[ImageUtil] Fix crash issue (#923)
[platform/core/csapi/tizenfx.git] / pkg / Tizen.NET.API5 / build / tizen50 / ref / System.Threading.Overlapped.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><doc>
2   <assembly>
3     <name>System.Threading.Overlapped</name>
4   </assembly>
5   <members>
6     <member name="T:System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle">
7       <summary>Represents an I/O handle that is bound to the system thread pool and enables low-level components to receive notifications for asynchronous I/O operations.</summary>
8     </member>
9     <member name="M:System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle.AllocateNativeOverlapped(System.Threading.PreAllocatedOverlapped)">
10       <summary>Returns an unmanaged pointer to a <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure using the callback state and buffers associated with the specified <see cref="T:System.Threading.PreAllocatedOverlapped"></see> object.</summary>
11       <param name="preAllocated">An object from which to create the <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> pointer.</param>
12       <returns>An unmanaged pointer to a <see cref="System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure.</returns>
13       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="preAllocated">preAllocated</paramref> is null.</exception>
14       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="preAllocated">preAllocated</paramref> is currently in use for another I/O operation.</exception>
15       <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">This method was called after the <see cref="System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle"></see> was disposed.  
16  -or-  
17  This method was called after <paramref name="preAllocated">preAllocated</paramref> was disposed.</exception>
18     </member>
19     <member name="M:System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle.AllocateNativeOverlapped(System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback,System.Object,System.Object)">
20       <summary>Returns an unmanaged pointer to a <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure, specifying a delegate that is invoked when the asynchronous I/O operation is complete, a user-provided object that supplies context, and managed objects that serve as buffers.</summary>
21       <param name="callback">A delegate that represents the callback method to invoke when the asynchronous I/O operation completes.</param>
22       <param name="state">A user-provided object that distinguishes this <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> instance from other <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> instances.</param>
23       <param name="pinData">An object or array of objects that represent the input or output buffer for the operation, or null. Each object represents a buffer, such an array of bytes.</param>
24       <returns>An unmanaged pointer to a <see cref="System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure.</returns>
25       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="callback">callback</paramref> is null.</exception>
26       <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">This method was called after the <see cref="System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle"></see> object was disposed.</exception>
27     </member>
28     <member name="M:System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle.BindHandle(System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle)">
29       <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle"></see> for the specified handle, which is bound to the system thread pool.</summary>
30       <param name="handle">An object that holds the operating system handle. The handle must have been opened for overlapped I/O in unmanaged code.</param>
31       <returns>A <see cref="System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle"></see> for <paramref name="handle">handle</paramref>, which is bound to the system thread pool.</returns>
32       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="handle">handle</paramref> is null.</exception>
33       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="handle">handle</paramref> has been disposed.  
34  -or-  
35  <paramref name="handle">handle</paramref> does not refer to a valid I/O handle.  
36  -or-  
37  <paramref name="handle">handle</paramref> refers to a handle that has not been opened for overlapped I/O.  
38  -or-  
39  <paramref name="handle">handle</paramref> refers to a handle that has already been bound.</exception>
40     </member>
41     <member name="M:System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle.Dispose">
42       <summary>Releases all unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="T:System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle"></see> instance.</summary>
43     </member>
44     <member name="M:System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle.FreeNativeOverlapped(System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*)">
45       <summary>Frees the memory associated with a <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure allocated by the <see cref="Overload:System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle.AllocateNativeOverlapped"></see> method.</summary>
46       <param name="overlapped">An unmanaged pointer to the <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure structure to be freed.</param>
47       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="overlapped">overlapped</paramref> is null.</exception>
48       <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">This method was called after the <see cref="System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle"></see> object was disposed.</exception>
49     </member>
50     <member name="M:System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle.GetNativeOverlappedState(System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*)">
51       <summary>Returns the user-provided object that was specified when the <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> instance was allocated by calling the <see cref="M:System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle.AllocateNativeOverlapped(System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback,System.Object,System.Object)"></see> method.</summary>
52       <param name="overlapped">An unmanaged pointer to the <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure from which to return the associated user-provided object.</param>
53       <returns>A user-provided object that distinguishes this <see cref="System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> instance from other <see cref="System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> instances, or null if one was not specified when the intstance was allocated by calling the <see cref="System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle.AllocateNativeOverlapped*"></see> method.</returns>
