[platform/upstream/SPIRV-Headers.git] / include / spirv / unified1 / spirv.lua
1 -- Copyright (c) 2014-2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
2 -- 
3 -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
4 -- of this software and/or associated documentation files (the "Materials"),
5 -- to deal in the Materials without restriction, including without limitation
6 -- the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
7 -- and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to permit persons to whom the
8 -- Materials are furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
9 -- 
10 -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
11 -- all copies or substantial portions of the Materials.
12 -- 
16 -- 
25 -- This header is automatically generated by the same tool that creates
26 -- the Binary Section of the SPIR-V specification.
28 -- Enumeration tokens for SPIR-V, in various styles:
29 --   C, C++, C++11, JSON, Lua, Python, C#, D
30 -- 
31 -- - C will have tokens with a "Spv" prefix, e.g.: SpvSourceLanguageGLSL
32 -- - C++ will have tokens in the "spv" name space, e.g.: spv::SourceLanguageGLSL
33 -- - C++11 will use enum classes in the spv namespace, e.g.: spv::SourceLanguage::GLSL
34 -- - Lua will use tables, e.g.: spv.SourceLanguage.GLSL
35 -- - Python will use dictionaries, e.g.: spv['SourceLanguage']['GLSL']
36 -- - C# will use enum classes in the Specification class located in the "Spv" namespace,
37 --     e.g.: Spv.Specification.SourceLanguage.GLSL
38 -- - D will have tokens under the "spv" module, e.g: spv.SourceLanguage.GLSL
39 -- 
40 -- Some tokens act like mask values, which can be OR'd together,
41 -- while others are mutually exclusive.  The mask-like ones have
42 -- "Mask" in their name, and a parallel enum that has the shift
43 -- amount (1 << x) for each corresponding enumerant.
45 spv = {
46     MagicNumber = 0x07230203,
47     Version = 0x00010500,
48     Revision = 4,
49     OpCodeMask = 0xffff,
50     WordCountShift = 16,
52     SourceLanguage = {
53         Unknown = 0,
54         ESSL = 1,
55         GLSL = 2,
56         OpenCL_C = 3,
57         OpenCL_CPP = 4,
58         HLSL = 5,
59         CPP_for_OpenCL = 6,
60     },
62     ExecutionModel = {
63         Vertex = 0,
64         TessellationControl = 1,
65         TessellationEvaluation = 2,
66         Geometry = 3,
67         Fragment = 4,
68         GLCompute = 5,
69         Kernel = 6,
70         TaskNV = 5267,
71         MeshNV = 5268,
72         RayGenerationKHR = 5313,
73         RayGenerationNV = 5313,
74         IntersectionKHR = 5314,
75         IntersectionNV = 5314,
76         AnyHitKHR = 5315,
77         AnyHitNV = 5315,
78         ClosestHitKHR = 5316,
79         ClosestHitNV = 5316,
80         MissKHR = 5317,
81         MissNV = 5317,
82         CallableKHR = 5318,
83         CallableNV = 5318,
84     },
86     AddressingModel = {
87         Logical = 0,
88         Physical32 = 1,
89         Physical64 = 2,
90         PhysicalStorageBuffer64 = 5348,
91         PhysicalStorageBuffer64EXT = 5348,
92     },
94     MemoryModel = {
95         Simple = 0,
96         GLSL450 = 1,
97         OpenCL = 2,
98         Vulkan = 3,
99         VulkanKHR = 3,
100     },
102     ExecutionMode = {
103         Invocations = 0,
104         SpacingEqual = 1,
105         SpacingFractionalEven = 2,
106         SpacingFractionalOdd = 3,
107         VertexOrderCw = 4,
108         VertexOrderCcw = 5,
109         PixelCenterInteger = 6,
110         OriginUpperLeft = 7,
111         OriginLowerLeft = 8,
112         EarlyFragmentTests = 9,
113         PointMode = 10,
114         Xfb = 11,
115         DepthReplacing = 12,
116         DepthGreater = 14,
117         DepthLess = 15,
118         DepthUnchanged = 16,
119         LocalSize = 17,
120         LocalSizeHint = 18,
121         InputPoints = 19,
122         InputLines = 20,
123         InputLinesAdjacency = 21,
124         Triangles = 22,
125         InputTrianglesAdjacency = 23,
126         Quads = 24,
127         Isolines = 25,
128         OutputVertices = 26,
129         OutputPoints = 27,
130         OutputLineStrip = 28,
131         OutputTriangleStrip = 29,
132         VecTypeHint = 30,
133         ContractionOff = 31,
134         Initializer = 33,
135         Finalizer = 34,
136         SubgroupSize = 35,
137         SubgroupsPerWorkgroup = 36,
138         SubgroupsPerWorkgroupId = 37,
139         LocalSizeId = 38,
140         LocalSizeHintId = 39,
141         SubgroupUniformControlFlowKHR = 4421,
142         PostDepthCoverage = 4446,
143         DenormPreserve = 4459,
144         DenormFlushToZero = 4460,
145         SignedZeroInfNanPreserve = 4461,
146         RoundingModeRTE = 4462,
147         RoundingModeRTZ = 4463,
148         StencilRefReplacingEXT = 5027,
149         OutputLinesNV = 5269,
150         OutputPrimitivesNV = 5270,
151         DerivativeGroupQuadsNV = 5289,
152         DerivativeGroupLinearNV = 5290,
153         OutputTrianglesNV = 5298,
154         PixelInterlockOrderedEXT = 5366,
155         PixelInterlockUnorderedEXT = 5367,
156         SampleInterlockOrderedEXT = 5368,
157         SampleInterlockUnorderedEXT = 5369,
158         ShadingRateInterlockOrderedEXT = 5370,
159         ShadingRateInterlockUnorderedEXT = 5371,
160         SharedLocalMemorySizeINTEL = 5618,
161         RoundingModeRTPINTEL = 5620,
162         RoundingModeRTNINTEL = 5621,
163         FloatingPointModeALTINTEL = 5622,
164         FloatingPointModeIEEEINTEL = 5623,
165         MaxWorkgroupSizeINTEL = 5893,
166         MaxWorkDimINTEL = 5894,
167         NoGlobalOffsetINTEL = 5895,
168         NumSIMDWorkitemsINTEL = 5896,
169         SchedulerTargetFmaxMhzINTEL = 5903,
170     },
172     StorageClass = {
173         UniformConstant = 0,
174         Input = 1,
175         Uniform = 2,
176         Output = 3,
177         Workgroup = 4,
178         CrossWorkgroup = 5,
179         Private = 6,
180         Function = 7,
181         Generic = 8,
182         PushConstant = 9,
183         AtomicCounter = 10,
184         Image = 11,
185         StorageBuffer = 12,
186         CallableDataKHR = 5328,
187         CallableDataNV = 5328,
188         IncomingCallableDataKHR = 5329,
189         IncomingCallableDataNV = 5329,
190         RayPayloadKHR = 5338,
191         RayPayloadNV = 5338,
192         HitAttributeKHR = 5339,
193         HitAttributeNV = 5339,
194         IncomingRayPayloadKHR = 5342,
195         IncomingRayPayloadNV = 5342,
196         ShaderRecordBufferKHR = 5343,
197         ShaderRecordBufferNV = 5343,
198         PhysicalStorageBuffer = 5349,
199         PhysicalStorageBufferEXT = 5349,
200         CodeSectionINTEL = 5605,
201         DeviceOnlyINTEL = 5936,
202         HostOnlyINTEL = 5937,
203     },
205     Dim = {
206         Dim1D = 0,
207         Dim2D = 1,
208         Dim3D = 2,
209         Cube = 3,
210         Rect = 4,
211         Buffer = 5,
212         SubpassData = 6,
213     },
215     SamplerAddressingMode = {
216         None = 0,
217         ClampToEdge = 1,
218         Clamp = 2,
219         Repeat = 3,
220         RepeatMirrored = 4,
221     },
223     SamplerFilterMode = {
224         Nearest = 0,
225         Linear = 1,
226     },
228     ImageFormat = {
229         Unknown = 0,
230         Rgba32f = 1,
231         Rgba16f = 2,
232         R32f = 3,
233         Rgba8 = 4,
234         Rgba8Snorm = 5,
235         Rg32f = 6,
236         Rg16f = 7,
237         R11fG11fB10f = 8,
238         R16f = 9,
239         Rgba16 = 10,
240         Rgb10A2 = 11,
241         Rg16 = 12,
242         Rg8 = 13,
243         R16 = 14,
244         R8 = 15,
245         Rgba16Snorm = 16,
246         Rg16Snorm = 17,
247         Rg8Snorm = 18,
248         R16Snorm = 19,
249         R8Snorm = 20,
250         Rgba32i = 21,
251         Rgba16i = 22,
252         Rgba8i = 23,
253         R32i = 24,
254         Rg32i = 25,
255         Rg16i = 26,
256         Rg8i = 27,
257         R16i = 28,
258         R8i = 29,
259         Rgba32ui = 30,
260         Rgba16ui = 31,
261         Rgba8ui = 32,
262         R32ui = 33,
263         Rgb10a2ui = 34,
264         Rg32ui = 35,
265         Rg16ui = 36,
266         Rg8ui = 37,
267         R16ui = 38,
268         R8ui = 39,
269         R64ui = 40,
270         R64i = 41,
271     },
273     ImageChannelOrder = {
274         R = 0,
275         A = 1,
276         RG = 2,
277         RA = 3,
278         RGB = 4,
