[Build] Move netcoreapp ref assemblies to Tizen.NET.APIx
[platform/core/csapi/tizenfx.git] / pkg / Tizen.NET.API6 / build / tizen60 / ref / System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><doc>
2   <assembly>
3     <name>System.Net.WebHeaderCollection</name>
4   </assembly>
5   <members>
6     <member name="T:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection">
7       <summary>Contains protocol headers associated with a request or response.</summary>
8     </member>
9     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.#ctor">
10       <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see> class.</summary>
11     </member>
12     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
13       <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see> class from the specified instances of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"></see> and <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"></see> classes.</summary>
14       <param name="serializationInfo">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"></see> containing the information required to serialize the <see cref="T:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see>.</param>
15       <param name="streamingContext">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"></see> containing the source of the serialized stream associated with the new <see cref="T:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see>.</param>
16       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="headerName">headerName</paramref> contains invalid characters.</exception>
17       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="headerName">headerName</paramref> is a null reference or <see cref="System.String.Empty"></see>.</exception>
18     </member>
19     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Add(System.String)">
20       <summary>Inserts the specified header into the collection.</summary>
21       <param name="header">The header to add, with the name and value separated by a colon.</param>
22       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="header">header</paramref> is <see langword="null"></see> or <see cref="System.String.Empty"></see>.</exception>
23       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="header">header</paramref> does not contain a colon (:) character.  
24  The length of <paramref name="value">value</paramref> is greater than 65535.  
25  -or-  
26  The name part of <paramref name="header">header</paramref> is <see cref="System.String.Empty"></see> or contains invalid characters.  
27  -or-  
28  <paramref name="header">header</paramref> is a restricted header that should be set with a property.  
29  -or-  
30  The value part of <paramref name="header">header</paramref> contains invalid characters.</exception>
31       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length the string after the colon (:) is greater than 65535.</exception>
32     </member>
33     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Add(System.Net.HttpRequestHeader,System.String)">
34       <summary>Inserts the specified header with the specified value into the collection.</summary>
35       <param name="header">The header to add to the collection.</param>
36       <param name="value">The content of the header.</param>
37       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of <paramref name="value">value</paramref> is greater than 65535.</exception>
38       <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This <see cref="System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see> instance does not allow instances of <see cref="System.Net.HttpRequestHeader"></see>.</exception>
39     </member>
40     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Add(System.Net.HttpResponseHeader,System.String)">
41       <summary>Inserts the specified header with the specified value into the collection.</summary>
42       <param name="header">The header to add to the collection.</param>
43       <param name="value">The content of the header.</param>
44       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of <paramref name="value">value</paramref> is greater than 65535.</exception>
45       <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This <see cref="System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see> instance does not allow instances of <see cref="System.Net.HttpResponseHeader"></see>.</exception>
46     </member>
47     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Add(System.String,System.String)">
48       <summary>Inserts a header with the specified name and value into the collection.</summary>
49       <param name="name">The header to add to the collection.</param>
50       <param name="value">The content of the header.</param>
51       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="name">name</paramref> is <see langword="null"></see>, <see cref="System.String.Empty"></see>, or contains invalid characters.  
52  -or-  
53  <paramref name="name">name</paramref> is a restricted header that must be set with a property setting.  
54  -or-  
55  <paramref name="value">value</paramref> contains invalid characters.</exception>
56       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of <paramref name="value">value</paramref> is greater than 65535.</exception>
57     </member>
58     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.AddWithoutValidate(System.String,System.String)">
59       <summary>Inserts a header into the collection without checking whether the header is on the restricted header list.</summary>
60       <param name="headerName">The header to add to the collection.</param>
61       <param name="headerValue">The content of the header.</param>
62       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="headerName">headerName</paramref> is <see langword="null"></see>, <see cref="System.String.Empty"></see>, or contains invalid characters.  
