Imported Upstream version 3.2.0
[platform/upstream/libwebsockets.git] / lwsws / etc-lwsws-conf.d-localhost-EXAMPLE
1 {
2  "vhosts": [ {
3      "name": "localhost",
4      "port": "7681",
5 # by default, bind to all interfaces, but you can restrict it
6 #     "interface": "lo",
7 #     "host-ssl-key":  "/etc/pki/tls/private/",
8 #     "host-ssl-cert": "/etc/pki/tls/certs/",
9 #     "host-ssl-ca":   "/etc/pki/tls/certs/",
10      "access-log": "/var/log/lwsws/test-access-log",
11 #     "sts": "on",
12      "mounts": [{
13        "mountpoint": "/",
14        "origin": "file://_lws_ddir_/libwebsockets-test-server",
15        "default": "test.html",
16        "cache-max-age": "60",
17        "cache-reuse": "1",
18        "cache-revalidate": "1",
19        "cache-intermediaries": "0"
20        }, {
21         "mountpoint": "/server-status",
22         "origin": "file://_lws_ddir_/libwebsockets-test-server/server-status",
23         "default": "server-status.html"
24         }, {
25         "mountpoint": "/testcgi",
26         "origin": "cgi://_lws_ddir_/libwebsockets-test-server/"
28        }, {
29         "mountpoint": "/formtest",
30         "origin": "callback://protocol-post-demo" 
31        }],
32      # which protocols are enabled for this vhost, and optional
33      # vhost-specific config options for the protocol
34      #
35      "ws-protocols": [{
36        "lws-meta": {
37          "status": "ok"
38        },
39        "dumb-increment-protocol": {
40          "status": "ok"
41        },
42        "lws-mirror-protocol": {
43          "status": "ok"
44        },
45        "lws-status": {
46          "status": "ok"
47        },
48        "protocol-post-demo": {
49          "status": "ok"
50        },
51        "lws-server-status": {
52          "status": "ok",
53          "update-ms": "5000"
54        }
55      }]
56     }
57   ]
58 }