protocol: split into ivi-client and ivi-controller
[profile/ivi/wayland-ivi-extension.git] / protocol / ivi-controller.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
2 <protocol name="ivi_controller">\r
3 \r
4     <copyright>\r
5     Copyright (C) 2013 DENSO CORPORATION\r
6     Copyright (c) 2013 BMW Car IT GmbH\r
7 \r
8     Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\r
9     of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal\r
10     in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\r
11     to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\r
12     copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\r
13     furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\r
14 \r
15     The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\r
16     all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\r
17 \r
24     THE SOFTWARE.\r
25     </copyright>\r
26 \r
27     <interface name="ivi_layer" version="1">\r
28         <description summary="Tell property change of ivi_layer to client"/>\r
29 \r
30         <request name="destroy" type="destructor">\r
31             <description summary="destroy ivi_layer"/>\r
32         </request>\r
33 \r
34     </interface>\r
35 \r
36     <interface name="ivi_controller_surface" version="1">\r
37         <description summary="Request property change of ivi_surface to server"/>\r
38 \r
39         <request name="set_visibility">\r
40             <description summary="Set Visibility"/>\r
41             <arg name="visibility" type="uint"/>\r
42         </request>\r
43 \r
44         <request name="set_opacity">\r
45             <description summary="Set Opacity"/>\r
46             <arg name="opacity" type="fixed"/>\r
47         </request>\r
48 \r
49         <request name="set_source_rectangle">\r
50             <description summary="Set the area of wl_surface which should be used for the rendering">\r
51                 x:      horizontal start position of the used area\r
52                 y:      vertical start position of the used area\r
53                 width : width of the area\r
54                 height: height of the area\r
55             </description>\r
56             <arg name="x" type="int"/>\r
57             <arg name="y" type="int"/>\r
58             <arg name="width" type="int"/>\r
59             <arg name="height" type="int"/>\r
60         </request>\r
61 \r
62         <request name="set_destination_rectangle">\r
63             <description summary="Set the destination area of a surface within a layer for rendering">\r
64                 Set the destination area of a wl_surface within a layer for rendering. The surface will be scaled to this rectangle for rendering.\r
65                 x:      horizontal start position of the used area\r
66                 y:      vertical start position of the used area\r
67                 width : width of the area\r
68                 height: height of the area\r
69             </description>\r
70             <arg name="x" type="int"/>\r
71             <arg name="y" type="int"/>\r
72             <arg name="width" type="int"/>\r
73             <arg name="height" type="int"/>\r
74         </request>\r
75 \r
76         <request name="set_dimension">\r
77             <description summary="Set Dimension"/>\r
78             <arg name="width" type="int"/>\r
79             <arg name="height" type="int"/>\r
80         </request>\r
81 \r
82         <request name="set_position">\r
83             <description summary="Set Position"/>\r
84             <arg name="x" type="int"/>\r
85             <arg name="y" type="int"/>\r
86         </request>\r
87 \r
88         <request name="set_orientation">\r
89             <description summary="Set Orientation"/>\r
90             <arg name="orientation" type="int"/>\r
91         </request>\r
92 \r
93         <request name="screenshot">\r
94             <description summary="Take screenshot"/>\r
95             <arg name="filename" type="string"/>\r
96         </request>\r
97 \r
98         <event name="visibility">\r
99             <description summary="sent in response to set_visibility"/>\r
100             <arg name="visibility" type="int"/>\r
101         </event>\r
102 \r
103         <event name="opacity">\r
104             <description summary="sent in response to set_opacity"/>\r
105             <arg name="opacity" type="fixed"/>\r
106         </event>\r
107 \r