63  -or-  
64  <paramref name="headerValue">headerValue</paramref> contains invalid characters.</exception>
65       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="headerName">headerName</paramref> is not <see langword="null"></see> and the length of <paramref name="headerValue">headerValue</paramref> is too long (greater than 65,535 characters).</exception>
66     </member>
67     <member name="P:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.AllKeys">
68       <summary>Gets all header names (keys) in the collection.</summary>
69       <returns>An array of type <see cref="T:System.String"></see> containing all header names in a Web request.</returns>
70     </member>
71     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Clear">
72       <summary>Removes all headers from the collection.</summary>
73     </member>
74     <member name="P:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Count">
75       <summary>Gets the number of headers in the collection.</summary>
76       <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Int32"></see> indicating the number of headers in a request.</returns>
77     </member>
78     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Get(System.Int32)">
79       <summary>Gets the value of a particular header in the collection, specified by an index into the collection.</summary>
80       <param name="index">The zero-based index of the key to get from the collection.</param>
81       <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String"></see> containing the value of the specified header.</returns>
82       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index">index</paramref> is negative.  
83  -or-  
84  <paramref name="index">index</paramref> exceeds the size of the collection.</exception>
85     </member>
86     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Get(System.String)">
87       <summary>Gets the value of a particular header in the collection, specified by the name of the header.</summary>
88       <param name="name">The name of the Web header.</param>
89       <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String"></see> holding the value of the specified header.</returns>
90     </member>
91     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.GetEnumerator">
92       <summary>Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the <see cref="T:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see> instance.</summary>
93       <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"></see> for the <see cref="T:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see>.</returns>
94     </member>
95     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.GetKey(System.Int32)">
96       <summary>Gets the header name at the specified position in the collection.</summary>
97       <param name="index">The zero-based index of the key to get from the collection.</param>
98       <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String"></see> holding the header name.</returns>
99       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index">index</paramref> is negative.  
100  -or-  
101  <paramref name="index">index</paramref> exceeds the size of the collection.</exception>
102     </member>
103     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
104       <summary>Populates a <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"></see> with the data needed to serialize the target object.</summary>
105       <param name="serializationInfo">The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"></see> to populate with data.</param>
106       <param name="streamingContext">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"></see> that specifies the destination for this serialization.</param>
107     </member>
108     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.GetValues(System.String)">
109       <summary>Gets an array of header values stored in a header.</summary>
110       <param name="header">The header to return.</param>
111       <returns>An array of header strings.</returns>
112     </member>
113     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.GetValues(System.Int32)">
114       <summary>Gets an array of header values stored in the <paramref name="index">index</paramref> position of the header collection.</summary>
115       <param name="index">The header index to return.</param>
116       <returns>An array of header strings.</returns>
117     </member>
118     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.IsRestricted(System.String)">
119       <summary>Tests whether the specified HTTP header can be set for the request.</summary>
120       <param name="headerName">The header to test.</param>
121       <returns><see langword="true"></see> if the header is restricted; otherwise <see langword="false"></see>.</returns>
122       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="headerName">headerName</paramref> is <see langword="null"></see> or <see cref="System.String.Empty"></see>.</exception>
123       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="headerName">headerName</paramref> contains invalid characters.</exception>
124     </member>
125     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.IsRestricted(System.String,System.Boolean)">
126       <summary>Tests whether the specified HTTP header can be set for the request or the response.</summary>
127       <param name="headerName">The header to test.</param>
128       <param name="response">Does the Framework test the response or the request?</param>
129       <returns><see langword="true"></see> if the header is restricted; otherwise, <see langword="false"></see>.</returns>
130       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="headerName">headerName</paramref> is <see langword="null"></see> or <see cref="System.String.Empty"></see>.</exception>
131       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="headerName">headerName</paramref> contains invalid characters.</exception>
132     </member>
133     <member name="P:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Item(System.Net.HttpRequestHeader)">
134       <summary>Gets or sets the specified request header.</summary>
135       <param name="header">The request header value.</param>
