2 Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation
4 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
20 #include "websocketsource.h"
22 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
23 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
26 #include <listplusplus.h>
27 #include <timestamp.h>
28 #include "uuidhelper.h"
31 #define __SMALLFILE__ std::string(__FILE__).substr(std::string(__FILE__).rfind("/")+1)
32 libwebsocket_context *context = NULL;
33 WebSocketSource *source;
34 AbstractRoutingEngine *m_re;
36 double oldTimestamp=0;
39 double averageLatency=0;
41 static int callback_http_only(libwebsocket_context *context,struct libwebsocket *wsi,enum libwebsocket_callback_reasons reason,void *user, void *in, size_t len);
42 static struct libwebsocket_protocols protocols[] = {
57 //Called when a client connects, subscribes, or unsubscribes.
58 void WebSocketSource::checkSubscriptions()
60 PropertyList notSupportedList;
61 while (queuedRequests.size() > 0)
63 VehicleProperty::Property prop = queuedRequests.front();
64 queuedRequests.pop_front();
65 if (ListPlusPlus<VehicleProperty::Property>(&activeRequests).contains(prop))
69 activeRequests.push_back(prop);
71 ///TODO: fix transid here:
72 s << "{\"type\":\"method\",\"name\":\"subscribe\",\"data\":[\"" << prop << "\"],\"transactionid\":\"" << "d293f670-f0b3-11e1-aff1-0800200c9a66" << "\"}";
74 string replystr = s.str();
75 DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "Reply:" << replystr << "\n";
76 //printf("Reply: %s\n",replystr.c_str());
78 char *new_response = new char[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING + strlen(replystr.c_str()) + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_POST_PADDING];
80 strcpy(new_response,replystr.c_str());
82 libwebsocket_write(clientsocket, (unsigned char*)new_response, strlen(new_response), LWS_WRITE_TEXT);
83 delete (char*)(new_response-LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING);
86 void WebSocketSource::setConfiguration(map<string, string> config)
88 //printf("WebSocketSource::setConfiguration has been called\n");
91 configuration = config;
92 for (map<string,string>::iterator i=configuration.begin();i!=configuration.end();i++)
94 DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "Incoming setting for WebSocketSource:" << (*i).first << ":" << (*i).second << "\n";
95 //printf("Incoming setting: %s:%s\n",(*i).first.c_str(),(*i).second.c_str());
96 if ((*i).first == "ip")
100 if ((*i).first == "port")
102 port = boost::lexical_cast<int>((*i).second);
104 if ((*i).first == "ssl")
106 if ((*i).second == "true")
112 m_sslEnabled = false;
116 //printf("Connecting to websocket server at %s port %i\n",ip.c_str(),port);
117 DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "Connecting to websocket server at" << ip << ":" << port << "\n";
121 DebugOut(5) << "SSL ENABLED" << endl;
125 clientsocket = libwebsocket_client_connect(context, ip.c_str(), port, sslval,"/", "localhost", "websocket",protocols[0].name, -1);
130 PropertyInfo WebSocketSource::getPropertyInfo(VehicleProperty::Property property)
132 return PropertyInfo::invalid();
135 bool gioPollingFunc(GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data)
137 //This is the polling function. If it return false, glib will stop polling this FD.
139 oldTimestamp = amb::currentTime();
141 struct pollfd pollstruct;
142 int newfd = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(source);
143 pollstruct.fd = newfd;
144 pollstruct.events = condition;
145 pollstruct.revents = condition;
146 libwebsocket_service_fd(context,&pollstruct);
147 if (condition & G_IO_HUP)
149 //Hang up. Returning false closes out the GIOChannel.
