1 //******************************************************************
3 // Copyright 2014 Intel Mobile Communications GmbH All Rights Reserved.
5 //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
7 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 // limitations under the License.
19 //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
23 #include "ocstackconfig.h"
24 #include "ocstackinternal.h"
25 #include "ocobserve.h"
26 #include "ocresourcehandler.h"
28 #include "oic_malloc.h"
29 #include "oic_string.h"
30 #include "ocpayload.h"
31 #include "ocserverrequest.h"
39 #define MOD_NAME "ocobserve"
41 #define TAG "OIC_RI_OBSERVE"
43 #define VERIFY_NON_NULL(arg) { if (!arg) {OIC_LOG(FATAL, TAG, #arg " is NULL"); goto exit;} }
45 static struct ResourceObserver * g_serverObsList = NULL;
47 * Determine observe QOS based on the QOS of the request.
48 * The qos passed as a parameter overrides what the client requested.
49 * If we want the client preference taking high priority make:
50 * qos = resourceObserver->qos;
52 * @param method RESTful method.
53 * @param resourceObserver Observer.
54 * @param appQoS Quality of service.
55 * @return The quality of service of the observer.
57 static OCQualityOfService DetermineObserverQoS(OCMethod method,
58 ResourceObserver * resourceObserver, OCQualityOfService appQoS)
60 if (!resourceObserver)
62 OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "DetermineObserverQoS called with invalid resourceObserver");
66 OCQualityOfService decidedQoS = appQoS;
67 if (appQoS == OC_NA_QOS)
69 decidedQoS = resourceObserver->qos;
72 if (appQoS != OC_HIGH_QOS)
74 OIC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Current NON count for this observer is %d",
75 resourceObserver->lowQosCount);
77 if ((resourceObserver->forceHighQos \
78 || resourceObserver->lowQosCount >= MAX_OBSERVER_NON_COUNT) \
79 && method != OC_REST_PRESENCE)
81 if (resourceObserver->forceHighQos \
82 || resourceObserver->lowQosCount >= MAX_OBSERVER_NON_COUNT)
85 resourceObserver->lowQosCount = 0;
86 // at some point we have to to send CON to check on the
87 // availability of observer
88 OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "This time we are sending the notification as High qos");
89 decidedQoS = OC_HIGH_QOS;
93 (resourceObserver->lowQosCount)++;
100 OCStackResult SendAllObserverNotification (OCMethod method, OCResource *resPtr, uint32_t maxAge,
101 OCPresenceTrigger trigger, OCResourceType *resourceType, OCQualityOfService qos)
103 OCStackResult SendAllObserverNotification (OCMethod method, OCResource *resPtr, uint32_t maxAge,
104 OCQualityOfService qos)
107 OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Entering SendObserverNotification");
113 OCStackResult result = OC_STACK_ERROR;
114 ResourceObserver * resourceObserver = g_serverObsList;
116 OCServerRequest * request = NULL;
117 OCEntityHandlerRequest ehRequest = {0};
118 OCEntityHandlerResult ehResult = OC_EH_ERROR;
119 bool observeErrorFlag = false;
121 // Find clients that are observing this resource
122 while (resourceObserver)
124 if (resourceObserver->resource == resPtr)
128 if (method != OC_REST_PRESENCE)
131 qos = DetermineObserverQoS(method, resourceObserver, qos);
133 result = AddServerRequest(&request, 0, 0, 1, OC_REST_GET,
134 0, resPtr->sequenceNum, qos, resourceObserver->query,
136 resourceObserver->token, resourceObserver->tokenLength,
137 resourceObserver->resUri, 0, resourceObserver->acceptFormat,
138 &resourceObserver->devAddr);
142 request->observeResult = OC_STACK_OK;
143 if (result == OC_STACK_OK)
145 result = FormOCEntityHandlerRequest(
147 (OCRequestHandle) request,
150 (OCResourceHandle) resPtr,
154 request->payloadSize,
155 request->numRcvdVendorSpecificHeaderOptions,
156 request->rcvdVendorSpecificHeaderOptions,
159 if (result == OC_STACK_OK)
161 ehResult = resPtr->entityHandler(OC_REQUEST_FLAG, &ehRequest,
162 resPtr->entityHandlerCallbackParam);
163 if (ehResult == OC_EH_ERROR)
165 FindAndDeleteServerRequest(request);
168 OCPayloadDestroy(ehRequest.payload);
175 OCEntityHandlerResponse ehResponse = {0};
177 //This is effectively the implementation for the presence entity handler.
