1 //******************************************************************
3 // Copyright 2015 Intel Mobile Communications GmbH All Rights Reserved.
5 //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
7 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 // limitations under the License.
19 //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
22 #include "securevirtualresourcetypes.h"
24 const char * SVR_DB_FILE_NAME = "oic_svr_db.json";
25 const char * OIC_MI_DEF = "oic.mi.def";
27 const char * OIC_RSRC_CORE_URI = "/oic/res";
28 const char * OIC_RSRC_CORE_D_URI = "/oic/res/d";
29 const char * OIC_RSRC_CORE_P_URI = "/oic/p";
30 const char * OIC_RSRC_PRESENCE_URI = "/oic/ad";
31 const char * OIC_RSRC_TYPES_D_URI = "/oic/res/types/d";
34 const char * OIC_RSRC_TYPE_SEC_AMACL = "oic.sec.amacl";
35 const char * OIC_RSRC_AMACL_URI = "/oic/sec/amacl";
36 const char * OIC_JSON_AMACL_NAME = "amacl";
39 const char * OIC_RSRC_TYPE_SEC_ACL = "oic.sec.acl";
40 const char * OIC_RSRC_ACL_URI = "/oic/sec/acl";
41 const char * OIC_JSON_ACL_NAME = "acl";
44 const char * OIC_RSRC_TYPE_SEC_PSTAT = "oic.sec.pstat";
45 const char * OIC_RSRC_PSTAT_URI = "/oic/sec/pstat";
46 const char * OIC_JSON_PSTAT_NAME = "pstat";
49 const char * OIC_RSRC_TYPE_SEC_DOXM = "oic.sec.doxm";
50 const char * OIC_RSRC_DOXM_URI = "/oic/sec/doxm";
51 const char * OIC_JSON_DOXM_NAME = "doxm";
54 const char * OIC_RSRC_TYPE_SEC_CRED = "oic.sec.cred";
55 const char * OIC_RSRC_CRED_URI = "/oic/sec/cred";
56 const char * OIC_JSON_CRED_NAME = "cred";
58 const char * OIC_JSON_SUBJECT_NAME = "sub";
59 const char * OIC_JSON_RESOURCES_NAME = "rsrc";
60 const char * OIC_JSON_AMSS_NAME = "amss";
61 const char * OIC_JSON_PERMISSION_NAME = "perms";
62 const char * OIC_JSON_OWNERS_NAME = "ownrs";
63 const char * OIC_JSON_OWNER_NAME = "ownr";
64 const char * OIC_JSON_OWNED_NAME = "owned";
65 const char * OIC_JSON_OXM_NAME = "oxm";
66 const char * OIC_JSON_OXM_TYPE_NAME = "oxmtype";
67 const char * OIC_JSON_OXM_SEL_NAME = "oxmsel";
68 const char * OIC_JSON_DEVICE_ID_FORMAT_NAME = "dvcidfrmt";
69 const char * OIC_JSON_ISOP_NAME = "isop";
70 const char * OIC_JSON_COMMIT_HASH_NAME = "ch";
71 const char * OIC_JSON_DEVICE_ID_NAME = "deviceid";
72 const char * OIC_JSON_CM_NAME = "cm";
73 const char * OIC_JSON_TM_NAME = "tm";
74 const char * OIC_JSON_OM_NAME = "om";
75 const char * OIC_JSON_SM_NAME = "sm";
76 const char * OIC_JSON_CREDID_NAME = "credid";
77 const char * OIC_JSON_SUBJECTID_NAME = "subid";
78 const char * OIC_JSON_ROLEIDS_NAME = "roleid";
79 const char * OIC_JSON_CREDTYPE_NAME = "credtyp";
80 const char * OIC_JSON_PUBLICDATA_NAME = "pbdata";
81 const char * OIC_JSON_PRIVATEDATA_NAME = "pvdata";
82 const char * OIC_JSON_PERIOD_NAME = "period";
84 OicUuid_t WILDCARD_SUBJECT_ID = {"*"};
86 const char * WILDCARD_RESOURCE_URI = "*";
88 //Ownership Transfer Methods
89 const char * OXM_JUST_WORKS = "oic.sec.doxm.jw";
90 const char * OXM_MODE_SWITCH = "oic.sec.doxm.ms";
91 const char * OXM_RANDOM_DEVICE_PIN = "oic.sec.doxm.rdp";
92 const char * OXM_PRE_PROVISIONED_DEVICE_PIN = "oic.sec.doxm.ppdp";
93 const char * OXM_PRE_PROVISIONED_STRONG_CREDENTIAL = "oic.sec.doxm.ppsc";
95 const char * OIC_SEC_TRUE = "true";
96 const char * OIC_SEC_FALSE = "false";
98 const char * OIC_SEC_REST_QUERY_SEPARATOR = "&";