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28       Wisdom</a>
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30 <p>
31         If you can't find answer to the question you have on these pages, it is quite
32         possible someone already faced an issue similar to yours and posted about
33         this online. This page gathers a few of the additional materials you may
34         review.
35       </p>
36 <div class="note"><table border="0" summary="Note">
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38 <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Note]" src="../../../../../../doc/src/images/note.png"></td>
39 <th align="left">Note</th>
40 </tr>
41 <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
42           The following material is provided "as is". The views, implementation
43           or methods expressed are their respective authors and do not necessarily
44           represent positions of the Boost.Test contributors, and might be outdated.
45         </p></td></tr>
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47 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
48 <li class="listitem">
49             <a href="" target="_top">Stack overflow
50             Boost.Test related questions</a>
51           </li>
52 <li class="listitem">
53             <a href=";S_CMP=HP" target="_top">Get
54             to know the Boost unit test framework (from IBM)</a>
55           </li>
56 <li class="listitem">
57             <a href="" target="_top">C++
58             Unit Testing With Boost.Test</a>
59           </li>
60 <li class="listitem">
61             <a href="" target="_top">C++
62             Unit Testing Framework: A Boost Test Tutorial</a>
63           </li>
64 <li class="listitem">
65             <a href="" target="_top">Introduction
66             to Test-Driven Development in C++ using Boost Test Library</a>
67           </li>
68 <li class="listitem">
69             C++ Unit Tests With Boost.Test: <a href="" target="_top">part
70             1</a>, <a href="" target="_top">part
71             2</a>, <a href="" target="_top">part
72             3</a>, <a href="" target="_top">part
73             4</a>, <a href="" target="_top">part
74             5</a>
75           </li>
76 <li class="listitem">
77             <a href="" target="_top">Test-driven
78             development and unit testing with examples in C++</a>
79           </li>
80 <li class="listitem">
81             <a href="" target="_top">How
82             to use Boost Test for automated testing</a>
83           </li>
84 <li class="listitem">
85             <a href="" target="_top">Unit
86             tests with Boost.Test</a>
87           </li>
88 <li class="listitem">
89             <a href="" target="_top">Boost:
90             How do I write a unit test for a signal?</a>
91           </li>
92 <li class="listitem">
93             <a href="" target="_top">Testing
94             Using the Boost Unit Test Framework</a>
95           </li>
96 <li class="listitem">
97             <a href="" target="_top">Introduction
98             to unit testing</a>
99           </li>
100 <li class="listitem">
101             <a href="" target="_top">Using
102             Boost.Test with Boost.Build</a>
103           </li>
104 <li class="listitem">
105             <a href="" target="_top">Boost.Test
106             XML Reports with Boost.Build</a>
107           </li>
108 <li class="listitem">
109             <a href="" target="_top">Boost Unit Testing
110             with C++BuilderX</a>
111           </li>
112 <li class="listitem">
113             <a href="" target="_top">Including
114             Boost.Test in Your C++ Project</a>
115           </li>
116 <li class="listitem">
117             <a href="" target="_top">Using Boost.Test
118             in Bitten</a>
119           </li>
120 <li class="listitem">
121             <a href="" target="_top">Automate acceptance/unit
122             testing C++ in Xcode (using Boost.Test)</a>
123           </li>
124 <li class="listitem">
125             <a href="" target="_top">Automation
126             of running Boost.Test with Visual Studio macros</a>
127           </li>
128 <li class="listitem">
129             <a href="" target="_top">Using
130             the Boost Unit Test Framework with Xcode 3</a>
131           </li>
132 <li class="listitem">
133             <a href="" target="_top">Some
134             Boost.Test notes</a>
135           </li>
136 <li class="listitem">
137             <a href="" target="_top">Boost.Test
138             tutorial (in Russian)</a>
139           </li>
140 <li class="listitem">
141             Boost Test. Setup and usage (<a href="" target="_top">Russian</a>,
142             <a href="" target="_top">English</a>)
143           </li>
144 <li class="listitem">
145             <a href="" target="_top">Using
146             the Boost Unit Test Framework</a>
147           </li>
148 <li class="listitem">
149             <a href="" target="_top">Gallio adapter
150             for Boost.Test</a>
151           </li>
152 <li class="listitem">
153             <a href="" target="_top">Russian
154             translation of small tutorial to Boost.Test</a>
155           </li>
156 <li class="listitem">
157             <a href="" target="_top">Customizing
158             the output log and report format</a>
159           </li>
160 <li class="listitem">
161             <a href="" target="_top">Boost
162             Test Adapter</a> (Boost.Test extension for Microsoft Visual Studio,
163             also available from <a href="" target="_top">here</a>).
164           </li>
165 <li class="listitem">
166             <a href="" target="_top">Microsoft
167             Boost Test Adapter</a>
168           </li>
169 </ul></div>
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173 <td align="right"><div class="copyright-footer">Copyright &#169; 2001-2019 Boost.Test
174       contributors<p>
175         Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
176         file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="" target="_top"></a>)
177       </p>
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