178 OIC_LOG(DEBUG, TAG, "This notification is for Presence");
179 result = AddServerRequest(&request, 0, 0, 1, OC_REST_GET,
180 0, resPtr->sequenceNum, qos, resourceObserver->query,
182 resourceObserver->token, resourceObserver->tokenLength,
183 resourceObserver->resUri, 0, resourceObserver->acceptFormat,
184 &resourceObserver->devAddr);
186 if (result == OC_STACK_OK)
188 OCPresencePayload* presenceResBuf = OCPresencePayloadCreate(
189 resPtr->sequenceNum, maxAge, trigger,
190 resourceType ? resourceType->resourcetypename : NULL);
194 return OC_STACK_NO_MEMORY;
197 if (result == OC_STACK_OK)
199 ehResponse.ehResult = OC_EH_OK;
200 ehResponse.payload = (OCPayload*)presenceResBuf;
201 ehResponse.persistentBufferFlag = 0;
202 ehResponse.requestHandle = (OCRequestHandle) request;
203 ehResponse.resourceHandle = (OCResourceHandle) resPtr;
204 OICStrcpy(ehResponse.resourceUri, sizeof(ehResponse.resourceUri),
205 resourceObserver->resUri);
206 result = OCDoResponse(&ehResponse);
209 OCPresencePayloadDestroy(presenceResBuf);
214 // Since we are in a loop, set an error flag to indicate at least one error occurred.
215 if (result != OC_STACK_OK)
217 observeErrorFlag = true;
220 resourceObserver = resourceObserver->next;
225 OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Resource has no observers");
228 else if (observeErrorFlag)
230 OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Observer notification error");
231 result = OC_STACK_ERROR;
236 OCStackResult SendListObserverNotification (OCResource * resource,
237 OCObservationId *obsIdList, uint8_t numberOfIds,
238 const OCRepPayload *payload,
240 OCQualityOfService qos)
243 if (!resource || !obsIdList || !payload)
248 uint8_t numIds = numberOfIds;
249 ResourceObserver *observer = NULL;
250 uint8_t numSentNotification = 0;
251 OCServerRequest * request = NULL;
252 OCStackResult result = OC_STACK_ERROR;
253 bool observeErrorFlag = false;
255 OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Entering SendListObserverNotification");
258 observer = GetObserverUsingId (*obsIdList);
261 // Found observer - verify if it matches the resource handle
262 if (observer->resource == resource)
264 qos = DetermineObserverQoS(OC_REST_GET, observer, qos);
267 result = AddServerRequest(&request, 0, 0, 1, OC_REST_GET,
268 0, resource->sequenceNum, qos, observer->query,
269 NULL, NULL, observer->token, observer->tokenLength,
270 observer->resUri, 0, observer->acceptFormat,
275 request->observeResult = OC_STACK_OK;
276 if (result == OC_STACK_OK)
278 OCEntityHandlerResponse ehResponse = {0};
279 ehResponse.ehResult = OC_EH_OK;
280 ehResponse.payload = (OCPayload*)OCRepPayloadCreate();
281 if (!ehResponse.payload)
283 FindAndDeleteServerRequest(request);
286 memcpy(ehResponse.payload, payload, sizeof(*payload));
287 ehResponse.persistentBufferFlag = 0;
288 ehResponse.requestHandle = (OCRequestHandle) request;
289 ehResponse.resourceHandle = (OCResourceHandle) resource;
290 result = OCDoResponse(&ehResponse);
291 if (result == OC_STACK_OK)
293 OIC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Observer id %d notified.", *obsIdList);
295 // Increment only if OCDoResponse is successful
296 numSentNotification++;
298 OICFree(ehResponse.payload);
299 FindAndDeleteServerRequest(request);
303 OIC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Error notifying observer id %d.", *obsIdList);
308 FindAndDeleteServerRequest(request);
311 // Since we are in a loop, set an error flag to indicate
312 // at least one error occurred.
313 if (result != OC_STACK_OK)
315 observeErrorFlag = true;
323 if (numSentNotification == numberOfIds && !observeErrorFlag)
327 else if (numSentNotification == 0)
333 OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Observer notification error");
334 return OC_STACK_ERROR;
338 OCStackResult GenerateObserverId (OCObservationId *observationId)
340 ResourceObserver *resObs = NULL;
342 OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Entering GenerateObserverId");
343 VERIFY_NON_NULL (observationId);
347 *observationId = OCGetRandomByte();
348 // Check if observation Id already exists
349 resObs = GetObserverUsingId (*observationId);
350 } while (NULL != resObs);
352 OIC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "GeneratedObservation ID is %u", *observationId);
356 return OC_STACK_ERROR;
359 OCStackResult AddObserver (const char *resUri,
361 OCObservationId obsId,
364 OCResource *resHandle,
365 OCQualityOfService qos,
366 OCPayloadFormat acceptFormat,
367 const OCDevAddr *devAddr)
369 // Check if resource exists and is observable.
374 if (!(resHandle->resourceProperties & OC_OBSERVABLE))
379 if (!resUri || !token || !*token)
384 ResourceObserver *obsNode = (ResourceObserver *) OICCalloc(1, sizeof(ResourceObserver));
387 obsNode->observeId = obsId;
389 obsNode->resUri = OICStrdup(resUri);
390 VERIFY_NON_NULL (obsNode->resUri);
393 obsNode->acceptFormat = acceptFormat;
396 obsNode->query = OICStrdup(query);
397 VERIFY_NON_NULL (obsNode->query);
399 // If tokenLength is zero, the return value depends on the
400 // particular library implementation (it may or may not be a null pointer).
