prefixed with 78. -->
15108         <nationalNumberPattern>78[1-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
15109         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
15110         <exampleNumber>78108780</exampleNumber>
15111       </voip>
15112       <uan>
15113         <!-- Corporate Telephony are prefixed with 77. -->
15114         <nationalNumberPattern>77\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
15115         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
15116         <exampleNumber>77273012</exampleNumber>
15117       </uan>
15118     </territory>
15120     <!-- Saint-Martin, French Antilles -->
15121     <territory id="MF" countryCode="590" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0">
15122       <references>
15123         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000058/en</sourceUrl>
15124         <!-- Linked from http://www.arcep.fr/index.php?id=interactivenumeros -->
15125         <sourceUrl>http://www.arcep.fr/fileadmin/reprise/dossiers/numero/ZABPQ-ZNE.xls</sourceUrl>
15126       </references>
15127       <!-- Formatting rules borrowed from Guadeloupe. -->
15128       <generalDesc>
15129         <nationalNumberPattern>[56]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
15130         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
15131       </generalDesc>
15132       <fixedLine>
15133         <nationalNumberPattern>
15134           590(?:
15135             [02][79]|
15136             13|
15137             5[0-268]|
15138             [78]7
15139           )\d{4}
15140         </nationalNumberPattern>
15141         <exampleNumber>590271234</exampleNumber>
15142       </fixedLine>
15143       <mobile>
15144         <!-- Any ranges assigned from
15145              http://www.arcep.fr/index.php?id=interactivenumeros have been listed as belonging to
15146              Guadeloupe, St Martin and St Barthélemy, since we can't reliably distinguish between
15147              them. -->
15148         <nationalNumberPattern>
15149           690(?:
15150             0[0-7]|
15151             [1-9]\d
15152           )\d{4}
15153         </nationalNumberPattern>
15154         <exampleNumber>690301234</exampleNumber>
15155       </mobile>
15156     </territory>
15158     <!-- Madagascar -->
15159     <territory id="MG" countryCode="261" internationalPrefix="00"
15160                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
15161       <references>
15162         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200007F/en</sourceUrl>
15163       </references>
15164       <availableFormats>
15165         <numberFormat pattern="([23]\d)(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})">
15166           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
15167         </numberFormat>
15168       </availableFormats>
15169       <generalDesc>
15170         <nationalNumberPattern>[23]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
15171         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
15172       </generalDesc>
15173       <fixedLine>
15174         <!-- Added the prefixes 20 44 and 20 47 as they seem popular on the internet - the plan says
15175              20 4 is for the rest of the province of Antanarivo, but then fails to mention any area
15176              codes beginning with 4. -->
15177         <nationalNumberPattern>
15178           20(?:
15179             2\d{2}|
15180             4[47]\d|
15181             5[3467]\d|
15182             6[279]\d|
15183             7(?:
15184               2[29]|
15185               [35]\d
15186             )|
15187             8[268]\d|
15188             9[245]\d
15189           )\d{4}
15190         </nationalNumberPattern>
15191         <exampleNumber>202123456</exampleNumber>
15192       </fixedLine>
15193       <mobile>
15194         <!-- The numbering plan suggests the third digit, Z, should be 24-9, but this is not borne
15195              out by reality. -->
15196         <nationalNumberPattern>3[2-49]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
15197         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
15198         <exampleNumber>321234567</exampleNumber>
15199       </mobile>
15200       <!-- Putting VSAT numbers here. -->
15201       <voip>
15202         <nationalNumberPattern>22\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
15203         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
15204         <exampleNumber>221234567</exampleNumber>
15205       </voip>
15206     </territory>
15208     <!-- Marshall Islands -->
15209     <territory id="MH" countryCode="692" internationalPrefix="011" nationalPrefix="1">
15210       <references>
15211         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000085/en</sourceUrl>
15212       </references>
15213       <availableFormats>
15214         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
15215           <format>$1-$2</format>
15216         </numberFormat>
15217       </availableFormats>
15218       <generalDesc>
15219         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-6]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
15220         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
15221       </generalDesc>
15222       <fixedLine>
15223         <nationalNumberPattern>
15224           (?:
15225             247|
15226             528|
15227             625
15228           )\d{4}
15229         </nationalNumberPattern>
15230         <exampleNumber>2471234</exampleNumber>
15231       </fixedLine>
15232       <mobile>
15233         <nationalNumberPattern>
15234           (?:
15235             235|
15236             329|
15237             45[56]|
15238             545
15239           )\d{4}
15240         </nationalNumberPattern>
15241         <exampleNumber>2351234</exampleNumber>
15242       </mobile>
15243       <voip>
15244         <!-- VSAT prefixes are here. -->
15245         <nationalNumberPattern>635\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
15246         <exampleNumber>6351234</exampleNumber>
15247       </voip>
15248     </territory>
15250     <!-- Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Rep. of -->
15251     <territory id="MK" countryCode="389" internationalPrefix="00"
15252                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
15253                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
15254       <references>
15255         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000CE/en</sourceUrl>
15256       </references>
15257       <availableFormats>
15258         <!-- Formats follow wikipedia. -->
15259         <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
15260           <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
15261           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
15262         </numberFormat>
15263         <numberFormat pattern="([347]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
15264           <leadingDigits>[347]</leadingDigits>
15265           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
15266         </numberFormat>
15267         <numberFormat pattern="([58]\d{2})(\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})">
15268           <leadingDigits>[58]</leadingDigits>
15269           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
15270         </numberFormat>
15271       </availableFormats>
15272       <generalDesc>
15273         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-578]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
15274         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
15275       </generalDesc>
15276       <fixedLine>
15277         <nationalNumberPattern>
15278           (?:
15279             2(?:
15280               [23]\d|
15281               5[124578]|
15282               6[01]
15283             )|
15284             3(?:
15285               1[3-6]|
15286               [23][2-6]|
15287               4[2356]
15288             )|
15289             4(?:
15290               [23][2-6]|
15291               4[3-6]|
15292               5[256]|
15293               6[25-8]|
15294               7[24-6]|
15295               8[4-6]
15296             )
15297           )\d{5}
15298         </nationalNumberPattern>
15299         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
15300         <exampleNumber>22212345</exampleNumber>
15301       </fixedLine>
15302       <mobile>
15303         <nationalNumberPattern>
15304           7(?:
15305             [0-25-8]\d{2}|
15306             32\d|
15307             421
15308           )\d{4}
15309         </nationalNumberPattern>
15310         <exampleNumber>72345678</exampleNumber>
15311       </mobile>
15312       <tollFree>
15313         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
15314         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
15315       </tollFree>
15316       <premiumRate>
15317         <nationalNumberPattern>5[02-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
15318         <exampleNumber>50012345</exampleNumber>
15319       </premiumRate>
15320       <sharedCost>
15321         <nationalNumberPattern>
15322           8(?:
15323             0[1-9]|
15324             [1-9]\d
15325           )\d{5}
15326         </nationalNumberPattern>
15327         <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
15328       </sharedCost>
15329     </territory>
15331     <!-- Mali -->
15332     <territory id="ML" countryCode="223" internationalPrefix="00">
15333       <references>
15334         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000083/en</sourceUrl>
15335         <sourceUrl>http://crt-mali.org/pdf/plan_num</sourceUrl>
15336       </references>
15337       <availableFormats>
15338         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
15339           <leadingDigits>[246-9]</leadingDigits>
15340           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
15341         </numberFormat>
15342         <!-- Formatting some short numbers as a block. -->
15343         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})">
15344           <leadingDigits>
15345             67|
15346             74
15347           </leadingDigits>
15348           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
15349           <format>$1</format>
15350         </numberFormat>
15351       </availableFormats>
15352       <generalDesc>
15353         <nationalNumberPattern>[246-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
15354         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
15355       </generalDesc>
15356       <fixedLine>
15357         <!-- Patterns from ITU with extra ranges 20 25, 20 7[13-9] and 217 provided by Sotelma and
15358              confirmed by searches online. -->
15359         <nationalNumberPattern>
15360           (?:
15361             2(?:
15362               0(?:
15363                 2[0-589]|
15364                 7\d
15365               )|
15366               1(?:
15367                 2[5-7]|
15368                 [3-689]\d|
15369                 7[2-4689]
15370               )
15371             )|
15372             44[239]\d
15373           )\d{4}
15374         </nationalNumberPattern>
15375         <exampleNumber>20212345</exampleNumber>
15376       </fixedLine>
15377       <mobile>
15378         <!-- Orange Mali have updated their numbering plan, though this is not reflected in the ITU
15379              document (which is very stale). All mobile numbers starting with 7 are now Orange.
15380              Includes 6x from Malitel IR21. Numbers beginning with 9 have been found online and
15381              reported by open-source users, although the exact possible second digits are uncertain.
15382              -->
15383         <nationalNumberPattern>
15384           [67]\d{7}|
15385           9[0-25-9]\d{6}
15386         </nationalNumberPattern>
15387         <exampleNumber>65012345</exampleNumber>
15388       </mobile>
15389       <tollFree>
15390         <!-- Online examples have not been found, but this seems to follow the prescriptions in the
15391              plan. -->
15392         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
15393         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
15394       </tollFree>
15395    </territory>
15397     <!-- Myanmar -->
15398     <territory id="MM" countryCode="95" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
15399                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
15400       <references>
15401         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000092/en</sourceUrl>
15402       </references>
15403       <availableFormats>
15404         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
15405           <leadingDigits>
15406             1|
15407             2[45]
15408           </leadingDigits>
15409           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
15410         </numberFormat>
15411         <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
15412           <leadingDigits>251</leadingDigits>
15413           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
15414         </numberFormat>
15415         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{2})(\d{3})">
15416           <leadingDigits>
15417             16|
15418             2
15419           </leadingDigits>
15420           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
15421         </numberFormat>
15422         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
15423           <leadingDigits>
15424             67|
15425             81
15426           </leadingDigits>
15427           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
15428         </numberFormat>
15429         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3,4})">
15430           <leadingDigits>[4-8]</leadingDigits>
15431           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
15432         </numberFormat>
15433         <numberFormat pattern="(9)(\d{3})(\d{4,6})">
15434           <leadingDigits>
15435             9(?:
15436               2[0-4]|
15437               [35-9]|
15438               4[13789]
15439             )
15440           </leadingDigits>
15441           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
15442         </numberFormat>
15443         <numberFormat pattern="(9)(4\d{4})(\d{4})">
15444           <leadingDigits>94[0245]</leadingDigits>
15445           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
15446         </numberFormat>
15447         <!-- Following majority of numbers found online. -->
15448         <numberFormat pattern="(9)(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
15449           <leadingDigits>925</leadingDigits>
15450           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
15451         </numberFormat>
15452       </availableFormats>
15453       <generalDesc>
15454         <nationalNumberPattern>
15455           [14578]\d{5,7}|
15456           [26]\d{5,8}|
15457           9(?:
15458             2\d{0,2}|
15459             [58]|
15460             3\d|
15461             4\d{1,2}|
15462             6\d?|
15463             [79]\d{0,2}
15464           )\d{6}
15465         </nationalNumberPattern>
15466         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
15467       </generalDesc>
15468       <fixedLine>
15469         <nationalNumberPattern>
15470           1(?:
15471             2\d{1,2}|
15472             [3-5]\d|
15473             6\d?|
15474             [89][0-6]\d
15475           )\d{4}|
15476           2(?:
15477             [236-9]\d{4}|
15478             4(?:
15479               0\d{5}|
15480               \d{4}
15481             )|
15482             5(?:
15483               1\d{3,6}|
15484               [02-9]\d{3,5}
15485             )
15486           )|
15487           4(?:
15488             2[245-8]|
15489             [346][2-6]|
15490             5[3-5]
15491           )\d{4}|
15492           5(?:
15493             2(?:
15494               20?|
15495               [3-8]
15496             )|
15497             3[2-68]|
15498             4(?:
15499               21?|
15500               [4-8]
15501             )|
15502             5[23]|
15503             6[2-4]|
15504             7[2-8]|
15505             8[24-7]|
15506             9[2-7]
15507           )\d{4}|
15508           6(?:
15509             0[23]|
15510             1[2356]|
15511             [24][2-6]|
15512             3[24-6]|
15513             5[2-4]|
15514             6[2-8]|
15515             7(?:
15516               [2367]|
15517               4\d|
15518               5\d?|
15519               8[145]\d
15520             )|
15521             8[245]|
15522             9[24]
15523           )\d{4}|
15524           7(?:
15525             [04][24-8]|
15526             [15][2-7]|
15527             22|
15528             3[2-4]
15529           )\d{4}|
15530           8(?:
15531             1(?:
15532               2\d?|
15533               [3-689]
15534             )|
15535             2[2-8]|
15536             3[24]|
15537             4[24-7]|
15538             5[245]|
15539             6[23]
15540           )\d{4}
15541         </nationalNumberPattern>
15542         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
15543         <exampleNumber>1234567</exampleNumber>
15544       </fixedLine>
15545       <mobile>
15546         <!-- Added 99[089] (8 digits), 961 (9 digits), and 979 & 997 (10 digits) from bug
15547              reports/numbers found online. -->
15548         <nationalNumberPattern>
15549           17[01]\d{4}|
15550           9(?:
15551             2(?:
15552               [0-4]|
15553               5\d{2}
15554             )|
15555             3[136]\d|
15556             4(?:
15557               0[0-4]\d|
15558               [1379]\d|
15559               [24][0-589]\d|
15560               5\d{2}|
15561               88
15562             )|
15563             5[0-6]|
15564             61?\d|
15565             7(?:
15566               3\d|
15567               9\d{2}
15568             )|
15569             8\d|
15570             9(?:
15571               1\d|
15572               7\d{2}|
15573               [089]
15574             )
15575           )\d{5}
15576         </nationalNumberPattern>
15577         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
15578         <exampleNumber>92123456</exampleNumber>
15579       </mobile>
15580       <voip>
15581         <nationalNumberPattern>1333\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
15582         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
15583         <exampleNumber>13331234</exampleNumber>
15584       </voip>
15585       <!-- No information on other types of phone numbers for Myanmar has been found. -->
15586     </territory>
15588     <!-- Mongolia -->
15589     <territory id="MN" countryCode="976" internationalPrefix="001"
15590                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
15591       <references>
15592         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200008E/en</sourceUrl>
15593       </references>
15594       <availableFormats>
15595         <numberFormat pattern="([12]\d)(\d{2})(\d{4})">
15596           <leadingDigits>[12]1</leadingDigits>
15597           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
15598         </numberFormat>
15599         <numberFormat pattern="([12]2\d)(\d{5,6})">
15600           <leadingDigits>[12]2[1-3]</leadingDigits>
15601           <format>$1 $2</format>
15602         </numberFormat>
15603         <numberFormat pattern="([12]\d{3})(\d{5})">
15604           <leadingDigits>
15605             [12](?:
15606               27|
15607               [3-5]
15608             )
15609           </leadingDigits>
15610           <leadingDigits>
15611             [12](?:
15612               27|
15613               [3-5]\d
15614             )2
15615           </leadingDigits>
15616           <format>$1 $2</format>
15617         </numberFormat>
15618         <!-- It seems from online formatting that the national prefix is not written (or perhaps
15619              needed?) for numbers in these ranges. -->
15620         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})"
15621           nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
15622           <leadingDigits>[57-9]</leadingDigits>
15623           <format>$1 $2</format>
15624         </numberFormat>
15625         <numberFormat pattern="([12]\d{4})(\d{4,5})">
15626           <leadingDigits>
15627             [12](?:
15628               27|
15629               [3-5]
15630             )
15631           </leadingDigits>
15632           <leadingDigits>
15633             [12](?:
15634               27|
15635               [3-5]\d
15636             )[4-9]
15637           </leadingDigits>
15638           <format>$1 $2</format>
15639         </numberFormat>
15640       </availableFormats>
15641       <generalDesc>
15642         <nationalNumberPattern>
15643           [12]\d{7,9}|
15644           [57-9]\d{7}
15645         </nationalNumberPattern>
15646         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
15647       </generalDesc>
15648       <fixedLine>
15649         <!-- Note the leading digit is the access code: 1 is used by Mongolia Telecom subscribers
15650              and 2 is used by Mongolian Railway subscribers. The area code then follows the access
15651              code, and could be 1 to 4 digits long. We also cover wireless local loop numbers here
15652              as well, even though we are not certain whether they are in fact fixed or mobile in
15653              this country. 5-digit subscriber numbers for 4-digit area codes have been added due to
15654              online numbers being found. -->
15655         <nationalNumberPattern>
15656           [12](?:
15657             1\d|
15658             2(?:
15659               [1-3]\d?|
15660               7\d
15661             )|
15662             3[2-8]\d{1,2}|
15663             4[2-68]\d{1,2}|
15664             5[1-4689]\d{1,2}
15665           )\d{5}|
15666           5[0568]\d{6}
15667         </nationalNumberPattern>
15668         <exampleNumber>50123456</exampleNumber>
15669       </fixedLine>
15670       <mobile>
15671         <nationalNumberPattern>
15672           (?:
15673             8[689]|
15674             9[013-9]
15675           )\d{6}
15676         </nationalNumberPattern>
15677         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
15678         <exampleNumber>88123456</exampleNumber>
15679       </mobile>
15680       <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
15681       <voip>
15682         <!-- According to the document this could be stricter, but there are counter examples
15683              online. -->
15684         <nationalNumberPattern>7[05-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
15685         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
15686         <exampleNumber>75123456</exampleNumber>
15687       </voip>
15688     </territory>
15690     <!-- Macao, China -->
15691     <territory id="MO" countryCode="853" internationalPrefix="00">
15692       <references>
15693         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200007E/en</sourceUrl>
15694       </references>
15695       <availableFormats>
15696         <numberFormat pattern="([268]\d{3})(\d{4})">
15697           <format>$1 $2</format>
15698         </numberFormat>
15699       </availableFormats>
15700       <generalDesc>
15701         <nationalNumberPattern>[268]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
15702         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
15703       </generalDesc>
15704       <fixedLine>
15705         <nationalNumberPattern>
15706           (?:
15707             28[2-57-9]|
15708             8[2-57-9]\d
15709           )\d{5}
15710         </nationalNumberPattern>
15711         <exampleNumber>28212345</exampleNumber>
15712       </fixedLine>
15713       <mobile>
15714         <!-- The 6[23] prefixes are added as SMS messages have been successfully delivered to these
15715              numbers, and they are also widely present on the Internet. -->
15716         <nationalNumberPattern>6[236]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
15717         <exampleNumber>66123456</exampleNumber>
15718       </mobile>
15719       <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
15720     </territory>
15722     <!-- Northern Mariana Islands -->
15723     <territory id="MP" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="670" nationalPrefix="1"
15724                internationalPrefix="011">
15725       <references>
15726         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000EE/en</sourceUrl>
15727         <sourceUrl>http://www.cnmiphonebook.com/</sourceUrl>
15728       </references>
15729       <generalDesc>
15730         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
15731         <nationalNumberPattern>[5689]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
15732         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
15733       </generalDesc>
15734       <fixedLine>
15735         <!-- Extra exchange codes 232, 289, 355, 472, 633, 637, 646, 647, 649, 653, 687, 734 and 828
15736              were seen in the white and yellow pages, but no numbers with these exchange codes have
15737              proved to be diallable so we exclude them for now.. -->
15738         <nationalNumberPattern>
15739           670(?:
15740             2(?:
15741               3[3-7]|
15742               56|
15743               8[5-8]
15744             )|
15745             32[1238]|
15746             4(?:
15747               33|
15748               8[348]
15749             )|
15750             5(?:
15751               32|
15752               55|
15753               88
15754             )|
15755             6(?:
15756               64|
15757               70|
15758               82
15759             )|
15760             78[589]|
15761             8[3-9]8|
15762             989
15763           )\d{4}
15764         </nationalNumberPattern>
15765         <exampleNumber>6702345678</exampleNumber>
15766       </fixedLine>
15767       <mobile>
15768         <nationalNumberPattern>
15769           670(?:
15770             2(?:
15771               3[3-7]|
15772               56|
15773               8[5-8]
15774             )|
15775             32[1238]|
15776             4(?:
15777               33|
15778               8[348]
15779             )|
15780             5(?:
15781               32|
15782               55|
15783               88
15784             )|
15785             6(?:
15786               64|
15787               70|
15788               82
15789             )|
15790             78[589]|
15791             8[3-9]8|
15792             989
15793           )\d{4}
15794         </nationalNumberPattern>
15795         <exampleNumber>6702345678</exampleNumber>
15796       </mobile>
15797       <tollFree>
15798         <nationalNumberPattern>
15799           8(?:
15800             00|
15801             44|
15802             55|
15803             66|
15804             77|
15805             88
15806           )[2-9]\d{6}
15807         </nationalNumberPattern>
15808         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
15809         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
15810       </tollFree>
15811       <premiumRate>
15812         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
15813         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
15814         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
15815       </premiumRate>
15816       <personalNumber>
15817         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
15818         <nationalNumberPattern>
15819           5(?:
15820             00|
15821             33|
15822             44|
15823             66|
15824             77
15825           )[2-9]\d{6}
15826         </nationalNumberPattern>
15827         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
15828         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
15829       </personalNumber>
15830     </territory>
15832     <!-- Martinique (French Dept. of) -->
15833     <territory id="MQ" countryCode="596" internationalPrefix="00"
15834                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
15835       <references>
15836         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000086/en</sourceUrl>
15837         <sourceUrl>http://www.arcep.fr/index.php?id=2137&amp;bloc=0596&amp;CMD=RESULTS_NUMEROTATION</sourceUrl>
15838       </references>
15839       <availableFormats>
15840         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
15841           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
15842         </numberFormat>
15843       </availableFormats>
15844       <generalDesc>
15845         <nationalNumberPattern>[56]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
15846         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
15847       </generalDesc>
15848       <fixedLine>
15849         <nationalNumberPattern>
15850           596(?:
15851             0[2-5]|
15852             [12]0|
15853             3[05-9]|
15854             4[024-8]|
15855             [5-7]\d|
15856             89|
15857             9[4-8]
15858           )\d{4}
15859         </nationalNumberPattern>
15860         <exampleNumber>596301234</exampleNumber>
15861       </fixedLine>
15862       <mobile>
15863         <nationalNumberPattern>
15864           696(?:
15865             [0-479]\d|
15866             5[01]|
15867             8[0-689]
15868           )\d{4}
15869         </nationalNumberPattern>
15870         <exampleNumber>696201234</exampleNumber>
15871       </mobile>
15872       <!-- The 876 prefix is mentioned in the plan, but the plan is from 2006 and in France VOIP
15873            numbers were changed from 087 to the 09 prefix in 2009. It is likely this occurred here
15874            too. -->
15875     </territory>
15877     <!-- Mauritania -->
15878     <territory id="MR" countryCode="222" internationalPrefix="00" >
15879       <references>
15880         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000087/en</sourceUrl>
15881         <sourceUrl>http://are.mr/pdfs/pnn2010.pdf</sourceUrl>
15882       </references>
15883       <availableFormats>
15884         <numberFormat pattern="([2-48]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
15885           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
15886         </numberFormat>
15887       </availableFormats>
15888       <generalDesc>
15889         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-48]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
15890         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
15891       </generalDesc>
15892       <fixedLine>
15893         <nationalNumberPattern>
15894           25[08]\d{5}|
15895           35\d{6}|
15896           45[1-7]\d{5}
15897         </nationalNumberPattern>
15898         <exampleNumber>35123456</exampleNumber>
15899       </fixedLine>
15900       <!-- Added "49\d" in response to https://github.com/googlei18n/libphonenumber/issues/529
15901            which might be overly permissive, but we don't have an official documentation for this
15902            and only a small number of numbers were found online. At least 492 and 495 are valid.
15903            -->
15904       <mobile>
15905         <nationalNumberPattern>
15906           (?:
15907             2(?:
15908               2\d|
15909               70
15910             )|
15911             3(?:
15912               3\d|
15913               6[1-36]|
15914               7[1-3]
15915             )|
15916             4(?:
15917               [49]\d|
15918               6[0457-9]|
15919               7[4-9]|
15920               8[01346-8]
15921             )
15922           )\d{5}
15923         </nationalNumberPattern>
15924         <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
15925       </mobile>
15926       <tollFree>
15927         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
15928         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
15929       </tollFree>
15930     </territory>
15932     <!-- Montserrat -->
15933     <territory id="MS" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="664" nationalPrefix="1"
15934                internationalPrefix="011">
15935       <references>
15936         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200008F/en</sourceUrl>
15937       </references>
15938       <generalDesc>
15939         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
15940         <nationalNumberPattern>[5689]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
15941         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
15942       </generalDesc>
15943       <fixedLine>
15944         <nationalNumberPattern>664491\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
15945         <exampleNumber>6644912345</exampleNumber>
15946       </fixedLine>
15947       <mobile>
15948         <nationalNumberPattern>66449[2-6]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
15949         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
15950         <exampleNumber>6644923456</exampleNumber>
15951       </mobile>
15952       <tollFree>
15953         <nationalNumberPattern>
15954           8(?:
15955             00|
15956             44|
15957             55|
15958             66|
15959             77|
15960             88
15961           )[2-9]\d{6}
15962         </nationalNumberPattern>
15963         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
15964         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
15965       </tollFree>
15966       <premiumRate>
15967         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
15968         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
15969         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
15970       </premiumRate>
15971       <personalNumber>
15972         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
15973         <nationalNumberPattern>
15974           5(?:
15975             00|
15976             33|
15977             44|
15978             66|
15979             77
15980           )[2-9]\d{6}
15981         </nationalNumberPattern>
15982         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
15983         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
15984       </personalNumber>
15985     </territory>
15987     <!-- Malta -->
15988     <territory id="MT" countryCode="356" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
15989       <references>
15990         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000084/en</sourceUrl>
15991         <!-- Numbering link in the LHS menu - has more up-to-date allocations -->
15992         <sourceUrl>http://www.mca.org.mt</sourceUrl>
15993       </references>
15994       <availableFormats>
15995         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
15996           <format>$1 $2</format>
15997         </numberFormat>
15998       </availableFormats>
15999       <generalDesc>
16000         <nationalNumberPattern>[2357-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
16001         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
16002       </generalDesc>
16003       <fixedLine>
16004         <nationalNumberPattern>
16005           2(?:
16006             0(?:
16007               1[0-6]|
16008               3[1-4]|
16009               [69]\d
16010             )|
16011             [1-357]\d{2}
16012           )\d{4}
16013         </nationalNumberPattern>
16014         <exampleNumber>21001234</exampleNumber>
16015       </fixedLine>
16016       <mobile>
16017         <!-- 7210 and 92XX come from the allocations listed on http://www.mca.org.mt, but they are
16018              not listed in the latest ITU document. -->
16019         <nationalNumberPattern>
16020           (?:
16021             7(?:
16022               210|
16023               [79]\d{2}
16024             )|
16025             9(?:
16026               2(?:
16027                1[01]|
16028                31
16029               )|
16030               696|
16031               8(?:
16032                 1[1-3]|
16033                 89|
16034                 97
16035               )|
16036               9\d{2}
16037             )
16038           )\d{4}
16039         </nationalNumberPattern>
16040         <exampleNumber>96961234</exampleNumber>
16041       </mobile>
16042       <pager>
16043         <nationalNumberPattern>7117\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
16044         <exampleNumber>71171234</exampleNumber>
16045       </pager>
16046       <tollFree>
16047         <nationalNumberPattern>800[3467]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
16048         <exampleNumber>80071234</exampleNumber>
16049       </tollFree>
16050       <premiumRate>
16051         <nationalNumberPattern>
16052           5(?:
16053             0(?:
16054               0(?:
16055                 37|
16056                 43
16057               )|
16058               6\d{2}|
16059               70\d|
16060               9[0168]
16061             )|
16062             [12]\d0[1-5]
16063           )\d{3}
16064         </nationalNumberPattern>
16065         <exampleNumber>50037123</exampleNumber>
16066       </premiumRate>
16067       <voip>
16068         <!-- In the plan as Non-PATS ECS. -->
16069         <nationalNumberPattern>3550\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
16070         <exampleNumber>35501234</exampleNumber>
16071       </voip>
16072       <uan>
16073         <!-- Using this for governmental numbers. -->
16074         <nationalNumberPattern>501\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
16075         <exampleNumber>50112345</exampleNumber>
16076       </uan>
16077     </territory>
16079     <!-- Mauritius -->
16080     <!-- Preferred international prefix is expected to standardize on just '00' -->
16081     <territory id="MU" countryCode="230" internationalPrefix="0(?:0|[2-7]0|33)"
16082                preferredInternationalPrefix="020">
16083       <references>
16084         <sourceUrl>http://www.icta.mu/telecommunications/numbering.htm</sourceUrl>
16085       </references>
16086       <availableFormats>
16087         <numberFormat pattern="([2-46-9]\d{2})(\d{4})">
16088           <leadingDigits>[2-46-9]</leadingDigits>
16089           <format>$1 $2</format>
16090         </numberFormat>
16091         <numberFormat pattern="(5\d{3})(\d{4})">
16092           <leadingDigits>5</leadingDigits>
16093           <format>$1 $2</format>
16094         </numberFormat>
16095       </availableFormats>
16096       <generalDesc>
16097         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
16098         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
16099       </generalDesc>
16100       <fixedLine>
16101         <!-- See also: http://www.wtng.info/wtng-230-mu.html for additional detail. -->
16102         <nationalNumberPattern>
16103           (?:
16104             2(?:
16105               [03478]\d|
16106               1[0-7]|
16107               6[1-69]
16108             )|
16109             4(?:
16110               [013568]\d|
16111               2[4-7]
16112             )|
16113             5(?:
16114               44\d|
16115               471
16116             )|
16117             6\d{2}|
16118             8(?:
16119               14|
16120               3[129]
16121             )
16122           )\d{4}
16123         </nationalNumberPattern>
16124         <exampleNumber>2012345</exampleNumber>
16125       </fixedLine>
16126       <mobile>
16127         <nationalNumberPattern>
16128           5(?:
16129             2[59]\d|
16130             4(?:
16131               2[1-389]|
16132               4\d|
16133               7[1-9]|
16134               9\d
16135             )|
16136             7\d{2}|
16137             8(?:
16138               [256]\d|
16139               7[15-8]
16140             )|
16141             9[0-8]\d
16142           )\d{4}
16143         </nationalNumberPattern>
16144         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
16145         <exampleNumber>52512345</exampleNumber>
16146       </mobile>
16147       <tollFree>
16148         <nationalNumberPattern>80[012]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
16149         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
16150         <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
16151       </tollFree>
16152       <premiumRate>
16153         <nationalNumberPattern>30\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
16154         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
16155         <exampleNumber>3012345</exampleNumber>
16156       </premiumRate>
16157       <voip>
16158         <nationalNumberPattern>
16159           3(?:
16160             20|
16161             9\d
16162           )\d{4}
16163         </nationalNumberPattern>
16164         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
16165         <exampleNumber>3201234</exampleNumber>
16166       </voip>
16167     </territory>
16169     <!-- Maldives -->
16170     <territory id="MV" countryCode="960" internationalPrefix="0(?:0|19)"
16171                preferredInternationalPrefix="00">
16172       <references>
16173         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000082/en</sourceUrl>
16174         <sourceUrl>http://www.dhiraagu.com.mv</sourceUrl>
16175       </references>
16176       <availableFormats>
16177         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
16178           <leadingDigits>
16179             [3467]|
16180             9(?:
16181               [1-9]|
16182               0[1-9]
16183             )
16184           </leadingDigits>
16185           <format>$1-$2</format>
16186         </numberFormat>
16187         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
16188           <leadingDigits>900</leadingDigits>
16189           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
16190         </numberFormat>
16191       </availableFormats>
16192       <generalDesc>
16193         <nationalNumberPattern>
16194           [3467]\d{6}|
16195           9(?:
16196             00\d{7}|
16197             \d{6}
16198           )
16199         </nationalNumberPattern>
16200         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
16201       </generalDesc>
16202       <fixedLine>
16203         <!-- 300 has been added as prefixes from online searches, since the numbers seemed to be
16204              diallable. -->
16205         <nationalNumberPattern>
16206           (?:
16207             3(?:
16208               0[01]|
16209               3[0-59]
16210             )|
16211             6(?:
16212               [567][02468]|
16213               8[024689]|
16214               90
16215             )
16216           )\d{4}
16217         </nationalNumberPattern>
16218         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
16219         <exampleNumber>6701234</exampleNumber>
16220       </fixedLine>
16221       <mobile>
16222         <!-- 7[45] has been added as many numbers online have been found with this prefix. 46[46]
16223              are new prefixes for Dhiraagu and Wataniya, used currently for SMS-based services.