279         RGBA = 5,
280         BGRA = 6,
281         ARGB = 7,
282         Intensity = 8,
283         Luminance = 9,
284         Rx = 10,
285         RGx = 11,
286         RGBx = 12,
287         Depth = 13,
288         DepthStencil = 14,
289         sRGB = 15,
290         sRGBx = 16,
291         sRGBA = 17,
292         sBGRA = 18,
293         ABGR = 19,
294     },
296     ImageChannelDataType = {
297         SnormInt8 = 0,
298         SnormInt16 = 1,
299         UnormInt8 = 2,
300         UnormInt16 = 3,
301         UnormShort565 = 4,
302         UnormShort555 = 5,
303         UnormInt101010 = 6,
304         SignedInt8 = 7,
305         SignedInt16 = 8,
306         SignedInt32 = 9,
307         UnsignedInt8 = 10,
308         UnsignedInt16 = 11,
309         UnsignedInt32 = 12,
310         HalfFloat = 13,
311         Float = 14,
312         UnormInt24 = 15,
313         UnormInt101010_2 = 16,
314     },
316     ImageOperandsShift = {
317         Bias = 0,
318         Lod = 1,
319         Grad = 2,
320         ConstOffset = 3,
321         Offset = 4,
322         ConstOffsets = 5,
323         Sample = 6,
324         MinLod = 7,
325         MakeTexelAvailable = 8,
326         MakeTexelAvailableKHR = 8,
327         MakeTexelVisible = 9,
328         MakeTexelVisibleKHR = 9,
329         NonPrivateTexel = 10,
330         NonPrivateTexelKHR = 10,
331         VolatileTexel = 11,
332         VolatileTexelKHR = 11,
333         SignExtend = 12,
334         ZeroExtend = 13,
335     },
337     ImageOperandsMask = {
338         MaskNone = 0,
339         Bias = 0x00000001,
340         Lod = 0x00000002,
341         Grad = 0x00000004,
342         ConstOffset = 0x00000008,
343         Offset = 0x00000010,
344         ConstOffsets = 0x00000020,
345         Sample = 0x00000040,
346         MinLod = 0x00000080,
347         MakeTexelAvailable = 0x00000100,
348         MakeTexelAvailableKHR = 0x00000100,
349         MakeTexelVisible = 0x00000200,
350         MakeTexelVisibleKHR = 0x00000200,
351         NonPrivateTexel = 0x00000400,
352         NonPrivateTexelKHR = 0x00000400,
353         VolatileTexel = 0x00000800,
354         VolatileTexelKHR = 0x00000800,
355         SignExtend = 0x00001000,
356         ZeroExtend = 0x00002000,
357     },
359     FPFastMathModeShift = {
360         NotNaN = 0,
361         NotInf = 1,
362         NSZ = 2,
363         AllowRecip = 3,
364         Fast = 4,
365         AllowContractFastINTEL = 16,
366         AllowReassocINTEL = 17,
367     },
369     FPFastMathModeMask = {
370         MaskNone = 0,
371         NotNaN = 0x00000001,
372         NotInf = 0x00000002,
373         NSZ = 0x00000004,
374         AllowRecip = 0x00000008,
375         Fast = 0x00000010,
376         AllowContractFastINTEL = 0x00010000,
377         AllowReassocINTEL = 0x00020000,
378     },
380     FPRoundingMode = {
381         RTE = 0,
382         RTZ = 1,
383         RTP = 2,
384         RTN = 3,
385     },
387     LinkageType = {
388         Export = 0,
389         Import = 1,
390         LinkOnceODR = 2,
391     },
393     AccessQualifier = {
394         ReadOnly = 0,
395         WriteOnly = 1,
396         ReadWrite = 2,
397     },
399     FunctionParameterAttribute = {
400         Zext = 0,
401         Sext = 1,
402         ByVal = 2,
403         Sret = 3,
404         NoAlias = 4,
405         NoCapture = 5,
406         NoWrite = 6,
407         NoReadWrite = 7,
408     },
410     Decoration = {
411         RelaxedPrecision = 0,
412         SpecId = 1,
413         Block = 2,
414         BufferBlock = 3,
415         RowMajor = 4,
416         ColMajor = 5,
417         ArrayStride = 6,
418         MatrixStride = 7,
419         GLSLShared = 8,
420         GLSLPacked = 9,
421         CPacked = 10,
422         BuiltIn = 11,
423         NoPerspective = 13,
424         Flat = 14,
425         Patch = 15,
426         Centroid = 16,
427         Sample = 17,
428         Invariant = 18,
429         Restrict = 19,
430         Aliased = 20,
431         Volatile = 21,
432         Constant = 22,
433         Coherent = 23,
434         NonWritable = 24,
435         NonReadable = 25,
436         Uniform = 26,
437         UniformId = 27,
438         SaturatedConversion = 28,
439         Stream = 29,
440         Location = 30,
441         Component = 31,
442         Index = 32,
443         Binding = 33,
444         DescriptorSet = 34,
445         Offset = 35,
446         XfbBuffer = 36,
447         XfbStride = 37,
448         FuncParamAttr = 38,
449         FPRoundingMode = 39,
450         FPFastMathMode = 40,
451         LinkageAttributes = 41,
452         NoContraction = 42,
453         InputAttachmentIndex = 43,
454         Alignment = 44,
455         MaxByteOffset = 45,
456         AlignmentId = 46,
457         MaxByteOffsetId = 47,
458         NoSignedWrap = 4469,
459         NoUnsignedWrap = 4470,
460         ExplicitInterpAMD = 4999,
461         OverrideCoverageNV = 5248,
462         PassthroughNV = 5250,
463         ViewportRelativeNV = 5252,
464         SecondaryViewportRelativeNV = 5256,
465         PerPrimitiveNV = 5271,
466         PerViewNV = 5272,
467         PerTaskNV = 5273,
468         PerVertexNV = 5285,
469         NonUniform = 5300,
470         NonUniformEXT = 5300,
471         RestrictPointer = 5355,
472         RestrictPointerEXT = 5355,
473         AliasedPointer = 5356,
474         AliasedPointerEXT = 5356,
475         SIMTCallINTEL = 5599,
476         ReferencedIndirectlyINTEL = 5602,
477         ClobberINTEL = 5607,
478         SideEffectsINTEL = 5608,
479         VectorComputeVariableINTEL = 5624,
480         FuncParamIOKindINTEL = 5625,
481         VectorComputeFunctionINTEL = 5626,
482         StackCallINTEL = 5627,
483         GlobalVariableOffsetINTEL = 5628,
484         CounterBuffer = 5634,
485         HlslCounterBufferGOOGLE = 5634,
486         HlslSemanticGOOGLE = 5635,
487         UserSemantic = 5635,
488         UserTypeGOOGLE = 5636,
489         FunctionRoundingModeINTEL = 5822,
490         FunctionDenormModeINTEL = 5823,
491         RegisterINTEL = 5825,
492         MemoryINTEL = 5826,
493         NumbanksINTEL = 5827,
494         BankwidthINTEL = 5828,
495         MaxPrivateCopiesINTEL = 5829,
496         SinglepumpINTEL = 5830,
497         DoublepumpINTEL = 5831,
498         MaxReplicatesINTEL = 5832,
499         SimpleDualPortINTEL = 5833,
500         MergeINTEL = 5834,
501         BankBitsINTEL = 5835,
502         ForcePow2DepthINTEL = 5836,
503         BurstCoalesceINTEL = 5899,
504         CacheSizeINTEL = 5900,
505         DontStaticallyCoalesceINTEL = 5901,
506         PrefetchINTEL = 5902,
507         StallEnableINTEL = 5905,
508         FuseLoopsInFunctionINTEL = 5907,
509         BufferLocationINTEL = 5921,
510         IOPipeStorageINTEL = 5944,
511         FunctionFloatingPointModeINTEL = 6080,
512         SingleElementVectorINTEL = 6085,
513         VectorComputeCallableFunctionINTEL = 6087,
514     },
516     BuiltIn = {
517         Position = 0,
518         PointSize = 1,
519         ClipDistance = 3,
520         CullDistance = 4,
521         VertexId = 5,
522         InstanceId = 6,
523         PrimitiveId = 7,
524         InvocationId = 8,
525         Layer = 9,
526         ViewportIndex = 10,
527         TessLevelOuter = 11,
528         TessLevelInner = 12,
529         TessCoord = 13,
530         PatchVertices = 14,
531         FragCoord = 15,
532         PointCoord = 16,
533         FrontFacing = 17,
534         SampleId = 18,
535         SamplePosition = 19,
536         SampleMask = 20,
537         FragDepth = 22,
538         HelperInvocation = 23,
539         NumWorkgroups = 24,
540         WorkgroupSize = 25,
541         WorkgroupId = 26,
542         LocalInvocationId = 27,
543         GlobalInvocationId = 28,
544         LocalInvocationIndex = 29,
545         WorkDim = 30,
546         GlobalSize = 31,
547         EnqueuedWorkgroupSize = 32,
548         GlobalOffset = 33,
549         GlobalLinearId = 34,
550         SubgroupSize = 36,
551         SubgroupMaxSize = 37,
552         NumSubgroups = 38,
553         NumEnqueuedSubgroups = 39,
554         SubgroupId = 40,
555         SubgroupLocalInvocationId = 41,
556         VertexIndex = 42,
557         InstanceIndex = 43,
558         SubgroupEqMask = 4416,
559         SubgroupEqMaskKHR = 4416,
560         SubgroupGeMask = 4417,
561         SubgroupGeMaskKHR = 4417,
562         SubgroupGtMask = 4418,
563         SubgroupGtMaskKHR = 4418,