136       <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String"></see> instance containing the specified header value.</returns>
137       <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This <see cref="System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see> instance does not allow instances of <see cref="System.Net.HttpRequestHeader"></see>.</exception>
138     </member>
139     <member name="P:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Item(System.Net.HttpResponseHeader)">
140       <summary>Gets or sets the specified response header.</summary>
141       <param name="header">The response header value.</param>
142       <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String"></see> instance containing the specified header.</returns>
143       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of <paramref name="value">value</paramref> is greater than 65535.</exception>
144       <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This <see cref="System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see> instance does not allow instances of <see cref="System.Net.HttpResponseHeader"></see>.</exception>
145     </member>
146     <member name="P:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Item(System.String)">
147       <param name="name"></param>
148       <returns></returns>
149     </member>
150     <member name="P:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Keys">
151       <summary>Gets the collection of header names (keys) in the collection.</summary>
152       <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase.KeysCollection"></see> containing all header names in a Web request.</returns>
153     </member>
154     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.OnDeserialization(System.Object)">
155       <summary>Implements the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable"></see> interface and raises the deserialization event when the deserialization is complete.</summary>
156       <param name="sender">The source of the deserialization event.</param>
157     </member>
158     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Remove(System.Net.HttpRequestHeader)">
159       <summary>Removes the specified header from the collection.</summary>
160       <param name="header">The <see cref="T:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader"></see> instance to remove from the collection.</param>
161       <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This <see cref="System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see> instance does not allow instances of <see cref="System.Net.HttpRequestHeader"></see>.</exception>
162     </member>
163     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Remove(System.Net.HttpResponseHeader)">
164       <summary>Removes the specified header from the collection.</summary>
165       <param name="header">The <see cref="T:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader"></see> instance to remove from the collection.</param>
166       <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This <see cref="System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see> instance does not allow instances of <see cref="System.Net.HttpResponseHeader"></see>.</exception>
167     </member>
168     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Remove(System.String)">
169       <summary>Removes the specified header from the collection.</summary>
170       <param name="name">The name of the header to remove from the collection.</param>
171       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="name">name</paramref> is <see langword="null"></see><see cref="System.String.Empty"></see>.</exception>
172       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="name">name</paramref> is a restricted header.  
173  -or-  
174  <paramref name="name">name</paramref> contains invalid characters.</exception>
175     </member>
176     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Set(System.Net.HttpRequestHeader,System.String)">
177       <summary>Sets the specified header to the specified value.</summary>
178       <param name="header">The <see cref="T:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader"></see> value to set.</param>
179       <param name="value">The content of the header to set.</param>
180       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of <paramref name="value">value</paramref> is greater than 65535.</exception>
181       <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This <see cref="System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see> instance does not allow instances of <see cref="System.Net.HttpRequestHeader"></see>.</exception>
182     </member>
183     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Set(System.Net.HttpResponseHeader,System.String)">
184       <summary>Sets the specified header to the specified value.</summary>
185       <param name="header">The <see cref="T:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader"></see> value to set.</param>
186       <param name="value">The content of the header to set.</param>
187       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of <paramref name="value">value</paramref> is greater than 65535.</exception>
188       <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This <see cref="System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see> instance does not allow instances of <see cref="System.Net.HttpResponseHeader"></see>.</exception>
189     </member>
190     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Set(System.String,System.String)">
191       <summary>Sets the specified header to the specified value.</summary>
192       <param name="name">The header to set.</param>
193       <param name="value">The content of the header to set.</param>
194       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="name">name</paramref> is <see langword="null"></see> or <see cref="System.String.Empty"></see>.</exception>
195       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of <paramref name="value">value</paramref> is greater than 65535.</exception>
196       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="name">name</paramref> is a restricted header.  
