initial commit
[profile/ivi/xterm.git] /
1 $! $XFree86: xc/programs/xterm/,v 1.1 2000/02/08 17:19:35 dawes Exp $
3 $ if p1 .Eqs. "CLEAN" then goto clean
4 $ if p1 .Eqs. "CLOBBER" then goto clobber
5 $ if p1 .Eqs. "INSTALL" then goto install
6 $!
7 $!      Compile the X11R4 Xterm application
8 $!
9 $ Set Symbol/Scope=NoGlobal
10 $!
11 $!  Define logicals pointing to the needed directories
12 $!
13 $ x11lib_device = f$parse("[.lib]",,,"DEVICE")
14 $ x11lib_directory = f$parse("[.lib]",,,"DIRECTORY")
15 $ define/nolog x11lib 'x11lib_device''x11lib_directory'
16 $!
17 $ x11inc_device = f$parse("[]",,,"DEVICE")
18 $ x11inc_directory = f$parse("[]",,,"DIRECTORY")
19 $ define/nolog x11inc 'x11inc_device''x11inc_directory'
20 $!
21 $ xmu_device = f$parse("[.lib.xmu]",,,"DEVICE")
22 $ xmu_directory = f$parse("[.lib.xmu]",,,"DIRECTORY")
23 $ define/nolog x11xmu 'xmu_device''xmu_directory'
24 $!
25 $ xbm_device = f$parse("[.lib.x11]",,,"DEVICE")
26 $ xbm_directory = f$parse("[.lib.x11]",,,"DIRECTORY")
27 $ define/nolog x11xbm 'xbm_device''xbm_directory'
28 $!
29 $ xaw_device = f$parse("[.lib.xaw]",,,"DEVICE")
30 $ xaw_directory = f$parse("[.lib.xaw]",,,"DIRECTORY")
31 $ define/nolog x11xaw 'xaw_device''xaw_directory'
32 $!
33 $ x11vms_device = f$parse("[.lib.misc]",,,"DEVICE")
34 $ x11vms_directory = f$parse("[.lib.misc]",,,"DIRECTORY")
35 $ define/nolog x11vms 'x11vms_device''x11vms_directory'
36 $!
37 $!  Get the compiler options via the logical name COPTS
38 $!
39 $ cc_options = f$trnlnm("COPTS")
40 $!
41 $!  Get the linker options via the logical name LOPTS
42 $!
43 $ link_options = f$trnlnm("LOPTS")
44 $!
45 $ write sys$output "Building XTERM Image"
47 $!
48 $ deassign x11lib
49 $ deassign x11vms
50 $ deassign x11xmu
51 $ deassign x11xbm
52 $ deassign x11xaw
53 $!
54 $ exit
55 $!
56 $ Clobber:      ! Delete executables, Purge directory and clean up object files and listings
57 $ Delete/noconfirm/log *.exe;*
58 $!
59 $ Clean:        ! Purge directory, clean up object files and listings
60 $ Purge
61 $ Delete/noconfirm/log *.lis;*
62 $ Delete/noconfirm/log *.obj;*
63 $!
64 $ exit
65 $!
66 $ Install:
67 $ Copy/log *.exe x11bin:
68 $ exit
69 $!
71 $ V = 'F$Verify(0)
72 $! P1 = What we are trying to make
73 $! P2 = Command to make it
74 $! P3 - P8  What it depends on
75 $
76 $ If F$Search(P1) .Eqs. "" Then Goto Makeit
77 $ Time = F$CvTime(F$File(P1,"RDT"))
78 $arg=3
79 $Loop:
80 $       Argument = P'arg
81 $       If Argument .Eqs. "" Then Goto Exit
82 $       El=0
83 $Loop2:
84 $       File = F$Element(El," ",Argument)
85 $       If File .Eqs. " " Then Goto Endl
86 $       AFile = ""
87 $Loop3:
88 $       OFile = AFile
89 $       AFile = F$Search(File)
90 $       If AFile .Eqs. "" .Or. AFile .Eqs. OFile Then Goto NextEl
91 $       If F$CvTime(F$File(AFile,"RDT")) .Ges. Time Then Goto Makeit
92 $       Goto Loop3
93 $NextEL:
94 $       El = El + 1
95 $       Goto Loop2
96 $EndL:
97 $ arg=arg+1
98 $ If arg .Le. 8 Then Goto Loop
99 $ Goto Exit
100 $
101 $Makeit:
102 $ Set Verify
103 $ 'P2
104 $ VV='F$Verify(0)
105 $Exit:
106 $ If V Then Set Verify