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27 <a name="boost_regex.ref.non_std_strings"></a><a class="link" href="non_std_strings.html" title="Interfacing With Non-Standard String Types">Interfacing With Non-Standard
28       String Types</a>
29 </h3></div></div></div>
30 <div class="toc"><dl class="toc">
31 <dt><span class="section"><a href="non_std_strings/icu.html">Working With Unicode
32         and ICU String Types</a></span></dt>
33 <dd><dl>
34 <dt><span class="section"><a href="non_std_strings/icu/intro.html">Introduction
35           to using Regex with ICU</a></span></dt>
36 <dt><span class="section"><a href="non_std_strings/icu/unicode_types.html">Unicode
37           regular expression types</a></span></dt>
38 <dt><span class="section"><a href="non_std_strings/icu/unicode_algo.html">Unicode
39           Regular Expression Algorithms</a></span></dt>
40 <dt><span class="section"><a href="non_std_strings/icu/unicode_iter.html">Unicode
41           Aware Regex Iterators</a></span></dt>
42 </dl></dd>
43 <dt><span class="section"><a href="non_std_strings/mfc_strings.html">Using
44         Boost Regex With MFC Strings</a></span></dt>
45 <dd><dl>
46 <dt><span class="section"><a href="non_std_strings/mfc_strings/mfc_intro.html">Introduction
47           to Boost.Regex and MFC Strings</a></span></dt>
48 <dt><span class="section"><a href="non_std_strings/mfc_strings/mfc_regex_types.html">Regex
49           Types Used With MFC Strings</a></span></dt>
50 <dt><span class="section"><a href="non_std_strings/mfc_strings/mfc_regex_create.html">Regular
51           Expression Creation From an MFC String</a></span></dt>
52 <dt><span class="section"><a href="non_std_strings/mfc_strings/mfc_algo.html">Overloaded
53           Algorithms For MFC String Types</a></span></dt>
54 <dt><span class="section"><a href="non_std_strings/mfc_strings/mfc_iter.html">Iterating
55           Over the Matches Within An MFC String</a></span></dt>
56 </dl></dd>
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58 <p>
59         The Boost.Regex algorithms and iterators are all iterator-based, with convenience
60         overloads of the algorithms provided that convert standard library string
61         types to iterator pairs internally. If you want to search a non-standard
62         string type then the trick is to convert that string into an iterator pair:
63         so far I haven't come across any string types that can't be handled this
64         way, even if they're not officially iterator based. Certainly any string
65         type that provides access to it's internal buffer, along with it's length,
66         can be converted into a pair of pointers (which can be used as iterators).
67       </p>
68 <p>
69         Some non-standard string types are sufficiently common that wrappers have
70         been provided for them already: currently this includes the ICU and MFC string
71         class types.
72       </p>
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77         Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
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