197  -or-  
198  <paramref name="name">name</paramref> or <paramref name="value">value</paramref> contain invalid characters.</exception>
199     </member>
200     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.ToByteArray">
201       <summary>Converts the <see cref="T:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see> to a byte array..</summary>
202       <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Byte"></see> array holding the header collection.</returns>
203     </member>
204     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.ToString">
205       <summary>This method is obsolete.</summary>
206       <returns>The <see cref="T:System.String"></see> representation of the collection.</returns>
207     </member>
208     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
209       <returns></returns>
210     </member>
211     <member name="M:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.System#Runtime#Serialization#ISerializable#GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
212       <summary>Serializes this instance into the specified <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"></see> object.</summary>
213       <param name="serializationInfo">The object into which this <see cref="T:System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"></see> will be serialized.</param>
214       <param name="streamingContext">The destination of the serialization.</param>
215     </member>
216     <member name="T:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader">
217       <summary>The HTTP headers that can be specified in a server response.</summary>
218     </member>
219     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.AcceptRanges">
220       <summary>The Accept-Ranges header, which specifies the range that is accepted by the server.</summary>
221       <returns></returns>
222     </member>
223     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.Age">
224       <summary>The Age header, which specifies the time, in seconds, since the response was generated by the originating server.</summary>
225       <returns></returns>
226     </member>
227     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.Allow">
228       <summary>The Allow header, which specifies the set of HTTP methods that are supported.</summary>
229       <returns></returns>
230     </member>
231     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.CacheControl">
232       <summary>The Cache-Control header, which specifies caching directives that must be obeyed by all caching mechanisms along the request/response chain.</summary>
233       <returns></returns>
234     </member>
235     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.Connection">
236       <summary>The Connection header, which specifies options that are desired for a particular connection.</summary>
237       <returns></returns>
238     </member>
239     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.ContentEncoding">
240       <summary>The Content-Encoding header, which specifies the encodings that have been applied to the accompanying body data.</summary>
241       <returns></returns>
242     </member>
243     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.ContentLanguage">
244       <summary>The Content-Langauge header, which specifies the natural language or languages of the accompanying body data.</summary>
245       <returns></returns>
246     </member>
247     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.ContentLength">
248       <summary>The Content-Length header, which specifies the length, in bytes, of the accompanying body data.</summary>
249       <returns></returns>
250     </member>
251     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.ContentLocation">
252       <summary>The Content-Location header, which specifies a URI from which the accompanying body can be obtained.</summary>
253       <returns></returns>
254     </member>
255     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.ContentMd5">
256       <summary>The Content-MD5 header, which specifies the MD5 digest of the accompanying body data, for the purpose of providing an end-to-end message integrity check.</summary>
257       <returns></returns>
258     </member>
259     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.ContentRange">
260       <summary>The Range header, which specifies the subrange or subranges of the response that the client requests be returned in lieu of the entire response.</summary>
261       <returns></returns>
262     </member>
263     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.ContentType">
264       <summary>The Content-Type header, which specifies the MIME type of the accompanying body data.</summary>
265       <returns></returns>
266     </member>
267     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.Date">
268       <summary>The Date header, which specifies the date and time at which the response originated.</summary>
269       <returns></returns>
270     </member>
271     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.ETag">
272       <summary>The Etag header, which specifies the current value for the requested variant.</summary>
273       <returns></returns>
274     </member>
275     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.Expires">
276       <summary>The Expires header, which specifies the date and time after which the accompanying body data should be considered stale.</summary>
277       <returns></returns>
278     </member>
279     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.KeepAlive">
280       <summary>The Keep-Alive header, which specifies a parameter to be used to maintain a persistent connection.</summary>
281       <returns></returns>
282     </member>
283     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.LastModified">
284       <summary>The Last-Modified header, which specifies the date and time at which the accompanying body data was last modified.</summary>
285       <returns></returns>
286     </member>
287     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.Location">
288       <summary>The Location header, which specifies a URI to which the client is redirected to obtain the requested resource.</summary>
289       <returns></returns>
290     </member>
291     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.Pragma">
292       <summary>The Pragma header, which specifies implementation-specific directives that might apply to any agent along the request/response chain.</summary>
293       <returns></returns>
294     </member>
295     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.ProxyAuthenticate">
296       <summary>The Proxy-Authenticate header, which specifies that the client must authenticate itself to a proxy.</summary>
297       <returns></returns>
298     </member>
299     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.RetryAfter">
