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26 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
27 <a name="beast.ref.boost__beast__role_type"></a><a class="link" href="boost__beast__role_type.html" title="role_type">role_type</a>
28 </h4></div></div></div>
29 <p>
30         <a class="indexterm" name="idm45873485519440"></a>
31 The role of local or remote peer.
32       </p>
33 <h5>
34 <a name="beast.ref.boost__beast__role_type.h0"></a>
35         <span class="phrase"><a name="beast.ref.boost__beast__role_type.synopsis"></a></span><a class="link" href="boost__beast__role_type.html#beast.ref.boost__beast__role_type.synopsis">Synopsis</a>
36       </h5>
37 <p>
38         Defined in header <code class="literal">&lt;<a href="../../../../../../boost/beast/core/role.hpp" target="_top">boost/beast/core/role.hpp</a>&gt;</code>
39       </p>
40 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="keyword">enum</span> <span class="identifier">role_type</span>
41 </pre>
42 <p>
43         <a class="indexterm" name="idm45873485511472"></a>
44  <a class="indexterm" name="idm45873485510368"></a>
46       </p>
47 <h5>
48 <a name="beast.ref.boost__beast__role_type.h1"></a>
49         <span class="phrase"><a name="beast.ref.boost__beast__role_type.values"></a></span><a class="link" href="boost__beast__role_type.html#beast.ref.boost__beast__role_type.values">Values</a>
50       </h5>
51 <div class="informaltable"><table class="table">
52 <colgroup>
53 <col>
54 <col>
55 </colgroup>
56 <thead><tr>
57 <th>
58                 <p>
59                   Name
60                 </p>
61               </th>
62 <th>
63                 <p>
64                   Description
65                 </p>
66               </th>
67 </tr></thead>
68 <tbody>
69 <tr>
70 <td>
71                 <p>
72                   <code class="literal">client</code>
73                 </p>
74               </td>
75 <td>
76                 <p>
77                   The stream is operating as a client.
78                 </p>
79               </td>
80 </tr>
81 <tr>
82 <td>
83                 <p>
84                   <code class="literal">server</code>
85                 </p>
86               </td>
87 <td>
88                 <p>
89                   The stream is operating as a server.
90                 </p>
91               </td>
92 </tr>
93 </tbody>
94 </table></div>
95 <h5>
96 <a name="beast.ref.boost__beast__role_type.h2"></a>
97         <span class="phrase"><a name="beast.ref.boost__beast__role_type.description"></a></span><a class="link" href="boost__beast__role_type.html#beast.ref.boost__beast__role_type.description">Description</a>
98       </h5>
99 <p>
100         Whether the endpoint is a client or server affects the behavior of teardown.
101         The teardown behavior also depends on the type of the stream being torn down.
102         The default implementation of teardown for regular TCP/IP sockets is as follows:
103       </p>
104 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
105 <li class="listitem">
106             In the client role, a TCP/IP shutdown is sent after reading all remaining
107             data on the connection.
108           </li>
109 <li class="listitem">
110             In the server role, a TCP/IP shutdown is sent before reading all remaining
111             data on the connection.
112           </li>
113 </ul></div>
114 <p>
115         When the next layer type is a <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">net</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">ssl</span><span class="special">::</span><span class="identifier">stream</span></code>, the connection is closed by performing
116         the SSL closing handshake corresponding to the role type, client or server.
117       </p>
118 <p>
119         Convenience header <code class="literal">&lt;<a href="../../../../../../boost/beast/core.hpp" target="_top">boost/beast/core.hpp</a>&gt;</code>
120       </p>
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125       Falco<p>
126         Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
127         file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="" target="_top"></a>)
128       </p>
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