108         <event name="source_rectangle">\r
109             <description summary="sent in response to set_source_rectangle"/>\r
110             <arg name="x" type="int"/>\r
111             <arg name="y" type="int"/>\r
112             <arg name="width" type="int"/>\r
113             <arg name="height" type="int"/>\r
114         </event>\r
115 \r
116         <event name="destination_rectangle">\r
117             <description summary="sent in response to set_destination_rectangle"/>\r
118             <arg name="x" type="int"/>\r
119             <arg name="y" type="int"/>\r
120             <arg name="width" type="int"/>\r
121             <arg name="height" type="int"/>\r
122         </event>\r
123 \r
124         <event name="dimension">\r
125             <description summary="sent in response to set_dimension"/>\r
126             <arg name="width" type="int"/>\r
127             <arg name="height" type="int"/>\r
128         </event>\r
129 \r
130         <event name="position">\r
131             <description summary="sent in response to set_position"/>\r
132             <arg name="x" type="int"/>\r
133             <arg name="y" type="int"/>\r
134         </event>\r
135 \r
136         <enum name="orientation">\r
137             <description summary="orientation presets in degrees"/>\r
138             <entry name="0_degrees" value="0"\r
139              summary="not rotated"/>\r
140             <entry name="90_degrees" value="1"\r
141              summary="rotated 90 degrees clockwise"/>\r
142             <entry name="180_degrees" value="2"\r
143              summary="rotated 180 degrees clockwise"/>\r
144             <entry name="270_degrees" value="3"\r
145              summary="rotated 270 degrees clockwise"/>\r
146         </enum>\r
147 \r
148         <event name="orientation">\r
149             <description summary="sent in response to set_orientation"/>\r
150             <arg name="orientation" type="int"/>\r
151         </event>\r
152 \r
153         <enum name="pixelformat">\r
154             <description summary="pixel format values"/>\r
155             <entry name="r_8" value="0"\r
156              summary="8 bit luminance surface"/>\r
157             <entry name="rgb_888" value="1"\r
158              summary="24 bit rgb surface"/>\r
159             <entry name="rgba_8888" value="2"\r
160              summary="24 bit rgb surface with 8 bit alpha"/>\r
161             <entry name="rgb_565" value="3"\r
162              summary="16 bit rgb surface"/>\r
163             <entry name="rgba_5551" value="4"\r
164              summary="16 bit rgb surface with binary mask"/>\r
165             <entry name="rgba_6661" value="5"\r
166              summary="18 bit rgb surface with binary mask"/>\r
167             <entry name="rgba_4444" value="6"\r
168              summary="12 bit rgb surface with 4 bit alpha"/>\r
169             <entry name="unknown" value="7"\r
170              summary="unknown"/>\r
171         </enum>\r
172 \r
173         <event name="pixelformat">\r
174             <description summary="pixelformat"/>\r
175             <arg name="pixelformat" type="int"/>\r
176         </event>\r
177 \r
178         <event name="layer">\r
179             <description summary="Receive a ivi_layer this ivi_surface belongs"/>\r
180             <arg name="layer" type="object" interface="ivi_layer" allow-null="true"/>\r
181         </event>\r
182 \r
183         <request name="send_stats"/>\r
184 \r
185         <event name="stats">\r
186             <description summary="sent in response to send_stats"/>\r
187             <arg name="redraw_count" type="uint"/>\r
188             <arg name="frame_count" type="uint"/>\r
189             <arg name="update_count" type="uint"/>\r
190             <arg name="pid" type="uint"/>\r
191         </event>\r
192 \r
193         <event name="destroyed">\r
194             <description summary="destroyed surface event"/>\r
195         </event>\r
196 \r
197     </interface>\r
198 \r
199     <interface name="ivi_controller_layer" version="1">\r
200         <description summary="Request property change of ivi_layer and add/remove ivi_surface from ivi_layer to server"/>\r
201 \r
202         <request name="set_visibility">\r
203             <description summary="Set Visibility"/>\r
204             <arg name="visibility" type="uint"/>\r
205         </request>\r
206 \r
207         <request name="set_opacity">\r