564         SubgroupLeMask = 4419,
565         SubgroupLeMaskKHR = 4419,
566         SubgroupLtMask = 4420,
567         SubgroupLtMaskKHR = 4420,
568         BaseVertex = 4424,
569         BaseInstance = 4425,
570         DrawIndex = 4426,
571         PrimitiveShadingRateKHR = 4432,
572         DeviceIndex = 4438,
573         ViewIndex = 4440,
574         ShadingRateKHR = 4444,
575         BaryCoordNoPerspAMD = 4992,
576         BaryCoordNoPerspCentroidAMD = 4993,
577         BaryCoordNoPerspSampleAMD = 4994,
578         BaryCoordSmoothAMD = 4995,
579         BaryCoordSmoothCentroidAMD = 4996,
580         BaryCoordSmoothSampleAMD = 4997,
581         BaryCoordPullModelAMD = 4998,
582         FragStencilRefEXT = 5014,
583         ViewportMaskNV = 5253,
584         SecondaryPositionNV = 5257,
585         SecondaryViewportMaskNV = 5258,
586         PositionPerViewNV = 5261,
587         ViewportMaskPerViewNV = 5262,
588         FullyCoveredEXT = 5264,
589         TaskCountNV = 5274,
590         PrimitiveCountNV = 5275,
591         PrimitiveIndicesNV = 5276,
592         ClipDistancePerViewNV = 5277,
593         CullDistancePerViewNV = 5278,
594         LayerPerViewNV = 5279,
595         MeshViewCountNV = 5280,
596         MeshViewIndicesNV = 5281,
597         BaryCoordNV = 5286,
598         BaryCoordNoPerspNV = 5287,
599         FragSizeEXT = 5292,
600         FragmentSizeNV = 5292,
601         FragInvocationCountEXT = 5293,
602         InvocationsPerPixelNV = 5293,
603         LaunchIdKHR = 5319,
604         LaunchIdNV = 5319,
605         LaunchSizeKHR = 5320,
606         LaunchSizeNV = 5320,
607         WorldRayOriginKHR = 5321,
608         WorldRayOriginNV = 5321,
609         WorldRayDirectionKHR = 5322,
610         WorldRayDirectionNV = 5322,
611         ObjectRayOriginKHR = 5323,
612         ObjectRayOriginNV = 5323,
613         ObjectRayDirectionKHR = 5324,
614         ObjectRayDirectionNV = 5324,
615         RayTminKHR = 5325,
616         RayTminNV = 5325,
617         RayTmaxKHR = 5326,
618         RayTmaxNV = 5326,
619         InstanceCustomIndexKHR = 5327,
620         InstanceCustomIndexNV = 5327,
621         ObjectToWorldKHR = 5330,
622         ObjectToWorldNV = 5330,
623         WorldToObjectKHR = 5331,
624         WorldToObjectNV = 5331,
625         HitTNV = 5332,
626         HitKindKHR = 5333,
627         HitKindNV = 5333,
628         IncomingRayFlagsKHR = 5351,
629         IncomingRayFlagsNV = 5351,
630         RayGeometryIndexKHR = 5352,
631         WarpsPerSMNV = 5374,
632         SMCountNV = 5375,
633         WarpIDNV = 5376,
634         SMIDNV = 5377,
635     },
637     SelectionControlShift = {
638         Flatten = 0,
639         DontFlatten = 1,
640     },
642     SelectionControlMask = {
643         MaskNone = 0,
644         Flatten = 0x00000001,
645         DontFlatten = 0x00000002,
646     },
648     LoopControlShift = {
649         Unroll = 0,
650         DontUnroll = 1,
651         DependencyInfinite = 2,
652         DependencyLength = 3,
653         MinIterations = 4,
654         MaxIterations = 5,
655         IterationMultiple = 6,
656         PeelCount = 7,
657         PartialCount = 8,
658         InitiationIntervalINTEL = 16,
659         MaxConcurrencyINTEL = 17,
660         DependencyArrayINTEL = 18,
661         PipelineEnableINTEL = 19,
662         LoopCoalesceINTEL = 20,
663         MaxInterleavingINTEL = 21,
664         SpeculatedIterationsINTEL = 22,
665         NoFusionINTEL = 23,
666     },
668     LoopControlMask = {
669         MaskNone = 0,
670         Unroll = 0x00000001,
671         DontUnroll = 0x00000002,
672         DependencyInfinite = 0x00000004,
673         DependencyLength = 0x00000008,
674         MinIterations = 0x00000010,
675         MaxIterations = 0x00000020,
676         IterationMultiple = 0x00000040,
677         PeelCount = 0x00000080,
678         PartialCount = 0x00000100,
679         InitiationIntervalINTEL = 0x00010000,
680         MaxConcurrencyINTEL = 0x00020000,
681         DependencyArrayINTEL = 0x00040000,
682         PipelineEnableINTEL = 0x00080000,
683         LoopCoalesceINTEL = 0x00100000,
684         MaxInterleavingINTEL = 0x00200000,
685         SpeculatedIterationsINTEL = 0x00400000,
686         NoFusionINTEL = 0x00800000,
687     },
689     FunctionControlShift = {
690         Inline = 0,
691         DontInline = 1,
692         Pure = 2,
693         Const = 3,
694     },
696     FunctionControlMask = {
697         MaskNone = 0,
698         Inline = 0x00000001,
699         DontInline = 0x00000002,
700         Pure = 0x00000004,
701         Const = 0x00000008,
702     },
704     MemorySemanticsShift = {
705         Acquire = 1,
706         Release = 2,
707         AcquireRelease = 3,
708         SequentiallyConsistent = 4,
709         UniformMemory = 6,
710         SubgroupMemory = 7,
711         WorkgroupMemory = 8,
712         CrossWorkgroupMemory = 9,
713         AtomicCounterMemory = 10,
714         ImageMemory = 11,
715         OutputMemory = 12,
716         OutputMemoryKHR = 12,
717         MakeAvailable = 13,
718         MakeAvailableKHR = 13,
719         MakeVisible = 14,
720         MakeVisibleKHR = 14,
721         Volatile = 15,
722     },
724     MemorySemanticsMask = {
725         MaskNone = 0,
726         Acquire = 0x00000002,
727         Release = 0x00000004,
728         AcquireRelease = 0x00000008,
729         SequentiallyConsistent = 0x00000010,
730         UniformMemory = 0x00000040,
731         SubgroupMemory = 0x00000080,
732         WorkgroupMemory = 0x00000100,
733         CrossWorkgroupMemory = 0x00000200,
734         AtomicCounterMemory = 0x00000400,
735         ImageMemory = 0x00000800,
736         OutputMemory = 0x00001000,
737         OutputMemoryKHR = 0x00001000,
738         MakeAvailable = 0x00002000,
739         MakeAvailableKHR = 0x00002000,
740         MakeVisible = 0x00004000,
741         MakeVisibleKHR = 0x00004000,
742         Volatile = 0x00008000,
743     },
745     MemoryAccessShift = {
746         Volatile = 0,
747         Aligned = 1,
748         Nontemporal = 2,
749         MakePointerAvailable = 3,
750         MakePointerAvailableKHR = 3,
751         MakePointerVisible = 4,
752         MakePointerVisibleKHR = 4,
753         NonPrivatePointer = 5,
754         NonPrivatePointerKHR = 5,
755     },
757     MemoryAccessMask = {
758         MaskNone = 0,
759         Volatile = 0x00000001,
760         Aligned = 0x00000002,
761         Nontemporal = 0x00000004,
762         MakePointerAvailable = 0x00000008,
763         MakePointerAvailableKHR = 0x00000008,
764         MakePointerVisible = 0x00000010,
765         MakePointerVisibleKHR = 0x00000010,
766         NonPrivatePointer = 0x00000020,
767         NonPrivatePointerKHR = 0x00000020,
768     },
770     Scope = {
771         CrossDevice = 0,
772         Device = 1,
773         Workgroup = 2,
774         Subgroup = 3,
775         Invocation = 4,
776         QueueFamily = 5,
777         QueueFamilyKHR = 5,
778         ShaderCallKHR = 6,
779     },
781     GroupOperation = {
782         Reduce = 0,
783         InclusiveScan = 1,
784         ExclusiveScan = 2,
785         ClusteredReduce = 3,
786         PartitionedReduceNV = 6,
787         PartitionedInclusiveScanNV = 7,
788         PartitionedExclusiveScanNV = 8,
789     },
791     KernelEnqueueFlags = {
792         NoWait = 0,
793         WaitKernel = 1,
794         WaitWorkGroup = 2,
795     },
797     KernelProfilingInfoShift = {
798         CmdExecTime = 0,
799     },
801     KernelProfilingInfoMask = {
802         MaskNone = 0,
803         CmdExecTime = 0x00000001,
804     },
806     Capability = {
807         Matrix = 0,
808         Shader = 1,
809         Geometry = 2,
810         Tessellation = 3,
811         Addresses = 4,
812         Linkage = 5,
813         Kernel = 6,
814         Vector16 = 7,
815         Float16Buffer = 8,
816         Float16 = 9,
817         Float64 = 10,
818         Int64 = 11,
819         Int64Atomics = 12,
820         ImageBasic = 13,
821         ImageReadWrite = 14,
822         ImageMipmap = 15,
823         Pipes = 17,
824         Groups = 18,
825         DeviceEnqueue = 19,
826         LiteralSampler = 20,
827         AtomicStorage = 21,
828         Int16 = 22,
829         TessellationPointSize = 23,
830         GeometryPointSize = 24,
831         ImageGatherExtended = 25,
832         StorageImageMultisample = 27,
