1 @if "%_echo%" neq "on" echo off
2 setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
4 set packagesLog=publish-packages.log
5 echo Running publish-packages.cmd %* > %packagesLog%
7 set options=/nologo /v:minimal /flp:v=detailed;Append;LogFile=%packagesLog%
10 if /I [%1] == [/?] goto Usage
11 if /I [%1] == [/help] goto Usage
13 REM ensure that msbuild is available
14 echo Running init-tools.cmd
15 call %~dp0init-tools.cmd
17 echo msbuild.exe %~dp0src\publish.proj !options! !allargs! >> %packagesLog%
18 call msbuild.exe %~dp0src\publish.proj !options! !allargs!
19 if NOT [%ERRORLEVEL%]==[0] (
20 echo ERROR: An error occurred while publishing packages, see %packagesLog% for more details.
24 echo Done publishing packages.
29 echo Publishes the NuGet packages to the specified location.
30 echo For publishing to Azure the following properties are required.
31 echo /p:CloudDropAccountName="account name"
32 echo /p:CloudDropAccessToken="access token"
33 echo /p:__BuildType="Configuration"
34 echo /p:__BuildArch="Architecture"
35 echo Architecture can be x64, x86, arm, or arm64
36 echo Configuration can be Release, Debug, or Checked