208             <description summary="Set Opacity"/>\r
209             <arg name="opacity" type="fixed"/>\r
210         </request>\r
211 \r
212         <request name="set_source_rectangle">\r
213             <description summary="Set the area of layer which should be used for the rendering">\r
214                 x:      horizontal start position of the used area\r
215                 y:      vertical start position of the used area\r
216                 width : width of the area\r
217                 height: height of the area\r
218             </description>\r
219             <arg name="x" type="int"/>\r
220             <arg name="y" type="int"/>\r
221             <arg name="width" type="int"/>\r
222             <arg name="height" type="int"/>\r
223         </request>\r
224 \r
225         <request name="set_destination_rectangle">\r
226             <description summary="Set the destination area on the display for a layer">\r
227                 Set the destination area on the display for a layer. The layer will be scaled and positioned to this rectangle for rendering\r
228                 x:      horizontal start position of the used area\r
229                 y:      vertical start position of the used area\r
230                 width : width of the area\r
231                 height: height of the area\r
232             </description>\r
233             <arg name="x" type="int"/>\r
234             <arg name="y" type="int"/>\r
235             <arg name="width" type="int"/>\r
236             <arg name="height" type="int"/>\r
237         </request>\r
238 \r
239         <request name="set_dimension">\r
240             <description summary="Set Dimension"/>\r
241             <arg name="width" type="int"/>\r
242             <arg name="height" type="int"/>\r
243         </request>\r
244 \r
245         <request name="set_position">\r
246             <description summary="Set Position"/>\r
247             <arg name="x" type="int"/>\r
248             <arg name="y" type="int"/>\r
249         </request>\r
250 \r
251         <request name="set_orientation">\r
252             <description summary="Set Orientation"/>\r
253             <arg name="orientation" type="int"/>\r
254         </request>\r
255 \r
256         <request name="screenshot">\r
257             <description summary="Take screenshot"/>\r
258             <arg name="filename" type="string"/>\r
259         </request>\r
260 \r
261         <request name="clear_surfaces">\r
262             <description summary="remove all ivi_surfaces from a layer"/>\r
263         </request>\r
264 \r
265         <request name="add_surface">\r
266             <description summary="add a ivi_surface to top order of a ivi_layer"/>\r
267             <arg name="surface" type="object" interface="ivi_surface"/>\r
268         </request>\r
269 \r
270         <request name="remove_surface">\r
271             <description summary="remove a ivi_surface from a layer"/>\r
272             <arg name="surface" type="object" interface="ivi_surface"/>\r
273         </request>\r
274 \r
275         <request name="set_render_order">\r
276             <description summary="Set Render Order"/>\r
277             <arg name="id_surfaces" type="array"/>\r
278         </request>\r
279 \r
280         <event name="visibility">\r
281             <description summary="sent in response to set_visibility"/>\r
282             <arg name="visibility" type="int"/>\r
283         </event>\r
284 \r
285         <event name="opacity">\r
286             <description summary="sent in response to set_opacity"/>\r
287             <arg name="opacity" type="fixed"/>\r
288         </event>\r
289 \r
290         <event name="source_rectangle">\r
291             <description summary="sent in response to set_source_rectangle"/>\r
292             <arg name="x" type="int"/>\r
293             <arg name="y" type="int"/>\r
294             <arg name="width" type="int"/>\r
295             <arg name="height" type="int"/>\r
296         </event>\r
297 \r
298         <event name="destination_rectangle">\r
299             <description summary="sent in response to set_destination_rectangle"/>\r
300             <arg name="x" type="int"/>\r
301             <arg name="y" type="int"/>\r
302             <arg name="width" type="int"/>\r
303             <arg name="height" type="int"/>\r
304         </event>\r
305 \r
306         <event name="dimension">\r
307             <description summary="sent in response to set_dimension"/>\r