833         UniformBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = 28,
834         SampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing = 29,
835         StorageBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = 30,
836         StorageImageArrayDynamicIndexing = 31,
837         ClipDistance = 32,
838         CullDistance = 33,
839         ImageCubeArray = 34,
840         SampleRateShading = 35,
841         ImageRect = 36,
842         SampledRect = 37,
843         GenericPointer = 38,
844         Int8 = 39,
845         InputAttachment = 40,
846         SparseResidency = 41,
847         MinLod = 42,
848         Sampled1D = 43,
849         Image1D = 44,
850         SampledCubeArray = 45,
851         SampledBuffer = 46,
852         ImageBuffer = 47,
853         ImageMSArray = 48,
854         StorageImageExtendedFormats = 49,
855         ImageQuery = 50,
856         DerivativeControl = 51,
857         InterpolationFunction = 52,
858         TransformFeedback = 53,
859         GeometryStreams = 54,
860         StorageImageReadWithoutFormat = 55,
861         StorageImageWriteWithoutFormat = 56,
862         MultiViewport = 57,
863         SubgroupDispatch = 58,
864         NamedBarrier = 59,
865         PipeStorage = 60,
866         GroupNonUniform = 61,
867         GroupNonUniformVote = 62,
868         GroupNonUniformArithmetic = 63,
869         GroupNonUniformBallot = 64,
870         GroupNonUniformShuffle = 65,
871         GroupNonUniformShuffleRelative = 66,
872         GroupNonUniformClustered = 67,
873         GroupNonUniformQuad = 68,
874         ShaderLayer = 69,
875         ShaderViewportIndex = 70,
876         FragmentShadingRateKHR = 4422,
877         SubgroupBallotKHR = 4423,
878         DrawParameters = 4427,
879         WorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutKHR = 4428,
880         WorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayout8BitAccessKHR = 4429,
881         WorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayout16BitAccessKHR = 4430,
882         SubgroupVoteKHR = 4431,
883         StorageBuffer16BitAccess = 4433,
884         StorageUniformBufferBlock16 = 4433,
885         StorageUniform16 = 4434,
886         UniformAndStorageBuffer16BitAccess = 4434,
887         StoragePushConstant16 = 4435,
888         StorageInputOutput16 = 4436,
889         DeviceGroup = 4437,
890         MultiView = 4439,
891         VariablePointersStorageBuffer = 4441,
892         VariablePointers = 4442,
893         AtomicStorageOps = 4445,
894         SampleMaskPostDepthCoverage = 4447,
895         StorageBuffer8BitAccess = 4448,
896         UniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess = 4449,
897         StoragePushConstant8 = 4450,
898         DenormPreserve = 4464,
899         DenormFlushToZero = 4465,
900         SignedZeroInfNanPreserve = 4466,
901         RoundingModeRTE = 4467,
902         RoundingModeRTZ = 4468,
903         RayQueryProvisionalKHR = 4471,
904         RayQueryKHR = 4472,
905         RayTraversalPrimitiveCullingKHR = 4478,
906         RayTracingKHR = 4479,
907         Float16ImageAMD = 5008,
908         ImageGatherBiasLodAMD = 5009,
909         FragmentMaskAMD = 5010,
910         StencilExportEXT = 5013,
911         ImageReadWriteLodAMD = 5015,
912         Int64ImageEXT = 5016,
913         ShaderClockKHR = 5055,
914         SampleMaskOverrideCoverageNV = 5249,
915         GeometryShaderPassthroughNV = 5251,
916         ShaderViewportIndexLayerEXT = 5254,
917         ShaderViewportIndexLayerNV = 5254,
918         ShaderViewportMaskNV = 5255,
919         ShaderStereoViewNV = 5259,
920         PerViewAttributesNV = 5260,
921         FragmentFullyCoveredEXT = 5265,
922         MeshShadingNV = 5266,
923         ImageFootprintNV = 5282,
924         FragmentBarycentricNV = 5284,
925         ComputeDerivativeGroupQuadsNV = 5288,
926         FragmentDensityEXT = 5291,
927         ShadingRateNV = 5291,
928         GroupNonUniformPartitionedNV = 5297,
929         ShaderNonUniform = 5301,
930         ShaderNonUniformEXT = 5301,
931         RuntimeDescriptorArray = 5302,
932         RuntimeDescriptorArrayEXT = 5302,
933         InputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing = 5303,
934         InputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexingEXT = 5303,
935         UniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = 5304,
936         UniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexingEXT = 5304,
937         StorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = 5305,
938         StorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexingEXT = 5305,
939         UniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5306,
940         UniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5306,
941         SampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5307,
942         SampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5307,
943         StorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5308,
944         StorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5308,
945         StorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5309,
946         StorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5309,
947         InputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5310,
948         InputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5310,
949         UniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5311,
950         UniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5311,
951         StorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5312,
952         StorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5312,
953         RayTracingNV = 5340,
954         VulkanMemoryModel = 5345,
955         VulkanMemoryModelKHR = 5345,
956         VulkanMemoryModelDeviceScope = 5346,
957         VulkanMemoryModelDeviceScopeKHR = 5346,
958         PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses = 5347,
959         PhysicalStorageBufferAddressesEXT = 5347,
960         ComputeDerivativeGroupLinearNV = 5350,
961         RayTracingProvisionalKHR = 5353,
962         CooperativeMatrixNV = 5357,
963         FragmentShaderSampleInterlockEXT = 5363,
964         FragmentShaderShadingRateInterlockEXT = 5372,
965         ShaderSMBuiltinsNV = 5373,
966         FragmentShaderPixelInterlockEXT = 5378,
967         DemoteToHelperInvocationEXT = 5379,
968         SubgroupShuffleINTEL = 5568,
969         SubgroupBufferBlockIOINTEL = 5569,
970         SubgroupImageBlockIOINTEL = 5570,
971         SubgroupImageMediaBlockIOINTEL = 5579,
972         RoundToInfinityINTEL = 5582,
973         FloatingPointModeINTEL = 5583,
974         IntegerFunctions2INTEL = 5584,
975         FunctionPointersINTEL = 5603,
976         IndirectReferencesINTEL = 5604,
977         AsmINTEL = 5606,
978         AtomicFloat32MinMaxEXT = 5612,
979         AtomicFloat64MinMaxEXT = 5613,
980         AtomicFloat16MinMaxEXT = 5616,
981         VectorComputeINTEL = 5617,
982         VectorAnyINTEL = 5619,
983         ExpectAssumeKHR = 5629,
984         SubgroupAvcMotionEstimationINTEL = 5696,
985         SubgroupAvcMotionEstimationIntraINTEL = 5697,
986         SubgroupAvcMotionEstimationChromaINTEL = 5698,
987         VariableLengthArrayINTEL = 5817,
988         FunctionFloatControlINTEL = 5821,
989         FPGAMemoryAttributesINTEL = 5824,
990         FPFastMathModeINTEL = 5837,
991         ArbitraryPrecisionIntegersINTEL = 5844,
992         ArbitraryPrecisionFloatingPointINTEL = 5845,
993         UnstructuredLoopControlsINTEL = 5886,
994         FPGALoopControlsINTEL = 5888,
995         KernelAttributesINTEL = 5892,
996         FPGAKernelAttributesINTEL = 5897,
997         FPGAMemoryAccessesINTEL = 5898,
998         FPGAClusterAttributesINTEL = 5904,
999         LoopFuseINTEL = 5906,
1000         FPGABufferLocationINTEL = 5920,
1001         ArbitraryPrecisionFixedPointINTEL = 5922,
1002         USMStorageClassesINTEL = 5935,
1003         IOPipesINTEL = 5943,
1004         BlockingPipesINTEL = 5945,
1005         FPGARegINTEL = 5948,
1006         DotProductInputAllKHR = 6016,
1007         DotProductInput4x8BitKHR = 6017,
1008         DotProductInput4x8BitPackedKHR = 6018,
1009         DotProductKHR = 6019,
1010         BitInstructions = 6025,
1011         AtomicFloat32AddEXT = 6033,
1012         AtomicFloat64AddEXT = 6034,
1013         LongConstantCompositeINTEL = 6089,
1014         AtomicFloat16AddEXT = 6095,