54       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="overlapped">overlapped</paramref> is null.</exception>
55     </member>
56     <member name="P:System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle.Handle">
57       <summary>Gets the bound operating system handle.</summary>
58       <returns>An object that holds the bound operating system handle.</returns>
59     </member>
60     <member name="T:System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback">
61       <summary>Receives the error code, number of bytes, and overlapped value type when an I/O operation completes on the thread pool.</summary>
62       <param name="errorCode">The error code.</param>
63       <param name="numBytes">The number of bytes that are transferred.</param>
64       <param name="pOVERLAP">A <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> representing an unmanaged pointer to the native overlapped value type.</param>
65     </member>
66     <member name="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped">
67       <summary>Provides an explicit layout that is visible from unmanaged code and that will have the same layout as the Win32 OVERLAPPED structure with additional reserved fields at the end.</summary>
68     </member>
69     <member name="F:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped.EventHandle">
70       <summary>Specifies the handle to an event set to the signaled state when the operation is complete. The calling process must set this member either to zero or to a valid event handle before calling any overlapped functions.</summary>
71       <returns></returns>
72     </member>
73     <member name="F:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped.InternalHigh">
74       <summary>Specifies the length of the data transferred. Reserved for operating system use.</summary>
75       <returns></returns>
76     </member>
77     <member name="F:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped.InternalLow">
78       <summary>Specifies a system-dependent status. Reserved for operating system use.</summary>
79       <returns></returns>
80     </member>
81     <member name="F:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped.OffsetHigh">
82       <summary>Specifies the high word of the byte offset at which to start the transfer.</summary>
83       <returns></returns>
84     </member>
85     <member name="F:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped.OffsetLow">
86       <summary>Specifies a file position at which to start the transfer.</summary>
87       <returns></returns>
88     </member>
89     <member name="T:System.Threading.Overlapped">
90       <summary>Provides a managed representation of a Win32 OVERLAPPED structure, including methods to transfer information from an <see cref="T:System.Threading.Overlapped"></see> instance to a <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure.</summary>
91     </member>
92     <member name="M:System.Threading.Overlapped.#ctor">
93       <summary>Initializes a new, empty instance of the <see cref="T:System.Threading.Overlapped"></see> class.</summary>
94     </member>
95     <member name="M:System.Threading.Overlapped.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.IAsyncResult)">
96       <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Threading.Overlapped"></see> class with the specified file position, the 32-bit integer handle to an event that is signaled when the I/O operation is complete, and an interface through which to return the results of the operation.</summary>
97       <param name="offsetLo">The low word of the file position at which to start the transfer.</param>
98       <param name="offsetHi">The high word of the file position at which to start the transfer.</param>
99       <param name="hEvent">The handle to an event that is signaled when the I/O operation is complete.</param>
100       <param name="ar">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IAsyncResult"></see> interface and provides status information on the I/O operation.</param>
101     </member>
102     <member name="M:System.Threading.Overlapped.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.IntPtr,System.IAsyncResult)">
103       <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Threading.Overlapped"></see> class with the specified file position, the handle to an event that is signaled when the I/O operation is complete, and an interface through which to return the results of the operation.</summary>
104       <param name="offsetLo">The low word of the file position at which to start the transfer.</param>
105       <param name="offsetHi">The high word of the file position at which to start the transfer.</param>
106       <param name="hEvent">The handle to an event that is signaled when the I/O operation is complete.</param>
107       <param name="ar">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IAsyncResult"></see> interface and provides status information on the I/O operation.</param>
108     </member>
109     <member name="P:System.Threading.Overlapped.AsyncResult">
110       <summary>Gets or sets the object that provides status information on the I/O operation.</summary>
111       <returns>An object that implements the <see cref="System.IAsyncResult"></see> interface.</returns>
112     </member>
113     <member name="P:System.Threading.Overlapped.EventHandle">
114       <summary>Gets or sets the 32-bit integer handle to a synchronization event that is signaled when the I/O operation is complete.</summary>
115       <returns>An <see cref="System.Int32"></see> value representing the handle of the synchronization event.</returns>
116     </member>
117     <member name="P:System.Threading.Overlapped.EventHandleIntPtr">
118       <summary>Gets or sets the handle to the synchronization event that is signaled when the I/O operation is complete.</summary>
119       <returns>An <see cref="System.IntPtr"></see> representing the handle of the event.</returns>
120     </member>
121     <member name="M:System.Threading.Overlapped.Free(System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*)">
122       <summary>Frees the unmanaged memory associated with a native overlapped structure allocated by the <see cref="Overload:System.Threading.Overlapped.Pack"></see> method.</summary>
123       <param name="nativeOverlappedPtr">A pointer to the <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure to be freed.</param>
124       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="nativeOverlappedPtr">nativeOverlappedPtr</paramref> is null.</exception>
125     </member>
126     <member name="P:System.Threading.Overlapped.OffsetHigh">
127       <summary>Gets or sets the high-order word of the file position at which to start the transfer. The file position is a byte offset from the start of the file.</summary>
128       <returns>An <see cref="System.Int32"></see> value representing the high word of the file position.</returns>
129     </member>
130     <member name="P:System.Threading.Overlapped.OffsetLow">
