[ONNX] Add type conversion for Pow op inputs (#2589)
[platform/upstream/dldt.git] / ngraph / python / tests / __init__.py
1 # ******************************************************************************
2 # Copyright 2017-2020 Intel Corporation
3 #
4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 #
8 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 #
10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
15 # ******************************************************************************
16 import pytest
18 # test.BACKEND_NAME is a configuration variable determining which
19 # nGraph backend tests will use. It's set during pytest configuration time.
20 # See `pytest_configure` hook in `conftest.py` for more details.
23 # test.MODEL_ZOO_DIR is a configuration variable providing the path
24 # to the ZOO of ONNX models to test. It's set during pytest configuration time.
25 # See `pytest_configure` hook in `conftest.py` for more
26 # details.
29 # test.MODEL_ZOO_XFAIL is a configuration variable which enable xfails for model zoo.
33 def xfail_test(reason="Mark the test as expected to fail", strict=True):
34     return pytest.mark.xfail(reason=reason, strict=strict)
37 skip_segfault = pytest.mark.skip(reason="Segmentation fault error")
38 xfail_issue_33488 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
39                                       "MaxUnpool")
40 xfail_issue_33512 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
41                                       "Einsum")
42 xfail_issue_33515 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
43                                       "BitShift")
44 xfail_issue_33535 = xfail_test(reason="nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
45                                       "DynamicQuantizeLinear")
46 xfail_issue_33538 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
47                                       "Scan")
48 xfail_issue_33540 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: GRUCell operation has a form that is not supported "
49                                       "GRUCell_<number> should be converted to GRUCellIE operation")
50 xfail_issue_33589 = xfail_test(reason="nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
51                                       "IsNaN and isInf")
52 xfail_issue_33595 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
53                                       "Unique")
54 xfail_issue_33596 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support different sequence operations:"
55                                       "ConcatFromSequence, SequenceConstruct, SequenceAt, SplitToSequence,"
56                                       "SequenceEmpty, SequenceInsert, SequenceErase, SequenceLength ")
57 xfail_issue_33606 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
58                                       "Det")
59 xfail_issue_33616 = xfail_test(reason="Add ceil_mode for Max and Avg pooling (reference implementation)")
60 xfail_issue_33644 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
61                                       "Compress")
62 xfail_issue_33651 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
63                                       "TfIdfVectorizer")
64 xfail_issue_34310 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Error of validate layer: LSTMSequence_<number> with "
65                                       "type: LSTMSequence. Layer is not instance of RNNLayer class")
66 xfail_issue_34314 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: RNNCell operation has a form that is not "
67                                "supported.RNNCell_<number> should be converted to RNNCellIE operation")
68 xfail_issue_34323 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: data [value] doesn't exist")
69 xfail_issue_34327 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: '<value>' layer has different "
70                                       "IN and OUT channels number")
71 xfail_issue_33581 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
72                                       "GatherElements")
73 xfail_issue_35911 = xfail_test(reason="Assertion error: Pad model mismatch error")
74 xfail_issue_35912 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Error of validate layer: B with type: "
75                                       "Pad. Cannot parse parameter pads_end  from IR for layer B. "
76                                       "Value -1,0 cannot be casted to int.")
77 xfail_issue_35915 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Eltwise node with unsupported combination "
78                                       "of input and output types")
79 xfail_issue_35916 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Unsupported input dims count for layer Z")
80 xfail_issue_35917 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Unsupported input dims count for "
81                                       "layer MatMul")
82 xfail_issue_35918 = xfail_test(reason="onnx.onnx_cpp2py_export.checker.ValidationError: "
83                                       "Mismatched attribute type in 'test_node : alpha'")
84 xfail_issue_35921 = xfail_test(reason="ValueError - shapes mismatch in gemm")
85 xfail_issue_35923 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: PReLU without weights is not supported")
86 xfail_issue_35924 = xfail_test(reason="Assertion error - elu results mismatch")
87 xfail_issue_35925 = xfail_test(reason="Assertion error - reduction ops results mismatch")
88 xfail_issue_35926 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: [NOT_IMPLEMENTED] Input image format I64 is "
89                                       "not supported yet...")
