1 @if not defined _echo @echo off
2 setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
4 if /I [%1] == [-?] goto Usage
5 if /I [%1] == [-help] goto Usage
7 echo %~dp0run.cmd publish-packages %*
8 call %~dp0run.cmd publish-packages %*
13 echo Publishes the NuGet packages to the specified location.
14 echo -? - Prints Usage
15 echo -help - Prints Usage
16 echo For publishing to Azure the following properties are required.
17 echo -AzureAccount="account name"
18 echo -AzureToken="access token"
19 echo -BuildType="Configuration"
20 echo -BuildArch="Architecture"
21 echo For publishing to Azure, one of the following properties is required.
22 echo -PublishPackages Pass this switch to publish product packages
23 echo -PublishSymbols Pass this switch to publish symbol packages
24 echo To specify the name of the container to publish into, use the following property:
25 echo -Container="container name"
26 echo Architecture can be x64, x86, arm, or arm64
27 echo Configuration can be Release, Debug, or Checked