16224              91 was added based on information from Wataniya Telecom. -->
16225         <nationalNumberPattern>
16226           (?:
16227             46[46]|
16228             7[3-9]\d|
16229             9[16-9]\d
16230           )\d{4}
16231         </nationalNumberPattern>
16232         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
16233         <exampleNumber>7712345</exampleNumber>
16234       </mobile>
16235       <pager>
16236         <nationalNumberPattern>781\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
16237         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
16238         <exampleNumber>7812345</exampleNumber>
16239       </pager>
16240       <premiumRate>
16241         <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
16242         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
16243         <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
16244       </premiumRate>
16245     </territory>
16247     <!-- Malawi -->
16248     <!-- The plan doesn't state that a national prefix exists, but numbers found on the internet are
16249          consistent in having one. -->
16250     <territory id="MW" countryCode="265" internationalPrefix="00"
16251                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
16252       <references>
16253         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000080/en</sourceUrl>
16254       </references>
16255       <availableFormats>
16256         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
16257           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
16258           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
16259         </numberFormat>
16260         <numberFormat pattern="(2\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
16261           <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
16262           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
16263         </numberFormat>
16264         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
16265           <leadingDigits>[1789]</leadingDigits>
16266           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
16267         </numberFormat>
16268       </availableFormats>
16269       <generalDesc>
16270         <nationalNumberPattern>
16271           (?:
16272             1(?:
16273               \d{2}
16274             )?|
16275             [2789]\d{2}
16276           )\d{6}
16277         </nationalNumberPattern>
16278         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
16279       </generalDesc>
16280       <fixedLine>
16281         <!-- 14 is no longer mentioned in the plan as a prefix, but plenty of online numbers have
16282              been found so this is being retained for now. It is possible however that these may be
16283              old-format mobile numbers. -->
16284         <nationalNumberPattern>
16285           (?:
16286             1[2-9]|
16287             21\d{2}
16288           )\d{5}
16289         </nationalNumberPattern>
16290         <exampleNumber>1234567</exampleNumber>
16291       </fixedLine>
16292       <mobile>
16293         <nationalNumberPattern>
16294           (?:
16295             111|
16296             77\d|
16297             88\d|
16298             99\d
16299           )\d{6}
16300         </nationalNumberPattern>
16301         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
16302         <exampleNumber>991234567</exampleNumber>
16303       </mobile>
16304     </territory>
16306     <!-- Mexico -->
16307     <territory id="MX" countryCode="52" internationalPrefix="0[09]"
16308                nationalPrefix="01"
16309                nationalPrefixForParsing="0[12]|04[45](\d{10})"
16310                nationalPrefixTransformRule="1$1"
16311                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG"
16312                nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true"
16313                leadingZeroPossible="true" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
16314       <references>
16315         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200008A/en</sourceUrl>
16316         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B52</sourceUrl>
16317         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premium-rate_telephone_number#Mexico</sourceUrl>
16318         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toll-free_telephone_number</sourceUrl>
16319       </references>
16320       <!-- When a number starts with 01 or 02, we remove the prefixes; when a number starts with 044
16321            or 045 followed by 10 digits, we replace the prefixes with 1. This way all the mobile
16322            numbers, regardless of whether they are written in international format (leading 1) or
16323            national format (leading 044/045), will be parsed into the same form. -->
16324       <availableFormats>
16325         <numberFormat pattern="([358]\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
16326           <leadingDigits>
16327             33|
16328             55|
16329             81
16330           </leadingDigits>
16331           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
16332         </numberFormat>
16333         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
16334           <leadingDigits>
16335             [2467]|
16336             3[12457-9]|
16337             5[89]|
16338             8[02-9]|
16339             9[0-35-9]
16340           </leadingDigits>
16341           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
16342         </numberFormat>
16343         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(1)([358]\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
16344           <leadingDigits>
16345             1(?:
16346               33|
16347               55|
16348               81
16349             )
16350           </leadingDigits>
16351           <format>044 $2 $3 $4</format>
16352           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
16353         </numberFormat>
16354         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(1)(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
16355           <leadingDigits>
16356             1(?:
16357               [2467]|
16358               3[12457-9]|
16359               5[89]|
16360               8[2-9]|
16361               9[1-35-9]
16362             )
16363           </leadingDigits>
16364           <format>044 $2 $3 $4</format>
16365           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
16366         </numberFormat>
16367       </availableFormats>
16368       <generalDesc>
16369         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{9,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
16370         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
16371       </generalDesc>
16372       <fixedLine>
16373         <!-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_codes_in_Mexico_by_code -->
16374         <nationalNumberPattern>
16375           (?:
16376             33|
16377             55|
16378             81
16379           )\d{8}|
16380           (?:
16381             2(?:
16382               2[2-9]|
16383               3[1-35-8]|
16384               4[13-9]|
16385               7[1-689]|
16386               8[1-578]|
16387               9[467]
16388             )|
16389             3(?:
16390               1[1-79]|
16391               [2458][1-9]|
16392               7[1-8]|
16393               9[1-5]
16394             )|
16395             4(?:
16396               1[1-57-9]|
16397               [24-6][1-9]|
16398               [37][1-8]|
16399               8[1-35-9]|
16400               9[2-689]
16401             )|
16402             5(?:
16403               88|
16404               9[1-79]
16405             )|
16406             6(?:
16407               1[2-68]|
16408               [234][1-9]|
16409               5[1-3689]|
16410               6[12457-9]|
16411               7[1-7]|
16412               8[67]|
16413               9[4-8]
16414             )|
16415             7(?:
16416               [13467][1-9]|
16417               2[1-8]|
16418               5[13-9]|
16419               8[1-69]|
16420               9[17]
16421             )|
16422             8(?:
16423               2[13-689]|
16424               3[1-6]|
16425               4[124-6]|
16426               6[1246-9]|
16427               7[1-378]|
16428               9[12479]
16429             )|
16430             9(?:
16431               1[346-9]|
16432               2[1-4]|
16433               3[2-46-8]|
16434               5[1348]|
16435               [69][1-9]|
16436               7[12]|
16437               8[1-8]
16438             )
16439           )\d{7}
16440         </nationalNumberPattern>
16441         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
16442         <exampleNumber>2221234567</exampleNumber>
16443       </fixedLine>
16444       <mobile>
16445         <nationalNumberPattern>
16446           1(?:
16447             (?:
16448               33|
16449               55|
16450               81
16451             )\d{8}|
16452             (?:
16453               2(?:
16454                 2[2-9]|
16455                 3[1-35-8]|
16456                 4[13-9]|
16457                 7[1-689]|
16458                 8[1-578]|
16459                 9[467]
16460               )|
16461               3(?:
16462                 1[1-79]|
16463                 [2458][1-9]|
16464                 7[1-8]|
16465                 9[1-5]
16466               )|
16467               4(?:
16468                 1[1-57-9]|
16469                 [24-6][1-9]|
16470                 [37][1-8]|
16471                 8[1-35-9]|
16472                 9[2-689]
16473               )|
16474               5(?:
16475                 88|
16476                 9[1-79]
16477               )|
16478               6(?:
16479                 1[2-68]|
16480                 [2-4][1-9]|
16481                 5[1-3689]|
16482                 6[12457-9]|
16483                 7[1-7]|
16484                 8[67]|
16485                 9[4-8]
16486               )|
16487               7(?:
16488                 [13467][1-9]|
16489                 2[1-8]|
16490                 5[13-9]|
16491                 8[1-69]|
16492                 9[17]
16493               )|
16494               8(?:
16495                 2[13-689]|
16496                 3[1-6]|
16497                 4[124-6]|
16498                 6[1246-9]|
16499                 7[1-378]|
16500                 9[12479]
16501               )|
16502               9(?:
16503                 1[346-9]|
16504                 2[1-4]|
16505                 3[2-46-8]|
16506                 5[1348]|
16507                 [69][1-9]|
16508                 7[12]|
16509                 8[1-8]
16510               )
16511             )\d{7}
16512           )
16513         </nationalNumberPattern>
16514         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
16515         <exampleNumber>12221234567</exampleNumber>
16516       </mobile>
16517       <tollFree>
16518         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
16519         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
16520         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
16521       </tollFree>
16522       <premiumRate>
16523         <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
16524         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
16525         <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
16526       </premiumRate>
16527     </territory>
16529     <!-- Malaysia -->
16530     <territory id="MY" countryCode="60" internationalPrefix="00"
16531                nationalPrefix="0" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
16532       <references>
16533         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B60</sourceUrl>
16534         <sourceUrl>http://www.skmm.gov.my</sourceUrl>
16535       </references>
16536       <availableFormats>
16537         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
16538           pattern="([4-79])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
16539           <leadingDigits>[4-79]</leadingDigits>
16540           <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
16541         </numberFormat>
16542         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
16543           pattern="(3)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
16544           <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
16545           <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
16546         </numberFormat>
16547         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
16548           pattern="([18]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
16549           <leadingDigits>
16550             1[02-46-9][1-9]|
16551             8
16552           </leadingDigits>
16553           <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
16554         </numberFormat>
16555         <numberFormat pattern="(1)([36-8]00)(\d{2})(\d{4})">
16556           <leadingDigits>1[36-8]0</leadingDigits>
16557           <format>$1-$2-$3-$4</format>
16558         </numberFormat>
16559         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
16560           pattern="(11)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
16561           <leadingDigits>11</leadingDigits>
16562           <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
16563         </numberFormat>
16564         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
16565           pattern="(15[49])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
16566           <leadingDigits>15</leadingDigits>
16567           <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
16568         </numberFormat>
16569       </availableFormats>
16570       <generalDesc>
16571         <nationalNumberPattern>[13-9]\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
16572         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
16573       </generalDesc>
16574       <fixedLine>
16575         <nationalNumberPattern>
16576           (?:
16577             3[2-9]\d|
16578             [4-9][2-9]
16579           )\d{6}
16580         </nationalNumberPattern>
16581         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
16582         <exampleNumber>323456789</exampleNumber>
16583       </fixedLine>
16584       <mobile>
16585         <!-- Although the plan lists the prefix 159 as broadband services (data only), apparently it
16586              is possible to send SMSs (and receive them) from numbers in this block, so we are
16587              listing them as mobile. 115 was added based on numbers found online. -->
16588         <nationalNumberPattern>
16589           1(?:
16590             1[1-35]\d{2}|
16591             [02-4679][2-9]\d|
16592             59\d{2}|
16593             8(?:
16594               1[23]|
16595               [2-9]\d
16596             )
16597           )\d{5}
16598         </nationalNumberPattern>
16599         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
16600         <exampleNumber>123456789</exampleNumber>
16601       </mobile>
16602       <tollFree>
16603         <!-- http://www.skmm.gov.my/skmmgovmy/media/General/pdf/Special_Service_Number.pdf -->
16604         <nationalNumberPattern>1[378]00\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
16605         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
16606         <exampleNumber>1300123456</exampleNumber>
16607       </tollFree>
16608       <premiumRate>
16609         <nationalNumberPattern>1600\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
16610         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
16611         <exampleNumber>1600123456</exampleNumber>
16612       </premiumRate>
16613       <voip>
16614         <nationalNumberPattern>154\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
16615         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
16616         <exampleNumber>1541234567</exampleNumber>
16617       </voip>
16618     </territory>
16620     <!-- Mozambique -->
16621     <territory id="MZ" countryCode="258" internationalPrefix="00">
16622       <references>
16623         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000091/en</sourceUrl>
16624       </references>
16625       <availableFormats>
16626         <numberFormat pattern="([28]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
16627           <leadingDigits>
16628             2|
16629             8[2-7]
16630           </leadingDigits>
16631           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
16632         </numberFormat>
16633         <numberFormat pattern="(80\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
16634           <leadingDigits>80</leadingDigits>
16635           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
16636         </numberFormat>
16637       </availableFormats>
16638       <generalDesc>
16639         <nationalNumberPattern>[28]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
16640         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
16641       </generalDesc>
16642       <fixedLine>
16643         <nationalNumberPattern>
16644           2(?:
16645             [1346]\d|
16646             5[0-2]|
16647             [78][12]|
16648             93
16649           )\d{5}
16650         </nationalNumberPattern>
16651         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
16652         <exampleNumber>21123456</exampleNumber>
16653       </fixedLine>
16654       <mobile>
16655         <nationalNumberPattern>8[23467]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
16656         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
16657         <exampleNumber>821234567</exampleNumber>
16658       </mobile>
16659       <tollFree>
16660         <!-- Unsure of the length requirement on toll-free numbers, so using 9 based on online
16661              examples. -->
16662         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
16663         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
16664         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
16665       </tollFree>
16666       <!-- The plan suggests 801 and 802 numbers are shared-cost numbers, and numbers beginning with
16667            a 9 are premium rate, but no online examples can be found of any of these so they are
16668            omitted for the time-being. -->
16669     </territory>
16671     <!-- Namibia -->
16672     <territory id="NA" countryCode="264" internationalPrefix="00"
16673                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
16674       <references>
16675         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000093/en</sourceUrl>
16676       </references>
16677       <availableFormats>
16678         <numberFormat pattern="(8\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
16679           <leadingDigits>8[1235]</leadingDigits>
16680           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
16681         </numberFormat>
16682         <numberFormat pattern="(6\d)(\d{2,3})(\d{4})">
16683           <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
16684           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
16685         </numberFormat>
16686         <numberFormat pattern="(88)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
16687           <leadingDigits>88</leadingDigits>
16688           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
16689         </numberFormat>
16690         <numberFormat pattern="(870)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
16691           <leadingDigits>870</leadingDigits>
16692           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
16693         </numberFormat>
16694       </availableFormats>
16695       <generalDesc>
16696         <nationalNumberPattern>[68]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
16697         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
16698       </generalDesc>
16699       <fixedLine>
16700         <!-- Includes VSAT service. -->
16701         <nationalNumberPattern>
16702           6(?:
16703             1(?:
16704               17|
16705               2(?:
16706                 [0189]\d|
16707                 [2-6]|
16708                 7\d?
16709               )|
16710               3(?:
16711                 [01378]|
16712                 2\d
16713               )|
16714               4[01]|
16715               69|
16716               7[014]
16717             )|
16718             2(?:
16719               17|
16720               5(?:
16721                 [0-36-8]|
16722                 4\d?
16723               )|
16724               69|
16725               70
16726             )|
16727             3(?:
16728               17|
16729               2(?:
16730                 [0237]\d?|
16731                 [14-689]
16732               )|
16733               34|
16734               6[29]|
16735               7[01]|
16736               81
16737             )|
16738             4(?:
16739               17|
16740               2(?:
16741                 [012]|
16742                 7?
16743               )|
16744               4(?:
16745                 [06]|
16746                 1\d
16747               )|
16748               5(?:
16749                 [01357]|
16750                 [25]\d?
16751               )|
16752               69|
16753               7[01]
16754             )|
16755             5(?:
16756               17|
16757               2(?:
16758                 [0459]|
16759                 [23678]\d?
16760               )|
16761               69|
16762               7[01]
16763             )|
16764             6(?:
16765               17|
16766               2(?:
16767                 5|
16768                 6\d?
16769               )|
16770               38|
16771               42|
16772               69|
16773               7[01]
16774             )|
16775             7(?:
16776               17|
16777               2(?:
16778                 [569]|
16779                 [234]\d?
16780               )|
16781               3(?:
16782                 0\d?|
16783                 [13]
16784               )|
16785               69|
16786               7[01]
16787             )
16788           )\d{4}
16789         </nationalNumberPattern>
16790         <exampleNumber>61221234</exampleNumber>
16791       </fixedLine>
16792       <mobile>
16793         <!-- Includes the Switch CDMA Service. -->
16794         <nationalNumberPattern>
16795           (?:
16796             60|
16797             8[125]
16798           )\d{7}
16799         </nationalNumberPattern>
16800         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
16801         <exampleNumber>811234567</exampleNumber>
16802       </mobile>
16803       <premiumRate>
16804         <nationalNumberPattern>8701\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
16805         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
16806         <exampleNumber>870123456</exampleNumber>
16807       </premiumRate>
16808       <voip>
16809         <!-- Including virtual telephone and VOIP services. -->
16810         <nationalNumberPattern>
16811           8(?:
16812             3\d{2}|
16813             86
16814           )\d{5}
16815         </nationalNumberPattern>
16816         <exampleNumber>88612345</exampleNumber>
16817       </voip>
16818     </territory>
16820     <!-- New Caledonia (Territoire français d'outre-mer) -->
16821     <territory id="NC" countryCode="687" internationalPrefix="00">
16822       <references>
16823         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000098/en</sourceUrl>
16824         <sourceUrl>http://www.opt.nc</sourceUrl>
16825       </references>
16826       <availableFormats>
16827         <!-- From http://www.1012.nc, the local yellow pages. -->
16828         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
16829           <!-- We exclude short-codes here so they are formatted as a block -->
16830           <leadingDigits>
16831             [2-46-9]|
16832             5[0-4]
16833           </leadingDigits>
16834           <format>$1.$2.$3</format>
16835         </numberFormat>
16836       </availableFormats>
16837       <generalDesc>
16838         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-57-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
16839         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
16840       </generalDesc>
16841       <fixedLine>
16842         <!-- Including the 88 prefix for public payphones. -->
16843         <nationalNumberPattern>
16844           (?:
16845             2[03-9]|
16846             3[0-5]|
16847             4[1-7]|
16848             88
16849           )\d{4}
16850         </nationalNumberPattern>
16851         <exampleNumber>201234</exampleNumber>
16852       </fixedLine>
16853       <mobile>
16854         <nationalNumberPattern>
16855           (?:
16856             5[0-4]|
16857             [79]\d|
16858             8[0-79]
16859           )\d{4}
16860         </nationalNumberPattern>
16861         <exampleNumber>751234</exampleNumber>
16862       </mobile>
16863       <!-- Listed as "voice services", from what we've seen they seem to cost extra. -->
16864       <!-- Note that OPT lists 3631 as a free short number for caller ID services, but the ITU
16865            document says that all 36 numbers are 6 digits. See ShortNumberMetadata.xml for more. -->
16866       <premiumRate>
16867         <nationalNumberPattern>36\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
16868         <exampleNumber>366711</exampleNumber>
16869       </premiumRate>
16870     </territory>
16872     <!-- Niger -->
16873     <territory id="NE" countryCode="227" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
16874       <references>
16875         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200009B/en</sourceUrl>
16876       </references>
16877       <availableFormats>
16878         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
16879           <leadingDigits>
16880             [289]|
16881             09
16882           </leadingDigits>
16883           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
16884         </numberFormat>
16885         <numberFormat pattern="(08)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
16886           <leadingDigits>08</leadingDigits>
16887           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
16888         </numberFormat>
16889       </availableFormats>
16890       <generalDesc>
16891         <nationalNumberPattern>[0289]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
16892         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
16893       </generalDesc>
16894       <fixedLine>
16895         <!-- Adding 20 61 from online numbers. -->
16896         <nationalNumberPattern>
16897           2(?:
16898             0(?:
16899               20|
16900               3[1-7]|
16901               4[134]|
16902               5[14]|
16903               6[14578]|
16904               7[1-578]
16905             )|
16906             1(?:
16907               4[145]|
16908               5[14]|
16909               6[14-68]|
16910               7[169]|
16911               88
16912             )
16913           )\d{4}
16914         </nationalNumberPattern>
16915         <exampleNumber>20201234</exampleNumber>
16916       </fixedLine>
16917       <mobile>
16918         <!-- Added 90, 91, 92, 95, 97, 98 & 99 from online data. Airtel have confirmed that they use the
16919              89 and 97 prefixes, and Orange use 92. MOOV started using 95 in Jan 2014. -->
16920         <nationalNumberPattern>
16921           (?:
16922             89|
16923             9\d
16924           )\d{6}
16925         </nationalNumberPattern>
16926         <exampleNumber>93123456</exampleNumber>
16927       </mobile>
16928       <tollFree>
16929         <nationalNumberPattern>08\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
16930         <exampleNumber>08123456</exampleNumber>
16931       </tollFree>
16932       <premiumRate>
16933         <nationalNumberPattern>09\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
16934         <exampleNumber>09123456</exampleNumber>
16935       </premiumRate>
16936     </territory>
16938     <!-- Norfolk Island -->
16939     <!-- Including numbers for Australian Antarctic stations. -->
16940     <territory id="NF" countryCode="672" internationalPrefix="00">
16941       <references>
16942         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200009D/en</sourceUrl>
16943       </references>
16944       <availableFormats>
16945         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})">
16946            <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
16947           <format>$1 $2</format>
16948         </numberFormat>
16949         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{5})">
16950           <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
16951           <format>$1 $2</format>
16952         </numberFormat>
16953       </availableFormats>
16954       <generalDesc>
16955         <nationalNumberPattern>[13]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
16956         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
16957       </generalDesc>
16958       <fixedLine>
16959         <!-- ITU says all 3X numbers except 38 are fixed-line, but 3[3-79] numbers don't seem to
16960              connect after we tried calling them. -->
16961         <nationalNumberPattern>
16962           (?:
16963             1(?:
16964               06|
16965               17|
16966               28|
16967               39
16968             )|
16969             3[012]\d
16970           )\d{3}
16971         </nationalNumberPattern>
16972         <exampleNumber>106609</exampleNumber>
16973       </fixedLine>
16974       <mobile>
16975         <!-- Numbers found online with prefix 35. -->
16976         <nationalNumberPattern>3[58]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
16977         <exampleNumber>381234</exampleNumber>
16978       </mobile>
16979     </territory>
16981     <!-- Nigeria -->
16982     <territory id="NG" countryCode="234" internationalPrefix="009"
16983                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
16984                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
16985       <references>
16986         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200009C/en</sourceUrl>
16987       </references>
16988       <availableFormats>
16989         <numberFormat pattern="([129])(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
16990           <leadingDigits>[129]</leadingDigits>
16991           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
16992         </numberFormat>
16993         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2,3})">
16994           <leadingDigits>
16995             [3-6]|
16996             7(?:
16997               [1-79]|
16998               0[1-9]
16999             )|
17000             8[2-9]
17001           </leadingDigits>
17002           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
17003         </numberFormat>
17004         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
17005           <leadingDigits>
17006             70|
17007             8[01]|
17008             90[2359]
17009           </leadingDigits>
17010           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
17011         </numberFormat>
17012         <numberFormat pattern="([78]00)(\d{4})(\d{4,5})">
17013           <leadingDigits>[78]00</leadingDigits>
17014           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
17015         </numberFormat>
17016         <numberFormat pattern="([78]00)(\d{5})(\d{5,6})">
17017           <leadingDigits>[78]00</leadingDigits>
17018           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
17019         </numberFormat>
17020         <numberFormat pattern="(78)(\d{2})(\d{3})">
17021           <leadingDigits>78</leadingDigits>
17022           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
17023         </numberFormat>
17024       </availableFormats>
17025       <generalDesc>
17026         <nationalNumberPattern>
17027           [1-6]\d{5,8}|
17028           9\d{5,9}|
17029           [78]\d{5,13}
17030         </nationalNumberPattern>
17031         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,14}</possibleNumberPattern>
17032       </generalDesc>
17033       <fixedLine>
17034         <nationalNumberPattern>
17035           [12]\d{6,7}|
17036           9(?:
17037             0[3-9]|
17038             [1-9]\d
17039           )\d{5}|
17040           (?:
17041             3\d|
17042             4[023568]|
17043             5[02368]|
17044             6[02-469]|
17045             7[4-69]|
17046             8[2-9]
17047           )\d{6}|
17048           (?:
17049             4[47]|
17050             5[14579]|
17051             6[1578]|
17052             7[0-357]
17053           )\d{5,6}|
17054           (?:
17055             78|
17056             41
17057           )\d{5}
17058         </nationalNumberPattern>
17059         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
17060         <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
17061       </fixedLine>
17062       <mobile>
17063         <!-- More 81X prefixes have been added based on online numbers, including the prefix 817
17064              from Etisalat, 814 MTN and 811 from Glo. Furthermore, the fixed-line prefixes owned by
17065              Starcomms have apparently, according to the company, been used for mobile numbers too,
17066              despite the ITU plan, so we list them here as well. 701 has been added for Airtel/Zain.
17067              903 has been added for MTN, 905 has been added for Globacom (Glo), and 909 has been
17068              added for Etisalat. -->
17069         <nationalNumberPattern>
17070           (?:
17071             1(?:
17072               7[34]\d|
17073               8(?:
17074                 04|
17075                 [124579]\d|
17076                 8[0-3]
17077               )|
17078               95\d
17079             )|
17080             287[0-7]|
17081             3(?:
17082               18[1-8]|
17083               88[0-7]|
17084               9(?:
17085                 8[5-9]|
17086                 6[1-5]
17087               )
17088             )|
17089             4(?:
17090               28[0-2]|
17091               6(?:
17092                 7[1-9]|
17093                 8[02-47]
17094               )|
17095               88[0-2]
17096             )|
17097             5(?:
17098               2(?:
17099                 7[7-9]|
17100                 8\d
17101               )|
17102               38[1-79]|
17103               48[0-7]|
17104               68[4-7]
17105             )|
17106             6(?:
17107               2(?:
17108                 7[7-9]|
17109                 8\d
17110               )|
17111               4(?:
17112                 3[7-9]|
17113                 [68][129]|
17114                 7[04-69]|
17115                 9[1-8]
17116               )|
17117               58[0-2]|
17118               98[7-9]
17119             )|
17120             7(?:
17121               38[0-7]|
17122               69[1-8]|
17123               78[2-4]
17124             )|
17125             8(?:
17126               28[3-9]|
17127               38[0-2]|
17128               4(?:
17129                 2[12]|
17130                 3[147-9]|
17131                 5[346]|
17132                 7[4-9]|
17133                 8[014-689]|
17134                 90
17135               )|
17136               58[1-8]|
17137               78[2-9]|
17138               88[5-7]
17139             )|
17140             98[07]\d
17141           )\d{4}|
17142           (?:
17143             70(?:
17144               [13-9]\d|
17145               2[1-9]
17146             )|
17147             8(?:
17148               0[2-9]|
17149               1\d
17150             )\d|
17151             90[2359]\d
17152           )\d{6}
17153         </nationalNumberPattern>
17154         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
17155         <exampleNumber>8021234567</exampleNumber>
17156       </mobile>
17157       <!-- Info on these numbers from http://www.alphatechnologieslimited.com. -->
17158       <tollFree>
17159         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7,11}</nationalNumberPattern>
17160         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,14}</possibleNumberPattern>
17161         <exampleNumber>80017591759</exampleNumber>
17162       </tollFree>
17163       <uan>
17164         <nationalNumberPattern>700\d{7,11}</nationalNumberPattern>
17165         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,14}</possibleNumberPattern>
17166         <exampleNumber>7001234567</exampleNumber>
17167       </uan>
17168     </territory>
17170     <!-- Nicaragua -->
17171     <territory id="NI" countryCode="505" internationalPrefix="00">
17172       <references>
17173         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200009A/en</sourceUrl>
17174       </references>
17175       <availableFormats>
17176         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
17177           <format>$1 $2</format>
17178         </numberFormat>
17179       </availableFormats>
17180       <generalDesc>
17181         <nationalNumberPattern>[12578]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
17182         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17183       </generalDesc>
17184       <fixedLine>
17185         <nationalNumberPattern>2\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
17186         <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
17187       </fixedLine>
17188       <mobile>
17189         <!-- 55[0-7], 57, 58 and 7[5-8] were added from bug reports/numbers found online. -->
17190         <nationalNumberPattern>
17191           5(?:
17192             5[0-7]\d{5}|
17193             [78]\d{6}
17194           )|
17195           7[5-8]\d{6}|
17196           8\d{7}
17197         </nationalNumberPattern>
17198         <exampleNumber>81234567</exampleNumber>
17199       </mobile>
17200       <tollFree>
17201         <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
17202         <exampleNumber>18001234</exampleNumber>
17203       </tollFree>
17204     </territory>
17206     <!-- Netherlands -->
17207     <territory id="NL" countryCode="31" internationalPrefix="00"
17208                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
17209                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
17210       <references>
17211         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B31</sourceUrl>
17212         <sourceUrl>http://www.opta.nl/en/numbers/search-for-numbers</sourceUrl>
17213       </references>
17214       <availableFormats>
17215         <numberFormat pattern="([1-578]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
17216           <leadingDigits>
17217             1[035]|
17218             2[0346]|
17219             3[03568]|
17220             4[0356]|
17221             5[0358]|
17222             7|
17223             8[4578]
17224           </leadingDigits>
17225           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
17226         </numberFormat>
17227         <numberFormat pattern="([1-5]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
17228           <leadingDigits>
17229             1[16-8]|
17230             2[259]|
17231             3[124]|
17232             4[17-9]|
17233             5[124679]
17234           </leadingDigits>
17235           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
17236         </numberFormat>
17237         <numberFormat pattern="(6)(\d{8})">
17238           <leadingDigits>6[0-57-9]</leadingDigits>
17239           <format>$1 $2</format>
17240         </numberFormat>
17241         <numberFormat pattern="(66)(\d{7})">
17242           <leadingDigits>66</leadingDigits>
17243           <format>$1 $2</format>
17244         </numberFormat>
17245         <numberFormat pattern="(14)(\d{3,4})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
17246           <leadingDigits>14</leadingDigits>
17247           <format>$1 $2</format>
17248         </numberFormat>
17249         <numberFormat pattern="([89]0\d)(\d{4,7})">
17250           <leadingDigits>
17251             80|
17252             9
17253           </leadingDigits>
17254           <format>$1 $2</format>
17255         </numberFormat>
17256       </availableFormats>
17257       <generalDesc>
17258         <nationalNumberPattern>
17259           1\d{4,8}|
17260           [2-7]\d{8}|
17261           [89]\d{6,9}
17262         </nationalNumberPattern>
17263         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
17264       </generalDesc>
17265       <noInternationalDialling>
17266         <nationalNumberPattern>14\d{3,4}</nationalNumberPattern>
17267         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
17268       </noInternationalDialling>
17269       <fixedLine>
17270         <nationalNumberPattern>
17271           (?:
17272             1[0135-8]|
17273             2[02-69]|
17274             3[0-68]|
17275             4[0135-9]|
17276             [57]\d|
17277             8[478]
17278           )\d{7}
17279         </nationalNumberPattern>
17280         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
17281         <exampleNumber>101234567</exampleNumber>
17282       </fixedLine>
17283       <mobile>
17284         <nationalNumberPattern>6[1-58]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
17285         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
17286         <exampleNumber>612345678</exampleNumber>
17287       </mobile>
17288       <pager>
17289         <nationalNumberPattern>66\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
17290         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
17291         <exampleNumber>662345678</exampleNumber>
17292       </pager>
17293       <tollFree>
17294         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
17295         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
17296         <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
17297       </tollFree>
17298       <premiumRate>
17299         <nationalNumberPattern>90[069]\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
17300         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
17301         <exampleNumber>9061234</exampleNumber>
17302       </premiumRate>
17303       <voip>
17304         <nationalNumberPattern>85\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
17305         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
17306         <exampleNumber>851234567</exampleNumber>
17307       </voip>
17308       <uan>
17309         <!-- These numbers are used for local government. They are formed by the appending the local
17310              dialling code (including the national prefix 0) after the leading digits "14". -->
17311         <nationalNumberPattern>
17312           140(?:
17313             1(?:
17314               [035]|
17315               [16-8]\d
17316             )|
17317             2(?:
17318               [0346]|
17319               [259]\d
17320             )|
17321             3(?:
17322               [03568]|
17323               [124]\d
17324             )|
17325             4(?:
17326               [0356]|
17327               [17-9]\d
17328             )|
17329             5(?:
17330               [0358]|
17331               [124679]\d
17332             )|
17333             7\d|
17334             8[458]
17335           )
17336         </nationalNumberPattern>
17337         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
17338         <exampleNumber>14020</exampleNumber>
17339       </uan>
17340     </territory>
17342     <!-- Norway -->
17343     <!-- Metadata (excluding fixed-line) shared with Svalbard. -->
17344     <territory id="NO" countryCode="47" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true"
17345                mainCountryForCode="true" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
17346       <references>
17347         <sourceUrl>http://www.npt.no/npt/numsys/E.164.pdf</sourceUrl>
17348       </references>
17349       <availableFormats>
17350         <numberFormat pattern="([489]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
17351           <leadingDigits>[489]</leadingDigits>
17352           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
17353         </numberFormat>
17354         <numberFormat pattern="([235-7]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
17355           <leadingDigits>[235-7]</leadingDigits>
17356           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
17357         </numberFormat>
17358       </availableFormats>
17359       <generalDesc>
17360         <nationalNumberPattern>
17361           0\d{4}|
17362           [2-9]\d{7}
17363         </nationalNumberPattern>
17364         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
17365       </generalDesc>
17366       <fixedLine>
17367         <!-- Excludes Svalbard fixed-line numbers. -->
17368         <nationalNumberPattern>
17369           (?:
17370             2[1-4]|
17371             3[1-3578]|
17372             5[1-35-7]|
17373             6[1-4679]|
17374             7[0-8]
17375           )\d{6}
17376         </nationalNumberPattern>
17377         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17378         <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
17379       </fixedLine>
17380       <mobile>
17381         <nationalNumberPattern>
17382           (?:
17383             4[015-8]|
17384             5[89]|
17385             9\d
17386           )\d{6}
17387         </nationalNumberPattern>
17388         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17389         <exampleNumber>40612345</exampleNumber>
17390       </mobile>
17391       <tollFree>
17392         <nationalNumberPattern>80[01]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
17393         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17394         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
17395       </tollFree>
17396       <premiumRate>
17397         <nationalNumberPattern>82[09]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
17398         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17399         <exampleNumber>82012345</exampleNumber>
17400       </premiumRate>
17401       <sharedCost>
17402         <nationalNumberPattern>
17403           810(?:
17404             0[0-6]|
17405             [2-8]\d
17406           )\d{3}
17407         </nationalNumberPattern>
17408         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17409         <exampleNumber>81021234</exampleNumber>
17410       </sharedCost>
17411       <personalNumber>
17412         <nationalNumberPattern>880\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
17413         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17414         <exampleNumber>88012345</exampleNumber>
17415       </personalNumber>
17416       <voip>
17417         <nationalNumberPattern>85[0-5]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
17418         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17419         <exampleNumber>85012345</exampleNumber>
17420       </voip>
17421       <uan>
17422         <!-- Includes some 810 local-rate numbers, and long-distance rate numbers. -->
17423         <nationalNumberPattern>
17424           0\d{4}|
17425           81(?:
17426             0(?:
17427               0[7-9]|
17428               1\d
17429             )|
17430             5\d{2}
17431           )\d{3}
17432         </nationalNumberPattern>
17433         <exampleNumber>01234</exampleNumber>
17434       </uan>
17435       <voicemail>
17436         <nationalNumberPattern>81[23]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
17437         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17438         <exampleNumber>81212345</exampleNumber>
17439       </voicemail>
17440     </territory>
17442     <!-- Nepal -->
17443     <territory id="NP" countryCode="977" internationalPrefix="00"
17444                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
17445       <references>
17446         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000095/en</sourceUrl>
17447         <sourceUrl>http://www.ntc.net.np/mobile/mob_postpaid_number_scheme.php</sourceUrl>
17448         <sourceUrl>http://www.nta.gov.np/en/2012-06-01-11-45-17/2012-06-04-04-26-59/numbering-plan</sourceUrl>
17449       </references>
17450       <availableFormats>
17451         <!-- Formatting patterns taken from pages like http://www.nepalgov.gov.np -->
17452         <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{7})">
17453           <leadingDigits>1[2-6]</leadingDigits>
17454           <format>$1-$2</format>
17455         </numberFormat>
17456         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{6})">
17457           <leadingDigits>
17458             1[01]|
17459             [2-8]|
17460             9(?:
17461               [1-69]|
17462               7[15-9]
17463             )
17464           </leadingDigits>
17465           <format>$1-$2</format>
17466         </numberFormat>
17467         <numberFormat pattern="(9\d{2})(\d{7})">
17468           <leadingDigits>
17469             9(?:
17470               6[013]|
17471               7[245]|
17472               8
17473             )
17474             </leadingDigits>
17475           <format>$1-$2</format>
17476         </numberFormat>
17477       </availableFormats>
17478       <generalDesc>
17479         <!-- This is complex, in order to try and distinguish between numbers that start with 97 and
17480              numbers that have the country code prefixed. -->
17481         <nationalNumberPattern>
17482           [1-8]\d{7}|
17483           9(?:
17484             [1-69]\d{6,8}|
17485             7[2-6]\d{5,7}|
17486             8\d{8}
17487           )
17488         </nationalNumberPattern>
17489         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
17490       </generalDesc>
17491       <!-- We don't support Rural Telecommunication Service at the moment since
17492            we are not sure what type it is. -->
17493       <fixedLine>
17494         <nationalNumberPattern>
17495           (?:
17496             1[0-6]\d|
17497             2[13-79][2-6]|
17498             3[135-8][2-6]|
17499             4[146-9][2-6]|
17500             5[135-7][2-6]|
17501             6[13-9][2-6]|
17502             7[15-9][2-6]|
17503             8[1-46-9][2-6]|
17504             9[1-79][2-6]
17505           )\d{5}
17506         </nationalNumberPattern>
17507         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17508         <exampleNumber>14567890</exampleNumber>
17509       </fixedLine>
17510       <mobile>
17511         <nationalNumberPattern>
17512           9(?:
17513             6[013]|
17514             7[245]|
17515             8[01456]
17516           )\d{7}
17517         </nationalNumberPattern>
17518         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
17519         <exampleNumber>9841234567</exampleNumber>
17520       </mobile>
17521       <!-- No information on other types of phone numbers for Nepal has been found. -->
17522     </territory>
17524     <!-- Nauru -->
17525     <territory id="NR" countryCode="674" internationalPrefix="00">
17526       <references>
17527         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000094/en</sourceUrl>
17528         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Nauru</sourceUrl>
17529       </references>
17530       <availableFormats>
17531         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
17532           <format>$1 $2</format>
17533         </numberFormat>
17534       </availableFormats>
17535       <generalDesc>
17536         <nationalNumberPattern>[458]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
17537         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
17538       </generalDesc>
17539       <fixedLine>
17540         <nationalNumberPattern>
17541           (?:
17542             444|
17543             888
17544           )\d{4}
17545         </nationalNumberPattern>
17546         <exampleNumber>4441234</exampleNumber>
17547       </fixedLine>
17548       <mobile>
17549         <nationalNumberPattern>55[5-9]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
17550         <exampleNumber>5551234</exampleNumber>
17551       </mobile>
17552     </territory>
17554     <!-- Niue -->
17555     <territory id="NU" countryCode="683" internationalPrefix="00">
17556       <references>
17557         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000EC/en</sourceUrl>
17558         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Niue</sourceUrl>
17559       </references>
17560       <!-- Numbers are always formatted as a block. -->
17561       <generalDesc>
17562         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-5]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
17563         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
17564       </generalDesc>
17565       <fixedLine>
17566         <!-- Putting FWT (fixed-wireless-terminals) numbers here too. -->
17567         <nationalNumberPattern>[34]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
17568         <exampleNumber>4002</exampleNumber>
17569       </fixedLine>
17570       <mobile>
17571         <nationalNumberPattern>[125]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
17572         <exampleNumber>1234</exampleNumber>
17573       </mobile>
17574     </territory>
17576     <!-- New Zealand -->
17577     <!-- Includes Ross Dependency, Antarctica -->
17578     <!-- Does not currently support 083 "Enhanced voice services", New Zealand direct service
17579          numbers and 050 "Nation-Wide Service". -->
17580     <territory id="NZ" countryCode="64" internationalPrefix="0(?:0|161)"
17581                preferredInternationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
17582                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
17583       <references>
17584         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000099/en</sourceUrl>
17585       </references>
17586       <availableFormats>
17587         <!-- Pattern for fixed-line formats. -->
17588         <numberFormat pattern="([34679])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
17589           <leadingDigits>
17590             [3467]|
17591             9[1-9]
17592           </leadingDigits>
17593           <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
17594         </numberFormat>
17595         <!-- Area code for NZ's Scott Base, in Antarctica. -->
17596         <numberFormat pattern="(24099)(\d{3})">
17597           <leadingDigits>240</leadingDigits>
17598           <leadingDigits>2409</leadingDigits>
17599           <leadingDigits>24099</leadingDigits>
17600           <format>$1 $2</format>
17601         </numberFormat>
17602         <!-- Mobile numbers do not have exclusive leading digits - formatting depends on number
17603              length. -->
17604         <!-- Vodafone numbers can be 8 digits (without leading 0). -->
17605         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
17606           <leadingDigits>21</leadingDigits>
17607           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
17608         </numberFormat>
17609         <!-- Paging numbers and some mobile numbers (Telecom/Vodafone/TelstraClear). -->
17610         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3,5})">
17611           <leadingDigits>
17612             2(?:
17613               1[1-9]|
17614               [69]|
17615               7[0-35-9]
17616             )|
17617             86
17618           </leadingDigits>
17619           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
17620         </numberFormat>
17621         <!-- 2Degrees numbers are formatted with 022 separated, since this seems to be more common
17622              than writing the first group as 022X based on Google web searches, and is used by
17623              2Degrees themselves. See formatting on http://www.2degreesmobile.co.nz for an example
17624              of the latter. We follow the same pattern for 020 (Orcon) and 028 (mixed) numbers. -->
17625         <numberFormat pattern="(2\d)(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
17626           <leadingDigits>2[028]</leadingDigits>
17627           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
17628         </numberFormat>
17629         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
17630           <!-- 0274, 0210 and toll-free/premium-rate prefixes 0508/0800/0900. -->
17631           <leadingDigits>
17632             2(?:
17633               10|
17634               74
17635             )|
17636             5|
17637             [89]0