308             <arg name="width" type="int"/>\r
309             <arg name="height" type="int"/>\r
310         </event>\r
311 \r
312         <event name="position">\r
313             <description summary="sent in response to set_position"/>\r
314             <arg name="x" type="int"/>\r
315             <arg name="y" type="int"/>\r
316         </event>\r
317 \r
318         <event name="orientation">\r
319             <description summary="sent in response to set_orientation"/>\r
320             <arg name="orientation" type="int"/>\r
321         </event>\r
322 \r
323         <event name="screen">\r
324             <description summary="Receive a wl_output this ivi_layer belongs"/>\r
325             <arg name="screen" type="object" interface="wl_output" allow-null="true"/>\r
326         </event>\r
327 \r
328         <event name="destroyed">\r
329             <description summary="destroyed layer event"/>\r
330         </event>\r
331 \r
332     </interface>\r
333 \r
334     <interface name="ivi_controller_screen" version="1">\r
335         <description summary="Request add/remove layer from ivi_layer to server"/>\r
336 \r
337         <request name="destroy" type="destructor">\r
338             <description summary="destroy ivi_controller_screen"/>\r
339         </request>\r
340 \r
341         <request name="clear">\r
342             <description summary="remove all ivi_layers from wl_output"/>\r
343         </request>\r
344 \r
345         <request name="add_layer">\r
346             <description summary="add a ivi_layer to top order of a wl_output"/>\r
347             <arg name="layer" type="object" interface="ivi_layer"/>\r
348         </request>\r
349 \r
350         <request name="screenshot">\r
351             <description summary="Take screenshot"/>\r
352             <arg name="filename" type="string"/>\r
353         </request>\r
354 \r
355         <request name="set_render_order">\r
356             <description summary="Set Render Order"/>\r
357             <arg name="id_layers" type="array"/>\r
358         </request>\r
359 \r
360     </interface>\r
361 \r
362     <interface name="ivi_controller" version="1">\r
363         <description summary="Interface for central controller of layers and surfaces"/>\r
364 \r
365         <request name="commit_changes">\r
366             <description summary="commit changes and request done by client"/>\r
367         </request>\r
368 \r
369         <event name="screen">\r
370             <description summary="Receive new addtional screen"/>\r
371             <arg name="id_screen" type="uint"/>\r
372             <arg name="screen" type="new_id" interface="ivi_controller_screen"/>\r
373         </event>\r
374 \r
375         <request name="layer_create">\r
376             <description summary="ilm_layerCreateWithDimension"/>\r
377             <arg name="id_layer" type="uint"/>\r
378             <arg name="width" type="int"/>\r
379             <arg name="height" type="int"/>\r
380             <arg name="id" type="new_id" interface="ivi_layer"/>\r
381         </request>\r
382 \r
383         <event name="layer">\r
384             <description summary="Receive id_layer/ivi_layer and a controller to control ivi_layer"/>\r
385             <arg name="id_layer" type="uint"/>\r
386             <arg name="layer" type="new_id" interface="ivi_layer"/>\r
387             <arg name="controller" type="new_id" interface="ivi_controller_layer"/>\r
388         </event>\r
389 \r
390         <event name="surface">\r
391             <description summary="Receive id_surface/ivi_surface and a controller to control ivi_surface"/>\r
392             <arg name="id_surface" type="uint"/>\r
393             <arg name="surface" type="new_id" interface="ivi_surface"/>\r
394             <arg name="controller_surface" type="new_id" interface="ivi_controller_surface"/>\r
395         </event>\r
396 \r
397         <event name="nativesurface">\r
398             <description summary="Receive wl_surface and properties to control pure wl_shell_surface"/>\r
399             <arg name="surface" type="new_id" interface="wl_surface"/>\r
400             <arg name="pid" type="uint"/>\r
401             <arg name="title" type="string"/>\r
402             <arg name="width" type="int"/>\r
403             <arg name="height" type="int"/>\r
404         </event>\r
405 \r
406     </interface>\r
407 \r
408 </protocol>