1015         DebugInfoModuleINTEL = 6114,
1016     },
1018     RayFlagsShift = {
1019         OpaqueKHR = 0,
1020         NoOpaqueKHR = 1,
1021         TerminateOnFirstHitKHR = 2,
1022         SkipClosestHitShaderKHR = 3,
1023         CullBackFacingTrianglesKHR = 4,
1024         CullFrontFacingTrianglesKHR = 5,
1025         CullOpaqueKHR = 6,
1026         CullNoOpaqueKHR = 7,
1027         SkipTrianglesKHR = 8,
1028         SkipAABBsKHR = 9,
1029     },
1031     RayFlagsMask = {
1032         MaskNone = 0,
1033         OpaqueKHR = 0x00000001,
1034         NoOpaqueKHR = 0x00000002,
1035         TerminateOnFirstHitKHR = 0x00000004,
1036         SkipClosestHitShaderKHR = 0x00000008,
1037         CullBackFacingTrianglesKHR = 0x00000010,
1038         CullFrontFacingTrianglesKHR = 0x00000020,
1039         CullOpaqueKHR = 0x00000040,
1040         CullNoOpaqueKHR = 0x00000080,
1041         SkipTrianglesKHR = 0x00000100,
1042         SkipAABBsKHR = 0x00000200,
1043     },
1045     RayQueryIntersection = {
1046         RayQueryCandidateIntersectionKHR = 0,
1047         RayQueryCommittedIntersectionKHR = 1,
1048     },
1050     RayQueryCommittedIntersectionType = {
1051         RayQueryCommittedIntersectionNoneKHR = 0,
1052         RayQueryCommittedIntersectionTriangleKHR = 1,
1053         RayQueryCommittedIntersectionGeneratedKHR = 2,
1054     },
1056     RayQueryCandidateIntersectionType = {
1057         RayQueryCandidateIntersectionTriangleKHR = 0,
1058         RayQueryCandidateIntersectionAABBKHR = 1,
1059     },
1061     FragmentShadingRateShift = {
1062         Vertical2Pixels = 0,
1063         Vertical4Pixels = 1,
1064         Horizontal2Pixels = 2,
1065         Horizontal4Pixels = 3,
1066     },
1068     FragmentShadingRateMask = {
1069         MaskNone = 0,
1070         Vertical2Pixels = 0x00000001,
1071         Vertical4Pixels = 0x00000002,
1072         Horizontal2Pixels = 0x00000004,
1073         Horizontal4Pixels = 0x00000008,
1074     },
1076     FPDenormMode = {
1077         Preserve = 0,
1078         FlushToZero = 1,
1079     },
1081     FPOperationMode = {
1082         IEEE = 0,
1083         ALT = 1,
1084     },
1086     QuantizationModes = {
1087         TRN = 0,
1088         TRN_ZERO = 1,
1089         RND = 2,
1090         RND_ZERO = 3,
1091         RND_INF = 4,
1092         RND_MIN_INF = 5,
1093         RND_CONV = 6,
1094         RND_CONV_ODD = 7,
1095     },
1097     OverflowModes = {
1098         WRAP = 0,
1099         SAT = 1,
1100         SAT_ZERO = 2,
1101         SAT_SYM = 3,
1102     },
1104     PackedVectorFormat = {
1105         PackedVectorFormat4x8BitKHR = 0,
1106     },
1108     Op = {
1109         OpNop = 0,
1110         OpUndef = 1,
1111         OpSourceContinued = 2,
1112         OpSource = 3,
1113         OpSourceExtension = 4,
1114         OpName = 5,
1115         OpMemberName = 6,
1116         OpString = 7,
1117         OpLine = 8,
1118         OpExtension = 10,
1119         OpExtInstImport = 11,
1120         OpExtInst = 12,
1121         OpMemoryModel = 14,
1122         OpEntryPoint = 15,
1123         OpExecutionMode = 16,
1124         OpCapability = 17,
1125         OpTypeVoid = 19,
1126         OpTypeBool = 20,
1127         OpTypeInt = 21,
1128         OpTypeFloat = 22,
1129         OpTypeVector = 23,
1130         OpTypeMatrix = 24,
1131         OpTypeImage = 25,
1132         OpTypeSampler = 26,
1133         OpTypeSampledImage = 27,
1134         OpTypeArray = 28,
1135         OpTypeRuntimeArray = 29,
1136         OpTypeStruct = 30,
1137         OpTypeOpaque = 31,
1138         OpTypePointer = 32,
1139         OpTypeFunction = 33,
1140         OpTypeEvent = 34,
1141         OpTypeDeviceEvent = 35,
1142         OpTypeReserveId = 36,
1143         OpTypeQueue = 37,
1144         OpTypePipe = 38,
1145         OpTypeForwardPointer = 39,
1146         OpConstantTrue = 41,
1147         OpConstantFalse = 42,
1148         OpConstant = 43,
1149         OpConstantComposite = 44,
1150         OpConstantSampler = 45,
1151         OpConstantNull = 46,
1152         OpSpecConstantTrue = 48,
1153         OpSpecConstantFalse = 49,
1154         OpSpecConstant = 50,
1155         OpSpecConstantComposite = 51,
1156         OpSpecConstantOp = 52,
1157         OpFunction = 54,
1158         OpFunctionParameter = 55,
1159         OpFunctionEnd = 56,
1160         OpFunctionCall = 57,
1161         OpVariable = 59,
1162         OpImageTexelPointer = 60,
1163         OpLoad = 61,
1164         OpStore = 62,
1165         OpCopyMemory = 63,
1166         OpCopyMemorySized = 64,
1167         OpAccessChain = 65,
1168         OpInBoundsAccessChain = 66,
1169         OpPtrAccessChain = 67,
1170         OpArrayLength = 68,
1171         OpGenericPtrMemSemantics = 69,
1172         OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain = 70,
1173         OpDecorate = 71,
1174         OpMemberDecorate = 72,
1175         OpDecorationGroup = 73,
1176         OpGroupDecorate = 74,
1177         OpGroupMemberDecorate = 75,
1178         OpVectorExtractDynamic = 77,
1179         OpVectorInsertDynamic = 78,
1180         OpVectorShuffle = 79,
1181         OpCompositeConstruct = 80,
1182         OpCompositeExtract = 81,
1183         OpCompositeInsert = 82,
1184         OpCopyObject = 83,
1185         OpTranspose = 84,
1186         OpSampledImage = 86,
1187         OpImageSampleImplicitLod = 87,
1188         OpImageSampleExplicitLod = 88,
1189         OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod = 89,
1190         OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod = 90,
1191         OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod = 91,
1192         OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod = 92,
1193         OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod = 93,
1194         OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod = 94,
1195         OpImageFetch = 95,
1196         OpImageGather = 96,
1197         OpImageDrefGather = 97,
1198         OpImageRead = 98,
1199         OpImageWrite = 99,
1200         OpImage = 100,
1201         OpImageQueryFormat = 101,
1202         OpImageQueryOrder = 102,
1203         OpImageQuerySizeLod = 103,
1204         OpImageQuerySize = 104,
1205         OpImageQueryLod = 105,
1206         OpImageQueryLevels = 106,
1207         OpImageQuerySamples = 107,
1208         OpConvertFToU = 109,
1209         OpConvertFToS = 110,
1210         OpConvertSToF = 111,
1211         OpConvertUToF = 112,
1212         OpUConvert = 113,
1213         OpSConvert = 114,
1214         OpFConvert = 115,
1215         OpQuantizeToF16 = 116,
1216         OpConvertPtrToU = 117,
1217         OpSatConvertSToU = 118,
1218         OpSatConvertUToS = 119,
1219         OpConvertUToPtr = 120,
1220         OpPtrCastToGeneric = 121,
1221         OpGenericCastToPtr = 122,
1222         OpGenericCastToPtrExplicit = 123,
1223         OpBitcast = 124,
1224         OpSNegate = 126,
1225         OpFNegate = 127,
1226         OpIAdd = 128,
1227         OpFAdd = 129,
1228         OpISub = 130,
1229         OpFSub = 131,
1230         OpIMul = 132,
1231         OpFMul = 133,
1232         OpUDiv = 134,
1233         OpSDiv = 135,
1234         OpFDiv = 136,
1235         OpUMod = 137,
1236         OpSRem = 138,
1237         OpSMod = 139,
1238         OpFRem = 140,
1239         OpFMod = 141,
1240         OpVectorTimesScalar = 142,
1241         OpMatrixTimesScalar = 143,
1242         OpVectorTimesMatrix = 144,
1243         OpMatrixTimesVector = 145,
1244         OpMatrixTimesMatrix = 146,
1245         OpOuterProduct = 147,
1246         OpDot = 148,
1247         OpIAddCarry = 149,
1248         OpISubBorrow = 150,
1249         OpUMulExtended = 151,
1250         OpSMulExtended = 152,
1251         OpAny = 154,
1252         OpAll = 155,
1253         OpIsNan = 156,
1254         OpIsInf = 157,
1255         OpIsFinite = 158,
1256         OpIsNormal = 159,
1257         OpSignBitSet = 160,
1258         OpLessOrGreater = 161,
1259         OpOrdered = 162,
1260         OpUnordered = 163,
1261         OpLogicalEqual = 164,
1262         OpLogicalNotEqual = 165,
1263         OpLogicalOr = 166,
1264         OpLogicalAnd = 167,
1265         OpLogicalNot = 168,
1266         OpSelect = 169,
1267         OpIEqual = 170,
1268         OpINotEqual = 171,
1269         OpUGreaterThan = 172,
1270         OpSGreaterThan = 173,
1271         OpUGreaterThanEqual = 174,
1272         OpSGreaterThanEqual = 175,