150 //printf("Callback on G_IO_HUP\n");
153 if (condition & G_IO_IN)
157 DebugOut() << "gioPollingFunc" << condition << endl;
162 static int checkTimeouts(gpointer data)
164 WebSocketSource *src = (WebSocketSource*)data;
165 for (auto i=src->uuidTimeoutMap.begin();i!= src->uuidTimeoutMap.end();i++)
167 if (src->uuidRangedReplyMap.find((*i).first) != src->uuidRangedReplyMap.end())
170 if (amb::currentTime() > (*i).second)
172 //We've reached timeout
173 DebugOut() << "Timeout reached for request ID:" << (*i).first << "\n";
174 src->uuidRangedReplyMap[(*i).first]->success = false;
175 src->uuidRangedReplyMap[(*i).first]->completed(src->uuidRangedReplyMap[(*i).first]);
176 src->uuidRangedReplyMap.erase((*i).first);
177 src->uuidTimeoutMap.erase((*i).first);
180 if (src->uuidTimeoutMap.size() == 0)
188 //No timeout yet, keep waiting.
193 //Reply has already come back, ignore and erase from list.
194 src->uuidTimeoutMap.erase((*i).first);
197 if (src->uuidTimeoutMap.size() == 0)
207 static int callback_http_only(libwebsocket_context *context,struct libwebsocket *wsi,enum libwebsocket_callback_reasons reason,void *user, void *in, size_t len)
211 DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << reason << "callback_http_only" << endl;
215 //fprintf(stderr, "mirror: LWS_CALLBACK_CLOSED\n");
217 //printf("Connection closed!\n");
223 //This happens when a client initally connects. We need to request the support event types.
224 source->clientConnected = true;
225 source->checkSubscriptions();
226 //printf("Incoming connection!\n");
227 DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "Incoming connection" << endl;
229 s << "{\"type\":\"method\",\"name\":\"getSupportedEventTypes\",\"data\":[],\"transactionid\":\"" << "d293f670-f0b3-11e1-aff1-0800200c9a66" << "\"}";
231 string replystr = s.str();
232 DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "Reply:" << replystr << "\n";
233 char *new_response = new char[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING + strlen(replystr.c_str()) + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_POST_PADDING];
234 new_response+=LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING;
235 strcpy(new_response,replystr.c_str());
236 libwebsocket_write(wsi, (unsigned char*)(new_response), strlen(new_response), LWS_WRITE_TEXT);
237 delete (char*)(new_response-LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING);
243 double prejsonparsetime = (amb::currentTime() - oldTimestamp)*1000;
245 DebugOut(2)<<"websocket source pre-json parse time: "<<prejsonparsetime<<endl;
247 json_object *rootobject;
248 json_tokener *tokener = json_tokener_new();
249 enum json_tokener_error err;
252 rootobject = json_tokener_parse_ex(tokener, (char*)in,len);
253 } while ((err = json_tokener_get_error(tokener)) == json_tokener_continue);
254 if (err != json_tokener_success)
256 fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", json_tokener_error_desc(err));
257 // Handle errors, as appropriate for your application.
259 if (tokener->char_offset < len) // XXX shouldn't access internal fields
261 // Handle extra characters after parsed object as desired.
262 // e.g. issue an error, parse another object from that point, etc...
264 //Incoming JSON reqest.
267 DebugOut(5)<<"source received: "<<string((char*)in)<<endl;
269 json_object *typeobject= json_object_object_get(rootobject,"type");
270 json_object *nameobject= json_object_object_get(rootobject,"name");
271 json_object *transidobject= json_object_object_get(rootobject,"transactionid");
274 string type = string(json_object_get_string(typeobject));
275 string name = string(json_object_get_string(nameobject));
279 if (json_object_get_type(transidobject) == json_type_string)
281 id = json_object_get_string(transidobject);
286 strstr << json_object_get_int(transidobject);
290 list<pair<string,string> > pairdata;
291 if (type == "valuechanged")
293 json_object *dataobject = json_object_object_get(rootobject,"data");
295 json_object *valueobject = json_object_object_get(dataobject,"value");
296 json_object *timestampobject = json_object_object_get(dataobject,"timestamp");
297 json_object *sequenceobject= json_object_object_get(dataobject,"sequence");
299 string value = string(json_object_get_string(valueobject));
300 string timestamp = string(json_object_get_string(timestampobject));
301 string sequence = string(json_object_get_string(sequenceobject));
302 //printf("Value changed: %s, %s\n",name.c_str(),data.front().c_str());
303 DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "Value changed:" << name << value << endl;
304 //Name should be a valid property
305 // routingEngine->updateProperty(VehicleProperty::VehicleSpeed, velocity);
309 AbstractPropertyType* type = VehicleProperty::getPropertyTypeForPropertyNameValue(name,value);
310 type->timestamp = boost::lexical_cast<double,std::string>(timestamp);
311 type->sequence = boost::lexical_cast<double,std::string>(sequence);
312 m_re->updateProperty(type, source->uuid());
313 double currenttime = amb::currentTime();
315 /** This is now the latency between when something is available to read on the socket, until
316 * a property is about to be updated in AMB. This includes libwebsockets parsing and the
317 * JSON parsing in this section.