403 obsNode->token = (CAToken_t)OICMalloc(tokenLength);
404 VERIFY_NON_NULL (obsNode->token);
405 memcpy(obsNode->token, token, tokenLength);
407 obsNode->tokenLength = tokenLength;
409 obsNode->devAddr = *devAddr;
410 obsNode->resource = resHandle;
412 LL_APPEND (g_serverObsList, obsNode);
420 OICFree(obsNode->resUri);
421 OICFree(obsNode->query);
424 return OC_STACK_NO_MEMORY;
427 ResourceObserver* GetObserverUsingId (const OCObservationId observeId)
429 ResourceObserver *out = NULL;
433 LL_FOREACH (g_serverObsList, out)
435 if (out->observeId == observeId)
441 OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Observer node not found!!");
445 ResourceObserver* GetObserverUsingToken (const CAToken_t token, uint8_t tokenLength)
447 ResourceObserver *out = NULL;
451 OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Looking for token");
452 OIC_LOG_BUFFER(INFO, TAG, (const uint8_t *)token, tokenLength);
453 OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "\tFound token:");
455 LL_FOREACH (g_serverObsList, out)
457 OIC_LOG_BUFFER(INFO, TAG, (const uint8_t *)out->token, tokenLength);
458 if ((memcmp(out->token, token, tokenLength) == 0))
466 OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Passed in NULL token");
469 OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Observer node not found!!");
473 OCStackResult DeleteObserverUsingToken (CAToken_t token, uint8_t tokenLength)
475 if (!token || !*token)
480 ResourceObserver *obsNode = GetObserverUsingToken (token, tokenLength);
483 OIC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "deleting observer id %u with token", obsNode->observeId);
484 OIC_LOG_BUFFER(INFO, TAG, (const uint8_t *)obsNode->token, tokenLength);
485 LL_DELETE (g_serverObsList, obsNode);
486 OICFree(obsNode->resUri);
487 OICFree(obsNode->query);
488 OICFree(obsNode->token);
491 // it is ok if we did not find the observer...
495 void DeleteObserverList()
497 ResourceObserver *out = NULL;
498 ResourceObserver *tmp = NULL;
499 LL_FOREACH_SAFE (g_serverObsList, out, tmp)
503 DeleteObserverUsingToken ((out->token), out->tokenLength);
506 g_serverObsList = NULL;
510 * CA layer expects observe registration/de-reg/notiifcations to be passed as a header
511 * option, which breaks the protocol abstraction requirement between RI & CA, and
512 * has to be fixed in the future. The function below adds the header option for observe.
513 * It should be noted that the observe header option is assumed to be the first option
514 * in the list of user defined header options and hence it is inserted at the front
515 * of the header options list and number of options adjusted accordingly.
518 CreateObserveHeaderOption (CAHeaderOption_t **caHdrOpt,
519 OCHeaderOption *ocHdrOpt,
528 if (numOptions > 0 && !ocHdrOpt)
530 OIC_LOG (INFO, TAG, "options are NULL though number is non zero");
534 CAHeaderOption_t *tmpHdrOpt = NULL;
536 tmpHdrOpt = (CAHeaderOption_t *) OICCalloc ((numOptions+1), sizeof(CAHeaderOption_t));
537 if (NULL == tmpHdrOpt)
539 return OC_STACK_NO_MEMORY;
541 tmpHdrOpt[0].protocolID = CA_COAP_ID;
542 tmpHdrOpt[0].optionID = COAP_OPTION_OBSERVE;
543 tmpHdrOpt[0].optionLength = sizeof(uint8_t);
544 tmpHdrOpt[0].optionData[0] = observeFlag;
545 for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numOptions; i++)
547 memcpy (&(tmpHdrOpt[i+1]), &(ocHdrOpt[i]), sizeof(CAHeaderOption_t));
550 *caHdrOpt = tmpHdrOpt;
555 * CA layer passes observe information to the RI layer as a header option, which
556 * breaks the protocol abstraction requirement between RI & CA, and has to be fixed
557 * in the future. The function below removes the observe header option and processes it.
558 * It should be noted that the observe header option is always assumed to be the first
559 * option in the list of user defined header options and hence it is deleted from the
560 * front of the header options list and the number of options is adjusted accordingly.
563 GetObserveHeaderOption (uint32_t * observationOption,
564 CAHeaderOption_t *options,
565 uint8_t * numOptions)
567 if (!observationOption)
572 if (!options || !numOptions)
574 OIC_LOG (INFO, TAG, "No options present");
578 for(uint8_t i = 0; i < *numOptions; i++)
580 if (options[i].protocolID == CA_COAP_ID &&
581 options[i].optionID == COAP_OPTION_OBSERVE)
583 *observationOption = options[i].optionData[0];
584 for(uint8_t c = i; c < *numOptions-1; c++)
586 options[i] = options[i+1];