300       <summary>The Retry-After header, which specifies a time (in seconds), or a date and time, after which the client can retry its request.</summary>
301       <returns></returns>
302     </member>
303     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.Server">
304       <summary>The Server header, which specifies information about the originating server agent.</summary>
305       <returns></returns>
306     </member>
307     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.SetCookie">
308       <summary>The Set-Cookie header, which specifies cookie data that is presented to the client.</summary>
309       <returns></returns>
310     </member>
311     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.Trailer">
312       <summary>The Trailer header, which specifies that the indicated header fields are present in the trailer of a message that is encoded with chunked transfer-coding.</summary>
313       <returns></returns>
314     </member>
315     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.TransferEncoding">
316       <summary>The Transfer-Encoding header, which specifies what (if any) type of transformation has been applied to the message body.</summary>
317       <returns></returns>
318     </member>
319     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.Upgrade">
320       <summary>The Upgrade header, which specifies additional communications protocols that the client supports.</summary>
321       <returns></returns>
322     </member>
323     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.Vary">
324       <summary>The Vary header, which specifies the request headers that are used to determine whether a cached response is fresh.</summary>
325       <returns></returns>
326     </member>
327     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.Via">
328       <summary>The Via header, which specifies intermediate protocols to be used by gateway and proxy agents.</summary>
329       <returns></returns>
330     </member>
331     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.Warning">
332       <summary>The Warning header, which specifies additional information about that status or transformation of a message that might not be reflected in the message.</summary>
333       <returns></returns>
334     </member>
335     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpResponseHeader.WwwAuthenticate">
336       <summary>The WWW-Authenticate header, which specifies that the client must authenticate itself to the server.</summary>
337       <returns></returns>
338     </member>
339     <member name="T:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader">
340       <summary>The HTTP headers that may be specified in a client request.</summary>
341     </member>
342     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Accept">
343       <summary>The Accept header, which specifies the MIME types that are acceptable for the response.</summary>
344       <returns></returns>
345     </member>
346     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.AcceptCharset">
347       <summary>The Accept-Charset header, which specifies the character sets that are acceptable for the response.</summary>
348       <returns></returns>
349     </member>
350     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.AcceptEncoding">
351       <summary>The Accept-Encoding header, which specifies the content encodings that are acceptable for the response.</summary>
352       <returns></returns>
353     </member>
354     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.AcceptLanguage">
355       <summary>The Accept-Langauge header, which specifies that natural languages that are preferred for the response.</summary>
356       <returns></returns>
357     </member>
358     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Allow">
359       <summary>The Allow header, which specifies the set of HTTP methods supported.</summary>
360       <returns></returns>
361     </member>
362     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Authorization">
363       <summary>The Authorization header, which specifies the credentials that the client presents in order to authenticate itself to the server.</summary>
364       <returns></returns>
365     </member>
366     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.CacheControl">
367       <summary>The Cache-Control header, which specifies directives that must be obeyed by all cache control mechanisms along the request/response chain.</summary>
368       <returns></returns>
369     </member>
370     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Connection">
371       <summary>The Connection header, which specifies options that are desired for a particular connection.</summary>
372       <returns></returns>
373     </member>
374     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.ContentEncoding">
375       <summary>The Content-Encoding header, which specifies the encodings that have been applied to the accompanying body data.</summary>
376       <returns></returns>
377     </member>
378     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.ContentLanguage">
379       <summary>The Content-Langauge header, which specifies the natural language(s) of the accompanying body data.</summary>
380       <returns></returns>
381     </member>
382     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.ContentLength">
383       <summary>The Content-Length header, which specifies the length, in bytes, of the accompanying body data.</summary>
384       <returns></returns>
385     </member>
386     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.ContentLocation">
387       <summary>The Content-Location header, which specifies a URI from which the accompanying body may be obtained.</summary>
388       <returns></returns>
389     </member>
390     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.ContentMd5">
391       <summary>The Content-MD5 header, which specifies the MD5 digest of the accompanying body data, for the purpose of providing an end-to-end message integrity check.</summary>
392       <returns></returns>
393     </member>
394     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.ContentRange">
395       <summary>The Content-Range header, which specifies where in the full body the accompanying partial body data should be applied.</summary>
396       <returns></returns>
397     </member>
398     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.ContentType">
399       <summary>The Content-Type header, which specifies the MIME type of the accompanying body data.</summary>
400       <returns></returns>
401     </member>
402     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Cookie">
403       <summary>The Cookie header, which specifies cookie data presented to the server.</summary>
404       <returns></returns>
405     </member>