320 DebugOut(2)<<"websocket parse latency: "<<(currenttime - oldTimestamp)*1000<<"ms"<<endl;
321 DebugOut(2)<<"websocket network + parse latency: "<<(currenttime - type->timestamp)*1000<<"ms"<<endl;
322 totalTime += (currenttime - oldTimestamp)*1000;
324 averageLatency = totalTime / numUpdates;
326 DebugOut(2)<<"Average parse latency: "<<averageLatency<<endl;
332 //printf("Exception %s\n",ex.what());
333 DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "Exception:" << ex.what() << "\n";
335 json_object_put(valueobject);
336 json_object_put(timestampobject);
337 json_object_put(sequenceobject);
338 json_object_put(dataobject);
347 else if (type == "methodReply")
349 json_object *dataobject = json_object_object_get(rootobject,"data");
350 if (name == "getSupportedEventTypes")
352 //printf("Got supported events!\n");
353 DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "Got getSupportedEventTypes request"<<endl;
355 if (json_object_get_type(dataobject) == json_type_array)
357 array_list *dataarray = json_object_get_array(dataobject);
358 for (int i=0;i<array_list_length(dataarray);i++)
360 json_object *arrayobj = (json_object*)array_list_get_idx(dataarray,i);
361 props.push_back(string(json_object_get_string(arrayobj)));
363 //array_list_free(dataarray);
367 props.push_back(string(json_object_get_string(dataobject)));
369 source->setSupported(props);
370 //m_re->updateSupported(m_supportedProperties,PropertyList());
372 else if (name == "getRanged")
374 std::list<AbstractPropertyType*> propertylist;
375 array_list *dataarray = json_object_get_array(dataobject);
376 for (int i=0;i<array_list_length(dataarray);i++)
378 json_object *arrayobj = (json_object*)array_list_get_idx(dataarray,i);
379 json_object *keyobject = json_object_object_get(arrayobj,"name");
380 json_object *valueobject = json_object_object_get(arrayobj,"value");
381 json_object *timestampobject = json_object_object_get(arrayobj,"timestamp");
382 json_object *sequenceobject = json_object_object_get(arrayobj,"sequence");
383 std::string name = json_object_get_string(keyobject);
384 std::string value = json_object_get_string(valueobject);
385 std::string timestamp = json_object_get_string(timestampobject);
386 std::string sequence = json_object_get_string(sequenceobject);
388 ///TODO: we might only have to free the dataobject at the end instead of this:
390 json_object_put(keyobject);
391 json_object_put(valueobject);
392 json_object_put(timestampobject);
393 json_object_put(sequenceobject);
395 AbstractPropertyType* type = VehicleProperty::getPropertyTypeForPropertyNameValue(name,value);
396 propertylist.push_back(type);
398 //array_list_free(dataarray);
399 if (source->uuidRangedReplyMap.find(id) != source->uuidRangedReplyMap.end())
401 source->uuidRangedReplyMap[id]->values = propertylist;
402 source->uuidRangedReplyMap[id]->success = true;
403 source->uuidRangedReplyMap[id]->completed(source->uuidRangedReplyMap[id]);
404 source->uuidRangedReplyMap.erase(id);
408 DebugOut() << "getRanged methodReply has been recieved, without a request being in!. This is likely due to a request coming in after the timeout has elapsed.\n";
411 else if (name == "get")
414 DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "Got \"GET\" event:" << pairdata.size()<<endl;
415 if (source->uuidReplyMap.find(id) != source->uuidReplyMap.end())
417 json_object *propertyobject = json_object_object_get(dataobject,"property");
418 json_object *valueobject = json_object_object_get(dataobject,"value");
419 json_object *timestampobject = json_object_object_get(dataobject,"timestamp");