90 xfail_issue_35927 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: B has zero dimension that is not allowable")
91 xfail_issue_35929 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Incorrect precision f64!")
92 xfail_issue_35930 = xfail_test(reason="onnx.onnx_cpp2py_export.checker.ValidationError: "
93                                       "Required attribute 'to' is missing.")
94 xfail_issue_35932 = xfail_test(reason="Assertion error - logsoftmax results mismatch")
95 xfail_issue_36437 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Cannot find blob with name: <value>")
96 xfail_issue_36476 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: [NOT_IMPLEMENTED] Input image format U32 is "
97                                "not supported yet...")
98 xfail_issue_36478 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: [NOT_IMPLEMENTED] Input image format U64 is "
99                                "not supported yet...")
100 xfail_issue_36479 = xfail_test(reason="Assertion error - basic computation on ndarrays mismatch")
101 xfail_issue_36480 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: [NOT_FOUND] Unsupported property dummy_option "
102                                "by CPU plugin")
103 xfail_issue_36483 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Unsupported primitive of type: "
104                                "Ceiling name: <value>")
105 xfail_issue_36485 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Check 'm_group >= 1' failed at "
106                                "/openvino/ngraph/core/src/op/shuffle_channels.cpp:77:")
107 xfail_issue_36486 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: HardSigmoid operation should be converted "
108                                       "to HardSigmoid_IE")
109 xfail_issue_36487 = xfail_test(reason="Assertion error - mvn operator computation mismatch")
110 xfail_issue_38084 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: AssertionFailed: layer->get_output_partial_shape(i)"
111                                       "is_static() nGraph <value> operation with name: <value> cannot be"
112                                       "converted to <value> layer with name: <value> because output"
113                                       "with index 0 contains dynamic shapes: {<value>}. Try to use "
114                                       "CNNNetwork::reshape() method in order to specialize shapes "
115                                       "before the conversion.")
116 xfail_issue_38085 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Interpolate operation should be converted to Interp")
117 xfail_issue_38086 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Quantize layer input '<value>' doesn't have blobs")
118 xfail_issue_38087 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Cannot cast to tensor desc. Format is unsupported!")
119 xfail_issue_38088 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Check '((axis >= axis_range_min) && "
120                                       "(axis <= axis_range_max))' failed at "
121                                       "/openvino/ngraph/core/src/validation_util.cpp:913: "
122                                       "Split Parameter axis <value> out of the tensor rank range <value>.")
123 xfail_issue_38089 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Node 2 contains empty child edge for index 0")
124 xfail_issue_38090 = xfail_test(reason="AssertionError: Items types are not equal")
125 xfail_issue_38091 = xfail_test(reason="AssertionError: Mismatched elements")
126 xfail_issue_38699 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
127                                       "ai.onnx.preview.training.Gradient")
128 xfail_issue_38701 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: unsupported element type: STRING")
129 xfail_issue_38705 = xfail_test(reason="IndexError: deque::_M_range_check: __n (which is 0)"
130                                       ">= this->size() (which is 0)")
131 xfail_issue_38706 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: output_3.0 has zero dimension which is not allowed")
132 xfail_issue_38707 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
133                                       "SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss")
134 xfail_issue_38708 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: While validating ONNX node '<Node(Slice): y>': "
135                                       "Axes input must be constant")
136 xfail_issue_38710 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: roi has zero dimension which is not allowed")
137 xfail_issue_38712 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: Check '(fmod == 1) "
138                                       "While validating ONNX node '<Node(Mod): z>': "
139                                       "Only 'fmod=1' mode is supported for mod operator.")