1273         OpULessThan = 176,
1274         OpSLessThan = 177,
1275         OpULessThanEqual = 178,
1276         OpSLessThanEqual = 179,
1277         OpFOrdEqual = 180,
1278         OpFUnordEqual = 181,
1279         OpFOrdNotEqual = 182,
1280         OpFUnordNotEqual = 183,
1281         OpFOrdLessThan = 184,
1282         OpFUnordLessThan = 185,
1283         OpFOrdGreaterThan = 186,
1284         OpFUnordGreaterThan = 187,
1285         OpFOrdLessThanEqual = 188,
1286         OpFUnordLessThanEqual = 189,
1287         OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual = 190,
1288         OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual = 191,
1289         OpShiftRightLogical = 194,
1290         OpShiftRightArithmetic = 195,
1291         OpShiftLeftLogical = 196,
1292         OpBitwiseOr = 197,
1293         OpBitwiseXor = 198,
1294         OpBitwiseAnd = 199,
1295         OpNot = 200,
1296         OpBitFieldInsert = 201,
1297         OpBitFieldSExtract = 202,
1298         OpBitFieldUExtract = 203,
1299         OpBitReverse = 204,
1300         OpBitCount = 205,
1301         OpDPdx = 207,
1302         OpDPdy = 208,
1303         OpFwidth = 209,
1304         OpDPdxFine = 210,
1305         OpDPdyFine = 211,
1306         OpFwidthFine = 212,
1307         OpDPdxCoarse = 213,
1308         OpDPdyCoarse = 214,
1309         OpFwidthCoarse = 215,
1310         OpEmitVertex = 218,
1311         OpEndPrimitive = 219,
1312         OpEmitStreamVertex = 220,
1313         OpEndStreamPrimitive = 221,
1314         OpControlBarrier = 224,
1315         OpMemoryBarrier = 225,
1316         OpAtomicLoad = 227,
1317         OpAtomicStore = 228,
1318         OpAtomicExchange = 229,
1319         OpAtomicCompareExchange = 230,
1320         OpAtomicCompareExchangeWeak = 231,
1321         OpAtomicIIncrement = 232,
1322         OpAtomicIDecrement = 233,
1323         OpAtomicIAdd = 234,
1324         OpAtomicISub = 235,
1325         OpAtomicSMin = 236,
1326         OpAtomicUMin = 237,
1327         OpAtomicSMax = 238,
1328         OpAtomicUMax = 239,
1329         OpAtomicAnd = 240,
1330         OpAtomicOr = 241,
1331         OpAtomicXor = 242,
1332         OpPhi = 245,
1333         OpLoopMerge = 246,
1334         OpSelectionMerge = 247,
1335         OpLabel = 248,
1336         OpBranch = 249,
1337         OpBranchConditional = 250,
1338         OpSwitch = 251,
1339         OpKill = 252,
1340         OpReturn = 253,
1341         OpReturnValue = 254,
1342         OpUnreachable = 255,
1343         OpLifetimeStart = 256,
1344         OpLifetimeStop = 257,
1345         OpGroupAsyncCopy = 259,
1346         OpGroupWaitEvents = 260,
1347         OpGroupAll = 261,
1348         OpGroupAny = 262,
1349         OpGroupBroadcast = 263,
1350         OpGroupIAdd = 264,
1351         OpGroupFAdd = 265,
1352         OpGroupFMin = 266,
1353         OpGroupUMin = 267,
1354         OpGroupSMin = 268,
1355         OpGroupFMax = 269,
1356         OpGroupUMax = 270,
1357         OpGroupSMax = 271,
1358         OpReadPipe = 274,
1359         OpWritePipe = 275,
1360         OpReservedReadPipe = 276,
1361         OpReservedWritePipe = 277,
1362         OpReserveReadPipePackets = 278,
1363         OpReserveWritePipePackets = 279,
1364         OpCommitReadPipe = 280,
1365         OpCommitWritePipe = 281,
1366         OpIsValidReserveId = 282,
1367         OpGetNumPipePackets = 283,
1368         OpGetMaxPipePackets = 284,
1369         OpGroupReserveReadPipePackets = 285,
1370         OpGroupReserveWritePipePackets = 286,
1371         OpGroupCommitReadPipe = 287,
1372         OpGroupCommitWritePipe = 288,
1373         OpEnqueueMarker = 291,
1374         OpEnqueueKernel = 292,
1375         OpGetKernelNDrangeSubGroupCount = 293,
1376         OpGetKernelNDrangeMaxSubGroupSize = 294,
1377         OpGetKernelWorkGroupSize = 295,
1378         OpGetKernelPreferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple = 296,
1379         OpRetainEvent = 297,
1380         OpReleaseEvent = 298,
1381         OpCreateUserEvent = 299,
1382         OpIsValidEvent = 300,
1383         OpSetUserEventStatus = 301,
1384         OpCaptureEventProfilingInfo = 302,
1385         OpGetDefaultQueue = 303,
1386         OpBuildNDRange = 304,
1387         OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod = 305,
1388         OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod = 306,
1389         OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod = 307,
1390         OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod = 308,
1391         OpImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod = 309,
1392         OpImageSparseSampleProjExplicitLod = 310,
1393         OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod = 311,
1394         OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod = 312,
1395         OpImageSparseFetch = 313,
1396         OpImageSparseGather = 314,
1397         OpImageSparseDrefGather = 315,
1398         OpImageSparseTexelsResident = 316,
1399         OpNoLine = 317,
1400         OpAtomicFlagTestAndSet = 318,
1401         OpAtomicFlagClear = 319,
1402         OpImageSparseRead = 320,
1403         OpSizeOf = 321,
1404         OpTypePipeStorage = 322,
1405         OpConstantPipeStorage = 323,
1406         OpCreatePipeFromPipeStorage = 324,
1407         OpGetKernelLocalSizeForSubgroupCount = 325,
1408         OpGetKernelMaxNumSubgroups = 326,
1409         OpTypeNamedBarrier = 327,
1410         OpNamedBarrierInitialize = 328,
1411         OpMemoryNamedBarrier = 329,
1412         OpModuleProcessed = 330,
1413         OpExecutionModeId = 331,
1414         OpDecorateId = 332,
1415         OpGroupNonUniformElect = 333,
1416         OpGroupNonUniformAll = 334,
1417         OpGroupNonUniformAny = 335,
1418         OpGroupNonUniformAllEqual = 336,
1419         OpGroupNonUniformBroadcast = 337,
1420         OpGroupNonUniformBroadcastFirst = 338,
1421         OpGroupNonUniformBallot = 339,
1422         OpGroupNonUniformInverseBallot = 340,
1423         OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitExtract = 341,
1424         OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitCount = 342,
1425         OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindLSB = 343,
1426         OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindMSB = 344,
1427         OpGroupNonUniformShuffle = 345,
1428         OpGroupNonUniformShuffleXor = 346,
1429         OpGroupNonUniformShuffleUp = 347,
1430         OpGroupNonUniformShuffleDown = 348,
1431         OpGroupNonUniformIAdd = 349,
1432         OpGroupNonUniformFAdd = 350,
1433         OpGroupNonUniformIMul = 351,
1434         OpGroupNonUniformFMul = 352,
1435         OpGroupNonUniformSMin = 353,
1436         OpGroupNonUniformUMin = 354,
1437         OpGroupNonUniformFMin = 355,
1438         OpGroupNonUniformSMax = 356,
1439         OpGroupNonUniformUMax = 357,
1440         OpGroupNonUniformFMax = 358,
1441         OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseAnd = 359,
1442         OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseOr = 360,
1443         OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseXor = 361,
1444         OpGroupNonUniformLogicalAnd = 362,
1445         OpGroupNonUniformLogicalOr = 363,
1446         OpGroupNonUniformLogicalXor = 364,
1447         OpGroupNonUniformQuadBroadcast = 365,
1448         OpGroupNonUniformQuadSwap = 366,
1449         OpCopyLogical = 400,
1450         OpPtrEqual = 401,
1451         OpPtrNotEqual = 402,
1452         OpPtrDiff = 403,
1453         OpTerminateInvocation = 4416,
1454         OpSubgroupBallotKHR = 4421,
1455         OpSubgroupFirstInvocationKHR = 4422,
1456         OpSubgroupAllKHR = 4428,
1457         OpSubgroupAnyKHR = 4429,
1458         OpSubgroupAllEqualKHR = 4430,
1459         OpSubgroupReadInvocationKHR = 4432,
1460         OpTraceRayKHR = 4445,
1461         OpExecuteCallableKHR = 4446,
1462         OpConvertUToAccelerationStructureKHR = 4447,
1463         OpIgnoreIntersectionKHR = 4448,
1464         OpTerminateRayKHR = 4449,
1465         OpSDotKHR = 4450,
1466         OpUDotKHR = 4451,
1467         OpSUDotKHR = 4452,
1468         OpSDotAccSatKHR = 4453,
1469         OpUDotAccSatKHR = 4454,
1470         OpSUDotAccSatKHR = 4455,
1471         OpTypeRayQueryKHR = 4472,
1472         OpRayQueryInitializeKHR = 4473,
1473         OpRayQueryTerminateKHR = 4474,
1474         OpRayQueryGenerateIntersectionKHR = 4475,