17638           </leadingDigits>
17639           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
17640         </numberFormat>
17641       </availableFormats>
17642       <generalDesc>
17643         <nationalNumberPattern>
17644           6[235-9]\d{6}|
17645           [2-57-9]\d{7,10}
17646         </nationalNumberPattern>
17647         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
17648       </generalDesc>
17649       <fixedLine>
17650         <!-- 07 788 was assigned to Voxbox according to
17651              http://www.nad.org.nz/07GeographicalCodes.php -->
17652         <nationalNumberPattern>
17653           (?:
17654             3[2-79]|
17655             [49][2-689]|
17656             6[235-9]|
17657             7[2-5789]
17658           )\d{6}|
17659           24099\d{3}
17660         </nationalNumberPattern>
17661         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17662         <exampleNumber>32345678</exampleNumber>
17663       </fixedLine>
17664       <mobile>
17665         <!-- Includes mobile radio service numbers (e.g. TeamTalk). The lengths of numbers with
17666              prefix 21 are different from what's specified in the ITU doc, because of numbers found
17667              online. -->
17668         <nationalNumberPattern>
17669           2(?:
17670             [028]\d{7,8}|
17671             1(?:
17672               [03]\d{5,7}|
17673               [12457]\d{5,6}|
17674               [689]\d{5}
17675             )|
17676             [79]\d{7}
17677           )
17678         </nationalNumberPattern>
17679         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
17680         <exampleNumber>211234567</exampleNumber>
17681       </mobile>
17682       <pager>
17683         <nationalNumberPattern>[28]6\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
17684         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
17685         <exampleNumber>26123456</exampleNumber>
17686       </pager>
17687       <!-- These are the toll free patterns used, by Telecom and Telstra/Clear, but they are
17688            referred to as 'Value-added service' in the phone plan for some reason. 85 numbers are
17689            not covered, as telecom companies don't seem to support them yet. -->
17690       <tollFree>
17691         <nationalNumberPattern>
17692           508\d{6,7}|
17693           80\d{6,8}
17694         </nationalNumberPattern>
17695         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
17696         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
17697       </tollFree>
17698       <premiumRate>
17699         <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
17700         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
17701         <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
17702       </premiumRate>
17703     </territory>
17705     <!-- Oman -->
17706     <territory id="OM" countryCode="968" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
17707       <references>
17708         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200009F/en</sourceUrl>
17709       </references>
17710       <availableFormats>
17711         <numberFormat pattern="(2\d)(\d{6})">
17712           <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
17713           <format>$1 $2</format>
17714         </numberFormat>
17715         <numberFormat pattern="(9\d{3})(\d{4})">
17716           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
17717           <format>$1 $2</format>
17718         </numberFormat>
17719         <numberFormat pattern="([58]00)(\d{4,6})">
17720           <leadingDigits>[58]</leadingDigits>
17721           <format>$1 $2</format>
17722         </numberFormat>
17723       </availableFormats>
17724       <generalDesc>
17725         <nationalNumberPattern>
17726           (?:
17727             2[2-6]|
17728             5|
17729             9[1-9]
17730           )\d{6}|
17731           800\d{5,6}
17732         </nationalNumberPattern>
17733         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
17734       </generalDesc>
17735       <fixedLine>
17736         <nationalNumberPattern>2[2-6]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
17737         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17738         <exampleNumber>23123456</exampleNumber>
17739       </fixedLine>
17740       <mobile>
17741         <nationalNumberPattern>9[1-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
17742         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17743         <exampleNumber>92123456</exampleNumber>
17744       </mobile>
17745       <tollFree>
17746         <!-- Link to document about toll-free numbers on http://www.tra.gov.om, which suggests they
17747              should be 8007 followed by 4 digits. However, the only examples I can find, including
17748              the customer help line for the main telephony company there (omantel), is 8007 followed
17749              by 5 digits, so am allowing both for now to be on the safe side. 500 numbers seem to
17750              offer international toll-free dialing numbers - +968 500 1300 for international help
17751              desk for omantel, for example. -->
17752         <nationalNumberPattern>
17753           8007\d{4,5}|
17754           500\d{4}
17755         </nationalNumberPattern>
17756         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
17757         <exampleNumber>80071234</exampleNumber>
17758       </tollFree>
17759       <!-- No premiumRate information can be found. -->
17760     </territory>
17762     <!-- Panama -->
17763     <territory id="PA" countryCode="507" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
17764       <references>
17765         <!-- Last read July 9, 2014. -->
17766         <sourceUrl>http://www.asep.gob.pa/telecom/pnn/default.asp</sourceUrl>
17767         <!-- Omits the fact that mobile phones are 8 digits long. -->
17768         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B507</sourceUrl>
17769       </references>
17770       <availableFormats>
17771         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
17772           <leadingDigits>[1-57-9]</leadingDigits>
17773           <format>$1-$2</format>
17774         </numberFormat>
17775         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
17776           <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
17777           <format>$1-$2</format>
17778         </numberFormat>
17779       </availableFormats>
17780       <generalDesc>
17781         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
17782         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17783       </generalDesc>
17784       <!-- Note that numbers starting with 101, 106, 131, 151, 156 and 168 have not been assigned to
17785            any rule below since we are not sure what the "servicios 102/103" refer to here. -->
17786       <fixedLine>
17787         <!-- Note that "servicios 101/104" in the plan refer to "Local Basic Communications Service"
17788              and "Public and Semipublic Terminal Service", represented here as fixed-line. -->
17789         <!-- The range 194-XXXX has been added since a number was found online with this prefix and
17790              proved to be diallable. -->
17791         <nationalNumberPattern>
17792           (?:
17793             1(?:
17794               0[02-579]|
17795               19|
17796               2[37]|
17797               3[03]|
17798               4[479]|
17799               57|
17800               65|
17801               7[016-8]|
17802               8[58]|
17803               9[1349]
17804             )|
17805             2(?:
17806               [0235679]\d|
17807               1[0-7]|
17808               4[04-9]|
17809               8[028]
17810             )|
17811             3(?:
17812               [09]\d|
17813               1[14-7]|
17814               2[0-3]|
17815               3[03]|
17816               4[0457]|
17817               5[56]|
17818               6[068]|
17819               7[06-8]|
17820               8[089]
17821             )|
17822             4(?:
17823               3[013-69]|
17824               4\d|
17825               7[0-689]
17826             )|
17827             5(?:
17828               [01]\d|
17829               2[0-7]|
17830               [56]0|
17831               79
17832             )|
17833             7(?:
17834               0[09]|
17835               2[0-267]|
17836               3[06]|
17837               [49]0|
17838               5[06-9]|
17839               7[0-24-7]|
17840               8[89]
17841             )|
17842             8(?:
17843               [34]\d|
17844               5[0-4]|
17845               8[02]
17846             )|
17847             9(?:
17848               0[6-8]|
17849               1[016-8]|
17850               2[036-8]|
17851               3[3679]|
17852               40|
17853               5[0489]|
17854               6[06-9]|
17855               7[046-9]|
17856               8[36-8]|
17857               9[1-9]
17858             )
17859           )\d{4}
17860         </nationalNumberPattern>
17861         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
17862         <exampleNumber>2001234</exampleNumber>
17863       </fixedLine>
17864       <mobile>
17865         <!-- Note that "servicios 106/107" in the plan refer to mobile services. We also include
17866              service "210", "Servicio de Busca Personas". -->
17867         <nationalNumberPattern>
17868           (?:
17869             1[16]1|
17870             21[89]|
17871             8(?:
17872               1[01]|
17873               7[23]
17874             )
17875           )\d{4}|
17876           6(?:
17877             [024-9]\d|
17878             1[0-5]|
17879             3[0-24-9]
17880           )\d{5}
17881         </nationalNumberPattern>
17882         <exampleNumber>60012345</exampleNumber>
17883       </mobile>
17884       <tollFree>
17885         <nationalNumberPattern>80[09]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
17886         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
17887         <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
17888       </tollFree>
17889       <premiumRate>
17890         <!-- Value-added services are represented as "400" in the plan. -->
17891         <nationalNumberPattern>
17892           (?:
17893             779|
17894             8(?:
17895               2[235]|
17896               55|
17897               60|
17898               7[578]|
17899               86|
17900               95
17901             )|
17902             9(?:
17903               0[0-2]|
17904               81
17905             )
17906           )\d{4}
17907         </nationalNumberPattern>
17908         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
17909         <exampleNumber>8601234</exampleNumber>
17910       </premiumRate>
17911     </territory>
17913     <!-- Peru -->
17914     <territory id="PE" countryCode="51" internationalPrefix="19(?:1[124]|77|90)00"
17915                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
17916                preferredExtnPrefix=" Anexo " mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
17917       <references>
17918         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000A6/en</sourceUrl>
17919         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/+51</sourceUrl>
17920         <sourceUrl>http://www.assistbook.com/South%20America/Peru/widecodes</sourceUrl>
17921       </references>
17922       <availableFormats>
17923         <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{7})">
17924           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
17925           <format>$1 $2</format>
17926         </numberFormat>
17927         <numberFormat pattern="([4-8]\d)(\d{6})">
17928           <leadingDigits>
17929             [4-7]|
17930             8[2-4]
17931           </leadingDigits>
17932           <format>$1 $2</format>
17933         </numberFormat>
17934         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{5})">
17935           <leadingDigits>80</leadingDigits>
17936           <format>$1 $2</format>
17937         </numberFormat>
17938         <!-- Formatting from common usage found on the internet, supported by ITU doc. -->
17939         <numberFormat pattern="(9\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})"
17940                       nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
17941           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
17942           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
17943         </numberFormat>
17944       </availableFormats>
17945       <generalDesc>
17946         <nationalNumberPattern>[14-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
17947         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
17948       </generalDesc>
17949       <fixedLine>
17950         <nationalNumberPattern>
17951           (?:
17952             1\d|
17953             4[1-4]|
17954             5[1-46]|
17955             6[1-7]|
17956             7[2-46]|
17957             8[2-4]
17958           )\d{6}
17959         </nationalNumberPattern>
17960         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17961         <exampleNumber>11234567</exampleNumber>
17962       </fixedLine>
17963       <mobile>
17964         <nationalNumberPattern>9\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
17965         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
17966         <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
17967       </mobile>
17968       <tollFree>
17969         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
17970         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17971         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
17972       </tollFree>
17973       <premiumRate>
17974         <nationalNumberPattern>805\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
17975         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17976         <exampleNumber>80512345</exampleNumber>
17977       </premiumRate>
17978       <sharedCost>
17979         <nationalNumberPattern>801\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
17980         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17981         <exampleNumber>80112345</exampleNumber>
17982       </sharedCost>
17983       <personalNumber>
17984         <nationalNumberPattern>80[24]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
17985         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
17986         <exampleNumber>80212345</exampleNumber>
17987       </personalNumber>
17988     </territory>
17990     <!-- French Polynesia (Tahiti) (Territoire français d'outre-mer) -->
17991     <territory id="PF" countryCode="689" internationalPrefix="00">
17992       <references>
17993         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200004D/en</sourceUrl>
17994       </references>
17995       <availableFormats>
17996         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
17997           <leadingDigits>
17998             4[09]|
17999             8[79]
18000           </leadingDigits>
18001           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
18002         </numberFormat>
18003         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
18004           <leadingDigits>44</leadingDigits>
18005           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18006         </numberFormat>
18007       </availableFormats>
18008       <generalDesc>
18009         <nationalNumberPattern>
18010           4\d{5,7}|
18011           8\d{7}
18012         </nationalNumberPattern>
18013         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}(?:\d{2})?</possibleNumberPattern>
18014       </generalDesc>
18015       <noInternationalDialling>
18016         <nationalNumberPattern>44\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
18017         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
18018         <exampleNumber>441234</exampleNumber>
18019       </noInternationalDialling>
18020       <fixedLine>
18021         <!-- Includes payphone prefixes. -->
18022         <nationalNumberPattern>
18023           4(?:
18024             [09][45689]\d|
18025             4
18026           )\d{4}
18027         </nationalNumberPattern>
18028         <exampleNumber>40412345</exampleNumber>
18029       </fixedLine>
18030       <mobile>
18031         <nationalNumberPattern>8[79]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
18032         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
18033         <exampleNumber>87123456</exampleNumber>
18034       </mobile>
18035     </territory>
18037     <!-- Papua New Guinea -->
18038     <territory id="PG" countryCode="675" internationalPrefix="00">
18039       <references>
18040         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000A4/en</sourceUrl>
18041         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B675</sourceUrl>
18042       </references>
18043       <availableFormats>
18044         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
18045           <leadingDigits>
18046             [13-689]|
18047             27
18048           </leadingDigits>
18049           <format>$1 $2</format>
18050         </numberFormat>
18051         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
18052           <leadingDigits>
18053             20|
18054             7
18055           </leadingDigits>
18056           <format>$1 $2</format>
18057         </numberFormat>
18058       </availableFormats>
18059       <generalDesc>
18060         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
18061         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
18062       </generalDesc>
18063       <fixedLine>
18064         <nationalNumberPattern>
18065           (?:
18066             3[0-2]\d|
18067             4[25]\d|
18068             5[34]\d|
18069             64[1-9]|
18070             77(?:
18071               [0-24]\d|
18072               30
18073             )|
18074             85[02-46-9]|
18075             9[78]\d
18076           )\d{4}
18077         </nationalNumberPattern>
18078         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
18079         <exampleNumber>3123456</exampleNumber>
18080       </fixedLine>
18081       <mobile>
18082         <!-- Mobile number patterns from the numbering plan are included here, as well as 68X from
18083              Wikipedia.
18084              As per ITU doc, prefix 20150 will expire at the end of 2015. -->
18085         <nationalNumberPattern>
18086           (?:
18087             20150|
18088             68\d{2}|
18089             7(?:
18090               [0-369]\d|
18091               75
18092             )\d{2}
18093           )\d{3}
18094         </nationalNumberPattern>
18095         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
18096         <exampleNumber>6812345</exampleNumber>
18097       </mobile>
18098       <tollFree>
18099         <nationalNumberPattern>180\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
18100         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
18101         <exampleNumber>1801234</exampleNumber>
18102       </tollFree>
18103       <voip>
18104         <!-- VSAT prefixes are here. -->
18105         <nationalNumberPattern>275\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
18106         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
18107         <exampleNumber>2751234</exampleNumber>
18108       </voip>
18109     </territory>
18111     <!-- Philippines -->
18112     <territory id="PH" countryCode="63" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0">
18113       <references>
18114         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B63</sourceUrl>
18115       </references>
18116       <availableFormats>
18117         <!-- Area code separated from number. Area codes found here:
18118         http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunications_in_the_Philippines#Area_Codes -->
18119         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
18120           pattern="(2)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
18121           <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
18122           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18123         </numberFormat>
18124         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
18125           pattern="(2)(\d{5})">
18126           <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
18127           <format>$1 $2</format>
18128         </numberFormat>
18129         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
18130           pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4,6})">
18131           <leadingDigits>
18132             3(?:
18133               23|
18134               39|
18135               46
18136             )|
18137             4(?:
18138               2[3-6]|
18139               [35]9|
18140               4[26]|
18141               76
18142             )|
18143             5(?:
18144               22|
18145               44
18146             )|
18147             642|
18148             8(?:
18149               62|
18150               8[245]
18151             )
18152           </leadingDigits>
18153           <leadingDigits>
18154             3(?:
18155               230|
18156               397|
18157               461
18158             )|
18159             4(?:
18160               2(?:
18161                 35|
18162                 [46]4|
18163                 51
18164               )|
18165               396|
18166               4(?:
18167                 22|
18168                 63
18169               )|
18170               59[347]|
18171               76[15]
18172             )|
18173             5(?:
18174               221|
18175               446
18176             )|
18177             642[23]|
18178             8(?:
18179               622|
18180               8(?:
18181                 [24]2|
18182                 5[13]
18183               )
18184             )
18185           </leadingDigits>
18186           <format>$1 $2</format>
18187         </numberFormat>
18188         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
18189           pattern="(\d{5})(\d{4})">
18190           <leadingDigits>
18191             346|
18192             4(?:
18193               27|
18194               9[35]
18195             )|
18196             883
18197           </leadingDigits>
18198           <leadingDigits>
18199             3469|
18200             4(?:
18201               279|
18202               9(?:
18203                 30|
18204                 56
18205               )
18206             )|
18207             8834
18208           </leadingDigits>
18209           <format>$1 $2</format>
18210         </numberFormat>
18211         <!-- This rule is a fallback for the more specific area codes. -->
18212         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
18213           pattern="([3-8]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
18214           <leadingDigits>[3-8]</leadingDigits>
18215           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18216         </numberFormat>
18217         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
18218           pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
18219           <leadingDigits>
18220             81|
18221             9
18222           </leadingDigits>
18223           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18224         </numberFormat>
18225         <!-- Formatting from http://www.uniontelecard.com/calling-guides/philippines/guide1.aspx -->
18226         <numberFormat pattern="(1800)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
18227           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
18228           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18229         </numberFormat>
18230         <numberFormat pattern="(1800)(\d{1,2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
18231           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
18232           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
18233         </numberFormat>
18234       </availableFormats>
18235       <generalDesc>
18236         <nationalNumberPattern>
18237           2\d{5,7}|
18238           [3-9]\d{7,9}|
18239           1800\d{7,9}
18240         </nationalNumberPattern>
18241         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
18242       </generalDesc>
18243       <fixedLine>
18244         <!-- Evidence on number length is hard to come by. We have found diallable numbers in Manila
18245              that have only 5 digits after the area code; plus it seems the 8822 area code is
18246              followed by 6 digits, and 8842 by only 4. -->
18247         <nationalNumberPattern>
18248           2\d{5}(?:\d{2})?|
18249           (?:
18250             3[2-68]|
18251             4[2-9]|
18252             5[2-6]|
18253             6[2-58]|
18254             7[24578]|
18255             8[2-8]
18256           )\d{7}|
18257           88(?:
18258             22\d{6}|
18259             42\d{4}
18260           )
18261         </nationalNumberPattern>
18262         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
18263         <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
18264       </fixedLine>
18265       <mobile>
18266         <nationalNumberPattern>
18267           (?:
18268             81[37]|
18269             9(?:
18270               0[5-9]|
18271               1[024-9]|
18272               2[0-35-9]|
18273               3[02-9]|
18274               4[236-9]|
18275               7[34-79]|
18276               89|
18277               9[4-9]
18278             )
18279           )\d{7}
18280         </nationalNumberPattern>
18281         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
18282         <exampleNumber>9051234567</exampleNumber>
18283       </mobile>
18284       <!-- Information on toll-free numbers collected from searching the internet -->
18285       <tollFree>
18286         <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
18287         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
18288         <exampleNumber>180012345678</exampleNumber>
18289       </tollFree>
18290       <!-- No information can be found about other types of numbers (such as premium rate) in the
18291            Philippines. -->
18292     </territory>
18294     <!-- Pakistan -->
18295     <territory id="PK" countryCode="92" internationalPrefix="00"
18296                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
18297                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
18298       <references>
18299         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000A1/en</sourceUrl>
18300         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B92</sourceUrl>
18301       </references>
18302       <availableFormats>
18303         <!-- Universal Access Numbers (UAN) number format patterns first, so that these numbers are
18304              formatted nicely by the AYTF. -->
18305         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(111)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
18306           <leadingDigits>
18307             (?:
18308               2[125]|
18309               4[0-246-9]|
18310               5[1-35-7]|
18311               6[1-8]|
18312               7[14]|
18313               8[16]|
18314               91
18315             )1
18316           </leadingDigits>
18317           <leadingDigits>
18318             (?:
18319               2[125]|
18320               4[0-246-9]|
18321               5[1-35-7]|
18322               6[1-8]|
18323               7[14]|
18324               8[16]|
18325               91
18326             )11
18327           </leadingDigits>
18328           <leadingDigits>
18329             (?:
18330               2[125]|
18331               4[0-246-9]|
18332               5[1-35-7]|
18333               6[1-8]|
18334               7[14]|
18335               8[16]|
18336               91
18337             )111
18338           </leadingDigits>
18339           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
18340         </numberFormat>
18341         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(111)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
18342           <leadingDigits>
18343             2[349]|
18344             45|
18345             54|
18346             60|
18347             72|
18348             8[2-5]|
18349             9[2-9]
18350           </leadingDigits>
18351           <leadingDigits>
18352             (?:
18353               2[349]|
18354               45|
18355               54|
18356               60|
18357               72|
18358               8[2-5]|
18359               9[2-9]
18360             )\d1
18361           </leadingDigits>
18362           <leadingDigits>
18363             (?:
18364               2[349]|
18365               45|
18366               54|
18367               60|
18368               72|
18369               8[2-5]|
18370               9[2-9]
18371             )\d11
18372           </leadingDigits>
18373           <leadingDigits>
18374             (?:
18375               2[349]|
18376               45|
18377               54|
18378               60|
18379               72|
18380               8[2-5]|
18381               9[2-9]
18382             )\d111
18383           </leadingDigits>
18384           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
18385         </numberFormat>
18386         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{7,8})">
18387           <leadingDigits>
18388             (?:
18389               2[125]|
18390               4[0-246-9]|
18391               5[1-35-7]|
18392               6[1-8]|
18393               7[14]|
18394               8[16]|
18395               91
18396             )[2-9]
18397           </leadingDigits>
18398           <format>$1 $2</format>
18399         </numberFormat>
18400         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{6,7})">
18401           <leadingDigits>
18402             2[349]|
18403             45|
18404             54|
18405             60|
18406             72|
18407             8[2-5]|
18408             9[2-9]
18409           </leadingDigits>
18410           <leadingDigits>
18411             (?:
18412               2[349]|
18413               45|
18414               54|
18415               60|
18416               72|
18417               8[2-5]|
18418               9[2-9]
18419             )\d[2-9]
18420           </leadingDigits>
18421           <format>$1 $2</format>
18422         </numberFormat>
18423         <numberFormat pattern="(3\d{2})(\d{7})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
18424           <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
18425           <format>$1 $2</format>
18426         </numberFormat>
18427         <numberFormat pattern="([15]\d{3})(\d{5,6})">
18428           <leadingDigits>
18429             58[12]|
18430             1
18431           </leadingDigits>
18432           <format>$1 $2</format>
18433         </numberFormat>
18434         <!-- This is from online examples. -->
18435         <numberFormat pattern="(586\d{2})(\d{5})">
18436           <leadingDigits>586</leadingDigits>
18437           <format>$1 $2</format>
18438         </numberFormat>
18439         <numberFormat pattern="([89]00)(\d{3})(\d{2})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
18440           <leadingDigits>[89]00</leadingDigits>
18441           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18442         </numberFormat>
18443       </availableFormats>
18444       <generalDesc>
18445         <!-- This is horribly complex because the country code is 92, and several area codes start
18446              with 92, and the number length is widely variable. -->
18447         <nationalNumberPattern>
18448           1\d{8}|
18449           [2-8]\d{5,11}|
18450           9(?:
18451             [013-9]\d{4,9}|
18452             2\d(?:
18453               111\d{6}|
18454               \d{3,7}
18455             )
18456           )
18457         </nationalNumberPattern>
18458         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
18459       </generalDesc>
18460       <fixedLine>
18461         <!-- The subscriber number length is not well defined for some area codes. From online
18462              examples, we have come up with a heuristic that for 3-digit area codes, the subscriber
18463              number will be 6 or 7 digits - for 2-digit area codes it will be 7, with the exceptions
18464              of Karachi and Lahore (both 8). -->
18465         <nationalNumberPattern>
18466           (?:
18467             21|
18468             42
18469           )[2-9]\d{7}|
18470           (?:
18471             2[25]|
18472             4[0146-9]|
18473             5[1-35-7]|
18474             6[1-8]|
18475             7[14]|
18476             8[16]|
18477             91
18478           )[2-9]\d{6}|
18479           (?:
18480             2(?:
18481               3[2358]|
18482               4[2-4]|
18483               9[2-8]
18484             )|
18485             45[3479]|
18486             54[2-467]|
18487             60[468]|
18488             72[236]|
18489             8(?:
18490               2[2-689]|
18491               3[23578]|
18492               4[3478]|
18493               5[2356]
18494             )|
18495             9(?:
18496               1|
18497               2[2-8]|
18498               3[27-9]|
18499               4[2-6]|
18500               6[3569]|
18501               9[25-8]
18502             )
18503           )[2-9]\d{5,6}|
18504           58[126]\d{7}
18505         </nationalNumberPattern>
18506         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
18507         <exampleNumber>2123456789</exampleNumber>
18508       </fixedLine>
18509       <mobile>
18510         <!-- Adding 311, 325 and 320 as SMSs have been successfully sent to these numbers and numbers
18511              can be found online with these prefixes. Added 310 based on information from Zong, and
18512              316 based on information found online. -->
18513         <nationalNumberPattern>
18514           3(?:
18515             0\d|
18516             1[0-6]|
18517             2[0-5]|
18518             [34][0-7]|
18519             55|
18520             64
18521           )\d{7}
18522         </nationalNumberPattern>
18523         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
18524         <exampleNumber>3012345678</exampleNumber>
18525       </mobile>
18526       <tollFree>
18527         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
18528         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
18529         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
18530       </tollFree>
18531       <premiumRate>
18532         <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
18533         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
18534         <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
18535       </premiumRate>
18536       <!-- These are referred to as UPT numbers in the plan. -->
18537       <personalNumber>
18538         <nationalNumberPattern>122\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
18539         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
18540         <!-- The example number here is the test number from the plan. -->
18541         <exampleNumber>122044444</exampleNumber>
18542       </personalNumber>
18543       <uan>
18544         <!-- Data on what a UAN is is hard to come by. http://www.ptcl.com.pk has information under
18545              http://www.ptcl.com.pk/contentb.php?NID=143#uan - which defines their format - but not
18546              what type of number they are. We exclude Azad Jammu, Kashmir and Northern Areas here
18547              since no online example UANs can be found, and they have an "access code" at the start,
18548              making it difficult to guess what a UAN in these areas would look like. -->
18549         <nationalNumberPattern>
18550           (?:
18551             2(?:
18552               [125]|
18553               3[2358]|
18554               4[2-4]|
18555               9[2-8]
18556             )|
18557             4(?:
18558               [0-246-9]|
18559               5[3479]
18560             )|
18561             5(?:
18562               [1-35-7]|
18563               4[2-467]
18564             )|
18565             6(?:
18566               [1-8]|
18567               0[468]
18568             )|
18569             7(?:
18570               [14]|
18571               2[236]
18572             )|
18573             8(?:
18574               [16]|
18575               2[2-689]|
18576               3[23578]|
18577               4[3478]|
18578               5[2356]
18579             )|
18580             9(?:
18581               1|
18582               22|
18583               3[27-9]|
18584               4[2-6]|
18585               6[3569]|
18586               9[2-7]
18587             )
18588           )111\d{6}
18589         </nationalNumberPattern>
18590         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
18591         <exampleNumber>21111825888</exampleNumber>
18592       </uan>
18593     </territory>
18595     <!-- Poland -->
18596     <territory id="PL" countryCode="48" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
18597       <references>
18598         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B48</sourceUrl>
18599         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000A8/en</sourceUrl>
18600         <!-- Source is in Polish. -->
18601         <sourceUrl>http://www.uke.gov.pl/uke/index.jsp?place=Lead24&amp;news_cat_id=277&amp;news_id=3791&amp;layout=9&amp;page=text</sourceUrl>
18602       </references>
18603       <availableFormats>
18604         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
18605           <leadingDigits>
18606             [124]|
18607             3[2-4]|
18608             5[24-689]|
18609             6[1-3578]|
18610             7[14-7]|
18611             8[1-79]|
18612             9[145]
18613           </leadingDigits>
18614           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
18615         </numberFormat>
18616         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{1})(\d{4})">
18617           <leadingDigits>[12]2</leadingDigits>
18618           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18619         </numberFormat>
18620         <!-- We are formatting 70 numbers as per mobile numbers, based on information from some
18621              Poles that this is more usual. -->
18622         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
18623           <leadingDigits>
18624             39|
18625             5[0137]|
18626             6[0469]|
18627             7[02389]|
18628             8[08]
18629           </leadingDigits>
18630           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18631         </numberFormat>
18632         <!-- Additional patterns for shorter pager numbers. -->
18633         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2,3})">
18634           <leadingDigits>64</leadingDigits>
18635           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18636         </numberFormat>
18637         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})">
18638           <leadingDigits>64</leadingDigits>
18639           <format>$1 $2</format>
18640         </numberFormat>
18641       </availableFormats>
18642       <generalDesc>
18643         <nationalNumberPattern>
18644           [12]\d{6,8}|
18645           [3-57-9]\d{8}|
18646           6\d{5,8}
18647         </nationalNumberPattern>
18648         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
18649       </generalDesc>
18650       <fixedLine>
18651         <!-- The plan says all geographical numbers are 9 digits; but in at least Warsaw (22) and
18652              Krakow (12) we have found internationally diallable numbers that are 7 digits instead,
18653              so we support those too. -->
18654         <nationalNumberPattern>
18655           (?:
18656             1[2-8]|
18657             2[2-59]|
18658             3[2-4]|
18659             4[1-468]|
18660             5[24-689]|
18661             6[1-3578]|
18662             7[14-7]|
18663             8[1-79]|
18664             9[145]
18665           )\d{7}|
18666           [12]2\d{5}
18667         </nationalNumberPattern>
18668         <exampleNumber>123456789</exampleNumber>
18669       </fixedLine>
18670       <mobile>
18671         <nationalNumberPattern>
18672           (?:
18673             5[0137]|
18674             6[069]|
18675             7[2389]|
18676             88
18677           )\d{7}
18678         </nationalNumberPattern>
18679         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
18680         <exampleNumber>512345678</exampleNumber>
18681       </mobile>
18682       <pager>
18683         <nationalNumberPattern>64\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
18684         <exampleNumber>641234567</exampleNumber>
18685       </pager>
18686       <tollFree>
18687         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
18688         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
18689         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
18690       </tollFree>
18691       <premiumRate>
18692         <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
18693         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
18694         <exampleNumber>701234567</exampleNumber>
18695       </premiumRate>
18696       <sharedCost>
18697         <nationalNumberPattern>801\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
18698         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
18699         <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
18700       </sharedCost>
18701       <voip>
18702         <nationalNumberPattern>39\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
18703         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
18704         <exampleNumber>391234567</exampleNumber>
18705       </voip>
18706     </territory>
18708     <!-- Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Collectivité territoriale de la République française) -->
18709     <territory id="PM" countryCode="508" internationalPrefix="00"
18710                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
18711       <references>
18712         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000B2/en</sourceUrl>
18713       </references>
18714       <availableFormats>
18715         <numberFormat pattern="([45]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})">
18716           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18717         </numberFormat>
18718       </availableFormats>
18719       <generalDesc>
18720         <nationalNumberPattern>[45]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
18721         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
18722       </generalDesc>
18723       <fixedLine>
18724         <nationalNumberPattern>41\d{4} </nationalNumberPattern>
18725         <exampleNumber>411234</exampleNumber>
18726       </fixedLine>
18727       <mobile>
18728         <nationalNumberPattern>55\d{4} </nationalNumberPattern>
18729         <exampleNumber>551234</exampleNumber>
18730       </mobile>
18731     </territory>
18733     <!-- Pitcairn Island -->
18734     <!-- id="PN" -->
18735     <!-- This island is not supported since evidence seems to be that the 50 inhabitants use
18736          satellite phones. -->
18738     <!-- Puerto Rico -->
18739     <territory id="PR" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="787|939" nationalPrefix="1"
18740                internationalPrefix="011">
18741       <references>
18742         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000AA/en</sourceUrl>
18743       </references>
18744       <generalDesc>
18745         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
18746         <nationalNumberPattern>[5789]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
18747         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
18748       </generalDesc>
18749       <fixedLine>
18750         <nationalNumberPattern>
18751           (?:
18752             787|
18753             939
18754           )[2-9]\d{6}
18755         </nationalNumberPattern>
18756         <exampleNumber>7872345678</exampleNumber>
18757       </fixedLine>
18758       <mobile>
18759         <nationalNumberPattern>
18760           (?:
18761             787|
18762             939
18763           )[2-9]\d{6}
18764         </nationalNumberPattern>
18765         <exampleNumber>7872345678</exampleNumber>
18766       </mobile>
18767       <tollFree>
18768         <nationalNumberPattern>
18769           8(?:
18770             00|
18771             44|
18772             55|
18773             66|
18774             77|
18775             88
18776           )[2-9]\d{6}
18777         </nationalNumberPattern>
18778         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
18779         <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
18780       </tollFree>
18781       <premiumRate>
18782         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
18783         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
18784         <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
18785       </premiumRate>
18786       <personalNumber>
18787         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
18788         <nationalNumberPattern>
18789           5(?:
18790             00|
18791             33|
18792             44|
18793             66|
18794             77
18795           )[2-9]\d{6}
18796         </nationalNumberPattern>
18797         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
18798         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
18799       </personalNumber>
18800     </territory>
18802     <!-- Palestinian Authority -->
18803     <!-- Palestinian phone numbers can be reached through the Israeli country code (972) in addition
18804          to the Palestinian country code (970) and so Palestinian landlines and mobile lines are a
18805          subset of the Israeli formats. -->
18806     <territory id="PS" countryCode="970" internationalPrefix="00"
18807                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
18808       <references>
18809         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B970</sourceUrl>
18810         <sourceUrl>http://www.wtng.info/wtng-970-ps.html</sourceUrl>
18811         <sourceUrl>http://www.paltel.ps</sourceUrl>
18812       </references>
18813       <availableFormats>
18814         <numberFormat pattern="([2489])(2\d{2})(\d{4})">
18815           <leadingDigits>[2489]</leadingDigits>
18816           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18817         </numberFormat>
18818         <numberFormat pattern="(5[69]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
18819           <leadingDigits>5</leadingDigits>
18820           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18821         </numberFormat>
18822         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
18823           pattern="(1[78]00)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
18824           <leadingDigits>1[78]</leadingDigits>
18825           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18826         </numberFormat>
18827         <!-- 4 and 5 digit premium numbers will be formatted as one block by default. -->
18828       </availableFormats>
18829       <generalDesc>
18830         <nationalNumberPattern>
18831           [24589]\d{7,8}|
18832           1(?:
18833             [78]\d{8}|
18834             [49]\d{2,3}
18835           )
18836         </nationalNumberPattern>
18837         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
18838       </generalDesc>
18839       <fixedLine>
18840         <nationalNumberPattern>
18841           (?:
18842             22[234789]|
18843             42[45]|
18844             82[01458]|
18845             92[369]
18846           )\d{5}
18847         </nationalNumberPattern>
18848         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
18849         <exampleNumber>22234567</exampleNumber>
18850       </fixedLine>
18851       <mobile>
18852         <nationalNumberPattern>5[69]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
18853         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
18854         <exampleNumber>599123456</exampleNumber>
18855       </mobile>
18856       <tollFree>
18857         <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
18858         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
18859         <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
18860       </tollFree>
18861       <premiumRate>
18862         <!-- According to Paltel, premium numbers are 14xx and 19xxx -->
18863         <nationalNumberPattern>
18864           1(?:
18865             4|
18866             9\d
18867            )\d{2}
18868         </nationalNumberPattern>
18869         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,5}</possibleNumberPattern>
18870         <exampleNumber>19123</exampleNumber>
18871       </premiumRate>
18872       <sharedCost>
18873         <nationalNumberPattern>1700\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
18874         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
18875         <exampleNumber>1700123456</exampleNumber>
18876       </sharedCost>
18877     </territory>
18879     <!-- Portugal -->
18880     <territory id="PT" countryCode="351" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
18881       <references>
18882         <sourceUrl>http://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?categoryId=279098</sourceUrl>
18883       </references>
18884       <availableFormats>
18885         <!-- Note: the wikipedia page suggests that mobile numbers may also be formatted with only
18886              two digits in the first group; however, this doesn't seem to be majority usage based on
18887              searches online. -->
18888         <numberFormat pattern="(2\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
18889           <leadingDigits>2[12]</leadingDigits>
18890           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18891         </numberFormat>
18892         <numberFormat pattern="([2-46-9]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
18893           <leadingDigits>
18894             2[3-9]|
18895             [346-9]
18896           </leadingDigits>
18897           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
18898         </numberFormat>
18899       </availableFormats>
18900       <generalDesc>
18901         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-46-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
18902         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
18903       </generalDesc>
18904       <fixedLine>
18905         <nationalNumberPattern>
18906           2(?:
18907             [12]\d|
18908             [35][1-689]|
18909             4[1-59]|
18910             6[1-35689]|
18911             7[1-9]|
18912             8[1-69]|
18913             9[1256]
18914           )\d{6}
18915         </nationalNumberPattern>
18916         <exampleNumber>212345678</exampleNumber>
18917       </fixedLine>
18918       <mobile>
18919         <nationalNumberPattern>
18920           9(?:
18921             [136]\d{2}|
18922             2[0-79]\d|
18923             480
18924           )\d{5}
18925         </nationalNumberPattern>
18926         <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
18927       </mobile>
18928       <tollFree>
18929         <nationalNumberPattern>80[02]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
18930         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
18931       </tollFree>
18932       <premiumRate>
18933         <!-- Fixed maximum cost numbers: 761=0.60€, 761=1€, 762=2€. -->
18934         <nationalNumberPattern>
18935           76(?:
18936             0[1-57]|
18937             1[2-47]|
18938             2[237]
18939           )\d{5}
18940         </nationalNumberPattern>
18941         <exampleNumber>760123456</exampleNumber>
18942       </premiumRate>
18943       <sharedCost>
18944         <!-- 808 are priced as local calls, 809 are national calls. -->
18945         <nationalNumberPattern>
18946           80(?:
18947             8\d|
18948             9[1579]
18949           )\d{5}
18950         </nationalNumberPattern>
18951         <exampleNumber>808123456</exampleNumber>
18952       </sharedCost>
18953       <personalNumber>
18954         <nationalNumberPattern>884[128]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
18955         <exampleNumber>884123456</exampleNumber>
18956       </personalNumber>
18957       <voip>
18958         <nationalNumberPattern>30\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
18959         <exampleNumber>301234567</exampleNumber>
18960       </voip>
18961       <uan>
18962         <nationalNumberPattern>
18963           70(?:
18964             7\d|
18965             8[17]
18966           )\d{5}
18967         </nationalNumberPattern>
18968         <exampleNumber>707123456</exampleNumber>
18969       </uan>
18970     </territory>
18972     <!-- Palau -->
18973     <territory id="PW" countryCode="680" internationalPrefix="01[12]">
18974       <references>
18975         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000A2/en</sourceUrl>
18976       </references>
18977       <availableFormats>
18978         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
18979           <format>$1 $2</format>
18980         </numberFormat>
18981       </availableFormats>
18982       <generalDesc>
18983         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
18984         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
18985       </generalDesc>
18986       <fixedLine>
18987         <nationalNumberPattern>
18988           2552255|
18989           (?:
18990             277|
18991             345|
18992             488|
18993             5(?:
18994               35|
18995               44|
18996               87
18997             )|
18998             6(?:
18999               22|
19000               54|
19001               79
19002             )|
19003             7(?:
19004               33|
19005               47
19006             )|
19007             8(?:
19008               24|
19009               55|
19010               76
19011             )
19012           )\d{4}
19013         </nationalNumberPattern>
19014         <exampleNumber>2771234</exampleNumber>
19015       </fixedLine>
19016       <mobile>
19017         <nationalNumberPattern>
19018           (?:
19019             6[234689]0|
19020             77[45789]
19021           )\d{4}
19022         </nationalNumberPattern>
19023         <exampleNumber>6201234</exampleNumber>
19024       </mobile>
19025     </territory>
19027     <!-- Paraguay -->
19028     <territory id="PY" countryCode="595" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
19029                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
19030       <references>
19031         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Paraguay</sourceUrl>
19032         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000A5/en</sourceUrl>
19033         <sourceUrl>http://www.copaco.com.py/portal/index.php/component/content/article/8-empresa/74-codigos-de-area.html</sourceUrl>
19034       </references>
19035       <availableFormats>
19036         <!-- CONATEL plan. -->
19037         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5,7})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)">
19038           <leadingDigits>
19039             (?:
19040               [26]1|
19041               3[289]|
19042               4[124678]|
19043               7[123]|
19044               8[1236]
19045             )
19046           </leadingDigits>
19047           <format>$1 $2</format>
19048         </numberFormat>
19049         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,6})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
19050           <leadingDigits>[2-9]0</leadingDigits>
19051           <format>$1 $2</format>
19052         </numberFormat>
19053         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{6})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
19054           <leadingDigits>9[1-9]</leadingDigits>
19055           <format>$1 $2</format>
19056         </numberFormat>
19057         <!-- Format seen in examples found online. -->
19058         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
19059           <leadingDigits>8700</leadingDigits>
19060           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
19061         </numberFormat>
19062         <!-- "Fall-back" rule for the rest of the fixed-line numbers that have 3-digit area codes.