406     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Date">
407       <summary>The Date header, which specifies the date and time at which the request originated.</summary>
408       <returns></returns>
409     </member>
410     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Expect">
411       <summary>The Expect header, which specifies particular server behaviors that are required by the client.</summary>
412       <returns></returns>
413     </member>
414     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Expires">
415       <summary>The Expires header, which specifies the date and time after which the accompanying body data should be considered stale.</summary>
416       <returns></returns>
417     </member>
418     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.From">
419       <summary>The From header, which specifies an Internet Email address for the human user who controls the requesting user agent.</summary>
420       <returns></returns>
421     </member>
422     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Host">
423       <summary>The Host header, which specifies the host name and port number of the resource being requested.</summary>
424       <returns></returns>
425     </member>
426     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.IfMatch">
427       <summary>The If-Match header, which specifies that the requested operation should be performed only if the client&amp;#39;s cached copy of the indicated resource is current.</summary>
428       <returns></returns>
429     </member>
430     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.IfModifiedSince">
431       <summary>The If-Modified-Since header, which specifies that the requested operation should be performed only if the requested resource has been modified since the indicated data and time.</summary>
432       <returns></returns>
433     </member>
434     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.IfNoneMatch">
435       <summary>The If-None-Match header, which specifies that the requested operation should be performed only if none of client&amp;#39;s cached copies of the indicated resources are current.</summary>
436       <returns></returns>
437     </member>
438     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.IfRange">
439       <summary>The If-Range header, which specifies that only the specified range of the requested resource should be sent, if the client&amp;#39;s cached copy is current.</summary>
440       <returns></returns>
441     </member>
442     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.IfUnmodifiedSince">
443       <summary>The If-Unmodified-Since header, which specifies that the requested operation should be performed only if the requested resource has not been modified since the indicated date and time.</summary>
444       <returns></returns>
445     </member>
446     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.KeepAlive">
447       <summary>The Keep-Alive header, which specifies a parameter used into order to maintain a persistent connection.</summary>
448       <returns></returns>
449     </member>
450     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.LastModified">
451       <summary>The Last-Modified header, which specifies the date and time at which the accompanying body data was last modified.</summary>
452       <returns></returns>
453     </member>
454     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.MaxForwards">
455       <summary>The Max-Forwards header, which specifies an integer indicating the remaining number of times that this request may be forwarded.</summary>
456       <returns></returns>
457     </member>
458     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Pragma">
459       <summary>The Pragma header, which specifies implementation-specific directives that might apply to any agent along the request/response chain.</summary>
460       <returns></returns>
461     </member>
462     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.ProxyAuthorization">
463       <summary>The Proxy-Authorization header, which specifies the credentials that the client presents in order to authenticate itself to a proxy.</summary>
464       <returns></returns>
465     </member>
466     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Range">
467       <summary>The Range header, which specifies the sub-range(s) of the response that the client requests be returned in lieu of the entire response.</summary>
468       <returns></returns>
469     </member>
470     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Referer">
471       <summary>The Referer header, which specifies the URI of the resource from which the request URI was obtained.</summary>
472       <returns></returns>
473     </member>
474     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Te">
475       <summary>The TE header, which specifies the transfer encodings that are acceptable for the response.</summary>
476       <returns></returns>
477     </member>
478     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Trailer">
479       <summary>The Trailer header, which specifies the header fields present in the trailer of a message encoded with chunked transfer-coding.</summary>
480       <returns></returns>
481     </member>
482     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.TransferEncoding">
483       <summary>The Transfer-Encoding header, which specifies what (if any) type of transformation that has been applied to the message body.</summary>
484       <returns></returns>
485     </member>
486     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Translate">
487       <summary>The Translate header, a Microsoft extension to the HTTP specification used in conjunction with WebDAV functionality.</summary>
488       <returns></returns>
489     </member>
490     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Upgrade">
491       <summary>The Upgrade header, which specifies additional communications protocols that the client supports.</summary>
492       <returns></returns>
493     </member>
494     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent">
495       <summary>The User-Agent header, which specifies information about the client agent.</summary>
496       <returns></returns>
497     </member>
498     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Via">
499       <summary>The Via header, which specifies intermediate protocols to be used by gateway and proxy agents.</summary>
500       <returns></returns>
501     </member>
502     <member name="F:System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Warning">
503       <summary>The Warning header, which specifies additional information about that status or transformation of a message that might not be reflected in the message.</summary>
504       <returns></returns>
505     </member>
506   </members>
507 </doc>