420 json_object *sequenceobject = json_object_object_get(dataobject,"sequence");
421 std::string property = json_object_get_string(propertyobject);
422 std::string value = json_object_get_string(valueobject);
423 std::string timestamp = json_object_get_string(timestampobject);
424 std::string sequence = json_object_get_string(sequenceobject);
425 json_object_put(propertyobject);
426 json_object_put(valueobject);
427 json_object_put(timestampobject);
428 json_object_put(sequenceobject);
430 AbstractPropertyType* v = VehicleProperty::getPropertyTypeForPropertyNameValue(property,value);
431 v->timestamp = boost::lexical_cast<double,std::string>(timestamp);
432 v->sequence = boost::lexical_cast<double,std::string>(sequence);
433 if (source->uuidReplyMap.find(id) != source->uuidReplyMap.end())
435 source->uuidReplyMap[id]->value = v;
436 source->uuidReplyMap[id]->success = true;
437 source->uuidReplyMap[id]->completed(source->uuidReplyMap[id]);
438 source->uuidReplyMap.erase(id);
443 DebugOut() << "get methodReply has been recieved, without a request being in!. This is likely due to a request coming in after the timeout has elapsed.\n";
450 DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "GET Method Reply INVALID! Multiple properties detected, only single are supported!!!" << "\n";
453 //data will contain a property/value map.
455 json_object_put(dataobject);
457 json_object_put(rootobject);
464 //printf("Requested extension: %s\n",(char*)in);
470 DebugOut(5) << __SMALLFILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "Adding poll for websocket IO channel" << endl;
471 //Add a FD to the poll list.
472 GIOChannel *chan = g_io_channel_unix_new(libwebsocket_get_socket_fd(wsi));
474 /// TODO: I changed this to be more consistent with the websocket sink end. it may not be correct. TEST
476 g_io_add_watch(chan,GIOCondition(G_IO_IN | G_IO_PRI | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP),(GIOFunc)gioPollingFunc,0);
477 g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref(chan,true);
478 g_io_channel_unref(chan); //Pass ownership of the GIOChannel to the watch.
485 void WebSocketSource::setSupported(PropertyList list)
487 DebugOut() <<__SMALLFILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ <<"SET SUPPORTED"<<endl;
488 m_supportedProperties = list;
489 m_re->updateSupported(list,PropertyList(),this);
492 WebSocketSource::WebSocketSource(AbstractRoutingEngine *re, map<string, string> config) : AbstractSource(re, config)
494 m_sslEnabled = false;
495 clientConnected = false;
498 struct lws_context_creation_info info;
499 memset(&info, 0, sizeof info);
500 info.protocols = protocols;
501 info.extensions = libwebsocket_get_internal_extensions();
504 info.port = CONTEXT_PORT_NO_LISTEN;
505 //std::string ssl_key_path = "/home/michael/.ssh/id_rsa";
506 //info.ssl_ca_filepath = ssl_key_path.c_str();
508 context = libwebsocket_create_context(&info);
509 //context = libwebsocket_create_context(CONTEXT_PORT_NO_LISTEN, NULL,protocols, libwebsocket_internal_extensions,NULL, NULL, -1, -1, 0);
511 setConfiguration(config);
512 re->setSupported(supported(), this);
514 //printf("websocketsource loaded!!!\n");
515 g_timeout_add(1000,checkTimeouts,this); //Do this once per second, check for functions that have timed out and reply with success = false;
518 PropertyList WebSocketSource::supported()
520 return m_supportedProperties;
523 int WebSocketSource::supportedOperations()
525 /// TODO: need to do this correctly based on what the host supports.