19063              -->
19064         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4,6})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)">
19065           <leadingDigits>[2-8][1-9]</leadingDigits>
19066           <format>$1 $2</format>
19067         </numberFormat>
19068       </availableFormats>
19069       <generalDesc>
19070         <nationalNumberPattern>
19071           5[0-5]\d{4,7}|
19072           [2-46-9]\d{5,8}
19073         </nationalNumberPattern>
19074         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19075       </generalDesc>
19076       <fixedLine>
19077         <nationalNumberPattern>
19078           (?:
19079             [26]1|
19080             3[289]|
19081             4[124678]|
19082             7[123]|
19083             8[1236]
19084           )\d{5,7}|
19085           (?:
19086             2(?:
19087               2[4568]|
19088               7[15]|
19089               9[1-5]
19090             )|
19091             3(?:
19092               18|
19093               3[167]|
19094               4[2357]|
19095               51
19096             )|
19097             4(?:
19098               18|
19099               2[45]|
19100               3[12]|
19101               5[13]|
19102               64|
19103               71|
19104               9[1-47]
19105             )|
19106             5(?:
19107               [1-4]\d|
19108               5[0234]
19109             )|
19110             6(?:
19111               3[1-3]|
19112               44|
19113               7[1-4678]
19114             )|
19115             7(?:
19116               17|
19117               4[0-4]|
19118               6[1-578]|
19119               75|
19120               8[0-8]
19121             )|
19122             858
19123           )\d{5,6}
19124         </nationalNumberPattern>
19125         <exampleNumber>212345678</exampleNumber>
19126       </fixedLine>
19127       <mobile>
19128         <!-- 962 was added for Tigo. -->
19129         <nationalNumberPattern>
19130           9(?:
19131             6[12]|
19132             [78][1-6]|
19133             9[1-5]
19134           )\d{6}
19135         </nationalNumberPattern>
19136         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19137         <exampleNumber>961456789</exampleNumber>
19138       </mobile>
19139       <voip>
19140         <nationalNumberPattern>8700[0-4]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
19141         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19142         <exampleNumber>870012345</exampleNumber>
19143       </voip>
19144       <uan>
19145         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]0\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
19146         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19147         <exampleNumber>201234567</exampleNumber>
19148       </uan>
19149     </territory>
19151     <!-- Qatar -->
19152     <territory id="QA" countryCode="974" internationalPrefix="00" mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
19153       <references>
19154         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000AB/en</sourceUrl>
19155         <sourceUrl>http://wtng.info/wtng-qq.html</sourceUrl>
19156       </references>
19157       <availableFormats>
19158         <numberFormat pattern="([28]\d{2})(\d{4})">
19159           <leadingDigits>[28]</leadingDigits>
19160           <format>$1 $2</format>
19161         </numberFormat>
19162         <numberFormat pattern="([3-7]\d{3})(\d{4})">
19163           <leadingDigits>[3-7]</leadingDigits>
19164           <format>$1 $2</format>
19165         </numberFormat>
19166       </availableFormats>
19167       <generalDesc>
19168         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-8]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
19169         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
19170       </generalDesc>
19171       <fixedLine>
19172         <!-- The prefix 40 has now been allocated, based on numbers seen online. -->
19173         <nationalNumberPattern>4[04]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
19174         <exampleNumber>44123456</exampleNumber>
19175       </fixedLine>
19176       <mobile>
19177         <nationalNumberPattern>[3567]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
19178         <exampleNumber>33123456</exampleNumber>
19179       </mobile>
19180       <pager>
19181         <nationalNumberPattern>
19182           2(?:
19183             [12]\d|
19184             61
19185           )\d{4}
19186         </nationalNumberPattern>
19187         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
19188         <exampleNumber>2123456</exampleNumber>
19189       </pager>
19190       <tollFree>
19191         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
19192         <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
19193       </tollFree>
19194       <!-- No premiumRate information can be found. -->
19195     </territory>
19197     <!-- Réunion (French Departments and Territories in the Indian Ocean) -->
19198     <!-- Note this shares the same country code as La Mayotte and the formatting patterns here are
19199          used by both of them. -->
19200     <territory id="RE" countryCode="262" internationalPrefix="00"
19201                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
19202                leadingDigits="262|6[49]|8" mainCountryForCode="true" >
19203       <references>
19204         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200004B/en</sourceUrl>
19205       </references>
19206       <availableFormats>
19207         <numberFormat pattern="([268]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
19208           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
19209         </numberFormat>
19210       </availableFormats>
19211       <generalDesc>
19212         <nationalNumberPattern>[268]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
19213         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19214       </generalDesc>
19215       <fixedLine>
19216         <!-- 0876 numbers are mentioned in the plan, but none in use can be found. -->
19217         <nationalNumberPattern>262\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
19218         <exampleNumber>262161234</exampleNumber>
19219       </fixedLine>
19220       <mobile>
19221         <nationalNumberPattern>
19222           6(?:
19223             9[23]|
19224             47
19225           )\d{6}
19226         </nationalNumberPattern>
19227         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19228         <exampleNumber>692123456</exampleNumber>
19229       </mobile>
19230       <!-- 08* Numbers in Réunion are the same as those valid in France. -->
19231       <tollFree>
19232         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
19233         <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
19234       </tollFree>
19235       <premiumRate>
19236         <nationalNumberPattern>89[1-37-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
19237         <exampleNumber>891123456</exampleNumber>
19238       </premiumRate>
19239       <sharedCost>
19240         <nationalNumberPattern>
19241           8(?:
19242             1[019]|
19243             2[0156]|
19244             84|
19245             90
19246           )\d{6}
19247         </nationalNumberPattern>
19248         <exampleNumber>810123456</exampleNumber>
19249       </sharedCost>
19250     </territory>
19252     <!-- Romania -->
19253     <!-- Extension prefix found online, confirmed by a Romanian. -->
19254     <territory id="RO" countryCode="40" internationalPrefix="00"
19255                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
19256                preferredExtnPrefix=" int " mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
19257       <references>
19258         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000AC/en</sourceUrl>
19259         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Romania</sourceUrl>
19260       </references>
19261       <availableFormats>
19262         <numberFormat pattern="([237]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
19263           <leadingDigits>[23]1</leadingDigits>
19264           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
19265         </numberFormat>
19266         <numberFormat pattern="(21)(\d{4})">
19267           <leadingDigits>21</leadingDigits>
19268           <format>$1 $2</format>
19269         </numberFormat>
19270         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
19271           <!-- We format mobile numbers like this, even though ITU and wikipedia hint at
19272                \d{2}\d{3}\d{4} grouping, since the yellow pages (http://en.paginiaurii.ro/) and the
19273                majority of numbers found online follow this convention. -->
19274           <leadingDigits>
19275             [23][3-7]|
19276             [7-9]
19277           </leadingDigits>
19278           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
19279         </numberFormat>
19280         <numberFormat pattern="(2\d{2})(\d{3})">
19281           <leadingDigits>2[3-6]</leadingDigits>
19282           <format>$1 $2</format>
19283         </numberFormat>
19284       </availableFormats>
19285       <generalDesc>
19286         <nationalNumberPattern>
19287           2\d{5,8}|
19288           [37-9]\d{8}
19289         </nationalNumberPattern>
19290         <!-- Although the ITU plan says the number plan is open, this was changed in 2008 according
19291              to wikipedia and people must dial the full number. However, there are still short
19292              numbers that total 6 digits long, so the possible number pattern should take these into
19293              account. -->
19294         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19295       </generalDesc>
19296       <fixedLine>
19297         <!-- We exclude three-digit short numbers for Bucharest (219\d{2}) and four-digit short
19298              numbers outside Bucharest (2[36]\d9\d{3}) even though ITU suggests these exist. We do
19299              this based on numbers found online and the wikipedia article which indicate that these
19300              are four digits long in Bucharest only, and three digits elsewhere. -->
19301         <nationalNumberPattern>
19302           2(?:
19303             1(?:
19304               \d{7}|
19305               9\d{3}
19306             )|
19307             [3-6](?:
19308               \d{7}|
19309               \d9\d{2}
19310             )
19311           )|
19312           3[13-6]\d{7}
19313           </nationalNumberPattern>
19314         <exampleNumber>211234567</exampleNumber>
19315       </fixedLine>
19316       <mobile>
19317         <!-- http://www.enigma-system.net/business/customized-phone-number.html confirms that the
19318              numbers are restricted to those starting with 07000. Mobile prefix 0799 added based on
19319              open-source report and confirmation by existence of such numbers online. -->
19320         <nationalNumberPattern>
19321           7(?:
19322             000|
19323             [1-8]\d{2}|
19324             99\d
19325           )\d{5}
19326         </nationalNumberPattern>
19327         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19328         <exampleNumber>712345678</exampleNumber>
19329       </mobile>
19330       <tollFree>
19331         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
19332         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19333         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
19334       </tollFree>
19335       <premiumRate>
19336         <nationalNumberPattern>90[036]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
19337         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19338         <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
19339       </premiumRate>
19340       <sharedCost>
19341         <nationalNumberPattern>801\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
19342         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19343         <exampleNumber>801123456</exampleNumber>
19344       </sharedCost>
19345       <personalNumber>
19346         <nationalNumberPattern>802\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
19347         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19348         <exampleNumber>802123456</exampleNumber>
19349       </personalNumber>
19350       <uan>
19351         <!-- http://www.ancom.org.ro/pnn_1300 refers to numbers beginning with 37, 38 or 39 as
19352              location-independent national numbers. Only numbers beginning with 37 have been seen so
19353              these are the only ones supported for now. -->
19354         <nationalNumberPattern>37\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
19355         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19356         <exampleNumber>372123456</exampleNumber>
19357       </uan>
19358     </territory>
19360     <!-- Serbia -->
19361     <territory id="RS" countryCode="381" internationalPrefix="00"
19362                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
19363                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
19364       <references>
19365         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000B9/en</sourceUrl>
19366         <sourceUrl>http://registar.ratel.rs/en/reg202</sourceUrl>
19367       </references>
19368       <availableFormats>
19369         <numberFormat pattern="([23]\d{2})(\d{4,9})">
19370           <leadingDigits>
19371             (?:
19372               2[389]|
19373               39
19374             )0
19375           </leadingDigits>
19376           <format>$1 $2</format>
19377         </numberFormat>
19378         <numberFormat pattern="([1-3]\d)(\d{5,10})">
19379           <leadingDigits>
19380             1|
19381             2(?:
19382               [0-24-7]|
19383               [389][1-9]
19384             )|
19385             3(?:
19386               [0-8]|
19387               9[1-9]
19388             )
19389           </leadingDigits>
19390           <format>$1 $2</format>
19391         </numberFormat>
19392         <numberFormat pattern="(6\d)(\d{6,8})">
19393           <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
19394           <format>$1 $2</format>
19395         </numberFormat>
19396         <numberFormat pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{3,9})">
19397           <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
19398           <format>$1 $2</format>
19399         </numberFormat>
19400         <numberFormat pattern="(7[26])(\d{4,9})">
19401           <leadingDigits>7[26]</leadingDigits>
19402           <format>$1 $2</format>
19403         </numberFormat>
19404         <numberFormat pattern="(7[08]\d)(\d{4,9})">
19405           <leadingDigits>7[08]</leadingDigits>
19406           <format>$1 $2</format>
19407         </numberFormat>
19408       </availableFormats>
19409       <generalDesc>
19410         <!-- The complicated pattern here is to distinguish between Pristina (area code 38, followed
19411              by 2-9) and the country calling code (381). -->
19412         <nationalNumberPattern>
19413           [126-9]\d{4,11}|
19414           3(?:
19415             [0-79]\d{3,10}|
19416             8[2-9]\d{2,9}
19417           )
19418         </nationalNumberPattern>
19419         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
19420       </generalDesc>
19421       <fixedLine>
19422         <!-- Most subscriber numbers may not start with 0 or 1. Exceptionally, the prefix 11 1[5-7]
19423              has been issused, so we allow 11 1X here. -->
19424         <nationalNumberPattern>
19425           (?:
19426             1(?:
19427               [02-9][2-9]|
19428               1[1-9]
19429             )\d|
19430             2(?:
19431               [0-24-7][2-9]\d|
19432               [389](?:
19433                 0[2-9]|
19434                 [2-9]\d
19435               )
19436             )|
19437             3(?:
19438               [0-8][2-9]\d|
19439               9(?:
19440                 [2-9]\d|
19441                 0[2-9]
19442               )
19443             )
19444           )\d{3,8}
19445         </nationalNumberPattern>
19446         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
19447         <exampleNumber>10234567</exampleNumber>
19448       </fixedLine>
19449       <mobile>
19450         <nationalNumberPattern>
19451           6(?:
19452             [0-689]|
19453             7\d
19454           )\d{6,7}
19455         </nationalNumberPattern>
19456         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
19457         <exampleNumber>601234567</exampleNumber>
19458       </mobile>
19459       <tollFree>
19460         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{3,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
19461         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
19462         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
19463       </tollFree>
19464       <premiumRate>
19465         <nationalNumberPattern>
19466           (?:
19467             90[0169]|
19468             78\d
19469           )\d{3,7}
19470         </nationalNumberPattern>
19471         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
19472         <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
19473       </premiumRate>
19474       <uan>
19475         <nationalNumberPattern>7[06]\d{4,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
19476         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
19477         <exampleNumber>700123456</exampleNumber>
19478       </uan>
19479     </territory>
19481     <!-- Russian Federation -->
19482     <territory id="RU" countryCode="7" mainCountryForCode="true" preferredInternationalPrefix="8~10"
19483                internationalPrefix="810" nationalPrefix="8"
19484                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP ($FG)"
19485                nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true" >
19486       <references>
19487         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000AD/en</sourceUrl>
19488         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B7</sourceUrl>
19489       </references>
19490       <availableFormats>
19491         <!-- Formatting from wikipedia, confirmed on Goverment websites such as
19492              http://www.minjust.ru/ru/structure/contact/. Contains formatting instructions for
19493              Kazakhstan as well. -->
19494         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
19495           <!-- Local numbers only - these do not start with the national prefix. -->
19496           <leadingDigits>[1-79]</leadingDigits>
19497           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
19498           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
19499         </numberFormat>
19500         <numberFormat pattern="([3489]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
19501           <leadingDigits>[34689]</leadingDigits>
19502           <format>$1 $2-$3-$4</format>
19503         </numberFormat>
19504         <numberFormat pattern="(7\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
19505           <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
19506           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
19507         </numberFormat>
19508       </availableFormats>
19509       <generalDesc>
19510         <nationalNumberPattern>[3489]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
19511         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
19512       </generalDesc>
19513       <fixedLine>
19514         <!-- The Ivanovo area code 493 was omitted on the official document, but this is still used
19515              in the yellow pages, and on their own website and is listed on wikipedia. This applies
19516              also to 395 (Irkutsk). Also including the 840 prefix for Abkhazia. -->
19517         <nationalNumberPattern>
19518           (?:
19519             3(?:
19520               0[12]|
19521               4[1-35-79]|
19522               5[1-3]|
19523               8[1-58]|
19524               9[0145]
19525             )|
19526             4(?:
19527               01|
19528               1[1356]|
19529               2[13467]|
19530               7[1-5]|
19531               8[1-7]|
19532               9[1-689]
19533             )|
19534             8(?:
19535               1[1-8]|
19536               2[01]|
19537               3[13-6]|
19538               4[0-8]|
19539               5[15]|
19540               6[1-35-7]|
19541               7[1-37-9]
19542             )
19543           )\d{7}
19544         </nationalNumberPattern>
19545         <exampleNumber>3011234567</exampleNumber>
19546       </fixedLine>
19547       <mobile>
19548         <nationalNumberPattern>9\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
19549         <exampleNumber>9123456789</exampleNumber>
19550       </mobile>
19551       <tollFree>
19552         <!-- The metadata states that 804 numbers are UAN numbers, but
19553              teleum.ru/numbers/toll_free_804 states that they are now being offered as toll-free
19554              numbers. -->
19555         <nationalNumberPattern>80[04]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
19556         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
19557       </tollFree>
19558       <premiumRate>
19559         <!-- Covers tele-voting numbers as well. -->
19560         <nationalNumberPattern>80[39]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
19561         <exampleNumber>8091234567</exampleNumber>
19562       </premiumRate>
19563     </territory>
19565     <!-- Rwanda -->
19566     <!-- According to ITU, there is no national prefix. However, this is still used. As of June 3rd
19567          2011, this was confirmed by a Rwandan local. It is also shown in this format on pages such
19568          as http://www.tigo.co.rw "Choose Your Number" service. -->
19569     <territory id="RW" countryCode="250" internationalPrefix="00"
19570                nationalPrefix="0" leadingZeroPossible="true">
19571       <references>
19572         <sourceUrl>http://www.rura.gov.rw/docs/RWANDA_NATIONAL_NUMBERING_PLAN.pdf</sourceUrl>
19573         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/+250</sourceUrl>
19574       </references>
19575       <availableFormats>
19576         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
19577           pattern="(2\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
19578           <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
19579           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
19580         </numberFormat>
19581         <numberFormat pattern="([7-9]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
19582           <leadingDigits>[7-9]</leadingDigits>
19583           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
19584         </numberFormat>
19585         <numberFormat pattern="(0\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
19586           <leadingDigits>0</leadingDigits>
19587           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
19588         </numberFormat>
19589       </availableFormats>
19590       <generalDesc>
19591         <nationalNumberPattern>[027-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
19592         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19593       </generalDesc>
19594       <fixedLine>
19595         <!-- We support satellite numbers here, since they are in the plan, although no recent
19596              online examples can be found. We also support fixed-line ranges that have been reserved
19597              and paid for, even where no online numbers can be found. -->
19598         <nationalNumberPattern>
19599           2[258]\d{7}|
19600           06\d{6}
19601         </nationalNumberPattern>
19602         <exampleNumber>250123456</exampleNumber>
19603       </fixedLine>
19604       <mobile>
19605         <!-- Adding 73X for Airtel - this is on the wikipedia page, but not yet in the Rwanda
19606              telecommunications numbering plan. Removing 75 - that was Rwandatel but they had their
19607              license revoked. -->
19608         <nationalNumberPattern>7[238]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
19609         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19610         <exampleNumber>720123456</exampleNumber>
19611       </mobile>
19612       <tollFree>
19613         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
19614         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19615         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
19616       </tollFree>
19617       <premiumRate>
19618         <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
19619         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19620         <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
19621       </premiumRate>
19622     </territory>
19624     <!-- Saudi Arabia -->
19625     <territory id="SA" countryCode="966" internationalPrefix="00"
19626                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
19627                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
19628       <references>
19629         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Saudi_Arabia</sourceUrl>
19630         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000B7/en</sourceUrl>
19631       </references>
19632       <availableFormats>
19633         <numberFormat pattern="([1-467])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
19634           <leadingDigits>[1-467]</leadingDigits>
19635           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
19636         </numberFormat>
19637         <numberFormat pattern="(1\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
19638           <leadingDigits>1[1-467]</leadingDigits>
19639           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
19640         </numberFormat>
19641         <numberFormat pattern="(5\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
19642           <leadingDigits>5</leadingDigits>
19643           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
19644         </numberFormat>
19645         <!-- It seems that the trunk prefix is not used for these numbers, based on wikipedia and on
19646              the fact that no numbers of this form found online have a trunk prefix added. -->
19647         <numberFormat pattern="(92\d{2})(\d{5})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
19648           <leadingDigits>92</leadingDigits>
19649           <format>$1 $2</format>
19650         </numberFormat>
19651         <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{3})(\d{4})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
19652           <leadingDigits>80</leadingDigits>
19653           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
19654         </numberFormat>
19655         <numberFormat pattern="(811)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
19656           <leadingDigits>81</leadingDigits>
19657           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
19658         </numberFormat>
19659       </availableFormats>
19660       <generalDesc>
19661         <!-- The more detailed pattern here is to allow the country-code to be stripped off for
19662              fixed-line numbers. -->
19663         <nationalNumberPattern>
19664           1\d{7,8}|
19665           (?:
19666             [2-467]|
19667             92
19668           )\d{7}|
19669           5\d{8}|
19670           8\d{9}
19671         </nationalNumberPattern>
19672         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
19673       </generalDesc>
19674       <fixedLine>
19675         <!-- Saudi Arabia is in the process of adding a leading 1 to their fixed-line numbers. This
19676              happened in May for area code 1 (parallel running ended July 13th, 2013) and then in
19677              August for the other fixed-line numbers (parallel running ends October 18th, 2013). -->
19678         <nationalNumberPattern>
19679           11\d{7}|
19680           1?(?:
19681             2[24-8]|
19682             3[35-8]|
19683             4[3-68]|
19684             6[2-5]|
19685             7[235-7]
19686           )\d{6}
19687         </nationalNumberPattern>
19688         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19689         <exampleNumber>112345678</exampleNumber>
19690       </fixedLine>
19691       <mobile>
19692         <!-- Including "Nomadic" numbers from the Telecom Company "Go". The ITU document now says
19693              they are 11 digits long; however all online numbers are 10, and it used to say 10, so
19694              until we find evidence that this is an error, leaving them at 10 for now. -->
19695         <nationalNumberPattern>
19696           (?:
19697             5(?:
19698               [013-689]\d|
19699               7[0-26-8]
19700             )|
19701             811\d
19702           )\d{6}
19703         </nationalNumberPattern>
19704         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
19705         <exampleNumber>512345678</exampleNumber>
19706       </mobile>
19707       <tollFree>
19708         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
19709         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
19710         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
19711       </tollFree>
19712       <sharedCost>
19713         <!-- Including shared revenue with shared cost here. -->
19714         <nationalNumberPattern>92[05]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
19715         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19716         <exampleNumber>920012345</exampleNumber>
19717       </sharedCost>
19718     </territory>
19720     <!-- Solomon Islands -->
19721     <territory id="SB" countryCode="677" internationalPrefix="0[01]">
19722       <references>
19723         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000BF/en</sourceUrl>
19724       </references>
19725       <!-- A single group is used to format 5-digit numbers. This formatting pattern follows
19726            the guidelines in the ITU document. -->
19727       <availableFormats>
19728         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5})">
19729           <leadingDigits>[7-9]</leadingDigits>
19730           <format>$1 $2</format>
19731         </numberFormat>
19732       </availableFormats>
19733       <generalDesc>
19734         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{4,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
19735         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
19736       </generalDesc>
19737       <fixedLine>
19738         <!-- Although not mentioned in the 2011 update, it seems likely that the range 67300-67699
19739              is still used for Sasamunga, Shortland, Poitete and Ringgi as per the 2010 plan. -->
19740         <nationalNumberPattern>
19741           (?:
19742             1[4-79]|
19743             [23]\d|
19744             4[01]|
19745             5[03]|
19746             6[0-37]
19747           )\d{3}
19748         </nationalNumberPattern>
19749         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
19750         <exampleNumber>40123</exampleNumber>
19751       </fixedLine>
19752       <mobile>
19753         <nationalNumberPattern>
19754           48\d{3}|
19755           7(?:
19756             [46-8]\d|
19757             5[025-9]|
19758             9[0-4]
19759           )\d{4}|
19760           8[4-8]\d{5}|
19761           9(?:
19762             1[2-9]|
19763             2[013-9]|
19764             3[0-2]|
19765             [46]\d|
19766             5[0-46-9]|
19767             7[0-689]|
19768             8[0-79]|
19769             9[0-8]
19770           )\d{4}
19771         </nationalNumberPattern>
19772         <exampleNumber>7421234</exampleNumber>
19773       </mobile>
19774       <tollFree>
19775         <nationalNumberPattern>1[38]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
19776         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
19777         <exampleNumber>18123</exampleNumber>
19778       </tollFree>
19779       <voip>
19780         <nationalNumberPattern>5[12]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
19781         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
19782         <exampleNumber>51123</exampleNumber>
19783       </voip>
19784     </territory>
19786     <!-- Seychelles -->
19787     <territory id="SC" countryCode="248" internationalPrefix="0[0-2]"
19788                preferredInternationalPrefix="00">
19789       <references>
19790         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000BA/en</sourceUrl>
19791         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Seychelles</sourceUrl>
19792       </references>
19793       <availableFormats>
19794         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})">
19795           <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
19796           <format>$1 $2</format>
19797         </numberFormat>
19798         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
19799           <leadingDigits>[246]</leadingDigits>
19800           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
19801         </numberFormat>
19802       </availableFormats>
19803       <generalDesc>
19804         <nationalNumberPattern>[24689]\d{5,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
19805         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
19806       </generalDesc>
19807       <fixedLine>
19808         <!-- We are putting Fixed Services numbers here for now, as we cannot find any evidence that
19809              they are more expensive to call than other Fixed Line services. ISDN and DID services
19810              are here too, since they seem to be also fixed-line phone numbers. -->
19811         <nationalNumberPattern>4[2-46]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
19812         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
19813         <exampleNumber>4217123</exampleNumber>
19814       </fixedLine>
19815       <mobile>
19816         <!-- Includes Fixed Cellular. -->
19817         <nationalNumberPattern>2[5-8]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
19818         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
19819         <exampleNumber>2510123</exampleNumber>
19820       </mobile>
19821       <tollFree>
19822         <nationalNumberPattern>8000\d{2}</nationalNumberPattern>
19823         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
19824         <exampleNumber>800000</exampleNumber>
19825       </tollFree>
19826       <premiumRate>
19827         <!-- Using this to represent Value Added Service in the plan. -->
19828         <nationalNumberPattern>98\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
19829         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
19830         <exampleNumber>981234</exampleNumber>
19831       </premiumRate>
19832       <voip>
19833         <nationalNumberPattern>64\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
19834         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
19835         <exampleNumber>6412345</exampleNumber>
19836       </voip>
19837     </territory>
19839     <!-- Sudan -->
19840     <territory id="SD" countryCode="249" internationalPrefix="00"
19841                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
19842       <references>
19843         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000C4/en</sourceUrl>
19844       </references>
19845       <availableFormats>
19846         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
19847           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
19848         </numberFormat>
19849       </availableFormats>
19850       <generalDesc>
19851         <nationalNumberPattern>[19]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
19852         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
19853       </generalDesc>
19854       <fixedLine>
19855         <!-- Retaining previous prefix as 18 since it seems still to be used. Adding 11 from numbers
19856              found online. -->
19857         <nationalNumberPattern>
19858           1(?:
19859             [125]\d|
19860             8[3567]
19861           )\d{6}
19862         </nationalNumberPattern>
19863         <exampleNumber>121231234</exampleNumber>
19864       </fixedLine>
19865       <mobile>
19866         <!-- Adding 90X as online numbers have been found with this prefix. -->
19867         <nationalNumberPattern>9[012569]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
19868         <exampleNumber>911231234</exampleNumber>
19869       </mobile>
19870     </territory>
19872     <!-- Sweden -->
19873     <territory id="SE" countryCode="46" internationalPrefix="00"
19874                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
19875                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
19876       <references>
19877         <sourceUrl>http://www.pts.se/upload/Ovrigt/Tele/Nummerfragor/Sv_nrplan_telefoni_enl_TU-T_rek_E.164.pdf</sourceUrl>
19878         <sourceUrl>http://www.pts.se/upload/Ovrigt/Tele/Nummerfragor/Nrplansammanst%C3%A4llning-2013-07-05.pdf</sourceUrl>
19879       </references>
19880       <availableFormats>
19881       <!-- Formatting patterns are from the numbering plan and from the Swedish yellow pages
19882            http://gulasidorna.eniro.se -->
19883         <numberFormat pattern="(8)(\d{2,3})(\d{2,3})(\d{2})">
19884           <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
19885           <format>$1-$2 $3 $4</format>
19886           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
19887         </numberFormat>
19888         <numberFormat pattern="([1-69]\d)(\d{2,3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
19889           <leadingDigits>
19890             1[013689]|
19891             2[0136]|
19892             3[1356]|
19893             4[0246]|
19894             54|
19895             6[03]|
19896             90
19897           </leadingDigits>
19898           <format>$1-$2 $3 $4</format>
19899           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
19900         </numberFormat>
19901         <numberFormat pattern="([1-69]\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})">
19902           <leadingDigits>
19903             1[13689]|
19904             2[136]|
19905             3[1356]|
19906             4[0246]|
19907             54|
19908             6[03]|
19909             90
19910           </leadingDigits>
19911           <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
19912           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3</intlFormat>
19913         </numberFormat>
19914         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
19915           <leadingDigits>
19916             1[2457]|
19917             2[2457-9]|
19918             3[0247-9]|
19919             4[1357-9]|
19920             5[0-35-9]|
19921             6[124-9]|
19922             9(?:
19923               [125-8]|
19924               3[0-5]|
19925               4[0-3]
19926             )
19927           </leadingDigits>
19928           <format>$1-$2 $3 $4</format>
19929           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
19930         </numberFormat>
19931         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2,3})(\d{2})">
19932           <leadingDigits>
19933             1[2457]|
19934             2[2457-9]|
19935             3[0247-9]|
19936             4[1357-9]|
19937             5[0-35-9]|
19938             6[124-9]|
19939             9(?:
19940               [125-8]|
19941               3[0-5]|
19942               4[0-3]
19943             )
19944           </leadingDigits>
19945           <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
19946           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3</intlFormat>
19947         </numberFormat>
19948         <numberFormat pattern="(7\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
19949           <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
19950           <format>$1-$2 $3 $4</format>
19951           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
19952         </numberFormat>
19953         <numberFormat pattern="(77)(\d{2})(\d{2})">
19954           <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
19955           <format>$1-$2$3</format>
19956           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3</intlFormat>
19957         </numberFormat>
19958         <numberFormat pattern="(20)(\d{2,3})(\d{2})">
19959           <leadingDigits>20</leadingDigits>
19960           <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
19961           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3</intlFormat>
19962         </numberFormat>
19963         <numberFormat pattern="(9[034]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
19964           <leadingDigits>9[034]</leadingDigits>
19965           <format>$1-$2 $3 $4</format>