131       <summary>Gets or sets the low-order word of the file position at which to start the transfer. The file position is a byte offset from the start of the file.</summary>
132       <returns>An <see cref="System.Int32"></see> value representing the low word of the file position.</returns>
133     </member>
134     <member name="M:System.Threading.Overlapped.Pack(System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback)">
135       <summary>Packs the current instance into a <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure, specifying the delegate to be invoked when the asynchronous I/O operation is complete.</summary>
136       <param name="iocb">An <see cref="T:System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback"></see> delegate that represents the callback method invoked when the asynchronous I/O operation completes.</param>
137       <returns>An unmanaged pointer to a <see cref="System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure.</returns>
138       <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The current <see cref="System.Threading.Overlapped"></see> has already been packed.</exception>
139     </member>
140     <member name="M:System.Threading.Overlapped.Pack(System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback,System.Object)">
141       <summary>Packs the current instance into a <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure, specifying a delegate that is invoked when the asynchronous I/O operation is complete and a managed object that serves as a buffer.</summary>
142       <param name="iocb">An <see cref="T:System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback"></see> delegate that represents the callback method invoked when the asynchronous I/O operation completes.</param>
143       <param name="userData">An object or array of objects representing the input or output buffer for the operation. Each object represents a buffer, for example an array of bytes.</param>
144       <returns>An unmanaged pointer to a <see cref="System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure.</returns>
145       <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The current <see cref="System.Threading.Overlapped"></see> has already been packed.</exception>
146     </member>
147     <member name="M:System.Threading.Overlapped.Unpack(System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*)">
148       <summary>Unpacks the specified unmanaged <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure into a managed <see cref="T:System.Threading.Overlapped"></see> object.</summary>
149       <param name="nativeOverlappedPtr">An unmanaged pointer to a <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure.</param>
150       <returns>An <see cref="System.Threading.Overlapped"></see> object containing the information unpacked from the native structure.</returns>
151       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="nativeOverlappedPtr">nativeOverlappedPtr</paramref> is null.</exception>
152     </member>
153     <member name="M:System.Threading.Overlapped.UnsafePack(System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback)">
154       <summary>Packs the current instance into a <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure specifying the delegate to invoke when the asynchronous I/O operation is complete. Does not propagate the calling stack.</summary>
155       <param name="iocb">An <see cref="T:System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback"></see> delegate that represents the callback method invoked when the asynchronous I/O operation completes.</param>
156       <returns>An unmanaged pointer to a <see cref="System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure.</returns>
157       <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The current <see cref="System.Threading.Overlapped"></see> has already been packed.</exception>
158     </member>
159     <member name="M:System.Threading.Overlapped.UnsafePack(System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback,System.Object)">
160       <summary>Packs the current instance into a <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure, specifying the delegate to invoke when the asynchronous I/O operation is complete and the managed object that serves as a buffer. Does not propagate the calling stack.</summary>
161       <param name="iocb">An <see cref="T:System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback"></see> delegate that represents the callback method invoked when the asynchronous I/O operation completes.</param>
162       <param name="userData">An object or array of objects representing the input or output buffer for the operation. Each object represents a buffer, for example an array of bytes.</param>
163       <returns>An unmanaged pointer to a <see cref="System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> structure.</returns>
164       <exception cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException">The caller does not have the required permission.</exception>
165       <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The current <see cref="System.Threading.Overlapped"></see> is already packed.</exception>
166     </member>
167     <member name="T:System.Threading.PreAllocatedOverlapped">
168       <summary>Represents pre-allocated state for native overlapped I/O operations.</summary>
169     </member>
170     <member name="M:System.Threading.PreAllocatedOverlapped.#ctor(System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback,System.Object,System.Object)">
171       <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Threading.PreAllocatedOverlapped"></see> class and specifies a delegate to invoke when each asynchronous I/O operation is complete, a user-provided object that provides context, and managed objects that serve as buffers.</summary>
172       <param name="callback">A delegate that represents the callback method to invoke when each asynchronous I/O operation completes.</param>
173       <param name="state">A user-supplied object that distinguishes the <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> instance produced from this object from other <see cref="T:System.Threading.NativeOverlapped"></see> instances. Its value can be null.</param>
174       <param name="pinData">An object or array of objects that represent the input or output buffer for the operations. Each object represents a buffer, such as an array of bytes. Its value can be null.</param>
175       <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="callback">callback</paramref> is null.</exception>
176       <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">This method was called after the <see cref="System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle"></see> was disposed.</exception>
177     </member>
178     <member name="M:System.Threading.PreAllocatedOverlapped.Dispose">
179       <summary>Frees the resources associated with this <see cref="T:System.Threading.PreAllocatedOverlapped"></see> instance.</summary>
180     </member>
181   </members>
182 </doc>