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26 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
27 <a name="boost_test.tests_organization"></a><a class="link" href="tests_organization.html" title="Declaring and organizing tests">Declaring and organizing
28     tests</a>
29 </h2></div></div></div>
30 <div class="toc"><dl class="toc">
31 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/test_cases.html">Test cases</a></span></dt>
32 <dd><dl>
33 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/test_cases/test_organization_nullary.html">Test
34         cases without parameters</a></span></dt>
35 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/test_cases/test_case_generation.html">Data-driven
36         test cases</a></span></dt>
37 <dd><dl>
38 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/test_cases/test_case_generation/datasets.html">Datasets</a></span></dt>
39 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/test_cases/test_case_generation/datasets_auto_registration.html">Declaring
40           and registering test cases with datasets</a></span></dt>
41 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/test_cases/test_case_generation/operations.html">Operations
42           on dataset</a></span></dt>
43 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/test_cases/test_case_generation/generators.html">Datasets
44           generators</a></span></dt>
45 </dl></dd>
46 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/test_cases/test_organization_templates.html">Template
47         test cases</a></span></dt>
48 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/test_cases/param_test.html">Parametrized
49         test cases</a></span></dt>
50 </dl></dd>
51 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/test_tree.html">Test tree</a></span></dt>
52 <dd><dl>
53 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/test_tree/test_suite.html">Test
54         suite</a></span></dt>
55 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/test_tree/master_test_suite.html">Master
56         test suite</a></span></dt>
57 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/test_tree/test_naming.html">Tests
58         naming</a></span></dt>
59 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/test_tree/test_tree_content.html">Test
60         tree content</a></span></dt>
61 </dl></dd>
62 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/decorators.html">Decorators</a></span></dt>
63 <dd><dl>
64 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/decorators/suite_level_decorators.html">Suite-level
65         decorators</a></span></dt>
66 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/decorators/explicit_decorator_declaration.html">Explicit
67         decorator declaration</a></span></dt>
68 </dl></dd>
69 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/fixtures.html">Fixtures</a></span></dt>
70 <dd><dl>
71 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/fixtures/models.html">Fixture
72         models</a></span></dt>
73 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/fixtures/case.html">Test case
74         fixture</a></span></dt>
75 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/fixtures/per_test_suite_fixture.html">Test
76         suite entry/exit fixture</a></span></dt>
77 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/fixtures/global.html">Global
78         fixture</a></span></dt>
79 </dl></dd>
80 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/tests_dependencies.html">Managing
81       test dependencies</a></span></dt>
82 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/tests_grouping.html">Grouping
83       tests into logical units by labels</a></span></dt>
84 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/enabling.html">Enabling or disabling
85       test unit execution</a></span></dt>
86 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/semantic.html">Adding semantic
87       to a test</a></span></dt>
88 <dt><span class="section"><a href="tests_organization/summary_of_the_api_for_declaring.html">Summary
89       of the API for declaring and organizing tests</a></span></dt>
90 </dl></div>
91 <p>
92       If you look at many legacy test modules, big chance is that it's implemented
93       as one big test function that consists of a mixture of check and output statements.
94       Is there anything wrong with it? Yes. There are various disadvantages in single
95       test function approach:
96     </p>
97 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
98 <li class="listitem">
99           One big function tends to become really difficult to manage if the number
100           of checks exceeds a reasonable limit (true for any large function). What
101           is tested and where - who knows?
102         </li>
103 <li class="listitem">
104           Many checks require similar preparations. This results in code repetitions
105           within the test function.
106         </li>
107 <li class="listitem">
108           If a fatal error or an exception is caused by any checks within the test
109           function the rest of tests are skipped and there is no way to prevent this.
110         </li>
111 <li class="listitem">
112           No way to perform only checks for a particular subsystem of the tested
113           unit.
114         </li>
115 <li class="listitem">
116           No summary of how different subsystems of the tested unit performed under
117           in the test.
118         </li>
119 </ul></div>
120 <p>
121       The above points should make it clear that it's preferable to split a <a class="link" href="section_glossary.html#ref_test_module">test module</a> into smaller <span class="bold"><strong>units</strong></span>.
122       These units are the <span class="bold"><strong>test cases</strong></span>, the <span class="bold"><strong>test suites</strong></span> and the <span class="bold"><strong>fixtures</strong></span>.
123     </p>
124 <div class="variablelist">
125 <p class="title"><b>Subjects covered by this section</b></p>
126 <dl class="variablelist">
127 <dt><span class="term">Declaration</span></dt>
128 <dd><p>
129             The <span class="emphasis"><em>Unit Test Framework</em></span> supports several methods
130             for declaring a <a class="link" href="tests_organization/test_cases.html" title="Test cases">test
131             case</a>. Test cases can be implemented using free function like syntax
132             or based on actual free function, function object, that can be defined
133             with or without parameters/data, or as template functions to be run against
134             various types.
135           </p></dd>
136 <dt><span class="term">Organization</span></dt>
137 <dd><p>
138             The <span class="emphasis"><em>Unit Test Framework</em></span> provides facilities to group
139             several test cases into <a class="link" href="tests_organization/test_tree/test_suite.html" title="Test suite">test
140             suites</a>. The test suites can be nested, and the set of test suites
141             and test cases defines the <a class="link" href="tests_organization/test_tree.html" title="Test tree">test
142             tree</a>, where the leaves are the test cases. Besides hierarchical
143             structure the <span class="emphasis"><em>Unit Test Framework</em></span> allows you to
144             organize the test tree using <a class="link" href="tests_organization/tests_grouping.html" title="Grouping tests into logical units by labels">logical
145             grouping</a> and <a class="link" href="tests_organization/tests_dependencies.html" title="Managing test dependencies">dependencies</a>
146             and provides you with controls to utilize the defined test tree organization
147             the way you want (eg. from command line).
148           </p></dd>
149 <dt><span class="term">Attributes</span></dt>
150 <dd><p>
151             It is possible to specify test unit <span class="emphasis"><em>attributes</em></span> by
152             using <a class="link" href="tests_organization/decorators.html" title="Decorators">decorators</a>.
153             Attributes are used for a fine grained control over various aspects of
154             test module execution, such as <span class="emphasis"><em>logical grouping</em></span>,
155             <span class="emphasis"><em>dependencies</em></span>, <span class="emphasis"><em>expected failures</em></span>,
156             etc.
157           </p></dd>
158 <dt><span class="term">Setup/teardown test unit actions</span></dt>
159 <dd><p>
160             When several tests shares the same set-up (environment, test data preparation,
161             etc.), the preparation and cleanup code may be factorized in <a class="link" href="tests_organization/fixtures.html" title="Fixtures">fixtures</a>.
162             In the <span class="emphasis"><em>Unit Test Framework</em></span>, fixtures can be associated
163             to test cases, test suites or globally to the test module.
164           </p></dd>
165 </dl>
166 </div>
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172         Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
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174       </p>
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