19966           <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
19967         </numberFormat>
19968         <numberFormat pattern="(9[034]\d)(\d{4})">
19969           <leadingDigits>9[034]</leadingDigits>
19970           <format>$1-$2</format>
19971           <intlFormat>$1 $2</intlFormat>
19972         </numberFormat>
19973       </availableFormats>
19974       <generalDesc>
19975         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{5,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
19976         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
19977       </generalDesc>
19978       <fixedLine>
19979         <nationalNumberPattern>
19980           1(?:
19981             0[1-8]\d{6}|
19982             [136]\d{5,7}|
19983             (?:
19984               2[0-35]|
19985               4[0-4]|
19986               5[0-25-9]|
19987               7[13-6]|
19988               [89]\d
19989             )\d{5,6}
19990           )|
19991           2(?:
19992             [136]\d{5,7}|
19993             (?:
19994               2[0-7]|
19995               4[0136-8]|
19996               5[0138]|
19997               7[018]|
19998               8[01]|
19999               9[0-57]
20000             )\d{5,6}
20001           )|
20002           3(?:
20003             [356]\d{5,7}|
20004             (?:
20005               0[0-4]|
20006               1\d|
20007               2[0-25]|
20008               4[056]|
20009               7[0-2]|
20010               8[0-3]|
20011               9[023]
20012             )\d{5,6}
20013           )|
20014           4(?:
20015             0[1-9]\d{4,6}|
20016             [246]\d{5,7}|
20017             (?:
20018               1[013-8]|
20019               3[0135]|
20020               5[14-79]|
20021               7[0-246-9]|
20022               8[0156]|
20023               9[0-689]
20024             )\d{5,6}
20025           )|
20026           5(?:
20027             0[0-6]|
20028             [15][0-5]|
20029             2[0-68]|
20030             3[0-4]|
20031             4\d|
20032             6[03-5]|
20033             7[013]|
20034             8[0-79]|
20035             9[01]
20036           )\d{5,6}|
20037           6(?:
20038             0[1-9]\d{4,6}|
20039             3\d{5,7}|
20040             (?:
20041               1[1-3]|
20042               2[0-4]|
20043               4[02-57]|
20044               5[0-37]|
20045               6[0-3]|
20046               7[0-2]|
20047               8[0247]|
20048               9[0-356]
20049             )\d{5,6}
20050           )|
20051           8[1-9]\d{5,7}|
20052           9(?:
20053             0[1-9]\d{4,6}|
20054             (?:
20055               1[0-68]|
20056               2\d|
20057               3[02-5]|
20058               4[0-3]|
20059               5[0-4]|
20060               [68][01]|
20061               7[0135-8]
20062             )\d{5,6}
20063           )
20064         </nationalNumberPattern>
20065         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
20066         <exampleNumber>8123456</exampleNumber>
20067       </fixedLine>
20068       <mobile>
20069         <nationalNumberPattern>7[0236]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
20070         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
20071         <exampleNumber>701234567</exampleNumber>
20072       </mobile>
20073       <pager>
20074         <nationalNumberPattern>74[02-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20075         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
20076         <exampleNumber>740123456</exampleNumber>
20077       </pager>
20078       <tollFree>
20079         <nationalNumberPattern>
20080           20(?:
20081             0(?:
20082               0\d{2}|
20083               [1-9](?:
20084                 0\d{1,4}|
20085                 [1-9]\d{4}
20086               )
20087             )|
20088             1(?:
20089               0\d{4}|
20090               [1-9]\d{4,5}
20091             )|
20092             [2-9]\d{5}
20093           )
20094         </nationalNumberPattern>
20095         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
20096         <exampleNumber>20123456</exampleNumber>
20097       </tollFree>
20098       <premiumRate>
20099         <nationalNumberPattern>
20100           9(?:
20101             00|
20102             39|
20103             44
20104           )(?:
20105             1(?:
20106               [0-26]\d{5}|
20107               [3-57-9]\d{2}
20108             )|
20109             2(?:
20110               [0-2]\d{5}|
20111               [3-9]\d{2}
20112             )|
20113             3(?:
20114               [0139]\d{5}|
20115               [24-8]\d{2}
20116             )|
20117             4(?:
20118               [045]\d{5}|
20119               [1-36-9]\d{2}
20120             )|
20121             5(?:
20122               5\d{5}|
20123               [0-46-9]\d{2}
20124             )|
20125             6(?:
20126               [679]\d{5}|
20127               [0-58]\d{2}
20128             )|
20129             7(?:
20130               [078]\d{5}|
20131               [1-69]\d{2}
20132             )|
20133             8(?:
20134               [578]\d{5}|
20135               [0-469]\d{2}
20136             )
20137           )
20138         </nationalNumberPattern>
20139         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
20140         <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
20141       </premiumRate>
20142       <sharedCost>
20143         <nationalNumberPattern>
20144           77(?:
20145             0(?:
20146               0\d{2}|
20147               [1-9](?:
20148                 0\d|
20149                 [1-9]\d{4}
20150               )
20151             )|
20152             [1-6][1-9]\d{5}
20153           )
20154         </nationalNumberPattern>
20155         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
20156         <exampleNumber>771234567</exampleNumber>
20157       </sharedCost>
20158       <personalNumber>
20159         <nationalNumberPattern>75[1-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20160         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
20161         <exampleNumber>751234567</exampleNumber>
20162       </personalNumber>
20163     </territory>
20165     <!-- Singapore -->
20166     <territory id="SG" countryCode="65" internationalPrefix="0[0-3]\d"
20167                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
20168       <references>
20169         <sourceUrl>http://www.ida.gov.sg/Policies-and-Regulations/Industry-and-Licensees/Numbering/National-Numbering-Plan-and-Allocation-Process.aspx</sourceUrl>
20170       </references>
20171       <availableFormats>
20172         <numberFormat pattern="([3689]\d{3})(\d{4})">
20173           <leadingDigits>
20174             [369]|
20175             8[1-9]
20176           </leadingDigits>
20177           <format>$1 $2</format>
20178         </numberFormat>
20179         <numberFormat pattern="(1[89]00)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
20180           <leadingDigits>1[89]</leadingDigits>
20181           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
20182         </numberFormat>
20183         <numberFormat pattern="(7000)(\d{4})(\d{3})">
20184           <leadingDigits>70</leadingDigits>
20185           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
20186         </numberFormat>
20187         <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
20188           <leadingDigits>80</leadingDigits>
20189           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
20190         </numberFormat>
20191       </availableFormats>
20192       <generalDesc>
20193         <!-- We have a stricter national number pattern for numbers beginning with 6 to enable us to
20194              easily strip off leading "65" country codes. -->
20195         <nationalNumberPattern>
20196           [36]\d{7}|
20197           [17-9]\d{7,10}
20198         </nationalNumberPattern>
20199         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
20200       </generalDesc>
20201       <fixedLine>
20202         <nationalNumberPattern>6[1-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20203         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20204         <exampleNumber>61234567</exampleNumber>
20205       </fixedLine>
20206       <mobile>
20207         <nationalNumberPattern>
20208           (?:
20209             8[1-7]|
20210             9[0-8]
20211           )\d{6}
20212         </nationalNumberPattern>
20213         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20214         <exampleNumber>81234567</exampleNumber>
20215       </mobile>
20216       <tollFree>
20217         <nationalNumberPattern>1?800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
20218         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
20219         <exampleNumber>18001234567</exampleNumber>
20220       </tollFree>
20221       <premiumRate>
20222         <nationalNumberPattern>1900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
20223         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
20224         <exampleNumber>19001234567</exampleNumber>
20225       </premiumRate>
20226       <voip>
20227         <nationalNumberPattern>3[12]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20228         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20229         <exampleNumber>31234567</exampleNumber>
20230       </voip>
20231       <uan>
20232         <!-- Although not detailed in the plan beyond mentioning their existence, it seems 7000
20233              numbers are used for companies. Most of the online examples are in fact alpha-numbers.
20234              -->
20235         <nationalNumberPattern>7000\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
20236         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
20237         <exampleNumber>70001234567</exampleNumber>
20238       </uan>
20239     </territory>
20241     <!-- Saint Helena -->
20242     <territory id="SH" countryCode="290" internationalPrefix="00" mainCountryForCode="true">
20243       <references>
20244         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000AF/en</sourceUrl>
20245       </references>
20246       <!-- Numbers are formatted as a block. -->
20247       <generalDesc>
20248         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-79]\d{3,4}</nationalNumberPattern>
20249         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,5}</possibleNumberPattern>
20250       </generalDesc>
20251       <fixedLine>
20252         <!-- St Helena is changing to 5 digits on October 1. 2013 -> we support both patterns here.
20253              The new pattern is first, followed by the old (hence the repetition of the leading 2).
20254              -->
20255         <nationalNumberPattern>
20256           2(?:
20257             [0-57-9]\d|
20258             6[4-9]
20259           )\d{2}|
20260           (?:
20261             [2-46]\d|
20262             7[01]
20263           )\d{2}
20264         </nationalNumberPattern>
20265         <!-- Using St Helena Tourism as the example number. -->
20266         <exampleNumber>2158</exampleNumber>
20267       </fixedLine>
20268       <mobile>
20269         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
20270         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
20271       </mobile>
20272       <premiumRate>
20273         <nationalNumberPattern>
20274           (?:
20275             [59]\d|
20276             7[2-9]
20277           )\d{2}
20278         </nationalNumberPattern>
20279         <exampleNumber>5012</exampleNumber>
20280       </premiumRate>
20281     </territory>
20283     <!-- Slovenia -->
20284     <territory id="SI" countryCode="386" internationalPrefix="00"
20285                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
20286                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
20287       <references>
20288         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000BE/en</sourceUrl>
20289       </references>
20290       <availableFormats>
20291         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
20292           pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
20293           <leadingDigits>
20294             [12]|
20295             3[4-8]|
20296             4[24-8]|
20297             5[2-8]|
20298             7[3-8]
20299           </leadingDigits>
20300           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
20301           </numberFormat>
20302         <numberFormat pattern="([3-7]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
20303           <leadingDigits>
20304             [37][01]|
20305             4[0139]|
20306             51|
20307             6
20308           </leadingDigits>
20309           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
20310           </numberFormat>
20311         <numberFormat pattern="([89][09])(\d{3,6})">
20312           <leadingDigits>[89][09]</leadingDigits>
20313           <format>$1 $2</format>
20314         </numberFormat>
20315         <numberFormat pattern="([58]\d{2})(\d{5})">
20316           <leadingDigits>
20317             59|
20318             8[1-3]
20319           </leadingDigits>
20320           <format>$1 $2</format>
20321         </numberFormat>
20322       </availableFormats>
20323       <generalDesc>
20324         <nationalNumberPattern>
20325           [1-7]\d{6,7}|
20326           [89]\d{4,7}
20327         </nationalNumberPattern>
20328         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20329       </generalDesc>
20330       <fixedLine>
20331         <nationalNumberPattern>
20332           (?:
20333             1\d|
20334             [25][2-8]|
20335             3[4-8]|
20336             4[24-8]|
20337             7[3-8]
20338           )\d{6}
20339         </nationalNumberPattern>
20340         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20341         <exampleNumber>11234567</exampleNumber>
20342       </fixedLine>
20343       <mobile>
20344         <!-- We include 043 and 049 here - it is VoIP in the plan, but is actually used to provide
20345              mobile coverage to Kosovo. Also added 068, which is used by the mobile operator bob.si
20346          -->
20347         <nationalNumberPattern>
20348           (?:
20349             [37][01]|
20350             4[0139]|
20351             51|
20352             6[48]
20353           )\d{6}
20354         </nationalNumberPattern>
20355         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20356         <exampleNumber>31234567</exampleNumber>
20357       </mobile>
20358       <tollFree>
20359         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{4,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20360         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20361         <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
20362       </tollFree>
20363       <premiumRate>
20364         <!-- Includes televoting, mass calling -->
20365         <nationalNumberPattern>
20366           90\d{4,6}|
20367           89[1-3]\d{2,5}
20368         </nationalNumberPattern>
20369         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20370         <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
20371       </premiumRate>
20372       <voip>
20373         <nationalNumberPattern>
20374           (?:
20375             59|
20376             8[1-3]
20377           )\d{6}
20378         </nationalNumberPattern>
20379         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20380         <exampleNumber>59012345</exampleNumber>
20381       </voip>
20382     </territory>
20384     <!-- Svalbard -->
20385     <!-- Metadata shared with Norway. -->
20386     <territory id="SJ" countryCode="47" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
20387       <references>
20388         <sourceUrl>http://www.npt.no/pt_internet/numsys/E.164.pdf</sourceUrl>
20389       </references>
20390       <generalDesc>
20391         <nationalNumberPattern>
20392           0\d{4}|
20393           [4789]\d{7}
20394         </nationalNumberPattern>
20395         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
20396       </generalDesc>
20397       <fixedLine>
20398         <nationalNumberPattern>79\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20399         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20400         <exampleNumber>79123456</exampleNumber>
20401       </fixedLine>
20402       <!-- Copied from Norway metadata. -->
20403       <mobile>
20404         <nationalNumberPattern>
20405           (?:
20406             4[015-8]|
20407             5[89]|
20408             9\d
20409           )\d{6}
20410         </nationalNumberPattern>
20411         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20412         <exampleNumber>41234567</exampleNumber>
20413       </mobile>
20414       <tollFree>
20415         <nationalNumberPattern>80[01]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
20416         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20417         <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
20418       </tollFree>
20419       <premiumRate>
20420         <nationalNumberPattern>82[09]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
20421         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20422         <exampleNumber>82012345</exampleNumber>
20423       </premiumRate>
20424       <sharedCost>
20425         <nationalNumberPattern>
20426           810(?:
20427             0[0-6]|
20428             [2-8]\d
20429           )\d{3}
20430         </nationalNumberPattern>
20431         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20432         <exampleNumber>81021234</exampleNumber>
20433       </sharedCost>
20434       <personalNumber>
20435         <nationalNumberPattern>880\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
20436         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20437         <exampleNumber>88012345</exampleNumber>
20438       </personalNumber>
20439       <voip>
20440         <nationalNumberPattern>85[0-5]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
20441         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20442         <exampleNumber>85012345</exampleNumber>
20443       </voip>
20444       <uan>
20445         <!-- Includes some 810 local-rate numbers, and long-distance rate numbers. -->
20446         <nationalNumberPattern>
20447           0\d{4}|
20448           81(?:
20449             0(?:
20450               0[7-9]|
20451               1\d
20452             )|
20453             5\d{2}
20454           )\d{3}
20455         </nationalNumberPattern>
20456         <exampleNumber>01234</exampleNumber>
20457       </uan>
20458       <voicemail>
20459         <nationalNumberPattern>81[23]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
20460         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20461         <exampleNumber>81212345</exampleNumber>
20462       </voicemail>
20463     </territory>
20465     <!-- Slovakia -->
20466     <territory id="SK" countryCode="421" internationalPrefix="00"
20467                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
20468                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
20469       <references>
20470         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000BD/en</sourceUrl>
20471       </references>
20472       <availableFormats>
20473         <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{2})">
20474           <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
20475           <format>$1/$2 $3 $4</format>
20476         </numberFormat>
20477         <numberFormat pattern="([3-5]\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
20478           <leadingDigits>[3-5]</leadingDigits>
20479           <format>$1/$2 $3 $4</format>
20480         </numberFormat>
20481         <numberFormat pattern="([689]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
20482           <leadingDigits>[689]</leadingDigits>
20483           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
20484         </numberFormat>
20485       </availableFormats>
20486       <generalDesc>
20487         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-689]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
20488         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
20489       </generalDesc>
20490       <noInternationalDialling>
20491         <nationalNumberPattern>
20492           (?:
20493             8(?:
20494               00|
20495               [5-9]\d
20496             )|
20497             9(?:
20498               00|
20499               [78]\d
20500             )
20501           )\d{6}
20502         </nationalNumberPattern>
20503         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
20504         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
20505       </noInternationalDialling>
20506       <fixedLine>
20507         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-5]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
20508         <exampleNumber>212345678</exampleNumber>
20509       </fixedLine>
20510       <mobile>
20511         <!-- 948 isn't in the number pattern, but many examples using this have been found, so
20512              deeming it valid for now. -->
20513         <nationalNumberPattern>
20514           9(?:
20515             0[1-8]|
20516             1[0-24-9]|
20517             4[0489]
20518           )\d{6}
20519         </nationalNumberPattern>
20520         <exampleNumber>912123456</exampleNumber>
20521       </mobile>
20522       <tollFree>
20523         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20524         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
20525       </tollFree>
20526       <premiumRate>
20527         <nationalNumberPattern>
20528           9(?:
20529             [78]\d{7}|
20530             00\d{6}
20531           )
20532         </nationalNumberPattern>
20533         <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
20534       </premiumRate>
20535       <sharedCost>
20536         <nationalNumberPattern>8[5-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
20537         <exampleNumber>850123456</exampleNumber>
20538       </sharedCost>
20539       <voip>
20540         <nationalNumberPattern>
20541           6(?:
20542             5[0-4]|
20543             9[0-6]
20544           )\d{6}
20545         </nationalNumberPattern>
20546         <exampleNumber>690123456</exampleNumber>
20547       </voip>
20548       <uan>
20549         <nationalNumberPattern>96\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
20550         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
20551         <exampleNumber>961234567</exampleNumber>
20552       </uan>
20553     </territory>
20555     <!-- Sierra Leone -->
20556     <territory id="SL" countryCode="232" internationalPrefix="00"
20557                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)">
20558       <references>
20559         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000BB/en</sourceUrl>
20560       </references>
20561       <availableFormats>
20562         <!-- Following formatting of online yellow pages http://www.leonedirect.com -->
20563         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{6})">
20564           <format>$1 $2</format>
20565         </numberFormat>
20566       </availableFormats>
20567       <generalDesc>
20568         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-578]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
20569         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20570       </generalDesc>
20571       <fixedLine>
20572         <nationalNumberPattern>[235]2[2-4][2-9]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
20573         <exampleNumber>22221234</exampleNumber>
20574       </fixedLine>
20575       <mobile>
20576         <nationalNumberPattern>
20577           (?:
20578             2[15]|
20579             3[034]|
20580             4[04]|
20581             5[05]|
20582             7[6-9]|
20583             88
20584           )\d{6}
20585         </nationalNumberPattern>
20586         <exampleNumber>25123456</exampleNumber>
20587       </mobile>
20588     </territory>
20590     <!-- San Marino -->
20591     <!-- San Marino fixed-line numbers have an area code of "0549". However, this seems to be
20592          optional when dialling from outside the country; the phone number can be reached both with
20593          and without this area code. The nationalPrefixForParsing and nationalPrefixTransformRule
20594          are used to ensure that if the 0549 is not present, it will be added. -->
20595     <territory id="SM" countryCode="378" internationalPrefix="00"
20596                nationalPrefixForParsing="(?:0549)?([89]\d{5})" nationalPrefixTransformRule="0549$1"
20597                leadingZeroPossible="true">
20598       <references>
20599         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000B5/en</sourceUrl>
20600         <!-- Information about Italy. -->
20601         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B39</sourceUrl>
20602         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B378</sourceUrl>
20603       </references>
20604       <availableFormats>
20605         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
20606           <leadingDigits>[5-7]</leadingDigits>
20607           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
20608         </numberFormat>
20609         <!-- We follow the guidelines of the yellow-pages when formatting in national format. -->
20610         <numberFormat pattern="(0549)(\d{6})">
20611           <leadingDigits>0</leadingDigits>
20612           <format>$1 $2</format>
20613           <!-- We follow the guidelines of the Telecommunications Document published on ITU when
20614                formatting in international format. -->
20615           <intlFormat>($1) $2</intlFormat>
20616         </numberFormat>
20617         <!-- A rule in case the number has been stored without the leading 0549 necessary for
20618              fixed-lines. -->
20619         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{6})">
20620           <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
20621           <format>0549 $1</format>
20622           <intlFormat>(0549) $1</intlFormat>
20623         </numberFormat>
20624       </availableFormats>
20625       <generalDesc>
20626         <nationalNumberPattern>[05-7]\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
20627         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
20628       </generalDesc>
20629       <!-- Example numbers provided by the Telecommunications Services. -->
20630       <fixedLine>
20631         <nationalNumberPattern>
20632           0549(?:
20633             8[0157-9]|
20634             9\d
20635           )\d{4}
20636         </nationalNumberPattern>
20637         <exampleNumber>0549886377</exampleNumber>
20638       </fixedLine>
20639       <mobile>
20640         <nationalNumberPattern>6[16]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20641         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20642         <exampleNumber>66661212</exampleNumber>
20643       </mobile>
20644       <premiumRate>
20645         <!-- Includes Video Call numbers. -->
20646         <nationalNumberPattern>7[178]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20647         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20648         <exampleNumber>71123456</exampleNumber>
20649       </premiumRate>
20650       <voip>
20651         <nationalNumberPattern>5[158]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20652         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20653         <exampleNumber>58001110</exampleNumber>
20654       </voip>
20655     </territory>
20657     <!-- Senegal -->
20658     <territory id="SN" countryCode="221" internationalPrefix="00">
20659       <references>
20660         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000B8/en</sourceUrl>
20661         <sourceUrl>http://www.artpsenegal.net</sourceUrl>
20662       </references>
20663       <availableFormats>
20664         <!-- Using yellow pages and online telecom company formatting, rather than that implied in
20665              the national numbering plan. -->
20666         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
20667           <leadingDigits>[379]</leadingDigits>
20668           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
20669         </numberFormat>
20670         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
20671           <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
20672           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
20673         </numberFormat>
20674       </availableFormats>
20675       <generalDesc>
20676         <nationalNumberPattern>[3789]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
20677         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
20678       </generalDesc>
20679       <fixedLine>
20680         <nationalNumberPattern>
20681           3(?:
20682             0(?:
20683               1[0-2]|
20684               80
20685             )|
20686             282|
20687             3(?:
20688               8[1-9]|
20689               9[3-9]
20690             )|
20691             611|
20692             90[1-5]
20693           )\d{5}
20694         </nationalNumberPattern>
20695         <exampleNumber>301012345</exampleNumber>
20696       </fixedLine>
20697       <mobile>
20698         <nationalNumberPattern>
20699           7(?:
20700             [067]\d|
20701             21|
20702             8[0-26]|
20703             90
20704           )\d{6}
20705         </nationalNumberPattern>
20706         <exampleNumber>701234567</exampleNumber>
20707       </mobile>
20708       <tollFree>
20709         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20710         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
20711         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
20712       </tollFree>
20713       <premiumRate>
20714         <!-- Revenu Partagé in the plan. -->
20715         <nationalNumberPattern>88[4689]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20716         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
20717         <exampleNumber>884123456</exampleNumber>
20718       </premiumRate>
20719       <sharedCost>
20720         <nationalNumberPattern>81[02468]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20721         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
20722         <exampleNumber>810123456</exampleNumber>
20723       </sharedCost>
20724       <voip>
20725         <!-- Also covers satellite telephony ranges. -->
20726         <nationalNumberPattern>
20727           3392\d{5}|
20728           93330\d{4}
20729         </nationalNumberPattern>
20730         <exampleNumber>933301234</exampleNumber>
20731       </voip>
20732     </territory>
20734     <!-- Somalia -->
20735     <!-- This document seems to cover only a small set of prefixes in Somalia. Somalia has limited
20736          information available, and the numerous telecom carriers were previously working under an
20737          unregulated environment. The extra prefixes were added from the contact phone numbers of
20738          the countries main telecom operators. We also have received information that a national
20739          prefix of "0" is required when dialling from different regions (e.g. Puntland, Somaliland)
20740          for some operators, so that is included here although we do not use it when formatting. -->
20741     <territory id="SO" countryCode="252" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0">
20742       <references>
20743         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000C0/en</sourceUrl>
20744         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/+252</sourceUrl>
20745       </references>
20746       <availableFormats>
20747         <!-- These follow formats online, such as http://www.hortel.net/contact_us.html -->
20748         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{6})">
20749           <leadingDigits>
20750             2[0-79]|
20751             [13-5]
20752           </leadingDigits>
20753           <format>$1 $2</format>
20754         </numberFormat>
20755         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{7})">
20756           <leadingDigits>
20757             24|
20758             [67]
20759           </leadingDigits>
20760           <format>$1 $2</format>
20761         </numberFormat>
20762         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5,7})">
20763           <leadingDigits>
20764             15|
20765             28|
20766             6[1378]
20767           </leadingDigits>
20768           <format>$1 $2</format>
20769         </numberFormat>
20770         <numberFormat pattern="(69\d)(\d{6})">
20771           <leadingDigits>69</leadingDigits>
20772           <format>$1 $2</format>
20773         </numberFormat>
20774         <numberFormat pattern="(90\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
20775           <leadingDigits>90</leadingDigits>
20776           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
20777         </numberFormat>
20778       </availableFormats>
20779       <generalDesc>
20780         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-79]\d{6,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
20781         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
20782       </generalDesc>
20783       <fixedLine>
20784         <!-- Apparently Telesom and Nationlink (Somaliland) both use the prefix 2. We exclude 28
20785              here since that is apparently used for mobile. -->
20786         <nationalNumberPattern>
20787           (?:
20788             1\d|
20789             2[0-79]|
20790             3[0-46-8]|
20791             4[0-7]|
20792             59
20793           )\d{5}
20794         </nationalNumberPattern>
20795         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
20796         <exampleNumber>4012345</exampleNumber>
20797       </fixedLine>
20798       <mobile>
20799         <!-- 24 is used by the carrier Telesom. 28 is used by Nationlink. 6[89] are apparently used
20800              by Nationlink Somalia, 67 by Nationlink Puntland, and 61 by Hormuud. 7X is used by
20801              Somtel. 6 followed by only 7 digits is used by Telecom. Note that in June 2014 many
20802              ranges were suspended by the government. 90\d{6} was listed as one of the ranges to be
20803              suspended, but open-source contributors confirm that 907\d{6} is still in use, even if
20804              the shorter 90 ranges are no longer. -->
20805         <nationalNumberPattern>
20806           (?:
20807             15\d|
20808             2(?:
20809               4\d|
20810               8
20811             )|
20812             6[137-9]?\d{2}|
20813             7[1-9]\d|
20814             907\d
20815           )\d{5}
20816         </nationalNumberPattern>
20817         <exampleNumber>71123456</exampleNumber>
20818       </mobile>
20819     </territory>
20821     <!-- Suriname -->
20822     <territory id="SR" countryCode="597" internationalPrefix="00">
20823       <references>
20824         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000C5/en</sourceUrl>
20825       </references>
20826       <availableFormats>
20827         <!-- Following conventions used in the Suriname Yellow Pages. -->
20828         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})">
20829           <leadingDigits>
20830             [2-4]|
20831             5[2-58]
20832           </leadingDigits>
20833           <format>$1-$2</format>
20834         </numberFormat>
20835         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
20836           <leadingDigits>56</leadingDigits>
20837           <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
20838         </numberFormat>
20839         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
20840           <leadingDigits>
20841             59|
20842             [6-8]
20843           </leadingDigits>
20844           <format>$1-$2</format>
20845         </numberFormat>
20846       </availableFormats>
20847       <generalDesc>
20848         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-8]\d{5,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20849         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
20850       </generalDesc>
20851       <fixedLine>
20852         <!-- Includes non-geographic WLL-CDMA Fixed Lines. -->
20853         <nationalNumberPattern>
20854           (?:
20855             2[1-3]|
20856             3[0-7]|
20857             4\d|
20858             5[2-58]|
20859             68\d
20860           )\d{4}
20861         </nationalNumberPattern>
20862         <exampleNumber>211234</exampleNumber>
20863       </fixedLine>
20864       <mobile>
20865         <nationalNumberPattern>
20866           (?:
20867             7[124-7]|
20868             8[1-9]
20869           )\d{5}
20870         </nationalNumberPattern>
20871         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
20872         <exampleNumber>7412345</exampleNumber>
20873       </mobile>
20874       <voip>
20875         <nationalNumberPattern>
20876           5(?:
20877             6\d{4}|
20878             90[0-4]\d{3}
20879           )
20880         </nationalNumberPattern>
20881         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
20882         <exampleNumber>561234</exampleNumber>
20883       </voip>
20884     </territory>
20886     <!-- South Sudan -->
20887     <territory id="SS" countryCode="211" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0">
20888       <references>
20889         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000F9/en</sourceUrl>
20890         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/+211</sourceUrl>
20891       </references>
20892       <availableFormats>
20893         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
20894           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
20895         </numberFormat>
20896       </availableFormats>
20897       <generalDesc>
20898         <nationalNumberPattern>[19]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
20899         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
20900       </generalDesc>
20901       <fixedLine>
20902         <nationalNumberPattern>18\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
20903         <exampleNumber>181234567</exampleNumber>
20904       </fixedLine>
20905       <mobile>
20906         <nationalNumberPattern>
20907           (?:
20908             12|
20909             9[1257]
20910           )\d{7}
20911         </nationalNumberPattern>
20912         <exampleNumber>977123456</exampleNumber>
20913       </mobile>
20914     </territory>
20916     <!-- Sao Tome and Principe -->
20917     <territory id="ST" countryCode="239" internationalPrefix="00">
20918       <references>
20919         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000B6/en</sourceUrl>
20920       </references>
20921       <availableFormats>
20922         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
20923           <format>$1 $2</format>
20924         </numberFormat>
20925       </availableFormats>
20926       <generalDesc>
20927         <nationalNumberPattern>[29]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20928         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
20929       </generalDesc>
20930       <fixedLine>
20931         <nationalNumberPattern>22\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
20932         <exampleNumber>2221234</exampleNumber>
20933       </fixedLine>
20934       <mobile>
20935         <nationalNumberPattern>9[89]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
20936         <exampleNumber>9812345</exampleNumber>
20937       </mobile>
20938     </territory>
20940     <!-- El Salvador -->
20941     <territory id="SV" countryCode="503" internationalPrefix="00">
20942       <references>
20943         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200003F/en</sourceUrl>
20944         <sourceUrl>http://www.siget.gob.sv/BusquedaPublica.aspx?pagina=3&amp;tipo=27&amp;titulo=t8&amp;sector=2&amp;ordenar=&amp;dir=DESC</sourceUrl>
20945       </references>
20946       <availableFormats>
20947         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
20948           <leadingDigits>[267]</leadingDigits>
20949           <format>$1 $2</format>
20950         </numberFormat>
20951         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
20952           <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
20953           <format>$1 $2</format>
20954         </numberFormat>
20955         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
20956           <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
20957           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
20958         </numberFormat>
20959       </availableFormats>
20960       <generalDesc>
20961         <nationalNumberPattern>
20962           [267]\d{7}|
20963           [89]\d{6}(?:\d{4})?