1475         OpRayQueryConfirmIntersectionKHR = 4476,
1476         OpRayQueryProceedKHR = 4477,
1477         OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTypeKHR = 4479,
1478         OpGroupIAddNonUniformAMD = 5000,
1479         OpGroupFAddNonUniformAMD = 5001,
1480         OpGroupFMinNonUniformAMD = 5002,
1481         OpGroupUMinNonUniformAMD = 5003,
1482         OpGroupSMinNonUniformAMD = 5004,
1483         OpGroupFMaxNonUniformAMD = 5005,
1484         OpGroupUMaxNonUniformAMD = 5006,
1485         OpGroupSMaxNonUniformAMD = 5007,
1486         OpFragmentMaskFetchAMD = 5011,
1487         OpFragmentFetchAMD = 5012,
1488         OpReadClockKHR = 5056,
1489         OpImageSampleFootprintNV = 5283,
1490         OpGroupNonUniformPartitionNV = 5296,
1491         OpWritePackedPrimitiveIndices4x8NV = 5299,
1492         OpReportIntersectionKHR = 5334,
1493         OpReportIntersectionNV = 5334,
1494         OpIgnoreIntersectionNV = 5335,
1495         OpTerminateRayNV = 5336,
1496         OpTraceNV = 5337,
1497         OpTypeAccelerationStructureKHR = 5341,
1498         OpTypeAccelerationStructureNV = 5341,
1499         OpExecuteCallableNV = 5344,
1500         OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV = 5358,
1501         OpCooperativeMatrixLoadNV = 5359,
1502         OpCooperativeMatrixStoreNV = 5360,
1503         OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV = 5361,
1504         OpCooperativeMatrixLengthNV = 5362,
1505         OpBeginInvocationInterlockEXT = 5364,
1506         OpEndInvocationInterlockEXT = 5365,
1507         OpDemoteToHelperInvocationEXT = 5380,
1508         OpIsHelperInvocationEXT = 5381,
1509         OpSubgroupShuffleINTEL = 5571,
1510         OpSubgroupShuffleDownINTEL = 5572,
1511         OpSubgroupShuffleUpINTEL = 5573,
1512         OpSubgroupShuffleXorINTEL = 5574,
1513         OpSubgroupBlockReadINTEL = 5575,
1514         OpSubgroupBlockWriteINTEL = 5576,
1515         OpSubgroupImageBlockReadINTEL = 5577,
1516         OpSubgroupImageBlockWriteINTEL = 5578,
1517         OpSubgroupImageMediaBlockReadINTEL = 5580,
1518         OpSubgroupImageMediaBlockWriteINTEL = 5581,
1519         OpUCountLeadingZerosINTEL = 5585,
1520         OpUCountTrailingZerosINTEL = 5586,
1521         OpAbsISubINTEL = 5587,
1522         OpAbsUSubINTEL = 5588,
1523         OpIAddSatINTEL = 5589,
1524         OpUAddSatINTEL = 5590,
1525         OpIAverageINTEL = 5591,
1526         OpUAverageINTEL = 5592,
1527         OpIAverageRoundedINTEL = 5593,
1528         OpUAverageRoundedINTEL = 5594,
1529         OpISubSatINTEL = 5595,
1530         OpUSubSatINTEL = 5596,
1531         OpIMul32x16INTEL = 5597,
1532         OpUMul32x16INTEL = 5598,
1533         OpConstFunctionPointerINTEL = 5600,
1534         OpFunctionPointerCallINTEL = 5601,
1535         OpAsmTargetINTEL = 5609,
1536         OpAsmINTEL = 5610,
1537         OpAsmCallINTEL = 5611,
1538         OpAtomicFMinEXT = 5614,
1539         OpAtomicFMaxEXT = 5615,
1540         OpAssumeTrueKHR = 5630,
1541         OpExpectKHR = 5631,
1542         OpDecorateString = 5632,
1543         OpDecorateStringGOOGLE = 5632,
1544         OpMemberDecorateString = 5633,
1545         OpMemberDecorateStringGOOGLE = 5633,
1546         OpVmeImageINTEL = 5699,
1547         OpTypeVmeImageINTEL = 5700,
1548         OpTypeAvcImePayloadINTEL = 5701,
1549         OpTypeAvcRefPayloadINTEL = 5702,
1550         OpTypeAvcSicPayloadINTEL = 5703,
1551         OpTypeAvcMcePayloadINTEL = 5704,
1552         OpTypeAvcMceResultINTEL = 5705,
1553         OpTypeAvcImeResultINTEL = 5706,
1554         OpTypeAvcImeResultSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5707,
1555         OpTypeAvcImeResultDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5708,
1556         OpTypeAvcImeSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5709,
1557         OpTypeAvcImeDualReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5710,
1558         OpTypeAvcRefResultINTEL = 5711,
1559         OpTypeAvcSicResultINTEL = 5712,
1560         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterBaseMultiReferencePenaltyINTEL = 5713,
1561         OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterBaseMultiReferencePenaltyINTEL = 5714,
1562         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterShapePenaltyINTEL = 5715,
1563         OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterShapePenaltyINTEL = 5716,
1564         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterDirectionPenaltyINTEL = 5717,
1565         OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterDirectionPenaltyINTEL = 5718,
1566         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraLumaShapePenaltyINTEL = 5719,
1567         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterMotionVectorCostTableINTEL = 5720,
1568         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultHighPenaltyCostTableINTEL = 5721,
1569         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultMediumPenaltyCostTableINTEL = 5722,
1570         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultLowPenaltyCostTableINTEL = 5723,
1571         OpSubgroupAvcMceSetMotionVectorCostFunctionINTEL = 5724,
1572         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraLumaModePenaltyINTEL = 5725,
1573         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultNonDcLumaIntraPenaltyINTEL = 5726,
1574         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraChromaModeBasePenaltyINTEL = 5727,
1575         OpSubgroupAvcMceSetAcOnlyHaarINTEL = 5728,
1576         OpSubgroupAvcMceSetSourceInterlacedFieldPolarityINTEL = 5729,
1577         OpSubgroupAvcMceSetSingleReferenceInterlacedFieldPolarityINTEL = 5730,
1578         OpSubgroupAvcMceSetDualReferenceInterlacedFieldPolaritiesINTEL = 5731,
1579         OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToImePayloadINTEL = 5732,
1580         OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToImeResultINTEL = 5733,
1581         OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToRefPayloadINTEL = 5734,
1582         OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToRefResultINTEL = 5735,
1583         OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToSicPayloadINTEL = 5736,
1584         OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToSicResultINTEL = 5737,
1585         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetMotionVectorsINTEL = 5738,
1586         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterDistortionsINTEL = 5739,
1587         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetBestInterDistortionsINTEL = 5740,
1588         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMajorShapeINTEL = 5741,
1589         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMinorShapeINTEL = 5742,
1590         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterDirectionsINTEL = 5743,
1591         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMotionVectorCountINTEL = 5744,
1592         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterReferenceIdsINTEL = 5745,
1593         OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterReferenceInterlacedFieldPolaritiesINTEL = 5746,
1594         OpSubgroupAvcImeInitializeINTEL = 5747,
1595         OpSubgroupAvcImeSetSingleReferenceINTEL = 5748,
1596         OpSubgroupAvcImeSetDualReferenceINTEL = 5749,
1597         OpSubgroupAvcImeRefWindowSizeINTEL = 5750,
1598         OpSubgroupAvcImeAdjustRefOffsetINTEL = 5751,
1599         OpSubgroupAvcImeConvertToMcePayloadINTEL = 5752,
1600         OpSubgroupAvcImeSetMaxMotionVectorCountINTEL = 5753,
1601         OpSubgroupAvcImeSetUnidirectionalMixDisableINTEL = 5754,
1602         OpSubgroupAvcImeSetEarlySearchTerminationThresholdINTEL = 5755,
1603         OpSubgroupAvcImeSetWeightedSadINTEL = 5756,
1604         OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL = 5757,
1605         OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL = 5758,
1606         OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5759,
1607         OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5760,
1608         OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5761,
1609         OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5762,
1610         OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreaminoutINTEL = 5763,