140 xfail_issue_38713 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
141                                       "ai.onnx.preview.training.Momentum")
142 xfail_issue_38714 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: While validating ONNX node '<Node(Resize): Y>'"
143                                       "Check 'element::Type::merge(element_type, element_type,"
144                                       "node->get_input_element_type(i))' "
145                                       "While validating node 'v1::<name> (sizes[0]:i64{4},"
146                                       "Convert_29306[0]:f32{4}) -> (dynamic?)' with friendly_name '<name>':"
147                                       "Argument element types are inconsistent.")
148 xfail_issue_38715 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: While validating ONNX node '<Node(OneHot): y>':"
149                                       "While validating node 'v1::OneHot OneHot_<number>"
150                                       "(Convert_13525[0]:i64{3}, depth[0]:f32{},"
151                                       "Squeeze_13532[0]:i32{}, Squeeze_13529[0]:i32{}) -> (dynamic?)'"
152                                       "with friendly_name 'OneHot_13534':"
153                                       "Depth must be integral element type.")
154 xfail_issue_38717 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
155                                       "GreaterOrEqual")
156 xfail_issue_38719 = xfail_test(reason="nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations: GatherND")
157 xfail_issue_38722 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: While validating ONNX nodes MatMulInteger"
158                                       "and QLinearMatMul"
159                                       "Input0 scale and input0 zero point shape must be same and 1")
160 xfail_issue_38723 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
161                                       "QLinearConv")
162 xfail_issue_38724 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: While validating ONNX node '<Node(Resize): Y>':"
163                                       "tf_crop_and_resize - this type of coordinate transformation mode"
164                                       "is not supported. Choose one of the following modes:"
165                                       "tf_half_pixel_for_nn, asymmetric, align_corners, pytorch_half_pixel,"
166                                       "half_pixel")
167 xfail_issue_38725 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: While validating ONNX node '<Node(Loop):"
168                                       "value info has no element type specified")
169 xfail_issue_38726 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
170                                       "LessOrEqual")
171 xfail_issue_38732 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
172                                       "ConvInteger")
173 xfail_issue_38733 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
174                                       "Celu")
175 xfail_issue_38734 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
176                                       "ai.onnx.preview.training.Adam")
177 xfail_issue_38735 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
178                                       "ai.onnx.preview.training.Adagrad")
179 xfail_issue_38736 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
180                                       "NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss")
182 # Model ONNX Zoo issues:
183 xfail_issue_36533 = xfail_test(reason="AssertionError: zoo models results mismatch")
184 xfail_issue_36537 = xfail_test(reason="ngraph.exceptions.UserInputError: (Provided tensor's shape:"
185                                       "%s does not match the expected: %s."
186                                       "<PartialShape: <value>>, <PartialShape: <value>>)")
187 xfail_issue_37687 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
188                                       "Loop")
189 xfail_issue_39682 = xfail_test(reason="model with IR version >= 3 must specify opset_import for ONNX")
190 xfail_issue_39683 = xfail_test(reason="convolution.W in initializer but not in graph input")
191 xfail_issue_39684 = xfail_test(reason="ngraph.exceptions.UserInputError:"
192                                       "('Expected %s parameters, received %s.', 1, 3)")
193 xfail_issue_39685 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: While validating node 'v1::Transpose 315,"
194                                       "Constant_9353 -> (f32{?,?,?,?})' with friendly_name '315':"
195                                       "Input order must have shape [n], where n is the rank of arg.")
197 # Model MSFT issues:
198 xfail_issue_36465 = xfail_test(reason="LSTM_Seq_lens: RuntimeError: get_shape was called on a "
199                                       "descriptor::Tensor with dynamic shape")
200 xfail_issue_37957 = xfail_test(reason="RuntimeError: nGraph does not support the following ONNX operations:"
201                                       "com.microsoft.CropAndResize, com.microsoft.GatherND,"
202                                       "com.microsoft.Pad, com.microsoft.Range")
203 xfail_issue_39669 = xfail_test(reason="AssertionError: This model has no test data")