20964         </nationalNumberPattern>
20965         <possibleNumberPattern>
20966           \d{7,8}|
20967           \d{11}
20968         </possibleNumberPattern>
20969       </generalDesc>
20970       <fixedLine>
20971         <!-- Numbers starting with 20, 27, 28 and 29 are reserved but not yet used. -->
20972         <nationalNumberPattern>2[1-6]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
20973         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20974         <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
20975       </fixedLine>
20976       <mobile>
20977         <nationalNumberPattern>[67]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
20978         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
20979         <exampleNumber>70123456</exampleNumber>
20980       </mobile>
20981       <tollFree>
20982         <!-- Toll free numbers are either 800 NNNN or 800 NNNN NNNN. -->
20983         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4}(?:\d{4})?</nationalNumberPattern>
20984         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{4})?</possibleNumberPattern>
20985         <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
20986       </tollFree>
20987       <premiumRate>
20988         <!-- Premium rate numbers are either 900 NNNN or 900 NNNN NNNN. -->
20989         <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{4}(?:\d{4})?</nationalNumberPattern>
20990         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{4})?</possibleNumberPattern>
20991         <exampleNumber>9001234</exampleNumber>
20992       </premiumRate>
20993     </territory>
20995     <!-- Sint Maarten -->
20996     <territory id="SX" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="721" nationalPrefix="1"
20997                internationalPrefix="011">
20998       <references>
20999         <sourceUrl>http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_429.pdf</sourceUrl>
21000         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000F7/en</sourceUrl>
21001       </references>
21002       <generalDesc>
21003         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
21004         <nationalNumberPattern>[5789]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
21005         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
21006       </generalDesc>
21007       <fixedLine>
21008         <nationalNumberPattern>
21009           7215(?:
21010             4[2-8]|
21011             8[239]|
21012             9[056]
21013           )\d{4}
21014         </nationalNumberPattern>
21015         <exampleNumber>7215425678</exampleNumber>
21016       </fixedLine>
21017       <mobile>
21018         <!-- We assume we can send SMSs to the Fixed GSM numbers mentioned in the plan and hence
21019              include these as mobile numbers. -->
21020         <nationalNumberPattern>
21021           7215(?:
21022             1[02]|
21023             2\d|
21024             5[034679]|
21025             8[014-8]
21026           )\d{4}
21027         </nationalNumberPattern>
21028         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21029         <exampleNumber>7215205678</exampleNumber>
21030       </mobile>
21031       <tollFree>
21032         <nationalNumberPattern>
21033           8(?:
21034             00|
21035             44|
21036             55|
21037             66|
21038             77|
21039             88
21040           )[2-9]\d{6}
21041         </nationalNumberPattern>
21042         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21043         <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
21044       </tollFree>
21045       <premiumRate>
21046         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
21047         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21048         <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
21049       </premiumRate>
21050       <personalNumber>
21051         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
21052         <nationalNumberPattern>
21053           5(?:
21054             00|
21055             33|
21056             44|
21057             66|
21058             77
21059           )[2-9]\d{6}
21060         </nationalNumberPattern>
21061         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21062         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
21063       </personalNumber>
21064     </territory>
21066     <!-- Syrian Arab Republic -->
21067     <territory id="SY" countryCode="963" internationalPrefix="00"
21068                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
21069                nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
21070       <references>
21071         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000C9/en</sourceUrl>
21072         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B963</sourceUrl>
21073       </references>
21074       <availableFormats>
21075         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
21076           <leadingDigits>[1-5]</leadingDigits>
21077           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
21078         </numberFormat>
21079         <numberFormat pattern="(9\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
21080           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
21081           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
21082         </numberFormat>
21083       </availableFormats>
21084       <generalDesc>
21085         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-59]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
21086         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
21087       </generalDesc>
21088       <fixedLine>
21089       <!-- Numbers with the 21 prefix are made optionally 1-digit longer based on numbers found on
21090            the Internet. -->
21091         <nationalNumberPattern>
21092           (?:
21093             1(?:
21094               1\d?|
21095               4\d|
21096               [2356]
21097             )|
21098             2(?:
21099               1\d?|
21100               [235]
21101             )|
21102             3(?:
21103               [13]\d|
21104               4
21105             )|
21106             4[13]|
21107             5[1-3]
21108           )\d{6}
21109         </nationalNumberPattern>
21110         <exampleNumber>112345678</exampleNumber>
21111       </fixedLine>
21112       <mobile>
21113         <!-- Numbers have been found on the Internet for the prefixes 922, 93[046-8],
21114              95[138], and 96[05]. -->
21115         <nationalNumberPattern>
21116           9(?:
21117             22|
21118             [35][0-8]|
21119             4\d|
21120             6[024-9]|
21121             88|
21122             9[0-489]
21123           )\d{6}
21124         </nationalNumberPattern>
21125         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
21126         <exampleNumber>944567890</exampleNumber>
21127       </mobile>
21128       <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
21129     </territory>
21131     <!-- Swaziland -->
21132     <territory id="SZ" countryCode="268" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
21133       <references>
21134         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000C6/en</sourceUrl>
21135       </references>
21136       <availableFormats>
21137         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
21138           <leadingDigits>[027]</leadingDigits>
21139           <format>$1 $2</format>
21140         </numberFormat>
21141       </availableFormats>
21142       <generalDesc>
21143         <nationalNumberPattern>[027]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
21144         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
21145       </generalDesc>
21146       <noInternationalDialling>
21147         <nationalNumberPattern>0800\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
21148         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
21149         <exampleNumber>08001234</exampleNumber>
21150       </noInternationalDialling>
21151       <fixedLine>
21152         <nationalNumberPattern>
21153           2(?:
21154             2(?:
21155               0[07]|
21156               [13]7|
21157               2[57]
21158             )|
21159             3(?:
21160               0[34]|
21161               [1278]3|
21162               3[23]|
21163               [46][34]
21164             )|
21165             (?:
21166               40[4-69]|
21167               67
21168             )|
21169             5(?:
21170               0[5-7]|
21171               1[6-9]|
21172               [23][78]|
21173               48|
21174               5[01]
21175             )
21176           )\d{4}
21177         </nationalNumberPattern>
21178         <exampleNumber>22171234</exampleNumber>
21179       </fixedLine>
21180       <mobile>
21181         <nationalNumberPattern>7[6-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
21182         <exampleNumber>76123456</exampleNumber>
21183       </mobile>
21184       <tollFree>
21185         <nationalNumberPattern>0800\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
21186         <exampleNumber>08001234</exampleNumber>
21187       </tollFree>
21188     </territory>
21190     <!-- Tristan da Cunha -->
21191     <territory id="TA" countryCode="290" internationalPrefix="00">
21192       <references>
21193         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000AF/en</sourceUrl>
21194       </references>
21195       <!-- Numbers are formatted as a block. Shares a country code with Saint Helena. -->
21196       <generalDesc>
21197         <nationalNumberPattern>8\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
21198         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
21199       </generalDesc>
21200       <fixedLine>
21201         <nationalNumberPattern>8\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
21202         <exampleNumber>8999</exampleNumber>
21203       </fixedLine>
21204       <mobile>
21205         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
21206         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
21207       </mobile>
21208     </territory>
21210     <!-- Turks and Caicos Islands -->
21211     <territory id="TC" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="649" nationalPrefix="1"
21212                internationalPrefix="011">
21213       <references>
21214         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000D8/en</sourceUrl>
21215       </references>
21216       <generalDesc>
21217         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
21218         <nationalNumberPattern>[5689]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
21219         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
21220       </generalDesc>
21221       <fixedLine>
21222         <nationalNumberPattern>
21223           649(?:
21224             712|
21225             9(?:
21226               4\d|
21227               50
21228             )
21229           )\d{4}
21230         </nationalNumberPattern>
21231         <exampleNumber>6497121234</exampleNumber>
21232       </fixedLine>
21233       <mobile>
21234         <!-- Extra prefixes 246, 247, 346 found online and in the yellow pages. -->
21235         <nationalNumberPattern>
21236           649(?:
21237             2(?:
21238               3[129]|
21239               4[1-7]
21240             )|
21241             3(?:
21242               3[1-389]|
21243               4[1-7]
21244             )|
21245             4[34][1-3]
21246           )\d{4}
21247         </nationalNumberPattern>
21248         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21249         <exampleNumber>6492311234</exampleNumber>
21250       </mobile>
21251       <tollFree>
21252         <nationalNumberPattern>
21253           8(?:
21254             00|
21255             44|
21256             55|
21257             66|
21258             77|
21259             88
21260           )[2-9]\d{6}
21261         </nationalNumberPattern>
21262         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21263         <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
21264       </tollFree>
21265       <premiumRate>
21266         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
21267         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21268         <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
21269       </premiumRate>
21270       <personalNumber>
21271         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
21272         <nationalNumberPattern>
21273           5(?:
21274             00|
21275             33|
21276             44|
21277             66|
21278             77
21279           )[2-9]\d{6}
21280         </nationalNumberPattern>
21281         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21282         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
21283       </personalNumber>
21284       <voip>
21285         <nationalNumberPattern>64971[01]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
21286         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21287         <exampleNumber>6497101234</exampleNumber>
21288       </voip>
21289     </territory>
21291     <!-- Chad -->
21292     <!-- The international prefix includes 16 as the international manual exchange. -->
21293     <territory id="TD" countryCode="235" preferredInternationalPrefix="00"
21294                internationalPrefix="00|16">
21295       <references>
21296         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000029/en</sourceUrl>
21297       </references>
21298       <availableFormats>
21299         <numberFormat
21300           pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
21301           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
21302         </numberFormat>
21303       </availableFormats>
21304       <generalDesc>
21305         <nationalNumberPattern>[2679]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
21306         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
21307       </generalDesc>
21308       <fixedLine>
21309         <nationalNumberPattern>
21310           22(?:
21311             [3789]0|
21312             5[0-5]|
21313             6[89]
21314           )\d{4}
21315         </nationalNumberPattern>
21316         <exampleNumber>22501234</exampleNumber>
21317       </fixedLine>
21318       <mobile>
21319         <!-- Sotel Tchad "SALAM" (77 XX XX XX) is classified as a fixed operator in the plan, but it
21320              also says numbers starting with 7 are mobile numbers. Putting under mobile for now.
21321              Also adding 6[028] and 63[5-9] which are operated by Airtel. -->
21322         <nationalNumberPattern>
21323           (?:
21324             6[02368]\d|
21325             77\d|
21326             9(?:
21327               5[0-4]|
21328               9\d
21329             )
21330           )\d{5}
21331         </nationalNumberPattern>
21332         <exampleNumber>63012345</exampleNumber>
21333       </mobile>
21334     </territory>
21336     <!-- French Southern Territories -->
21337     <!-- id="TF" countryCode="262" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0" -->
21338     <!-- This country is not covered due to lack of information about its numbering plan. It has 140
21339          temporary inhabitants. -->
21341     <!-- Togo -->
21342     <territory id="TG" countryCode="228" internationalPrefix="00">
21343       <references>
21344         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000D1/en</sourceUrl>
21345       </references>
21346       <availableFormats>
21347         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
21348           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
21349         </numberFormat>
21350       </availableFormats>
21351       <generalDesc>
21352         <nationalNumberPattern>[29]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
21353         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
21354       </generalDesc>
21355       <fixedLine>
21356         <nationalNumberPattern>
21357           2(?:
21358             2[2-7]|
21359             3[23]|
21360             44|
21361             55|
21362             66|
21363             77
21364           )\d{5}
21365         </nationalNumberPattern>
21366         <exampleNumber>22212345</exampleNumber>
21367       </fixedLine>
21368       <mobile>
21369         <!-- Prefix 93 is from an open-source bug report -->
21370         <nationalNumberPattern>9[0-389]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
21371         <exampleNumber>90112345</exampleNumber>
21372       </mobile>
21373     </territory>
21375     <!-- Thailand -->
21376     <territory id="TH" countryCode="66" internationalPrefix="00"
21377                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
21378                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
21379       <references>
21380         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000CD/en</sourceUrl>
21381         <sourceUrl>http://www.barascientific.com/bscnews/variety/emergency/Tel-4Digi.pdf</sourceUrl>
21382       </references>
21383       <availableFormats>
21384         <!-- Formatting patterns from wikipedia and the document itself -
21385              http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B66 -->
21386         <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
21387           <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
21388           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
21389         </numberFormat>
21390         <numberFormat pattern="([13-9]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
21391           <leadingDigits>
21392             14|
21393             [3-9]
21394           </leadingDigits>
21395           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
21396         </numberFormat>
21397         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
21398           pattern="(1[89]00)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
21399           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
21400           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
21401         </numberFormat>
21402       </availableFormats>
21403       <generalDesc>
21404         <nationalNumberPattern>
21405           [2-9]\d{7,8}|
21406           1\d{3}(?:\d{5,6})?
21407         </nationalNumberPattern>
21408         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}|\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21409       </generalDesc>
21410       <noInternationalDialling>
21411         <nationalNumberPattern>1\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
21412         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
21413         <exampleNumber>1100</exampleNumber>
21414       </noInternationalDialling>
21415       <fixedLine>
21416         <!-- Numbers online have been found that start with 20, despite the ITU doc not covering
21417              these. -->
21418         <nationalNumberPattern>
21419           (?:
21420             2\d|
21421             3[2-9]|
21422             4[2-5]|
21423             5[2-6]|
21424             7[3-7]
21425           )\d{6}
21426         </nationalNumberPattern>
21427         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
21428         <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
21429       </fixedLine>
21430       <mobile>
21431         <!-- Numbers found online starting with 62. 14 and 63 are from an open-source bug report,
21432              we couldn't find evidence of these specifically being in use but this article
21433              http://www.prachachat.net/news_detail.php?newsid=1395732787&grpid=03&catid=06&subcatid=0600
21434              talks about prefix 6 and 1 being cleared for mobile use. -->
21435         <nationalNumberPattern>
21436           (?:
21437             14|
21438             6[1-3]|
21439             [89]\d
21440           )\d{7}
21441         </nationalNumberPattern>
21442         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
21443         <exampleNumber>812345678</exampleNumber>
21444       </mobile>
21445       <!-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toll-free_telephone_number -->
21446       <tollFree>
21447         <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
21448         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21449         <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
21450       </tollFree>
21451       <premiumRate>
21452         <nationalNumberPattern>1900\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
21453         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21454         <exampleNumber>1900123456</exampleNumber>
21455       </premiumRate>
21456       <voip>
21457         <!-- The ITU document says that the 89 prefix is also VOIP but there are lots of numbers
21458              online to suggest they are actually used as mobile numbers. -->
21459         <nationalNumberPattern>6[08]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
21460         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
21461         <exampleNumber>601234567</exampleNumber>
21462       </voip>
21463       <uan>
21464         <!-- 4-digit numbers are classified under UAN. Most of these are commercial numbers, and
21465              their costs range from free to 6 Baht/min. -->
21466         <nationalNumberPattern>1\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
21467         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
21468         <exampleNumber>1100</exampleNumber>
21469       </uan>
21470     </territory>
21472     <!-- Tajikistan -->
21473     <territory id="TJ" countryCode="992" preferredInternationalPrefix="8~10"
21474                internationalPrefix="810" nationalPrefix="8"
21475                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP) $FG"
21476                nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
21477       <references>
21478         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000CA/en</sourceUrl>
21479       </references>
21480       <availableFormats>
21481         <numberFormat pattern="([349]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
21482           <leadingDigits>
21483             [34]7|
21484             91[78]
21485           </leadingDigits>
21486           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
21487         </numberFormat>
21488         <numberFormat pattern="([459]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
21489           <leadingDigits>
21490             4[48]|
21491             5|
21492             9(?:
21493               1[59]|
21494               [0235-9]
21495             )
21496           </leadingDigits>
21497           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
21498         </numberFormat>
21499         <numberFormat pattern="(331700)(\d)(\d{2})">
21500           <leadingDigits>331</leadingDigits>
21501           <leadingDigits>3317</leadingDigits>
21502           <leadingDigits>33170</leadingDigits>
21503           <leadingDigits>331700</leadingDigits>
21504           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
21505         </numberFormat>
21506         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d)(\d{4})">
21507           <leadingDigits>3[1-5]</leadingDigits>
21508           <leadingDigits>
21509             3(?:
21510               [1245]|
21511               3(?:
21512                 [02-9]|
21513                 1[0-589]
21514               )
21515             )
21516           </leadingDigits>
21517           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
21518         </numberFormat>
21519       </availableFormats>
21520       <generalDesc>
21521         <nationalNumberPattern>[3-59]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
21522         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
21523       </generalDesc>
21524       <fixedLine>
21525         <nationalNumberPattern>
21526           (?:
21527             3(?:
21528               1[3-5]|
21529               2[245]|
21530               3[12]|
21531               4[24-7]|
21532               5[25]|
21533               72
21534             )|
21535             4(?:
21536               46|
21537               74|
21538               87
21539             )
21540           )\d{6}
21541         </nationalNumberPattern>
21542         <exampleNumber>372123456</exampleNumber>
21543       </fixedLine>
21544       <mobile>
21545         <!-- Adding 90 prefix as SMS messages could be successfully delivered to these mobile
21546              numbers, and 50[12] for TCell from bug reports. -->
21547         <nationalNumberPattern>
21548           (?:
21549             50[125]|
21550             9[0-35-9]\d
21551           )\d{6}
21552         </nationalNumberPattern>
21553         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
21554         <exampleNumber>917123456</exampleNumber>
21555       </mobile>
21556       <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
21557     </territory>
21559     <!-- Tokelau -->
21560     <territory id="TK" countryCode="690" internationalPrefix="00">
21561       <references>
21562         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000D2/en</sourceUrl>
21563       </references>
21564       <generalDesc>
21565         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
21566         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
21567       </generalDesc>
21568       <fixedLine>
21569         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-4]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
21570         <!-- The example number is the contact number from the ITU document. -->
21571         <exampleNumber>3010</exampleNumber>
21572       </fixedLine>
21573       <mobile>
21574         <nationalNumberPattern>[5-9]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
21575         <exampleNumber>5190</exampleNumber>
21576       </mobile>
21577     </territory>
21579     <!-- Timor-Leste (East Timor) -->
21580     <territory id="TL" countryCode="670" internationalPrefix="00">
21581       <references>
21582         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000D0/en</sourceUrl>
21583       </references>
21584       <availableFormats>
21585         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
21586           <leadingDigits>[2-489]</leadingDigits>
21587           <format>$1 $2</format>
21588         </numberFormat>
21589         <!-- Since numbers grew an extra digit, we have no indication of how people are formatting
21590              them. If we see another pattern being used, we should change this later. -->
21591         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
21592           <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
21593           <format>$1 $2</format>
21594         </numberFormat>
21595       </availableFormats>
21596       <generalDesc>
21597         <nationalNumberPattern>
21598           [2-489]\d{6}|
21599           7\d{6,7}
21600         </nationalNumberPattern>
21601         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
21602       </generalDesc>
21603       <fixedLine>
21604         <nationalNumberPattern>
21605           (?:
21606             2[1-5]|
21607             3[1-9]|
21608             4[1-4]
21609           )\d{5}
21610         </nationalNumberPattern>
21611         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
21612         <exampleNumber>2112345</exampleNumber>
21613       </fixedLine>
21614       <mobile>
21615         <nationalNumberPattern>7[3-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
21616         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
21617         <exampleNumber>77212345</exampleNumber>
21618       </mobile>
21619       <tollFree>
21620         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
21621         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
21622         <exampleNumber>8012345</exampleNumber>
21623       </tollFree>
21624       <premiumRate>
21625         <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
21626         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
21627         <exampleNumber>9012345</exampleNumber>
21628       </premiumRate>
21629       <!-- We don't include paging or voicemail because the identified paging range was used by
21630            mobile previously, and for voicemail, it is unclear if the 2012 change affected these
21631            numbers, or if the range was indeed previously used for voicemail at all. -->
21632       <personalNumber>
21633         <!-- We presume this wasn't affected by the numbering plan update. -->
21634         <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
21635         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
21636         <exampleNumber>7012345</exampleNumber>
21637       </personalNumber>
21638     </territory>
21640     <!-- Turkmenistan -->
21641     <territory id="TM" countryCode="993" preferredInternationalPrefix="8~10"
21642                internationalPrefix="810" nationalPrefix="8"
21643                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP $FG)">
21644       <references>
21645         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000D7/en</sourceUrl>
21646         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Turkmenistan</sourceUrl>
21647       </references>
21648       <availableFormats>
21649         <!-- There doesn't seem to be a standardized format. The format below is based on the
21650              Turkmenistan embassy at
21651              http://www.turkmenistanembassy.org/turkmen/info/contact.html -->
21652           <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
21653             <leadingDigits>12</leadingDigits>
21654             <format>$1 $2-$3-$4</format>
21655           </numberFormat>
21656           <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{6})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG">
21657             <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
21658             <format>$1 $2</format>
21659           </numberFormat>
21660           <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})">
21661             <leadingDigits>
21662               13|
21663               [2-5]
21664             </leadingDigits>
21665             <format>$1 $2-$3-$4</format>
21666           </numberFormat>
21667       </availableFormats>
21668       <generalDesc>
21669         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-6]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
21670         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
21671       </generalDesc>
21672       <fixedLine>
21673         <!-- Additional prefixes from the wikipedia page. -->
21674         <nationalNumberPattern>
21675           (?:
21676             1(?:
21677               2\d|
21678               3[1-9]
21679             )|
21680             2(?:
21681               22|
21682               4[0-35-8]
21683             )|
21684             3(?:
21685               22|
21686               4[03-9]
21687             )|
21688             4(?:
21689               22|
21690               3[128]|
21691               4\d|
21692               6[15]
21693             )|
21694             5(?:
21695               22|
21696               5[7-9]|
21697               6[014-689]
21698             )
21699           )\d{5}
21700         </nationalNumberPattern>
21701         <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
21702       </fixedLine>
21703       <mobile>
21704         <!-- According to feedback from users, the carrier Altyn Asyr is the only one currently
21705              operating, with the numbers 6[3-5]\d{6}. MTS used to operate the ranges 6[6-8] but this
21706              has been suspended. It is unclear whether it will resume. We support both ranges in the
21707              meantime. The range 62 seems also now to be in use, according to numbers found online.
21708              -->
21709         <nationalNumberPattern>6[2-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
21710         <exampleNumber>66123456</exampleNumber>
21711       </mobile>
21712       <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
21713     </territory>
21715     <!-- Tunisia -->
21716     <territory id="TN" countryCode="216" internationalPrefix="00">
21717       <references>
21718         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000D5/en</sourceUrl>
21719         <sourceUrl>http://www.tunisietelecom.tn/tt/wcm/connect/?MOD=PDMProxy&amp;TYPE=personalization&amp;ID=NONE&amp;KEY=NONE&amp;LIBRARY=%2FcontentRoot%2Ficm%3Alibraries%5B16%5D&amp;FOLDER=%2F&amp;DOC_NAME=%2FcontentRoot%2Ficm%3Alibraries%5B16%5D%2FOTTI+2011.pdf</sourceUrl>
21720         <sourceUrl>http://www.tunisietelecom.tn/tt/internet/fr/pme/fixe/numeros_acceuil</sourceUrl>
21721       </references>
21722       <availableFormats>
21723         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
21724           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
21725         </numberFormat>
21726       </availableFormats>
21727       <generalDesc>
21728         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-57-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
21729         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
21730       </generalDesc>
21731       <fixedLine>
21732         <!-- 3[012] numbers are no longer listed in the ITU doc, but we support them based on
21733              online searches. -->
21734         <nationalNumberPattern>
21735           3[012]\d{6}|
21736           7\d{7}|
21737           81200\d{3}
21738         </nationalNumberPattern>
21739         <exampleNumber>71234567</exampleNumber>
21740       </fixedLine>
21741       <mobile>
21742         <!-- Numbers starting with 5 are no longer listed in the ITU doc, but we support them based
21743              on online searches and Wikipedia. -->
21744         <nationalNumberPattern>
21745           (?:
21746             [259]\d|
21747             4[0-24]
21748           )\d{6}
21749         </nationalNumberPattern>
21750         <exampleNumber>20123456</exampleNumber>
21751       </mobile>
21752       <tollFree>
21753         <!-- ITU lists 80 xx xx xx, but the document published by Tunisie Telecom has more specific
21754              information which is followed here. -->
21755         <nationalNumberPattern>8010\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
21756         <exampleNumber>80101234</exampleNumber>
21757       </tollFree>
21758       <premiumRate>
21759         <nationalNumberPattern>88\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
21760         <exampleNumber>88123456</exampleNumber>
21761       </premiumRate>
21762       <sharedCost>
21763         <!-- 8110xxxx numbers are listed as being "discounted non-geographical numbers" and are put
21764              here for now. In the future we might consider them as UAN.
21765              ITU lists 82 xx xx xx, but the document published by Tunisie Telecom has more specific
21766              information which is followed here. -->
21767         <nationalNumberPattern>8[12]10\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
21768         <exampleNumber>81101234</exampleNumber>
21769       </sharedCost>
21770     </territory>
21772     <!-- Tonga -->
21773     <territory id="TO" countryCode="676" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
21774       <references>
21775         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000D3/en</sourceUrl>
21776         <sourceUrl>http://www.wtng.info/wtng-676-to.html</sourceUrl>
21777       </references>
21778       <availableFormats>
21779         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})">
21780           <leadingDigits>
21781             [1-6]|
21782             7[0-4]|
21783             8[05]
21784           </leadingDigits>
21785           <format>$1-$2</format>
21786         </numberFormat>
21787         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
21788           <leadingDigits>
21789             7[5-9]|
21790             8[47-9]
21791           </leadingDigits>
21792           <format>$1 $2</format>
21793         </numberFormat>
21794         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})">
21795           <leadingDigits>0</leadingDigits>
21796           <format>$1 $2</format>
21797         </numberFormat>
21798       </availableFormats>
21799       <generalDesc>
21800         <nationalNumberPattern>[02-8]\d{4,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
21801         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
21802       </generalDesc>
21803       <fixedLine>
21804         <nationalNumberPattern>
21805           (?:
21806             2\d|
21807             3[1-8]|
21808             4[1-4]|
21809             [56]0|
21810             7[0149]|
21811             8[05]
21812           )\d{3}
21813         </nationalNumberPattern>
21814         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
21815         <exampleNumber>20123</exampleNumber>
21816       </fixedLine>
21817       <mobile>
21818         <!-- TCC mobile numbers were given a prefix of "77" in 2009, although this is not mentioned
21819              in their ITU document. Numbers with a prefix of "75" and "84" have also been found. -->
21820         <nationalNumberPattern>
21821           (?:
21822             7[578]|
21823             8[47-9]
21824           )\d{5}
21825         </nationalNumberPattern>
21826         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
21827         <exampleNumber>7715123</exampleNumber>
21828       </mobile>
21829       <tollFree>
21830         <nationalNumberPattern>0800\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
21831         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
21832         <exampleNumber>0800222</exampleNumber>
21833       </tollFree>
21834     </territory>
21836     <!-- Turkey -->
21837     <territory id="TR" countryCode="90" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
21838                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
21839       <references>
21840         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B90</sourceUrl>
21841         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000D6/en</sourceUrl>
21842       </references>
21843       <availableFormats>
21844         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)" pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})"
21845           nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
21846           <leadingDigits>
21847             [23]|
21848             4(?:
21849               [0-35-9]|
21850               4[0-35-9]
21851             )
21852           </leadingDigits>
21853           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
21854         </numberFormat>
21855         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})"
21856           nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
21857           <leadingDigits>[589]</leadingDigits>
21858           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
21859         </numberFormat>
21860         <numberFormat pattern="(444)(\d{1})(\d{3})">
21861           <leadingDigits>444</leadingDigits>
21862           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
21863         </numberFormat>
21864       </availableFormats>
21865       <generalDesc>
21866         <nationalNumberPattern>
21867           [2-589]\d{9}|
21868           444\d{4}
21869         </nationalNumberPattern>
21870         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21871       </generalDesc>
21872       <noInternationalDialling>
21873         <nationalNumberPattern>444\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
21874         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
21875         <exampleNumber>4441444</exampleNumber>
21876       </noInternationalDialling>
21877       <fixedLine>
21878         <!-- Includes numbers starting with 392 for Northern Cyprus. -->
21879         <nationalNumberPattern>
21880           (?:
21881             2(?:
21882               [13][26]|
21883               [28][2468]|
21884               [45][268]|
21885               [67][246]
21886             )|
21887             3(?:
21888               [13][28]|
21889               [24-6][2468]|
21890               [78][02468]|
21891               92
21892             )|
21893             4(?:
21894               [16][246]|
21895               [23578][2468]|
21896               4[26]
21897             )
21898           )\d{7}
21899         </nationalNumberPattern>
21900         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21901         <exampleNumber>2123456789</exampleNumber>
21902       </fixedLine>
21903       <mobile>
21904         <!-- There are some differences between the Turkish and English wikipedia pages here, and
21905              some number prefixes do not seem to be able to be found online. Omitting 500, 508 and
21906              509 from the English page because of this. -->
21907         <nationalNumberPattern>
21908           5(?:
21909             0[1-7]|
21910             22|
21911             [34]\d|
21912             5[1-59]|
21913             9[246]
21914           )\d{7}
21915         </nationalNumberPattern>
21916         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21917         <exampleNumber>5012345678</exampleNumber>
21918       </mobile>
21919       <pager>
21920         <nationalNumberPattern>512\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
21921         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21922         <exampleNumber>5123456789</exampleNumber>
21923       </pager>
21924       <tollFree>
21925         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
21926         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21927         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
21928       </tollFree>
21929       <premiumRate>
21930         <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
21931         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21932         <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
21933       </premiumRate>
21934       <uan>
21935         <!-- http://www.turktelekom.com.tr/tt/portal/News/Archive/7-digit-special-service-number-starting-with-444 -->
21936         <nationalNumberPattern>
21937           444\d{4}|
21938           850\d{7}
21939         </nationalNumberPattern>
21940         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
21941         <exampleNumber>4441444</exampleNumber>
21942       </uan>
21943     </territory>
21945     <!-- Trinidad and Tobago -->
21946     <territory id="TT" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="868" nationalPrefix="1"
21947                internationalPrefix="011">
21948       <references>
21949         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000D4/en</sourceUrl>
21950       </references>
21951       <generalDesc>
21952         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
21953         <nationalNumberPattern>[589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
21954         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
21955       </generalDesc>
21956       <fixedLine>
21957         <nationalNumberPattern>
21958           868(?:
21959             2(?:
21960               [03]1|
21961               2[1-5]
21962             )|
21963             6(?:
21964               0[79]|
21965               1[02-9]|
21966               2[1-9]|
21967               [3-69]\d|
21968               7[0-79]
21969             )|
21970             82[124]
21971           )\d{4}
21972         </nationalNumberPattern>
21973         <exampleNumber>8682211234</exampleNumber>
21974       </fixedLine>
21975       <mobile>
21976         <nationalNumberPattern>
21977           868(?:
21978             2(?:
21979               [89]\d
21980             )|
21981             3(?:
21982               0[1-9]|
21983               1[02-9]|
21984               [2-9]\d
21985             )|
21986             4[6-9]\d|
21987             6(?:
21988               20|
21989               78|
21990               8\d
21991             )|
21992             7(?:
21993               0[1-9]|
21994               1[02-9]|
21995               [2-9]\d
21996             )
21997           )\d{4}
21998         </nationalNumberPattern>
21999         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
22000         <exampleNumber>8682911234</exampleNumber>
22001       </mobile>
22002       <tollFree>
22003         <nationalNumberPattern>
22004           8(?:
22005             00|
22006             44|
22007             55|
22008             66|
22009             77|
22010             88
22011           )[2-9]\d{6}
22012         </nationalNumberPattern>
22013         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
22014         <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
22015       </tollFree>
22016       <premiumRate>
22017         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
22018         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
22019         <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
22020       </premiumRate>
22021       <personalNumber>
22022         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
22023         <nationalNumberPattern>
22024           5(?:
22025             00|
22026             33|
22027             44|
22028             66|
22029             77
22030           )[2-9]\d{6}
22031         </nationalNumberPattern>
22032         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
22033         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
22034       </personalNumber>
22035     </territory>
22037     <!-- Tuvalu -->
22038     <territory id="TV" countryCode="688" internationalPrefix="00">
22039       <references>
22040         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000D9/en</sourceUrl>
22041         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Tuvalu</sourceUrl>
22042       </references>
22043       <!-- Numbers are formatted as a block. -->
22044       <generalDesc>
22045         <nationalNumberPattern>[29]\d{4,5}</nationalNumberPattern>
22046         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
22047       </generalDesc>
22048       <fixedLine>
22049         <nationalNumberPattern>2[02-9]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
22050         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
22051         <exampleNumber>20123</exampleNumber>
22052       </fixedLine>
22053       <mobile>
22054         <!-- Some numbers online can be found that are 5-digits long, and start with 90 or 91. We
22055              don't know if these are valid or not - the ITU document excludes them - so are not
22056              covering these for now. -->
22057         <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
22058         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
22059         <exampleNumber>901234</exampleNumber>
22060       </mobile>
22061     </territory>
22063     <!-- Taiwan, China -->
22064     <!-- Extension symbols found on the internet so far have been #, X and Ext - so # has been
22065          chosen as the preferred extension prefix. -->
22066     <territory id="TW" countryCode="886" internationalPrefix="0(?:0[25679]|19)"
22067                nationalPrefix="0" preferredExtnPrefix="#" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
22068                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
22069       <references>
22070         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000EB/en</sourceUrl>
22071       </references>
22072       <availableFormats>
22073         <numberFormat pattern="([2-8])(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
22074           <leadingDigits>
22075             [2-6]|
22076             [78][1-9]
22077           </leadingDigits>
22078           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
22079         </numberFormat>
22080         <numberFormat pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
22081           <leadingDigits>
22082             80|
22083             9
22084           </leadingDigits>
22085           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
22086         </numberFormat>
22087         <numberFormat pattern="(70)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
22088           <leadingDigits>70</leadingDigits>
22089           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
22090         </numberFormat>
22091       </availableFormats>
22092       <generalDesc>
22093         <nationalNumberPattern>
22094           [2-689]\d{7,8}|
22095           7\d{7,9}
22096         </nationalNumberPattern>
22097         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
22098       </generalDesc>
22099       <fixedLine>
22100         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-8]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
22101         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22102         <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
22103       </fixedLine>
22104       <mobile>
22105         <nationalNumberPattern>9\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
22106         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22107         <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
22108       </mobile>
22109       <tollFree>
22110         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
22111         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22112         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
22113       </tollFree>
22114       <premiumRate>
22115         <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
22116         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22117         <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
22118       </premiumRate>
22119       <!-- http://www.chief.com.tw/telecom_eng/front/bin/ptlist.phtml?Category=107 -->
22120       <voip>
22121         <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
22122         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
22123         <exampleNumber>7012345678</exampleNumber>
22124       </voip>
22125     </territory>
22127     <!-- Tanzania -->
22128     <territory id="TZ" countryCode="255" internationalPrefix="00[056]"
22129                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
22130       <references>
22131         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000CB/en</sourceUrl>
22132       </references>
22133       <availableFormats>
22134         <numberFormat pattern="([24]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
22135           <leadingDigits>[24]</leadingDigits>
22136           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
22137         </numberFormat>
22138         <numberFormat pattern="([67]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
22139           <leadingDigits>[67]</leadingDigits>
22140           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
22141         </numberFormat>
22142         <!-- Formatting for special numbers from http://www.tcra.go.tz -->
22143         <numberFormat pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
22144           <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
22145           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
22146         </numberFormat>
22147       </availableFormats>
22148       <generalDesc>
22149         <nationalNumberPattern>\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
22150         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22151       </generalDesc>
22152       <fixedLine>
22153         <nationalNumberPattern>2[2-8]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
22154         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22155         <exampleNumber>222345678</exampleNumber>
22156       </fixedLine>
22157       <mobile>
22158         <nationalNumberPattern>
22159           (?:
22160             6[1578]|
22161             7[1-9]
22162           )\d{7}
22163         </nationalNumberPattern>
22164         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22165         <exampleNumber>612345678</exampleNumber>
22166       </mobile>
22167       <tollFree>
22168         <nationalNumberPattern>80[08]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
22169         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22170         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
22171       </tollFree>
22172       <premiumRate>
22173         <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
22174         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22175         <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
22176       </premiumRate>
22177       <sharedCost>
22178         <nationalNumberPattern>
22179           8(?:
22180             40|
22181             6[01]
22182           )\d{6}
22183         </nationalNumberPattern>
22184         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22185         <exampleNumber>840123456</exampleNumber>
22186       </sharedCost>
22187       <voip>
22188         <nationalNumberPattern>41\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
22189         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22190         <exampleNumber>412345678</exampleNumber>
22191       </voip>
22192     </territory>
22194     <!-- Ukraine -->
22195     <territory id="UA" countryCode="380" preferredInternationalPrefix="0~0"
22196                internationalPrefix="00"
22197                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
22198       <references>
22199         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000DB/en</sourceUrl>
22200         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B380</sourceUrl>
22201       </references>
22202       <availableFormats>
22203         <!-- City codes separated out. No definitive list has been found of what constitutes the
22204              area code - http://www.ua.all-biz.info/guide/phonecodes is useful but not error-free.