526 return Get | Set | GetRanged;
529 const string WebSocketSource::uuid()
531 return "d293f670-f0b3-11e1-aff1-0800200c9a66";
534 void WebSocketSource::subscribeToPropertyChanges(VehicleProperty::Property property)
536 //printf("Subscribed to property: %s\n",property.c_str());
537 queuedRequests.push_back(property);
540 checkSubscriptions();
545 void WebSocketSource::unsubscribeToPropertyChanges(VehicleProperty::Property property)
547 removeRequests.push_back(property);
550 checkSubscriptions();
555 void WebSocketSource::getPropertyAsync(AsyncPropertyReply *reply)
557 std::string uuid = amb::createUuid();
558 uuidReplyMap[uuid] = reply;
559 uuidTimeoutMap[uuid] = amb::currentTime() + 10.0; ///TODO: 10 second timeout, make this configurable?
562 s << "{\"type\":\"method\",\"name\":\"get\",\"data\":[\"" << reply->property << "\"],\"transactionid\":\"" << uuid << "\"}";
563 string replystr = s.str();
564 DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "Sending:" << replystr <<endl;
565 //printf("Reply: %s\n",replystr.c_str());
566 char *new_response = new char[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING + strlen(replystr.c_str()) + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_POST_PADDING];
567 new_response+=LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING;
568 strcpy(new_response,replystr.c_str());
570 libwebsocket_write(clientsocket, (unsigned char*)new_response, strlen(new_response), LWS_WRITE_TEXT);
571 delete (char*)(new_response-LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING);
574 void WebSocketSource::getRangePropertyAsync(AsyncRangePropertyReply *reply)
576 std::string uuid = amb::createUuid();
577 uuidRangedReplyMap[uuid] = reply;
578 uuidTimeoutMap[uuid] = amb::currentTime() + 60; ///TODO: 60 second timeout, make this configurable?
581 s << "{\"type\":\"method\",\"name\":\"getRanged\",\"data\": {";
583 s << "\"properties\":[";
585 for (auto itr = reply->properties.begin(); itr != reply->properties.end(); itr++)
587 std::string prop = *itr;
589 if(itr != reply->properties.begin())
599 s << "\"timeBegin\":\"" << reply->timeBegin << "\",";
600 s << "\"timeEnd\":\"" << reply->timeEnd << "\",";
601 s << "\"sequenceBegin\":\"" << reply->sequenceBegin<< "\",";
602 s << "\"sequenceEnd\":\"" << reply->sequenceEnd << "\"}";
603 s<< ",\"transactionid\":\"" << uuid << "\"}";
604 string replystr = s.str();
605 DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "Reply:" << replystr <<endl;
606 //printf("Reply: %s\n",replystr.c_str());
607 char *new_response = new char[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING + strlen(replystr.c_str()) + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_POST_PADDING];
608 new_response+=LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING;
609 strcpy(new_response,replystr.c_str());
611 libwebsocket_write(clientsocket, (unsigned char*)new_response, strlen(new_response), LWS_WRITE_TEXT);
612 delete (char*)(new_response-LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING);
615 AsyncPropertyReply * WebSocketSource::setProperty( AsyncSetPropertyRequest request )
618 AsyncPropertyReply* reply = new AsyncPropertyReply(request);
619 reply->success = true;
621 s << "{\"type\":\"method\",\"name\":\"set\",\"data\":[\"property\" : \"" << request.property << "\",\"value\" : \"" << request.value << "\"],\"transactionid\":\"" << "d293f670-f0b3-11e1-aff1-0800200c9a66" << "\"}";
622 string replystr = s.str();
623 DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "Reply:" << replystr << "\n";
624 //printf("Reply: %s\n",replystr.c_str());
625 char *new_response = new char[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING + strlen(replystr.c_str()) + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_POST_PADDING];
626 new_response+=LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING;
627 strcpy(new_response,replystr.c_str());
628 libwebsocket_write(clientsocket, (unsigned char*)new_response, strlen(new_response), LWS_WRITE_TEXT);
629 delete (char*)(new_response-LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING);
630 reply->completed(reply);
634 extern "C" AbstractSource * create(AbstractRoutingEngine* routingengine, map<string, string> config)
636 return new WebSocketSource(routingengine, config);