[Build] Move netcoreapp ref assemblies to Tizen.NET.APIx
[platform/core/csapi/tizenfx.git] / pkg / Tizen.NET.API6 / build / tizen60 / ref / System.Buffers.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><doc>
2   <assembly>
3     <name>System.Buffers</name>
4   </assembly>
5   <members>
6     <member name="T:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1">
7       <summary>Provides a resource pool that enables reusing instances of type <see cref="T[]"></see>.</summary>
8       <typeparam name="T">The type of the objects that are in the resource pool.</typeparam>
9     </member>
10     <member name="M:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1.#ctor">
11       <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1"></see> class.</summary>
12     </member>
13     <member name="M:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1.Create">
14       <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1"></see> class.</summary>
15       <returns>A new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1"></see> class.</returns>
16     </member>
17     <member name="M:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1.Create(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
18       <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1"></see> class using the specifed configuration.</summary>
19       <param name="maxArrayLength">The maximum length of an array instance that may be stored in the pool.</param>
20       <param name="maxArraysPerBucket">The maximum number of array instances that may be stored in each bucket in the pool. The pool groups arrays of similar lengths into buckets for faster access.</param>
21       <returns>A new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1"></see> class with the specified configuration.</returns>
22     </member>
23     <member name="M:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1.Rent(System.Int32)">
24       <summary>Retrieves a buffer that is at least the requested length.</summary>
25       <param name="minimumLength">The minimum length of the array.</param>
26       <returns>An array of type <see cref="T[]"></see> that is at least <paramref name="minimumLength">minimumLength</paramref> in length.</returns>
27     </member>
28     <member name="M:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1.Return(`0[],System.Boolean)">
29       <summary>Returns an array to the pool that was previously obtained using the <see cref="M:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1.Rent(System.Int32)"></see> method on the same <see cref="T:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1"></see> instance.</summary>
30       <param name="array">A buffer to return to the pool that was previously obtained using the <see cref="M:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1.Rent(System.Int32)"></see> method.</param>
31       <param name="clearArray">Indicates whether the contents of the buffer should be cleared before reuse. If <paramref name="clearArray">clearArray</paramref> is set to <see langword="true"></see>, and if the pool will store the buffer to enable subsequent reuse, the <see cref="M:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1.Return(`0[],System.Boolean)"></see> method will clear the <paramref name="array">array</paramref> of its contents so that a subsequent caller using the <see cref="M:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1.Rent(System.Int32)"></see> method will not see the content of the previous caller. If <paramref name="clearArray">clearArray</paramref> is set to <see langword="false"></see> or if the pool will release the buffer, the array&amp;#39;s contents are left unchanged.</param>
32     </member>
33     <member name="P:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1.Shared">
34       <summary>Gets a shared <see cref="T:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1"></see> instance.</summary>
35       <returns>A shared <see cref="T:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1"></see> instance.</returns>
36     </member>
37   </members>
38 </doc>