22205              Have used local yellow pages guidelines, Google searches and regression tests to
22206              reverse-engineer these rules as well as bugs. -->
22207         <numberFormat pattern="([3-689]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
22208           <leadingDigits>
22209             [38]9|
22210             4(?:
22211               [45][0-5]|
22212               87
22213             )|
22214             5(?:
22215               0|
22216               6[37]|
22217               7[37]
22218             )|
22219             6[36-8]|
22220             9[1-9]
22221           </leadingDigits>
22222           <leadingDigits>
22223             [38]9|
22224             4(?:
22225               [45][0-5]|
22226               87
22227             )|
22228             5(?:
22229               0|
22230               6(?:
22231                 3[14-7]|
22232                 7
22233               )|
22234               7[37]
22235             )|
22236             6[36-8]|
22237             9[1-9]
22238           </leadingDigits>
22239           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
22240         </numberFormat>
22241         <numberFormat pattern="([3-689]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
22242           <leadingDigits>
22243             3[1-8]2|
22244             4[13678]2|
22245             5(?:
22246               [12457]2|
22247               6[24]
22248             )|
22249             6(?:
22250               [49]2|
22251               [12][29]|
22252               5[24]
22253             )|
22254             8[0-8]|
22255             90
22256           </leadingDigits>
22257           <leadingDigits>
22258             3(?:
22259               [1-46-8]2[013-9]|
22260               52
22261             )|
22262             4(?:
22263               [1378]2|
22264               62[013-9]
22265             )|
22266             5(?:
22267               [12457]2|
22268               6[24]
22269             )|
22270             6(?:
22271               [49]2|
22272               [12][29]|
22273               5[24]
22274             )|
22275             8[0-8]|
22276             90
22277           </leadingDigits>
22278           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
22279         </numberFormat>
22280         <numberFormat pattern="([3-6]\d{3})(\d{5})">
22281           <leadingDigits>
22282             3(?:
22283               5[013-9]|
22284               [1-46-8]
22285             )|
22286             4(?:
22287               [137][013-9]|
22288               6|
22289               [45][6-9]|
22290               8[4-6]
22291             )|
22292             5(?:
22293               [1245][013-9]|
22294               6[0135-9]|
22295               3|
22296               7[4-6]
22297             )|
22298             6(?:
22299               [49][013-9]|
22300               5[0135-9]|
22301               [12][13-8]
22302             )
22303           </leadingDigits>
22304           <leadingDigits>
22305             3(?:
22306               5[013-9]|
22307               [1-46-8](?:
22308                 22|
22309                 [013-9]
22310               )
22311             )|
22312             4(?:
22313               [137][013-9]|
22314               6(?:
22315                 [013-9]|
22316                 22
22317               )|
22318               [45][6-9]|
22319               8[4-6]
22320             )|
22321             5(?:
22322               [1245][013-9]|
22323               6(?:
22324                 3[02389]|
22325                 [015689]
22326               )|
22327               3|
22328               7[4-6]
22329             )|
22330             6(?:
22331               [49][013-9]|
22332               5[0135-9]|
22333               [12][13-8]
22334             )
22335           </leadingDigits>
22336           <format>$1 $2</format>
22337         </numberFormat>
22338       </availableFormats>
22339       <generalDesc>
22340         <nationalNumberPattern>[3-689]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
22341         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22342       </generalDesc>
22343       <fixedLine>
22344         <nationalNumberPattern>
22345           (?:
22346             3[1-8]|
22347             4[13-8]|
22348             5[1-7]|
22349             6[12459]
22350           )\d{7}
22351         </nationalNumberPattern>
22352         <exampleNumber>311234567</exampleNumber>
22353       </fixedLine>
22354       <mobile>
22355         <nationalNumberPattern>
22356           (?:
22357             39|
22358             50|
22359             6[36-8]|
22360             9[1-9]
22361           )\d{7}
22362         </nationalNumberPattern>
22363         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22364         <exampleNumber>391234567</exampleNumber>
22365       </mobile>
22366       <tollFree>
22367         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
22368         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22369         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
22370       </tollFree>
22371       <premiumRate>
22372         <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
22373         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22374         <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
22375       </premiumRate>
22376       <!-- Added based on: http://www.didx.net/did/ShowCountry/Country/AreaDesc/Area/9442 -->
22377       <voip>
22378         <nationalNumberPattern>89\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
22379         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22380         <exampleNumber>891234567</exampleNumber>
22381       </voip>
22382     </territory>
22384     <!-- Uganda -->
22385     <territory id="UG" countryCode="256" internationalPrefix="00[057]"
22386                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
22387       <references>
22388         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000F1/en</sourceUrl>
22389         <sourceUrl>http://www.ucc.co.ug/licensing/ugandaNumberingPlan.pdf</sourceUrl>
22390       </references>
22391       <availableFormats>
22392         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{6})">
22393           <leadingDigits>
22394             [7-9]|
22395             20(?:
22396               [013-8]|
22397               2[5-9]
22398             )|
22399             4(?:
22400               6[45]|
22401               [7-9]
22402             )
22403           </leadingDigits>
22404           <format>$1 $2</format>
22405         </numberFormat>
22406         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{7})">
22407           <leadingDigits>
22408             3|
22409             4(?:
22410               [1-5]|
22411               6[0-36-9]
22412             )
22413           </leadingDigits>
22414           <format>$1 $2</format>
22415         </numberFormat>
22416         <numberFormat pattern="(2024)(\d{5})">
22417           <leadingDigits>2024</leadingDigits>
22418           <format>$1 $2</format>
22419         </numberFormat>
22420       </availableFormats>
22421       <generalDesc>
22422         <nationalNumberPattern>\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
22423         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22424       </generalDesc>
22425       <fixedLine>
22426         <!-- Ranges with prefixes 20[5-8] are "not yet operational" as of Feb. 2013. -->
22427         <nationalNumberPattern>
22428           20(?:
22429             [0147]\d{2}|
22430             2(?:
22431               40|
22432               [5-9]\d
22433             )|
22434             3[23]\d|
22435             5[0-4]\d|
22436             6[03]\d|
22437             8[0-2]\d
22438           )\d{4}|
22439           [34]\d{8}
22440         </nationalNumberPattern>
22441         <!-- The ITU plan calls for all numbers to be exactly 9 digits. However, it's not clear if
22442              local dialing is still possible. We assume it is for now. -->
22443         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22444         <exampleNumber>312345678</exampleNumber>
22445       </fixedLine>
22446       <mobile>
22447         <!-- Added 79[5-9] and 707 from online numbers found with this prefix. -->
22448         <!-- Ranges with prefixes 7[46] are "not yet operational" as of Jun. 2013. -->
22449         <!-- Ranges with prefixes 2030 or 723 are "not yet operational" as of Oct. 2014. -->
22450         <nationalNumberPattern>
22451           2030\d{5}|
22452           7(?:
22453             0[0-7]|
22454             [15789]\d|
22455             2[03]|
22456             30|
22457             [46][0-4]
22458           )\d{6}
22459         </nationalNumberPattern>
22460         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22461         <exampleNumber>712345678</exampleNumber>
22462       </mobile>
22463       <tollFree>
22464         <nationalNumberPattern>800[123]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
22465         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22466         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
22467       </tollFree>
22468       <premiumRate>
22469         <nationalNumberPattern>90[123]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
22470         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22471         <exampleNumber>901123456</exampleNumber>
22472       </premiumRate>
22473     </territory>
22475     <!-- United States -->
22476     <!-- Note the national prefix of US is the same as its country code, and when formatting phone
22477          numbers in the national format, it is not included. Therefore, we omit it here to make
22478          formatting consistent with the rest of the world. The same applies to all the
22479          countries/regions under NANPA -->
22480     <!-- The national prefix of "1" here is the same as the country code. It is not used by default
22481          when formatting, but is set here so that users who are calling formatByPattern can specify
22482          NationalPrefixFormattingRule if they want to. -->
22483     <territory id="US" countryCode="1" internationalPrefix="011" mainCountryForCode="true"
22484                nationalPrefix="1" nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true"
22485                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
22486       <references>
22487         <sourceUrl>http://www.nanpa.com/reports/reports_npa.html</sourceUrl>
22488         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Numbering_Plan</sourceUrl>
22489       </references>
22490       <availableFormats>
22491         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
22492           <format>$1-$2</format>
22493           <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
22494         </numberFormat>
22495         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
22496           <format>($1) $2-$3</format>
22497           <!-- A different pattern is used when formatting internationally, as the area code is no
22498                longer optional and should not be in brackets. -->
22499           <intlFormat>$1-$2-$3</intlFormat>
22500         </numberFormat>
22501       </availableFormats>
22502       <generalDesc>
22503         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
22504         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
22505       </generalDesc>
22506       <fixedLine>
22507         <nationalNumberPattern>
22508           (?:
22509             2(?:
22510               0[1-35-9]|
22511               1[02-9]|
22512               2[4589]|
22513               3[149]|
22514               4[08]|
22515               5[1-46]|
22516               6[0279]|
22517               7[026]|
22518               8[13]
22519             )|
22520             3(?:
22521               0[1-57-9]|
22522               1[02-9]|
22523               2[0135]|
22524               3[014679]|
22525               4[67]|
22526               5[12]|
22527               6[014]|
22528               8[56]
22529             )|
22530             4(?:
22531               0[124-9]|
22532               1[02-579]|
22533               2[3-5]|
22534               3[0245]|
22535               4[0235]|
22536               58|
22537               69|
22538               7[0589]|
22539               8[04]
22540             )|
22541             5(?:
22542               0[1-57-9]|
22543               1[0235-8]|
22544               20|
22545               3[0149]|
22546               4[01]|
22547               5[19]|
22548               6[1-37]|
22549               7[013-5]|
22550               8[056]
22551             )|
22552             6(?:
22553               0[1-35-9]|
22554               1[024-9]|
22555               2[036]|
22556               3[016]|
22557               4[16]|
22558               5[017]|
22559               6[0-279]|
22560               78|
22561               8[12]
22562             )|
22563             7(?:
22564               0[1-46-8]|
22565               1[02-9]|
22566               2[0457]|
22567               3[1247]|
22568               4[07]|
22569               5[47]|
22570               6[02359]|
22571               7[02-59]|
22572               8[156]
22573             )|
22574             8(?:
22575               0[1-68]|
22576               1[02-8]|
22577               28|
22578               3[0-25]|
22579               4[3578]|
22580               5[06-9]|
22581               6[02-5]|
22582               7[028]
22583             )|
22584             9(?:
22585               0[1346-9]|
22586               1[02-9]|
22587               2[0589]|
22588               3[01678]|
22589               4[0179]|
22590               5[12469]|
22591               7[0-3589]|
22592               8[0459]
22593             )
22594           )[2-9]\d{6}
22595         </nationalNumberPattern>
22596         <exampleNumber>2015555555</exampleNumber>
22597       </fixedLine>
22598       <mobile>
22599         <nationalNumberPattern>
22600           (?:
22601             2(?:
22602               0[1-35-9]|
22603               1[02-9]|
22604               2[4589]|
22605               3[149]|
22606               4[08]|
22607               5[1-46]|
22608               6[0279]|
22609               7[026]|
22610               8[13]
22611             )|
22612             3(?:
22613               0[1-57-9]|
22614               1[02-9]|
22615               2[0135]|
22616               3[014679]|
22617               4[67]|
22618               5[12]|
22619               6[014]|
22620               8[56]
22621             )|
22622             4(?:
22623               0[124-9]|
22624               1[02-579]|
22625               2[3-5]|
22626               3[0245]|
22627               4[0235]|
22628               58|
22629               69|
22630               7[0589]|
22631               8[04]
22632             )|
22633             5(?:
22634               0[1-57-9]|
22635               1[0235-8]|
22636               20|
22637               3[0149]|
22638               4[01]|
22639               5[19]|
22640               6[1-37]|
22641               7[013-5]|
22642               8[056]
22643             )|
22644             6(?:
22645               0[1-35-9]|
22646               1[024-9]|
22647               2[036]|
22648               3[016]|
22649               4[16]|
22650               5[017]|
22651               6[0-279]|
22652               78|
22653               8[12]
22654             )|
22655             7(?:
22656               0[1-46-8]|
22657               1[02-9]|
22658               2[0457]|
22659               3[1247]|
22660               4[07]|
22661               5[47]|
22662               6[02359]|
22663               7[02-59]|
22664               8[156]
22665             )|
22666             8(?:
22667               0[1-68]|
22668               1[02-8]|
22669               28|
22670               3[0-25]|
22671               4[3578]|
22672               5[06-9]|
22673               6[02-5]|
22674               7[028]
22675             )|
22676             9(?:
22677               0[1346-9]|
22678               1[02-9]|
22679               2[0589]|
22680               3[01678]|
22681               4[0179]|
22682               5[12469]|
22683               7[0-3589]|
22684               8[0459]
22685             )
22686           )[2-9]\d{6}
22687         </nationalNumberPattern>
22688         <exampleNumber>2015555555</exampleNumber>
22689       </mobile>
22690       <tollFree>
22691         <nationalNumberPattern>
22692           8(?:
22693             00|
22694             44|
22695             55|
22696             66|
22697             77|
22698             88
22699           )[2-9]\d{6}
22700         </nationalNumberPattern>
22701         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
22702         <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
22703       </tollFree>
22704       <premiumRate>
22705         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
22706         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
22707         <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
22708       </premiumRate>
22709       <personalNumber>
22710         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
22711         <nationalNumberPattern>
22712           5(?:
22713             00|
22714             33|
22715             44|
22716             66|
22717             77
22718           )[2-9]\d{6}
22719         </nationalNumberPattern>
22720         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
22721         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
22722       </personalNumber>
22723     </territory>
22725     <!-- Uruguay -->
22726     <!-- International long-distance providers can be dialled by dialling 01 followed by a carrier
22727          code JK, where J = [3-9] and K is any digit. -->
22728     <territory id="UY" countryCode="598" internationalPrefix="0(?:1[3-9]\d|0)"
22729                preferredInternationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0" preferredExtnPrefix=" int. ">
22730       <references>
22731         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000E0/en</sourceUrl>
22732         <sourceUrl>http://www.ursec.gub.uy</sourceUrl>
22733         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Uruguay</sourceUrl>
22734       </references>
22735       <availableFormats>
22736         <!-- Following paginasamarillas.com.uy formatting. -->
22737         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
22738           <leadingDigits>[24]</leadingDigits>
22739           <format>$1 $2</format>
22740         </numberFormat>
22741         <!-- Including the national prefix here since URSEC does when formatting these. -->
22742         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
22743           <leadingDigits>9[1-9]</leadingDigits>
22744           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
22745         </numberFormat>
22746         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
22747           <leadingDigits>[89]0</leadingDigits>
22748           <format>$1 $2</format>
22749         </numberFormat>
22750       </availableFormats>
22751       <generalDesc>
22752         <nationalNumberPattern>[2489]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
22753         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
22754       </generalDesc>
22755       <fixedLine>
22756         <nationalNumberPattern>
22757           2\d{7}|
22758           4[2-7]\d{6}
22759         </nationalNumberPattern>
22760         <exampleNumber>21231234</exampleNumber>
22761       </fixedLine>
22762       <mobile>
22763         <nationalNumberPattern>9[1-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
22764         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
22765         <exampleNumber>94231234</exampleNumber>
22766       </mobile>
22767       <tollFree>
22768         <nationalNumberPattern>80[05]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
22769         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
22770         <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
22771       </tollFree>
22772       <premiumRate>
22773         <nationalNumberPattern>90[0-8]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
22774         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
22775         <exampleNumber>9001234</exampleNumber>
22776       </premiumRate>
22777      </territory>
22779     <!-- Uzbekistan -->
22780     <territory id="UZ" countryCode="998" preferredInternationalPrefix="8~10"
22781                internationalPrefix="810" nationalPrefix="8"
22782                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG">
22783       <references>
22784         <sourceUrl>http://www.ttts.uz/eng/telephone_codes/codes_uzb_eng</sourceUrl>
22785         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000E1/en</sourceUrl>
22786       </references>
22787       <availableFormats>
22788         <numberFormat pattern="([679]\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
22789           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
22790         </numberFormat>
22791       </availableFormats>
22792       <generalDesc>
22793         <nationalNumberPattern>[679]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
22794         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
22795       </generalDesc>
22796       <fixedLine>
22797         <!-- Adding 711 from numbers found online, such as the US embassy, and 6922, which seems to
22798              be used in Namangan. -->
22799         <nationalNumberPattern>
22800           (?:
22801             6(?:
22802               1(?:
22803                 22|
22804                 3[124]|
22805                 4[1-4]|
22806                 5[123578]|
22807                 64
22808               )|
22809               2(?:
22810                 22|
22811                 3[0-57-9]|
22812                 41
22813               )|
22814               5(?:
22815                 22|
22816                 3[3-7]|
22817                 5[024-8]
22818               )|
22819               6\d{2}|
22820               7(?:
22821                 [23]\d|
22822                 7[69]
22823               )|
22824               9(?:
22825                 22|
22826                 4[1-8]|
22827                 6[135]
22828               )
22829             )|
22830             7(?:
22831               0(?:
22832                 5[4-9]|
22833                 6[0146]|
22834                 7[12456]|
22835                 9[135-8]
22836               )|
22837               1[12]\d|
22838               2(?:
22839                 22|
22840                 3[1345789]|
22841                 4[123579]|
22842                 5[14]
22843               )|
22844               3(?:
22845                 2\d|
22846                 3[1578]|
22847                 4[1-35-7]|
22848                 5[1-57]|
22849                 61
22850               )|
22851               4(?:
22852                 2\d|
22853                 3[1-579]|
22854                 7[1-79]
22855               )|
22856               5(?:
22857                 22|
22858                 5[1-9]|
22859                 6[1457]
22860               )|
22861               6(?:
22862                 22|
22863                 3[12457]|
22864                 4[13-8]
22865               )|
22866               9(?:
22867                 22|
22868                 5[1-9]
22869               )
22870             )
22871           )\d{5}
22872         </nationalNumberPattern>
22873         <exampleNumber>662345678</exampleNumber>
22874       </fixedLine>
22875       <mobile>
22876         <!-- Adding 9[45] as suggested by http://www.ucell.uz/en/for_subscribers/how_to_call.html
22877              Adding other prefixes from http://www.weltvorwahlen.de/99861353.html, and any other
22878              prefixes Tyntec has a carrier mapped to. -->
22879         <nationalNumberPattern>
22880           6(?:
22881             1(?:
22882               2(?:
22883                 98|
22884                 2[01]
22885               )|
22886               35[0-4]|
22887               50\d|
22888               61[23]|
22889               7(?:
22890                 [01][017]|
22891                 4\d|
22892                 55|
22893                 9[5-9]
22894               )
22895             )|
22896             2(?:
22897               11\d|
22898               2(?:
22899                 [12]1|
22900                 9[01379]
22901               )|
22902               5(?:
22903                 [126]\d|
22904                 3[0-4]
22905               )|
22906               7\d{2}
22907             )|
22908             5(?:
22909               19[01]|
22910               2(?:
22911                 27|
22912                 9[26]
22913               )|
22914               30\d|
22915               59\d|
22916               7\d{2}
22917             )|
22918             6(?:
22919               2(?:
22920                 1[5-9]|
22921                 2[0367]|
22922                 38|
22923                 41|
22924                 52|
22925                 60
22926               )|
22927               3[79]\d|
22928               4(?:
22929                 56|
22930                 83
22931               )|
22932               7(?:
22933                 [07]\d|
22934                 1[017]|
22935                 3[07]|
22936                 4[047]|
22937                 5[057]|
22938                 67|
22939                 8[0178]|
22940                 9[79]
22941                 )|
22942               9[0-3]\d
22943             )|
22944             7(?:
22945               2(?:
22946                 24|
22947                 3[237]|
22948                 4[5-9]|
22949                 7[15-8]
22950               )|
22951               5(?:
22952                 7[12]|
22953                 8[0589]
22954               )|
22955               7(?:
22956                 0\d|
22957                 [39][07]
22958               )|
22959               9(?:
22960                 0\d|
22961                 7[079]
22962               )
22963             )|
22964             9(?:
22965               2(?:
22966                 1[1267]|
22967                 5\d|
22968                 3[01]|
22969                 7[0-4]
22970               )|
22971               5[67]\d|
22972               6(?:
22973                 2[0-26]|
22974                 8\d
22975               )|
22976               7\d{2}
22977             )
22978           )\d{4}|
22979           7(?:
22980             0\d{3}|
22981             1(?:
22982               13[01]|
22983               6(?:
22984                 0[47]|
22985                 1[67]|
22986                 66
22987               )|
22988               71[3-69]|
22989               98\d
22990             )|
22991             2(?:
22992               2(?:
22993                 2[79]|
22994                 95
22995               )|
22996               3(?:
22997                 2[5-9]|
22998                 6[0-6]
22999               )|
23000               57\d|
23001               7(?:
23002                 0\d|
23003                 1[17]|
23004                 2[27]|
23005                 3[37]|
23006                 44|
23007                 5[057]|
23008                 66|
23009                 88
23010               )
23011             )|
23012             3(?:
23013               2(?:
23014                 1[0-6]|
23015                 21|
23016                 3[469]|
23017                 7[159]
23018               )|
23019               33\d|
23020               5(?:
23021                 0[0-4]|
23022                 5[579]|
23023                 9\d
23024               )|
23025               7(?:
23026                 [0-3579]\d|
23027                 4[0467]|
23028                 6[67]|
23029                 8[078]
23030               )|
23031               9[4-6]\d
23032             )|
23033             4(?:
23034               2(?:
23035                 29|
23036                 5[0257]|
23037                 6[0-7]|
23038                 7[1-57]
23039               )|
23040               5(?:
23041                 1[0-4]|
23042                 8\d|
23043                 9[5-9]
23044               )|
23045               7(?:
23046                 0\d|
23047                 1[024589]|
23048                 2[0127]|
23049                 3[0137]|
23050                 [46][07]|
23051                 5[01]|
23052                 7[5-9]|
23053                 9[079]
23054               )|
23055               9(?:
23056                 7[015-9]|
23057                 [89]\d
23058               )
23059             )|
23060             5(?:
23061               112|
23062               2(?:
23063                 0\d|
23064                 2[29]|
23065                 [49]4
23066               )|
23067               3[1568]\d|
23068               52[6-9]|
23069               7(?:
23070                 0[01578]|
23071                 1[017]|
23072                 [23]7|
23073                 4[047]|
23074                 [5-7]\d|
23075                 8[78]|
23076                 9[079]
23077               )
23078             )|
23079             6(?:
23080               2(?:
23081                 2[1245]|
23082                 4[2-4]
23083               )|
23084               39\d|
23085               41[179]|
23086               5(?:
23087                 [349]\d|
23088                 5[0-2]
23089               )|
23090               7(?:
23091                 0[017]|
23092                 [13]\d|
23093                 22|
23094                 44|
23095                 55|
23096                 67|
23097                 88
23098               )
23099             )|
23100             9(?:
23101               22[128]|
23102               3(?:
23103                 2[0-4]|
23104                 7\d
23105               )|
23106               57[05629]|
23107               7(?:
23108                 2[05-9]|
23109                 3[37]|
23110                 4\d|
23111                 60|
23112                 7[2579]|
23113                 87|
23114                 9[07]
23115               )
23116             )
23117           )\d{4}|
23118           9[0-57-9]\d{7}
23119         </nationalNumberPattern>
23120         <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
23121       </mobile>
23122       <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
23123     </territory>
23125     <!-- Vatican City -->
23126     <!-- Note that numbers here are also accessible via Italy (+39 and prefix of 06 698) but can
23127          also be dialled with the Vatican City country code. -->
23128     <territory id="VA" countryCode="379" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
23129       <references>
23130         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_Vatican_City</sourceUrl>
23131       </references>
23132       <availableFormats>
23133         <numberFormat pattern="(06)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
23134           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
23135         </numberFormat>
23136       </availableFormats>
23137       <generalDesc>
23138         <nationalNumberPattern>06\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
23139         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23140       </generalDesc>
23141       <fixedLine>
23142         <nationalNumberPattern>06698\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
23143         <exampleNumber>0669812345</exampleNumber>
23144       </fixedLine>
23145       <mobile>
23146         <!-- We have no information on mobile numbers from the Vatican. It is probable that they use
23147              Italian mobile contracts. -->
23148         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
23149         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
23150       </mobile>
23151       <!-- No information exists about other types of numbers. -->
23152     </territory>
23154     <!-- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -->
23155     <territory id="VC" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="784" nationalPrefix="1"
23156                internationalPrefix="011">
23157       <references>
23158         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000B3/en</sourceUrl>
23159       </references>
23160       <generalDesc>
23161         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
23162         <nationalNumberPattern>[5789]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
23163         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
23164       </generalDesc>
23165       <!-- For 570, 571 and 572 prefixes, we believe the ITU doc incorrectly listed them to be under
23166            area code 758, which should be 784. -->
23167       <fixedLine>
23168         <nationalNumberPattern>
23169           784(?:
23170             266|
23171             3(?:
23172               6[6-9]|
23173               7\d|
23174               8[0-24-6]
23175             )|
23176             4(?:
23177               38|
23178               5[0-36-8]|
23179               8[0-8]
23180             )|
23181             5(?:
23182               55|
23183               7[0-2]|
23184               93
23185             )|
23186             638|
23187             784
23188           )\d{4}
23189         </nationalNumberPattern>
23190         <exampleNumber>7842661234</exampleNumber>
23191       </fixedLine>
23192       <mobile>
23193         <nationalNumberPattern>
23194           784(?:
23195             4(?:
23196               3[0-4]|
23197               5[45]|
23198               89|
23199               9[0-5]
23200             )|
23201             5(?:
23202               2[6-9]|
23203               3[0-4]
23204             )
23205           )\d{4}
23206         </nationalNumberPattern>
23207         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23208         <exampleNumber>7844301234</exampleNumber>
23209       </mobile>
23210       <tollFree>
23211         <nationalNumberPattern>
23212           8(?:
23213             00|
23214             44|
23215             55|
23216             66|
23217             77|
23218             88
23219           )[2-9]\d{6}
23220         </nationalNumberPattern>
23221         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23222         <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
23223       </tollFree>
23224       <premiumRate>
23225         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
23226         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23227         <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
23228       </premiumRate>
23229       <personalNumber>
23230         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
23231         <nationalNumberPattern>
23232           5(?:
23233             00|
23234             33|
23235             44|
23236             66|
23237             77
23238           )[2-9]\d{6}
23239         </nationalNumberPattern>
23240         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23241         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
23242       </personalNumber>
23243     </territory>
23245     <!-- Venezuela -->
23246     <!-- 1XX specifies a particular carrier to route a call to, but none of these have been
23247          implemented. -->
23248     <territory id="VE" countryCode="58" internationalPrefix="00"
23249                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
23250                carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
23251       <references>
23252         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000E3/en</sourceUrl>
23253         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/+58</sourceUrl>
23254       </references>
23255       <availableFormats>
23256         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{7})">
23257           <format>$1-$2</format>
23258         </numberFormat>
23259       </availableFormats>
23260       <generalDesc>
23261         <nationalNumberPattern>[24589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
23262         <!-- Open numbering plan. -->
23263         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23264       </generalDesc>
23265       <fixedLine>
23266         <!-- Including region-free 500 calls here, since these are treated as local calls. Wikipedia
23267              mentions these as 5XX, but online examples that can be found are seemingly restricted
23268              to 50[01]. -->
23269         <nationalNumberPattern>
23270           (?:
23271             2(?:
23272               12|
23273               3[457-9]|
23274               [58][1-9]|
23275               [467]\d|
23276               9[1-6]
23277             )|
23278             50[01]
23279           )\d{7}
23280         </nationalNumberPattern>
23281         <exampleNumber>2121234567</exampleNumber>
23282       </fixedLine>
23283       <mobile>
23284         <nationalNumberPattern>
23285           4(?:
23286             1[24-8]|
23287             2[46]
23288           )\d{7}
23289         </nationalNumberPattern>
23290         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23291         <exampleNumber>4121234567</exampleNumber>
23292       </mobile>
23293       <tollFree>
23294         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
23295         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23296         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
23297       </tollFree>
23298       <premiumRate>
23299         <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
23300         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23301         <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
23302       </premiumRate>
23303     </territory>
23305     <!-- Virgin Islands, British -->
23306     <territory id="VG" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="284" nationalPrefix="1"
23307                internationalPrefix="011">
23308       <references>
23309         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T020200001E/en</sourceUrl>
23310       </references>
23311       <generalDesc>
23312         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
23313         <nationalNumberPattern>[2589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
23314         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
23315       </generalDesc>
23316       <fixedLine>
23317         <!-- No data on central office codes can be found on the nanpa.com website. The codes 422
23318              and 774 have been added from numbers found in the white pages. -->
23319         <nationalNumberPattern>
23320           284(?:
23321             (?:
23322               229|
23323               4(?:
23324                 22|
23325                 9[45]
23326               )|
23327               774|
23328               8(?:
23329                 52|
23330                 6[459]
23331               )
23332             )\d{4}|
23333             496[0-5]\d{3}
23334           )
23335         </nationalNumberPattern>
23336         <exampleNumber>2842291234</exampleNumber>
23337       </fixedLine>
23338       <mobile>
23339         <!-- No data on central office codes can be found on the nanpa.com website. The codes
23340              34[0-367], 446 and 54[57] have been added from numbers found in the white pages. -->
23341         <nationalNumberPattern>
23342           284(?:
23343             (?:
23344               3(?:
23345                 0[0-3]|
23346                 4[0-367]
23347               )|
23348               4(?:
23349                 4[0-6]|
23350                 68|
23351                 99
23352               )|
23353               54[0-57]
23354             )\d{4}|
23355             496[6-9]\d{3}
23356           )
23357         </nationalNumberPattern>
23358         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23359         <exampleNumber>2843001234</exampleNumber>
23360       </mobile>
23361       <tollFree>
23362         <nationalNumberPattern>
23363           8(?:
23364             00|
23365             44|
23366             55|
23367             66|
23368             77|
23369             88
23370           )[2-9]\d{6}
23371         </nationalNumberPattern>
23372         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23373         <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
23374       </tollFree>
23375       <premiumRate>
23376         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
23377         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23378         <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
23379       </premiumRate>
23380       <personalNumber>
23381         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
23382         <nationalNumberPattern>
23383           5(?:
23384             00|
23385             33|
23386             44|
23387             66|
23388             77
23389           )[2-9]\d{6}
23390         </nationalNumberPattern>
23391         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23392         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
23393       </personalNumber>
23394     </territory>
23396     <!-- Virgin Islands, United States -->
23397     <territory id="VI" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="340" nationalPrefix="1"
23398                internationalPrefix="011">
23399       <references>
23400         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000DF/en</sourceUrl>
23401       </references>
23402       <generalDesc>
23403         <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
23404         <nationalNumberPattern>[3589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
23405         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
23406       </generalDesc>
23407       <fixedLine>
23408         <!-- The ITU document seems a bit out-of-date so extra prefixes based on numbers in the
23409              yellow pages have been added, and the list of exchanges found on
23410              http://www.allareacodes.com/340 -->
23411         <nationalNumberPattern>
23412           340(?:
23413             2(?:
23414               01|
23415               2[0678]|
23416               44|
23417               77
23418             )|
23419             3(?:
23420               32|
23421               44
23422             )|
23423             4(?:
23424               22|
23425               7[34]
23426             )|
23427             5(?:
23428               1[34]|
23429               55
23430             )|
23431             6(?:
23432               26|
23433               4[23]|
23434               77|
23435               9[023]
23436             )|
23437             7(?:
23438               1[2-589]|
23439               27|
23440               7\d
23441             )|
23442             884|
23443             998
23444           )\d{4}
23445         </nationalNumberPattern>
23446         <exampleNumber>3406421234</exampleNumber>
23447       </fixedLine>
23448       <mobile>
23449         <nationalNumberPattern>
23450           340(?:
23451             2(?:
23452               01|
23453               2[0678]|
23454               44|
23455               77
23456             )|
23457             3(?:
23458               32|
23459               44
23460             )|
23461             4(?:
23462               22|
23463               7[34]
23464             )|
23465             5(?:
23466               1[34]|
23467               55
23468             )|
23469             6(?:
23470               26|
23471               4[23]|
23472               77|
23473               9[023]
23474             )|
23475             7(?:
23476               1[2-589]|
23477               27|
23478               7\d
23479             )|
23480             884|
23481             998
23482           )\d{4}
23483         </nationalNumberPattern>
23484         <exampleNumber>3406421234</exampleNumber>
23485       </mobile>
23486       <tollFree>
23487         <nationalNumberPattern>
23488           8(?:
23489             00|
23490             44|
23491             55|
23492             66|
23493             77|
23494             88
23495           )[2-9]\d{6}
23496         </nationalNumberPattern>
23497         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23498         <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
23499       </tollFree>
23500       <premiumRate>
23501         <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
23502         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23503         <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
23504       </premiumRate>
23505       <personalNumber>
23506         <!-- http://www.nanpa.com/pdf/PL_466.pdf -->
23507         <nationalNumberPattern>
23508           5(?:
23509             00|
23510             33|
23511             44|
23512             66|
23513             77
23514           )[2-9]\d{6}
23515         </nationalNumberPattern>
23516         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23517         <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
23518       </personalNumber>
23519     </territory>
23521     <!-- Viet Nam (Vietnam) -->
23522     <territory id="VN" countryCode="84" internationalPrefix="00"
23523                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
23524                nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
23525       <references>
23526         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000E4/en</sourceUrl>
23527         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2B84</sourceUrl>
23528       </references>
23529       <availableFormats>
23530         <numberFormat pattern="([17]99)(\d{4})">
23531           <leadingDigits>[17]99</leadingDigits>
23532           <format>$1 $2</format>
23533         </numberFormat>
23534         <numberFormat pattern="([48])(\d{4})(\d{4})">
23535           <leadingDigits>[48]</leadingDigits>
23536           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
23537         </numberFormat>
23538         <numberFormat pattern="([235-7]\d)(\d{4})(\d{3})">
23539           <leadingDigits>
23540             2[025-79]|
23541             3[0136-9]|
23542             5[2-9]|
23543             6[0-46-8]|
23544             7[02-79]
23545           </leadingDigits>
23546           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
23547         </numberFormat>
23548         <numberFormat pattern="(80)(\d{5})">
23549           <leadingDigits>80</leadingDigits>
23550           <format>$1 $2</format>