1611         OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreaminoutINTEL = 5764,
1612         OpSubgroupAvcImeConvertToMceResultINTEL = 5765,
1613         OpSubgroupAvcImeGetSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5766,
1614         OpSubgroupAvcImeGetDualReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5767,
1615         OpSubgroupAvcImeStripSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5768,
1616         OpSubgroupAvcImeStripDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5769,
1617         OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeMotionVectorsINTEL = 5770,
1618         OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeDistortionsINTEL = 5771,
1619         OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeReferenceIdsINTEL = 5772,
1620         OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeMotionVectorsINTEL = 5773,
1621         OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeDistortionsINTEL = 5774,
1622         OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeReferenceIdsINTEL = 5775,
1623         OpSubgroupAvcImeGetBorderReachedINTEL = 5776,
1624         OpSubgroupAvcImeGetTruncatedSearchIndicationINTEL = 5777,
1625         OpSubgroupAvcImeGetUnidirectionalEarlySearchTerminationINTEL = 5778,
1626         OpSubgroupAvcImeGetWeightingPatternMinimumMotionVectorINTEL = 5779,
1627         OpSubgroupAvcImeGetWeightingPatternMinimumDistortionINTEL = 5780,
1628         OpSubgroupAvcFmeInitializeINTEL = 5781,
1629         OpSubgroupAvcBmeInitializeINTEL = 5782,
1630         OpSubgroupAvcRefConvertToMcePayloadINTEL = 5783,
1631         OpSubgroupAvcRefSetBidirectionalMixDisableINTEL = 5784,
1632         OpSubgroupAvcRefSetBilinearFilterEnableINTEL = 5785,
1633         OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL = 5786,
1634         OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL = 5787,
1635         OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithMultiReferenceINTEL = 5788,
1636         OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithMultiReferenceInterlacedINTEL = 5789,
1637         OpSubgroupAvcRefConvertToMceResultINTEL = 5790,
1638         OpSubgroupAvcSicInitializeINTEL = 5791,
1639         OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureSkcINTEL = 5792,
1640         OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureIpeLumaINTEL = 5793,
1641         OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureIpeLumaChromaINTEL = 5794,
1642         OpSubgroupAvcSicGetMotionVectorMaskINTEL = 5795,
1643         OpSubgroupAvcSicConvertToMcePayloadINTEL = 5796,
1644         OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraLumaShapePenaltyINTEL = 5797,
1645         OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraLumaModeCostFunctionINTEL = 5798,
1646         OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraChromaModeCostFunctionINTEL = 5799,
1647         OpSubgroupAvcSicSetBilinearFilterEnableINTEL = 5800,
1648         OpSubgroupAvcSicSetSkcForwardTransformEnableINTEL = 5801,
1649         OpSubgroupAvcSicSetBlockBasedRawSkipSadINTEL = 5802,
1650         OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateIpeINTEL = 5803,
1651         OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL = 5804,
1652         OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL = 5805,
1653         OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithMultiReferenceINTEL = 5806,
1654         OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithMultiReferenceInterlacedINTEL = 5807,
1655         OpSubgroupAvcSicConvertToMceResultINTEL = 5808,
1656         OpSubgroupAvcSicGetIpeLumaShapeINTEL = 5809,
1657         OpSubgroupAvcSicGetBestIpeLumaDistortionINTEL = 5810,
1658         OpSubgroupAvcSicGetBestIpeChromaDistortionINTEL = 5811,
1659         OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedIpeLumaModesINTEL = 5812,
1660         OpSubgroupAvcSicGetIpeChromaModeINTEL = 5813,
1661         OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedSkcLumaCountThresholdINTEL = 5814,
1662         OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedSkcLumaSumThresholdINTEL = 5815,
1663         OpSubgroupAvcSicGetInterRawSadsINTEL = 5816,
1664         OpVariableLengthArrayINTEL = 5818,
1665         OpSaveMemoryINTEL = 5819,
1666         OpRestoreMemoryINTEL = 5820,
1667         OpArbitraryFloatSinCosPiINTEL = 5840,
1668         OpArbitraryFloatCastINTEL = 5841,
1669         OpArbitraryFloatCastFromIntINTEL = 5842,
1670         OpArbitraryFloatCastToIntINTEL = 5843,
1671         OpArbitraryFloatAddINTEL = 5846,
1672         OpArbitraryFloatSubINTEL = 5847,
1673         OpArbitraryFloatMulINTEL = 5848,
1674         OpArbitraryFloatDivINTEL = 5849,
1675         OpArbitraryFloatGTINTEL = 5850,
1676         OpArbitraryFloatGEINTEL = 5851,
1677         OpArbitraryFloatLTINTEL = 5852,
1678         OpArbitraryFloatLEINTEL = 5853,
1679         OpArbitraryFloatEQINTEL = 5854,
1680         OpArbitraryFloatRecipINTEL = 5855,
1681         OpArbitraryFloatRSqrtINTEL = 5856,
1682         OpArbitraryFloatCbrtINTEL = 5857,
1683         OpArbitraryFloatHypotINTEL = 5858,
1684         OpArbitraryFloatSqrtINTEL = 5859,
1685         OpArbitraryFloatLogINTEL = 5860,
1686         OpArbitraryFloatLog2INTEL = 5861,
1687         OpArbitraryFloatLog10INTEL = 5862,
1688         OpArbitraryFloatLog1pINTEL = 5863,
1689         OpArbitraryFloatExpINTEL = 5864,
1690         OpArbitraryFloatExp2INTEL = 5865,
1691         OpArbitraryFloatExp10INTEL = 5866,
1692         OpArbitraryFloatExpm1INTEL = 5867,
1693         OpArbitraryFloatSinINTEL = 5868,
1694         OpArbitraryFloatCosINTEL = 5869,
1695         OpArbitraryFloatSinCosINTEL = 5870,
1696         OpArbitraryFloatSinPiINTEL = 5871,
1697         OpArbitraryFloatCosPiINTEL = 5872,
1698         OpArbitraryFloatASinINTEL = 5873,
1699         OpArbitraryFloatASinPiINTEL = 5874,
1700         OpArbitraryFloatACosINTEL = 5875,
1701         OpArbitraryFloatACosPiINTEL = 5876,
1702         OpArbitraryFloatATanINTEL = 5877,
1703         OpArbitraryFloatATanPiINTEL = 5878,
1704         OpArbitraryFloatATan2INTEL = 5879,
1705         OpArbitraryFloatPowINTEL = 5880,
1706         OpArbitraryFloatPowRINTEL = 5881,
1707         OpArbitraryFloatPowNINTEL = 5882,
1708         OpLoopControlINTEL = 5887,
1709         OpFixedSqrtINTEL = 5923,
1710         OpFixedRecipINTEL = 5924,
1711         OpFixedRsqrtINTEL = 5925,
1712         OpFixedSinINTEL = 5926,
1713         OpFixedCosINTEL = 5927,
1714         OpFixedSinCosINTEL = 5928,
1715         OpFixedSinPiINTEL = 5929,
1716         OpFixedCosPiINTEL = 5930,
1717         OpFixedSinCosPiINTEL = 5931,
1718         OpFixedLogINTEL = 5932,
1719         OpFixedExpINTEL = 5933,
1720         OpPtrCastToCrossWorkgroupINTEL = 5934,
1721         OpCrossWorkgroupCastToPtrINTEL = 5938,
1722         OpReadPipeBlockingINTEL = 5946,
1723         OpWritePipeBlockingINTEL = 5947,
1724         OpFPGARegINTEL = 5949,
1725         OpRayQueryGetRayTMinKHR = 6016,
1726         OpRayQueryGetRayFlagsKHR = 6017,
1727         OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTKHR = 6018,
1728         OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceCustomIndexKHR = 6019,
1729         OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceIdKHR = 6020,
1730         OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffsetKHR = 6021,
1731         OpRayQueryGetIntersectionGeometryIndexKHR = 6022,
1732         OpRayQueryGetIntersectionPrimitiveIndexKHR = 6023,
1733         OpRayQueryGetIntersectionBarycentricsKHR = 6024,
1734         OpRayQueryGetIntersectionFrontFaceKHR = 6025,
1735         OpRayQueryGetIntersectionCandidateAABBOpaqueKHR = 6026,
1736         OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayDirectionKHR = 6027,
1737         OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayOriginKHR = 6028,
1738         OpRayQueryGetWorldRayDirectionKHR = 6029,
1739         OpRayQueryGetWorldRayOriginKHR = 6030,
1740         OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectToWorldKHR = 6031,
1741         OpRayQueryGetIntersectionWorldToObjectKHR = 6032,
1742         OpAtomicFAddEXT = 6035,
1743         OpTypeBufferSurfaceINTEL = 6086,
1744         OpTypeStructContinuedINTEL = 6090,
1745         OpConstantCompositeContinuedINTEL = 6091,
1746         OpSpecConstantCompositeContinuedINTEL = 6092,
1747     },
1749 }