[IOT-1089] Change Android build system to accomodate both Android and Generic Java...
[contrib/iotivity.git] / java / examples-android / provisioningclient / build.gradle
1 apply plugin: 'com.android.application'\r
2 \r
3 android {\r
4     compileSdkVersion 21\r
5     buildToolsVersion "20.0.0"\r
6 \r
7     defaultConfig {\r
8         applicationId "org.iotivity.base.examples.provisioningclient"\r
9         minSdkVersion 21\r
10         targetSdkVersion 21\r
11         versionCode 1\r
12         versionName "1.0"\r
13     }\r
14     buildTypes {\r
15         release {\r
16             minifyEnabled false\r
17             proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'\r
18         }\r
19     }\r
20     lintOptions {\r
21         abortOnError false\r
22     }\r
23 }\r
24 repositories {\r
25     flatDir {\r
26         dirs "../../iotivity-android/build/outputs/aar/"\r
27     }\r
28 }\r
29 \r
30 try {\r
31     dependencies {\r
32         compile ":iotivity-base-${TARGET_ARCH}-${RELEASE}@aar"\r
33     }\r
34 } catch (all) {\r
35     print "${ERROR_MSG}"\r
36     assert all\r
37 }\r
38 \r