23551         </numberFormat>
23552         <numberFormat pattern="(69\d)(\d{4,5})">
23553           <leadingDigits>69</leadingDigits>
23554           <format>$1 $2</format>
23555         </numberFormat>
23556         <numberFormat pattern="([235-7]\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{3})">
23557           <leadingDigits>
23558             2[1348]|
23559             3[25]|
23560             5[01]|
23561             65|
23562             7[18]
23563           </leadingDigits>
23564           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
23565         </numberFormat>
23566         <numberFormat pattern="(9\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
23567           <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
23568           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
23569         </numberFormat>
23570         <numberFormat pattern="(1[2689]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
23571           <leadingDigits>
23572             1(?:
23573               [26]|
23574               8[68]|
23575               99
23576             )
23577           </leadingDigits>
23578           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
23579         </numberFormat>
23580         <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
23581           pattern="(1[89]00)(\d{4,6})">
23582           <leadingDigits>1[89]0</leadingDigits>
23583           <format>$1 $2</format>
23584         </numberFormat>
23585       </availableFormats>
23586       <generalDesc>
23587         <nationalNumberPattern>
23588           [17]\d{6,9}|
23589           [2-69]\d{7,9}|
23590           8\d{6,8}
23591         </nationalNumberPattern>
23592         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23593       </generalDesc>
23594       <noInternationalDialling>
23595         <nationalNumberPattern>
23596           [17]99\d{4}|
23597           69\d{5,6}
23598         </nationalNumberPattern>
23599         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
23600         <exampleNumber>1992000</exampleNumber>
23601       </noInternationalDialling>
23602       <fixedLine>
23603         <nationalNumberPattern>
23604           (?:
23605             2(?:
23606               [025-79]|
23607               1[0189]|
23608               [348][01]
23609             )|
23610             3(?:
23611               [0136-9]|
23612               [25][01]
23613             )|
23614             4\d|
23615             5(?:
23616               [01][01]|
23617               [2-9]
23618             )|
23619             6(?:
23620               [0-46-8]|
23621               5[01]
23622             )|
23623             7(?:
23624               [02-79]|
23625               [18][01]
23626             )|
23627             8[1-9]
23628           )\d{7}
23629         </nationalNumberPattern>
23630         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23631         <exampleNumber>2101234567</exampleNumber>
23632       </fixedLine>
23633       <mobile>
23634         <nationalNumberPattern>
23635           (?:
23636             9\d|
23637             1(?:
23638               2\d|
23639               6[2-9]|
23640               8[68]|
23641               99
23642             )
23643           )\d{7}
23644         </nationalNumberPattern>
23645         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23646         <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
23647       </mobile>
23648       <tollFree>
23649         <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{4,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
23650         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23651         <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
23652       </tollFree>
23653       <premiumRate>
23654         <nationalNumberPattern>1900\d{4,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
23655         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
23656         <exampleNumber>1900123456</exampleNumber>
23657       </premiumRate>
23658       <uan>
23659         <!-- These include non-geographic fixed numbers, such as for government ministries. While
23660         listed as "private networks", they may actually be callable from within Vietnam. (They are
23661         "private" in the sense that ordinary people could not be assigned these numbers.) -->
23662         <nationalNumberPattern>
23663           [17]99\d{4}|
23664           69\d{5,6}|
23665           80\d{5}
23666         </nationalNumberPattern>
23667         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
23668         <exampleNumber>1992000</exampleNumber>
23669       </uan>
23670     </territory>
23672     <!-- Vanuatu -->
23673     <territory id="VU" countryCode="678" internationalPrefix="00">
23674       <references>
23675         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000E2/en</sourceUrl>
23676       </references>
23677       <!-- Should be formatted in one block, apart from the mobile numbers. -->
23678       <availableFormats>
23679         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
23680           <leadingDigits>[579]</leadingDigits>
23681           <format>$1 $2</format>
23682         </numberFormat>
23683       </availableFormats>
23684       <generalDesc>
23685         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-57-9]\d{4,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
23686         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
23687       </generalDesc>
23688       <fixedLine>
23689         <nationalNumberPattern>
23690           (?:
23691             2[02-9]\d|
23692             3(?:
23693               [5-7]\d|
23694               8[0-8]
23695             )|
23696             48[4-9]|
23697             88\d
23698           )\d{2}
23699         </nationalNumberPattern>
23700         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
23701         <exampleNumber>22123</exampleNumber>
23702       </fixedLine>
23703       <mobile>
23704         <nationalNumberPattern>
23705           (?:
23706             5(?:
23707               7[2-5]|
23708               [3-69]\d
23709             )|
23710             7[013-7]\d
23711           )\d{4}
23712         </nationalNumberPattern>
23713         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
23714         <exampleNumber>5912345</exampleNumber>
23715       </mobile>
23716       <!-- Using this for non-geographical numbers, since they have not been clearly defined, and
23717            for government fixed-line numbers. -->
23718       <uan>
23719         <nationalNumberPattern>
23720           3[03]\d{3}|
23721           900\d{4}
23722         </nationalNumberPattern>
23723         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
23724         <exampleNumber>30123</exampleNumber>
23725       </uan>
23726     </territory>
23728     <!-- Wallis and Futuna (Territoire français d'outre-mer) -->
23729     <territory id="WF" countryCode="681" internationalPrefix="00">
23730       <references>
23731         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000E6/en</sourceUrl>
23732       </references>
23733       <availableFormats>
23734         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
23735           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
23736         </numberFormat>
23737       </availableFormats>
23738       <generalDesc>
23739         <nationalNumberPattern>[5-7]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
23740         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
23741       </generalDesc>
23742       <fixedLine>
23743         <!-- Web searching only finds examples with the 72 prefix but the ITU document states that
23744              50 and 68 are possible, so they are included here. -->
23745         <nationalNumberPattern>
23746           (?:
23747             50|
23748             68|
23749             72
23750           )\d{4}
23751         </nationalNumberPattern>
23752         <exampleNumber>501234</exampleNumber>
23753       </fixedLine>
23754       <mobile>
23755         <nationalNumberPattern>
23756           (?:
23757             50|
23758             68|
23759             72
23760           )\d{4}
23761         </nationalNumberPattern>
23762         <exampleNumber>501234</exampleNumber>
23763       </mobile>
23764     </territory>
23766     <!-- Samoa -->
23767     <territory id="WS" countryCode="685" internationalPrefix="0">
23768       <references>
23769         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000B4/en</sourceUrl>
23770       </references>
23771       <availableFormats>
23772         <!-- Should be formatted in one block, apart from the specific series below. -->
23773         <numberFormat pattern="(8\d{2})(\d{3,4})">
23774           <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
23775           <format>$1 $2</format>
23776         </numberFormat>
23777         <numberFormat pattern="(7\d)(\d{5})">
23778           <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
23779           <format>$1 $2</format>
23780         </numberFormat>
23781       </availableFormats>
23782       <generalDesc>
23783         <nationalNumberPattern>[2-8]\d{4,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
23784         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
23785       </generalDesc>
23786       <fixedLine>
23787         <nationalNumberPattern>
23788           (?:
23789             [2-5]\d|
23790             6[1-9]|
23791             84\d{2}
23792           )\d{3}
23793         </nationalNumberPattern>
23794         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
23795         <exampleNumber>22123</exampleNumber>
23796       </fixedLine>
23797       <mobile>
23798         <nationalNumberPattern>
23799           (?:
23800             60|
23801             7[25-7]\d
23802           )\d{4}
23803         </nationalNumberPattern>
23804         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
23805         <exampleNumber>601234</exampleNumber>
23806       </mobile>
23807       <tollFree>
23808         <!-- The 800 number series is new, and is used by companies such as the ANZ bank in Samoa to
23809              provide 24 hour eMerchant support. It is marked as "Customized Services" in the plan
23810              for now, so may be also used for other purposes than toll free, but until we have
23811              further evidence of these we will keep it as toll free. -->
23812         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
23813         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
23814         <exampleNumber>800123</exampleNumber>
23815       </tollFree>
23816       <!-- Current research suggests other types of numbers are not used in Samoa. -->
23817     </territory>
23819     <!-- Yemen -->
23820     <territory id="YE" countryCode="967" internationalPrefix="00"
23821                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
23822       <references>
23823         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000E7/en</sourceUrl>
23824       </references>
23825       <availableFormats>
23826         <numberFormat pattern="([1-7])(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
23827           <leadingDigits>
23828             [1-6]|
23829             7[24-68]
23830           </leadingDigits>
23831           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
23832         </numberFormat>
23833         <numberFormat pattern="(7\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
23834           <leadingDigits>7[0137]</leadingDigits>
23835           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
23836         </numberFormat>
23837       </availableFormats>
23838       <generalDesc>
23839         <nationalNumberPattern>[1-7]\d{6,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
23840         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
23841       </generalDesc>
23842       <fixedLine>
23843         <nationalNumberPattern>
23844           (?:
23845             1(?:
23846               7\d|
23847               [2-68]
23848             )|
23849             2[2-68]|
23850             3[2358]|
23851             4[2-58]|
23852             5[2-6]|
23853             6[3-58]|
23854             7[24-68]
23855           )\d{5}
23856         </nationalNumberPattern>
23857         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
23858         <exampleNumber>1234567</exampleNumber>
23859       </fixedLine>
23860       <mobile>
23861         <!-- Adding 70 from numbers found online. -->
23862         <nationalNumberPattern>7[0137]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
23863         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
23864         <exampleNumber>712345678</exampleNumber>
23865       </mobile>
23866       <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
23867     </territory>
23869     <!-- Mayotte -->
23870     <territory id="YT" countryCode="262" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
23871                nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" leadingDigits="269|63">
23872       <references>
23873         <!-- Some information at the following source, but most from collection of internet data.
23874              -->
23875         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_France</sourceUrl>
23876         <!-- Verifies the fixed-line prefixes, but the mobile prefixes listed here seem out of date.
23877              -->
23878         <sourceUrl>http://www.comores-online.com/mwezinet/internet/262</sourceUrl>
23879       </references>
23880       <!-- Formatting as per La Réunion. -->
23881       <generalDesc>
23882         <nationalNumberPattern>[268]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
23883         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
23884       </generalDesc>
23885       <fixedLine>
23886         <nationalNumberPattern>2696[0-4]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
23887         <exampleNumber>269601234</exampleNumber>
23888       </fixedLine>
23889       <mobile>
23890         <nationalNumberPattern>639\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
23891         <exampleNumber>639123456</exampleNumber>
23892       </mobile>
23893       <!-- Same as in France. -->
23894       <tollFree>
23895         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
23896         <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
23897       </tollFree>
23898     </territory>
23900     <!-- South Africa -->
23901     <territory id="ZA" countryCode="27" internationalPrefix="00"
23902                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
23903                mobileNumberPortableRegion="true">
23904       <references>
23905         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000C1/en</sourceUrl>
23906         <sourceUrl>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_South_Africa</sourceUrl>
23907       </references>
23908       <availableFormats>
23909         <numberFormat pattern="(860)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
23910           <leadingDigits>860</leadingDigits>
23911           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
23912         </numberFormat>
23913         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
23914           <leadingDigits>
23915             [1-79]|
23916             8(?:
23917               [0-47]|
23918               6[1-9]
23919             )
23920           </leadingDigits>
23921           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
23922         </numberFormat>
23923         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3,4})">
23924           <leadingDigits>8[1-4]</leadingDigits>
23925           <format>$1 $2</format>
23926         </numberFormat>
23927         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2,3})">
23928           <leadingDigits>8[1-4]</leadingDigits>
23929           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
23930         </numberFormat>
23931       </availableFormats>
23932       <generalDesc>
23933         <nationalNumberPattern>
23934           [1-79]\d{8}|
23935           8(?:
23936             [067]\d{7}|
23937             [1-4]\d{3,7}
23938           )
23939         </nationalNumberPattern>
23940         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
23941       </generalDesc>
23942       <fixedLine>
23943         <!-- Wikipedia is missing 020, and the 024 code it lists for Somerset West stopped being
23944              used in 1996. -->
23945         <nationalNumberPattern>
23946           (?:
23947             1[0-8]|
23948             2[0-378]|
23949             3[1-69]|
23950             4\d|
23951             5[1346-8]
23952           )\d{7}
23953         </nationalNumberPattern>
23954         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
23955         <exampleNumber>101234567</exampleNumber>
23956       </fixedLine>
23957       <mobile>
23958         <!-- Wikipedia says 085 is for cellular: ITU says it is protected. Also note that we are
23959              still supporting numbers beginning with 8 that are fewer than 9 digits since they are
23960              in prominent places online, even though the ITU document says numbers must be 10 digits
23961              long (including the national prefix). -->
23962         <nationalNumberPattern>
23963           (?:
23964             6[0-5]|
23965             7[0-46-9]
23966           )\d{7}|
23967           8[1-4]\d{3,7}
23968         </nationalNumberPattern>
23969         <exampleNumber>711234567</exampleNumber>
23970       </mobile>
23971       <tollFree>
23972         <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
23973         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
23974         <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
23975       </tollFree>
23976       <premiumRate>
23977         <nationalNumberPattern>
23978           86[2-9]\d{6}|
23979           90\d{7}
23980         </nationalNumberPattern>
23981         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
23982         <exampleNumber>862345678</exampleNumber>
23983       </premiumRate>
23984       <sharedCost>
23985         <nationalNumberPattern>860\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
23986         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
23987         <exampleNumber>860123456</exampleNumber>
23988       </sharedCost>
23989       <voip>
23990         <nationalNumberPattern>87\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
23991         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
23992         <exampleNumber>871234567</exampleNumber>
23993       </voip>
23994       <uan>
23995         <!-- MaxiCall numbers cost as much as national long distance, so they are classified as UAN
23996              numbers. -->
23997         <nationalNumberPattern>861\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
23998         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
23999         <exampleNumber>861123456</exampleNumber>
24000       </uan>
24001     </territory>
24003     <!-- Zambia -->
24004     <territory id="ZM" countryCode="260" internationalPrefix="00"
24005                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
24006       <references>
24007         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000E8/en</sourceUrl>
24008       </references>
24009       <availableFormats>
24010         <numberFormat pattern="([29]\d)(\d{7})">
24011           <leadingDigits>[29]</leadingDigits>
24012           <format>$1 $2</format>
24013         </numberFormat>
24014         <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
24015           <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
24016           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24017         </numberFormat>
24018       </availableFormats>
24019       <generalDesc>
24020         <nationalNumberPattern>[289]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
24021         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
24022       </generalDesc>
24023       <fixedLine>
24024         <nationalNumberPattern>21[1-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
24025         <exampleNumber>211234567</exampleNumber>
24026       </fixedLine>
24027       <mobile>
24028         <!-- Adding extra prefixes 50 and 6[1-57-9] since SMS messages have been successfully
24029              delivered to these numbers, and numbers like this can be found on the Internet. Adding
24030              prefix 960 based on information received from MTN Zambia. The 97 range has been
24031              expanded based on their IR21 document, which states the range 97[1-9] is used. -->
24032         <nationalNumberPattern>
24033           9(?:
24034             5[05]|
24035             6\d|
24036             7[1-9]
24037           )\d{6}
24038         </nationalNumberPattern>
24039         <exampleNumber>955123456</exampleNumber>
24040       </mobile>
24041       <tollFree>
24042         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
24043         <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
24044       </tollFree>
24045     </territory>
24047     <!-- Zimbabwe -->
24048     <territory id="ZW" countryCode="263" internationalPrefix="00"
24049                nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
24050       <references>
24051         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000E9/en</sourceUrl>
24052       </references>
24053       <availableFormats>
24054         <!-- One-digit area codes -->
24055         <numberFormat pattern="([49])(\d{3})(\d{2,5})">
24056           <leadingDigits>
24057             4|
24058             9[2-9]
24059           </leadingDigits>
24060           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24061         </numberFormat>
24062         <!-- Mobile numbers -->
24063         <numberFormat pattern="([179]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
24064           <leadingDigits>
24065             [19]1|
24066             7
24067           </leadingDigits>
24068           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24069         </numberFormat>
24070         <numberFormat pattern="(86\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
24071           <leadingDigits>86[24]</leadingDigits>
24072           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24073         </numberFormat>
24074         <!-- Three-digit area codes (listed before the two-digit ones since some overlap) -->
24075         <numberFormat pattern="([2356]\d{2})(\d{3,5})">
24076           <leadingDigits>
24077             2(?:
24078               [278]|
24079               0[45]|
24080               [49]8
24081             )|
24082             3(?:
24083               08|
24084               17|
24085               3[78]|
24086               [78]
24087             )|
24088             5[15][78]|
24089             6(?:
24090               [29]8|
24091               37|
24092               [68][78]
24093             )
24094           </leadingDigits>
24095           <format>$1 $2</format>
24096         </numberFormat>
24097         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
24098           <leadingDigits>
24099             2(?:
24100               [278]|
24101               0[45]|
24102               48
24103             )|
24104             3(?:
24105               08|
24106               17|
24107               3[78]|
24108               [78]
24109             )|
24110             5[15][78]|
24111             6(?:
24112               [29]8|
24113               37|
24114               [68][78]
24115             )|
24116             80
24117           </leadingDigits>
24118           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24119         </numberFormat>
24120         <!-- Two-digit area codes -->
24121         <numberFormat pattern="([1-356]\d)(\d{3,5})">
24122           <leadingDigits>
24123             1[3-9]|
24124             2(?:
24125               [1-469]|
24126               0[0-35-9]|
24127               [45][0-79]
24128             )|
24129             3(?:
24130               0[0-79]|
24131               1[0-689]|
24132               [24-69]|
24133               3[0-69]
24134             )|
24135             5(?:
24136               [02-46-9]|
24137               [15][0-69]
24138             )|
24139             6(?:
24140               [0145]|
24141               [29][0-79]|
24142               3[0-689]|
24143               [68][0-69]
24144             )
24145           </leadingDigits>
24146           <format>$1 $2</format>
24147         </numberFormat>
24148         <numberFormat pattern="([1-356]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
24149           <leadingDigits>
24150             1[3-9]|
24151             2(?:
24152               [1-469]|
24153               0[0-35-9]|
24154               [45][0-79]
24155             )|
24156             3(?:
24157               0[0-79]|
24158               1[0-689]|
24159               [24-69]|
24160               3[0-69]
24161             )|
24162             5(?:
24163               [02-46-9]|
24164               [15][0-69]
24165             )|
24166             6(?:
24167               [0145]|
24168               [29][0-79]|
24169               3[0-689]|
24170               [68][0-69]
24171             )
24172           </leadingDigits>
24173           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24174         </numberFormat>
24175         <!-- Four-digit area codes -->
24176         <numberFormat pattern="([25]\d{3})(\d{3,5})">
24177           <leadingDigits>
24178             (?:
24179               25|
24180               54
24181             )8
24182           </leadingDigits>
24183           <leadingDigits>
24184             258[23]|
24185             5483
24186           </leadingDigits>
24187           <format>$1 $2</format>
24188         </numberFormat>
24189         <numberFormat pattern="([25]\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
24190           <leadingDigits>
24191             (?:
24192               25|
24193               54
24194             )8
24195           </leadingDigits>
24196           <leadingDigits>
24197             258[23]|
24198             5483
24199           </leadingDigits>
24200           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24201         </numberFormat>
24202         <!-- VOIP numbers -->
24203         <numberFormat pattern="(8\d{3})(\d{6})">
24204           <leadingDigits>86</leadingDigits>
24205           <format>$1 $2</format>
24206         </numberFormat>
24207       </availableFormats>
24208       <generalDesc>
24209         <!-- A complicated nationalNumberPattern is necessary here, since the numbers are extremely
24210              variable in length and the possible prefixes clash with the country code. -->
24211         <nationalNumberPattern>
24212           2(?:
24213             [012457-9]\d{3,8}|
24214             6\d{3,6}
24215           )|
24216           [13-79]\d{4,8}|
24217           8[06]\d{8}
24218         </nationalNumberPattern>
24219         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
24220       </generalDesc>
24221       <fixedLine>
24222         <!-- Numbering is grouped by subscriber-number length. -->
24223         <nationalNumberPattern>
24224           (?:
24225             1[3-9]|
24226             2(?:
24227               0[45]|
24228               [16]|
24229               2[28]|
24230               [49]8?|
24231               58[23]|
24232               7[246]|
24233               8[1346-9]
24234             )|
24235             3(?:
24236               08?|
24237               17?|
24238               3[78]|
24239               [2456]|
24240               7[1569]|
24241               8[379]
24242             )|
24243             5(?:
24244               [07-9]|
24245               1[78]|
24246               483|
24247               5(?:
24248                 7?|
24249                 8
24250               )
24251             )|
24252             6(?:
24253               0|
24254               28|
24255               37?|
24256               [45][68][78]|
24257               98?
24258             )|
24259             848
24260           )\d{3,6}|
24261           (?:
24262             2(?:
24263               27|
24264               5|
24265               7[135789]|
24266               8[25]
24267             )|
24268             3[39]|
24269             5[1-46]|
24270             6[126-8]
24271           )\d{4,6}|
24272           2(?:
24273             (?:
24274               0|
24275               70
24276             )\d{5,6}|
24277             2[05]\d{7}
24278           )|
24279           (?:
24280             4\d|
24281             9[2-8]
24282           )\d{4,7}
24283         </nationalNumberPattern>
24284         <exampleNumber>1312345</exampleNumber>
24285       </fixedLine>
24286       <!-- The ITU document list 8622 and 8644 as VoIP, but an online search reveals that they are
24287            also being used by the carriers as mobile prefixes. -->
24288       <mobile>
24289         <nationalNumberPattern>
24290           7[1378]\d{7}|
24291           86(?:
24292             22|
24293             44
24294           )\d{6}
24295         </nationalNumberPattern>
24296         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
24297         <exampleNumber>711234567</exampleNumber>
24298       </mobile>
24299       <tollFree>
24300         <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
24301         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
24302         <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
24303       </tollFree>
24304       <!-- No premiumRate information can be found. -->
24305       <voip>
24306         <nationalNumberPattern>
24307           86(?:
24308             1[12]|
24309             30|
24310             55|
24311             77|
24312             8[367]|
24313             99
24314           )\d{6}
24315         </nationalNumberPattern>
24316         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
24317         <exampleNumber>8686123456</exampleNumber>
24318       </voip>
24319     </territory>
24321     <!-- Universal International Toll Free Number -->
24322     <territory id="001" countryCode="800" leadingZeroPossible="true">
24323       <references>
24324         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/inr/unum/Pages/uifn.aspx</sourceUrl>
24325       </references>
24326       <availableFormats>
24327         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
24328           <format>$1 $2</format>
24329         </numberFormat>
24330       </availableFormats>
24331       <generalDesc>
24332         <nationalNumberPattern>\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
24333         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
24334         <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
24335       </generalDesc>
24336       <fixedLine>
24337         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24338         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24339       </fixedLine>
24340       <mobile>
24341         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24342         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24343       </mobile>
24344       <tollFree>
24345         <nationalNumberPattern>\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
24346       </tollFree>
24347     </territory>
24349     <!-- Universal International Shared Cost Number -->
24350     <territory id="001" countryCode="808" leadingZeroPossible="true">
24351       <references>
24352         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-E.169-200205-I/en</sourceUrl>
24353       </references>
24354       <availableFormats>
24355         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
24356           <format>$1 $2</format>
24357         </numberFormat>
24358       </availableFormats>
24359       <generalDesc>
24360         <nationalNumberPattern>\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
24361         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
24362         <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
24363       </generalDesc>
24364       <fixedLine>
24365         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24366         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24367       </fixedLine>
24368       <mobile>
24369         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24370         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24371       </mobile>
24372       <sharedCost>
24373         <nationalNumberPattern>\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
24374       </sharedCost>
24375     </territory>
24377     <!-- Inmarsat Global Limited -->
24378     <territory id="001" countryCode="870">
24379       <references>
24380         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000065/en</sourceUrl>
24381         <sourceUrl>http://www.inmarsat.com</sourceUrl>
24382       </references>
24383       <availableFormats>
24384         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
24385           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24386         </numberFormat>
24387       </availableFormats>
24388       <generalDesc>
24389         <nationalNumberPattern>[35-7]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
24390         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
24391         <exampleNumber>301234567</exampleNumber>
24392       </generalDesc>
24393       <fixedLine>
24394         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24395         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24396       </fixedLine>
24397       <mobile>
24398         <!-- Assigning these to mobile since Inmarsat considers them to be mobile numbers. -->
24399         <nationalNumberPattern>
24400           (?:
24401             [356]\d|
24402             7[6-8]
24403           )\d{7}
24404         </nationalNumberPattern>
24405       </mobile>
24406     </territory>
24408     <!-- VISIONng -->
24409     <!-- Number length has been derived from examples found online. -->
24410     <territory id="001" countryCode="878">
24411       <references>
24412         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000E5/en</sourceUrl>
24413       </references>
24414       <availableFormats>
24415         <!-- Formatting chosen based on online examples. -->
24416         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5})(\d{5})">
24417           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24418         </numberFormat>
24419       </availableFormats>
24420       <generalDesc>
24421         <nationalNumberPattern>1\d{11}</nationalNumberPattern>
24422         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{12}</possibleNumberPattern>
24423         <exampleNumber>101234567890</exampleNumber>
24424       </generalDesc>
24425       <fixedLine>
24426         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24427         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24428       </fixedLine>
24429       <mobile>
24430         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24431         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24432       </mobile>
24433       <voip>
24434         <nationalNumberPattern>10\d{10}</nationalNumberPattern>
24435       </voip>
24436     </territory>
24438     <!-- Iridium -->
24439     <!-- Globalstar also reports using this prefix, but we cannot find any online numbers with the
24440          Globalstar prefixes, so are not sure how exactly these work, and what length the numbers
24441          are. For this reason, we only support Iridium numbers at the moment. -->
24442     <territory id="001" countryCode="881">
24443       <references>
24444         <sourceUrl>http://www.iridium.com</sourceUrl>
24445         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000069/en</sourceUrl>
24446       </references>
24447       <availableFormats>
24448         <!-- Formatting chosen based on ITU document and Iridium website FAQ. -->
24449         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{5})">
24450           <leadingDigits>[67]</leadingDigits>
24451           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24452         </numberFormat>
24453       </availableFormats>
24454       <generalDesc>
24455         <nationalNumberPattern>[67]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
24456         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
24457         <exampleNumber>612345678</exampleNumber>
24458       </generalDesc>
24459       <fixedLine>
24460         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24461         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24462       </fixedLine>
24463       <mobile>
24464         <nationalNumberPattern>[67]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
24465       </mobile>
24466     </territory>
24468     <territory id="001" countryCode="882">
24469       <references>
24470         <!-- BebbiCell (Formerly Global Networks Switzerland AG) +88234 -->
24471         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T0202000054/en</sourceUrl>
24472         <sourceUrl>http://www.gsm.aq/numberplan.php</sourceUrl>
24473         <sourceUrl>http://www.global.aq</sourceUrl>
24474         <!-- Maritime Communications Partner (MCP) +88232 -->
24475         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000F4/en</sourceUrl>
24476         <!-- Oration Technologies +88237 -->
24477         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000A0/en</sourceUrl>
24478         <!-- Telespazio S.p.A. +88213 -->
24479         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000CC/en</sourceUrl>
24480         <!-- Thuraya +88216 -->
24481         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000CF/en</sourceUrl>
24482       </references>
24483       <availableFormats>
24484         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{3})">
24485           <leadingDigits>3[23]</leadingDigits>
24486           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24487         </numberFormat>
24488         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5})">
24489           <leadingDigits>
24490             16|
24491             342
24492           </leadingDigits>
24493           <format>$1 $2</format>
24494         </numberFormat>
24495         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
24496           <leadingDigits>34[57]</leadingDigits>
24497           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24498         </numberFormat>
24499         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
24500           <leadingDigits>348</leadingDigits>
24501           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24502         </numberFormat>
24503         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
24504           <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
24505           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24506         </numberFormat>
24507         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
24508           <leadingDigits>16</leadingDigits>
24509           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24510         </numberFormat>
24511         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4,5})(\d{5})">
24512           <leadingDigits>16</leadingDigits>
24513           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24514         </numberFormat>
24515       </availableFormats>
24516       <generalDesc>
24517         <nationalNumberPattern>[13]\d{6,11}</nationalNumberPattern>
24518         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
24519         <exampleNumber>3451234567</exampleNumber>
24520       </generalDesc>
24521       <fixedLine>
24522         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24523         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24524       </fixedLine>
24525       <mobile>
24526         <!-- Bebbicell Mobile numbers, MCP & Oration. We are guessing the number length for
24527              Oration based on numbers found online. -->
24528         <nationalNumberPattern>
24529           3(?:
24530             2\d{3}|
24531             37\d{2}|
24532             4(?:
24533               2|
24534               7\d{3}
24535             )
24536           )\d{4}
24537         </nationalNumberPattern>
24538         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
24539       </mobile>
24540       <voip>
24541         <!-- Telespazio S.p.A., Thuraya and Bebbicell VOIP numbers. -->
24542         <nationalNumberPattern>
24543           1(?:
24544             3(?:
24545               0[0347]|
24546               [13][0139]|
24547               2[035]|
24548               4[013568]|
24549               6[0459]|
24550               7[06]|
24551               8[15678]|
24552               9[0689]
24553             )\d{4}|
24554             6\d{5,10}
24555           )|
24556           345\d{7}
24557         </nationalNumberPattern>
24558         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
24559       </voip>
24560       <voicemail>
24561         <nationalNumberPattern>348[57]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
24562         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
24563       </voicemail>
24564     </territory>
24566     <territory id="001" countryCode="883">
24567       <references>
24568         <!-- bandwidth.com -->
24569         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000FB/en</sourceUrl>
24570         <!-- SipMe -->
24571         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000FC/en</sourceUrl>
24572         <!-- Voxbone -->
24573         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000F3/en</sourceUrl>
24574       </references>
24575       <availableFormats>
24576         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
24577           <leadingDigits>510</leadingDigits>
24578           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24579         </numberFormat>
24580         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
24581           <leadingDigits>510</leadingDigits>
24582           <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
24583         </numberFormat>
24584         <!-- When only 8 digits follow the "area code" formatting as XXXX XXXX
24585              seems preferred (see Bandwidth.com and SipMe). -->
24586         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
24587           <leadingDigits>51[13]</leadingDigits>
24588           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24589         </numberFormat>
24590       </availableFormats>
24591       <generalDesc>
24592         <!-- Wikipedia also listed a few other +883 ranges, but no information on their lengths and
24593              costs can be found online, so we don't include them here for now. -->
24594         <nationalNumberPattern>51\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</nationalNumberPattern>
24595         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
24596         <exampleNumber>510012345</exampleNumber>
24597       </generalDesc>
24598       <fixedLine>
24599         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24600         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24601       </fixedLine>
24602       <mobile>
24603         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24604         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24605       </mobile>
24606       <voip>
24607         <nationalNumberPattern>
24608           51(?:
24609             00\d{5}(?:\d{3})?|
24610             [13]0\d{8}
24611           )
24612         </nationalNumberPattern>
24613       </voip>
24614     </territory>
24616     <!-- United Nations- OCHA -->
24617     <!-- Numbers here are classified as UAN, as they are non-geographical and universally
24618          accessible. In addition, the end-user tariff to reach these numbers is lower or similar to
24619          the tariff of a national call. -->
24620     <territory id="001" countryCode="888" leadingZeroPossible="true">
24621       <references>
24622         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/oth/T02020000FA/en</sourceUrl>
24623       </references>
24624       <availableFormats>
24625         <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{5})">
24626           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24627         </numberFormat>
24628       </availableFormats>
24629       <generalDesc>
24630         <nationalNumberPattern>\d{11}</nationalNumberPattern>
24631         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
24632         <exampleNumber>12345678901</exampleNumber>
24633       </generalDesc>
24634       <fixedLine>
24635         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24636         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24637       </fixedLine>
24638       <mobile>
24639         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24640         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24641       </mobile>
24642       <uan>
24643         <nationalNumberPattern>\d{11}</nationalNumberPattern>
24644       </uan>
24645     </territory>
24647     <!-- Universal International Premium Rate Number -->
24648     <territory id="001" countryCode="979" leadingZeroPossible="true">
24649       <references>
24650         <sourceUrl>http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-E.169-200205-I/en</sourceUrl>
24651       </references>
24652       <availableFormats>
24653         <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
24654           <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
24655         </numberFormat>
24656       </availableFormats>
24657       <generalDesc>
24658         <nationalNumberPattern>\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
24659         <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
24660         <exampleNumber>123456789</exampleNumber>
24661       </generalDesc>
24662       <fixedLine>
24663         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24664         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24665       </fixedLine>
24666       <mobile>
24667         <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
24668         <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
24669       </mobile>
24670       <premiumRate>
24671         <nationalNumberPattern>\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
24672       </premiumRate>
24673     </territory>
24674   </territories>
24675 </phoneNumberMetadata>